soleil-crunch · 3 months
Expressing 'Anger' in Writing
Jaw clenching tightly
Hands balling into fists
Veins throbbing visibly at the temple
Eyes narrowing to slits
Breathing becoming quick and shallow
Stomping or heavy footsteps
Voice rising in pitch or volume
Flushing or reddening of the face
Throwing or slamming objects
Brows knitting together in frustration
Lips pressing into a thin line
Teeth grinding audibly
Staring with a hard, fixed gaze
Sarcasm dripping from every word
Snapping responses or barking orders
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soleil-crunch · 6 months
writing is cool because the whole time you do it, you're thinking "is this shit? is this a steaming pile of hot garbage? is this the worst thing ever written by anyone?" and then you literally never find out
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soleil-crunch · 6 months
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soleil-crunch · 6 months
I officially wrote 16 pages of the first draft of my novel. What now? Do I contact a literary agent or go straight to pitching it to Netflix??
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soleil-crunch · 6 months
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soleil-crunch · 7 months
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soleil-crunch · 7 months
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One of my all-time favorite audios on quinn
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soleil-crunch · 7 months
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This is who my mind sees when I listen to Naudio.
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soleil-crunch · 7 months
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As a person who hates compliments, this one just hits different.
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soleil-crunch · 7 months
Deep fried by the sun
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soleil-crunch · 7 months
Here’s the thing that some people don’t seem to understand about sex & kink. You have to respect boundaries before you get to push them. You have to show people they’re safe before you get to make them feel scared. You have to respect people before you get to degrade them. You have to be normal with people before you get to be dirty with them. You can’t be skipping steps. Treating them like a person always comes before treating them like a toy.
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