sominbs · 4 years
has your personality changed since childhood? if so, why?
“on the surface, it’s changed a lot. when i was really young—and even into high school, to some extent—i was quite immature. i got my feelings hurt over little things, i threw temper tantrums, i wasn’t really grateful for the good things in my life because i was always looking towards something better. i’m not as temperamental as i was as a child. i won’t lie; the attitude is still there, but i’ve learned that blowing up over every little thing will only make me feel like shit in the end. i’ve also learned to be more patient and open-minded. i had a hard time listening to other peoples’ point of view back then, but i’ve become a lot better at it in adulthood. i’ve also become friendlier. i think there are a few reasons why my personality changed... the incident that happened in high school opened my eyes to the serious things that might be going on that i don’t know about. made me care about others more, even if i don’t know them. other than that, living independently in seoul made me have to grow up and mature quickly in order to stay afloat. in boseong, everyone knew me already  —  they’d say, oh, well, that’s just somin. she means well. in seoul, no one would cut me slack like that, so i had to change some things.”
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sominbs · 4 years
what life lesson did you learn the hard way?
“there are two of them that come to mind. the first one is that not everyone who treats you kindly means well. i learned that one over and over again when i was in seoul  —  there isn’t one particular story, but i was the naive small-town girl and a lot of people i met knew they could get me to believe anything. long story short, i lost a lot of money and a lot of trust while i was there. the second one... you shouldn’t hold a grudge against your friends over small things. friendship is hard to find and you’ll certainly regret it. i don’t think i want to expand on this one, though.”
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sominbs · 4 years
what do you think your purpose is? & if you could go anywhere for free right now, where would you go?
what do you think your purpose is?
“honestly, i’m not sure anymore. i used to think my purpose was to be some great public figure  —  to show people that if you really work hard enough, where you started shouldn’t influence where you end up. but it seems like every time i try to do something that’ll lead to greatness, life beats me back into the little corner of boseong with a broom. maybe my purpose is just to show people that the third time isn’t the charm. you can fail endlessly. your whole life can be a series of failures, so never forget it! i really hope that’s not it, though. i don’t know. time will tell.”
if you could go anywhere for free right now, where would you go?
“to the past. there are a lot of situations i walked out of without closure, a lot of doors i closed when the problems could’ve been fixed, a lot of people i did wrong and never got to apologize to. i know people say you shouldn’t fuck with the past because then the future will change, too, but i don’t think that’d be such a bad thing. but if you’re talking about cities and countries and whatnot, i don’t really... know that much about the world to know for sure. if language barriers weren’t an issue, then i’d go somewhere like hawaii, norway or finland. either somewhere where it’s always summer or somewhere where the winters are really pretty. with the language barrier in mind... probably just seoul? i miss it all the time, so i’d gladly go back. realistically... at no cost, i’d buy a ticket to every place in the world. who wouldn’t?”
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sominbs · 4 years
if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future, and anything else, what would you want to know?
“there are so many things i’d want to know  —  realistically, i’d spend hours just asking it questions. it’d be impossible to pry me away from it. but some of the main ones have to be the question of whether or not my life ever gets any better, what my actual career will be, whether or not i’ll ever find the fairytale-like love i want, whether or not i’ll ever be famous and... what exists in the unexplored parts of the oceans.”
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sominbs · 4 years
how do you handle your emotions?
“i usually handle them pretty well, i think. i try to maintain a good mentality regardless of what’s going on around me, but if i’m really feeling down about something, i’m comfortable with speaking about how i feel and taking steps to get back into a positive mindset. i do tend to get irrationally angry, though  —  i guess that’s the one emotion i don’t know how to control just yet...”
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sominbs · 4 years
what’s the craziest thing you’ve done in the name of love? / what is one thing you will never do again?
what’s the craziest thing you’ve done in the name of love?
