solitarydemise Β· 4 months
Rock in Heaven
!Rockstar Eddie Munson x !Rockstar Reader
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Summary:You are one of the founders of Corroded Coffin,you and Eddie were high school sweethearts. Even though you break up, you did not disband the band and you are one of the most famous metal bands in the world. But Eddie ain't the same
Warnings:Alcohol problems,drugs,anger,angst, ex-lovers,hopeless romantics,making out.
You've been thinking about leaving the band for a while and going solo or forming another band. Because the last 2 years Eddie had become unbearable. This wasn't a surprise because almost every rock and metal band ended up this way. Disagreements,an alcoholic idiot and bam, the band breaks up. You and Eddie were together for almost 4 years in high school. You broke up during the band's debut year, but you both decided to continue. You were still madly in love with him, but he was different, a difference you wouldn't accept. Maybe you've just grown up, but you would give anything to go back to those high school days. You were the bass player for Corroded Coffin and fans loved you. No one knew that you and Eddie were dating before, but fans never stopped shipping you. Some people argued that you were just bandmates.You never revealed this because you didn't want to bring love intrigues to the band,media loved the drama. But there was definitely still emotional and sexual tension between you and Eddie. Sometimes you would suddenly start kissing and making love, and the next day act like nothing happened. Eddie betrayed you many times, if that counts as betrayal.He had been with so many people after you, none of them were proper relationships, but he had become a complete man whore. It's like he wanted to poke you in the eye. Your heart was broken after Eddie and you didn't even betray his absence. The magazine pages even thought you were a lesbian. You had become a quieter person than usual lately. Eddie was hurting you more than usual, which made you impatient with everything in your daily life even less. There was a strange coldness between you and Eddie. When you broke up, you promised to stay friends and not ruin anything because of your old relationship, but Eddie wasn't keeping his promise. He was constantly arguing with you in the studio, at rehearsal and at home. Eddie was in the mood for victory, but he was also really drunk all the time. The scent of cigarettes and whiskey had replaced the beautiful scent of his hair. He was doing drugs and becoming a very spoiled person, doing nothing but treating his band members like shit. You were completely losing Eddie now. You came to England for a concert. This was the last place of the world tour, you released your new album "Upside Down World" 2 months ago. You had already talked about this with the other members, but you still hadn't told Eddie that you wanted to leave the band.When you went to your hotel on the evening of the UK concert, you left your room and knocked on Gareth's door. Gareth opened the door and you smiled slightly, "Hey, I wonder if you could come with me to Eddie's room?" you cleared your throat. "I don't want to talk to him alone" Gareth quickly nodded β€œOf course.” He grabbed his jacket from the side and left the roo. Gareth looked at you as we walked down the corridor together. "It really sucks you know?" You looked at Gareth and raised your eyebrows slightly. Gareth smiled slightly "You were my favorite person in this band" you both giggled "You were like a mother to us from the very beginning,it will be really fucked up without you" Your smile slowly faded away and you pressed your lips together "I'm sorry." Gareth quickly added "No it's okay, I agree with you." He cleared his throat "I can understand you." When you got to Eddie's room, you looked at Gareth "I'm not dead, I'll still be your mother." You smiled and knocked on Eddie's door. After a few seconds you knocked harder on the door and Eddie looked at the two of you when he opened the door. There was definitely someone inside "We need to talk". you said. "Actually, I'm not very available right now," Eddie smiled. You were starting to get nervous, you pushed Eddie away and walked in and looked at the girl on the bed. β€œPlease,tell your friend to go Eddie, we're going to talk about the band.” You were starting to feel nauseous as the girl was packing her things in a hurry, you didn't take your eyes off the floor even for a second until she left.
After the door closed, you looked at Eddie. Just looking at him made you angry. You were so angry that you gave up making the polite speech you had in mind. "I'm leaving the band". Eddie paused as he poured whiskey into his glass and looked at you. β€œExcuse me?” You crossed your arms "I'm not a member of Corroded Coffin anymore". Eddie started to laugh and looked at Gareth "You're joking right?". Gareth licked his lips "Okay,let's just sit and talk,okay?". Eddie was starting to get angry. "No, fuck that!. What does this mean now?!". You've been putting up with Eddie for so long that it's getting on your nerves "I said I'm leaving the band, I'm not asking anything to you" Eddie looked at you "What happened?It's only been a few months since we released the album and the world fucking liked it. What is it don't you like?!". "You!". you said. You continued angrily "You,Eddie, have become such an annoying person that I can't stand you anymore. You prefer to fuck girls instead of coming to rehearsals and all you do is-". He laughed "So you're just jealous". You frowned, "I'm not fucking jealous, we all have our limits. You're obnoxious to everyone and you're just a spoiled brat." Eddie sneered. β€œAm I spoiled? You're the one who's unenthusiastic about everything and doesn't know how to live the life you have.” He laughed "Who am I kidding? Miss don't care,you were always like this" When the topic started to get specific, Gareth left the room and you were staring at Eddie without even blinking. He was starting to break your heart "You're proving to me that I made the right decision" Eddie laughed and took a step towards you "A right decision? I saved your life, I saved you from that dump and that's what you're telling me". You laughed angrily and pushed Eddie lightly. "Don't fuckin-" you continued laughing with hysteria "That's your problem! You act like you did everything but you ain't shit Eddie!" Eddie wasn't expecting this. His face fell and he swallowed, "You didn't save my life, you fucked it up and yes,I was always like this. Miss nothing,Miss don't care". Eddie looked at you for a few seconds "I didn't mean tha-". You laughed "I don't fucking care Eddie. I'll never be good enough
You make me wanna die!" Eddie looked away. "Sometimes I wish I never started this fucking band and that the Eddie I loved had never left." As you vented your anger, your sadness came out. Your eyes filled with tears and you looked at Eddie. "Where the fuck did he go? Just tell me. He's the all I need." Eddie looked at you "Sweetheart,I'm right here". You shook your head "No…" you started crying "No, no". You closed your eyes for a few seconds "You don't understand…". Was there any point in talking more or breaking hearts? You sniffled and looked at Eddie with teary eyes. β€œGoodbye Eddie.” Eddie called after you as you left the room, but you walked out of the room without listening to him. "FUCK!" Eddie threw the whiskey bottle against the wall with anger, shards of glass were flying around. Eddie sat on the bed and covered his face with his hands. Of course he was aware, he was no longer the same as before because he found comfort in this state. He didn't want anything to remind him that he was a town freak. He missed you so much, more than anything. But he knew that nothing would ever be the same, he didn't even dare to tell you how much he loved you. Any woman he's been with or fucked couldn't be replaced with you.None of them were as beautiful as your smile.
It had been two months and that was the last time Eddie saw you. Your record company announced that you were leaving the band and fans went crazy. Many rumors were spread. The papparazis wouldn't leave you or the boys alone. You were continuing your career with another band. You've already released 2 singles. As soon as it released,boys listened to it together in the studio.
"And I don't know where I've been
And I don't know what I'm into
And I don't know what I've done to me"
And as I watch you disappear into the ground
My one mistake was that I never let you down
So I'll waste my time and I'll burn my mind
On miss nothing, miss everything"
Gareth turned his gaze to Eddie when he heard the lyrics. He knew exactly what you were talking about in the song. Eddie was listening to the song, focused on the ground without reacting. In your other song,the lyrics hurt more, almost everything that happened in your last conversation was included in there. Although millions of people listened to this,only two people knew what they were talking about. Eddie and you. In the interviews,they only asked questions about you. Eddie chose not to respond, but you just said there were disagreements. Months passed, your name was being chanted every time at Corroded Coffin concerts. You were telling the media that you were still friends and there were no problems, but that was a big lie. It was impossible for you to ever get together with Eddie again. Until 3 months later. Corroded Coffin was MTV nominated. Even though you didn't want to go, Gareth insisted. Anyway, the album you were featured in was nominated. You wanted this night to end quickly. While you were sitting in the hotel room, your manager came in, you looked at her "Let's go, the car is ready." The car that was going to take the band to the ceremony area had arrived. You were going to see Eddie for the first time in months. You weren't sure if you were excited or scared. When the driver opened the car door, you looked at the kids and smiled, "Hey." "Well hello queen" Gareth smiled quickly. You giggled and grabbed the hem of your dress "I'm not sure my dress will fit there." When you tried to take a step in,Eddie got out and grabbed the long skirt of your dress and helped you get in. You let out a sigh of relief as you sat down, "Thanks." Jeff smiled "You look so beautiful." You smiled and fixed your hair "Shut up." This was your way of saying thank you. Eddie sat right across from you and you leaned back as the car start. Even though you tried hard not to look at Eddie, he couldn't take his eyes off you. "So how's the band" Eddie said. You looked at him and sighed, "Great." you cleared your throat "Yours?" Eddie looked at you for a few seconds β€œIt's kind of hard when the fans only want our old bassist.” Jeff quickly jumped in. "Of course, we're going to the awards ceremony right now, so that's fine." It wasn't a good place to argue with Eddie. Even though you told yourself you didn't even want to look at Eddie, who were you kidding? He was so hot in that suit. When you stood in front of the red carpet, everyone fixed their positions "Okay, help me when I get off I don't want to step on my dressand fall." When everyone got out of the car, you were the last one. Eddie looked at you and you looked at him for a few seconds,held out his hand and got out of the car. Your long black dress looked great on you and Eddie couldn't stop thinking about it. When the fans saw you, their screams became even louder. Flashbulbs were blasting at you and Eddie. After a few seconds, you came to your senses and let go of Eddie's hand. You turned to the cameras. As you slowly made your way towards the entrance,you had just realized how much you missed the sound of your name being shouted. When you entered the main place you looked around and said as you moved to the table reserved for you. "How many hours will this take? I feel like I'm going to throw up already." Eddie giggled.Usually,all of you would be high at every awards ceremony or interview. You would make fun about everything and talk nonsense. This time it wasn't like that, everyone was sober because no one was having fun. If it continued like this, Corroded Coffin might fall apart without you, and you were all aware of it. Hours passed. You didn't even care when other people were talking, you just drank alcohol and talked about the other things. Meanwhile, Eddie was constantly looking at you and trying to talk to you. Suddenly,your band's name echoed when it was time for the next reward. The Best Heavy Metal/Hard Rock Artist of the Year award was yours.
You all stood up to applause and walked to the stage. The presenter handed the award to Eddie, and when the applauses died down, Eddie leaned into the microphone "Good evening." Eddie smiled proudly and bit his lower lip. "It is a great source of pride for me that the band I formed with my friends in high school has reached this point. Thank you to everyone who has supported us all this time. Especially the lady next to me, who has been a mother to three idiots and has never lacked support until now...Thank you." When the applauses rose again, Eddie looked at you with a smile on his face and you tried not to cry "Don't!". Eddie held up the award in his hand "We love you!" Gareth put his arm around your shoulder and you were trying hard not to cry. Everyone stood up and applauded you. Eddie hugged you and closed his eyes "I love you" You actually started to cry with what Eddie said. Gareth and Jeff then hugged the two of you. While you were having a family cuddling the flashes were pointing at you again. You thought it would be a night full of fights and arguments, but on the contrary, after a long time you were together as before. You had truly become family to each other again. When you got back to the hotel, you were all a little drunk. You were bumping into things in the hallway, breaking vases and waking people up. While you were trying to be quiet, you were actually making the loudest noise in the hotel. The security guard looked at the four of you "Excuse me!" When you saw the security guard Eddie shouted "Run!". While you were running after Eddie, you took off your high heels, threw them in a corner, and continued running, holding your dress not to fall, you were laughing. It was the first time in a long time that you felt this happy, the first time in a long time you were this alive. Eddie grabbed your arm and pulled you into the other hallway, making you lose track. You were out of breath. β€œDo you think we're safe now?” You looked down the hallway and when you got behind the wall again Eddie was standing right at the foot of it. There was no trace of his previous self, he was not laughing or smiling. He was just looking at you. You looked at him "What?" Eddie looked into your eyes "I miss you". Yes, it definitely wasn't a surprise, you knew you would have this conversation eventually. You paused for a few seconds and sighed "I miss you too." Eddie looked at you sadly. How could he manage to upset you every time, that's why he hated himself "I'm sorry". You didn't have an answer for that, it wasn't something you could just say forget about it. Eddie broke your heart so much,too many times. You cleared your throat and looked around "I don't think this is the right time to talk about these-" Eddie pulled you close and connected your lips. You didn't reject his kiss. God, you missed him so much. When you pulled back after a few seconds, Eddie just looked into your eyes, he just looked at you with sad eyes, "I love you." You put your hand on Eddie's cheek "I love you." You started kissing again and Eddie put his hands on your hips. After a while, there was a camera flash and you both pulled back. "What was that?" Eddie looked around "I don't know." You both knew your photo was taken, but you didn't know where it was taken. Eddie looked at you "I hope my hair looked nice" You laughed at what Eddie said and the worried look on your face instantly disappeared.
Eddie grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the elevator. As soon as the door closed, you started kissing again. You were taking out your aggression towards each other by kissing. When you got to Eddie's room, you closed the door behind you and continued kissing Eddie hard. While you were kissing,you were undressing each other. What was happening now? You suddenly realized that you were in a scenario that was always repeated. You would argue,then your love for each other would show up and the next day you would continue as if nothing had happened. You didn't want that to happen this time. Eddie was on top of you on the bed, you paused and looked at him, "Are we going to continue acting like friends tomorrow?" Eddie looked into his eyes "Never.". With Eddie's answer, you started kissing him again and let him take off your clothes.
The next morning,somebody was knocking you door as hard as he can. Eddie opened his eyes and looked at the clock on the wall. "What the fuck? Come in!" The band's manager entered the room and quickly turned his head to the floor when he saw the two of you in bed. "Jesus Christ." Gareth quickly walked in and looked at the ceiling just as quickly. "Oh my God, not again." Eddie looked at them "What the fuck do you want?". You looked at the two of them, wrapped in the duvet. Your manager, Tom, threw the newspaper in on the bed. "Everyone knows now." Eddie took the newspaper and laughed when he saw the photo of you two "My hair looks nice." You laughed at what Eddie said and looked at Tom. Tom paused and looked at the two of you "So what? That didn't worry you?" Eddie frowned and leaned back on the bed. "Why would I? It's just a picture of me and my girlfriend kissing." Gareth stopped looking at the ceiling and quickly turned to Eddie "Are you kidding me? Then why did you lie for years?!". Eddie picked up the lighter and threw it at Gareth. "Because we wanted to, get out!" You giggled and hugged Eddie around the waist as Tom and Gareth walked out muttering "Girlfriend,huh?". Eddie looked at you "You got a problem with that princess?" You giggled "No pookie". Eddie laughed and kissed your cheek "Don't call me that you weirdo."
Tag list,hope you don't mind!!
@ali-r3n @marshmallowgem @rcailleachcola @seatnights @melodymunson @rainylana @eddies-puppet @mdurdenpitt @mmunsonsthings @prettyboyeddiemunson @prettgirk @missonlypost @rcailleachcola
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solitarydemise Β· 4 months
Black Mary Jane's |P.t2
!EddieMunson x !FemReader
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Summary:Eddie unintentionally breaks your heart because of your friends' insistence.Even though he loves you,he will be punished for pretending otherwise.
