sonashinde1232 · 5 years
Fue Hair transplantation
There is a contemporary craze of hair transplant not only among people who have lost their hair early but even for those who want their hair to look bouncy or who want to modify the hairline to get gorgeous looking curls. But is the hair transplant treatment gentle and helpful? Is this a long-lasting treatment?
Losing hair is frightening for an individual, be it masculine or feminine, but swapping it with natural-looking hair again is something that an individual would wish for. Nowadays it has been perceived that several people from all over the world come to India for the hair restoration technique due to the convenience of the best hair transplant dermatologists and the services of the hair transplantation in Hyderabad and in this row, Hyderabad comes on the top.
  Steps for the hair transplantation in Hyderabad:
The best hair transplantation treatment involves a surgical process that removes the hair follicles from any site in the body like face or legs and implanting them on the hairless or the bald portion of the head. This technique is also used in hair transplantation of lashes and eye-brows. This contemporary technique of hair transplant is enduring.
FUE hair transplantation can be performed in a single or quite a few settings. It is manually a slow procedure which is time a little taking, but delivers very natural outcomes and does not even leave any scars behind. Although, it is not a price effective technique and is time consuming al well for both the doctor and the patient. However, use of automotive machines at the best hair transplantation clinics in Hyderabad has abridged the time consumption in this FUE hair transplantation procedure and has also simplified it enormously.
  Procedure of the hair transplantation treatment:
The FUE hair transplant is extensively used in the case of body hair transplant (BHT), eyebrow transplant, mustache transplant or baldness. The best dermatologists from Hyderabad recommend the FUE, hair transplantation in Hyderabad as it helps to cover the higher grade of baldness for that expert Surgeons apply the combination method of the hair transplant procedures which is also knows Mega/Giga sitting.
  As far as cost is concerned, the cost of FUE hair transplant is higher in contrast to the FUT hair transplant as the technique comprises the highly-advanced tools for removing the implants, In FUE, best hair transplantation clinic in Hyderabad, by using an apparatus called a fine punch, which is less than 1 millimeter in diameter, is used to excerpt the hair follicles. Subsequently, after numbing the patron area with local anesthesia, the punch is implanted into the skin, all around the hair follicle which verves under till the follicle root. The follicle is then removed from the in line fatty tissue under the higher overstatement of microscopes. The direction and angle of hair are not noticeable under the skin.
  Advantages of the hair transplantation treatment in Hyderabad
Individuals who have tight and less resistance of the scalp
It can be performed in a single room
Experienced dermatologists at the best hair transplant in Hyderabad
perform it with a limited number of assistants.
  Time to recover:
FUE hair transplantation is a non-invasive technique which is done on some occasions on a casualty basis. Generally, patients are permitted to shampoo subsequently two three days even though the scalp requires to be dwindling from direct exposer to sun and infections for a while after the hair transplantation treatment surgery. 
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sonashinde1232 · 5 years
How is pimple caused?
Precisely, there is no root cause which can be a reason to a causality of a pimple, but research by the professional dermatologists have discovered many details such as hormonal changes, variations linked with puberty and most prominently stress, pollution can be mainly blamed. The other reasons can be the regular use of inferior quality cosmetics, smoking, drugs, etc. Even consuming diet which contains high fat and dairy content can also be a reason which can cause pimples. Pimples can be classified on the major type of its occurrence. Firstly, it is typically the blackheads and boils, while secondly the papules which are pink in color, the red collisions on skin, and is very painful on touch. Thirdly the boils which are big pimples which has pus and lastly the bumps or lumps which are big, painful, solid collisions with extensive scarring.
 Effective acne removal treatment is one that prevents scars & marks, heals prevailing pimples and retains future ones at bay. Knowing the root cause and treating it consequently helps in Lessing the pimples for an extended time and sometimes forever.
pimple removal treatment in Hyderabad is considered to be all-inclusive, commencement with a comprehensive consultation to comprehend your skin and body, lookout for causes extending from hormonal problems to deprived choice and usage of skin care products. You will have many choices of in-clinic treatment options oscillating from peelings, intra-lesion injections and pimple surgeries for pimple removal in Hyderabad.
 Peels - Pimple removal treatment
There is a wide range of peels to make a choice as of to clear the blocked pores and avert new blockades from appearing. The main component is salicylic peel, which is derived from the bark of Witch Hazel tree, which grows rigorously in the sebum and helps the best to clear the pores. For pimple removal treatment the expert dermatologists use various concentrations of the peel at various Ph stages, in various amalgamations, so that the peel is robust enough for your pimple, yet gentle on your skin.