“when i was in seoul, i met a guy who seemed perfect at first glance, but the more you looked, the more flaws appeared. i overlooked the flaws—in the name of love—and once he became more transparent with me, i found out he was in a lot of debt. what did i do? i gave him all the savings i had, of course. what did he do? ditched me. i felt like a victim at the time, like there was nothing i could’ve done to stop it. but looking back on it... what a fucking idiot i was. i’d only known the guy for, like, two months.”
what is one thing you will never do again?
“aside from the obvious one of giving someone all the savings i have... letting petty things stand in the way of friendship. i’ll never do that again. i’ve lost too many good friends and opportunities to make good friends that way.”
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sominbs · 4 years
what's a belief that you hold with which many people disagree?
“the belief that things generally work out if you’re patient enough or if you try hard enough and there’s no such thing as being unlucky. i’ve been told plenty of times that that’s wrong and that there are some people who are simply destined to get the short stick in life, but that can’t be true. anyone can be anything.”
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sominbs · 4 years
bonnie & clyde.
ft. @sominbs // location: outside of shin seomin‘s residence. tw knives, vandalism, & mentions of violence.
earlier  in  the  week  ,  mideum  had  been  wronged.  or  at  least  ,  that’s  how  he  had  envisioned  it.  whilst  driving  to  work  ,  he  had  been  abruptly  intersected  by  a  truck  in  front  of  him.  he  spilled  half  of  his  coffee  all  over  his  lap  and  nearly  hit  another  innocent  driver  that  so  happened  to  be  in  the  vicinity  of  it  all.  the  rest  of  that  day  he  were  uneasy  and  short-tempered  ,  making  his  job  as  a  tattoo  artist  leaps  and  bounds  more  difficult  than  usual.  who  would’ve  thought  that  harboring  enough  silent  fury  to  cause  your  hands  to  shake  would  inadvertedly  affect  how  straight  your  lines  were  ?  nonetheless  ,  he  was  buzzing  with  the  sort  of  poisonous  hate  that  could  only  be  relieved  through  a  therapy  session  or  revenge.  
at  first  ,  he  hadn’t  thought  he  would  follow  through  with  it.  it  occurred  a  week  ago  ,  and  he  was  coming  to  terms  with  it  as  the  week  came  to  a  close.  it  was  an  accident  ,  he  would  tell  himself  ,  let  it  go.  but  when  he  ran  the  story  by  somin  ,  she  told  him  that  the  truck  sounded  eerily  familiar  .  .  .  and  every  bit  of  his  once  forgiving  nature  were  abandoned.  he  could  feel  that  familiar  burning  in  the  pit  of  his  stomach  ━    the  ever  present  fire  that  threatened  to  engulf  him  reigniting.  once  it  started  ,  there  was  no  stopping  it’s  reign  of  terror.  he  had  leaned  in  towards  her  ,  with  his  tone  low  and  serious  ,  “  where  the  fuck  does  he  live  ?  ”
mideum  parked  his  car  a  little  ways  away  from  the  target’s  home  ,  just  far  enough  to  be  unassuming  ,  with  somin  and  the  night’s  gear  in  tow.  their  decision  to  wreak  havoc  on  the  unsuspecting  asshole  was  sort  of  improvised.  all  he  had  were  the  two  pocket  knives  he  carried  in  his  glove  compartment  .  .  .  and  a  sharpie.  it  had  to  do  ,  he  wasn’t  going  to  wait  to  be  more  calculated  in  his  execution.  the  scorching  inside  would  not  subside  until  this  was  done  ,  and  he  couldn’t  go  another  day  as  the  fire  would  undoubtedly  turn  to  burn  those  he  loved.  “  we  only  have  the  knives  for  the  tires  and  a  sharpie  ,  but  i  figured  i’d  let  you  get  creative  with  it.  ”  his  eyes  met  somin’s  ,  a  sly  grin  stretching  across  his  face.  there  some  something  about  having  someone  so  willing  to  do  fucked  up  shit  with  him  that  he  loved.  “  are  you  ready  ?  ”
before somin knew it, destruction had come to define her friendship with mideum. there was nothing surprising about it; she was sure it was a result of how quickly she had revealed the troublesome, vindictive side of herself that she usually hid so well and the eagerness with which she had urged him to follow his impulses. she had learned to expect acts of two-person vandalism following bad experiences with other people or, in her case, to aid boredom. looked forward to it, even, because god knows she needed to do something to regain what little control she felt like she had in her life. 