Warnings:Jealousy,kissing,making out(It's not 1986). I never liked cheerleaders my entire school life and I really can't like Chrissy. I'm sorry, I can't make her a good character in any of my fics.
Part 1 is here!
You hadn't talked to Eddie for days after your last argument. Weeks,and almost 1 month. You were really heartbroken and exhausted,you didn't talk to your friends and immediately went home after classes. What Eddie said was confusing you, no matter how much you loved Eddie you didn't trust him and all this time he just only broked your heart. You desperately wanted to kiss him, but at the same time the possibility that he might cheat on you was too high for you. Eddie was the sweetest boy you've ever met,but you had been friends for years and you had witnessed his relationships with many people. He wasn't loverboy, he wasn't going to be for you from now on either. Isn't it?Loving someone was a big thing for you, you couldn't trust anyone because you learned that from the people around you. Even the best person you knew could turn into a stranger, you didn't have the courage to lean on anyone. You couldn't trust Eddie, maybe you were still fooling yourself. You missed Eddie being a total clown to you,telling jokes and flirting with you sometimes. You missed all of these,but every time you missed him,you remembered how upset Eddie made you. You were in a terrible dilemma. He was in front of you everywhere, in the hallway, in the classroom, in the cafeteria and you made eye contact with him everytime. Whenever you had hope to Eddie,he'd start talking to Chrissy again. Going back to her like he hadn't told you how beautiful you were the night before. You were the girl Eddie always flirted with and gave hope to,but at the same time you were just his "friend" if asked. Another Monday, while you were lingering in front of your school locker,Nancy smiled at you "Hey." you looked at her "Hey" Your voice wasn't even coming out at all. Nancy played with her bracelet "You look beautiful today" you smiled softly "I didn't even do my makeup" she giggled "This is why you look beautiful". She was definitely going to ask something "Are tou coming to the concert this weekend?" You looked at her "What concert?" You definitely knew what concert it was but you didn't say anything. It was the Corroded Coffin concert. Eddie's been waiting for this for a long time. He cared very much about the group and kept saying that one day the whole world would hear about them. But they hadn't even been able to perform in town yet. So it was time,Corroded Coffin on the stage. You knew they were performing at a local bar, but you weren't sure if you wanted to go. If Eddie and you hadnt argument about a shitty thing, you'd definitely be the first person there. But you didn't want to be there. "Do you think I'm needed? I'm sure Chrissy will be there." Nancy rolled her eyes. 'Stop it, are you still on that?' you didn't answer and tried to stay calm. You were sensitive about Eddie and your friends would keep saying that it was unnecessary because you were worrying about it and you would only get angrier. This is why you didn't talk with them like you did to Eddie.
You were still heartbroken about this and it wasn't going to get better unless you talked to Eddie, so you refused to talk about it with your friends.When you entered French class, you sat in your usual seat and Eddie, a few rows in front of you, turned around and looked at you. You looked at him for a few seconds and turned back to your book. Chrissy and her friends were looking at you and laughing among themselves as usual. Ugh, you hated them. You never buy their girls girl lie.Because you knew very well how rude they actually were. Maybe Eddie had an influence on this, no matter what, you didn't like them or the others. When the teacher started the lesson, you opened your notebook and took out your homework. Eddie didn't do his homework as always, he usually always copied your homework.Your French homework was to prepare a topic and make a presentation about it in French. You chose MΓΆtley Crue, one of your favorite bands. In the middle of the presentation, the things Chrissy said to her friends and her annoying giggles were starting to annoy you. You were like a bomb ready to explode for 1 month and you couldn't stand it anymore. "Do you even know a single fucking thing about them?". Everyone, including Chrissy, suddenly fell silent. Since she didn't answer you, you continued, "Then why are you still talking?" teacher looked at you "That's enough,sit back down" You rolled your eyes and walked back to your place without even protesting. Chrissy knew well that Eddie and you weren't talking. Of course she would talk about this as leverage. You were trying hard not to attack her. "You're barking at everyone like a spoiled puppy," Chrissy stopped playing with her ponytail and looked at you "Excuse me?". You looked at her "Like everytime you start talking,I think to myself 'Who the fuck does this girl think she is?'" you laughed "You are so fucking boring". Teacher yelled "Get out of my class!" You were expelled from class too many times in 1 month. You were more angry and aggressive than ever. You stood up without a care and mumbled as you grabbed your bag, "Whatever." You looked at Eddie as walked out of the classroom, seeing Eddie's grin.Dickhead. He must have liked it when two girls were fighting over him. Chrissy's facial expression was enough for you. Only the men who fucked her were telling lies to her, and in this way she was trying to keep her self-confidence high. You destroyed it with a few words. You continued walking down the hall and realized you couldn't handle the next classes so you decided to go home.
The next day,while you were in the cafeteria by yourself. Nancy hurriedly came to you "Did you argued with Nancy?!" You frowned "Calm down,you're acting like I killed her" Robin laughed and took one of the grapes from the plate, "I wish." You looked at Nancy "She was being a complete idiot as always, I couldn't take it anymore". Nancy took a deep breath and said, "It's not about that girl, you're getting too much detention. You can get suspended." You shrugged, β€œWhatever.” Nancy rolled her eyes. β€œYou keep saying that. Look, I know you don't want to talk about this, but this is Eddie.” she laughed and looked at you β€œOur Eddie,the town freak. Maybe you're overestimating him.” You looked at Nancy and put down the fork in your hand. "Actually, everyone was underestimating himr,but I don't think highly of her. At least not anymore." Nancy looked at you quickly, "Great, that's what I'm talking about. Don't you think you should get yourself back together bit?" You looked at Nancy and grabbed your tray, "I'll get it together if you guys stop being annoying." You paused and turned your gaze to Robin "Who said I was arguing with Chrissy?". When the answer was 'Eddie' you wanted to ask more about him. What was he talking about you? Did he even care about what happened between of two of you?. You cleared your throat with the things that came to your mind and turned to the girls, "See you on Saturday, maybe." When you walked away Robin and Nancy were looking at each other with a sly smile "Should we tell Eddie?" Robin paused "Should we?"
They didn't tell Eddie. Until Saturday,Nancy and Robin always asked you the same question, you never gave them a definitive answer. Because you were still stuck between going and not going. Would Chrissy be there too? Maybe Eddie wouldn't even care about you. You were thinking about these things even while applying your lipstick in front of the mirror. You continued to think about these things until you got to the concert line. You could come back home at any time. When Nancy saw you she quickly hugged you "You're here!". you smiled and hugged Nancy. Robin looked around and eyed Nancy and herself. "Don't you think we're a little too colorful for here?" You giggled and adjusted the collar of Robin's jacket, "A little bit." Robin looked at you and raised her eyebrows, "You look way too hot." Nancy smiled and looked at Robin "Because there are people she needs to make jealous." You frowned "No!". They both looked at you with the same expression and you cleared your throat "Well,okay maybe but shut up". It was about twenty minutes until the door opened and you were too excited. Even though it wasn't hot, you were sweating in your leather jacket. You were stressed out. It wasn't a very big venue, would he see you from the crowd? Fuck, you were thinking so much. You were engrossed in conversation with your friends and didn't even notice that the line was slowly moving forward. Gareth was tuning his guitar when you walked in. The stage was slightly higher than the ground. They were doing soundcheck. All you can think about was Eddie.Gareth smiled slightly when he saw you and you smiled back. You were so nervous. But why?Soon enough, when Eddie came on stage you quickly turned your gaze towards him, you were standing a little further back in the crowd, you didn't want to be right in front of the stage. Eddie's excitement was evident in his eyes, or maybe you were the only one who could read it.When the song started, Eddie fixed his guitar strap and glanced around,that was the moment he saw you.You had a stern expression on your face, but deep down the sight of you making eye contact was burning your heart. Eddie smiled slightly and lowered his head. It looked like he wanted to hide his shy smile. They had a forty-minute stage time, during which time you never took your eyes off Eddie. He also looked at you often and continued to sing and play his guitar while looking into your eyes. His bangs sticking to his forehead because he was sweating, his arms veined from playing the guitar, his facial expressions were making your heart beat faster. They were reminding you one by one how much you loved him. You smiled as everyone cheered them on with applause and you did the same with the crowd. You were proud of him,the image in front of him was part of his dreams and it was your greatest duty to support him. Eddie leaned into the microphone and brushed his bangs away from his forehead β€œThank you Hawkins,I appreciate it.” "Corroded fuckinf Coffin!" a boy yelled as he can and Eddie laughed,he pointed at him "Hell yeah" Eddie pressed the guitar pedal and held the microphone. "Before we end the night,I one more song for you." He looked at you when he said "You", you couldn't be wrong. Eddie and the other band members whispered among themselves and started playing again. It had a slower guitar riff than other songs. You couldn't stop looking at Eddie as he sang the song. His facial expressions made you fall in love with him again and again. He was puckering his eyebrows and closing his eyes, his forehead was sweating and he was licking his lips. "Soft lips are open,knuckles are pale" he looked at you again "Feels like you're dying,you're dying" You felt like you were out of breath. It felt like the entire crowd had disappeared around you. "You!" he closed his eyes "Your sex is on fire"
When the song ended your legs were shaking, Eddie and the other band members were saying goodbye to the audience. You didn't even hear what they even said. They were going backstage, you tried to find your friends in the crowd. But it definitely felt like your mind wasn't working,you felt drunk but you hadn't had a drop of alcohol. When someone put a hand on your shoulder, you looked back and breathed a sigh of relief when you saw Steve. You took his hand and walked out of the bar and it felt so much better to feel the oxygen more clearly. You looked at Steve "Where are the girls?". Steve shrugged "I don't know, they'll be back soon" Steve looked at you and frowned "Are you okay? Your face is pale". You nodded and fixed your hair "Yes, I'm fine" you exhaled deeply and smiled "It was very hot in there." A few minutes later,Robin and Nancy arrived. While the three of them were talking about something, your gaze was constantly wandering around, your eyes were searching for Eddie. Soon, as like your mind had been read, Eddie came up to you. While the others were showering him with praise, you just stared at Eddie, who occasionally glanced at you as if he was waiting for you to say something. "You guys were blast, it was brutal". Eddie smiled warmly and looked at you "Thank you, by the way uh…" he cleared his throat "I'm glad you came." You smiled and shook your head. Three of them were looking at two of you and there was an awkward silence. Eddie noticed this "I'm going backstage, I need to change. I'm fucking sweating" After Eddie went backstage,you continued chatting in front of the bar. A few minutes later when Gareth, Jeff and Doug came out, you looked around and looked at Nancy. "I'll be right back." You entered the venue again and tried to figure out where the backstage was. Finally figuring out where you were, you looked around and knocked on the door. "Come in" you heard Eddie's voice from inside. When you walked in you noticed that Eddie was missing his shirt. He smiled when he saw you, "Hey." You ran your gaze over Eddie's tattoos and looked back at him, "Hey." Eddie put on his T-shirt and fixed his messy hair. You tucked your hair behind your ear and cleared your throat. You looked like you were about to start a sentence, but you didn't even know what to say. You didn't even know why you were here,you were really good at making decisions without even thinking for a second. You wet your lips and looked at Eddie "I don't know why I came, I just wanted to see you" you smiled nervously. Eddie smiled, "It's good to see you, at least to see you smiling after so long." What Eddie said made you laugh and you put your hands in your leather jackets pockets. After a small laugh, you both fell silent again. Eddie said with a small smile on his face "I really miss you doll..." "Doll" it's been a long time since you heard that,he always called you with pet names "rabbit, baby-doll,princess, little monster" You missed them all so much that you smiled slightly and looked at Eddie "I miss you too Eds". Eddie was looking at you with sad eyes. You exhaled deeply, "Look, I didn't come here to talk about these things and get you down, I just wanted to s-" Eddie shook his head "No, you made this night better. It wouldn't have been a happy enough night if you hadn't come" You paused with what Eddie said and you sat the handrest of the leather couch "Nice to hear that" Eddie approached you and stood in front of you. You lifted your head slightly so you could see his face and looked at Eddie. "I'm sorry" he said. You remained silent for a few seconds, "It's okay." "No it's not". Eddie replied quickly and looked into your eyes "Never was." he swallowed "I never planned that one day I might lose you,and I acted like a kid" You looked at Eddie and spoke in a low voice "You didn't lose me, Eddie."
Eddie looked at you and put his hand on your cheek "This month has been so rough for me,all this time the fear of opening up to you cost me this" he laughed slightly as he was angry at himself "I should've told you what you meant to me,'cause now I pay the price,I broke your heart. This is my biggest regret." Eddie's words brought tears to your eyes. You tilted your head slightly, not wanting him to see you like this again. Eddie put his hand on your chin and made you look at him "I love you." the things Eddie said made you smile even though you had tears in your eyes. You sniffled and placed your hand over Eddie's hand "I love you." Eddie seemed like he's been waiting for you to say that, and as soon as you finished your sentence, he pressed his lips to yours. You quickly placed your hands on Eddie's cheeks and kissed him back. You had been waiting for this moment for so long that you felt such hunger for it. Eddie moved his hands to your waist and held you tightly as he continued to kiss you. After a few seconds, when you broke apart to take a breath,you looked at each other and started kissing again without waiting. Eddie's hands roamed your body,your fingers tangled in his curls. When Eddie's hands went to your skirt,somebody knocked the door "Eddie they're waiting for you" Gareth said from behind the door. "Piss off!" Eddie said angrily because of the moment was interrupted. You giggled and placed a small kiss on Eddie's nose "I'll wait for you outside." Eddie quickly grabbed you from your waist. β€œNo, please.” He looked at you with his puppy ​​eyes and you giggled "We can't stay here forever" you stood up and headed towards the door, Eddie pulled you towards him and pressed you to himself "But we can stay few munites" he started kissing you again. You could feel his hardness. You giggled andgave Eddie a long kiss on the lips, "Calm down, rock star." Eddie laughed at what you said and looked at you with a smile on his face as you walked out of the room. He took a deep breath and looked at himself in the mirror, unable to stop the grin on his face. He had your lip marks on all over his face, burgundy lipstick gave you both away. Eddie didn't care about that. After you fixed your hair and clothes,you go back to your friends and Nancy immediately bombarded you with questions. You looked at her and frowned, "I was in the bathroom calm down a bit." Nancy frowned at your attitude and finally decided to mind her own business. A few minutes later, Eddie came back to with a grin that never left his face and all four of you were looking at him in surprise. There were still lipstick stains on his face. Nancy slowly turned to you and raised her eyebrows. "You were in the bathroom,weren't you?" you pressed your lips together and exhaled deeply "I'm not going to give you a definitive answer " "She was not" Eddie spoke confidently and you looked at Eddie as Steve laughed "Shut up"
People I think will like it, I hope you don't mind!!<3
Tag list: @ali-r3n @marshmallowgem @rcailleachcola @seatnights @melodymunson @rainylana @eddievanhammettmunson @mdurdenpitt @mmunsonsthings @crazyapplesgirl1q @psychotickoda
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solitarydemise Β· 4 months
Black Mary Jane's
!EddieMunson x !Femreader
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Summary:Eddie unintentionally breaks your heart because of your friends' insistence.Even though he loves you,he will be punished for pretending otherwise.
