solitary-darling · 4 years
If you have amino, listen up! I have created an official amino for playing/rping live mystic messenger games. There you will be able to participate in scheduled chatrooms as your OC (Mc) or favorite cannon.
Taken straight from the amino description:
“Not only is this private amino a place for role players to be able to meet other role players, but we hold live, week long games with their own unique storylines and romantic routes. It works exactly like the actual game does, with several chatrooms daily with endings that can change based on your responses. All of the chatrooms have scheduled times. There will most commonly be a new game starting once (maybe even twice for now bc quarantine-) every month depending on everyone’s availability! You will vote on what the themes of the games will be, and when they start every month.
You can participate in the chatrooms to earn hearts and take routes as an MC, or play any cannon of your choice. (After playing a game or two to show us you are active, you may even double cannon if you wish) If you are playing a cannon, note that the chatrooms will be made around your availability. This is why we will need multiple of the same characters, as well.”
I have not posted to this account for ages, simply bc I don’t use tumblr much. HOWEVER I have been very active in mystic messenger communities on amino and tiktok for a long time. This idea is something that means a lot to me, and I have done before but has been dying out for a long time now. I’m making this post because I wish to find ACTIVE Mm role players who will be interested in doing something like this. But I need several people to make it work!!! There will be an audition process upon entering the amino. BUT DONT WORRY LOL, this is just to make sure that you have an understanding of the cannon that you wish to play as. We wouldn’t want a Jumin who goes “Hehe *smoochies ur forehead* I luv uuuu uwu” OK BC THAT JUST- that isn’t juMIN- LOL. So yeah! Even if you’re an Mc btw, you still need an audition simply to make sure you take it seriously but it will be much more laid back than say- a cannon audition. (Not that cannon auditions are hard either lol. It will be easy, and I do not judge.) more will be explained to you though once you enter!!!!
I do ask that you be 14+ This is because Mystic messenger is a heavy game especially in bad endings and the idea of anyone younger than 14 is a little uncomfortable- this is just preference. When you ask to enter the amino, state in the box you’ll be given what character you plan on auditioning for, and why you want to join!!!! I HOPE I SEE YOU THERE BABES!!!! It’ll be fun and active.
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solitary-darling · 5 years
Regarding your fic, my vote goes for my dear Saeran ♥
❤️ good choice !!!
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solitary-darling · 5 years
Which MM character would YOU like to see with this one??
Okay okay, how would you guys feel about a reader insert entire Fic (not sure how many chapters/parts there will be yet, it’ll probably be pretty long and I’ll update as often as I can!) About a Princess (you) tired of her daily life. Everyday is the same, and there’s soooo many rules to follow and all that stuff. WELL one day she finds a phone in her garden, where she gets the chance to talk to someone online. This person (Saeran) Gives her intstructions on how to sneak out, and bring her somewhere classified. (Where she goes depends on the character y’all want. Either Mint Eye building or Rfa apartment) where she will begin chatting with members of the RFA and start a romance story with someone. NOW my question to you is: who do you want to see as your love interest for this story? I will do anyone, but the ones I had most in mind were: Ray/Saeran, V, Jumin, or Seven. But I’ll also do Zen, or Yoosung or even Jaehee If that’s the most popular vote! Up to you guys, let me know either on this post or in my ask box.
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solitary-darling · 5 years
God 707, I haven’t messaged in you a long while. Just wanted to let you know that even though we haven’t talked I have missed you. I’m sorry for not messaging, hopefully you can forgive me!
Ooohh, a loyal fan! Hehe, I’m just kidding. Kind of. I’ve missed you too, honey~ I also apologize T_T I’ve taken a long break from this app so I could focus on my work and uGH it’s! Been! So! Hard!!! So, I forgive you. Tell me what you’ve been up to!! I’m sure I’ve missed a lot of exciting stuff!
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solitary-darling · 6 years
((I'm happy school was canceled for you! And I hope that you will be able to warm yourself somehow, maybe with blankets and hot chocolate, or tea, whatever you prefer? It would be soft, warm and comfy!)) I found a kitten, her mother or siblings were nowhere near and I do have some supplies for handfeeding, but the baby should get checked. I'm actually impressed the little one is still alive, it's freezing outside. I-I hope it's okay for you if we adopt it! Look at how cute the kitten is!
((I have a heated blanket but there is only so much it can do. But, I am 100% a tea drinker! Warm leaf water gets me goin.))
Oh! Gahh, okay yeah, that is too cute. Of course I can’t say no! Vanderwood is going to need a pay raise I suppose..but maybe I can sweet talk my way out of that~ haha, what do you want to name it?
