solicelegacy · 9 hours
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Crybaby Sebby
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solicelegacy · 9 hours
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solicelegacy · 9 hours
Smooches During Practice 😘
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These love birds can’t keep their hands off each other 😆, much to Imelda’s chagrin
~~Extra ~~
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solicelegacy · 2 days
MC: I've decided I can't continue with this. You deserve something better and I this is not it.
Sebastian: MC stop being a drama queen, we love you and we can work through this like we always do.
MC: I'm a disaster!
Sebastian: We all are!
Ominis: If this is about burned dinner I can always call one of my house elves.
Ominis: Or, you know, we could go out to eat.
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solicelegacy · 2 days
When Dad!Ominis first met his child.
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I wanted to remake and reinterpret this drawing that I did shortly after I got into HL. This shares the storyline of this piece and this piece ‘If Ominis and his partner unexpectedly have a child…’
It is very interesting to think about the state of mind and determination of that traumatised man, Ominis, to become a father🥹
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solicelegacy · 2 days
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The flashback we truly deserve 😭💚
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Thank you so much, Anon, for the idea and kind message! I had so much fun with this one 😂
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solicelegacy · 3 days
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more seb sketches 🫶
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solicelegacy · 3 days
Sebastian eats pea and ham soup without the peas
It's just ham broth and salt
He has the cholesterol of a 50 year old man at 16
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solicelegacy · 5 days
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solicelegacy · 5 days
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Any love for Imelda? I wanted to sketch her since she's sidelined in Quidditch Champions 😫 sorta copied the pose from quidditch champions thing iunno
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solicelegacy · 6 days
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Seb is an octopus🐙
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solicelegacy · 6 days
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happy weasley wednesday
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solicelegacy · 6 days
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solicelegacy · 6 days
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solicelegacy · 8 days
Sebastian: Sorry i told you about my trauma. Do you think i’m still hot?
M/C: Yes.
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solicelegacy · 10 days
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Bookworm Sebastian, he’s giving into dark magic. He doesn’t know that he’s already lost against it.
Drawn for a Twitter challenge
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solicelegacy · 10 days
⌞ Stars ⌝ Garreth Weasley x Reader imagine?
Hi! Ah! This is my second time making an imagine. I'm sorry if this sucks, I am still learning lol so if it sounds AI-ish or whatever I am dearly sorry! This imagine will have feelings - is it a right place wrong time? Enjoy!
1198 - words
"It’s like the stars know all your secrets, all your wishes, and they hold them until they come true. like.. like! a shooting star."
— You
I've visited the forest before, being caught every single time, but honestly? It has never stopped me. Especially because I happened to grow used to the same lecture I ended up getting each time I went out. “It’s dangerous!” My father would cry.
“You could’ve been hurt or killed!” My mother would drill right into my brain, like usual I never listened. So what if they were right? At least I would've died a nice death..
Unless I end up getting captured.. or. or get killed by some animal.
It was around breakfast when I left the castle to You guessed it, wander the forest. Technically, I wasn't allowed to, as my father, the king, had forbidden it; but what he doesn’t know can’t hurt him.
“You could’ve been hurt or killed!” My mother would drill right into my brain, like usual i never listened. But so what if they were right? At least I wouldn't died a nice death..
Unless I end up getting capture.. or. or get killed by some animal.
It was around breakfast when I eft the castle to You guessed it to wander the forest. Technically, I wasn't allowed to, as my father, the king, had forbid it; but what he doesn’t know can’t hurt him.
Sitting on a hill, grass, daisies, and weeds littered about, enjoying how the sun hit my skin on that hill and how the big tree provided the perfect amount of cool shade, a secret sanctuary of a sort Garreth Weasley had shown me some time ago. It was our hidden sanctuary
Before you even think of it in a weird way - no. We aren't dating, Yes I befriended the Knight! My parents won't even let me befriend others. leaving me with Garreth. Although I took a liking to him, (Not in a crush type.) he is my best friend.
On days when I'd leave the castle, he’d usually check here, although last just to give me more time to enjoy the peace of the scenery and weather there as he knew it was my only time without people watching me 24/7 as if I'd break if I breathed too hard!
I leaned back on my elbows a faint yawn leaving my lips, my eyes staring up at the sky which is now a sunset; the pinkish hues of the horizon the way the sun reflected off of my skin lighting my features. The silence was comforting. I felt at ease, as if every worry was just lifted from my shoulders.
