someonetellmehow · 3 years
Adrift and at Peace
Clarke, now a successful cardiac surgeon, comes back to Polis after years of being away for med school (amongst other reasons). As she wrestles with burying the memories of a certain woman, she learns of the terrifying secret her mother and best friend kept from her.
Lexa, born and raised in Polis, is pretty sure that she'll also die in Polis. With her health insurance running out, and her only treatment meant to be taken for the rest of her life, she thinks everything's only a matter of time before she joins her parents in the afterlife.
As these two exes meet once again and marry for the sake of health benefits, will their love be rekindled or end in tragedy?
A retelling of Henry and Teddy's love story from Grey's Anatomy, Clexa style.
Chapter One
Hearing her name shouted out by the barista, Clarke gets up from the chair she's been lounging on and takes her piping hot cappuccino. She's going to need her first cup of coffee if she ever wants to survive the day, especially a day that is the start of many working in a new/old environment. With her mother.
Speaking of, as she's walking towards the hospital, Abby's contact flashes on Clarke's phone.
"Clarke! Where are you? Are you already here?"
"You're the second person to shout at me today, and it's only 7:30. I'm fine, by the way. The flight's great and Dr. Robbins sends her regards. Thanks for asking, mom."
"You know I'm just excited to see you, Clarke. I haven't seen my baby in 2 years."
"Yeah, alright. I'm excited to see you, too, mom. I just stopped by to get some coffee. I'm on my way to the hospital right now."
"Great! Find me when you arrive, and then I'll have someone give you a tour. I also want you to meet someone, Clarke. I'm pretty sure you two will hit it off."
Clarke can already see the cogs turning in her mother's mind. Abby isn't really subtle in setting her up with doctors and lawyers that she sees as a potential son-in-law. Despite wanting a family of her own and approaching that age, she's never been interested in any of the men her mother set her up with. They're either too arrogant and full of themselves, or were dismissive of her career and spent the whole time ogling her. Nothing in between. Well, except for that one time when she had a lunch date with a son of her mother's colleague and he came out to her as gay. And that he has a secret lover. He told Clarke that, much like her, he's only been going out with the women his mother sets him up with to divert her attention away from his sexuality and boyfriend. He even gave Clarke a proposition; that they marry each other just for show and to shut their parents up, and that they were free to take on their own lovers. As much as Clarke fantasized being Evelyn and finding her own Celia, she wasn't sure if actually living it was something she can handle, and promptly declined.
Rolling her eyes, Clarke replies with a quick, "Okay, mom. Love you, bye!" and hung up before Abby can even reply.
With a sigh, she gives a quick look at where she is. It is weird, being back as an adult to the place where she grew up. She can see child Clarke on the swings in the park, aggressively trying to reach great heights until she can touch the stars. She can see a 10-year old her biking around, trying to keep up with Raven who doesn't need training wheels anymore unlike her. She can see a rebellious Clarke trying out smoking just to piss off her mom but got a coughing fit instead and sworn off from doing it again. She can see her teenager self giving away her first kiss to the quiet kid with deep brown hair and brilliant green eyes. She can see them mov-
Blinking away the few tears that formed in her eyes, Clarke stops herself from remembering. She's here as a brand new person with a different perspective on how things should be. She's here as an adult, and a guarded one, at that. She buries the memories in the deepest parts of her, pretending that it's so that it can't hurt her anymore. That the remembering only brings ache and tears and heartbreak. She ignores that the memories also bring out the yearning, the love that only those hair and eyes and lips and laugh and voice were able to bring out of her. She ignores that ever since she landed, she's been wanting to see her first, more than anyone. She tells herself to forget, and continues on her way.
A few minutes later, she finally arrives at the hospital she'll be working at for a few months. Taking a deep breath, Clarke mentally prepares herself for the day ahead.
"Be good to me, Arkadia," Clarke mutters to herself as she enters the hospital with the letters A-R-K-A-D-I-A proudly emblazoned in the front.
After wandering around the halls by herself, sure that she can find her mother's office by memory and the signs decorating each wall, Clarke gave up and simply followed the direction that pointed her to the nursery.  With her alibi covered and the few minutes of free time on her hands, she figures she could do with a bit of peace before their reunion. She certainly did NOT purposely get herself lost on the hospital she's known since she was a toddler.