Generally, these peels only work for people with less pimples and pores, but the people who have stubborn pimples the treatment will only leave a tell-tale radiance; that and the gradually clearing pimples are the only the visible signs of the treatment being done. If your pimple scars are stubborn, either for the reason that you meddle with the pimples, in a try to pop and get rid of the pus or for the reason that of your skin’s inclination is to grow pigmentation, a deeper peel, pimple removal treatment in Hyderabad which is called the revivifying peel where the topmost layers of your skin evidently peel off for 4-5 days, see-through fresh skin without the marks and the pimple scars.
 Intra-lesion Injections
Expertise professional cosmetic dermatologists in Hyderabad inject the medicines into the deep-rooted nodes to help the therapeutic and avert more blemishing. They guarantee that the results in the right depth, destitute of disturbing the top layers of the skin and triggering undesirable significances.
  Other intervention for pimples
Removing stubborn comedowns and papules in a tender, non-traumatic way and strenuous large pimple lumps are the protocols for pimple removal treatment in Hyderabad.
 The dermatologists in Hyderabad deliver the apt resolution after suitable analysis of pimple brutality. Sometimes, pimple can reduce through medicines also like antibiotic ointments, face wash that suits your skin type, lotions, or sunscreen lotions. The best pimple removal treatment in Hyderabad is offered to improve the pimples and its scars along with good medication and care.
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sonashinde1232 · 5 years
Clear and scar-free skin with scars treatment in Hyderabad
How perfect it would be to have scars free flawless skin. When you wake up in the morning and see acne scars on the skin, stretch marks, dark spots or patchy skin which was not there before, you are noticing the signs of something that happens to the females who suffer from the problems of mensuration or impurified blood, but contemporarily researchers found new and progressive techniques to change time and bottle up the fountain of youth. Fortunately, there are certain treatments just slow down the clock and help you get a perfectly flawless, smooth skin you dream of. If you are questioning about scars treatment in Hyderabad, the best solution to it is the radio frequency scar treatment in Hyderabad.
 radiofrequency scar treatment is a non-surgical procedure that can reduce the scars and the dark spot on the skin, and slowly remove the uneven and patchy skin. But how does it do that, and what do you need to know before getting it done? We’re here to inform you.
 The Science behind the scar’s treatment in Hyderabad 
 (RF) radio frequency scar treatment involves an electrical current to reduce dark spots and scars. The idea of treating your skin with electrical currents may sound petrifying, but the radiofrequency used is on the low-slung end of the electromagnetic spectrum. Without getting too much into physics, just know that the current in this type of treatment is alike to things you use every day — like a microwave and the Wi-Fi — and it’s safe. So how do the radiofrequency waves reduce your dark spots, stretch marks, scars, and patchy skin? It is not magical — the science behind it is very open. Radiofrequency scar treatment in Hyderabad is the best known to provide structural support in connective tissue, muscle, and skin. When your dermatologist gives you a radiofrequency scar treatment, the energy ejected from the electrical current heats your skin. The careful heating of this deep layer of skin fixes two things: it reduces the dark patches, scars and also tightens up the collagen fibers you already have (which means tightens your skin), and it awakens your new cells to produce new collagen, which produces a fresh and new skin down the road.
 What to expect from scars treatment in Hyderabad?
 When you go for a radio frequency scar treatment, the dermatologist will first put on a numbing ointment to help with any discomfort, then a slithering gel to help the tool passage smoothly all over your skin. It is not a painful process, and the only thing you will feel all through this technique is a warm feeling as your skin heats up. The whole procedure mostly takes 30 minutes to an hour, reliant on what part of your body you are treating. Radiofrequency scar treatment can be performed anywhere on your body part where you have ugly looking dark spots and patchy skin to get a flawless skin. Women prefer to do away with facial scars, but you can also treat your stomach, arms, or legs. 
  Side effects:
 Mainly compared to punitive and more aggressive techniques, radiofrequency scar treatment has few side effects. It does not harm your skin, particularly if you are being treated under the eye of experienced professional dermatologists. Your skin will be a slight tender and red after your treatment, but everything should be normal within a day or two. Radiofrequency scar treatment in Hyderabad is advantageous for delicate skin that cannot handle harsher dealings, like laser resurfacing or micro-needling. Yet, this particular treatment may not be correct for you if you are pregnant or prone to skin diseases or skin infections.
