solutiions · 2 years
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     eddie’s job kept her up late, often the one saying last call instead of hearing it. so on her nights off, she tended to stay in and be on her own. that peace, however, was rudely interrupted by the sound of something at her window followed by a man’s yelling. sighing, she turned her light on and prepared to curse out whoever was below. “ what the fuck is your problem ? ” she asked the other, annoyance painting her features.
open to f ( 20+ only) 
mack’s pinterest board
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———– 𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐈𝐃𝐍'𝐓 know what time it was; all mack knew was that he felt like complete shit. stephanie didn’t even give him the dignity of telling him in private…he had to find out by through text and an instagram post of her with his replacement. “ ryan! ” he shouted repeatedly after every few rocks he tossed up at the window. “ ryan, i’m fucking dying - wake up! ” what mack assumed to be ryan’s light switched on and the window started to squeak open. “ jesus, finally! you sleep like a – ” only it wasn’t ryan. it was a girl. “ oh shit…you’re not ryan. ”
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solutiions · 3 years
on a hiatus for the week !! spring break <3
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solutiions · 3 years
Are you there?” she whispered quietly into the phone. Pause. “Yeah.” “Say something, please.” “Say what?” he replied. “Anything. That you miss me. That you miss me like I miss you.”  He inhaled quietly, “Of course. Of course I miss you. I miss you so much that it hurts me every day.
A.M.// I miss you phone call (via tullipsink)
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solutiions · 3 years
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wyatt scoffed, folding his hands over his chest. “it is not cute. it’s embarrassing.” though he couldn’t help the smile that crossed his features. without even thinking about it, he let the next words follow. “if i’m like this now, i don’t wanna think about how i may act if i ever get to meet your family.” then immediately his eyes widened and rushed to clarify. “i mean if it ever gets there. of course i’m not expecting anything from you.”
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     “ it’s fucking cute, okay ? ” she repeated, doubling down with a smirk on her features. she expected to hate hearing that he wanted to meet her family. after all, it was so soon for them. but instead it made her smile softly. “ god, i’d pay to see that. you’d probably stumble over all your words just out of nerves, again proving that you’re just plain adorable. ”
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solutiions · 3 years
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                 doesn’t really want to fucking linger on the topic . like , it fucking hurts . he got so fucking wrapped up in her . head over heels . the way it happened so quickly , emotional fucking whiplash ensues . doesn’t like to see her cry , only makes that ache in his chest grow . “ what the fuck am i supposed to believe , heather ? my head is , like , all fucked up right now . i don’t know what to do . “
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     she would understand his anger had she actually done something. he doesn’t trust her – that much is clear. she blames herself, getting so wrapped up in the fantasy of him and his world. but now, the warmth of his light just feels cold and empty. “ you could’ve asked me, dakota. i could’ve shown you in less than five minutes that the photo is from years ago. you believed this because you wanted it to be true. ”
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solutiions · 3 years
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    being with dakota is a rollercoaster of emotions. the highs are high, but she never expects the lows to be this low. the fans found an old photo of heather and an ex and turned it into something it wasn’t. they haven’t spoken in weeks after he cut things off. and yet, he’s at her door and the tears are already threatening to spill from her eyes. “ is that all you have to say ? you took their word over mine. ”
@solutiions​ /  *  ―  send 🎵 or ( ‘SHUFFLE’ ) for me to randomize my playlist and write a starter that either uses the lyrics or is otherwise inspired by the song in some way.
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                 “  i was too busy tryna find you with someone else . the one i couldn’t stand to be with was myself . “
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solutiions · 3 years
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Daisy Edgar Jones as Noa FRESH, 2022 Dir. Mimi Cave
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solutiions · 3 years
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     he can’t help smile against her folds –– at how good she sounded lying to her boyfriend. hell, it would’ve convinced him had he not had his lips pressed to her core. he laughs against her as his tongue continues to run through her. the teacher’s assistant feels a bit too cocky at this moment. “ i’ll talk to the professor, angel. don’t you worry. ”
𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬:   closed,  @solutiions​.
𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭:   19a   for   autumn   &   tristan.
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              ❛   yeah,   babe,   i   should   be   there   soon,   ❜         autumn   mumbled,   teeth   digging   into   the   inside   of   her   cheek   as   her   hips   rolled   back.         ❛   yeah,   yeah.   i   love   you   too,   ❜         hanging   up   without   a   second   thought   as   a   moan   released   from   her.   her   head   swiveled   around   to   the   man   behind   her.         ❛   and   you   promise   you’ll   fix   my   essay   grade   ?   ❜
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solutiions · 3 years
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     from the moment his fingers touch her skin, she melts. soft sigh leaves her lips as he massages her upper thigh. “ well, you know, lots of sitting and things. ” teeth sink into her cheek, eyes intently staring into his as his touch moves ever so slightly upwards.
𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬:   closed,  @solutiions​.
𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭:   23a   for   lincoln   &   stella.
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             ❛   you   said   you   were   sore   here   ?   ❜         words   a   mumbled   due   to   their   close   proximity,   gentle   hands   grip   the   back   of   her   thigh,   fingers   kneading   the   skin.         ❛   i   didn’t   know   journalism   would   make   you   sore   here,   ❜         a   trace   of   his   fingers   higher   up.
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solutiions · 3 years
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     she’s unsure how she managed to convince him to do this, but god is she glad she did. with one leg lifted up, she leans into the counter as he continues to rock into her. she’s at a loss for words, breathless as he grasps her hips. his words and lips contrast his harsh actions, sweet and soft. “ right there, baby. fuck. ” the stream has completely left her mind, focused on how heavenly he’s making her feel.
@solutiions​ asked: 22c for orion and matthew
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it’s not exactly his expertise but he went into everything with his all and this was no exception. maybe he’d gotten a little too into it, a little carried away. she felt so good and that’s all he could focus on. he’d forgotten about the camera, all he cared about is her. fingers grasp at her hips and he rocks his own up against her, pressing himself as deep inside of her as he can, needing it – hoping she’s liking it as much as he is. “you feel so good,” he hums then, pressing kisses against the back of her neck.
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solutiions · 3 years
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               hollis   gives   a   click   of   his   tongue,   adjusting   his   watch.         ❛   i   hardly   have   time   myself,   ❜         tries   to   mask   the   sting   of   rejection   with   his   own   poor   excuses.         ❛   between   classes   and   the   academy.   but   we   both   have   to   eat,   don’t   we   ?   what’s   one   dinner   ?   ❜
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     she can’t help the soft smile that spreads across her features and disappears just as fast. truthfully, she shouldn’t indulge herself. her scholarship is imperative and the last thing she’d want to do is jeopardize that. but his eyes – his eyes – and the way they sparkle sway her over. “ one dinner ? that’s all ? ”
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solutiions · 3 years
better ways to meet
tired of bumping into each other in the coffee shop? try these:
muse a tries to stand up for muse b in a bar but unfortunately cannot fight for shit. 
muse a is having plumbing troubles in their new house and muse b says they can fix it: except they can’t, they just wanted to spend more time with the cute neighbor. (bonus if muse a has to spend the night at muse b’s place because of it)
muse a works somewhere that’s open late and muse b comes in to take shelter from the storm. 
muse a is assigned to be muse b’s partner in an undercover assignment. 
muse a needs money and signs up to be in muse b’s clinical trials. (bonus if some kind of accident gives muse a superpowers and unwittingly makes muse b their accomplice in their goals)
muse b is a siren and muse a is one of the few people immune to their song, so after drowning the rest of the crew the two are stuck together. 
muse b accidentally creates muse a, the world’s very first AI. (Can work with or without a body for muse a, or muse b can struggle to build a body for muse a)
muse a and muse b as Olympic athletes forced to do PR together, photo shoots, interviews, cheese montages. 
muse b is an anent for a time travel protection agency and has been assigned to protect muse a after they have been targeted by another time traveler. 
muse b is in love with muse a, but muse doesn’t love them back. At some point the two have a one night stand and makes matters more complex (via rachel). 
