soggycarrot420 · 4 years
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After I’ve watched Casanova randomly on tv one day I got inspired to do this drawing. The way Heath Ledger played Casanova made me think of BIG Hancock energy. So I found a photograph on set with Ledger as Casanova and turned him into Hancock. I liked the shirt and the casual pose, I also gave him rings like in his concept art. 
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soggycarrot420 · 4 years
Nightmare Prevention Masterpost
Here’s a masterpost to help prevent nightmares, how to interpret them and how to deal with them.
Crystals: Agate, Amethyst, Angel Phantom Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Chrysoprase, Dream Quartz, Emerald, Fluorite, Lepidolite, Malachite, Smoky Quartz, any crystals that are black
Herbs: Anise, Ash, Bracken, Cayenne, Cedar, Flax, Garlic, *Hyacinth, *Kanna, Lady’s Slipper, Lemon Balm, *Mistletoe, *Morning Glory, Mullein, Mustard Seed, Purslane, Rosemary, Sage, Salt, Siberian Ginseng, *Skullcap, *Tobacco, Vervain, Wood Betony
*Herbs that can be or are toxic to ingest or burn, do research before handling these herbs
Incense: Cedar, Chamomile, Rosemary, Sage
Animals: Spiders (spiderwebs)
Metals: Silver
Simple Tips:
Make chamomile tea with moon water/gem elixir and drink before bed
Keep your bedding and pillows washed and clean
Cleanse your room before going to sleep
Take a bath or shower before bed to relax and cleanse yourself
Keep a bowl of salt near your bed
Sleep with crystals beneath your pillow or near your bed
Fill a bag or sachet with herbs to keep under your pillow or hang above your bed
Sleep with a stuffed animal or blanket that you feel comforted by
Try not to snack too close to bed time, indigestion can lead to nightmares
Stretch before bed
Do breathing exercises or meditate before bedtime
Crack your window slightly to bring in fresh air while you sleep
Avoid nicotine, alcohol or caffeine too close to bed
Listening to calming ambient sounds can help
Dealing with Nightmares
Nightmares can be very stressful and terrifying. Everyone has them and sometimes they are caused by your own subconscious thoughts and worries. 
Keep a notebook or dream journal with a pen near your bed. When you wake up from a nightmare, even if you are distressed, try to write down your emotions, thoughts and what you can remember about the nightmare down.
Come morning research the symbolism of the things that happened and appeared in your nightmare. Also consider what they may mean personally to you. Do you have any memories or experiences that relate to what happened in your dream?
Look it all over after you finished your research. What picture does it paint? Is something from your waking life affecting you? Stresses? Arguments? Relationship problems? If so perhaps it is time you try to resolve these problems.
After waking up from a nightmare you can still feel rather distressed. 
Take deep breaths, as scary and distressing as it is, it is still just a dream
Get some water
Stretch or walk around if you can, get the jitters and shakes out 
Cleanse your room if you can, spray some moon water about or bring in some salt, help remove the negativity you just felt
Read a book, it can help relax you again and make you feel sleepy, especially after such a stressful experience
After you wrote down what you remember from your nightmare, don’t dwell on it right now. You can worry about it later, for now find other things to do if you are not interested in going back to sleep
Listen to calming music or sounds
Watch calming images or videos if needed such as rain falling, ocean waves, changing clouds, looping gifs, etc
If someone is around and there to listen, you can talk it out with them. It can really help calm you
Drink some chamomile tea, it really helps
Wash your face
Cuddle, pet or speak with a pet
Hold your favorite stuffed animal or blanket for comfort
Make a crystal grid of calming stones and negativity removal stones 
If you do not plan on going back to sleep or if it is already morning, take a shower or bath
If you do not plan on going back to sleep, light some white and black candles to cleanse yourself and space of the negative energy brought by the nightmare. Do this with caution, make sure you are not too tired to do this. Fires are not fun or safe 
Calming Crystals: Amber, Amethyst, Astrophyllite, Blue Lace Agate, Calcite, Celestite, Danburite, Desert Rose, Dioptase, Dolomite, Dravite, Fire Agate, Fluorite, Galena, Goldstone, Hematite, Howlite, Infinite Stone, Magnesite, Milky Quartz, Pietersite, Rhodonite, Sodalite, Sugilite, Tiger’s Eye, Vauxite
Cleansing Crystals: Amber, Ametrine, Aquamarine, Calcite, Chlorite, Fluorite, Gyrolite, Blue Tourmaline, Milky Quartz, Salt, Serpentine, Sunstone, and Turquoise
Calming Herbs: Basil, Chamomile, Hops, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Passion Flower, Rosemary, Siberian Ginseng, St. John’s Wort
Cleansing Herbs: Anise, Bay, Birch, Boodroot, Cedar, Chamomile, Fennel, Horseradish, Hyssop, Iris, Lavender, Lemon, Lemon Verbena, Mimosa, Parsley, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sage, Sagebrush, Shallot, Thyme, Tobacco, Turmeric, Vervain, Yucca
Research herbs to ensure they are safe before using them
Nightmare Prevention Spells:
Ghost Nebula Protection in Dreams Spell
IC 2118 Spell for Peaceful Dreams
*Nightmare Repellent
Nightmare Warding Stuffed Animal Spell
Sleep Protection Spell Jar
*Simple Nightmare Ward
*Spells that are not mine
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soggycarrot420 · 4 years
Banishment Magick 🔮
Banishing is the act of forcefully removing something, or putting an end to something. Banishing generally involves three different parts: the actual banishment, cleansing to clear out any lingering negativity, and protection from further negative energy. Banishing and cleansing can sometimes be done in one swift motion. 