Warnings:Insecurity,heartbreak,swearing,anger,angst,Robin and reader kissing,selfish and narcissistic Eddie,flirting,jealousy.(It's not 1986)
Every Friday,with your small group of friends,Eddie, you, Nancy, Robin and Steve. Of course sometimes Dustin and Mike, who can't break away from you. You all would sit in the gymnasium in the evening after school,chat and play games. It was a Friday as always,while you and the girls were waiting for the boys, Nancy and Robin were complimenting your dress. Just then Eddie and Steve walked in. "And it has such a cute ribbon," Nancy said. You smiled "Yes, actually this wasn't there, I sewed it myself." Steve looks at you with the beers they brought "Well hello Lolita," You looked at them "You're guys late,again". As always,they were making excuses. Dustin stopped trying to throw the ball into the basket. Eddie was eyeing you like always. He knew very well that he loved you from the very beginning, but he thought that he was not the right person for you. Even though everything you love is the same. Movies, bands, activities. In fact, he was the only person you thought was right for you. There was definitely a romantic and sexual tension between you and Eddie.But it never happened, in fact you were doing so much for him but he never noticed it, or he was treating you the same way he treated everyone else and you thought it was special. Eddie was a laid-back type and very "friendly" to every girl.You all sat in a circle and decided to play spin the bottle. Only in the form of truth and dare. Everyone was doing things to challenge each other. During this time, you were always looking at Eddie sitting across from you, sometimes you made eye contact and immediately turned your head to the other side. Eddie continued to watch you. Your platform Mary Jane heels, your cute dress, the ribbon on you, the beautiful scent of your hair, the necklace on your neck reaching down to your cleavage. He would kill for you. He adored you, but the hardest thing is that he had to hide these things from you. Strangely enough, even though he was known as a freak, every girl responded to him. He could get every girl, every girl except you.
You sat on the floor with your legs crossed and thanks to your mini dress,Eddie could see your red underwear as he sat across from you. He was so focused on this that thousands of scenarios he could do with you were running through his mind. As he thought about these, he could feel his body starting to sweat. He was so focused that he didn't even notice the bottle returning to him. Steve called his name again, "Eddie?" "Yes?" he finally replied. "It's your turn". Everyone was trying to understand why Eddie was distracted. Eddie did his duty and minutes passed. The game was getting monotonous until the tip of the bottle hit you "I dare you to…Kiss Robin" Nancy said. Everyone started talking in unison. You smiled and turned to Robin "Are you okay with that?". Robin quickly straightened her position "Hell yeah!" You giggled and cleared your throat "Okay.." You turned to Robin next to you and fixed your hair. Robin looked excited, Eddie looked kinda worried.You placed your hand on Robin's cheek and started kissing her. Eddie was watching you two, oddly enough. Steve and Nancy were laughing about it and Dustin was grimacing. Eddie could feel getting hard as he watched you. This wasn't about Robin because he was just watching you. The way you held her, the control of your lips, the way your breasts were visible more when you leaned over Robin. He even imagined himself as Robin for a while. "Okay enough!You can continue this later if you want," Steve laughed. You and Robin laughed, it was weird for the boys but the three of you had done it many times at sleepovers. "Is that cherry?" Robin said and you agreed while laughing "Yes!". Cherry…Eddie had never wanted to taste Cherry this much before. He grinned and took a sip of his beer as he continued to look at you. When it was Dustin's turn, the bottle stopped at Eddie. "Truth or Dare Eddie". "Truth" Eddie always chose truth because otherwise you'd make him do terrible things. "I dare you to,admit that you like Y/N". Everyone fell silent when they heard this, their gaze quickly turning to Eddie. You were absolutely so embarrassed, your cheeks were turning red and your body was starting to burn like hell. Robin and Nancy quickly looked at you, they knew very well that you liked Eddie. Actually, everyone knew that you liked each other, but unlike you, Eddie didn't tell Steve or Dustin. "W-What" Eddie paused,feeling trapped. He would rather jump into your school pool right now than answer that question. Dustin looked at him "Admit that you like her." Eddie started to play with his rings "I don't like her." Steve looked two of you "We can spin the bottle again." Eddie looked at him "N-No I said I don't like her," Eddie sneered. "You do," Robin laughed. "He totally does" Dustin said.Eddie felt like he was sinking to the ground with their simultaneous rebuttal and your glare. "I said I don't!". Steve laughed and took a sip of his beer, "Calm down, buddy." No one believed him and they were still watching Eddie with looks that suggested otherwise. Dustin usually didn't know where to shut up "Come on, why don't you just say-"
"I said I don't fucking like her" Eddie laughed and looked at you "I mean look at her". his word felt like boiling water were been poured over your head. "She dresses like a seven year old," Eddie muttered to himself.When you heard these,there was a pain in your throat. You looked at Eddie for a few seconds and when your eyes started to fill with tears,.You stood up, picked up your bag from the floor and walked towards the exit. Everyone was surprised by what Eddie said. Eddie took things a little too seriously this time, even though he had potential with you, he threw it away because of his own ego. "That's fucked up dude," Steve said. Nancy looked at Eddie judgingly. "Why would you say something like that?" Eddie was getting more angry, but at himself. Of course, he wouldn't reveal this to anyone, "Because you are turning these into a game, you don't even take my answers seriously." Robin glared at Eddie angrily for a few seconds before standing up and following after you. Eddie couldn't even get up, tons of shame and self-loathing weighing heavily on him.The sound of your black heels echoed in the empty corridors of the school. You wiped your tears when Robin and Nancy came behind you "Y/N" Robin looked at you "Are you okay?". Even though you tried to stay tough for a few seconds, the way Robin looked at you was enough to make you cry again. Robin quickly hugged you "Robin, how I hate those guys." Your mascara was running and you didn't want Robin to stop hugging you. Nancy patted your waist and looked at you "I'm sorry,he is rude as always." You had a terrible feeling on the way home that day. Good thing tomorrow was the weekend and you didn't have to see Eddie right after that night He hasn't even called or texted you anyway. When you got home, you looked at yourself in the mirror and tried to clean up your runny make-up. You took off your shoes in anger, threw them aside, and tore off the ribbon you sewed on your dress. You spent the weekend just in your room. You were very angry and upset. So you've been deceiving yourself all this time?Why did he always have to do this? Why did Eddie disappoint you every time? This made you so angry. You could give him more love and appreciation than he wanted, but Munson always found girls who would cheat on him and make fun of him. You weren't an inadequate girl, but Eddie was making you feel inadequate. You were getting asked out almost every week, you were one of the prettiest girls in school. Eddie couldn't see it.Loving Eddie was more tiring than expected.
When Monday came, you reluctantly got ready for school, of course you were going to dress like always. What Eddie thought couldn't change your lifestyle, you weren't a weak girl. But now you really hated that dress. When you came to school, you were putting your things in your locker and you looked in that direction when you heard a voice behind you saying "Cute dress". When you saw Roger you smiled "Thanks", after he walked past Nancy looked at you and laughed "Look at that! Roger Taylor huh?". You laughed to yourself and shook your head, "He's too cocky." You closed your locker and looked at your watch, "See you at dinner, I'm going to class." When you walked into chemistry class you sat in the front row, normally you always sat with Eddie, he would grab your pen while you were trying to listen to the teacher, make you laugh and rest his head on your shoulder. Eddie took a deep breath when he saw you sitting on the opposite side. He certainly didn't know how to make up for his mistake. While you were preparing your books, you slightly lifted your head from the two hands on your desk and were confused to see Roger. Roger grinned slightly and looked at you "Are you free tonight?". You paused for a few seconds and shook your head up and down. Roger smiled triumphantly, "Brilliant, then we'll talk after school, okay?" You smiled, "Okay." Eddie saw this, his hands were shaking with anger. Roger was a total jerk, handsome and funny. Normally you weren't someone who would fall for this but you were angry at him, Eddie knew very well what you did when you got angry. Even though you wanted to turn around and look at Eddie's expression, you held yourself back and opened your notebook while grinning.
Eddie usually sat in the cafeteria with the Hellfire members. But this time he came to your table because he knew you would talk about Roger. You continued eating your food without even looking at Eddie's face, and after a few minutes, you entered the conversation with a sharp sentence "I can't come tonight, Nancy, I'll be with Roger." Everyone suddenly turned their gaze to you. This was unexpected, when Steve looked at Eddie, their eyes met and Eddie quickly turned around,pretending not to care, but he was absolutely unsuccessful at it. Nancy was confused "But just today you said-" you put down your fork and looked at Nancy "But I changed my mind." Robin smiled "That's good." As everybodies gaze turned to her,she raised her eyebrow. "Right?" Steve shook his head. "That kid is an asshole." Nancy laughed and looked at Steve. "A asshole with a handsome face" You giggled and took a bite of your sandwich "That's right." Eddie clenched his teeth in anger and stood up, "How boring." You turned your gaze to Eddie, who was moving to the other table. β€œHe got bored and left because it wasn't about the cheerleaders he was fucking.” You rolled your eyes and turned back to Nancy.Eddie definitely heard what you said, but he continued walking regardless.
You had a date with Roger in the evening. He was funny and handsome, but that wasn't what you cared about. You weren't a cheerleader and all you cared about was a good-hearted, loyal person ... long curly hair and brown puppy eyes. Yes, your mind was going to Eddie again. But everything ended for you on Friday, you couldn't disrespect yourself like that. Eddie had broken your heart and it had to end here. You barely spoke during the date, Roger only talked about himself and how awesome he is. He was such a boring dude. You even said that your father would pick you up so that he wouldn't take you home. You actually went home by bus. You really went to great lengths to make Eddie jealous, but why? For someone who didn't care about you and gave you false hope all this time, you listened to Roger talk about himself for hours just for that ?. As soon as you got home, you threw yourself onto your bed. When you started looking at your group chat, you clicked on the story Eddie posted a few hours ago. You laughed to yourself when you saw what he reposted "@chrissy_cnnghm" How wonderful, he went back to his local bitch. Almost every day for the past year all of tou listened to Eddie whine about Chrissy. You didn't care about this, you got up from your bed and changed your clothes. While you were removing your make-up, you suddenly started crying. Quietly and calmly, you were holding too many things inside and they were hitting you all at once. Even though you wanted to scream and lash out, you continued to cry silently. It would never happen, you were nothing more than a friend to him. In fact, you weren't even friends anymore. You slept sadly that night too. Eddie stole so much sleep from you, he broke your heart so much. For you,it was the third day without him, for him it was just an ordinary Monday. The other day,you all skipped school and went to Lake Hawkins. You were sitting in your chairs and chatting. Of course, the couple who participated the least in this conversation were Eddie and you. Suddenly Eddie spoke up, "So, how did it go with Roger?" You turned your gaze to Eddie and frowned "What?" "It was a simple question," Eddie said sassily. You looked around nervously for a few seconds. You didn't want to tell him that the date was bad, of course you couldn't lie about it being good either. "Why do you care? How was with Chrissy". Eddie smiled and said mockingly, "Why do you care?" The others were just watching you "I don't" you said and took another sip of your beer. Eddie put out the cigarette in his hand and was about to stand up when Steve looked at him. "Stop it, you can't fight every time and then walk away. It affects us too." β€œBecause he doesn't have an answer, Steve,” you scoffed. Eddie looked at you angrily, "Oh really?" You took off your sunglasses and placed them on the table. β€œWhat is that? Are you going to refuse it, selfish one?” Eddie frowned, "Am I selfish? You haven't even looked at my face for days!". You frowned and stood up as Eddie raised his voice. β€œCould it be because you make me feel like shit?!” Nancy looked at you "Y/N, stop that" You looked at Nancy "So am I the one who needs to stop? He constantly acts like this and waits for me to be silent, and he also shamelessly asks about Roger, do I look like I give a fuck about him?" . Steve took a deep breath, Eddie let out a small laugh, "Then why were you with him yesterday?" You turned to Eddie and shouted angrily "Why were you with her?!" You looked at Robin and Nancy. β€œYou saw that, right? I said you'd run back to that girl at the slightest thing, and I was right. Eddie Munson and the usual clichΓ©s. You didn't deserve my love even in the first place.” Even though you realized what you said later, you didn't regret it. "As long as you're with this selfish guy, I'm not talking to you either." You grabbed your bag and started walking away from them. Eddie was looking at you in shock, everyone was unnerved. They could never even have a proper time because of the two of you.
Steve spoke without looking at Eddie, "Are you going to go?" Eddie took a deep breath, took the sunglasses you left on the table and came after you. You were a little further away from the others, so when Eddie called after you, you continued walking without looking at him. Eddie walked a little faster and caught up to you, grabbed your wrist β€œWait.” You looked at Eddie and pulled your arm back "I don't want to talk to you anymore." You continued walking "I was jealous" You paused at what Eddie said and turned around to look at him. When you stopped walking,Eddie continued talking, he had nothing to lose from now on "Because Roger had the courage to give you the value you deserve, because I was a coward who could never tell you how I felt about you." Eddie closed his eyes for a few seconds "I'm sorry for what I said, I was just scared that you didn't think the same way as me and thought I was inadequate" he smiled slightly "That dress looked better on you than anything else, they came at me so hard I couldn't do anything but run,like as always". You looked at Eddie for a few seconds. What he said didn't seem sincere to you, even though he was telling the truth, you didn't trust him anymore. "I don't believe you." Eddie shook his head "I know" he knew you were right. "I wish I hadn't been so late" "I waited for you for so long Eddie, but you didn't have to break my heart that much". You looked at Eddie for a few seconds. "Don't worry,you have plenty of girls to fill the void." Eddie breathed deeply. "None of them are you and I can't love anyone as much as I love you." When Eddie finished his sentence, you watched him with a sad expression for a while and continued walking. There was nothing more to talk about, Eddie knew that too. After you left, Eddie looked at the sunglasses in his hand, he had forgotten to give them to you. He took a deep breath, pressed his lips together and blinked his filled eyes.
Part 2?
People I think will like it, I hope you don't mind!!<3 Tag list: @tlclick73 @ali-r3n @melodymunson @mdurdenpitt @mmunsonsthings @ficmotel @rainylana @missonlypost @silky-luxe @seatnights @crazyapplesgirl1q @psychotickoda
171 notes Β· View notes
solitarydemise Β· 4 months
Eddie munson Masterlist By @solitarydemise
All my fics are +18,if you are under 18 please stay away from my profile. I do not allow any copying. If you would like to be on the tag list, just comment below the post. έβ‚Š ⊹ . έβ‹†π™šβ‚Š. έβ‚Š ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
⛀Don't give up
⛀ I Just Ride Part 1 - Part 2 +18!!!!
⛀ The Chain
⛀ Somebody's Watching Me Part 1 - Part 2
⛀ Will It Ever Be the Same?
⛀ Jerk +18!!!!