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sonashinde1232 · 5 years
Stretch Marks Treatment
Stretch marks are very common particularly when you hit adolescence. Stretch marks are also linked with pregnancy and an ailment known as Cushing Syndrome. For some people stretch marks are not such a big deal. To others who are extravagant, and aspire to have clear mark-free skin or win the title like miss Femina then stretch marks will drive you crazy. Stretch marks treatment in Hyderabad can help you deal with the marks.
 What Causes stretch marks?
Stretch marks are instigated by the rapid expansion of the marks. This can be because of puberty, weight loss/gain or pregnancy.
Stretch marks can be mostly seen on your thighs, armpits, chest, and abdomen areas. The most common form of stretch mark is identified as a striae gravidarum. This is linked with pregnancy as a result of the enlargement of the uterus. As the child nurtures better so does the necessity to have adaptable skin. Marks are a result of stretching the skin to its limit. At times, stretch marks are also seen in people who engage in building body, because of rapid muscle solidification. Where the different type of medicines is involved, stretch marks are assured to be visible.
 Who can be triggered by stretch marks?
Stretch marks can occur on anybody. Though, medical journals do imitate that one is of higher risk of developing stretch marks if you fall in the following categories:
Experience     a dramatic gain or loss of weight
  Stretch marks treatment (home-remedies) 
Prevention has always been better than cure. So, it is always advised to maintain your weight! This can never be emphasized enough. Where rapid weight gains take place, the marks tend to pull apart and as a consequence stretch marks occur.
Weight     control
Diet     and exercise
Stay     hydrated: Consuming lots of water safeguards that your skin is hydrated     and soft. Hydrated skin hardly develops stretch marks as dry skin does.
Eat     nutrient-rich diets: Junk food will upsurge your chances of having stretch     marks. Eat a well-balanced food with sufficient nutrients such as Protein,     Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Vitamin E
   Stretch marks removal treatment - Surgical Options
These stretch marks removal treatment procedures must be carried out by a professional dermatologist. It is recommended that you should only look for certified professional dermatologists so that injurious chemicals are not tried out on you.
 1. Laser stretch marks removal treatment 
 This technique has been qualified with the scar of the stretch marks removal by 99.9%. This is consequently the best when it comes to stretch marks removal treatment. This procedure, however, has one deficit; it is too pricey. This is as a result of the frequent sessions you will have with cosmetologists and dermatologists for stretch marks treatment in Hyderabad. 
 2. Dermabrasion stretch marks removal treatment 
 In this procedure, the dead skin is removed. Don’t worry as this is comparatively painless. Distinct from laser treatment; this procedure can be done in one sitting making it perfect. It not only removes your stretch marks problem but also revives your skin.
 3. Surgery for stretch mark removal treatment
This is where a throbbed dye laser is used to stimulate new collagen production. Ultimately you will have new skin that grows in that place and the stretch marks are gone.
 4. Peeling stretch marks removal treatment
This is a procedure where chemicals are used to revitalize the skin. The chemicals depict new and tender skin by eradicating the top layer of dead skin. Once you instigate to heal, the new and stimulating collagen production consequences to a fresh-looking skin.    
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sonashinde1232 · 5 years
Botox And Filler Treatments
Botox and filler treatments are into the drift. Botox encompasses purified bacteria that freezes muscles. In doing so, Botox can help minimalize the appearance of wrinkles and lines caused by facial fillers and expressions contain elements that add plumpness to areas that have thinned due to aging. This thinning is common in the lips, cheeks, and around the mouth.
 Botox treatment in Hyderabad 
Botox is a cleansed form of the botulinum toxin that is attained from bacteria. Though it is poisonous in larger amounts, the minute, the measured amount of Botox given to correct wrinkles has been used safely for years. Botox treatment impacts by obstructive nerve signals in the muscles and tissues where it is injected. When those nerve signals are interrupted, the pretentious muscle is paralyzed or frozen temporarily. By stopping the movement of these selected muscles in the face, certain wrinkles may be reduced, softened or even removed. Botox treatment and other treatments made with botulinum toxin are sometimes called neuromodulators or neurotoxins. Treatments made with botulinum toxin are vented under the brand names Botox treatment Cosmetics.
 What can Botox treatment in Hyderabad, correct?