in this particular instance, though, she had hesitated for a brief moment before revealing seomin's identity because she knew that he’d been dealing with having his property vandalized for years  —  she almost considered helping him out by lying about where he lived or something. but it wasn’t like she, too, didn’t kind of have a bone to pick with him. after all, he’d (unintentionally) brought inconvenience into her life and deep down, she’d always kind of wished that she could do something about it. now that he’d pissed mideum off, it was justifiable. that was something he couldn’t blame on anyone but himself. and when she approached his truck with mideum, she couldn’t believe that her empathy could’ve caused her to lose this opportunity. how ridiculous. 
“of course i’m ready,” she agreed, unable to disguise the strength of her smile as anything less than excitement. she had to admit that it was fun to do things like this with the company of another; when acting alone, the adrenaline never did seem quite as strong. “first... let me see that.” she took the sharpie and walked to the back of the truck, where she wrote in big, bold characters, i don’t know how to fucking drive. underneath it, she had started a poorly-sketched vehicle that appeared to be on fire... maybe? her artistic skills weren’t much to brag about.
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sominbs · 4 years
what are you afraid of? // what three traits describe you the most? where did you learn them from? // who was your first crush? // if you had a warning label, what would yours say?
what are you afraid of?
“a lot of things. i could try to name all of them, but it would be impossible to. these days, the main fear i have is of being stuck in the same place forever  —  in other words, i’m afraid that i may never reach my full potential. i think about it a lot, you know. day and night. i think about what i can do to take a step forward, but i’ve failed so many times that now i’m afraid of taking steps forward, too. i think i have a lot of those types of fears; ones that contradict each other. for example, i’m also afraid of both driving and being stranded. i could be somewhere isolated with a car and you know what i’d do? i’d panic about being isolated instead of just driving back to civilization.”
what three traits describe you the most? where did you learn them from?
“first, stubborn. i learned that one from my grandma, even though she’d raise hell if she heard me say that. once she has her mind made up, there’s no way you can change it. even if you present solid proof that whatever she’s thinking is wrong... anyway, now’s not the time to rant about her. second... friendly. that’s something i picked up from eunmi. i was a pretty hotheaded kid, but from spending time with her and watching her, i learned how rewarding it is to simply be kind and see things from other point of views. and i guess the third one has to be irrational. i’d argue that i’m not irrational, but a lot of people describe me that way, so i’ll accept it for now. i don’t really know where i picked irrationality up from   —   maybe from watching too many movies with happy endings. now i always expect things to be better than they are. or at least more noticeable than they are.”
who was your first crush?
“geez. i’ve had so many that it’s hard to remember who my first one was... probably prince eric from the little mermaid? as for real people, there was a man who used to work at the dental office i went to as a kid. i guess he was a secretary or something. i never learned his name, but he gave me candy after all of my appointments. it’s not like he only gave candy to me, though; that was part of his job. he handed out candy to everyone. but i was young and delusional, so i clearly thought he’d be my husband someday. wrote him love letters and everything, even though i’m pretty sure my grandma never delivered them like i asked her to. for a long time, i wouldn’t even look at any other boys because i was so enamored with him. i think he moved away, though.”
if you had a warning label, what would yours say?
“probably something like, warning: prone to endless speeches and exaggerated views. or, warning: sticky fingers. keep a close eye on your belongings.”
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sominbs · 4 years
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greetings everyone! first of all, thank you so much for joining and welcome to boseong! we are excited to have you here and are looking forward to see how you will grow your muse. continuing on with that subject, we would like to start off with an honesty meme! by reblogging this, your character will have to answer truthfully to all the questions that were asked. this serves as not only for you to explore more about your muse but also letting the other members learn more about them.
this meme will be ongoing for 2 weeks ( 08/11 - 22/11 ), after that, you are not allowed to ask any more questions. however, you may continue to answer all the questions you received. * do note that everything must be asked off anon.
please like this post once you’ve read it and remember, do not purposely leave anyone out and please send in questions to everyone who reblogged this. enjoy!
below the cut is a list of questions you can ask!
