somehazydaze · 8 months
Malakai shrugged holding his arms up in defense, chuckling lightly under his breath,"Hey, it's all Greek to me!" He does not even attempt to do an accent because Kai knew that he was not the guy to pull off impressions well. Shaking his head dismissively to Harvey's comment,"Nahhh don't you think like that. You do not have skinny pole syndrome. Strength comes in different forms. Like I'm no fucking macho man myself. This is were a positive mindset comes into play my friend. Like good vibes only. You want it, you are gonna get it. Like I'm sure you have heard about the law of attraction right?" Kai smiles at him,"See nice thoughts like that, everyone deserves a good night's sleep."
Smoothly, he rolled back his shoulders,"Oh yeah, the stuff gym class taught is useful if you apply it the way that you want." High school was not the sweetest experience for Kai but he would always be grateful for the tough skin he got. Oh bless his enlightened college years. When Harvey asked him the factors his brain suddenly went moosh...could you tell he barely passed high school maths? "What's a factor again?"
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A small smirk curved on his lips as he watched young Harvey suddenly become so bashful. It was cute to see since he was so matter of fact about it. Before he could dig into the feelsy stuff, he could not skip his comment about the Tinder date. A low whistle left his lips,"Dang, four hours? You Hatsune Miku stans are freaking wild." Certainly not how his four hours were spent on a Tinder date...that's for sure.
And now for all the cutesy romantic stuff. He was getting all mooshy hearing about it. Kai just loved to hear about love. His mama told him that he took it after his uncle. Still Kai stood there listening taking every word in and studying Harvey's body language too. "Wow...now if I am assuming right with how you are feeling about this Livia...sounds like someone might be in love? Or too early too say...I only say that since you mentioned heart..." he nudges him on the side.
"Ohhhhh...so you've kissed them too?"Kai teases,"Please Harv who am I gonna be telling this too? It's your heart I got no right to share that with anyone." Kai clicked his tongue,"Okay first things first, this feeling you have right now. Hold on to it and it will be the one that will make you invincible. You have something worth fighting for. Someone you don't wanna loose."
Looking around the gym he thinks,"Okay we are gonna work on building up your strength and endurance might be best. So breaking it up into different kinda training days like core, arms, legs, cardio kinda stuff.Sounds like a plan huh?"
"I thought you were hungry!" Harvey said in an exasperated tone. "I'm sure the greek pastry thing is called Spankopita." He said pronouncing the same way the nun at his workplace did. Harvey looked at Kai as he if grew two heads. "I don't think I'm capable of having muscles, I got cursed with flag pole physique." Harvey sighed to himelf. "I'll focus more on the sleep then, that would be nice."
Harvey nodded attempting to switch around in stretching. "Do those butterfly stretches they force you to do in gym count?" That was the only thing he could remember...that and being pelted at dodgeball.Harvey looked at Malakai with intrigue. Math was his language. "What are the factors in this formula."
Harvey's face turned red as a beet. He didn't realize he was going to have to the spill the tea so soon. But it was Kai and he did for all intents and purposes, he trusted him. "I did have a tinder once but i ended up fighting the person because they were a love live fan and as a hatsune miku fan I couldn't stomach it." Harvey shook his head. "Worst 4 hour arguement of my life."
"Livia Edgen, they/she, interviewing me. I thought she was pretty smart and had an air to them. But until the gala I didn't see it." Harvey paused. "I think it's safe to say my heart got closer to Livia. Because they're more than a brilliant neurophyscist. They're kind and have something about them I want to protect." Even if that person was someone they didn't see coming.
There was a cheesy grin. "Just don't tell anyone I'm not really the kiss and tell type." He said with a cheesy grin. "What is your plans for old me, the heaviest I can carry is maybe 10 pounds."
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somehazydaze · 8 months
KAI: I'm on break rn 🙄😝 [Kai was not actually on his break.] KAI:some of us were serving lewks🔥🔥🔥 still stanning how gael slayed! KAI:damnnnn ampi leaving us with a dramatic exit. kinda lovingggg that vibe. KAI:oh shit fr? like you spoke to mangus? damn gael was on it!!! KAI:...all I got was the speech on tape.not as cool but it be something ig???
[12.02.2023] @mincedoaths @somehazydaze AMPARO: 😠 so what happened to our plan last night? because if i remember correctly, ¡estaba hacía todo lo que podía para salvar la misión!!! AMPARO: i had to rip my jumpsuit to climb through an air vent!! AMPARO: where was backup? recon?? AMPARO: kai, you're at work, i see the typing. put your phone away. grovel later.
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somehazydaze · 9 months
Only Just A Dream Take Two.
who: Malakai & Talia @iridescences where: outside Cerb Corp, face it Kai lives by the food truck. when: about lunch time?
