solarstarmarveldc · 5 days
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Commission by the talented @eileenwdj
Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul wedding from “Batman: Son of the Demon” reimagined.
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solarstarmarveldc · 5 days
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bruce and talia. 2022
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solarstarmarveldc · 5 days
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So glad the man who made this is going to be writing Wonder Woman!
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solarstarmarveldc · 5 days
So this page here is really funny to me, cuz its so ooc for everyone that is ridiculous, but the weird thing is that when i saw it for the first time it came to me a weird dejavu sensation, realizing later its because this is just Tom king's characterization of the batfam
Donna troy is portrayed as the older mature sibling/ dick grayson
Yara flor is the loud, rude and dirty mouthed second child/ jason todd
Cassie is the young but responsible third child/ tim drake/ damian wayne
And diana is portrayed to be reckless parental figure/ bruce wayne
This is just Batman, tom king is just doing his run on Batman again kskskskskskks
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solarstarmarveldc · 5 days
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guys we're so fucked
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solarstarmarveldc · 5 days
god I just want to incoherently rant about how the comic industry is so stupidly insular and has absolutely zero hiring imagination beyond their tiny existing pool of mediocre white male writers and their friends, because there are thousands of super talented and well-respected female writers across the globe who would literally kill to get their hands on Diana for a couple of years and all DC's willing to do is hire Tom King
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solarstarmarveldc · 5 days
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“Follow the leaders”
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solarstarmarveldc · 5 days
a mutant: i hope all mutants are having a good day!!! steve and charles: i hope EVERYONE is having a good day, people are people
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solarstarmarveldc · 5 days
every single thing erik lehnsherr has done for mutants has been justified. every single act. and the fact that he’s constantly portrayed as a villain is disgusting, he isn’t a villain he just understands better that humans aren’t going to listen to mutants the way charles believes they will. charles’ liberal outlook of do no violence to humans when humans continue to enact violence on mutants will never work!! and erik knows that! he knows that because of what he survived, where he came from. erik lehnsherr has never done anything wrong and i will support him until the day i die
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solarstarmarveldc · 14 days
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I love the deliberate putting down of Ororo's foot, where she states very plainly that she is not one of "his X-Men" anymore, and they are long past the point of her following his orders. She is a leader in her own right, and he had damn well respect that.
Also, kudos for her reminding his supposed best friend that his name was Max. Bless Al for remembering that and peppering it throughout this book.
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Also a big fan of her repelling his psychic assault with techniques he tought her.
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And then, of course, her being the nice person that she is, she reminds him how he doesn't have to do it all on his own, and how that's always been his downfall.
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solarstarmarveldc · 14 days
Ugh, there are so many good characters that we only got glimpses of in the Krakoan era but that's more than we'd gotten in YEARS, not to mention new characters.....I could make entire books and lineups just of new and old-but-obscure characters who got focus but not enough focus in the Krakoan era, and I'm afraid of them vanishing into obscurity again....
Tag, Specter, Feint, Jon Ironfire, Alchemist, Wiz Kid, Cosmar, Manifold, Tempo, Theia, Galura, Tran Cao Manh, Tulkas, Firestar (we actually got Justice in ONE X-story FINALLY but it was only an Unlimited issue *sob*), Trinary, Kylun, White Sword, Khora of the Burning Heart, Sunfire, Lactuca, Christian Frost, Lourdes Chantel, Bei the Blood Moon, Flourish/Creep, Nekra, Third Eye, Somnus, Eye-Boy, Frenzy, Thunderbird, Aura Charles, Isca the Unbeaten, Solem, like LITERALLY SO MANY.....
And I'd be massively surprised if we got more than Firestar, Frenzy and Thunderbird in any projects going forward, sigh.
At least a few people like Synch, Destiny, Kwannon, Greycrow and Escapade got lasting focus and raised profiles out of it. But there was room for so many more and now despite having like fourteen titles already announced in the new era, other than those named we're back to the basics with a mere smattering of potential appearances for non big name mutants here and there.
Like the X-Factor preview pages already pretty much give away that Rusty's about to die again after only JUST being brought back in one small side story after three decades dead. What is even the point of that? What a fucking waste.
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solarstarmarveldc · 14 days
My favourite little x men thing is when someone is like "Give up, Magneto! You stand no chance against this plastic weapon/gun/suit I have built!"
And Magneto is like "I see. Whatever will I do."
and throws the surrounding infrastructure at them.