⛀ Black Mary Janes - Part 2
⛀ Rock in Heaven
. έβ‚Š . ݁˖ . έβ‹†β‚ŠΛšβŠΉ. . ݁˖ . έβ‹†β‚ŠΛšβŠΉ. έβ‚Š ⊹ . ݁˖ β‚ŠΛšβŠΉβ‹†β‚ŠΛšβŠΉ. έβ‚Š ⊹ . ݁˖ . έβ‹†β‚ŠΛšβŠΉ
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solitarydemise Β· 4 months
Don't Give up
!EddieMunson x !PregnantReader
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Summary:You and Eddie have been married for 3 years and you are 7 months pregnant.Your disagreements have been growing for the past few months.
Warnings:pregnancy,angst,violent anger,danger of miscarriage,toxic relationship,Eddie calls the reader bitch
You haven't had any problems since you got married. But 2 years later,Eddie and his band had their new album project. That's why you were arguing so often.You were pregnant for 7 and you were having a difficult pregnancy. You were in more pain than a normal pregnant woman and you were going to the doctor frequently.
Around 10pm,while you were eating in the kitchen,you heard the sound of the door opening and ran towards the door and hugged Eddie's neck. Eddie laughed as you hugged him and placed a long kiss on your cheek "My love.." he looked at you and noticed the pizza slice in your hand "Did you come without leaving that slice?" You took another bite of your pizza as Eddie laughed at you "But I'm so hungry…" you said,Eddie kissed you again and then leaned down slightly and placed a long kiss on your belly "My beautiful girls, I missed you so much." you smiled "We missed you so much too,are you hungry?" Eddie shook his head "Nah,but I'm so tired" Eddie followed you as you walked into the kitchen and you leaned back against the counter "How did it go?" Eddie shrugged and took off his jacket as he said "It was good,it's almost over." While Eddie was talking,you handed him the pizza slice in your hand and he took a bite "I did yoga today,to help with the pain." Eddie swallowed "You're feeling better,aren't you?" he smiled as you nodded β€œThat's all I want.” You exhaled deeply "I'm full,but I want to keep eating."
"Eat all you want darling" he chuckled.When you looked at him, you noticed that his ring wasn't on his finger and you frowned "Where is your ring?" Eddie paused and reflexively looked at his hand "Oh,I must have left it at the studio,I'll pick it up tomorrow." This was really getting on your nerves,he was doing this all the time "Why are you even taking off your ring?" Eddie looked at you. β€œIt bothers me while playing the guitar and I take it off,I said I'll pick it up tomorrow.” You looked at Eddie for a few seconds. This was makingnyou upset "Always the same thing" Eddie looked at you "I beg your pardon?" You looked at Eddie and continued angrily "I said it's always the same thing,just taking it off and putting it on all the time makes it an accessory,not a wedding ring,Eddie." Eddie took a deep breath,he hated fighting especially when he was tired "Are you really going to turn this into an argument?Because I have no mood for it." You laughed nervously "Of course,it's such an unimportant issue, why are we talking about it?". Eddie insisted on not caring about you. You couldn't even get a proper answer to what you said "Maybe I shouldn't wear my ring when I go back to work, around other male employees."
Eddie turned to you "What is this now? What does it have to do with a man, do you think I'm hiding the fact that I'm married?". You crossed your arms "It's not nice not to wear your ring when there's a girl called Amy." Amy was a girl who worked at the studio and it was obvious that she liked Eddie, but Eddie kept denying it.Eddie laughed angrily "Please don't start again" you shouted angrily "So I'm starting?!" Eddie looked at you and tried to stay calm β€œKeep your voice down” β€œOr what?” Eddie looked at you "I'm not threatening you,talk to me properly and act normal" You laughed sarcastically "Yes,I'm the one who's not acting normally, what you're doing is normal,right Eddie? You know what,you're so selfish that you can't even see where your mistake is." Eddie looked at you "Am I selfish? When I don't even have time to sleep I just try to take care of you but all I get is your anger. You're the real selfish one!". When Eddie raised his voice,you pushed him away from you β€œI'm carrying your child,is it that hard to give little attention?Don't you ever raise your voice at me!".
"I've been working for hours and this is what I get.It's just a fucking ring.Why are you so being a bitch about it?!"
You paused at what Eddie said. You couldn't say anything,when Eddie realized what he said,the anger disappeared from his eyes and he closed his eyes "Fuck" You didn't know what to say or even what to do. You felt and heard your heart breaking into thousands pieces. There was a painful feeling in your throat. Your eyes were filled with tears and you couldn't stop it. Without saying anything,you left the kitchen and walked towards the stairs. He didn't even say anything behind your back. As you were at the stairs,you started crying and wiped your eyes. You slammed the bedroom door and the sound echoed down the hall. Eddie covered his face with his hands and started swearing at himself out of anger.He always reflected his work stress on you and blamed himself for not knowing how to treat his pregnant wife,and even sometimes he blamed you for not being able to handle the burden. His ego did not allow this,or the fact that he only makes upset the woman he loved,made him feel inadequate. Hours passed and you fell asleep cryingby yourself. Eddie's anger issues were destroying you. Your pregnancy was very stressful and it was harming the baby. Even though it was hard to accept and express,sometimes you regretted being pregnant. It was a terrible feeling,but it was because of your constant fights. How long was this going to continue? Was your little baby going to be traumatized because of you? You were turning into people just like your and Eddie's parents and it scared you so much.
After sleeping in tears at night,you woke up in the morning. It was only you in the bed,Eddie wasn't there. You slowly got out of bed and went downstairs. Eddie was sleeping on the couch.You watched him for a few seconds and then went back upstairs and started filling the bathtub with hot water. You were trying hard not to cry while getting ready. You had no choice but to take a hot bath because nothing made you feel good,the stress you were feeling was making your head ache and your stomach was nauseous. You looked at yourself in the mirror,you were tired and exhausted. You closed your eyes as you felt dizziness "Fuck" the nausea in your stomach was increasing and you felt like you were going to pass out,but at the same time it hurt. You leaned against the sink counter and started taking deep breaths. This was different from the pain you often had throughout your pregnancy,it really hurt. A few seconds later,you opened your eyes as you felt wetness between your legs. Your white nightgown was stained with blood. You touched between your legs,you were dripping blood. You held your belly in fear,you were struggling even standing and held on to the counter again. After a few seconds, the weight on your body increased and you fell to the ground. As you fell,the glass soap dispenser on the counter fell to the floor and the loud sound echoed in the bathroom. Eddie woke up with a start from the sound he heard and looked around for a few seconds. The pain had increased so much that you started moaning and screaming in pain.
Eddie jumped out of bed worriedly of your voice "Sweetheart?" by the time he got to the stairs,so many scenarios had come to his mind. You were crying in pain and fear,you still felt like you were going to faint. This could have been from the miscarriage or from a panic attack. All you thought about was your baby.Eddie looked at you in horror when he entered the bathroom. You were bleeding on the ground,crying in pain,broken glass pieces on the ground. Eddie didn't know what to do. He quickly bent down and put his hand on your cheek. "Baby, look at me,look at me." You were having trouble keeping your eyes open,you couldn't even understand what Eddie was saying. Now your moans of pain had decreased,which was a sign that the baby might be dead. Eddie started slapping your cheek "Don't!Do not fucking close your eyes Y/N!".
When you opened your eyes,you were in the hospital room. Even though you couldn't remember exactly what happened,your hand immediately went to your belly,to your baby. Eddie,was waiting next to you,he stood up quickly "Baby, are you okay?"his eyes started to fill with tears again and he quickly placed a long kiss on your forehead "You scared me so much." you weren't angry at Eddie,your heart was more hurt than ever and you turned your head towards the window. This movement moved Eddie's lips away from your forehead. Eddie quickly sat on the edge of the bed and took your hand "My love,please look at me." you turned to Eddie with your watery eyes. Even though you didn't say anything,Eddie understood you very well,your looks and tears told everything. Eddie looked at you with his eyes filled with tears β€œI'm sorry, for everything. I know I'm a terrible husband and-” Before Eddie could stand it any longer,he started crying again β€œFuck..I'm sorry, I didn't mean for things to turn out this way.”."Bu it did" as you said this,another tear flowed from your eye. Eddie was ashamed of himself as when he was looking at you. He kissed your hand while he was still holding and looked at you "I promise, I will never make the same mistakes from now on." You looked at Eddie for a few seconds and pulled your hand back "I want to talk to the doctor."
You were both fine now, if you hadn't come to the hospital on time, your baby would have died. You had to be under surveillance for the next two months. When you got home you went straight to the bedroom and Eddie followed you. He wanted to talk to you but you were packing your suitcase. Eddie frowned "What are you doing?" . You didn't even look at him "Going". Eddie was confused "Where?". Yeah,where? Even you didn't know that because you had no one to go. The only person you had in this world was Eddie,and you didn't feel safe and happy around him anymore. At the same time, you didn't even have a parent to take refuge in. You looked at Eddie "Anywhere is better than this house." It hurt to say this, the house that you and Eddie had dreamed of since you were teenagers and that you had bought with the money you had worked for years together was now a place full of heartbreak for you. Eddie looked at you "Darling,please let's talk." You laughed sarcastically "I think we shouldn't talk because I'm being a bitch about everything." Your voice was shaking as you spoke and you felt like you were about to cry. Eddie closed his eyes "Please don't do this to me. I'm sorry, blame me for what I've done all you want, but please. Please don't go." You looked at Eddie for a few seconds and covered your face with your hands,tried to stay calm but failed "It's not fair!" you almost screamed "I devoted everything to you, I did everything for you but you only cause heartbreak. I don't even know if you love me anymore!" Eddie quickly grabbed your hands "Don't say that, I love you. I love you more than anything." You pushed Eddie "Stop lying to me! This is not love,no one does this to the woman they love." You started sobbing and covered your face with your hands. Eddie was crying quietly. When he approached you,you started hitting his chest and trying to push him away from you. The hits hurt,but he didn't care. He hugged you tightly and caressed your hair "I'm sorry, I'm sorry…You're the only thing I want, you're the only thing I need Y/N". You give up and let him hug you. You closed your eyes and kept crying. You couldn't stay away from him because he was all you had, only he could heal your heartbreak and the wound inside you. You loved him more than your own pride.
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solitarydemise Β· 4 months
I Just Ride IP.t2
!BikerEddieMunson x !FemReader
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Summary:In the hot California summer,you meet a motorcycle gang and one of them is different than anything else for you.
Warnings:Smut,unprotected piv,oral,fingering,(Literally everything about smut),alcohol,smoking,+18 Only.
Pt.1 is Here!
You were kissing with a guy you met just this morning,it definitely didn't make sense but most of the things you've done so far have never made sense. You wanted to continue living in the moment,not regret anything you did and just experience peace. Eddie was exactly that peace,you felt free and immortal when you were on his lips. His hands wandering on your hips were like the touch of God to you.You just wanted to do it,there was no other reason. Even thinking about these things while kissing him passionately was proof that you were always overthinking. You just let yourself to live the moment,Eddie's lips and touches was taking care of you. When you pulled your lips away from his,you looked into each other's eyes. Even in the dimly lit room you could see Eddie's shining eyes. He was so fascinating. Eddie was just looking into your eyes,it was like he was hypnotized "You're The Most Beautiful Women I've ever seen" he said. You were astonished by what he said. There was only small smile on your face. It was obvious from his eyes that he desired you and that was pleasing you. You placed a small kiss on Eddie's lips and pulled his curly hair back "I knew you were different from the moment I first saw you". What you said made Eddie happy,his smile gave peace to you. You felt like angels were walking around you,it was like they were sprinkling fairy dust on your body. You were experiencing that "butterfly" feeling you've never felt before. In fact,it was so nice that you felt kinda sick with excitement.
You both couldn't resist your hunger for each other and started kissing again and pulled back after a few seconds. When you were on Eddie's lap you could feel his hard dick underneath you,of course you had plans for that. You got off Eddie's lap and knelt in front of him. Eddie quickly adjusted himself and he looked at you,watching you with lust and excitement. Without stopping to look at Eddie,you unbuckled your belt and he helped you take off his pants.Eddie's cock was already hard when you took of his boxer and it was definitely bigger than you expected.Eddie moaned as you slowly started stroking his long and thick cock. You liked his ecstasy,especially you were causing it. You continued to stroking him and after a few seconds you pushed your hair back and started licking it. Eddie was biting his lower lip and trying hard not to moan.When you took his dick into your mouth,Eddie started making little moans. You weren't that great at this but you were trying your best,also his length made your job more difficult. Up and down.You've been going on like this and your hair started getting in the way,When Eddie noticed this,he grabbed your hair with one hand and pressed you to his dick. This made you pause and your eyes filled with tears. If he did it again you would gag and it would be very annoying for you. As you continued to give head to Eddie,he was moaning and pushing himself into you "F-Fuck,fuck,fuck!" The way he cursed and moaned in pleasure made you even more horny, you liked the feeling of pleasing him. After a few seconds you pulled away and continued stroking Eddie. As you continued to make eye contact with him you started licking his balls and Eddie moaned louder,which this was definitely making the guys even more pleasurable. Eddie was moaning more and more with every move you made,so you were acting completely professionally for him. Eddie threw his head back as you took him into your mouth again and pressed you against him. "Fuck,keep going!” Eddie's cock was almost going deep down your throat but you were trying to get used to it.
"Oh-Fuck you're amazing" Eddie was pressing you as hard as possible, and even though it made you gag a little,you kept going. "Oh God,fffuck. I'm gonna cum" he said. You continued ignoring this because you wanted him to cum in your mouth so bad. Taking him all the way into your mouth made him moan louder than ever. After a few seconds,you pulled back when the salty liquid filled your throat and after swallowing it,you looked at Eddie with a grin on your face. Eddie groaned in relief, threw his head back and closed his eyes, "Shit. He looked up at you when you giggled. You wiped the corner of your lip and bit your lower lip lightly while you were looking at his eyes. Even your innocent looks were enough to make him get erect again. Eddie looked at you "I don't care if you're tired,I don't want to end this night".
"Who said I wanted to?" Eddie grinned and as you walked towards the bed you took off your t-shirt and threw it aside,when you sat down on the bed you saw Eddie was already behind you and you smiled. "Do you have plans for me?"
"Oh,I've got big plans for you,sweetheart" Eddie said as he looked at your breasts. Eddie leaned over you and after taking his place on the top of you,he firmly connected your lips,you quickly responded his kiss. While you were kissing,his hand went to your shorts and he just unzipped it. He easily removed your shorts and connected your lips again. He ran his fingers over your underwear as he continued to kiss you. When you felt his fingers,you could feel your pussy aching for him. You were wet and eager,Eddie caressed you through your underwear for a few seconds and then he pulled your underwear aside and touched your soft skin. Even his touches that had just started made you moan. Your kiss was interrupted every time you moaned. Eddie caressed your pussy,spreading your wetness and inserted his middle finger inside you as you continued kissing. That made you moan again,this time he didn't keep kissing you. He just looked to your eyes while he was fingering you. He inserted another one of his long fingers inside you and you moaned again as you looked into his eyes. The eyes that were looking at you with emotion half an hour ago were no longer there, their gaze said it all. He wanted to tear you apart. His fingers were curling up inside you and making you moan. You closed your eyes with pleasure and heard his deep voice "No,no sweetheart. You're going to look at my eyes while I fuck you with my fingers". You did exactly what he wanted and continued to look at him. It felt amazing,you were biting your bottom lip and moaning. This already gave Eddie an erection. While he was fingering you,he kissed your breasts over your bra and squeezed them hard. You quickly took off your bra without stopping Eddie's job. When Eddie saw your breasts,he went faster,thrusting his fingers in and out hard. He was watching you with enthusiasm. Your moans sounded like melody to him. "E-Eddie!" you couldn't even talk and that made him fucking horny even more. You bit your lower lip "I-I need yo-Oh Fuck!" he smirked "What was that sweetheart,huh?" When you tried to talk he would thrust his fingers in and out more and more "Fuck I need you to fuck me!" You said it all in one breath, you almost screamed.And you were still moaning and squeezing your own breast. He gaved you a little kiss and looked at your eyes "Whatever my princess wants".
