some-guy-on-the-web · 1 month
Left Wing / Right Wing
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Left wing, right wing, same bird.
Tastes like chicken.
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some-guy-on-the-web · 2 months
How The World Works
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The world will teach you alot of things nobody in their right mind would want to learn, and it will go way out of it's way to prevent you from learning the things you should really want to know.
To learn the important stuff, you have to take a gamble on some guy on the web ranting into the void.
So this is an example of how the world works.
Rummy lets slip the military misplaced trillions of dollars, BOOM, government accounting office blows up, evidence destroyed, BOOM, other government accounting office blows up, but nobody talks about the accounting offices, they talk about Muslims on the other side of the planet, chaos ensues, weapons of mass distraction, sheep start bleating, sock puppets, Lambchop, social media alter the trends, censorship, manipulation, coercion, if you don't do XYZ you are a terrorist and everyone hates you, big brother loves you, cattle get steered into pens, articles disappear, people disappear, black sites, torture, slow-burn soft-kill depopulation, keep calm and carry on, all's quiet on the farm again, pay your taxes, three bags full.
I'll presume that makes no sense to most people, but I'm not giving any of you any fucks, because most people on Tumblr masturbate to cartoon animals. Fuck you all and the fascist bastards who brainwashed you.
I swear everyone in corporate media should be summarily executed for running slavery rings.
Politics is basically the same thing as corporate media, but less frantic, because it's antiquated, originally designed to operate on country time. A country minute can be a few seconds or a few days.
Education is the same thing but more obviously sex slavery. Teachers molest more kids than even politicians or priests. Did you think schools have communal showers because government cares about public hygiene? Then why communal showers for kids but not the homeless? Because nobody wants to fuck the homeless.
Employment is the same thing but more obviously sex slavery. Everyone wants to be an actor and everyone knows what happens to actors. You may think jobs are supposed to accomplish things, but you're wrong, you're all given jobs to prevent you from doing anything important. Employers are baby-sitters, and sexual predators, same as education, politics, and corporate media. Humans are horrible creatures who treat eachother very badly.
Your life is a lie. You are a chump. You were created by a hyper-redundant system of slavery that drugged you into stupidity even before you were born. You were a slave since Day 1 in the womb. Your mother was raised on GMO. You have no idea how to be human. You don't know how to eat, you barely know how to breathe. You were raised like like a robot. Your food is a science experiment. Your education is a science experiment. Your entertainment is a science experiment. Project Paperclip. Operation Mockingbird. Echelon. Stellar Wind. The End.
You may now resume masturbating to cartoon animals.
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