Sure Malakai was telling himself that he was doing recon if there was anything out the blue but really it was becoming more an excuse for him to visit Agent Cupcake's Cupcake Truck as he would slowly eat his way through the menu. Malakai could not help it that they were so damn tasty but he looked even more tasty with the selfies he took with the cupcake. New profile pics for his social media pages. Once he perfectly posed with his cupcake, he took one bite of it. Gently whipping most of the icing off his lip. When his eyes caught on too someone walking down the street.
Oh shit, it was the girl from his dreams that he saw at the gala and he made an ass of himself. Wait, at least he thinks that it is her? He could just be tripping. Kinda like how he had been tripping on his words when he encountered his dream girl...not like his dream girl that he wanted to cuddle, settle down with as his forever. Didn't mean that the she wasn't as dreamy as in his dreams...did that even make sense. Well to Malakai it did. He sighed, it was now or never right? You regret half the chances you didn't take right.
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Malakai scoffs down the cupcake, unknown to him that he was sporting an icing mustache. Once again he mentally rehearsed what he would say. Not wanting to make the same mistake as last time. This time he was going to be polite and less a creeper. No swearing and damn, the closer he got to her the more his dream felt real. How the heck can you have a dream about someone you never met but was actually real? He didn't get it. Keep it cool, keep it cool.He reminds himself walking with his normal grace. And he was in front of the dream girl once more. "Oh shit here we go again." And he smacks himself in the forehead,"Sorry...you know gala and dreams..." he rambles like the big dope he is. Well, he certainly messed that up.
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somehazydaze · 9 months
Malakai lets out a little chuckle,"Damn that must be what I wound like when I thought Pythagorus was a greek pastry." He was kinda getting now that the student and teacher position was flipped. Woah, Harv had a lot of patience with him. "Yeah swols, gains, just kinda like..." actually he didn't know the scientific explanation to it but he could easily bluff it,"Like you know the physical changes that you can see. Mainly the muscles. I'll catch you up on all the needed lingo!" He nodded,"Oh honestly you will see a whole change in your day to day. Sleep will be much sweeter for sure."
Arching his head a little bit watching as Harvey began with jump jacks, always a good choice to get that heart rate elevated. He pursed his lips,"Yeah, rules that kinda help a routine and everything a lot easier...kinda like a um formula if that helps ya." Wow Malakai had more big brain energy than he knew. Looks and smarts. It was always good to keep learning if that meant it can add more to his utter brilliance. Carefully he shifted into his next stretch lunging forward, slowly twisting side to side and keeping his eyes on Harvey kinda hoping that he wouldn't hurt himself during the workout.
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He stops stretching as something Harvey said grabbed his attention with alarm bells ringing. "Uh oh yeah you wanna be strong for someone and protect them?" Malakai smirks as he notices the little changes in Harvey's reasoning. "Sounds like someone's got a boo. Spill! Name, pronouns, how'd you two meet? Cause you defo don't look like a Tinder hookup kinda guy. So spill now." Malakai pauses,"Cause you know it's important to do deeper into your why and help you stick out to the workout thing whilst making the perfect workout plan for ya, and totally not because I'm a nosy bitch who wants to know all the tea, so spill all about this someone."
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"Gain? Like the laundry soap?" Harvey asked genuinely confused. Harvey was aware of exercise videos on the internet and they always say those words. HIT, GAINS, DOMS. What the hell are all those terms. Harvey looked at the arms. "Is that what they call swole?" Harvey asked as if he was double his age. Harvey scrunched his eyebrows. "I guess the healthy thing is nice. Maybe finally sleep at night." Harvey relented.
And it was part of the reason. Being inside typing endlessly for jobs or Rubix things makes. It was getting to him. There was also the fact that he needed to get his mind off that stupid speech. But Harvey wasn't sure if he should bring that up.
Harvey blinked in surprise. "There's rules." Harvey said pausing from the jumping jacks. Harvey nodded. "So stretch, warm up, hydrate, and clean." Harvey confirmed. Harvey stretched his arms to the sky before attempting to touch his toes. That's a stretch isn't it? Harvey pursed his lips for a moment before getting an idea.
He thought of Livia, the way their stature was light and airy. But the times he lifted her for an easy piggyback ride, he could feel weak not being able to. And maybe his desires were to protect that one person. Harvey looked up with a certain look of finality.
"Strength. I want to be able to lift up someone and protect them."
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somehazydaze · 9 months
Now was the time of year that the gym would be mostly busy, all that new year, new me vibes which Malakai didn't mean at all. For him, it was actually nice to see new faces at his local gym. Some could be new besties in the making, others he would see for the moment and some who might be the ones to show him something new or two. He was one of the gym rats that was grateful to see new faces. Unlike the gym brats who got do damn territorial about newbies invading their workout space, Kai was always warm and welcoming, helping those who needed guidance.
