solsticesungod · 6 years
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We’ve All Been There
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solsticesungod · 7 years
My first look at 6 packs of Amonkhet
Amonkhet WIP
Vizier of the Menagerie: Nagas on the plane. Doesn’t give away any new mechanics. Interesting that it is look at and not reveal.
Fan Bearer: No class on this Zombie, which art wise is a mummy. Your basic white tapper, nothing too special.
Tah-Crop Skirmisher: Seems like a regular 2 drop but introduces me to the Embalm mechanic. Which is interesting that it makes it white. I guess white is the reanimation zombie color because of this and Fan bearer. Embalm seems really strong in limited with like fliers or on anything with an ETB.
Minotaur Sureshot:  Goatlike minotaur, similar to Zedruu?? A red archer with firebreathing  seems pretty decent.
Blighted Bat:  Black tertiary haste. Decent limited flier. Amonkhet has 2 suns and doesn’t have nighttime?? Seems really cool.
Haze of Pollen:  Shows that Cycling makes a return and is variable costed like last time. Fog effect for 2 so its okay, cycling is an upside.
Cradle of the Accursed: DESERT LAND TYPE HYPE. Taps for C and makes a 2/2 if you need it, seems really good.
Floodwaters:  6 mana sorcery speed bounce spell, but it hits two things. Is just okay and could be good in limited, has cycling which vastly improves the card. Viziers are important.
Stinging Shot: Upgrade to leaf arrow. Cycling is really good. Also -1/-1 counters are a thing in this set. Second time initiates have been mentioned, what are they initiates for?
Wasteland Scorpion:  3 cmc 2/2 with deathtouch is good for limited, and it cycles. Gods are mentioned? Are important names like Kefnet gods?
Electrify:  Surprised this name hadn’t been used yet. Limited removal spell.
Zenith Seeker:  Bird wizards are fun. Cycling and discard matters so maybe that is a sub theme this set? Makes dudes fly so it seems pretty good.
Sixth Sense:  Green Curiosity, but grants it and fixes the text so no infinite with Niv-Mizzet.
Baleful Ammit: Crocodile Demon is a badass creature type. 3cmc 4/3 lifelink with downside, but could it be upside in some cases with other cards this set?  Mentions initiates again, gives this one a location they are from, and mentions another name, Samut.
Throne of the God-Pharaoh:  WOW WHO IS IT? IS IT BOLAS? IDK I HAVENT SEEN ANY OF HIS HORNS THIS SET. Legendary artifact that seems like a really strong clock for agro decks. Gives a lot of lore in the flavor text.  
Tah-Crop Skirmisher TOKEN: It’s the embalm dude from earlier but it’s a token and has mummified art. NEAT.
Naga Oracle:  Lore flavor text. Scry 3 but dump in your grave instead of bottom of library, seems good with stuff like embalm.
Tormenting Voice: Reprint, lets you dump to grave. More God-Pharaoh stuff.
Supply Caravan: Return of camels. Makes a token if you have a tapped creature, is that a theme? But the 1/1 it makes has vigilance so it can’t enable other stuff, but makes sense flavorfully. Oketra is one of the gods.
Illusory Wrappings: Really strong “removal” card. Kefnet is god of Knowledge, the gods have trials, so maybe that’s what the initiates are doing?
Wander in Death: Great name. Great Flavor Text. Raise Dead effect that hits two and can cycle, seems pretty good.
Greater Sandwurm: SANDWORM HYPE. Big dude that you can’t chump, and it cycles, amazing common.
Unburden:  Reprint but it seems strong. Bontu is another god.
Pouncing Cheetah: Ambush Kitty. Flavor text tells some lore.
Hooded Brawler:  This is the creatures tapped sub theme. Introduces Exert mechanic. It grows into a 5/4 but doesn’t untap. It seems like a very strong mechanic in some ways.
River Serpent:  Cheap cycler but is a creature with a downside that seems big but with stuff like cycling you should be able to have 5 in grave by turn 6.
Vizier of Remedies: Nerfs -1/-1 Counters and you could combine this with Baleful Ammit to just have a big dude with pure value and no downside. Seems really strong.
Watchful Naga: Exerter that draws a card, 2/2 body. Seems good in limited.
Seraph of the Suns: lel flavor text.  7 cmc flying indestructible 4/4. Doesn’t seem as good with stuff like Stinging Shot but still seems like a tough card to get through in limited.
Pyramid of the Pantheon:  Uses brick counters to build the pyramid and filter mana which then turns into a Gilded Lotus. Flavor Text is very ominous.
Punchout Token with mechanics and bricks:  One of the coolest tokens ever. Very very good idea to whoever thought of it.
Fan Bearer:  Tap Target creature could be a downside now that I see it again.
Tah-Crop Skirmisher
Scarab Feast:  Can eat cards before embalming or turn off other cards, and it cycles for the same cost as casting so you can exile 3 or draw a card.
