sojunghanikka · 4 years
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Fathering is not something perfect men do, but something that perfects the man. - Frank Pittman
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sojunghanikka · 4 years
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One day, we did something big and we will never forget it. One day, we saw something we could not believe in happen right in front of us. In 1996,we made that ordinary day into a thrilling one. We are afraid of time which will wash the footprints of memory. The memory of all those days, when we were passionate about life.
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sojunghanikka · 4 years
When We Were Young 2018
Got recommended this drama yesterday and finished it today.
At first, i got hooked by the handsome visual of Hua Biao. I mean, who wont fall for that face.... lol exactly my type. Then i keep on watching the friendship of 5 bikers. How they made trouble together, went through the problems together, solving the troubles and problems with the worst to the best manners. I envy their friendship, wishing i had one like them too. Got so many lessons from the drama. This drama told us things about letting go so we can see the beauty instead of closing eyes in order to hold everything, also miracle does happen to people who believe and put efforts in it. They also told us the beauty of 18 years old that i almost forgot, that i didnt realize ever happened to me. Then come to the ending of episode 24, when the 5 best friends decided their own things towards the own dream. Hua Biao travelling the world with our cutie grandma, Yang Xi at the BQ university (in hope waiting for Hua Biao in uni life), Li Yu in Japan with his mother, He Mei made peace with her mother and becoming stewardess, and Si Tu Er Tiao on the right track following his father’s way. Plus Huang Deng Deng, one of my fave character in drama, becoming the professional and popular ballet dancer. A younger me will complained so much about how they ended the drama, i wouldnt accept how they all parted away. But 24 years old me, understand that it had to be that way. That’s how it is in the real life, we cant always be together with our squad, we will eventually parted on our own ways. But that doesnt mean we will never meet again, actually they are our place to come back. Dont worry, we all will meet again, in a better and advanced situations. I dont like to say “see you” too, but i have to. See you.
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sojunghanikka · 4 years
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I mean….. that’s one way to teach bae physics
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sojunghanikka · 4 years
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I have feelings for you, Tae Eul. I’ve had feelings for you and you alone my whole life. For every second until now, I’ve liked you. 
So how can I let you go? How can I just let you die?
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sojunghanikka · 4 years
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#when you just wanted to settle the grudges of a hundred thousand people so you can get reincarnated but now you have a 28 year old child to look after
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sojunghanikka · 4 years
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“I couldn’t get any sleep because I was worried I’d never get to see you again.”
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sojunghanikka · 4 years
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He doesn’t keep any secrets from me.
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sojunghanikka · 4 years
"as if we have silent agreement..."
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sojunghanikka · 4 years
no, this is for the best.
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sojunghanikka · 4 years
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sojunghanikka · 4 years
후회하는중. 언제까지는 몰라. 곧 끝나기를 바랍시다.
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sojunghanikka · 4 years
나쁜 놈!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sojunghanikka · 4 years
so marriage is a noun? marriage is the craziest thing on earth. i dont think i'd be in one. unless in the future i meet someone i'm overloaded-mad to be married with. so i cant guarantee anything.
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sojunghanikka · 4 years
Haneul's Last Episode
we kalo dipikir2 kenapa jadi marahka? kenapa jadi jengkelka??? bisa2nya dia berkesimpulan begitu tanpa ada diskusi???? mungkin krn inimi penelitian nda bisa dibikin sendiri, harus ada orang lain, harus dipublish biar didiskusikan. jadi penulisnya nda tarik kesimpulan sendiri.
okelah. saya salah memang. tidak sehangat itu juga respon ku. tapi selaluka begitu kah?? kalo baikji perasaanku, nda adaji pikiranku, nda pernahja setengah22 merespon juga. we harusnya kalo memang nda adami perasaanmu,nda yakinko, bilangko begitu. bukan salahkan ka dengan embel2 "nda mauji kayaknya, dari responnya, diread ja". kau bilang begitu krn capek meko memang nah, bosan meko memang. begitu ko krn akhirnya sadarko kalo nda seworthed itu ka bukan kau tunggu selama ini, buat perjuangan mu selama ini, buat pengorbananmu selama ini. nda tauka pastinya iya kau tunggu betulanka kah, berjuang betulanko kah, berkorban betulanko kah. semua saya kira2 ji juga. bagaimana bisa kutau kalo kau nda pernah cerita terbuka ke saya. nda pernahko bilang apapa tiba2 pergi begitu. seakan jadi orang asing yg nda kau kenalka, nda peduli sama sekali. jengkelka jengkelka jengkelka. nda bisaka sama tipe kayak begitu, meskipun saya di posisimu juga mungkin bakal begitu. makanya nda kusuka juga diriku. karma ka mungkin ini HAHAHHAA bah cocokmi karma. tapi lagi nda mauka pengertian, cukupmi pengertian ku. haruska kasih keluar emosi marah dan jengkel ku juga. kalo kusimpan2 jadi gilaka nanti. jengkelka jengkelka jengkelka.
maksudku toh, kalo memang mau disudahi nda bisakah konfirmasi dulu??? bicarakan baik2 dulu? supaya kutau apa maumu, kau tau bgmn mauku. atau begini memang caramu sudahi?? mauko sudahi dengan cara yg tidak baik2? mauko sudahi dengan kita jadi teman pun tidak, tp mungkin orang yg sekedar kenal nama saja?? atau mauko bikin gilaka? kalo mauko bikin gilaka, hampirjeko berhasil. tapi ya, akhirnya kutaumi juga kalo begini ko. we yg kuharap toh satuji, jujurko sama perasaanmu sendiri. alasanmu itu seakan salahkan ka. harusko tau alasan utamanya itu karena capek, bosan dan jenuh meko.
semoga habis ini nda jengkelma.
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sojunghanikka · 4 years
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sojunghanikka · 4 years
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