solarsparks · 12 days
This is cinema actually
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solarsparks · 12 days
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solarsparks · 15 days
I really want ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ as a tramp stamp
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solarsparks · 16 days
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where the fuck is the CLUNK sound effect coming from
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solarsparks · 16 days
Something i really hate about gen Z queers is that they’re more worried about what a queer person can or can’t do, than whether or not that person is happy
“Can a genderfluid person identify as lesbian even when they’re male? Can you identify as bi and gay? Are abrosexuals valid?” And the response is always people giving super specific explanations on who can/can’t identify as xyz, what is/isn’t “valid”, like if you don’t follow a list of rules to be a “good queer” you deserve to be treated like shit. I rarely see someone saying “If this is how they feel and they’re happy, then good for them” and when i do, it’s almost never a younger queer saying it
The whole point of fighting for lgbt rights is letting people be themselves without being shamed for not fitting in the cis/straight boxes, not turning lgbt identities into new strict boxes and shitting on anyone who enters the “wrong box”. People aren’t categories, they’re people
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Edit: the image is a joke + i’m not saying you’re a horrible person just because you used to act like that when you were 12, but i do think people who harass someone because of their identity are horrible people + i shouldn’t have said just gen z queers because there are grown ass adults pushing 30 who act like that. And the image is a joke
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solarsparks · 18 days
What Narcissism Is:
holding yourself to extremely high standards (if I'm not perfect at it, I'm a failure)
being incredibly sensitive to criticism (becoming suicidal if you think someone thinks you're bad at something)
having a very brittle sense of self-worth that's heavily reliant on what others think of you
What Narcissism is Not:
being uniquely abusive
having no morals
being a bad person
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solarsparks · 22 days
SOMEONE will advocate for you
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solarsparks · 22 days
sorry but being autistic and "not understanding conflicting labels" is NOT an excuse to put queer labels on your dni. Saying "lesboys dni" is just as bad as saying "trans men dni" or "lesbians dni". You can't pick and chose which queer people you do and don't accept. You either accept us all or accept no one. We are a community. Don't use autism to excuse transphobic and lesbophobic behavior.
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solarsparks · 22 days
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I'm going to put this as nicely as possible.
You're fifteen, according to your bio/pinned post. I'm 30. I have been alive literally twice the time you've been alive in this world. You are a baby queer. I don't mean that demeaningly. I mean this as to say this - you don't know smack about the LGBTQ world beyond the walls of the internet, maybe a queer club at your local school (high school if you're in the USA).
The online and club spaces for the LGBTQ world are so incredibly sanitized, period.
No, bi lesbians and their sister labels (pan lesbians, omni lesbians, polysexual lesbians, straightbians, fagdykes, lesboys, asexual lesbians, aromantic lesbians, etc.) ARE NOT putting their lesbian/dyke sisters in danger, period.
Pushing that the idea of "m spec lesbian" is somehow damaging...
victim blaming for ladies attempted to be 'forced converted' by straight men
Xenophobic towards MANY global gender IDs that are specific to certain cultures (2-spirit for indigenous USA tribes, Hijra in India, etc.)
Shifts the blame from the rapist to the victim, regardless of circumstances
Also minimizes the fact that asshole men are going to be asshole men, regardless of whoever they're being a jerk to. A jerk is going to be an asshole, regardless.
The idea of a "m spec lesbian" has been around FOR YEARS. Documented since at LEAST the 1950s.
I strongly recommend reading "Stone Butch Blues" and "The Stonewall Generation" as well as "PoMoSexuals: Challenging Assumptions About Gender and Sexuality"
You might get lucky and find them at your local library. There's a free PDF floating around of Stone Butch Blues. I got Stonewall Generation by going to a LIVE PRIDE event that was local. You should be able to find them on Google Shopping, Amazon, Ebay, and/or Mercari.
