(This is my main blog my poke-adk side blog is @sometimes-goodra-asks ) Hi, I'm new to the whole Poke-Ask Blog thing. Do you have any advice on how to get started?
Well, I’m pretty new to it too! We can be buddies if you’d like? We can learn together!!
But I’d say, if anything, try being yourself, no one wants a faker, and it’s worse when everyone believes it!If you be yourself, you’ll attract others like you, and you could make some solid friends!!
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Hi Bumo! How are you doing? Are you a wild Pokémon or do you have a trainer?
Sorry, I’m not very well so it took me a while to come back, and I am not up to showing up in pictures.
But yah, I am a wild Pokémon, but I do like to hang around the trainers that pass by my home!!
Sorry for taking a while to answer again!!
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It was really fun working with you! I had never done something like this before!
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I met a Chingling called Bumo, singing. Like, REALLY GOOD SIGNING!!!!!! >:D
So, I contacted a Emboar I knew in the music industry and bada bing, BADA BOOM!!!!!
Needless to say, It was top of the chart for WEEKS!!!! >;>
Bumo was really chirpy and had an AMAZING voice!!!!! IT WAS FANTASTIC!!!
This encounter was on one of my many adventure throughout the different worlds, Galaxies, dimensions and universes!! If there’s anyone or anything that you want to ask me if I’ve met, then please, go ahead and ask!!! I’ll be happy to share my experience with you!!!
(Thanks to @sometimes-chingling-asks for lending me Bumo!!)
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Shorai Adventures!!!! I’d love to be a part!
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Welp, time for a 40 Follower special
I haven’t done a Shorai’s adventures post in a while
I will be doing 10 more soon
If you would like me to do a Shorai’s adventures (Art) post of your muse,
Just reblog this and include the phrase ‘Shorai’s Adventures’ In the reblog
I will be Doing ten and it’s first come, first serve
Here are the places:
1, @themeowsticvigilante
2, @breed-station
I’ll be doing the art when I have 40 followers but you can get your place NOW
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WOW! Very sorry I didn’t see this sooner! It looks amazing!
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Inktober Day Twenty-Two: “Sing Along”
Dedicated to @sometimes-chingling-asks and @daily-haunted-tv !
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I’ll do it!!! I love making new friends!
Y'all I need your muses
*whispers* Hey, I’m fresh out of ideas for Inktober, so if you’d like a drawing of your muse and Sneeze celebrating the spooky season, reblog this with a ref. I’m only taking 38 people. First come first serve. 🎃
Pokeask community only pleases
(Also I can’t draw humans, sooo)
Day 12: @daily-suicune​ & @daily-luke​
Day 13: @dailyarcticvaporeon​ & @thatoneprimarina​
Day 14: @rarely-jttt28​ & @ask-the-rockruffians ​
Day 15: @sometimes-lurantis ​ & @ask-the-therapy-gengar ​
Day 16: @ask-a-luu & @leilani-popplio
Day 17: @dailyowten ​ & @dailyomanyte ​
Day 18: @soy-luz​ & @frisk-the-flareon ​
Day 19: @dawn-wingsnecrozma ​ & —
Day 20: @mystic-the-sylveon & @sometimes-slugma
Day 21: @asksynchroduskmane & @mother-marowak
Day 22: @runaway-modblog & @daily-haunted-tv
Day 23: @mtohome & @eddie-the-nucleon
Day 24: @lonebraixen &
Day 25: — & —
Day 26: — & —
Day 27: — & —
Day 28: — & —
Day 29: — & —
Day 30: — & —
Have funnn~ 🎃🎃🎃🎃
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I hope I can be a part! :D
I have a secret project for Halloween and I’d like to add others from the Poke community in it
I am going to be working on it for the first two weeks of October, depending on a few things, along side any plot for this blog. Its going to involve everyone on my blog which is only about five characters. So I would like to ask if anyone wants any of their characters to be added in it.
This project is SFW and does not require participation beyond sending a reference or reblogging this post.
Participation is completely optional, I was planning on just my characters but wanted to include other’s with their permission. At most I just need their reference or a link to one.
References can be submitted by reblog of this post or DM.
Up to two characters from a blog can be added to the project (it might be reduced to one depending on how many want to join in).
Any questions can be asked by PM, I want to keep this as secret as possible.
I will post the project as early as October 20th and as late as the 25th.
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Jingle thing! How loud can you sing?
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Pretty Loud...
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Cipher @ Bumo: "Well you are such an adorable one aren't you? Hello there my name's Cipher, always glad to meet new friends. Say, you got any hobbies?"
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I like to sleep a lot. It’s my favourite thing EVER! But not as good as my Mom.
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Ooh, yes please! I haven’t had any asks yet.
Ask Call
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<turns on megaphone> Attention all pokeblogs in need of interactions and asks!!!
Yes you read that right. I’m going to be having an ask call. 
Reblog / Reply to this post if you want an ask from my characters.
Also, specify which muse of yours you would want an ask for.
Here are the characters you can choose from:
Main Characters
Cipher - Being a very curious and inquisitive pokemon, he tends to ask questions about almost everything. He is also enthusiastic to ask rescue teams and guild related questions.
Elaina - She tends to ask more intellectual questions. She is also into asking questions about “aesthetic interests (such as music interests, art interests, etc.) and questions that involve relaxation and calmness.
Side Characters
Ms. Gallius - She is a gardener so she is most likely going to ask questions involving such.
Vertri - Being a wild pokemon, he is sympathetic to other wild pokemon and will ask questions about living in the wild, and nature. 
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Oh, you guys make me really happy! I could just evolve right here!!
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HI EVERYONE!! I’m ever so sorry I’ve been gone for so long. I got bit by a nasty little Spinarak, and it really did a number on me.
But don’t worry!! I am back and ready to talk to you all, and answer any questions you might have.
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YAY!! I love all my new friends!!!
Hello friend, I'm new to tumblr, and would like to say a great big hello to other poke-tumblrs like yourself!!
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How sweet!! You’re darling, lil one!
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Sometimes I like to stand on the tall trees and watch the sun go down, it always relaxes me and makes me happy.
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Yes, this is me!! I would love for some new friends!!
Reblog if you are a pokeblog in the Pokemon ask blog community
My account was deleted due to the EU law and I lost the infinite amount of pokeblogs I was followed too. Just want to get back into tumblr, maybe fixing my dash first is the best thing to do. Accepting new blogs too!
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Hello Tumblr!! My name is Bumo and I’m a Chingling! I just want to say hello and that I’ll be answering all questions you have about me or Pokemon in general!!
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