Solar Module Mounting Structure
For both open field (ground) and rooftop installations, the Solar Module Mounting Structure (MMS) is required. To avoid shadowing and ensure long-term durability, the structures should be designed with optimal dimensions. These can be purchased as standard units or customised to meet the needs of each customer. Rooftop structures are designed to be installed on all types of roofs, from industrial to flat RCC roofs, and ground mount structures are designed to support all soil conditions – from dry deserts to hard rocky terrains.
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What are the requirements for a well-engineered module mounting structure?
Here's how our dedicated team customises long-term solutions for you:
1. Our solutions are constantly being innovated, allowing us to meet the various market demands based on site conditions as well as changes in solar module sizes.
2. Before installation, all of our components used to install the solar mounting structures are subjected to strength and quality tests.
3. Our structures are built with the goal of completing a project life cycle of at least 25 years in mind.
4. To ensure that the structures do not rust or oxidise, the components proposed to clients are made of aluminium, steel with 80 micron galvanisation, and stainless steel hardware.
5. Quality does not come cheap, but we do our best to ensure that the solutions we offer are within the project budget while not sacrificing quality in any way.
We believe that solar energy holds the key to a brighter future. Our design ensures that the solar panels mounted on our structures receive the maximum amount of sunlight, resulting in maximum generation and the lowest possible Levelised Cost of Electricity (LCOE). With a strong client base, our portfolio is enriched with efficient and cutting-edge solar solutions. Solar Module Mounting Structure are a minor component in terms of overall project costing, but they are critical for any project because they are responsible for holding up the entire investment, so cutting corners is not an option.
Know More: https://ultramounting.com/requisites-for-the-perfectly-engineered-solar-module-mounting-structure/
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