He was surprised at first when he learnt that Harvey, Harvey of all people wanted to start his gym arch. The moment he heard that he did, Malakai was stoked, totally making epic playlists for him workout too. Even to the point he packed an extra protein bar for Harvey, of course there was three for himself and his protein shake and his water bottle. But hey, if you knew Malakai he was not one to share food. Harvey had no idea how lucky he was going to be. And low-key if Harvey didn't want it meant Kai would have an extra one. A win was a win.
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Kai nudged Harvey,"Oh come on Harv, this is the place to be for the gains." Taken it upon himself to flex his arms a little cause he knew he was fine. He would lift his shirt to show to show off his abs, but Harv would have to buy him dinner first to see them. "It is the place to be and it's not just about getting a hella hot body. Nah, the gym is so much more about that. Like mindset and looking after ya body."
Crossing his arms lightly over his body, as he begins to stretch. Wait, put it on the apple watch or it doesn't count! As he talks he continues to stretch lightly,"Rule number one: always stretch before a workout...actually wait rule number one could always be hydrate." Kai rambles,"Fuck it, all important memos: stretch, warm up, hydrate. Oh and make sure you wipe down the station before and after you use it. Clean space yeah?" He stretches his arms over his head,"Do you have a rough idea what you wanna work on or where to start? Like you looking for cardio, muscle gains, flexibility , endurance? You look to focus on arm, legs, abs, thighs, butt? What's the goals?"
Closed for @somehazydaze -Kai and the inevitable gym arc.
There were many fears Harvey had. The fear of abandonment, judgement, and being alone.
But we were not talking about those fears. Instead this fear manifested in a gaudy sign that said new year new bidy. Harvey finally looked Mal with an eyebrow raise staring at the door.
"You sure this is a good place to start?" He asked slowly.
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somehazydaze · 9 months
Getting a Sweet Fix 🧁
who: Malakai & Agent Cupcake @disruptedlogic where: by the best place in the world Emilio's Cupcake Truck 🧁 when: Somewhere in the hours of the Night
Ever since the shit show of the Gala, Malakai may have taken it upon himself to do daily recon around Cerberus Corp. Just the usual, keep an eye out for anything suspicious, out of the haps or even gathering some entail from the little chit chats he'd hear around. It was always good to be in the know. Yet he knew that all the Agents were more than likely on their best damn behaviour or some crap like that, protect the image of the company or some corporate crap. Nope, even the thought of large corporations was making him feel queazy.
For his mini side quest, this time he kept it low-key, black hoodie and dark jeans. The only thing bright about him was his freshly dyed pink hair. He was a new year, new look kinda guy, always a chance to keep the look fresh. But at least it was not the bright pink suite that Ampi was still chewing his ear off about. Like it was his fault he looked good in the suit and the dramatic mask made a statement. A good looking statement. However, he was going to be a good boy and not draw attention to himself. New Year's Resolution...one that he knew that he was going to break sooner than later.
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Recon so far was quiet...maybe it was the timings he picked. His first time slot was a little after breakfast rush and a little before lunchtime rush and his second slot just before evening rushes. Perfect times when Agents would be stuck at their desks having their mandatory breaks, so he could roughly guess the spots he didn't want to be seen. All about being lowkey, right? Being lowkey was hungry work after all. Malakai looks at his phone. Yeah...yeah he could call it a break. Even if he worked for 5 minutes. Apart of his Vigilante task, he was the one that made the rules. When Ampi wasn't around a least. Still he was a free soul and called for a little pick me up.
He stood in line with about three or four people ahead of him. Standing in line for the best place in the world. The people before him were stood before one of the greatest Agents that Cerb Corp could be blessed to have in their ranks. Forget the oh so greats of Hades, Granite, Ymir, Loveshot, Flare or Whirlpool. Nahh forget about them! This legend was were it was really at, Agent Cupcake. He was the one who kept it real. The only agent, Malakai had respect for! And maybe some merch...like a keychain or fanmade Funkopop...and the really creative gods of Etsy. Malakai finds himself bouncing up and down in line. You know totally keeping his chill.
One person now ahead of him in the queue. He was totally chill. The inner fanboy in him was chill. Unlike before, he had rehearsed his reply a few times in the mirror. Hands in the pocket, light nod with a 'Sup', make an order, pay his respects with a thank you....and maybe....just maybe get a handshake or a little salute. Oh heck yeah, that would be awesome. Stay cool and lowkey. All that Malakai had to do.