 Botox injections only work on wrinkles that are produced by muscle movement. These are known as active wrinkles, which are often called "expression lines. "The most common dynamic wrinkles that Botox injection can treat are lines on the upper face, such as horizontal lines on the forehead, "11" between the brows, and crow's feet around the eyes. These lines are caused by smiling, frowning, squinting, and other facial expressions constantly for years. Botox will not work on fine wrinkles and lines caused by sagging or loss of chubbiness in the face. These are known as static wrinkles. Static wrinkles include lines in the cheeks, jowl areas, and neck. Botox is not a permanent treatment. Frequent treatments within two-three months are necessary for the endured wrinkle-reducing effects. 
 The side effect of Botox treatment
 The injection may fail to effect because of antibodies that fight the toxin. This usually happens with one percent people who might have taken repetitive Botox treatments. however, people should not rub or massage the part where Botox has been injected. This can spread the toxin all over the skin, causing muscle loose and other problems as well.
  What is dermal filler treatment?
 fillers are also called soft tissue fillers; it is a substance designed to be injected underneath the layer of the skin to add volume and chubbiness. Dermal filler treatment may help to plump up thinning lips. Filler injection treatment may last 6 months, while others last up to 2 years or longer.
 What can filler treatment in Hyderabad correct?
Different types of dermal filler injections are designed for the treatment of variable signs of aging, depending on the filler selected, they may:
recover     or fill in flat areas on the face
plump     up thin lips
reduction     or removal of the shadow or wrinkle below the eyes caused by the lower     eyelid
soften     the look or fill in the settled scars
 Filler treatment in Hyderabad, Risks, and considerations involved
Dermal filler treatment in Hyderabad is measured to be safe but side effects can occur. The most common problems include:
redness,bruising, bleeding, or swelling
skin rash, itching, or pimple-like eruptions
skin damage that causes a wound, infection, or scarring
death of skin cells due to loss of blood flow to the area
blindness or other vision problems
 Key differences
 ·        Botox: This freezes muscles to stop wrinkles and lines caused by constant facial expressions. These are typically found in the upper face, which is the forehead and around the eyes.
·        Dermal fillers: These use hyaluronic acid and alike substances to "fill in" or plump areas that have lost capacity and softness. This includes wrinkles around the mouth, thin lips, and cheeks that have lost plumpness. They may also be used on scars, forehead wrinkles, and other areas that need extra volume for a softer look.
 Botox treatment outcomes last 3 to 4 months. Dermal filler injection treatment outcome may vary, depending on which filler is being used. Because both Botox and filler treatment are different elements designed for different uses, they can sometimes be used combinedly in one treatment. 
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sonashinde1232 · 5 years
Best anti-aging services
As age is just a number, so, fine lines and wrinkles on a face must not justify the age of a person. Tensed about the fine lines or wrinkles on your face? Scientific Evolution in dermatology has now made it plausible to fight limitless problems of aging like wrinkles and dull-looking shaggy skin. So, let us lookup for the best Anti-Aging treatment for face and the most chosen anti-aging dealing to rejuvenate your skin for a youthful look from the most prominent anti-aging treatment in Hyderabad. With brown spots, fine lines, wrinkles, pale spotty and shaggy skin that leave an uncomfortable look, everyone can simply guess that you are nearly hitting the dreaded aging stage.
Skin aging is a usual growth that benefits itself abstemiously early in life, every so often as early as the late 20s. But, thanks to several best anti-aging services and treatments, an individual can now hop back in time. A few years back, the best anti-aging services were plastic surgery dealings like brow lifts and facelifts. However, the trend has drastically transformed over time with the progression of several best anti-aging services. Often specified as a little invasive process, the skin treatments progress skin touch, free of lines and uphold a youthful look.
 Anti-aging treatment in Hyderabad is performed by the most experienced and skillful dermatologists such as cutting-edge anti-aging treatments, which can deliver enduring fallouts within a few sittings itself. Some of the best anti-aging treatments for face are: -
As you grow older, several factors contribute to the aging of your face. Anxiety, sun and wind exposure, and even gravity combine to leave you older-looking. A facelift can help discourse some of the properties of aging. Throughout a facelift, the dermatologist eradicates extra fatty accumulated, tightens the muscles that support your face, eliminates extra skin and rewraps the skin of your face. Quite often, the facelift treatment is performed along with other facial surgical treatments such as blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) or a browlift (forehead lift surgery).