Arriving in the nursery, she is disappointed to see that there are no babies to see and coo at. The blinds are closed, and there are very few people around the hallway.
As Clarke thinks of other places to hide in for a few minutes, she hears someone behind her.
"You're too early. The babies are scheduled to be displayed at 10 and then again at 3 in the afternoon. Better be early for that one though. It's always a sold out act."
"Raven!" Clarke says as she barrels into the brunette in blue scrubs and white coat.
Reciprocating the hug she is currently engulfed in, Raven smiles and asks the blonde. "When did you get here? And why are you here and not at your mom's office?"
"I just got here earlier. Thankfully there was a flight from Baltimore to Polis so I didn't have to spend an evening with children having tantrums inside a tin can. And I am here in a nursery to enjoy my last moments of peace before I see my mother. You know she's been wanting to see me married for some time now so she sets me up with these random guys."
"Hey, who knows. Maybe you will."
The two take each other in, happy that they're finally seeing each other after so long.
"How are you, Clarke? As in really?"
Confused, Clarke replies, "I'm okay, Raven. Why?"
Raven, on the other hand, seems to be at war with herself. "Have you-."
A beat.
Raven's playful demeanor comes back after she cuts herself off, deciding that it isn't the right time nor is she the right person to say the secret that she's been sitting on. "Nothing. Let's go to Dr. Griffin's office. I'm sure she's been waiting for you since yesterday."
"Ugh. Fine. I hate that I'm still a child when it comes to my mom."
"Oh! I just realized that we'll be having two Dr. Griffins now. I'll call you baby Dr. Griffin." Raven laughs. "What if you two are in the same room? I'll call your mom Dr. Griffin and you Dr. Griffin's mini-me."
"Don't you dare, Raven!"
The two doctors continue arguing on the way, not without the threats and playful slaps from the blonde and the exaggerated cries of pain from the brunette.
"Knock knock. Dr. Griffin, I found this little blonde puppy wandering around. Thought you'd want to adopt it," Raven says as she and Clarke enter Abby's office.
"Clarke!" Abby hurriedly gets up and locks Clarke into a tight hug. "How are you? You look like you haven't slept, but I guess that's true for us all. Was Dr. Robbins making you work too hard?"
"I'll leave you two alone. Let's catch up later, mini Dr. Griffin. Bye, big Dr. Griffin!" Raven bids goodbye to the two.
"Thank you, Raven." Abby replies. She then turns to Clarke. "So? How are you?"
The two sit, with Abby behind her desk and Clarke on the other side, feeling very much like on her first job interview. "I'm fine, mom. I just landed earlier but I can take the day to roam around, familiarize myself with the floor, maybe see some of Dr. Altman's patients before I crack open their chest."
"But where are you staying? Do you want to come home? I'll have your room cleaned up."
"I'm staying at a hotel. It's much nearer to Arkadia than our house. I'll get by. I'm guessing I'll be spending most of my time here, anyway."
"Okay, but if you want to come home just tell me."
"I will."
Silence. Not really an awkward one, but not so comfortable either. It's been so long since they've been alone together and talk of things not related to medicine. Thankfully, Abby breaks it first.
"Dr. Altman is scheduled to take the month off because of personal reasons so we're really grateful to have you here, Clarke. Raven is around, but it doesn't hurt to have more hands on deck."
"I'm happy to be here, mom. Or Dr. Griffin."
Abby then smiles at her, filled with the motherly love that Clarke craved back then. "I'm really proud of you, Clarke. I'm sure your dad is, too."
Feeling the talk verge on dangerous territory, Clarke replies with a simple, "Thanks".
With the familial talk out of the way, they discuss matters about her contract. Clarke is set on the hospital for a few months, and is to take on some of Dr. Altman's patients as she takes her days off.
After their talk, Clarke stands up and Abby stretches her hand out for the obligatory handshake. "Welcome to Arkadia, Dr. Griffin," Abby says, her pride for her daughter evident on the big smile she's wearing.
Clarke, also sporting a genuine smile, replies, "Thank you, Dr. Griffin."
As Clarke walks to exit, Abby asks her, "Clarke? Did Raven tell you something?"
"Something what?"