You were out of breath when he pulled his fingers out of you. While even his fingers were giving you so much pleasure,you could only stand him fucking you for a few minutes. When Eddie took off his shirt,he was standing in front of you completely naked, the tattoos on his chest and shoulders were very hot. He took off your panties and threw it aside,you were both completely naked,your breasts was touching Eddie's chest as he kissed you. The skin to skin feeling was safer than anything else. You closed your eyes and let him kiss you passionately. After a few seconds Eddie pulled back and looked at you "Fuck,I don't have any condoms.". You laughed and gived him a little kiss "It's okay I have a spiral" he looked at you with confusion "What the fuck is that?" you giggled and looked at Eddie "I don't want to explain you this right now." Eddie didn't care and let out a small laugh. It was so cute how he acted cute and silly even in these moments. You kissed Eddie again and as you kissed him,he was rubbing his cock against your entrance. Even that made you tremble slightly and he was lingering like he wanted to play a game with you,because you know you were going crazy for him "Eddie just fuck m-" As a result of you trying to give him an order,he entered you hard and you let out a little scream. Unlike you,Eddie was enjoying this very much and bit his lower lip. He was on top of you,and his hair was touching your face and you could see his beautiful face. You were both moaning as he started thrusting in and out of you,it still hurt a little but you were still enjoying it. Eddie started kissing your tits while fucking you. This gave you extra pleasure. You were moaning his name and wanting him to fuck you harder.Maybe for the first time you were enjoying your experiences without thinking about what you were doing. Eddie's touches were seducing you.His size were still hurting you but at ther same time it made you want it even more. You felt him better and closer because you weren't protected,and it was amazing. Like heaven. You were moaning in pleasure and chanting Eddie's name. He absolutely loved it. He loved that you were soaking for him,so dirty and needy for him. Just thinking about these things made Eddie hornier and made him fuck you harder. You groaned in pain as Eddie started thrusting in and out of you all the way and hard. This pain was so good that it also gave you more pleasure. After a few seconds,Eddie pulled you towards the end of the bed and caressed your pussy. He spread your wetness and continued to make you writhe under him with his finger. For the missionary position,he caressed you a little more on the edge of the bed and slowly entered you. You were both moaning. Eddie's body on top of you was a completely different beauty. His messy hair,his moaning and closing his eyes while fucking you. Making you want it more and more.
You didn't stop moaning for even a second. You were both giving each other so much pleasure that this night should never end "Oh, God!" Eddie whimpered. You were definitely the best girl he ever met. Eddie was giving you more pleasure than ever before and that was why you wanted more. You had a great hunger for him.You bit your bottom lip and moaned "Uhmm,yes!" He was enjoying your moans, you even saw him grin for a moment. "E-Eddie,harder!". Eddie didn't want to hurt you,but with this request he was going to give you more than you wanted. Without waiting,Eddie accelerated and started fucking you rough. It almost made you scream in pain. But of course this wasn't going to stop Eddie,he continued to move hard inside you. You were moaning louder than ever and your eyes were rolling back. Eddie was totally like a god in front of you,fucking you hard and looking absolutely amazing while doing it. His bangs were stuck to his forehead because he was sweating.You loved this view more than anything. Eddie didn't really care about your pained moans, making you almost cry from pain and pleasure. Feeling Eddie's long cock all the way inside your womb was making you go crazy with pleasure. He was enjoying your begging very much. He just wanted to tear you apart. Eddie grabbed your throat with one hand and squeezed gently. It was like he already knew what you liked. The sexual compatibility between you was very high,you both knew very well how to satisfy each other. While you were moaning under Eddie, you were at a point where you couldn't stand it anymore. "E-Eddie,I'm going to cum!" Eddie grinned and squeezed your throat a little more "Not yet, sweetheart." Eddie leaned over you,gave you a small kiss on the lips, and pulled his cock out of you. You bit your lip with the feeling of emptiness inside and Eddie said to you in an authoritative voice, "Turn around." You immediately did what he said and turned around and got into doggy position. You were so wet and Eddie loved it. Eddie caressed your pussy and ran his finger around your entrance for a few seconds. His touch made your body tremble slightly. Your perfectly shaped hips and the way your back arches made Eddie bit his lip. Eddie was inside you after a few seconds and you both moaned. This time it was much better, you could feel his long dick completely touching your g-spot. Your moans increased as he moved inside you. Eddie held you by your waist and continued to move inside you. "Fuck, you are awesome". You were gripping Eddie so well and he liked how tight you were so much that he couldn't stop talking about it."Mmhh,so fucking tight". Eddie slapped your hips hard and you bit his bottom lip. β€œArent you princess.” You groaned in pain and grinned "Y-Yes!". Eddie continued to fuck you harder than ever and you were both moaning loudly in pleasure. The next room was definitely heard you, but you didn't even care. Eddie grabbed your hair and gently pulled your head back and kept pounding on you. Minutes passed and you couldn't get enough of each other.
"Yes, yes, yes!" You moaned in rhythm as Eddie slammed himself into you hard. The sound of your bodies colliding against each other echoed in the room. Eddie bit his lower lip and squeezed your hips. "Fuck,I'm gonna cum." You placed one hand on the headboard of the bed for support and moaned, "Don't get out of me." After a few seconds, Eddie accelerated and moaned loudly as he cum inside you. After Eddie cum inside you, he came out and you started squirting with a loud scream. Eddie must have liked this because he bent over slightly, rubbed his tongue on yourwet pussy and threw himself on the bed, "Fuck…" You were both exhausted. You threw yourself down next to Eddie and closed your eyes "Yeah" Eddie chuckled and pulled the covers over the both of you. He reached for the cigarette on his nightstand and lit the cigarette in his mouth "Can't you wait even a minute?"you said."Nope," Eddie smiled. He leaned back and pulled you towards him by your waist, placed a small kiss on your forehead. Eddie's action made you feel very safe. You rested on his chest for a few minutes and remembered that you had to go pee. β€œI'm going to take a shower” Eddie nodded and fixed his messy bangs β€œI'll be there in a unit”. You turned around and looked at him "No you won't." Eddie spoke as if he wanted to annoy you, "What, are you embarrassed?" He eyed you, you were standing completely naked in front of him and while you were trying not to laugh, you showed him your middle finger,.You smiled with Eddie's little laugh and went into the bathroom. You looked at yourself in the mirror and fixed your hair. What the fuck just happened? You decided to take a shower before starting to overthinking again.
When you woke up the next morning, you looked around for a few seconds. Eddie,whom you fell asleep hugging last night wasn't next to you. You looked around and picked up your t-shirt from the ground and put it on. Where was he? He was definitely not one to get up early,but where was he now? Did he take everything he could from you and then left? You walked towards the bathroom and when you opened the door Eddie screamed "How about you try knocking?!" He was startled by your sudden entrance and he was shaving. There was shaving foam on half of his face. You smiled and looked at him for a few seconds "I could have cut my beautiful face" he said and you laughed "I'm sorry about you and your beautiful face". Eddie smiled and said while continuing to shave his face, "We're leaving today,wherever you live I'll take you home.I can't let you go alone." You smiled slightly and nodded "Alright."
You were in front of your house after a long motorbike ride. You didn't want to leave your entire experience with Eddie here. You got off the bike and fixed your hair "Thanks" Eddie smiled "You're welcome" you both wanted to talk but just couldn't bring yourself to do it. Finally Eddie did it "Uh..Look, it might sound weird for you but…" He took a deep breath and decided to say it all at once "I like you so much, I literally fucked you last night and I still know too much about you." " he waited for a few seconds to digest what he said "You live just a few miles away from me and I don't want to end my acquaintance with you here, I would like to take you on a real date one day" he smiled slightly and played with the belt of his helmet. He was nervous and it was adorable. "I would love to Edds"
Sorry for being late, I can turn this into a serie if you want!
I'll tag people here who I think will like it, I hope you don't mind!
Tag List: @melodymunson @mdurdenpitt @ali-r3n @mmunsonsthings @eddie-munsons-wifey @cupid3clipse @str4ngergirlw0rld @melopomene-lover @seatnights @tlclick73 @missonlypost @quinngarfield @rainylana @fallenxcherub @ficmotel
44 notes Β· View notes
solitarydemise Β· 5 months
I Just Ride
!BikerEddieMunson !FemReader
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Summary:In the hot California summer,you meet a motorcycle gang and one of them is different than anything else for you.
Warnings:Making out,smoking,alcohol,depressed reader,sh scars,+18 Only
While you were thinking about what to buy in front of the cooler at the gas station,you looked at the long-haired boy who was looking at the Jack Daniels bottles from the alcohol shelf next to you. After a few seconds,you a cola from the fridge. While you were waiting to pay when you went to the cash register,you heard a voice behind you "Nice shirt." The long haired boy said that while waiting behind you. You smiled "Nice jacket" he was wearing a leather jacket with patches on it. His bangs were stuck to his forehead because of the heat. You didn't talk at all until you paid. When you came out,you leaned your back against the wall and took out the pack of cigarettes from the back pocket of your jean shorts. Soon,the long-haired boy came out of the shop and placed the alcohol he bought in the bag behind his parked motorcycle. As you watched him from the wall you were leaning on,he turned his gaze to you and looked at you for a few seconds. He closed the bag and raised his hand slightly. You waved back to him with his gesture. He was standing a few feet away from you "I'm Eddie." he said.
β€œY/N,” you walked towards him,encouraged by his introduction of himself.He smiled at you "Nice to meet you Y/N". You smiled a little shyly "Your motorcycle is cool" Eddie grinned "I know,right,".His gaze kept wandering over your face and the Iron Maiden t-shirt you were wearing. It wasn't hard to tell that he was impressed by you just from his looks. Eddie turned to you a few seconds later when his friends called him "Care to join?". It didn't make sense to join a motorcycle group with a varying age range that you just met. There were a few girls among the others,but you still weren't sure. But god damn,he was looking at you in such a way that it seemed impossible to refuse. "Because I would like to continue my conversation with you.". you smiled and put your hands in the back pocket of your shorts "Sure, why not?". Eddie was pleased with your answer "Hop on." When he got on his motorcycle,you sat behind him on the bike,supporting from his shoulders.He turned his head slightly back "Hold on tight, I'm not the type who likes to be slow." you giggled and wrapped your arms around Eddie's waist.
After a few minutes,the motorbike journey started to be more fun than you expected. Thanks to the wind,Eddie's hair was blowing towards your face and it was impossible not to admire the beautiful scent of his hair. You were watching the canyons you passed by and you closed your eyes and felt the wind. After a few seconds,you felt more comfortable and pulled your hands back from Eddie's waist. When Eddie saw that you were getting used to it,he grinned and turned his head back again "You loved it,don't you?" You laughed "I fucking loved it!" When Eddie suddenly accelerated,you reflexively let out a little scream and held on tightly to Eddie's waist. Eddie laughed at your fear and spoke without taking his eyes off the road "Don't get too used to it sweetheart,the roads can be cruel."
When Eddie drove faster was ahead of the crew,there were meters between you. When you turned your head back,you saw that the the others were much further away from you. You were going to an unknown place on the motorcycle of a man you did not know and now you were having more fun than ever. You were fucking crazy,but you were free. Soon enough,when you stopped in an area,there were other bikers. When Eddie helped you off the bike,you looked around and everyone was yelling his name. A boy came up to Eddie "Here is my Munson,where have you been?" So that was his last name, Munson. Eddie talked with his friend for a few seconds then pointed at you "This is my friend Y/N. We met about an hour ago or so." he giggled. When he smiled,his eyes narrowed and he looked very cute. He held your hand and tugged you gently as you walked towards the other corner "Don't leave my side,I don't want these cannibals to get close to my girl" he laughed in a cute voice and looked at you. The man who looked tough on the outside was actually as cute as a child.
While you were thinking about how handsome Eddie was,someone put an arm around your shoulder "Cannibal? You're rude,Edward". A woman with tattoos and half of her hair shaved was staring at you. Eddie laughed and looked at you "Y/N, this is my best friend Bob's girlfriend Alex,she's actually pretty useless." You all laughed and Alex looked at the two of you "What is such a beautiful girl doing next to this monster?Did you kidnap her?". Eddie laughed "No, she's not my girlfriend,we just met today." You smiled "Yes,I saw him at the gas station an hour ago and now I'm here." Alex looked at you in surprise "I admire your courage" she turned to Eddie "I like this girl" she clapped Eddie on the shoulder and walked over to the others. Eddie looked after Alex and then turned back to you "Usually,she hates everyone,you are the chosen one" You let out a small laugh and fixed your hair "I'm proud". Eddie continued "By the way, we'll be here until dark,then we'll go to the motel in the evening. Is that okay with you?" You nodded "Yeah, sure."
Eddie leaned his head against the wall next to him "Not much of a talker,huh?” you smiled and you shrugged "I don't know,I spend most of my time alone,I don't get a chance to talk." you giggled.Eddie continued, "I get it...I seriously get it.Do you know what my nickname was in high school? Freak Munson" You giggled and leaned your head against the wall as well, "I think being a freak isn't bad at all." Eddie smiled "Yes, but hanging out with kids that five years younger than you and still can't graduating grom highschool is a bit of being a freak. And I still remember the suppressed loneliness inside me then,you just need to find your people." He was right. Maybe he was really getting what you're trying to say,he understood you in minutes on matters that your family did not understand you for so long.
You and Eddie talked for hours,forgetting about the others. You got to know each other better and he was someone you really felt good with. Fun, clever,charming man. They had lit a big fire and everyone was drinking and chatting around it. Eddie grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the others. You both sat in a corner and you leaned your head on Eddie's shoulder. It wasn't good to get attached and trust someone so quickly,but this was Eddie Munson. He was the one.
After a few minutes, Eddie's best friend Bob stood up and said "Okay,I want to make a speech". "Oh fuck he's drunk again." Eddie said. Everyone started laughing and Bob looked at Eddie "No I'm not,asshole.Okay,okay everyone I love is here, my friends. I want to do this in your presence on this important day, Alex" He took his girlfriend by the hand and stood her up "I have known you for 3 years and I have loved you since that day, I want to take my love for you more seriously in every sense. You are the woman of my life and you will always remain so." With what Bob said, you lifted your head from Eddie's shoulder and began to watch the two of them carefully. "Alex,will you marry me?" Everyone was looking at the two of them in surprise, Bob was on his knees in front of Alex with a ring. This situation made you very emotional because you knew you could never experience a moment like this. You were never the first choice,no one ever looked into your eyes with love. While you were lost in thought,Alex had already accepted Bob's marriage proposal and everyone was clinking their bottles. You sat down silently and started watching people, Eddie noticed you and looked at you "What happened princess?". You looked at Eddie and smiled "Nothing,I guess I'm just a little tired." Eddie nodded "Okay, do you want to go to the motel?".