Then it was his turn in line. And he stood their frozen. Taking him a few moments to realise that he was next to be face to face with his all time favourite hero. Shaking it off, he muttered to himself,"C'mon Kai, chill and lowkey, chill and lowkey." He tells himself over and over like mantra. Shoving his hands in his pockets and when his eyes locked on Emilio his inner fanboy took over, "Ahhh hey!" he squeals out.
And game over...New Year's Resolution broken.
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somehazydaze · 9 months
Haze's lips could not help but curve into a cheeky little grin at the way his rival growled you at him. Almost like it was a term of endearment. Clearly, Puppeteer had been thinking of him, to give Haze such a personalized "Awww, cute. Hope you didn't miss me too much." He gives a playful wink to match his cocky smile.
It takes him a few seconds to try and work out if they were insulting him and complimenting him. Airhead was a compliment? Kinda like sneakerhead was right? Obviously, it had to be a compliment. Everyone complimented Haze. But then it clicked what Puppeteer was actually trying to confess. "Oh sweet you've actually give me your civilian name then Geppetto, bet," Haze smirked holding up one finger as he got out his phone to make a new contact. If he was getting their name, he may as well get their number too. Adding a new contact to his phone, he goes to type the name hovering over the Js and Gs."Hey um Pinocchio how many Js are in Geppetto?" He actually had new clue and was only being polite to ask.
"I don't think that I've tried...the can...canaille? Are they the little stuffed things with the green stuff sprigged on top? Because they sound delicious! Oh and the mini quiches, heavenly," Haze begins to go on about the food despite Puppeteers temper and hair start flicking. "You mad that you didn't get any?"
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Damn...well okay, clearly someone was pissed that didn't get any food. Haze gets it, he'd be smashing up shit too if he were hungry. Go off Puppeteer. Oh shit, wait, wait, the anger was being directed at Haze. Ah shit. Someone was certainly hangry. "Woah Geppetto, chill out!" Seemed like they were a long way from chill the way that Geppetto pointed an index finger in his chest. Haze looks back up to Geppetto so close to him. Actually the whole look wasn't half bad up close, at least. He runs his fingers over their cape which looked like feather to him, Rubbing the expensive ass fabric between his fingers. "Oh I know I can call you out Geppetto...because I just did." Haze keeps his voice low and loud enough just for them to hear.
Until his body reacts under the control of Puppeteer's powers. They had been touched Falling back onto his fine ass, he iPhone in the pink Hello Kitty phone case slide against the floor. "Oh come on, not my phone I've just a new case for it!" As attention seemed to fall on to the two of them but Haze was only looking at Puppeteer,"You really wanna make a song and dance here? We haven't even rehearsed in a while." Haze gives a playful pout and puppy dog eyes. Maybe he could use his smooth talking ways to get out of this. Using his powers wouldn't be low-key...and fuck Ampi would be even more pissed at him than she was.
“Commonwealth Cocktail, yes, you heard me,” Reyhan orders, smirking when the bartender grumbles and has to assemble the 71 ingredients needed for the ridiculous cocktail. As the penguin-suited man reaches under the counter to search, the dancer spins around to survey the crowd, concluding that the gala is a fine night. They relax into the bar, eyes trawling when a flash of rose shoots up from the fields of black.
Naturally inclined to splendor, Reyhan turns their head and instantly regrets the decision. “You.” Reyhan, no, Puppeteer growls and stands to their full height, on alert to the approaching figure dressed in a rose-emblazoned suit. It’s winter; who does florals in frigid weather?
The answer is Haze, of course. The bane to Puppeteer’s God-blessed existence.
“Pinocchio?! At least get your reference right, you airhead. That’s the freaking puppet! Geppetto. He’s the creator!” Reyhan snarls, their humor from a paltry five minutes ago burning into cinders.
They twist to glare, so close to Haze that they can taste cheap cologne wafting around him. In this closeness, Reyhan spots the telltale glimmer of mischief in Haze’s brown irises behind the opulent mask. It spells disaster for Reyhan should they actually get into a tousle here, of all places, with the other EO.
Certainly, Reyhan would put up a good fight. They’ve had the express misfortune of coming across Haze too many times to count and begrudgingly know the vigilante’s body like the back of their hand. Haze’s arms, legs, chest, spine. All except for the head are under Puppeteer’s invisible strings. But they’d rather not risk getting unmasked in front of all these people, especially by the smokestack of all wannabe heroes.
“This gala has officially gone to the canaille. Showing up for the free food, Marlboro Man?” They choose to snark, disengaging by pulling back and tossing their head to the side to present a withering side glance.
“Order’s up. Commonwealth.” The bartender calls, and Reyhan fetches their drink. They sip at it, the ice hindering the rage. Yes, they should calm down. It wouldn’t do to get heated up—
Then comes the catfight comment.