With the confusion clear on Clarke's face, Abby breathes a small sigh of relief. "Nothing, dear. Don't mind what I said. Have a nice first day."
"Ohhkay. And it's not a first day. That starts tomorrow."
As the door clicks behind Clarke, Abby slumps in her chair. She knows that with Clarke there, it'll only be a matter of time before she finds out. She's only hoping that while Clarke is still blissfully unaware, she'll be able to mend her relationship with her daughter.
On the other side of the hospital, a nurse is finishing up the papers of a patient who came to the ER with wounds that needed stitches. It was a college student, a frat boy by the looks of him, who believed that wearing any protective equipment while doing stupid stunts are not cool and, she quotes, "for pussies". If only she got a dollar every time she had to attend to such patients, she'll probably be able to buy that coffee machine she's been wanting for months now.
As she hands the patient's file to Lincoln, she looks for other patients unattended on the ER beds. With a quick sweep, she notices one familiar face calmly watching the chaos that has always filled this part of the hospital.
She reaches the woman in quick few strides with her file on her hand. "What happened? Are you alright?"
"Hi. Yeah, I'm alright. Just a bit out of breath these past few days. Figured it could be something so I went here."
"Past few days? You know better than that. You should've been here the moment you felt it."
"Is that any way to speak to a poor, ill woman?" The patient then fake coughs, "See? You hurt me, Cos."
Not giving in to the attempt of making light of the situation, Costia bites her lip to prevent herself from making another angry remark. "I'm sorry. I'll be taking your vital signs, okay."
As Costia prepares to take the woman's pulse, she signals for another nurse. "Page Dr. Reyes down here. Now."
"Right away."
"You're so bossy, Costia. I don't mind waiting."
"Well, I do. Now, I'm going to take your pulse, okay?"
A nod.
"You're going to be alright, Lexa. It's okay," Costia says, more to convince herself than the woman patiently sitting on the bed.
Lexa, now accustomed to Costia's tells, gives her a soft smile instead. "Don't worry, Costia. I'm fine. I'll be fine".
4 notes · View notes
someonetellmehow · 3 years
Adrift and at Peace
Clarke, now a successful cardiac surgeon, comes back to Polis after years of being away for med school (amongst other reasons). As she wrestles with burying the memories of a certain woman, she learns of the terrifying secret her mother and best friend kept from her.
Lexa, born and raised in Polis, is pretty sure that she'll also die in Polis. With her health insurance running out, and her only treatment meant to be taken for the rest of her life, she thinks everything's only a matter of time before she joins her parents in the afterlife.
As these two exes meet once again and marry for the sake of health benefits, will their love be rekindled or end in tragedy?
A retelling of Henry and Teddy's love story from Grey's Anatomy, Clexa style.
Chapter One
Hearing her name shouted out by the barista, Clarke gets up from the chair she's been lounging on and takes her piping hot cappuccino. She's going to need her first cup of coffee if she ever wants to survive the day, especially a day that is the start of many working in a new/old environment. With her mother.
Speaking of, as she's walking towards the hospital, Abby's contact flashes on Clarke's phone.
"Clarke! Where are you? Are you already here?"
"You're the second person to shout at me today, and it's only 7:30. I'm fine, by the way. The flight's great and Dr. Robbins sends her regards. Thanks for asking, mom."
"You know I'm just excited to see you, Clarke. I haven't seen my baby in 2 years."
"Yeah, alright. I'm excited to see you, too, mom. I just stopped by to get some coffee. I'm on my way to the hospital right now."
"Great! Find me when you arrive, and then I'll have someone give you a tour. I also want you to meet someone, Clarke. I'm pretty sure you two will hit it off."
Clarke can already see the cogs turning in her mother's mind. Abby isn't really subtle in setting her up with doctors and lawyers that she sees as a potential son-in-law. Despite wanting a family of her own and approaching that age, she's never been interested in any of the men her mother set her up with. They're either too arrogant and full of themselves, or were dismissive of her career and spent the whole time ogling her. Nothing in between. Well, except for that one time when she had a lunch date with a son of her mother's colleague and he came out to her as gay. And that he has a secret lover. He told Clarke that, much like her, he's only been going out with the women his mother sets him up with to divert her attention away from his sexuality and boyfriend. He even gave Clarke a proposition; that they marry each other just for show and to shut their parents up, and that they were free to take on their own lovers. As much as Clarke fantasized being Evelyn and finding her own Celia, she wasn't sure if actually living it was something she can handle, and promptly declined.