Keep reading
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sominbs · 4 years
to somin, iwasaki seiko seemed trustworthy. not that she knew very much about her outside of the traditional market  —  come to think of it, she really didn’t know anything about her at all. when she visited the corndog stand, somin almost always did the talking and usually she did far too much of it. but seiko always listened, and somin was a firm believer that a good listener must be a good person. because of the few assumptions she’d made so far and her ambiguous kind of respect for the woman, she had turned a blind eye when she noticed seiko falling asleep at the single table outside the stand despite knowing that she was taking up space that could otherwise attract business. and maybe she was even chasing people off; a rude way to think, but observation told somin that she was kind of... dirty. or maybe that dirt was grease. she couldn’t be sure.
either way, she finally decided that the space needed to be available. the problem with this was that she didn’t want to blatantly tell seiko to leave and, now that she was really thinking about it, maybe she didn’t have anywhere else to sleep. wouldn’t it be rude to assume that she did?
“s... seiko,” somin whispered once she had approached the sleeping woman while she gave her shoulder a few prods. she wasn’t sure if it was enough to bring her to consciousness, but she continued anyway, making her voice a little louder. “i know it’s late, but i don’t think this is the best place to sleep... you know, it’s a lot warmer behind the stand. not that i’m telling you to sleep on the ground! we keep a few blankets in the cart just in case...” she poked her shoulder once more for good measure, then asked, “are you listening?”
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sominbs · 4 years
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sominbs · 4 years
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hello! this is chey (she/her, 21, gmt-5) bringing you boseong’s very own castle-builder & corndog vendor — chae somin! you can view her pinterest board here, her stats here, her background here and her plots page here. under the cut, i’ll include everything you could ever want to know about her (probably?).
enfp-a   /   the assertive campaigner.   independent, playful, optimistic, brave, upfront, charismatic, adventurous, communicative, perceptive, affectionate, smothering, unrealistic. as an assertive campaigner, somin is lively and outgoing. it doesn’t matter what’s going on in her head or what kind of mood she’s in; chances are, she’ll still go out of her way to socialize. she enjoys making people laugh and usually accomplishes this by politely teasing/poking fun at those she knows well, but she can read a room and knows when it is or isn’t appropriate. she’s a great communicator which stems from her strong perceptive skills — it isn’t hard for her to get a good idea of what the general mood is and what’s expected of her at the moment. however, she does tend to be overly-enthusiastic which leads to unrealistic expectations both of herself and of others. these expectations accompanied by her somewhat smothering nature can definitely make some uncomfortable. 
aquarius   /   the water-bearer.   passionate, charming, impatient, temperamental, stubborn, rebellious, progressive, humanitarian, abrupt, intelligent. somin is often described as being unpredictable; she rarely makes her whole personality known, so she has a reputation for being surprising or even shocking. most of the time, she comes across as being genuine, warm and helpful, but there are some colder sides to her. she tends to lose her temper extremely quickly — especially when she feels like someone is trying to control her, as there’s nothing she hates more than her freedom being imposed on. will break rules without thinking twice just to prove a point and smile while she does it. overall, she doesn’t mean to be problematic, but it seems to be a part of herself that she can’t escape.
history / trivia.
the result of an accidental pregnancy. neither of her parents were ready for a baby, but her maternal grandmother promised to raise her if her mother would go through with the pregnancy. obviously, she did. her parents are not together and neither of them live in boseong. she’s met her mom a few times, but doesn’t know anything about her dad. either way, she doesn’t feel any sort of attachment to either of them. as far as she’s concerned, her grandma is all she needs.
granted....... she was kinda bratty/ungrateful towards her grandma for a LONG time. she used to think like is easy if you just try & didn’t really understand why her grandma ran a fuckin corndog stand of all things and why they were poor when they could just ~not be~. threw tons of fits in which she swore she’d never sell corndogs.