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solitary-darling · 6 years
Hi, Saeyoung.❤️ ... Lately I’ve been thinking about the statement, “I love you to the moon and back”. And you know. It’s 238,900 miles to the moon from earth. That means it’s 477,800 miles to the moon and back. ~I love you 477,800 miles~. But what exactly does that mean? I think it means my love is strong enough to fuel a spaceship 477,800 miles. Which is sweet, sure. But then the true question becomes, if you have enough fuel to get to the moon, why would you want to come back...?
Ah, you’re quite the smart cookie, I see!!! You’ve found fault in my romance!! Hmm. I guess the only logical explanation is the fact that I have responsibilities here. It’s kinda..like a vacation. While you may want to stay in your fancy hotel in a foreign country for the rest of your days, thinking how beautiful and perfect life could be there, the reality is, if you stay there, it won’t be a vacation anymore. Eventually you’d have to start a job there, in order to pay for food and living space. As well as the fact that it would become boring after a while, no matter how much you originally want it.
So I guess my answer is, that I want to love the moon and space for as long as I live! Like how our space station wedding will feel much more special and memorable if we don’t stay forever. We can build a beautiful life here on Earth, too!!
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solitary-darling · 6 years
I'm home Saeyoung~! *walks into his direction, jacket still on and a bag in one had, with the other she holds something bundled up under her jacket* I think we need to visit Yoosung tomorrow, how are you? ((Hiya admin! How are you?))
Ahh, hello! Before I answer your question, I have a couple of my own. But first, mind if I ask you what you’re hiding, there~?
((Admin is good, thank you for asking. But it’s very cold out today! Wind chill is apparently -30, so school was cancelled. But the heat inside isn’t working too well. Oof.))
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solitary-darling · 6 years
RFA + V + Saeran: Mornings with them:
(Heya, admin here! I don’t have any hc requests or anything yet (I do have one Jumin scenario request in the works but other than that, nothin) so I just want to show you guys what I can do! Also I had inspo for this. Enjoy!)
* You’re always the first one to wake up.
* On days when he doesn’t have class, he will actually sleep until 2 in the afternoon.
* So of course, you gotta wake him up before he sleeps the whole ass day away.
* “Yoosung, wake up!”
* “Gahhh, it’s too early...five more minutes, please...”
* Bitch
* “Yoosung. It’s 2 in the afternoon.”
* Little bean jumps out of bed.
* “Oh no! Did I actually sleep that late? I wanted to spend the day with you!”
* Scrambles to get ready, but literally you guys usually just end up cuddling while watching a movie, or playing games with each other.
* He will also make you both breakfast!!
* He tries so hard to have a regular sleeping pattern. But, he’s a night owl, so he doesn’t get up the earliest sometimes.
* Yet, most of the time he wakes up before you.
* He tells himself he’s gonna let you sleep because you just look so! Cute!
* But no more than five seconds later he’s covering your face with sweet little kisses and wakes you up.
* “Ah, sorry (Y/N)...I couldn’t help myself. You just looked so adorable.”
* You’re quick to forgive him though. After all, who can say no to that pretty face.
* Like Yoosung, he’ll be making breakfast for the both of you. But you always like to sneak your arms around his waist from behind while he cooks.
* He’ll giggle a little bit, before spinning you around to give you a proper kiss.
* Morning showering together, save that water bitch
* she’s always up so early.
* You walk out into the living room, and the smell of her freshly brewed coffee fills the air.
* “Jaehee, how long have you been up?”
* Most of the time she won’t answer directly because she doesn’t want you to worry, so she’ll just shrug and pat the seat beside her.
* You sit next to her, offering support and any help she needs.
* Looking at the time, she still has a little while before she’s off to work, so you guys watch a musical to start the day.
* It always makes her so happy. She believes if the morning starts out positive it sets up the rest of her day to be positive, too.
* That isn’t the case at work with Jumin but she can dream.
* You never feel him getting out of bed, but if he’s there or not you always have breakfast in bed. Sometimes given by him directly, or if he’s running late he will have his chef make it for you.
* The most common breakfast is strawberry pancakes with a cup of your favorite tea. Although sometimes he likes to give you a big plate of your favorite freshly cut fruit, because he wants to make sure you’re staying healthy.
* But when he is there when you wake up, it’s always a good morning.
* He’ll play some soft, beautiful music in the back ground, and if it’s cold outside he’ll turn on the fireplace (I assume he has one idk tho) and you guys will just cuddle with Elizabeth 3rd.
* Honestly, I genuinely believe Jumin is down to take either a shower or bath together in the mornings.
* Not even necessarily sexually, I mean, obviously he likes to see you, but he thinks it’s good for bonding.
* You literally never know with him.
* Sometimes you’ll wake up cuddling each other and he’ll give you a soft kiss on the forehead.