Rolling her eyes, Clarke replies with a quick, "Okay, mom. Love you, bye!" and hung up before Abby can even reply.
With a sigh, she gives a quick look at where she is. It is weird, being back as an adult to the place where she grew up. She can see child Clarke on the swings in the park, aggressively trying to reach great heights until she can touch the stars. She can see a 10-year old her biking around, trying to keep up with Raven who doesn't need training wheels anymore unlike her. She can see a rebellious Clarke trying out smoking just to piss off her mom but got a coughing fit instead and sworn off from doing it again. She can see her teenager self giving away her first kiss to the quiet kid with deep brown hair and brilliant green eyes. She can see them mov-
Blinking away the few tears that formed in her eyes, Clarke stops herself from remembering. She's here as a brand new person with a different perspective on how things should be. She's here as an adult, and a guarded one, at that. She buries the memories in the deepest parts of her, pretending that it's so that it can't hurt her anymore. That the remembering only brings ache and tears and heartbreak. She ignores that the memories also bring out the yearning, the love that only those hair and eyes and lips and laugh and voice were able to bring out of her. She ignores that ever since she landed, she's been wanting to see her first, more than anyone. She tells herself to forget, and continues on her way.
A few minutes later, she finally arrives at the hospital she'll be working at for a few months. Taking a deep breath, Clarke mentally prepares herself for the day ahead.
"Be good to me, Arkadia," Clarke mutters to herself as she enters the hospital with the letters A-R-K-A-D-I-A proudly emblazoned in the front.
After wandering around the halls by herself, sure that she can find her mother's office by memory and the signs decorating each wall, Clarke gave up and simply followed the direction that pointed her to the nursery.  With her alibi covered and the few minutes of free time on her hands, she figures she could do with a bit of peace before their reunion. She certainly did NOT purposely get herself lost on the hospital she's known since she was a toddler.
Arriving in the nursery, she is disappointed to see that there are no babies to see and coo at. The blinds are closed, and there are very few people around the hallway.
As Clarke thinks of other places to hide in for a few minutes, she hears someone behind her.
"You're too early. The babies are scheduled to be displayed at 10 and then again at 3 in the afternoon. Better be early for that one though. It's always a sold out act."
"Raven!" Clarke says as she barrels into the brunette in blue scrubs and white coat.
Reciprocating the hug she is currently engulfed in, Raven smiles and asks the blonde. "When did you get here? And why are you here and not at your mom's office?"
"I just got here earlier. Thankfully there was a flight from Baltimore to Polis so I didn't have to spend an evening with children having tantrums inside a tin can. And I am here in a nursery to enjoy my last moments of peace before I see my mother. You know she's been wanting to see me married for some time now so she sets me up with these random guys."
"Hey, who knows. Maybe you will."
The two take each other in, happy that they're finally seeing each other after so long.
"How are you, Clarke? As in really?"
Confused, Clarke replies, "I'm okay, Raven. Why?"
Raven, on the other hand, seems to be at war with herself. "Have you-."
A beat.
Raven's playful demeanor comes back after she cuts herself off, deciding that it isn't the right time nor is she the right person to say the secret that she's been sitting on. "Nothing. Let's go to Dr. Griffin's office. I'm sure she's been waiting for you since yesterday."
"Ugh. Fine. I hate that I'm still a child when it comes to my mom."
"Oh! I just realized that we'll be having two Dr. Griffins now. I'll call you baby Dr. Griffin." Raven laughs. "What if you two are in the same room? I'll call your mom Dr. Griffin and you Dr. Griffin's mini-me."
"Don't you dare, Raven!"
The two doctors continue arguing on the way, not without the threats and playful slaps from the blonde and the exaggerated cries of pain from the brunette.
"Knock knock. Dr. Griffin, I found this little blonde puppy wandering around. Thought you'd want to adopt it," Raven says as she and Clarke enter Abby's office.
"Clarke!" Abby hurriedly gets up and locks Clarke into a tight hug. "How are you? You look like you haven't slept, but I guess that's true for us all. Was Dr. Robbins making you work too hard?"