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“You think you can call me out for what I’m wearing???” Reyhan hisses, throwing the damn cocktail onto the floor. Another glass shatters for the second time in the vicinity of Reyhan as they ignore the bartender, who throws their hands up into the air. What’s more pressing is to actually and actively press their index finger into the center of Haze’s chest.
“You don’t know avant-garde even if you were smacked across the face with it.” They say, “But believe me, if you want to see how I look after a catfight, I’d be happy to demonstrate.” Fall backward. Land on that smug ass of yours.
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somehazydaze · 9 months
But I will Not Hold
who: Haze & Puppeteer @retrocausalities where:the bar at the gala. when: Somewhere in the hours of the Night
Agents, Agents everywhere but he was the only drop of pink. Malakai gave himself the once over at the pink attire he decided for the night. Sure, he knew that he looked hella fine but maybe Ampi was right, he kinda shoulda have gone with something a little more lowkey. Sure, there were spots of color here and there. Mostly muted tones, blood red and an whole ocean of black. Except for this one pair that looked like they were from some kinda Disney movie, bold choice for sure. Still part of him was starting to think black would have been the safer option. Everything looked sexier when dressed in black.
Yet the moment he had that thought, Malakai immediately redacted that thought as his eyes locked onto one annoying ass bitch. Malakai could clock that perfectly poised posture anywhere. Well not really Malakai, more his alter ego Haze. It was Haze who had crossed paths with this melodramatic ass more times that he would like to sound. Smoke Materlization came in pretty handy against their puppet controlling fine ass. They were just one massive headache to Haze.
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Sure, maybe Malakai was meant to be on the lowkey tonight. Part of him could blame that it was a Haze thing. Even though being on this mission was a Haze thing but he could worry about that later. When one of Haze's fine-ass, annoying-ass, overdramatic, melodramatic, posh-as speaking, fine-ass foes was present. It was not Haze to ignore. It was his duty to approach their ass.
Just doing his duty, Haze repositions his mask and straightens up his suit. Even more self assured that he looked better than what this nemesis was wearing. His fingers delicately drag over the bar leading all the way to is rival. Haze leans against the bar staying close proximity to the one and only Puppeteer "Well, well if it isn't Pinocchio. Left your little wood-work workshop place..." Dammit his stuttered, he had not thought the cool slick line before. Too much though on their annoying ass but he still keep talking. "Well looks like we meet again," Haze gives a smooth recovery, "Really...you came here. Dressed like that? Get into a catfight or something, Pinocchio?" He knew it wasn't their name but it was very amusing to see them instantly get worked up.
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somehazydaze · 9 months
Only Just a Dream
who: Malakai & Talia @iridescences where: the dancefloor at the gala. when: Middle Hours of the Night
The Gala buzzed with shrilled false laughter and the clinking of fancy ass champagne glasses. Most seeming to have a good time, but for Malakai, the evening was a dull affair. Boredom crept into his smile as he scanned the room, searching something, anything, to entertain him. Sure, he was meant to be keeping all of it lowkey, even though he knew his hot ass would capture the attention of the those with actual taste. He even knew that this place was gonna be infested with annoying ass Cerberus Corp Agents, with Agent Cupcake being the only acceptation.-Great man, great man- he knew he had to keep a low profile there.
There was only so much he could do to keep himself entertained before he was became antsy and impatient. Malakai had already exhausted his excitement over all the mini food that made him feel like a giant eating them. All the nice sweet treats were gone and their was only fruit, no freaking thank you. The only thing keeping his sane was his playlist epic playlist that blasted over the classical shit that had been playing. His only other option was have a drink or two. He was still on a mission so he couldn't get drunk off his ass. When one of those waiters passed by with a drink on a silver platter he snagged one up.
Swishing the drink a little in the fancy glass, he took a sip of it. Not really as sweet as he would like it but hey, it made him look fancy. Malakai coughs a little as he begins to search the crowd. You know anyone suspicious, sketchy or outplace vibes. But then he does a double take watching her move through the crowd. The one who walked like an angel, hair flowing and cascading like a waterfall spun from gold. Something about her movement was like poetry. A familiar warmth over came him like, like Malakai knew her. Like he had walked with her once upon a dream. There was a gleam in her eye that was familiar a gleam. Malakai could not stop staring.
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What was going on? He looked down at the drink, tipping it into the plant with a gut feeling not trusting it. Pinching himself once. Pinching himself twice. And a third. To assure he hadn't fallen asleep. Nope, he was painstakingly awake. This was trippy. Inhaling deeply, he knew what he was about to do was going to sound creepy as to a pretty girl. Yet he needed answers.
Slicing through the crowd gracefully to get to her. Shit what would he say? Do you have to bow or something at these things? What was the etiquette? Fuck, he didn't know. Yet there he was stood in front of the girl from his dreams up close and damn she was pretty. "Shit it is you," were the first words to leave his lips.