BOTOX is a toxin formed by the straining of bacteria, Clostridium botulinum. In case you’re doubting, this is the same bacteria that can reason botulism, which is a kind of food poisoning. Botox is used for the treatment of modest to severe frown lines between the eyebrows. Today, it is used to treat other parts of the face, as well as the forehead and the crow’s feet at the edges of the eye.
Most regularly used to treat individuals with sun-damaged or haphazardly pigmented skin, chemical peels have turn out to be one of the most widespread non-invasive enhancing plastic surgery dealings. Chemical peels are one formula of anti-aging treatment. Even though chemical peels are not able to avert or slow down the aging course, they are surely able to rally facial flaws, acne, wrinkles, and patchy skin pigmentation.
Laser skin rejuvenation is one of the reckless growing and most active skin rejuvenation services performed by the best dermatologists at Hyderabad. Laser skin rejuvenation can be used to treat an extensive assortment of skin conditions that upshot from or relating to the properties of aging. Acne Blemishes, Large Pore Size, Stretch Marks, Age Spots, Brown Spots, Fine Lines, Sun Spots, and Wrinkles can be served with laser skin rejuvenation.
One non-surgical method that has to turn out to be popular is the practice of dermal fillers. Dermal fillers such as hyaluronic acid must not be muddled with Botox. Botox may be used for anti-aging skincare but works over a completely diverse process. Dermatologists state to the use of dermal fillers as soft tissue expansion. Soft tissue expansion is an enhancing plastic surgery technique done to precise eye wrinkles, other makeover wrinkles, and unhappiness in the skin and blemishes.
 Choose the best Anti-Aging Treatments for Face, recommended by the best and the most experienced dermatologists for Anti-Aging Treatment in Hyderabad. Best Anti-Aging Services at Hyderabad is known for its expertise and specialization in anti-aging Treatment in Indian skin for a 360 code of behavior that guarantees complete aging control. This procedure is effective and safe for delicate skin!
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sonashinde1232 · 5 years
FUE hair transplantation Treatment
Hair transplant is the contemporary craze not only for individuals who have lost their hair to prematurely but even for those individuals who want to modify their hairlines or attain attractive curls. But is the best hair transplantation treatment really benign and positive? Is it a long-lasting procedure or does this technique outcome in unjustified tissue variations in body?
Steps for the best hair transplant in Hyderabad:
The best hair transplantation treatment involves a surgical process that removes the hair follicles from any site in the body like face or legs and implanting them on the hairless or the bald portion of the head. This procedure is also practiced in hair transplantation in lashes and brows. The contemporary techniques are enduring and they pick up follicular bunches of hair. This procedure is named Follicular Hair Transplantation (FUT) which can be completed in two customs, strip harvesting and FUE hair transplantation Treatment follicular unit extraction (FUE).
FUE hair transplantation Treatment can be performed in a single or quite a few settings. It is manually a slow procedure which is time a little taking, but delivers very natural outcomes and does not even leave any scars behind. Though, it is not a price efficient procedure and is time consuming too for both the doctor and the patient. However, use of automotive machines at the clinics for best hair transplant in Hyderabad has abridged the time consumption in this FUE hair transplantation Treatment procedure and has also simplified it enormously.
 Procedure of the best hair transplantation treatment:
The FUE hair transplant is widely valid in the case of body hair transplant (BHT), eyebrow transplant, mustache transplant or baldness. The best dermatologists from Hyderabad recommend the FUE, best hair transplant in Hyderabad as it helps to cover the higher grade of baldness for that expert Surgeons apply the combination method of the hair transplant, i.e., FUT+FUE hair transplant also knows Mega/Giga sitting. If there is the necessity for the FUE hair transplant in the case of inappropriate or an unsuitable patron area of the patient’s scalp, then Dermatologists perform the FUE, best hair transplant treatment in Hyderabad.
 As far as cost is concerned, the cost of FUE hair transplant is higher in contrast to the FUT hair transplant as the technique comprises the highly-advanced tools for removing the implants, In FUE, best hair transplant in Hyderabad, with the help of an apparatus called a fine punch, which is less than 1 millimeter in diameter, is used to excerpt the hair follicles. Subsequently, after numbing the patron area with local anesthesia, the punch is implanted into the skin, all around the hair follicle which verves under till the follicle root. The follicle is then removed from the in line fatty tissue under the higher overstatement of microscopes. The direction and angle of hair are not noticeable under the skin. Very often the course of hairs under the skin is unalike from the course on the surface of the scalp. Therefore, it is important to maintain a proper angulation of the punch otherwise; it may severely impair the root of the follicular unit. The small and manifold spots left on the removed area of the scalp that recovered by their own healing process within some days. Over time, these small dots shrink and turn imperceptible.