Human sexuality is complicated, period. Many women who were exclusively (or almost exclusively) attracted to other women often paired up with men for the sake of affection, protection, and companionship rather than genuine attraction (Elenor Roosevelt and Virginia Woolf are the first two famous people who come to mind). Also, Kristen Stewart recently came out as a bi lesbian in a recent interview.
We exist, period. NO ONE is helping by LGBTQ identity policing. Y'all are only hurting yourself. PLEASE talk to real life queer people face to face, beyond the safety net of social media and school clubs. You will learn so much.
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solarsparks · 22 days
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solarsparks · 22 days
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Some vintage validation and confirmation for bi lesbians. ⚡️
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solarsparks · 22 days
back in the 00s a single dancing anime chibi gif would feed us for months on end
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solarsparks · 25 days
Adobe is going to spy on your projects. This is insane.
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solarsparks · 1 month
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I know it’s not hard to point out reactionaries hypocrisy when it comes to like safe spaces or hug boxes or whatever but genuinely how much of an echo chamber do you have to exist in for you to think this is a reasonable thing to say
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solarsparks · 1 month
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solarsparks · 2 months
my gender is bad porn parodies of horror movies
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solarsparks · 2 months
you can tell who's actually a part of the lesbian and dyke community and who sits on the sidelines and tries to define these entire identities based off of their own speculation as an outsider. i'm not saying these people aren't lesbians- but when you refuse to actually interact with the broader dyke community outside of your tiny insulated echo-chamber, you are actively refusing to acknowledge how the lesbian community actually functions and behaves
people who think that lesbianism is all about femmes and women are people who refuse to immerse themselves in real lesbian and dyke spaces. masculinity has ALWAYS been a part of lesbianism. there is NO point in queer history where masculinity HASN'T been a big part of the dyke experience. boydykes, studs, bois, bulldykes, male lesbians, ftm lesbians, daddy dykes, testo butches, genderfluid dykes, multigender dykes, masculine agender lesbians, transmasc dykes... these people have ALWAYS been in the lesbian community.
if you believe that lesbianism is strictly about femmes and butches who water down their butchness to mean "androgynous/SLIGHTLY masc woman" for the "safety" of femmes, you have no clue what the lesbian community is actually like and i encourage you to explore the community as a whole, because if you can't handle butches, testo dykes, transmasc lesbians, male lesbians, lesboys, guydykes, studs, bois, bulldykes or any other type of masculine lesbian, you don't belong.
interact with real dykes and lesbians and you'll see masculinity is a permanent, inseparable part of the dyke community. you can't only accept the lesbians you personally like. you also have to accept the ones with identities you don't understand or agree with. you don't have to date butches and male lesbians if you don't want to. you have the right to be attracted to who you're attracted to. but the second you try to exclude these people based off of your own personal tastes, you are committing a grave misdeed to this community by actively participating in the silencing and alienation of masc and male dykes.
you drank the radfem kool aid if you genuinely believe this. this belief stems from the "lesbian separatism movement" in the American 1980s which specifically started to remove butches and transmasc lesbians from the community. if you seriously believe lesbianism is about "EWW NO MEN MEN DNI", hiding from men, hating men, forming "women and non binary spaces only", excluding men and mascs, shaming butches who want top surgery and testosterone, you are not a lesbian: you are a terf, and a radfem. your beliefs don't line up with the real lesbian and dyke communities. you have been brainwashed. this is your sign to wake up.
we aren't standing for this bullshit anymore. we've always been here and your "lesbian means non-men loving non-men" definition of lesbianism is the least historically accurate definition of these terms that you could ever possibly ascribe to them. that definition is factually incorrect and will never be the proper definition. stop defining lesbianism by who we exclude and start defining it by the vast and varied members of our community that we include. our lives depend on it. i don't care if you're not personally attracted to lesboys and testo butches- we belong. it's not about who you're personally attracted to, it's about who feels sapphic, who feels like a lesbian, who feels like a dyke, no matter how they identify. you are not the protagonist of the lesbian community. let go and learn to accept.
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