Pouncing Cheetah
Blazing Volley:  hits all opponents’ dudes but doesn’t seem like much, could deal with Tah-Crop skirmisher and other stuff that seems annoying.
Painful Lesson:  Good Flavor text. Worse Sign in Blood/Night’s Whisper
Emberhorn Minotaur: Really strong exert card. Hits for 5 or probably takes 2 dudes with it.
Cradle of the Accursed
Stinging Shot: Really strong.
Ruthless Sniper: Cycle or Discard seems to be a cycle? This has you pay 1 to drop a  -1/-1 counter on a creature. For 1 cmc this seems real good.
Bontu’s Monument: Wow. Gods get monuments, and this one makes you drop creatures earlier and drains when you cast them. Really cool.
Weaver of Currents: 3 cmc mana dork that taps for CC. Seems good. Cool art and flavor.
Glory-Bound Initiate:  Exert turns it into a 4/4 lifelink. Seems real good when that swings on turn 2. This is one of the previously mentioned initiates and I was right in that they go through the trials.
Manticore of the Gauntlet: Manticore type return.  -1/-1 as an upside? Bolts if you make your dude weaker. Seems like a strong card.
Singed Shepherd: Weird looking angel, has Avacyn the Purifier’s wings. Flying Vigilance 3/3 seems good and it cycles if you can’t play it early. Good card. FT talks about Accounting of Hours more and some other lore.
Essence Scatter: Reprint. Talks about Kefnet
Desert Cerodon: Cerodons like from Alara? Big dude that Cycles for 1. Not much to say.
Miasmic Mummy:  Works with the Cycle/Discard guys. Jackal type comes back.  Bear with slight upside ?
Colossapede:  Badass name. Badass Flavor Text. 5 cmc 5/5 Dece.
Hooded Brawler
Luxa River Shrine: OH. You build things with bricks and when they have 3 bricks they get better. Seems pretty fun.
Compulsory Rest: Pacifism that taxes with an upside to opponent to remove it. Very interesting design.
River Serpent
Trial of Ambition:  One of those trials I’ve been hearing about. Good ETB effect and what the fuck is a Cartouche, but its repeatable with whatever that is.
Trial of Zeal:  “And another one”.  Bolts on ETB and Cartouche makes it repeatable. Really cool design, I guess you can undergo the trial repeatedly.
Decimator Beetle: Good body that turns -1/-1 counters into upside for you.  I would not want to run into this bug. Seems REALLY strong.
Harsh Mentor:  Damn this is a strong card. Really hurts all kind of decks. Legacy/Modern playable??
Full Art Land !
 Pack 5
Rhet-Crop Spearmaster: Swings as a 4/1 First Strike if you need. 3cmc for a 3/1 is weaker but seems strong.
Hieroglyphic Illumination: A draw spell that’s also a draw spell. Cool design and can be what you need at times. Really pretty art.
Fling:  Reprint. Seems really good with some of the big creatures rolling around this set. Standard will use it with RG energy. Cool flavor text.
Mighty Leap: Reprint. Evasion spell and pump. That second sun thing is ominous.
Dune Beetle:  2cmc 1/4  good blocker I guess. That’s a damn big bug though.
Ornery Kudu:  Hard to pronounce antelope. Good body for the cost and drops a -1/-1 counter on a dude to mess around with.
River Serpent
Unwavering Initiate:  Really strong embalm for limited. 3/2 vigilance is nothing to mess with especially when it comes back.
Sunscorched Desert: Desert that ETB pings your opponent and doesn’t enter tapped. Very playable.
Wayward Servant: Zombie tribal drain card. In WB which is zombie colors this set. Is a bear so that seems like a really strong card.
Consuming Fervor: Colorshifted Unstable Mutation. Seems really strong as it’s a semi-permanent but diminishing Giant Growth that eventually kills the creature; BUT you could stop it with stuff like that one beetle or the Vizier.
Galestrike: Conditional Unsummon that draws a card.  Cool name and flavor.
Champion of Rhonas: UHHHHHHH. This card is insanely good. Drops a free creature turn 4/5 at the cost of not untapping your 3/3. AND if it lives you get to do it again and again every other turn, if you don’t have untap shenanigans.
Glyph Keeper:  FOIL Kira ability and it comes back?! This card has insane value and will probably be a control finisher.
Wurm Token
Brute Strength: Reprint.  Seems like a good combat trick. Fun flavor.
Sacred Cat:  1/1 lifelinkitty with flashback. Seems fun.
Cancel: Reprint. LOL flavor text.
Bloodlust Inciter: Haste on a stick. Seems like a good aggro card. Cool flavor.
Quarry Hauler:  Camel. Proliferate or De-Proliferate on one target card? Seems pretty good with that body.
Winds of Rebuke: Bounce a card and everyone mills 2 for 2cmc. That seems really good especially in a graveyard matters set.