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somehazydaze · 10 months
Meme Weekend °❆⛄⋆.ೃ࿔🦌*:・❄️
Christmas Pick Up Lines / It's Christmas Time / Christmas Song Starters / Moodboard
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somehazydaze · 10 months
* ┊ welcome to our third MEME WEEKEND, which will last until MONDAY, DEC 18th, at 11:59PM.
if you'd like to participate, please ( 1 ) reblog this post. ( 2 ) make sure that your inbox is open in your blog settings, and that anon is ON. then, ( 3 ) make a post with the tag #cc.meme that contains a link to your inbox as well as links to any ask meme prompts you're accepting. if you're accepting general ic questions (similar to an "honesty hour"), you're welcome to denote that as well.
you are welcome to use any ask meme prompts you'd like, but we've collected a few options that we like. in addition, please aim to send other members TWO anons before replying to any one of your own.
one. two. three. four.
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somehazydaze · 10 months
who: Malakai where: the grand opening of anderson laboratories. when: During the Announcement
As the hush whispers fall and his music became far too crisp in his ear, Malakai paused Rihanna, oddly enough Please Don't Stop the Music was playing. Malakai muttered a little sorry Riri, as he pulled out his headphone to listen to the big ass hot shot, Magnus Andersens begins to speak. Quickly snapping his airpod away, he pulls his iPhone out and started to record the speech. Maybe there could be some useful entail there or maybe the speech would be stuffy ass rich guy stroking his own ego about stuff he did and research jargon.
Malakai holds back a small yawn, whilst a small cough tickled in his throat. He was the one dude in the crowd that was clearing his throat that everyone could hear. Not his fault it was merely the draw back of his powers. Still he holds the phone up recording the rich ass dude go on. And then he let's an accusation drop.
"Holy Shit..." Kai mouths to himself. His focus more alert and brain actually taking things in for a change. He listens closely, starting to question and conform his beliefs. Fuck Cerb Corp! He had more reason to hold that belief now.
Cerberus keeps a secret registry — with your names, your powers, your address, everything they can find should they need you.
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Well that explained how the fuck his ass and other's got invited here. How well was it even known those who were in hiding or other things. No way he was made for that dumb ass bet he made with a friend. Questions just kept buzzing in his head that he knew him and the other's needed to get down to the bottom too.
As the speech comes to an end. The room is too stunned to speak. He quickly ends the recording, saving it in various clouds and copies. Could be useful to listen to later. There was so much to take in.
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somehazydaze · 10 months
Dammit this gala was a drag. Apart from the free food and booze. Everything here was pretty much stuffy as Malakai expected it to be. He was doing an alright job being lowkey despite wearing a loud ass mask on his face...and maybe for not having the most fanciest shoes on...and maybe for bouncing from boring ass conversations that literally made him yawn out loud. My oh my, he literally hated being here.
Thank god for the seven hour playlist playing in his ear, as catches himself bobbing to his sweet, sweet tunes. Rihanna's Bitch Better Have My Money started playing in his ear. An icon really. He started to get into the song before he caught sight of someone who started to talk to him. Malakai could hear, as he was not that rude to wear both airpods in. He hated classical music.It was not like he was antisocial or anything.
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Malakai manages to catch what they were saying. Lightly tapping his airpod to pause is."Normally...I would say it's getting hot in here cause of me," Malakai half chuckles,"But I don't feel like my sense of humor flies with many peeps around here.Or really appropriate." He tries to break the ice and distract a little."Um hey...have you ever played the senses game before? You know like when you say 5 things you see, four things you hear, three things you can touch, two smell and one taste?" He offers instead, knowing the useful technique to help calm someone down. Maybe it could be some use here, Malakai hoped.
Nerves. is all she could feel upon receiving her gaudy invitation to the gala. she expected nothing less all things considered. The knowledge that they knew of her― classified her as an EO― was an incursion of her privacy. Forcefully they thrusted her into the spotlight; not for her work; or development in space science that she helmed. But rather what she could do with these unnatural abilities. For six years she kept a tight lip of her new, skills. The last three she delved into what she could do― how powerful she could be. It scared her- no person, no mortal should have this kind of dominion. How odd to hate the very thing that saved your life. her attendance was begrudging on. her part, dawn in white from head to toe she snatched up a champagne flute quickly. Emptying the contents about halfway finally feeling the coil tight in the pit of her stomach loosen. Her breathing labored. cautious eyes found a cursory gaze behind a mask and she offered a tight smile. " It's warm in here. Though I suppose chugging alcohol would exacerbate the heat," she said fanning herself with her clutch, trying to cool the overheated skin of her collarbone. Breathe Marion, just breathe.
