solasmors-a-blog · 8 years
[casually glues googly eyes to hus guns]
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Upon seeing the googly eyes on his guns, the man slowly cracked his neck as he then threw them aside, pure agitation in his voice as he then spoke, lowly.
   “ I’m going to kill you, slowly and painfully. ”
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solasmors-a-blog · 8 years
Sombra grinned teasingly as she watched the dark being stalk in a circle, like he was pacing. She smirked and tipped her head to the side like a curious feline, finding amusement in this enigma she was bound to unlock. "Aye hombre. You gonna sulk all night or sit down si?" Came her voice from the other side of the ship. She whistled loudly, beckoning the mercenary to the chair besides the one she was swiveling in. "So we failed a mission. Big deal. Not like the perros back at base care."
Reaper fell silent, paused in his movements, as he then glanced over to the woman sitting down, waiting for him to take a seat beside her. And then - what?
Discuss the mission they had just failed?
He wasn’t in the mood. Well, when was he ever in the mood to talk about anything to people in an organization he only worked for because they provided him with what he needed? Not as often as some would assume.
Snarl emitting from the man, he took a moment before prowling over to her, his boots creating an evident clacking noise against the floor of the ship. He didn’t sit at first, but eventually, he did; though, he seemed uncomfortable about it. He didn’t trust anyone here; well, perhaps Sombra was modestly trustworthy alongside Widowmaker, but that was a thought for another day.
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   “ There was no way the alarms could’ve been set off by Widowmaker or myself. The mission should have been a success, and yet she escaped by pure luck. ” His silence indicated at him reflecting on the events from previously, as he then shifted slightly in his seat.
Something didn’t add up, but he wasn’t going to address it just yet.
   “ Those ‘perros’ are just going to send us all on a mission once again to get something they think is important to them, or to get us to kill someone. Cabrones, all of them. They aren’t focusing on any of the real threats. ”
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solasmors-a-blog · 8 years
poking meme
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The growl accompanied with talons swiftly grasping the other’s hand indicates to his hostility, the stare coinciding with the motion as his other hand twitches vaguely by his coat; he was tempted to grab one of his shotguns. Not yet, he considered, as he shoved Morrison back with malevolence, promptly releasing his hand.
   “ Don’t touch me. ”
A venomous warning, low and snarled; like a wolf, in any case, safeguarding its sanctuary. Not that there was a sanctuary left for the man to go to. Some strange people would declare that his body - or soul - is of sorts, but even that is in ruins.
Whatever once stood so nobly collapsed and perished; decayed.
   “ Or, if you want to see what happens when you do touch me again, be my guest. ”
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solasmors-a-blog · 8 years
o(^^)o→ (HI TRIST.
poking meme
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   “ Touch me again and I will shoot your hand off. Do I make myself clear? ”
Seems as if Reaper didn’t appreciate being poked. Once, he may have reacted differently, but the hostility he provides is evidently clear that his reaction in the now was significantly different.
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solasmors-a-blog · 8 years
Send me “Over Worked” to find my muse falling asleep at their desk
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solasmors-a-blog · 8 years
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Reaper - Overwatch fan art by Álvaro Jiménez
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solasmors-a-blog · 8 years
Send me something your muse has always wanted to tell mine
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solasmors-a-blog · 8 years
I took all the fear and sorrow
And turned it into rage and vengeance
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solasmors-a-blog · 8 years
I had to.
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solasmors-a-blog · 8 years
send “ o(^^)o→ “ to poke my muse. do it. just do it.
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solasmors-a-blog · 8 years
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Commander Gabriel Reyes
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solasmors-a-blog · 8 years
Alejandra paced in the cell she had been put in. One moment she had been playing with a soccer ball and then bam. Here she was. Alone in a dim lit room. She had no idea why or who had taken her but if she had to guess this had to do with the man she had met a week before. Were these people going to try and make her talk? M-Maybe they were nice. Fat chance. 'Talon' she remembered some bits where she would wake up and hear someone say the word but that's about it. She froze. Someone was coming.
Irritation bloomed like blossoms when he had heard that a young girl had made contact with his former friend, and with a growl at Talon to capture her, they were successful. Barely. He didn’t understand why he bothered to stand aside them whilst they were rather incompetent in retrieving a young girl.
Though, he did know. As much as he usually works alone, there was no way he could do everything himself regarding his current goals; which was where Talon stepped in, provided assistance. He wasn’t a part of Talon, per se, but he was affiliated with them and now he was doing some of their bidding in turn that they provide information to him, on the whereabouts of the soldier he sought to destroy.
Ironclad boots clacking against the concrete, he approached the cell this young girl was in, his eyes staring at her behind the mask for a moment as he hid in the shadows. She seemed much younger than he had predicted, not even 18 from what he could tell, and she also seemed afraid. In a way, that was a good thing; fear was a strong emotion, and to fear him was a smart idea. He was not so much a man as he was a monster. Tainted souls manipulated by faux truths and blind hope made him who he was.
He took a moment to recollect himself, before making his presence known, approaching the bars that held her hostage. It was one advantage of donning black clothing - you blend in to the dark remarkably well. She wouldn’t have known he was there except for his boots against the floor.
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   “ … So you’re the girl Talon said had information. ” His voice was low, almost as if he was speaking to himself aloud, as he eyed the girl with mild curiosity. She seemed nearly familiar.
Maybe once, she had known her.
   “ You know someone I’m looking for, then. If you lie, you will die. If Talon has lied, you will all die. Best be honest, girl. I can tell if one is lying. ” He neared the bars, watching her, vigilantly. He didn’t care about how straightforward he was - all he needed was the information he required.
   “ Do you know a man who goes by Soldier: 76? ”
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solasmors-a-blog · 8 years
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Sombra Gear Solid ~ Alex-Chow
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solasmors-a-blog · 8 years
✖ {if you feel like it~ }
opinion meme
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   “ Genji’s a thorn in my side, for the most part. I can’t stand him for a second without wanting to eliminate him on the spot, to shoot him down and end him once and for all. Besides, he’s just another target. Another Overwatch member. I barely tolerate his presence on this earth - I don’t see why someone would expect any more from me. ”
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   “ Genji? Well, he’s a pretty decent but misunderstood kid. He struggles to fit in within the organization, I can tell that much by the way he’s disconnected from everyone. If anything, I’m willing to take him under my wing and provide the comfort he needs to know that he’s still as human as the rest of us. He seems like he needs someone to give him that, and I guess it’d be best if it was me. ”
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solasmors-a-blog · 8 years
(( autoplay added featuring starset’s newest song (monster) and heathens! ))
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solasmors-a-blog · 8 years
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Good old time.
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solasmors-a-blog · 8 years
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Day 21: We all miss you, Gabriel! 
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