That silence was interrupted by a ruffle coming from the bushes. I sighed quietly, the once at ease silence now gone.
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Garreth held the sword by the handle, yelling out for Y/n he's been looking for you. He has been for the past hour. Everyone has been.
It was his duty to protect you.
It is now getting darker. At minute the red-head began making his way to the one spot, knowing you'd be there. If anything you're always there. Going through bushes, his shoes breaking twigs and dried leaves. "Y/n!" Garreth called out his voice soft - getting closer to the secret sanctuary he could see part of the hill.
A determined look on his face, which was soon softened as she made his way though some bushes which rustled. Garreth had finally come to the hill to collect you and tell the king he found you wandering the forest again.
And then he saw you it was as if time had stopped. you, Beautiful as ever, he thought you were enchanting even. The way the sun reflected off your hair, your skin. Your features he quickly grew to love.. Merlin, he acted like a puppy when it came to you. He didn't know how long he stared for but it must've been long when he felt a tinge of warmth on his cheeks.
it was time for him to put a tough act on so you wouldn’t get yelled at for being out in the forest during nightfall. That’d be a mess and if you were to get yelled at, he’d rather it be just for being outside castle grounds. Snapping back to reality Garreth cleared his throat grabbing your attention.
“Princess. You shouldn’t be out here, you know. The king and queen are worried sick about you. I know it’s beautiful out here, and you look ethereal right now, but I must get you back to the castle." Garreth paused mid-word, his eyes studying your face before he shook his head, "Do me some justice and let me walk you back to the castle.. Please, my lady.” Garreth's voice was soft - soothing even.
But you didn't want to go, you wanted to stay and watch the stars under the night sky.
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I wished to stay longer, to enjoy the scenery more but Garreth was.. rather right, as much as I'd get yelled/lectured - for being out of the castle she should get back "oh.. but, Garreth, it's just so.." my words trailed off my eyes glimmering in the moonlight, whilst I stared up at the sky "so beautiful.." I finished, with a breath.
"Please, oh Please let me just enjoy this for five more minutes?" She pleaded, her eyes darting over to him, her lip sticking out - a type of begging? Well not really begging but yes. "Come! sit and look at the stars with me." Adeline added - turning her head back towards the night star filled sky.
A smile formed on my face, as I imagined so many things, "imagine just sitting here.. watching the stars with true love! Oh I wish to experience that - how it would be filled with such romance - like.. like in romance novels!" I pointed out, smiling more my eyes filled with imagination.
"Imagine having your future kids, bringing their lover here, enjoying everything they have! Oh it would sound so amazing.." I sighed my shoulders slumping down, into a relaxed state.
Garreth had to admit, he’d never seen you like this, so relaxed, so far from your royal duties, and he loved it. It was a side to you he’d always wanted to see more of. He didn’t want you to be that stiff, proper princess all the time. He wanted you to be free, and it seemed the forest was where you found your freedom
Walking a bit closer to Y/n Garreth had his hands behind him, sitting next to you, leaning against the tree, his legs extended out in front of him. “Five minutes, Y/n. We’re leaving once the stars all flicker and dim,” he said, giving in to your request, as he’d always do. You were the princess after all, and he was just a guard. He’d do anything for her.
“You’re right, my lady. It is a beautiful place to fall in love, and I can’t help but imagine the same thing, being able to share this place with someone special. To pass on a tradition of love and peace. To have a family to cuddle up with under the stars.” their shoulders almost touched
Garreth’s hand left his chest, subtly rubbing the back of his neck, nervous that he might’ve said too much. He blamed it on the calming effect the night had on him. “I’m glad it brings you peace, Princess,” he said, a bit quieter, his hand finding its way back to his chest.
Garreth quickly removed his hand, pretending to adjust his shirt. He couldn’t help it. He stole a glance at Adeline's lips, wondering how they’d taste. As quickly as he glanced at them he quickly looked away, ashamed of himself.
You were the princess, and he was a commoner. A knight, but still beneath you in the grand scheme of things. He knew you'd never look at him in that way.
Admitting it or not; Garreth loved you he wished to tell you. But he was just a guard. This wasn't the right time. Not now.
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This was by far the longest one I've actually wrote lol, should I make a part two for this? 🙃 Again I'm so sorry, if this sounded AI-ish!
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