somnvss · 10 years
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[I owe a starter or two and a few drafts, but since I got a little influx of followers... 
Starter call? I'll get working on them when I can!! ]
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somnvss · 10 years
(Do you respond to starters from mutuals?)
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[I love starters/greeters! Sometimes I just accidentally miss them but I always try and check out my tracked tag when I can!!]
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somnvss · 10 years
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"I don't look like this for shits and giggles kid." He snorted, amused by the other's surprise of his admitted occupation. What else could Jeff do for a living? Bag groceries? He'd scare the snot out of old ladies trying to check out. Besides, he quite liked killing people.
"Most people know me by Jeff. The unoriginal little shits around here seem to call me 'Jeff the Killer', however. But that's just no fun now is it?"
"W-What…. did you say? Did you JUST say you were a killer?" Now he knew he wasn’t safe with this man. A slit of the throat, stabbing, torture. Oh what plans could this man have? "W-Who’re you?"
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somnvss · 10 years
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somnvss · 10 years
Cheryl by Klippa
d: x
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somnvss · 10 years
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"Jeff. ..I'm surprised you gave me your full name. Not the smartest idea but.. Ah well."
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"Name’s Mike. Mike Schmidt. And you are…?”
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somnvss · 10 years
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"I would tell you to introduce me to him, but I haven't even learned your name yet."
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"I’m sure you guys would…"
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somnvss · 10 years
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"Oh no, I wasn't aware the police wandered     around this late at night! If I knew you were going         to show up I would have cleaned up a bit quicker."
Wiping bloodied hands on his pant legs, Jeff slowly turned his head to glance back at the male before him. Why was it he always got visitors right AFTER killing someone? The act of murdering his victims was quite the spectacle all it's own! He grinned.
"W h o o p s."
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somnvss · 10 years
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"Frankly I don’t think you’d get the satisfaction or whatever it is that you get from this senseless killing that you’re doing."  He slowly backed away from the boy. It wasn’t that he was worried about being destroyed by him. He just wanted to get away from him and the bodies of his co-workers. "Unless you enjoy the colour white more than red." He wasn’t really sure where he was going with that last sentence. He didn’t have much to say really. This boy was obviously not mentally stable and he felt though whatever he would say wouldn’t process with him.
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"White? Are you implying your blood isn't red? How weird."
The male stared coldly, lifeless eyes studying him up and down. If he was not a crimson-spiller, what WAS he? Surely not human. Jeff took a few more steps forward, body leaning towards the being before him with an almost childlike (but malicious) curiosity.  Learning was always a fun experience, why not learn about this person? It was much more fascinating than school, and far more educational. ..Especially when he could be 'hands on'.
"If you do not bleed, are your insides different as well? It's no fun cutting someone open only to find out they don't have organs at all.."
Not that he's ever run into something like that, but the thought itself was a bit amusing.
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somnvss · 10 years
Jeff lowered his knife to his side, grin widening so much that       the slits in his cheeks began to rip open once more.             Oh.. Oho, this was going to be w o n d e r f u l.
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"Ohh my, so the mention of children has caught your attention?       I will fetch the little brats for you, though.. if it is of no trouble to you--"
A hoarse laugh slipped from his throat.
"I would like to watch. I'm curious how you carry out your work." 
Springtrap had changed his mind. This boy wasn’t stupid at all. What he said sounded quite interesting. Definitely worth listening to. And killing children — these cursed little brats —
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"Y-you have my attention.”
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somnvss · 10 years
"W-What happened to you?!"
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"What hasn't happened to me?Set on fire, carved a great smile on my face, became a fucking killer. I've had a prettyeventful life, really."
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somnvss · 10 years
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[Hello everyone! I just wanted to drop by to say my activity will be scarce today since I have work in just a little bit. I have all owe'd starters and drafts written down. c: I'll try and get to them tonight or tomorrow!! Thanks! ]
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somnvss · 10 years
"Such Horrible Things" | Creature Feature
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somnvss · 10 years
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somnvss · 10 years
Jeff couldn't help but snort at her response, two fingers delicately pinching at the red stained blade he held in his hands. The growing look of discomfort and horror on her face was more than hilarious, and Jeff could almost say it was far more entertainment than the kill he had just committed. The fear, the chase, it was all apart of the experience that he so loved.
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"Is that so? My, what a thoughtful one you are."
He took a step closer, humming casually as eyes focused down on the knife in his grasp. He really SHOULD sharpen it again one of these days.. Dull knives always hurt so much more than sharp ones. ..Perhaps that was the point? "You should let me open up that skull of yours, so I can see just how philosophical that little head of yours is."
Sarah’s eyes widened as she slowly backed away from the knife wielding stranger before her. A sick feeling was pooling in her stomach when she first came up on this gruesome scene, now that feeling was intensifying. She was beginning to wish she had kept her big mouth shut and just made a run for it. That old saying ‘curiosity killed the cat' was looking to be more than just an old proverb for her. "I..I don’t see a need to prove you wrong. I kind of understand what you mean." she managed to stammer. She hoped she’d be able to talk him down and save her own skin. She needed to find a way to escape, even if she got lucky enough to keep him from doing anything this instant, what would stop him from changing his mind at any given moment?
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somnvss · 10 years
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"Oh great… You sound like Vincent…"
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"Can't say I know who that is, but I'm sure we would get along."
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somnvss · 10 years
"Your hair makes you look like a girl...."
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"…The fact I look anything remotely        like a human to you is a compliment, really..”
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