Things you might want to banish:
Negative spirits or entities
Negative energy
Bad habits
Negative influences in your life
Methods of Banishment:
Performing the LBRP (Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram)
Sprinkling black salt or another kind of banishing powder around your home or property
Anointing doors and windows with blessed or charged water
Burning incense in your home
Creating a spray and spritzing it around your home
Drawing symbols on your doors and windows with blessed/charged water or oils
Physically cleaning your space to remove dust, grime, and negativity 
Playing loud music - metal would be a good choice
Making other loud noises (slamming doors, banging pots and pans together, etc.)
Crafting a poppet or representation of said negative influence and burning it
Binding the negative influence to an object and disposing of it
Herbs for Banishment:
Basil, Betel Nut, Black Pepper, Black Salt, Cactus, Cayenne Pepper, Chamomile, Chili Powder, Cloves, Dragon’s Blood, Elder, Garlic, Heliotrope, Horehound, Juniper, Morning Glory, Mullein, Mugwort, Oleander, Onion, Rosemary, Rue, Sage, Sea Salt, St. John’s Wort, Thyme, Tobacco, Vinegar, Wood Betony, Yarrow Flower
Crystals for Banishment:
Ajoite, Ametrine, Chrysocolla, Black Tourmaline, Bloodstone, Emerald, Epidote, Fire Opal, Garnet, Halite, Hematite, Hemimorphite, Howlite, Jet, Obsidian, Onyx, Smoky Quartz, Sugilite
Planets associated with Banishment:
Moon, Sun, Mars, Saturn, Pluto
Celestial Bodies associated with Banishment:
Black Holes, Supernovae
Lunar Phases associated with Banishment:
Third Quarter Moon, Waning Crescent, Dark Moon, Full Moon
edited on 8-27-2018
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soggycarrot420 · 4 years
I don’t want a sugar daddy but maybe like a sugar buddy. 
I just hit him up like “Hey how are you today?” 
and he replies “Doing great thanks for asking here’s $7,000.” 
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soggycarrot420 · 5 years
Y’all want feet pics ?
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soggycarrot420 · 5 years
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Coconut cake with “7-minute frosting” for my mom’s birthday today :)
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soggycarrot420 · 5 years
So how’s writing going?
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soggycarrot420 · 5 years
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soggycarrot420 · 5 years
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soggycarrot420 · 5 years
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Like many other things, Art is completely subjective. Create your own style and don’t say you can’t draw/paint/etc.
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soggycarrot420 · 5 years
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I hope you don’t mind if i upload some of my art here
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soggycarrot420 · 5 years
hey uh artists? how the FUCK you doing that shit with the lines????
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soggycarrot420 · 5 years
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soggycarrot420 · 5 years
I love this edit.
Credit to dazefilmss on insta
Song chamber of reflection by Mac DeMarco
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soggycarrot420 · 5 years
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Ralph Macchio in My Cousin Vinny (1992)
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soggycarrot420 · 5 years
Two: Ice is just water having a boner
Darry, crying: Please shut the fuck up
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soggycarrot420 · 5 years
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