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somehazydaze · 10 months
Nothing beat taking a long ass break after a Parkour session that was followed by an annoying ass asthma attack. So he decided that taking a break was the next best thing. Which for Malakai meant getting himself comfy on top of the buildings in New York. The crisp autumn to winter air cutting through his hair, as he sat crossed legged, laptop out and headphones in. Easily, he connected to someone's wifi, as nine times out of ten the password, was actually password. Just like his mama had taught him. With a pack of mini cookies at his side, headphones plugged in as he started to build on his spotify playlist.
Ever since receiving that fancy ass invitation in the mail, it stank with nothing but suspicion. The time for scheming had begun for the mission to get all the information that was needed. He was going to make sure that he was going to be ready. One of the ways Malakai considered preparing for the mission was working on his spotify playlist because no way would he survive the night with classical music. Even classical music that was cover of pop hits didn't even cut it for him. So munching on his mini cookies, he began to build the epic playlist to survive that night. "Beyonce makes the list...and a little bit of Nicki too," he mutters to himself.
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A call pops up on his macbook and he smiles at the emojis that appear. Easier way to code people in his phonebook. Malakai answers,"What is up my guy Gael?" he can't help but laugh,"Okay for context I just gotta know what your first idea you got it that gotta her in a texting frenzy." Malakai up a little bit straighter,"But in all seriousness sure I can shoot her a message of what I'm gonna wear. I mean we gotta be low-key, yeah?" he smirks a little hovering over the tabs to the mask, suit and shoes he was gonna wear, which were certainly not as low-key but when their was a sale on, he would always opt for the clothes in sale.
"Like just a mask and fancy ass suit right?" he pauses brief,"I'm even gonna wear some kicks to be a little more comfortable. They match the outfit...so that could be cool." Malakai quickly switches to his spotify scrolling down his playlist,"Quick question since I got ya on the line....do you think a seven hour playlist is long enough to drown out the classical crap at this gala or should I aim for eight hours or something?"
closed for @somehazydaze
In the warm, defused glow of his living room, Gael paced across the length of a plush rug at the center of the small space, head downturned towards the phone in his hands. He clicked his tongue as a new message popped up. Rolling his eyes at the text, Gael backed out of the messaging app to pull up his contacts as another notification flashed over the top of the screen. Sighing deeply, he swiped the annoyance away as he scrolled down to the name he was searching for.
After initialing the call, he placed the phone on the crook of his shoulder and walked towards his coffee table and the black boutique bag sitting atop it. Crouching slightly, he reached into the bag to pull out the folded garment resting inside it before running his hands over the shimmery fabric. A click over the phone’s speakers alerted him that the other side of the line had connected.
Smiling, he dropped the cloth back into the bag and brought his right hand up to adjust the phone where it sat next to his ear. “ Yo, Malakai. It’s me, ” He said before the man on the other line even had a chance to say a word. “ What are you wearing to the masquerade thingy? ‘Cause I got something planned, but Ampi’s been blowing up my phone since I sent her my first idea. So it’d be great if you could get her off my case by showing her what you have in mind. ”
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somehazydaze · 10 months
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ㅤ Kiki, do you love me? Are you riding? ㅤ Say you'll never ever leave from beside me ㅤ 'Cause I want ya, and I need ya ㅤ And I'm down for you always
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Headcanon, he had one airpod in and is listening to his own playlist since he hates classical.
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somehazydaze · 10 months
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Riding high, when I was king Played it hard and fast, 'cause I had everything Walked away, wonderin' then But easy come and easy go And it would end 💨
cerberus corp has been watching Malakai Dawson.  some of the public has dubbed them Haze because of Smoke Materialization gifted by misplaced footing during one his parkour sessions been an extra ordinary since 2009, they’re doing a good job at hiding  Wheezing Cough, Low Lung Capacity, Asthmas Attacks, when they aren’t working their day job as a Vigilante for Hire , they are fond of Exploring the Abandoned Corners of New York  and are never seen without Inhaler. at first glance they seem Chill & Free Spirited, though their close friends know them to also be Cocky & Defensive.  they consider themself a vigilante
bio ┋ musings ┋ connections ┋ playlist ┋ pinterest ┋ navi
name  Malakai Dawson nicknames  Kai, Kiki [only by Ampi<;3] age  31 date of birth  April 10th 1992 zodiac  Aries place of birth  Queens, New York current residence  Queens, New York gender  cisgender man pronouns  he/him sexuality  bisexual occupation  vigilante for hire [name pending], Volunteer at Youth Group
faceclaim  keiynan lonsdale height  6'0 ft tattoos  [coming soon] piercings  earlobe distinguishing features that cocky ass smirk, his height, awesome hair always sometime dyed,sometime natural really does depend on his mood.