"I'll leave you two alone. Let's catch up later, mini Dr. Griffin. Bye, big Dr. Griffin!" Raven bids goodbye to the two.
"Thank you, Raven." Abby replies. She then turns to Clarke. "So? How are you?"
The two sit, with Abby behind her desk and Clarke on the other side, feeling very much like on her first job interview. "I'm fine, mom. I just landed earlier but I can take the day to roam around, familiarize myself with the floor, maybe see some of Dr. Altman's patients before I crack open their chest."
"But where are you staying? Do you want to come home? I'll have your room cleaned up."
"I'm staying at a hotel. It's much nearer to Arkadia than our house. I'll get by. I'm guessing I'll be spending most of my time here, anyway."
"Okay, but if you want to come home just tell me."
"I will."
Silence. Not really an awkward one, but not so comfortable either. It's been so long since they've been alone together and talk of things not related to medicine. Thankfully, Abby breaks it first.
"Dr. Altman is scheduled to take the month off because of personal reasons so we're really grateful to have you here, Clarke. Raven is around, but it doesn't hurt to have more hands on deck."
"I'm happy to be here, mom. Or Dr. Griffin."
Abby then smiles at her, filled with the motherly love that Clarke craved back then. "I'm really proud of you, Clarke. I'm sure your dad is, too."
Feeling the talk verge on dangerous territory, Clarke replies with a simple, "Thanks".
With the familial talk out of the way, they discuss matters about her contract. Clarke is set on the hospital for a few months, and is to take on some of Dr. Altman's patients as she takes her days off.
After their talk, Clarke stands up and Abby stretches her hand out for the obligatory handshake. "Welcome to Arkadia, Dr. Griffin," Abby says, her pride for her daughter evident on the big smile she's wearing.
Clarke, also sporting a genuine smile, replies, "Thank you, Dr. Griffin."
As Clarke walks to exit, Abby asks her, "Clarke? Did Raven tell you something?"
"Something what?"
With the confusion clear on Clarke's face, Abby breathes a small sigh of relief. "Nothing, dear. Don't mind what I said. Have a nice first day."
"Ohhkay. And it's not a first day. That starts tomorrow."
As the door clicks behind Clarke, Abby slumps in her chair. She knows that with Clarke there, it'll only be a matter of time before she finds out. She's only hoping that while Clarke is still blissfully unaware, she'll be able to mend her relationship with her daughter.
On the other side of the hospital, a nurse is finishing up the papers of a patient who came to the ER with wounds that needed stitches. It was a college student, a frat boy by the looks of him, who believed that wearing any protective equipment while doing stupid stunts are not cool and, she quotes, "for pussies". If only she got a dollar every time she had to attend to such patients, she'll probably be able to buy that coffee machine she's been wanting for months now.
As she hands the patient's file to Lincoln, she looks for other patients unattended on the ER beds. With a quick sweep, she notices one familiar face calmly watching the chaos that has always filled this part of the hospital.
She reaches the woman in quick few strides with her file on her hand. "What happened? Are you alright?"
"Hi. Yeah, I'm alright. Just a bit out of breath these past few days. Figured it could be something so I went here."
"Past few days? You know better than that. You should've been here the moment you felt it."
"Is that any way to speak to a poor, ill woman?" The patient then fake coughs, "See? You hurt me, Cos."
Not giving in to the attempt of making light of the situation, Costia bites her lip to prevent herself from making another angry remark. "I'm sorry. I'll be taking your vital signs, okay."
As Costia prepares to take the woman's pulse, she signals for another nurse. "Page Dr. Reyes down here. Now."
"Right away."
"You're so bossy, Costia. I don't mind waiting."
"Well, I do. Now, I'm going to take your pulse, okay?"
A nod.
"You're going to be alright, Lexa. It's okay," Costia says, more to convince herself than the woman patiently sitting on the bed.
Lexa, now accustomed to Costia's tells, gives her a soft smile instead. "Don't worry, Costia. I'm fine. I'll be fine".
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someonetellmehow · 3 years
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every episode of derry girls ◆ season 01 episode 03
We’ve got the gist. They ran out of spuds. Everyone was ragin’.
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someonetellmehow · 3 years
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Not me being this invested in trying to make my fic as accurate as possible
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