* Others he’ll wake you up with a prank.
* “HAHAHAA! YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE!!! Oh man, that’s funny. Good morning, honeyyyyy!”
* You’re gonna kill him.
* But no, sometimes you guys actually try and make breakfast together! When he’s not working and living off of HBC that is.
* Of course the breakfast usually sucks.
* Or it turns into some sort of intense food fight
* He takes those too far tho
* And poor little Saeran will walk in the kitchen to flour or eggs everywhere and just walk out so he doesn’t have to deal with you guys.
* So! Many! Kisses!
* Like Zen, he likes to wake you up with soft kisses on your face.
* He always reminds you that you’re his angel, and he’ll rub small circles on your upper arm or thigh in the mornings until you guys actually get out of bed.
* I feel like you’re the one who will be mainly making the breakfast, but he likes to help you in any way he can, or he’ll at least keep you company. (If you’re sick though or just don’t feel like it, he’s the one makin it, it just might not be as good.)
* He does like to try and take pictures of you in the morning while you’re bare faced with messy hair.
* He thinks that version of you is the most real, the most pure and beautiful. Of course you’re beautiful to him always, but when you think you look like a ratted up grease fest, he thinks you’re perfect.
* When you guys eventually do get ready, he likes to take a long walk with you to start the day. Sometimes with his camera, others he just wants to walk hand in hand.
* Not a morning person.
* Definitely not a morning person.
* He is literally so grumpy in the mornings, but he tries to be as nice to you as possible.
* However, if Saeyoung messes with him, or really, even talks to him before noon he will not be having any of it.
* He doesn’t like to admit it, but he loves morning cuddles with you.
* Usually you initiate those, but on some occasions he will.
* Ice cream for breakfast? He tries at least. He likes having sweet things for breakfast!
* Loves cloud watching in the mornings.
* When it’s not freezing out, you two will grab a big blanket and lay it in the grass outside, and just lay there, looking up at the sky.
* He definitely likes when you guys say what shapes you see in the clouds, too.
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solitary-darling · 6 years
What do you prefer; Waffles or Pancakes?
Ahh, that’s tough!!! I guess...I love pancakes when I’m not the one cooking them. Waffles are easier to not burn. God7 ain’t got the time.
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solitary-darling · 6 years
I know you like cats the most, but would you be opposed to petting a bunch of energetic cownose rays?
Bring them to me. I want to love them.
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solitary-darling · 6 years
Hey Seven! You'd be perfect for fostering kitten; you'd get to keep the kittens until they're adopted!!! win win, cats but no commitment
Ahh, that’s genius!!! Sadly, Vanderwood would still kill me..gah, one day though!!
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solitary-darling · 6 years
If you were to adopt a cat, would it be an adult cat in need of a new owner or a kitten?
Every single cat in the world. Lol, uh no, probably the adult cat! He needs some sweet seven lovin >_
But I’ll accept a kitten any day as well
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solitary-darling · 6 years
what’s your opinion on worms? i personally think theyre valid and doing their best i support them
Yes!! Once I let a worm crawl up my arm. His cute little trail of mucus was amazing! 10/10 would recommend befriending.
His name was Benson and I hope he is still doing good >_
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solitary-darling · 6 years
Seven! What do you do when you're not hacking into some system or in general working? Do you have any hobbies? ✌✨
Ah~ funny you ask!! I’ve actually been on the hunt for some cool hobbies. Sadly, I haven’t found much yet!! what was supposed to be a pretty painting of a cow, ended up looking like a small oddly burnt marshmallow. Maybe I haven’t looked hard enough though! Who knows, knitting with the local grannies might be my calling! Watch out world, pro knitter Seven Zero Seven with his army of grannies is coming!
Oh! And gaming. I like to play games, lol.
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solitary-darling · 6 years
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Hello hello hellooooo my lovelies 💋 ‘tis I, Seven Zero Seven!! Your hero, your favorite hacker, your one and only~ lololol, I made this account so I could have fun with everyone!! So! Exciting!!!! >_<
(Anddddd Admin here, hello!!! As you can see this account is going to be basically a rp I guess? Butttt, I will not ONLY be acting as your one and only 707 (answering questions as him, talking to you as him, rps, whatever y’all want) bUT wait, there’s more, I will ALSO be writing!! I can do headcanons, scenarios, one shots, whatever y’all want. And!! It can be any and all characters (although, mild warning, I might not be able to do vanderwood too well bc I don’t think I’ve ever tried him. But you might know me from a previous account @longcat707 I have some imagines there for all characters :)) so! There you have it. I will be playing as seven as well as taking writing requests so PLEASE send some in. Admin OUT)
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