You arrived at the motel after Eddie notified the others and Eddie was talking with a guy while you looked around the lobby. ""Two single rooms, but it would be better if they were side by side". You looked at Eddie "No need for a different room,I'll stay with you. If that's okay." Eddie looked at you for a few seconds β€œYeah,I don't mind.”.
When you entered the room Eddie dropped his backpack on the bed and looked at you "I have a clean t-shirt in my bag if you want" You smiled "Thank you" you took one of the t-shirts from Eddie's bag and went to the bathroom and closed the door. You paused for a few seconds when you saw your reflection in the mirror. You had a strange emotional state, you could explode at the slightest thing. While your day was going pretty normal,everything came crashing down when you saw Alex and Bob. Things like this made you really sad,you were so fragile for everything. You started to cry silently,what were you doing right now?Why were you in a motel miles from home with someone you didn't know? Why was everything hurting you so much?Why were you making dangerous decisions to make your life fun and livable?. You took off your t-shirt and put on Eddie's clean t-shirt as you silently cried and thinked about the things how shitty they are. You took a deep breath while crying unintentionally. Eddie must have heard this because he came to the door a few seconds later "Y/N,are you okay?" You cleared your throat and wiped your tears "Yeah,I'm fine"
A few minutes later you walked out of the bathroom and looked at Eddie sitting on the couch. He rested his hand on his cheek and looked at you, "What's wrong?" You didn't answer him at first and he pointed to side of the couch "Come,come on.".
You sat next to Eddie on the couch and sniffed. β€œDo you ever...sometimes uhm,sometimes you just feel like crying and wondering why are you even alive. Even when there's nothing there?” Eddie looked at you and watched your face for a few seconds. β€œMany times.” You looked at Eddie "When will this end?"
"Never" Eddie said "If you don't fix this yourself it will never end, it's your life Y/N you run everything. You chose to come with me today because you wanted to,you wouldn't have done it if you didn't want to,You manage everything,If there are things in your life that are out of your control,so that's not your life anyway. Don't wait for a miracle to fix things,you have to struggle because that's how this fucking life works sweetie". He was right, all these years you were just waiting for things to get better and to feel good and you didn't do anything for it, you were too tired for it but you didn't do it. He understood you really well. Eddie looked at your arm and pointed to his own "I'm not way too older than you,I may not have had more difficulties than you, but I've been there Y/N" he looked into your eyes "I've been there,and promise me everything comes and goes".
"I just always wanted to experience what it was like to be loved by someone" you said and He looked at you "Are you kidding me? You are the most beautiful girl I ever seen,you are a mature and fun person,in fact,sometimes you speak so intelligently that I feel stupid next to you." you laughed,while your tears still making your cheeks wet "Shut up'
"I will but this doesn't change the fact that I'm talking about the truth"
You sniffled and leaned your head back on the couch,looked at him β€œYou are the sweetest boy I know,Eddie.” He was still trying to make you happy so he kept joking "They always say that". You hit his arm and he groaned in pain and laughed β€œFuck, sorry!” Likewise, he leaned his head on the couch and looked at you β€œYou are the most sweetest girl I know,Y/N" You were looking at each others eyes.You were both dying to kiss each other but you couldn't,Eddie didn't want to seem like the type of man to use you,but there was nothing stopping you so you kissed him after a few seconds. Eddie responded to your kiss immediately placed his hand on your waist and pulled you closer to him. You both have been waiting for this moment. You've been wanting this since the moment you saw each other at the gas station. After a few seconds,as you continued the kiss,you climbed onto Eddie's lap and continued kissing him hardly. You stopped to kiss him and pulled back slightly to look into his eyes,he was looking at you with his shining eyes. This night wasn't going to end early,never when you want each other this much.
To be continued<3
The next chapter will be smut so I expect a higher number of likes this time,love you!!!<3
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solitarydemise Β· 5 months
The Chain
!EddieMunson !MetalheadFemReader
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collage belongs to me
Summary:Eddie likes you but you're not sure about giving him a chance. Warning:Smoking,nothing else there are so many cute things you could have a heart attack.
Eddie smiled when he heard the sound of the guitar and entered the music class. You were singing and playing guitar. His entering distracted you and you took a deep breath "You again,can't you leave me alone for like 10 minutes?" Eddie put his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket "No,I miss you so much." he was always acting annoying because when you got angry he would keep telling you he thought you were cute. Eddie sat down in one of the chairs "Come on,keep playing like I'm not here." You laughed sarcastically and put your guitar aside β€œIt's hard to ignore you when you're being so annoying.” Eddie smiled charmingly "Admit it,you even like it when I'm annoying,"
You weren't even sure if Eddie liked you or not because he was so nice and flirty to most of the girls in your school.Even before you caught his attention,you found him very attractive. But you weren't just a person who could easily trust people,especially men. You didn't answer Eddie and he looked at you again "I heard you were looking for a guitarist,for the band." You sat down in the chair across from Eddie β€œYeah,but our band is all girls so don't get your hopes up, Munson.”
Eddie laughed and started to fold the music papers on the table into airplanes "What kind of band is this?" he asked
"At first I wanted something in the style of Doom metal but the band members did not fit in well so we are doing Rock and Jazz oriented. We will do Fleetwood Mac covers."
He watched you like he was fascinated when you were talking. As soon as you finished your sentence,he chuckled and looked at you "This is the first time you made such a long sentence while talking to me" you laughed at what Eddieand took the paper he left unfinished and you started folding it "What can I do? I love music". Eddie stood up from his seat and picked up the guitar you left aside "You know,you might need a male vocalist in Fleetwood Mac covers. Lindsey Buckingham played a big role in that band" You smiled and looked at Eddie "And they kicked him out of the band." Eddie laughed and looked at you "Do you always think about negative things!". You laughed andthrew the folded paper plane towards him "No,I'm just a realist Edward." Eddie looked at you and watched you for a few seconds with a small smile appearing on his face "You're so cute."
This was a compliment you weren't expecting. You cleared your throat and started fixing your hair. Without looking at him,you just hummed "Thank you."
While you were at lunch you looked at your friend Robin "Shut up" you said and looked at the table in the corner. Eddie was there with his friends. "I don't even think he really likes me,he's kind of a laid back type". Robin frowned "How hard could it be?" Robin pointed to the table where Eddie was sitting. "He hangs out and playing games with kids that five years younger than him." You looked at Robin and said sarcastically "Your friend Steve also hangs out with those kids you mentioned." Robin sneered β€œI know and that's what makes Steve easy. Don't be too shy with Eddie,he's not the coolest guy in school or the girls' favorite. He's a total freak,just like you.” You laughed and threw one of the grapes to Robin "Shut up." You took a deep breath "Well,you're right what could happen?.I'll talk with him"
When school was over,you were looking around for Eddie and at the same time,you were trying not to show that you were looking for him. You saw Dustin going with his friends and you walked towards him "Hey,Dustin.have you seen Eddie?". Dustin shook his head "I think he was going to be in the woods behind the school on the way out" You paused for a few seconds "Woods?" Dustin took a deep breath, "Yes,it is a natural environment with trees,plants and birds." You hit Dustin's hat and made him blind "I know what it is,I mean what he's doing there." ,
"Selling weed,to Chrissy" Mike quickly continued. Dustin looked at him "You weren't supposed to say that." When they started to argue with each other,you ignored them and walked towards your car. You were the jealous type and it pissed you off. Well,no one was supposed to see them while making this sale,but why the forest? Couldn't it be a warehouse or a parking lot or something? While thinking about these,Robin knocked your window. You stopped fastening your seat belt and opened the window "What." Robin could tell you were angry. β€œEasy sweetie,what happened?” You took a deep breath and held the steering wheel "Nothing,just the thought of trusting someone was ridiculous." Robin was about to talk but you interrupted her, "Never mind,I don't want to talk. We have a rehearsal on the weekend,you'd better come." Robin exhaled deeply and watched you drive past. She wasn't about to leave it like that because Eddie was a selfless idiot and you were a girl who could give up on anything at once.
"And if you don't love me now,you will never love me again I can still hear you saying you would never break the chain" While you were singing the song and playing your guitar,you dropped your pick and the other members stood with you "Fuck!"
"Actually,they are very successful but the vocals seem a bit too rude"You quickly raised your head when you hear Eddie's voice and smiled fakely when you saw Robin and Eddie in front of you "What a surprise,it's nice to see you hanging out outside of the woods." Eddie didn't understand what you said and frowned "What?" you didn't want to talk about that and acted like nothing happened "Nothing,okay let's start over and try to keep up with me this time." as you were about to start playing again Eddie looked at you "Why are you avoiding talking,you won't even answer my questions. I hate it when you do this." You scoffed and raised your eyebrows "As who?" Eddie paused for a few seconds with your harsh rebuke and stood not knowing what to say "As your friend?" even he wasn't sure of that answer. You laughed sarcastically and continued to focus on your guitar,ignoring him. Eddie looked at you with disappointment for a few seconds and walked out of the garage without saying anything. Robin looked after Eddie and turned to you "Why did you act like that?He was here just for you". You looked at Robin "No need,I'm pretty sure there are girls he needs to meet to sell weed." Eddie definitely heard this,but he ignored it and went to his van.
While you were hanging out in your room that evening,you were thinking about what happened and doing your best not to blame yourself. There were things you were both wrong about. He only said sweet things to you and didn't do anything else,being constantly stuck in uncertainty made you sad and angry.No matter what happened,he didn't deserve what you said to him today.
The other day, you skipped math class and went to the music room. Eddie always did this too. When you got to the front of the classroom, you moved a little closer to the door and you could hear his voice "Take me to the place where you go,where nobody knows if it's night or day. Please don't put your life in the hands of a rock 'n' roll band who's gonna throw it all away" You entered the classroom with an unconscious smile on your face and looked at Eddie "Who'll throw it all away" Eddie looked at you and continued "It needs to be 'Who'll' this is the right lyric". Eddie cleared his throat and rubbed his fingers against the strings of his guitar "Thanks." He was so cold towards you,it hurt but you knew you kinda deserved it.
"I'm sorry about yesterday." You said to Eddie in a embarrassed manner.You remained silent for a few seconds and when you looked up,Eddie was standing right in front of you. He took out his guitar and put it aside and looked at you again "Why?" your heartbeat was already speeding up with Eddie's gaze. "Because I treated you in a way you didn't deserve,but I swear I had my reasons." You had to tell him everything to make him forgive you. "Breaking someone's heart for reasons is something I've experienced for the first time." he said.You took a deep breath "I was angry at you because you're always around the hottest girls in school and that makes me angry, maybe I just feel insecure.But that's your fault because you've always been so uncertain to me." Eddie had a satisfied grin on his face because of what you said. You continued ignoring him because you were a little lost "I really liked you in the beginning,but I had to suppress it for a very long time because I thought you would never go out with me,thanks to Robin I was going to talk with you yesterday, but your little friend said you were with one of the girls and I got so angry,even my heart broke and that's why yes-" your sentence was cut by Eddie's kiss. This was good because there was no other way he could make you shut up. You felt like you were on clouds with his kiss. You didn't respond tohis kiss at first because you were too confused. Eddie took a step back with a grin on his face and looked at you for a few seconds "And?". You stared at Eddie in fascination for a few more seconds "Nothing..." Eddie was enjoying this look of yours so much. You pulled him by his leather jacket and started a rough kiss. You both felt an intense hunger for each other and there was no point in stopping it any longer. When you broke apart a few seconds later,out of breath,you were both looking into each other's eyes "I don't fuck care about the others, you're the only one I love princess"
Used songs:Oasis-Don't look back in anger
Fleetwood Mac-The Chain
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solitarydemise Β· 5 months
𝐖𝐒π₯π₯ 𝐈𝐭 π„π―πžπ« 𝐁𝐞 π“π‘πž π’πšπ¦πž?
!EddieMunson !FemReader
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Summary:You've been in a relationship with Eddie for almost a year and when you get back from vacation,you find out that he's cheating on you.
Warnings:Fucking sad...
I know it's a little short sorry eheh
You and Eddie hadn't seen each other only for a week but you missed each other more than anything.Eddie was always kissing and hugging you. You moved Eddie's hair back from his face and placed a small kiss on his nose "I have a surprise for you." Eddie frowned and looked at you "You should stop buying me gifts every time you go somewhere!". You laughed and shook your head "Never!" You reached into your bag and pulled out the gift "Wait,I want to record your reaction," you said. Eddie laughed and exhaled deeply "You definitely bought something expensive" You looked at him and placed a small kiss on his lips "It doesn't matter." You took Eddie's phone and started recording him "Go for it" Eddie excitedly opened the package you gave him and he looked at the t-shirt inside. His face instantly froze in surprise "An original Dio merch!" his reaction was so cute you started laughing
"Shut up,you're fucking joking" Eddie said and looked at you "That's fake right?" you continued laughing "No!" Eddie keept staring at the shirt,not knowing what to say "Stop recording me I'm going to fucking cry babe." You laughed and looked at your boyfriend "No, there is one more thing there,look at that too." Eddie looked at what else was inside the package in surprise and happiness and at that moment notifications were coming to his phone. You were still recording a video and the notifications falling on the screen from the top were not very nice.
"Hey i missed you"
"Can we hang out tonight?Yesterday was so fun"
The smile on your face suddenly disappeared when you saw who the message was from. Chrissy. Eddie dated Chrissy for a while before you. You didn't even know what to do. Your body was starting to get hot and your heart was starting to beat faster. Eddie thought you were still listening him and he continued talking. After a few seconds, you clicked on the message and there were even messages from yesterday.When you went up a little you saw that they had been talking for a few days. You could feel your heart breaking into million pieces.
Eddie finally turned his gaze to you and frowned at your expression, "Sweetheart what's wrong?" You couldn't even look at him,you didn't even understand what he was saying. It was like your brain had stopped, when you couldn't think of anything but at the same time you were thinking of too many things. You had stomach cramps and you felt like throwing up. You didn't even want to talk,in fact if you started talking you would scream and cry.
You were just staring blankly at the screen and Eddie kept asking you what was going on. You didn't say anything and placed the phone in front of you. Eddie picked up the phone and saw his messages with Chrissy,a fear appeared on his face. You looked at him with filled eyes and made eye contact with Eddie.
"I-I'm". "Don't" you shook your head when Eddie tried to speak. Eddie quickly sat closer to you and held your hands β€œBaby, I swear it's not what you think. I'll explain.” You laughed with your watery eyes and pulled your hands back "Why are you crying for?" Eddie's eyes were filled with tears,just like yours. But you were sad,he wasn't. That's what kept you different from each other.