positive traits  chill, free-spirited, brave, laidback, generous negative traits cocky, defensive, irrational, spontaneous, do-first-think later.
labels Big Ego, Hidden Depths, Smug Super
characters  [coming soon]
likes  Mini Cookies, Sweet Treats, Beating Asses at Petty Contests, His Bose Headphones, Bright Clothes, A Comfy Hoodie, Helping People Out, Capoeira, Breakfast for Dinner, Taking Selfies, Bright Trainers, Upbeat Music, dislikes  Meaningless Work, Fake People, His Annoying Ass Cough, Cerberus Corp, Accidently getting ASL Signs Wrong, Sour Food, Letting Food go to Waste, Classical Music fears  Getting a Corporate Job, Working for Cerberus Corp, Agent Cupcake running out of Cupcakes, His Friends and Family getting Hurt, Falling from a Height, hobbies  Parkour, Beating ass on Mario Kart [he is a Yoshi Main], Dance Battles, Exploring Abandon Corners of New York, Occasionally Tagging habits Arms tucked behind his head when thinking, Opening the Fridge and closing it again before remembering what he got, fiddling with his pockets, never standing still so rocking on hills or swaying arms, humming or drumming his fingers against something, asking people if they are going to finish that.
near death experience… He got too cocky with his friends, filming Youtube Videos of them free running. The jump was something that he was never going to make, he knew that. But when he was double dared by a friend for $100, who was he to say no? Showing off, he thought he was going to make it. Clearly, he didn't cause when he was awake in an overpriced hospital bed. Of course, after being given some expensive meds and given the all clear from his near death experience he was curious if he'd get powers like he had heard about. That's when he started experimenting in an abandoned building, hoping for something badass like wall-crawlin, enhanced jumping or agility, something that would already enhance his natural talents. When he learned about his power Smoke Materlization, it was time to hit the science textbooks and learn about smoke properties and where to find them in New York City.
💨Malakai's power is Smoke Materialization. He is unable to create smoke, however, he is able to use available smoke around him to be shaped into different solid constructs and objects that appear to have a smoky like consistency .His constructs are able to hold his weight and can become solid forms. He needs a high level of concentration to create the form, the more complex a form tends to be, the more smoke that is needed to bring it to existence. His creations are under his control and influence they can be dismissed when he blows the smoke away or they are "beaten" or "attacked" by others. When his constructs do disappear they do let let out a loud "poof" sound that can effect the use of stealth.
💨One of this main constructs he metalizes are small platforms that help him more from building to building with ease. He tends to make constructs for escape, nothing as extensive as a car or motorcycle, as those shapes are far too complex, so he sticks to simple constructs like a skateboard.
💨He can get pretty creative with his materializations from creating duplicate items, like keys and passes. If they actually work that would depend on the attention to detail with the constructs. Some of his bigger constructs are sometimes just very showy like dragon like smoke monsters, that are basically their for aesthetic, not actual creatures that would attack for him- some would assume this is a stronger version but merely would be used as a distraction. He can create replicas of items such as food, but it may look like food does not mean that it will have the same genetic makeup or nutrition of food. He's tried and it is just basically a smoke after taste leaving you more hungry than before.
💨Due to him relying on smoke around him, his constructs will inhabit different strengths and forms that are dependent on the type of smoke used to create the constructs. New York is filled with wonderful smokes and gases, each with it's own unique property. Such as flammable gases, chemical reactions, acid smoke, corrosion..
[more detail to be added about various smoke type, imagine like different materials that have strengths and weaknesses. ]
drawbacks / vulnerabilities…
💨Sadly due to the extent of his power relying on smoke, his body is not immune to how the smoke can effect his body. He is constantly breathing in the toxic and poisonous air with damage his lungs.
💨Kai as a result of his powers has developed Asthma and is often faced with Asthma Attacks where he is struggling to breath. Unfortunately for him he now needs to carry and inhaler around with him most places that he goes. Especially, needing to take it easy with his Parkour Adventures.
💨He suffers with a constant wheezing cough that sounds very much like a smokers cough. And he has never smoked in his life. So it is pretty damn frustrating coughing all the damn time. It is something he is learning to get use too.
codename…  Haze something about it just felt simple, clean and had an edge to it. Sounded cooler than being Smokey....making him sound like a dog. Also things with a Z automatically seem to look cool in his mind.
💨He just wants to help people and give back. Hates big corp way of doing it and wanting attention. He basically runs a hero for hire business cause he wants to give back. Sometimes for a price. Sometimes from the kindness of his heart.
💨Agent Cupcake might be the only Agent he really like since he is the vibes that Malakai vibes with most. Other than that he is very fuck cooperation.
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