sombras-que-cortan · 4 years
I really wish there was a fandom for the Cloverleah Pack series. It certainly deserves it.
I mean come on, it has just the right balance of found family, hilarious campy bullshit, some pretty juicy lore, drama of all kinds, tooth achingly sweet romantic moments, and really hot sex (almost too much sex tbh. As much as I enjoy a good sex scene, I tend to skip them after my first read through)
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sombras-que-cortan · 4 years
Holy fucking hell, The Saga of the Nothing Mage is depressing.
I can’t decide if I love the series or never want to touch it again. The world itself is brilliant and I’d love to delve deeper into it, but to be honest, if I knew the plot would be that dark I don’t think I would have picked it up.
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sombras-que-cortan · 4 years
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Jonna Hyttinen on Instagram
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sombras-que-cortan · 4 years
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Necklaces / Earrings
Marcy Kentz on Etsy
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sombras-que-cortan · 4 years
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Atavistic Hunger and The Peregrine [faux boss fights]
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sombras-que-cortan · 4 years
where are the fantasy/scifi races who hibernate?
i can lose hours thinking about such a culture. the rituality and cyclicality of it. how they turn a simple, survivalist drive into story after story. how they build their lives to be abandoned for a while every year.
underground, beneath every house, hospital, and community center, is a chamber nobody enters - except for a certain week at the end of autumn. it’s a week of chores and feasting. and in the evenings, families begin to clean out these dim, quiet rooms, making sure to tell their children why this is all so important.
people stop going to work. they bed down their gardens and let their fields lie fallow. the stores pack away their merchandise. the boats are hauled out of the water. maybe the power grid and the internet shut down. 
everybody covers their furniture in sheets. white, for the clean snow where no feet ever step? or maybe black, for the safe darkness below? they burn strong-smelling plants in their houses to ward off pests, and they hang amulets on the doorknobs - because just think how many monsters and demons were born in their culture to wreak havoc on a winter house.
or on a hibernating body, and the tetherless soul inside it.
so they must be very careful, as they cross over. they eat the correct last meal and sing the correct last songs. they wash themselves clean in freshwater and exchange their living clothes for wrappings, like a chrysalis or a shroud. they cover their eyes with jewelry, so no unwanted visitor can slip inside that way.
i’m not sure what the underground room looks like on the inside. they might cover the floor with pillows for comfort, or dried flowers for significance - or they might lay on the bare ground, as they have always done. they might carve pictures into the walls. they might take their valuables down with them, or they might simply leave all that stuff in a box upstairs. after all, thieves have to give themselves to the ground too.
you light a lamp, and keep it lit until everyone’s safely asleep. then it burns out on its own. the door is closed. it’s as dark as the inside of the earth.
above, the weather and the animals pass through ghost towns.
and when the thaw begins, when the first plants wake up and the cracking of ice shakes the waterways, the people come out. they chase the dust and ghosts from their cities with noise - anyone who can’t play an instrument bangs on a cooking pot. they run up and down the streets, arms extended to the sun. (the sun!) they wash the sheets that they’d used to cover their houses and hang them out to dry on every clothesline, until it looks like the buildings have grown wings. 
because this isn’t waking up, this is rebirth.
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sombras-que-cortan · 4 years
So...Eater of Bones (SPECTR 3.4)...nlg, I was hoping for more Tiffany Ward and less John/Caleb/Gray angst.
That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy this installment of the series (the scene where Caleb gave Tiffany his painting was fucking adorable). Overall, the book just felt a bit, I don’t know, flat. But that might just be because it was relatively short.
I’m also starting to get very suspicious of Ryan Starkweather. Something about his attitude towards this whole mess with John just sets me on edge. And Tiffany’s jab about John trusting the wrong people feels like foreshadowing. I swear, there’s something off about that guy.
The last scene gives me hope that things are going to be heating up soon though. I can’t wait.
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sombras-que-cortan · 4 years
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So..Blood has been used as an architectural material since ancient times. I’m saddened that this is never covered in movies or historical fantasy tv shows. What a missed opportunity. Other places to see my posts: INSTAGRAM / FACEBOOK / ETSY / KICKSTARTER
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sombras-que-cortan · 4 years
Headcanon that there are four locked bedrooms in Caleb’s new mansion: one each for Molly, Essek, Astrid, and Eodwulf.
There’s also a room at the top that’s just a giant pillow nest with Caleb’s Programmed Image playing on repeat
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sombras-que-cortan · 4 years
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A new star borne out of a dying one. I think it’s going to be beautiful.
Sunshine (2007), dir. Danny Boyle
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sombras-que-cortan · 4 years
I think it’s weird that there’s metallic Dragons based on Alloys
Like, if you put tin/zinc on a copper dragon and cast fireball on it, does it turn into a bronze/brass dragon?
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sombras-que-cortan · 4 years
we were discussing wills and inheritances in the breakroom today and one of the boys brought up that he heard if you hate someone in your family, you’re supposed to leave them something, literally anything, even if it’s just like 1 penny, so that they can’t sue and say you just forgot them, and one of the other boys said why wouldn’t you just say like “I specifically do not leave anything to this person” and one of the girls piped up “No, leave them 1 penny, it’s a bigger fuck you” and then she paused and goes “No wait, tell them that you leave them everything in the box you’ve buried in the woods and they have to go find it and dig it up and then they can have everything in it, but it’s just 1 penny” and because I am a writer, and thinking up wild things to have happen is part of the writing job description, I (without looking up from my computer where I was currently writing a story) said “or a bomb. I mean, you hate them right” and i looked up and everyone was looking at me and the girl (who FYI is a horror movie enthusiast and I had figured on appreciating the joke) goes “well. I mean, what are they going to do, arrest me? I’m dead.” and I wish I could bottle the looks on the boys’ faces.
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sombras-que-cortan · 4 years
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Metal worked peacock doors designed in 1925 by Tiffany for the C.D. Peacock jewelry store, Chicago, Illinois.
Photo by Brian Kay, via flickr.
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sombras-que-cortan · 4 years
“May we get what we want, may we get what we need, and may we never get...what we deserve”
Dex Montague; Silver Clouds, Dirty Sky (Montague & Strong Detective Agency, book four, by Orlando A. Sanchez)
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sombras-que-cortan · 4 years
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sombras-que-cortan · 4 years
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sombras-que-cortan · 4 years
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kit harington | vanity fair (2014)
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