You stood up from the bed you were sitting on and looked at Eddie. β€œDid you cry while fucking her,why aree you crying for now!?” Eddie quickly continued "I didn't fuck her stop talking like that!" you laughed sarcastically β€œReally,what did you do,Eddie?” You started shouting and Eddie shouted back "I just kissed her!" As soon as he finished his sentence,he received a hard slap from you. He knew very well that he deserved this. You looked at him "Is that it? I was only gone for a week and how could you treat me like everything was normal when you were with that girl?! How could you do this to me you idiot!" You started to cry more and your body couldn't seem to handle that. So you sat back on the bed and covered your face with your hands. Eddie knew he really screwed up this time. He was still thinking about himself,but you were thinking about the little girl inside you,that poor girl who had dreams with him. How well he deceived that lover girl,right?
Even his presence made you so angry and sad. You stood up and said while gathering your things "Go back to her,I hope she leaves you for those basketball boys again because you deserve people who will never love you. Even trusting you in the first place was a mistake because you're a narcissistic son of a bitch!". He had so many weaknesses that you can hit,but you didn't even want to use them because you knew he wasn't worth it. Eddie stood up and grabbed your wrist "Please listen to me I love you. I love you more than anything it was so spontaneous,you're the one I love sweetheart,I swear." You pushed Eddie away from you and pointed your finger to him "Don't you ever try to talk to me about love,you don't even know how to love yourself!." You looked into Eddie's eyes "And you'll never know." You were looking so deeply into Eddie's eyes that you could see his heart was breaking. But what could be said? Even the eyes that looked at you with love betrayed you. How could you trust his eyes?
You left Eddie's room and walked towards the door. He was coming after you and kept saying the same excuses "Shut up!" you yelled at him louder than ever before "You're fucking dead to me Eddie,leave me alone and rot in this house alone. That's all you deserve." You took one last look at Eddie and left the house. You finally stopped holding yourself back and started sobbing.You were even struggling while walking. It was all over, just like that. You never deserved this, no one deserves this.
You no longer had faith in anything.You would never be able to trust anyone again,or maybe even feel anything. Will it ever be the same?Never.
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solitarydemise Β· 5 months
Somebody's Watching Me IP.t2
!StalkerEddie !FemReader
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Summary:It's your second year in college and the stranger at your school is your secret stalker.
Warnings:Stalking,home invasion,smoking,violance
Pt.1 is here
!!!!!Eddie kisses the character,and she allows it, it's all about her escape plan. There is no sexual abuse involved or romanticized in any way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You had a panic attack and fainted because of what you saw and experienced recently. When you woke up,you tried to explain yourself to your friends,but they did not understand anything you said.And even talked among themselves about how you were causing unnecessary stress. When you tried to show them those photos,you still got nothing. Because while you were about to faint,the student who entered the door,he opened the door so much that the light coming from outside suppressed the red light and all the photographs were greyed out,none of them were clear.
Now everyone was treating you like you were crazy,you realized you couldn't stand people anymore and decided to go home. Thousands of things were going through your mind on the way home,you were so afraid to walk or take the bus that you decided to call uber. You didn't even feel safe at your own home anymore because he might still be out there watching you. When you got home,you made sure you locked all the locks on the door,closed all the curtains and went to your room. There was such a heavy burden on you,you didn't even know what to do. You had no evidence anymore. Thinking that a hot shower would be good for you. You got up from your bed and walked towards the bathroom.
When you got out of the shower,you took out your cigarettes from your bag and sat on the bed with your towel still on. You didn't want to do anything. "Fuck" you said to yourself as you dropped your lighter. You stood up from where you were sitting and reached for your lighter under the bed. As you stood up,you looked at the glowing thing next to the bookshelf. When you picked it up,you realized it was a bracelet. A bracelet that doesn't belong to you. You've seen this bracelet before. The men's chain bracelet was on the wrist of that boy who took your photo and now it was at your house.
None of your friends had been in of your house for months. That maniac might still be somewhere in your house. There was a police station very close to your apartment. Without even thinking about getting dressed,you quickly walked towards the door,unlocked it and went out. The moment you walked out the doorsomeone jumped out, covered your mouth and pushed you towards the house. He immediately closed the door behind you and even though you tried to scream it was no use. He closed your mouth so tightly,sometimes you felt like you couldn't breathe. "Ssshh.." he wanted you to be quiet, you didn't defy him and stopped trying to scream. When you stopped resisting,he loosened his grip and when he trusted you completely, he slowly took his hand from your mouth. When you felt his defenseless moment,you hit him hard in the stomach with your elbow and tried to open the door. He held his stomach in pain and pulled you hard as you headed for the door.
He hugged your waist tightly from behind. When you tried to scream, he covered your mouth with his other hand and you bit his palm hard.He groaned in pain "Fucking Bitch!" He roughly pulled you back by your hair and dragged you towards your room. He closed the door of the room without wasting any time and looked at you breathlessly, "Get dressed.". You looked like you were going to die of fear,maybe this was really going to happen, it seemed like he wasn't afraid to kill you. "What do you want from me?!" You were crying out of fear and didn't know what to do. You were hugging your towel tightly,it was the only thing covering you.
The boy looked at you β€œNot a good encounter,huh?” While you were looking at him from the floor,he started going through your shelf and looking for your things. "W-What are you doing? Who the fuck are you!?". Even the answer to you was just shuffling things around. Realizing that he was looking for his bracelet,you looked at him and said "It was in the hallway,I dropped it on the floor." He looked at you and stopped making a mess "Smart girl." The moment he left the room,you got up and put on your nightgown fast as you can. You looked at Eddie through the doorway and quickly left the room, running into the kitchen. As you were about to scream through the window,he came up behind you and pulled you close,covered your mouth β€œIt's going to be a long day if you keep doing this,sweetheart.” You started crying again and closed your eyes, almost whispering "Please…Please don't do anything to me." He was hugging your waist from behind "No…No Princess,I would never hurt you,I won't let anyone hurt you." He started kissing your neck. "Why..Why me?" you kept crying. He looked at you and removed his arms from your waist. You were standing facing him,leaning on the kitchen counter. He looked at you with his brown eyes "Because you are different from everyone else,from everything.Just like me" he wiped your tears away. You looked at him with confusion and fear "But..Who are you, I don't know anything about you." He was stroking your hair and looking at your face β€œYes,that's the problem. You never knew Eddie,never even noticed”
Eddie. That was his name.You didn't know how to act,what to do. You didn't want to make him angry by acting the opposite way. "You could have come and say hello,there was no need for all this...Eddie" He smiled when you said his name "I couldn't" he said it. When you looked at him you made eye contact,it was so scary. "But now you are here in front of me." he said and caressed your cheek,you let him do it. You didn't really know what to do. You could take a knife from the drawer behind you and kill him,or you could fail and he would kill you. Drops of water flowing from your wet hair were wetting your back and chest. You looked at Eddie "You got your bracelet,aren't you going?". He looked at you and started to play with your hair "I don't want to.". It wasn't like he wanted to go.You didn't even know what to say. β€œCan we go to my room?” You didn't even know why you said that. It suddenly came out of your mouth.
But this didn't cause any problems. Eddie pulled back slightly,giving you permission to go to your room. After making sure you could leave,you slowly walked towards your room, he was following behind you. You didn't even know what to do when you got to your room. You were more nervous than ever,constantly looking for things that could get you out of this situation. You sat on your bed and he laid down on your bed as like he wasn't holding you captive right now. You looked at him and tried not to cry again. With an idea that quickly came to your mind, you laid down next to him and hugged him. This situation surprised him too,but he was very happy about it. He hugged you and caressed your hair "I love you." It felt like your heart was going to burst out of fear. β€œI love you too Eddie,” you forced yourself to say in a soft voice.
Hours had passed,maybe only 10 minutes but it felt like centuries. You looked at the clock on your wall. It had been almost an hour and Eddie was sleeping next to you.You hadn't closed your eyes even for a second. After making sure he was sleeping,you slowly got out of bed and kept your eyes on Eddie until you left the room. The moment you left the room,you quickly grabbed your phone from the hallway and ran to the kitchen. You went into your group chat and tried to type quickly "Send police to my house and dont call me.". You prayed in hopes that one of them would see the message and wondered if you could risk by calling the police,getting caught by Eddie while calling the police would be the last thing you do. He could kill you in two seconds. You quickly put your phone into the microwave when you heard his footsteps.
"What are you doing?" Eddie looked at you angrily. You looked at him without hesitation β€œI was going to make dinner,are you hungry?” Whenever you treat him like he was your boyfriend,he immediately softened "A little". You smiled and opened the fridge,Eddie sat on one of the chairs and started watching you. He really thought you could love him. You were thinking how to stall until the police came. Maybe it would take hours for your friends to see your message and you'd have to keep pretending. You were constantly looking out the window while preparing dinner. Eddie's stare was making you very uncomfortable. Minutes had passed,you were doing everything you could to distract yourself,but if you had continued to act weird any longer,he would have realized what you were up to.
While you were making dinner,Eddie got up from his seat and hugged you around your waist from behind,giving small kisses on your neck "All this time…I missed you so much." You were so nervous having him so close to you. You didn't even know how to distract him. Your heart felt like it was going to burst,he felt your heartbeats too. "Look at the beating of your heart darling,you know you were created for me." He turned you around and leaned your back against the wall "There's no point in pretending otherwise."
You had no doubt that you were dealing with a paranoid maniac. He was wrapping his hands around your waist and loving your face. He started kissing you,you didn't respond to his kiss at first but you had no choice. You started kissing him and wrapped your arms around his neck. When he pulled back he looked mesmerized,he looked like his sole purpose in life this whole time was to just kiss you. He grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the living room. You looked at him as he pushed you onto the couch. You started to sweat with fear. You couldn't stop what was going to happen anymore.
Eddie sat next to you on the couch and caressed your cheek "I love you so much,more than anything." You looked at him and smiled "I love you too Eddie." You started kissing him and after a few seconds you both stopped kissing when there door knocked. Eddie paused but ignored it β€œNever mind,whoever it is will leave soon” as Eddie approached to kiss you again the door knocked louder and harder "Police,open the door" Hearing that made you happier than anything else,Eddie's eyes were darker "Did you call the police?" Without waiting for you to answer he got on top of you on the couch and he started to strangle you. You tried to fight back but he was so much stronger than you,all you could do was scratch his arms. At that time, the police were knocking harder on the door. You couldn't even scream,because you couldn't even breathe. As a last resort you continued to struggle and kicked his dick. Eddie groaned in pain and at that moment you quickly got out from under him,scremed ran fast as you can towards the door without even looking back and started to unlock it.
Eddie came towards you and raised his hands,looked at you with fear and sadness β€œDon't,please.". You kept screaming while you tried to open the door,when Eddie tried to approach you,you opened the door and the cops quickly turned towards Eddie. "Stand back and put your hands up." They were all pointing their guns at Eddie. Eddie continued to stare at you even as he collapsed to the ground.
While the doctors and your friends in the ambulance were taking care of you outside of the house,you saw Eddie being taken out in backhandcuffs. He was looking at you like he was innocent and you had betrayed him. You'll never forget those brown eyes and how did they looked at you.
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solitarydemise Β· 5 months
Somebody's Watching Me
!StalkerEddie !FemReader
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Summary:It's your second year in college and the stranger at your school is your secret stalker.
Warnings:Stalking,home invasion,smoking
While you were studying,your phone ringed and an unknown number was calling you. You would never answer these calls before,but you had a lot of acquaintances at school and since you were in charge of most of the activities,other students was calling you often. You answered the phone "Hello." there was nothing from the other end. Thinking there might be a line outage,you repeated "Hello?" there was no sound again. You just knew that the other person was a man. Because he was breathing with a deep voice,he was doing it intensely.You stayed silent for a few seconds and hanged up the phone and looked at the time. It was almost your bedtime and you got up from your desk and walked towards your window. There was a bus stop right in front of your house and a man was sitting at bench. You didn't care because it wouldn't be right to watch someone on the street through your window. You closed your curtains and walked towards your bed.
You almost had a nervous breakdown while getting ready for school at next morning. You couldn't find the black blouse you always wore. It was a rather small and thin piece and would often get lost among your other clothes. You would have been late for school if you kept looking for that blouse,so you grabbed another shirt and quickly walked to the bathroom.
"I was almost going to cry!" Jessica laughed at you "Don't exaggerate,it's just a blouse." You looked at her and sat down at one of the tables in the cafeteria "Yeah,but it's annoying losing my stuff especially when I'm about to be late Jess" you said. Every year there was a student passport photo shoot at your school,and today was one of those days. After the meal,you and Jessica went to the area where you would take photos and started waiting in line. Students in the photography club were taking your photos,and they also took care of the album for each graduating year. When it was your turn, you sat on the small stool and fixed your hair. There was a long-haired boy you'd never seen before,you couldn't even see his face properly because he put the camera viewfinder to his eye as you sat down.
He took your picture a few times and you blinked involuntarily when the flash went off. He moved the camera away from his eye and looked at the photo "I'm so sorry my eyes are very sensitive." you said. "It's okay" he spoke as he adjusted the lens without looking at you. You could barely hear his voice,you looked at his hands as he readjusted his camera. He had a tattoo and a chain bracelet. Afterwards he took the picture again. You stood up from the chair and when you looked at the boy again,you couldn't see his face again, his long hair was covering his face when he bowed his head. After Jessica got on the bus,you put on your headphones and started walking home. Two of you had homes in different places and you lived quite close to the school. You and Jessica had lost track of time in the library and it was already dark.
Spring was coming and the weather was very nice. When you saw the cats next to the garbage,you walked towards it and took out the cat food that was always in your bag. The cats were starting to come to you and you smiled "Mommy is here" You bent down and started feeding the cats. Your headphones were still on and after a few seconds,you quickly looked back because of the strange and scary feeling you felt behind you. There was no one around,whenever you went for a walk alone you had the feeling that someone was following or watching you. Even though a few minutes had passed,you couldn't shake that uncomfortable feeling and you decided to leave.
When you came home,you were face chatting with Jessica and cooking at the same time. You opened your window and curtains to prevent the smell of oil. A few minutes later,you paused with the flash light coming from outside. "What the fuck was that?" Jessica asked "What?" while you continued to look outside "There was a light coming from outside, could someone have taken my photo?" you said with fear. Jessica laughed β€œWhy would anyone take your photo?” you closed your curtains "I don't know". "It must be a UFO" Jessica said. Jessica liked to joke about things like this,but you knew this situation was nothing like that. Whenever you were under such a stress like that,something came out from under. That night,you couldn't concentrate on anything because of that stress and fell asleep while watching a movie.
When you woke up,you realized you already missed class time. You got angry at yourself and got up from your bed while swearing. You were already late for school so you took a shower,got dressed and went out to enjoy your day. There was a beautiful park near your house and you exercised there every weekend. Since you slept late last night,you were only going for a run today. While you were jogging through the trees with your headphones on,you couldn't take away that feeling inside you. Your neighborhood was not that safe place and had to be cautious of everything. At the same time,you were thinking about the fact that maybe these were your ridiculous theories. Music couldn't relax you so you called your sister. You were running at a fast pace while continuing to talk with her. After a few minutes,you got tired and sat down on one of the benches and continued talking to your sister. At that time you were just talking to your sister,unaware that dozens of photos of you were being taken.
