solarpsion · 1 year
First meeting sentence starters
1. “Hi. I’m _______, your new _______.” 
2. “Oh! Sorry. I’m so sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going.” 
3. “Hey, could you help me? I’m lost.” 
4. “Who are you and what the hell are you doing in my ______?” 
5. “Oh my god, are you okay? I’m going to call an ambulance.” 
6. “Mind if I sit here? All the other seats are taken.”
7. “Have I seen you somewhere before? You look familiar.” 
8. “I’ve never seen you around here before. What’s your name?” 
9. “You. You! You’re that jerk who pushed me into a garbage can as you ran past yesterday!” 
10. “Do you always meet new people by literally running into them?” 
11. “Hi. This line doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon, so I thought I’d introduce myself. I’m ______. Nice to meet you.” 
12. “Here, let me help you with that.” 
13. “Oh! Sorry. I didn’t realize there was already someone in here.” 
14. “Are you here for ______ too?”  
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solarpsion · 1 year
First-Meeting Sentence Starters
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solarpsion · 1 year
Rules and info
-You can call me Sixmun or Sixalt. I am male and prefer masculine pronouns.
-I have around 10+ years experience roleplaying of off Tumblr.
-Please be friendly and respectful to the mun and his friends. However feel free to attack the muse.
-No godmoding or such please.
-Please have decent grammar,spelling,and at least put more than one sentence. However sentence starters are fine. At least the one from memes. I won’t ask much else otherwise.
-I ask you have a about page or some kind of info if you have a OC. It’s hard to work off nothing.
-This is a open ask/RP blog. You are free to throw a post or a ask at me however and whenever you wish. You can also specify verse,otherwise I’ll likely assume it’s ‘Main’ verse generally. I do hold the right to refuse what I want,but I am a pretty laid back guy. I’m hard to trigger.
-I’ll likely turn down muses of certain fandoms,due to lack of interest or general dislike to such a fandom. You may message me to let me know what your muse hails from.
-Please do not reblog anything with the #RP; tag in it unless it’s stated to be a open starter or you are someone I have tagged or mentioned. You can like it however.
-I am open to shipping,and welcome to anyone who wants to try and our characters have chemistry together. Also if I don’t catch onto such,feel free to message me. This will also be a multi-ship blog.
-I am over 21 so gore and other forms of nsfw is fine. Smut not allowed here.
-You can contact me if you wish to drop a thread. I can respect and understand if you wish to,specially if you tell me.
-You can always IM me to get my attention. You can also IM me to plot with me too. I can be a bit of a lurker sometimes.
(More to be added later,as this blog grows and changes.)
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solarpsion · 1 year
Solvyq's bio
Name: Solvyq
Gender: Male (he/him)
Age: 24 (equivalent in human years)
Species: Gieeg
Height: 8'4"
Build: Lean and firm.
Fur: short and white
Eyes: deep gold
Likes: Savory flavors,reading,helping others
Dislikes: Sour flavors,destroying knowledge,truths being lost
Orientation: Biro/sexual
Short bio: A gieeg, one of his kind who has split from his kin. He ran from his kin seeing how tough and cruel they can be. While he can be a tough person himself he is atleast fair. He’s seen a fair bit within his life. How sentient life can be across the galaxies. He could see things were trouble if he stayed with his people. Yet there were mysteries behind his kin. Like how his species had a home planet no more.He had heard vague stories so he had gotten a curious nature to snoop out truths. He travels the galaxies in order to find truths.
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solarpsion · 1 year
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