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solarstarmarveldc · 14 days
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my beautiful wife, scott summers 😽
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solarstarmarveldc · 14 days
Speaking of Civil War comic, it really cements Tony as an utterly piece of shit when he subtly threatens both Mary Jane and Aunt May, along with after that he nearly kills Peter during their fight. To the point the Frank Freaking Castle has to rush Peter to a Doctor.
Civil War was what really cemented my dislike for Tony Stark. Ironically enough, I'm referring to both the comic and the movie.
I mean, the movie we all understand, forcing Tony into what was supposed to be a Steve-centric film and making all about him and his manpain, but the comic came a decade before that and it really showed what a shit character Stark was.
To me it was kind of funny. As I've said many times on this blog before, I'm an X-Men fan first and foremost, so I had never really connected with any of the Avengers over the years, mostly because of how they treated (and let others treat) the X-Men and mutants. The Superhero Registration Act was just an updated version of the Mutant Registration Act that the X-Men had been fighting against for years (i believe Emma Frost even makes that comparison) but in a broader sense to encompass all of the superpowered people. It was amusing watching all these heroes get treated the way that they treated (and let others treat) mutants for years and throwing a fit over it. Well... amusing, sad, and a little infuriating, because of course they were allowed to voice their frustrations with being treated like common criminals, even if they didn't do anything wrong.
While I was on Cap's side on that issue, I will also say that the other side did make some points. There had to be some kind of accounting in play here, especially with the ever increasing number of superheroes out there. The whole Civil War incident happened because of a superhero reality show that went horribly, horribly wrong. People were right to be pissed off. Of course, that being said, Tony's approach to the whole thing just made the entire situation that much worse.
Let's just list them off, shall we?
In no particular order, we have...
Him manipulating Peter into coming out as Spider-Man, which put MJ and Aunt May in Danger later on
Tony booby-trapping the Iron Spider suit he gave Peter
The imprisonment of all superheroes who wouldn't comply with his way of doing things in an extradimentional space, in solitary confinement
Along with Reed and Hank, building a cyborg clone of Thor that ended up killing Black Goliath
Hiring actual villains and giving them a pardon to be on his side after he started losing followers post Goliath's death
Giving said criminals carte blanche to use lethal force
And a whole slew of other stuff that I'm sure I'm forgetting at the moment, but it was all evident of what kind of person Stark was, which wasn't a good one. The fact that they ended the big fight with the "everyday heroes" stopping mean old Steve from giving Tony the whooping he deserved after everything he did.
That entire run was a clusterfuck, which led to a clusterfuck of a movie, neither of which had any long lasting ramifications on their respective universes after the initial run was over. How many times have we seen the Accords mentioned in the MCU after Civil War? How many times in the comics do we mention the state-sponsored super teams?
All either did was make sure you knew that Tony Stark was an asshole.
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solarstarmarveldc · 14 days
I don't think people remember the first Iron Man Movie at all.
Because everyone always focuses on the "War Profiterol Stops Selling Weapons" angle and completely forget the Pro American Military Interventionism Message in it.
Tony Stark specifically becomes Iron Man because he doesn't believe the US Military is doing ENOUGH in the Middle East. He specifically flies there to destroy some evil brown bad guys with a tank attacking civilians because he believes the American Military is not there to stop it. This is a Pro Military Occupation movie guys, it doesn't take a genius to understand it.
Hell, he specifically stops building weapons because he just discovered some evil brown people might also end up buying them, not because "bombs kill people," he knows bomb kill people he just thought only the US Military was using it to kill people.
Which is never taken into question. The US Military is not on trial in this movie, It's the evil brown people who use it on civilians instead, and they do it because they are faceless, nameless evil brown people.
The bombed village the reporter who ends up sleeping with him and is slut shamed for it mentions? Who do you think ultimately committed the war crime in universe? But why, the evil brown terrorists, the ones who got their weapons from his own company after all, there is no mention, in any part of the movie, of the US Military committing war crimes on anything with his weapons, the villains are ALWAYS evil brown people who got his weapons due to another, more self serving war profiteer, and only because of that.
Like, the ONLY thing that can be said in favour of this is that the greater scope villain is, like... Another rich white war profiteer, and even that still fucks over the supposedly "anti war" message when Tony specifically still only wanted to sell weapons to the US Military pre movie, and stops producing weapons the second he realizes evil brown people might get his shit too, and Stane wanted to sell it to Evil Brown Terrorists too.
People don't rember how boot licking this movie was and it shows.
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solarstarmarveldc · 14 days
you think coming out as gay is hard? try telling marvel fans you dont like tony stark
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solarstarmarveldc · 14 days
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marvel action: chillers (2020) with the truth
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