1 Week Later
This year's albums are almost ready to be released. Members of each club had their photos taken, but no one showed up for the music club you were in. Sam put down the guitar he was holding and looked at you "You should ask the photographers,they missed us" You looked at Sam "But I don't know any of them". "There's a darkroom downstairs next to the lab." Emma said. You took a deep breath, "Okay, I'll ask one of them."
After your rehearsal was over,you went to the place Emma described and found the room used by the photographer students. You walked in without letting much light in and looked around. Everywhere was red,it was a very interesting place but there was no one there. While the students were away,you started to look around more closely. You went to the corner of the room and were horrified when you looked at the photos hanging on small pegs. They were all your photos,from a few months ago or even 5 months ago. While cooking in the kitchen, feeding the cats,relaxing in the park and jogging,changing your clothes.Your head was starting to spin and your body was getting hot, you held on to the table next to you because you felt like you were going to faint,your stomach was starting to feel nauseous. Anxiety was taking over your entire body. A few seconds later,the door opened. White asnd red light mixed together. The last thing you remember was a boy approaching you,you had a panic attack and fainted.
Pt.2 is soonβ™‘β™‘
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solitarydemise Β· 5 months
!BullyEddie !Enemiestolovers !FemReader
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Summary:You hate Eddie but you can't deny the fact that he's attractive,you're on the project together.
Warnings:+18,MDNI,smut,unprotected piv,squirting,oral f receiving and more
Mrs. Smith looked at Eddie as he whined. "If you keep this up, you'll be grounded for the weekend, Munson." Eddie looked at you sitting diagonally across from him and talked whike he was rolling his eyes "It's better than being a partner with her."
When you heard this you laughed sarcastically and looked over your shoulder at Eddie who was already looking at you "It's nice we have the same thoughts" you showed him your middle finger.
When the recess bell rang, you gathered up your books and looked at Eddie as he walked by. "Hey, Jerk." Eddie stopped his steps and slowly turned around to look at you. β€œDon't call me that,weirdo.”
"Or?" you said with a smirk. Eddie rolled his eyes "Just tell me what the fuck are you gonna tell" you rolled your eyes just like him "We have to hand in the homework in 2 days and I don't want to fail the class because of a retard like you."
Eddie looked pissed off "If you want to be a partner, learn how to speak properly,you idiot." You looked at Eddie and crossed your arms "Why would I? I don't like you." Eddie sneered "Oh really,that made me so sad you stupid bitch".
This time you were annoyed too "You know what,I'll do the fucking homework on my own and you'll continue to fail the class,moron."y ou grabbed your bag,slammed yourself Eddie's shoulder and walked out of the classroom. He didn't care at all.
Hours had passed and you had been studying in the library for a long time trying to finish this stupid homework. You looked on your phone screen,took a deep breath and continued writing again. A few minutes later, with the books placed firmly on your desk, you looked straight ahead and saw Eddie. You were still angry at him, but it was a normal thing, you were always angry at each other.
"What the fuck do you want?" you asked aggressively. "To pass the fucking class" he answered while he was sitting next to you. You ignored him and turned back to your laptop,rolling your eyes. A few seconds later Eddie looked at you "So what are we doing?" No wonder he didn't follow the library rules-at all-,he was quite loud.
You frowned and whispered "Can't you just shut the fuck up?" He looked at you while he was playing with your pencil case "How are we suppose to study if I shut the fuck up?" You knew Eddie was like this,he was bored and found a great opportunity to make fun of you again. You exhaled deeply and mumbled to yourself as you tried to stay calm. You had no choice but to ignore him.
A few minutes later,just when you thought he was silent,he continued in the same tone of voice "What are you doing with all these pens?" every time he spoke people would tell you to be quiet and look at you judgmentally. You looked at him "Eddie can't you just lower your voice?" he looked at you and thank God he spoke in a quieter voice "But that's my tone.". You closed your eyes for a few second and looked at him back "Then just don't talk". He raised his hands slightly in the air and looked at you "Alright, promise." he looked around and took a deep breath,he was feeling bored. While you were carefully searching through the document, Eddie spoke louder than usual "Do you know how to play D&D?". You looked at him with anger "For God's sake Eddie!"
You adjusted your backpack on your shoulder and looked at Eddie "I can't believe we got kicked out of the library because of you." He looks at you "Because of me?You were the one who screamed my name" He hadn't expected it to sound this way when he uttered the sentence. He thinked about it for a few seconds and there were some things he liked about it.
You looked at him "Ugh,fuck you I'm going home you jerk." when you started walking,he looked after you and called out "I love you too,sunshine!" when you showed him your middle finger without turning around,he laughed and started walking in the opposite direction.
The next day,Eddie was putting his books in his locker,you walked over to him and looked at him "We have to finish this shitty homework till tomorrow so come over to my house after school and let's finish this shit." he rolled his eyes and closed his closet door "Am I going to come to your house?Like it's not just talking to you is annoying enough" when you gave him that sharp,angry look you always gave him,he took a deep breath "Fuck...Alright,just send me the address."
When the doorbell rang,you put out your cigarette and walked towards the door and smiled fakely when you saw Eddie in front of you "Welcome jerk". Eddie gave you the same fake smile "Shut your mouth". You closed the door behind him and pointed to the stairs, "Upstairs,second room on the right I'll be right back."
While you went to the kitchen,Eddie entered your room and looked around. Everywhere was full of band posters and albums. Iron Maiden was playing on the cassette player. It looked just like his room,only more expensive. He looked at the signed albums on the shelf "Shit…". You entered the room with two beer bottles in your hand,closed the door behind you and placed the beers on the table. Eddie looked at you while he was pointing the signed Black Sabbath album "Is this a replica or something?". You looked at him "No it's not". Eddie was regretting calling you a wannabe at one point. You were exactly the kind of girl he wanted,but you were both reluctant to admit it.
It's only been a few minutes since you were started to study and Eddie couldn't help but turn back to you "Do you play bass?" You hummed in agreement as you continued writing in your notebook, Eddie took a sip of his beer β€œYou know,I have a band and-” You cut him off. "No,I like hanging out solo" he pursed his lips and just shook his head. "Still gonna call you poser" you laughed at what Eddie said and looked at him "Shut up".He smiled as you laughed "Wow, I didn't know you could do that."
You looked at him "I didn't even know you were even remotely funny either." He raised his eyebrows, "You don't know anything about me,little girl." As the conversation dragged on,you put down the pen in your hand and reached for the cigarette paper on the side. You sat back,put your feet up on the table and started rolling a cigarette "Fuck.that.homework".
Your oversize Dio t-shirt you were wearing covered your short underneath. It was like there's nothing underneath. The only thing covering your legs were your thigh socks. Eddie was examining all these details while you rolled your cigarette. When he came to himself a few seconds later,he felt like a complete pervert. He quickly turned his gaze away. You looked at him. β€œYou normally never shut the fuck up and now you don't talk?” He smirked "I never shut the fuck up because you always telling me to shut the fuck up". You laughed loudly and took the lighter from the side "Freak." while you were enjoying the conversation,he was just in a weird mood,like he liked you.?
At the same time,you were still annoyed with each other. He just never give himself the chance to get to know you this closely. He watched you for a few seconds while you smoked your cigarette. "There's a concert at the metal bar this weekend,do you want to come?" You shrugged "Sure,why not 'best friend'" He chuckled at your speech,underlining the word "close friend". He took a sip of his beer. You both ignored your homework and were just chatting. From the very beginning, it seemed like you both wanted to say "I wish we had had this conversation earlier." but never did.
You put the Type O Negative tape into the cassette player. When I don't Wanna Be Me started playing you closed your eyes and sat back on the couch "I love this song".
"Yeah,me too" Eddie said. You turned your head to the side and looked at Eddie sitting right next to you and without wasting any time Eddie kissed you.
Eddie didn't know why he did it,he just wanted to do it. With mixed emotions,regret also seemed to be coming slowly. Your confused face made Eddie's heart beat faster with fear. You just stared at each other for a few seconds,Eddie was quite scared of your reaction but he didn't actually regret it.The beautiful taste of your lips and the softness of your skin were worth everything.Eddie was about to say the first sentence that came to his mind but this time you acted quickly. You grabbed him by his collar and your lips were together hardly. He quickly responded to your passion. You could feel Eddie's big hands on your waist,gently squeezing and caressing your waist. You climbed onto his lap as you continued kissing. After a few seconds,you parted your lips apart. You looked to his face from his lap. His pupils were dilated with pleasure,you kissed him so hard that his lips were red. He was surprised by how passionate you were. It's like you've both been waiting for this moment for years.Not wanting to wait any longer,you started kissing Eddie again. His hands were finding their way into your shirt. His cold rings made you shiver slightly.You could feel his cock getting hard while you were on his lap. The thought of his hardness underneath you was slowly making you wet. Eddie squeezed your breast through your shirt. This made you moan slightly while kissing,Eddie must have liked it because he squeezed your breast harder this time.
You were both kissing more passionately than ever before,because ever since you met each other,you were trying to suppress your weakness for each other with hatred and anger. You stopped kissing Eddie and took off your shirt. You were standing on his lap in just with your bra and short. He was watching you with admiration. You grinned and got off Eddie's lap and knelt in front of him. When he realized you were going to give him head,he closed his eyes and grinned. You unbuckled Eddie's belt and stared at him for a few seconds,as you pulled his pants down you could already feel how difficult it was going to be. You took off his boxers as Eddie looked at you impatiently,and you could feel your mouth watering at the sight of his veiny cock. He was much bigger than you had imagined,which both excited and scared you a bit.You moved your tongue around his cock,started from his balls.Eddie moaned softly as he settled further into the couch. After getting him a little wet,you slowly caressed him and took his dick into your mouth while looking into his eyes. Eddie was having trouble with keeping his eyes open "fffuck...ugh!" . He had never desired someone this much before. While you continued to take him into your mouth,he gathered your hair with one hand and helped you. You were having a really hard time taking it into your mouth because it was so big. Your eyes were watering and you felt like gagging,but you wanted to blow him away with pleasure and make him beg.
Eddie closed his eyes "Y/N...Oh god!" he was moaning while you were caressing his balls and giving him head. He grabbed you by your hair and pushed you down on his cock and you took almost all of it into your mouth.You pulled your head back and took a deep breath. you turned your gaze to Eddie and he was looking at you with pleasure. You licked your lips and grinned.Eddie was getting more and more impatient. He quickly took off his shirt and pushed you towards your bed. You were examining the tattoos on Eddie's body when your back met the bed. He came towards you and started kissing your neck hard. At the same time,he was squeezing your breast harder. You didn't say anything,didn't talk at all but you understood each other very well. Your passion and your body were talking. Eddie's hand slowly moved to your pussy. He caressed you through your shorts. A few seconds later,he aggressively took off your short and threw them in a corner. The thong underneath wasn't hiding your pussy enough. Eddie grinned and started kissing you hard,caressing you with his long fingers. You were constantly moaning and biting your lower lip while kissing. Even his touch could make you orgasm. Eddie was just caressing you and that was making you crazy.And he was never putting his fingers inside you. You bit your lower lip "Eddie…" you closed your eyes and moaned "Come on,I need you" Eddie loved the fact that you were begging him,the fact that you were wet made it obvious that you wanted him. Eddie easily took off your bra and when he saw the piercing on your nipples,he bit his lower lip and started sucking your breasts.Feeling his tongue on your breasts was driving you crazy.Eddie pulled back after a few seconds and entered her. He didn't give any warning and didn't train you. This was quite painful. You groaned in pain and closed your eyes. Eddie moved slowly inside you and moaned with his tightness, "Ugh…Fuck, you're so good." You were groaning in pain and squeezing the pillow next to you. "Fuck!" you screamed while he waqs stretching you.
Eddie placed his hands on your waist and spread your legs further apart. "Sshh,daddy is gonna take care of you princess" he was looking at your eyes while he was fucking you rough. He was so big and you could feel every inch of him. He started to get faster and faster.Thrusting his dick in and out of you faster and harder. You groaned with a tear falling from your eye and Eddie grinned. He leaned towards you slightly,wiped away your tears and placed a small kiss on your lips "Fuck..y-you're so big!" you screamed with pain again and moaned. After a few minutes you were getting used to Eddie's big cock and moaning with pleasure. Once you got used to it he put one of your leg over his shoulder and continued fucking you in a more comfortable position. He keept moaning too,you were so tight and beautiful. The sight of you underneath Eddie,was making him more and more horny and crazy. You bit your lower lip and squeezed your own breasts, pleasuring yourself even more. β€œYes, yes, yes!” as Eddie got faster, you started to babble. You both were fucking hard and moaning without caring about anything. When Eddie felt like he was close to cumming he pulled out and looked at you β€œTurn around slut”. You immediately did as he said and turned around,leaning one hand on the headboard of the bed. He grabbed your waist and starts fucking you in doggy position. His cock was reaching your g-spot and it was driving you crazy. He was slapping your butt hard and continuing to hurt you. You were both enjoying it. Eddie got faster and faster and kept fucking your pussy harder than ever "Fuck..I can fuck that pussy all night"
You moaned and tried to speak as Eddie continued to fuck you. You were having the best time of your life. "E-Eddie!" you closed your eyes "God..FUCK!" No man has ever pleasured you like this before. You moaned "I'm gonna-I'm gonna cum!" he smirked and slapped your ass "Cum for daddy,doll".After a few seconds Eddie came out of you and you squirted at the same time. You were squirting everywhere and moaning. Eddie ignored you and turned you around and stood in front of you. You know what to do you immediately took him into your mouth and started giving him a blowjob. Eddie was about to cum and he was moaning. After a few seconds he moaned loudly and cummed in your mouth. Even though it tasted weird,you swallowed his cum and licked your lips,grinned tiredly. You threw yourself back onto the bed and closed your eyes. You were breathing very fast and your heart felt like it was going to explode. Eddie laid down next to you and looked at you "What the fuck just happened?" You laughed at him and closed your eyes "I don't know." Eddie said breathlessly "Fuck..If I had known, I would have tried to fuck you before" he giggled. You looked at him and hit his arm "Jerk." you pulled the duvet over you and Eddie pulled you close,hugged you and caressed your hair. You lifted your head and looked at him. He was beautiful,the best you had ever seen. He placed a small kiss on your forehead and it made you feel safer than anything else. You closed your eyes and buried your face in Eddie's neck. After a few seconds of silence,Eddie spoke "Is it really that big?" It wasn't unexpected for Eddie to be a total clown after having a romantic moment. You laughed and hit him lightly on the chest "Shut up Edward." Eddie chuckled and hugged you tighter,have you a long kiss through your hair.
The next day,you had Dustin to do your homework and you were walking to class laughing together. Mrs. Smith raised her eyebrows slightly when she saw both of you "I think this project helped break the ice between you" Eddie looked at Mrs. Smith "No I still hate her". He smiled with your laugh and placed a small kiss on your cheek.
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solitarydemise Β· 5 months
I decided to write a fanfic with a sudden ideaπŸ’πŸ’Wait for me baes
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