Final Reward:  Black instant exile with no drawback! That’s sorta weird but I guess its in their color pie. Good limited card as it stops embalm. Just misses constructed playable IMO.
Dissenter’s Deliverance: Destroys buildings and such and cycles. Seems like a good shatter type card. More ominous hours in the flavor text.
Cartouche of Strength: Cartouche for the Trials has finally showed up and it comes with its own type. Its an aura that has an ETB and pumps your dude. Removal and can synergize with your trials. Seems like a really good deal especially at its cost.
Labyrinth Guardian: Illusion drawback on a good body and it comes back. Seems like a pretty sweet card in any deck.
Protection of the Hekma: Urzas armor makes a comeback in the form of this enchantment. I am not too sure what the Hekma is except it’s a barrier of some sort but this card seems pretty  cool and flavorful. I am a fan of urzas armor so I’ll try this out sometime.
Crocodile of the Crossing: Really efficient creature even if it has to hit itself with its -1/-1 counter. I’m always a fan of Crocodiles. I like the snarky flavor text from mr Rhonas.
Cruel Reality: Story Spotlight.  Really hard taxing on a player with the return of the Curse type. Strong but high cost. I assume from the Gideon and crop-mate part that the Gatewatch are running the trials on Amonkhet for whatever reason and this is a big moment where he realizes how screwed up everything is.
Grim Strider: FOIL Seems like a very interesting card. If you play on curve this should be a 4 cmc 3/3 but if you build around it it seems like it could get places, like a weaker death’s shadow. Cool flavor and lets you know more about the Hekma and how terrible things are on Amonkhet outside of the main city.
 Dusk//Dawn:  AFTERMATH. Modified flashback. This is very flavorful and seems really strong. I will be playing this in my Alesha EDH deck.
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solsticesungod · 8 years
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15+ Un-Bear-Ably Cute Momma Bears Teaching Their Teddy Bears How To Bear
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solsticesungod · 8 years
My case of Magic The Gathering decks and assorted random cards has been stolen from my car. If anyone in Norman sees a black tool case full of magic cards anywhere let me know.
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solsticesungod · 8 years
Sarkhan-Volkswagen’s October Giveaway!
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Sorin, Lord of Innistrad (Dark Ascension)
Shardless Agent (Eternal Masters)
Wrath of God (Eternal Masters)
FOIL Anguished Unmaking (Shadows over Innistrad)
Ajani Goldmane (M10)
Tamiyo, Field Researcher (Eldritch Moon)
Sorin and Anguished Unmaking were chosen to represent our departure from Innistrad in favor of the shining world of Kaladesh. Shardless Agent, Wrath of God, and Tamiyo were all opened from packs so graciously given to me by Wizards of the Coast during my time at PAX West, and Ajani was chosen because of his return to the story in the recent Release. The Ajani does have a few nicks on him, much like how our favorite leonin planeswalker has been through much in his journey to get to this point.
-Enter by Reblogging. Follows are not necessary.
-Winner will be chosen randomly on OCTOBER 30TH and will receive all six cards.
-Be prepared to give me your address via PM if you are randomly selected so I can mail you the cards!
-I will only mail to folks in the United States or Canada
Good luck!
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solsticesungod · 8 years
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solsticesungod · 8 years
Now this is podracing
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Want a better look at Ovalchase Dragster and the vehicle mechanic?
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solsticesungod · 8 years
me, in the year 2040, getting ready for a fancy dinner party, standing in front of my antique gold vanity mirror, wearing a saint laurent f/w 2039 evening gown and cartier diamond earrings, taking a sip of champagne: what did you learn at school today, honey? :-)
my future child, laying on my king-sized bed with burgundy satin sheets: not much, in history we talked about the 2016 election. do you remember any of that?
me: drops my crystalline wineglass
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solsticesungod · 8 years
I take full responsibility for this next deck.
Won my Conspiracy pod tonight! Ended up acquiring a Kaya and opening a Berserk, as well as ordered a foil Kaya, foil Daretti, and foil Subterranean Tremors with some saved up store credit. Love the set, love the draft.
Also, talks with my Commander group went really well tonight. We’re all super open to making tweaks to our decks and attitudes, as well as trying out entirely new variants and decks we wouldn’t be building otherwise.
Related Note: Guess who’s gonna start building Sapling of Colfenor.
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solsticesungod · 8 years
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solsticesungod · 8 years
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solsticesungod · 8 years
ur a cute
No u are
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solsticesungod · 8 years
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solsticesungod · 8 years
I'm constantly stuck between being hungry, tired & horny.
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solsticesungod · 8 years
bisexual means u only have sex twice. in ur entire lifetime. 2
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solsticesungod · 8 years
here it is folks
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solsticesungod · 8 years
I'm constantly stuck between being hungry, tired & horny.
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