lit rally..... eunmi was the one (1) person who inspired her to be a little less MEAN. saw eunmi being nice to everyone all the time and eventually started being nicer to her grandma (and other kids lol) as a result.
speaking of eunmi!!! somin fuckin loved her so much. viewed her as one of the very few good things in her life, so she was pretty clingy towards her which evolved into being possessive. hated the idea of her being close to anyone else,,,,, f’s in the chat.
she was pretty athletic in school, so she was kinda popular bc of that? was involved in soccer & cheer, spent too much time on extracurriculars so her grades were trash but she still thought she’d get into snu because ~it can’t be that hard~. told everyone she was gonna go to snu & when she DIDN’T get in, she had too much pride to admit it so she just told everyone she was accepted.
left boseong for seoul after graduation with NO idea what the FUCK she was gonna do!!!!!! wandered around hopelessly for like a year and a half, doing part-time work and trying to get high-paying jobs with trashy resumes. even tried to become a model but no one wanted her whole 5 ft 3 inches country girl vibes </3
met a lot of people who taught her a lot about herself while she was in seoul, but she was STRUGGGLINGGG to make ends meet so she came back to boseong. told everyone she dropped out of snu bc it hurt her pride less than admitting she was never enrolled to begin with.
here’s the real kicker........ now she runs the fuckin corndog stand in the traditional market. it’s karma kicking her ass for all the complaining she did 10 years ago.... </3 p much every day of the week, you can find her down there slacking off or talking a mile a minute to whoever will listen.
always seems to have some great plan cookin up in that mind of hers, but at this point, everyone in boseong probably knows that she’ll never do any of it. she’s destined to be a corndog vendor for life...... please don’t clown her.
reputation for being unsuccessful in love, but it’s literally just because her ~unrealistic expectations~ make her give up on every relationship that isn’t kdrama material in like..... a week.
still lives with her grandma bc she doesn’t make enough money to afford her own place but she’s only 22 so.......  just wait. she’ll live in a mansion someday.....  hopefully
doesn’t necessarily think she’s better than anyone, but it’s easy to assume she does because she thinks she’s destined for greater things. she complains about boseong quite often and says stuff like “i don’t belong here” or “i know my life will amount to something bigger and better than this” but fr.... she doesn’t look down on anyone. she has no right to. she just genuinely, naively thinks that fate is on her side and something HUGE is written in her story. thinks that she deserves a happy ending and doesn’t have to work for it. that kind of thing. main character syndrome u know.
some quick plot ideas:
[0/1]  —  you know somin’s work ethic is nothing to brag about, so you “volunteer” at the corndog stand. in other words, you loiter around and reminder her to do her job and/or cover her shifts for her while she just sits around. she can’t pay you in cash, but she’ll pay you in gratitude and half-assed compliments <3
[0/1]  —  you only know of somin because you used to see her with eunmi all the time. to this day, you believe that she had something to do with her death.
[0/1]  —  you frequent the corndog stand because you have a lot to talk about and maybe there’s something therapeutic about ranting to somin while she cooks corndogs and tries her very best to give you advice.
[0/1]  —  somin pursued you VERY hard, so you decided to give her a chance. however, she dumped you after less than a week. maybe you’re bitter... or confused. (male lock)
[0/1]  —  somin was really mean to you in elementary, middle or high school because you made frequent attempts to get closer to eunmi.
[0/1]  —  you used to play sports with somin OR you used to watch her games/competitions and cheer her on.
[0/1]  —  you don’t like somin because of the way she expects good things to just fall into her lap.
[0/1]  —  you’re either VERY introverted or VERY pessimistic and somin thinks it’s her duty to brighten you up a little bit. 
[0/1]  —  you fell asleep at the one (1) single table outside the corndog stand and when somin woke you up, it wasn’t to tell you to leave but to ask if you want to sleep behind the stand, at least. maybe she thinks you have nowhere to go
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