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solutiions · 3 years
“Remember the first time we kissed? he said. At the party. And I said I didn’t think the utility room was a good place to be kissing and we left. You know I went up to my room and waited for you, right? I mean for hours. And at first I really thought you would come. It was probably the most wretched I ever felt in my life, this kind of ecstatic wretchedness that in a way I was practically enjoying. Because even if you did come upstairs, what then? The house was full of people, it’s not like anything was going to happen. But every time I thought of going back down again I would imagine hearing you on the stairs, and I couldn’t leave, I mean I physically couldn’t. Anyway, how I felt then, knowing that you were close by and feeling completely paralysed by it, this phone call is very similar. If I told you where my car is right now, I don’t think I’d be able to leave, I think I would have to stay here just in case you changed your mind about everything. You know, I still have that impulse to be available to you…”
— Sally Rooney, Conversations with Friends
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solutiions · 3 years
m/f nsfw meme
pick a random number + letter, and i’ll write a smutty starter based off the gif! you can look, or leave it a surprise. all images linked are HEAVILY nsfw!
a. b. c.
a. b. c.
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a. b. c.
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solutiions · 3 years
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Sebastian Stan and Daisy Edgar-Jones rehearsing for Fresh (2022)
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solutiions · 3 years
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     stella knows that being with him is hard for a multitude of reasons. one of the biggest ones is having to trust him regardless. most times, it isn’t an issue for stella. after all, she’s a fairly trusting individual. but seeing him like photos of other girls makes the brunette feel riddled with insecurity. it leads them to fight all night. she tries to pretend like he doesn’t hurt her, but she knows she isn’t fooling anyone. tear-stained cheeks rest against the pillow. when he tries to use his sweet voice to lull her back into his arms, she’s trying hard to fight it. “ i don’t believe you, ” is all she can say. the femme is overwhelmed with insecurity, wanting to disappear into the oversized t-shirt she wears. “ show me, ” she whispers, desperate to know his words are true.
plot   : leo    liked    some    explicit    photos    of    other    girls    on    social    media   ,    your    muse    saw    and    they    argued    all    night   .    he    made    your    muse    feel    insecure    /    like    he    is    cheating    on    her   .
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“    baby   ,    i'm    sorry   .   "    coos    the    words    into    femme's    ear   ,    as    he's    laid    behind    her    on    his    bed   .    they'd    tried    going    to    bed    while    still    being    angry    at    each    other   .    it    obviously    didn't    bode    well    for    either    of    them   ,    as    they    were    both    still    awake   .    "    come    here   ,   "    entrusts    an    arm    around    her    waist   ,    tugging    her    back    side    to    his    chest   ,    face    engulfed    in    her    tendrils   .    it    was    his    fault    they    fought   ,    being    an    idiot    with    his    likes    on    social    media   .    had   ,    accidentally   ,    made    his    GIRLFRIEND    feel    like    shit   .    "    you're    the    only    one    i    want    to    look    at   .    you're    the    only    one    i    have    eyes    for   .   "    slips    hand    beneath    the    tee    she'd    worn    to    bed   ,    resting    his    palm    against    her    abdomen   .    "    can    i    show    you    ?    make    you    feel    like    you're    the    only    girl    i    see    ?   "    quiet    as    he    speaks    into    the    crook    of    her    neck   ,    he'll    press    a    feather    light    kiss    to    her    skin   ,    keeping    his    hand    stagnant    for    now   .
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solutiions · 3 years
What about a sugar baby plot where she used to be stripper/call girl that is given the opportunity to drop that job in order to be full time for her high paying client. She goes from living pay check to pay check to going on vacations in exotic places and drinking the finest of champagne. The lifestyle is almost addicting to her so when he asks her to be his girlfriend she doesn’t think twice?? It isn’t until other girls flirt with him that she realize that feelings might be involved :))
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