somebody-u-use2kno Ā· 2 years
Am I allowed to be selfish? Am I allowed to want to make things about me for once? Am I allowed to complain and vent to the empty internet?
Fuck it! Why not?
Iā€™m so angry on the inside. Wellā€¦ I think itā€™s anger. Itā€™s a different type of anger. I donā€™t want to punch or hurt anything or anything (for now šŸ˜… kidding) I am just beyond fed up and disappointed. I donā€™t know why Iā€™m hardly surprised. I shouldnā€™t really expect anything else.
I think Iā€™m falling out of love. Not that I donā€™t love you just I donā€™t have any desire to try or do anything to save you or us anymore. Will I be heart broken and beyond hurt if we needed? Absolutely. But I know it wouldnā€™t kill me. I know it would probably be for the best. We arenā€™t giving each other what we need. Nor have we in quite some time now.
You donā€™t make me feel beautiful. To be honest I canā€™t remember a time within the last 6 or so months I actually feel attractive by you. I havenā€™t felt desired or anything by you. I donā€™t feel important. I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m the only girl in the world to you. Havenā€™t truly felt that in over a year. I feel highly unappreciated. I do so much for you and barely get a thank you. Hell I donā€™t. I get back handed complaints. I go out of my way to do so much for you and I am still frowned upon because it isnā€™t more. You donā€™t show me off to the world like you use too. I feel like youā€™re almost embarrassed of me. Or donā€™t want people to remember Iā€™m still around. Keeping me in the shadows. I donā€™t feel important. I feel like our children and myself are just side runners in your life. YOU fucked up. You have anger issues and took things too far yet Iā€™m the one to have the blame and now my child is possibly in jeopardy because of it. But you arenā€™t concerned about that. You arenā€™t bothered by the fact that our son can be taken away. Noooo. But what does have you conceded is that you possibly wonā€™t be allowed to see your other two. Thatā€™s your first priority and concern. Not the child that lives with you and the fact that if he does get taken away he wonā€™t have not only his father but not his mother either. You make me sick. Then instead of being a team effort on making sure our home is in check the first words that come out of your mouth are ā€œyou better make sureā€¦ā€ yeah. Because Iā€™m the only one that lives there right? Iā€™m the only one who is ā€œtrashyā€ right? Iā€™m the one the doesnā€™t take care of the animals you want so desperately right? Iā€™m the one who doesnā€™t help with out son at all right? You anger me to my bones. You constantly bring negativity into my life and then get bitched at but Iā€™m not happy and chipper like I once was before. I am done living this life with you. Yet I canā€™t stop myself from prayingā€¦. Not praying but begging the lord to save you. To save me. To save us and our life together. Iā€™m hurt and burnt out. I donā€™t know what to do anymore. Nor what I want to do.
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somebody-u-use2kno Ā· 3 years
Went down memory lane tonight.... didnā€™t realize it would hurt so much. You live and you learn. Thatā€™s all you can do. Make your next steps the best steps.
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somebody-u-use2kno Ā· 3 years
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A memory I would do anything to relive.
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somebody-u-use2kno Ā· 3 years
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somebody-u-use2kno Ā· 3 years
Dreaming of you is becoming more and more often
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somebody-u-use2kno Ā· 3 years
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somebody-u-use2kno Ā· 3 years
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somebody-u-use2kno Ā· 3 years
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Source unknown but <3
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somebody-u-use2kno Ā· 4 years
I had a dream of you last night.... it was so real.
We where eating at a pizza place and we were so in love. We had nonstop laughs. What I remember most of that dream was that smile. I would do anything to see that smile in person. Just one last time.
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somebody-u-use2kno Ā· 4 years
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Gabriela Mistral, from a letter to Doris Dana c. January 1950 (translated by Velma GarcĆ­a-Gorena)
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somebody-u-use2kno Ā· 4 years
Baby Girl,
Why do I miss you so much?
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somebody-u-use2kno Ā· 4 years
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somebody-u-use2kno Ā· 4 years
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53K notes Ā· View notes
somebody-u-use2kno Ā· 4 years
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248K notes Ā· View notes
somebody-u-use2kno Ā· 4 years
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35K notes Ā· View notes
somebody-u-use2kno Ā· 4 years
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61K notes Ā· View notes
somebody-u-use2kno Ā· 4 years
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101K notes Ā· View notes