Advantages of best hair transplant treatment in Hyderabad
Individuals     who have tight and less resistance of the scalp
It     can be performed in a single room
Experienced     dermatologists at the best hair transplant in Hyderabad
perform     it with a limited number of assistants.
  Recuperation time
FUE hair transplantation Treatment is a non-invasive technique which is done on some occasions on a casualty basis. Generally, patients are permitted to shampoo subsequently two three days even though the scalp requires to be dwindling from direct exposer to sun and infections for a while after the best hair transplantation treatment surgery. The patients are mostly put on antibiotics for a few days after the transplant.
Must know facts about the best hair transplant in Hyderabad:
1) The transplanted hair appears to be like the natural hair and sheds flanked by two to four weeks of transplant. The roots subsequently start developing hair unsurprisingly and endure to do so for a lifetime.
2) Dosage of local anesthesia makes it a trouble-free technique and the patient can go back home on the same day.
3) Each case of bald-headedness does not give a solution in hair transplantation. It is contingent on circumstance to circumstance basis.
4) The cost of the technique be contingent on the sum of grafts. The more the sum of grafts, the advanced the cost.
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sonashinde1232 · 5 years
What do you understand by PRP treatment for hair?
PRP means “platelet-rich plasma.” The process involves of drawing your own blood, usually from your arm, revolving it down into three layers in an extractor, and inserting only the superlative plasma rich in platelets hooked on your scalp by micro needling. If you often have regular blood tests done by your doctor and you are immunized frequently, PRP treatment for hair won’t be too diverse from what you are previously used to.
How does PRP hair treatment in Hyderabad work?
The platelet-rich plasma is injected into your scalp aids to heal pretentious areas and arouse reparative cells with the help of the use of growth features. Growth factors endorse the creation of elements like collagen, which is likewise used in anti-aging serums. This, in turn, will be expected to show signs of the regrowth of your hair. It is an all-natural method, so you do not have to fear about harsh chemicals.
The Benefits of PRP treatment for hair over time
The PRP process derives in more than one dose. It is a succession of injections passed out over a period of weeks and repeated over quite a few months, so you will instigate to see variations as your hair grows through the treatment. What you may through PRP hair treatment in Hyderabad:
·         Your hair can grow thicker and denser in the problematic areas being treated.
·         The advent of balding and losing ground spots can be upturned.
·         Your retreating hairline may instigate to grow back in.
·         Your self-assurance will upsurge progressively as those problematic areas may turn out to be lessening.
PRP hair treatment in Hyderabad work best for?
Several researches have established that it is very likely that PRP treatment for hair can help you regrow robust and thicker hair. This efficacious contemporary trend is on the escalation.
Who Does PRP treatment for hair benefit the Most?
Even though PRP treatment for hair dealings can help a wide range of patients with various hair fall linked circumstances, there are a few groups that have stood more extensively, studied and have highlighted the superlative and most active results. These groups are the following:
·         Those who are severely suffering from androgenic alopecia. This disorder is also known as male/female design hairlessness. Women can also face hair loss and can be treated in conjunction with men.
·         Those who are severely suffering from extra topical hair loss. This is for the reason that the extended your illness continues, the less it is to be expected that the treatment will work, however it can still produce some valuable outcomes.
How to Attain Positive Outcomes from PRP treatment for hair
Though, there is no guarantee that you will meet the requirements for this procedure, you must talk it over with a certified dermatologist who is an expert in PRP hair treatment in Hyderabad to determine whether PRP remedy is the right choice for you.
 Where to Verve for PRP Treatment for hair?
Once you feel that you are ready to take a
PRP treatment for hair
loss, then you need to find yourself a dermatologist who is best in this method of treatment and will be with you through the procedure of treatment. For those of you in Hyderabad, or near to Hyderabad you should consider making an appointment for a consultation with the best service provider for
PRP hair treatment in Hyderabad
, who promise to deliver you the high quality of care conceivable and work with you through the whole process of treatment for achieving the best
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sonashinde1232 · 5 years
Flawless and scar free skin with scars treatment in Hyderabad
How flawless it would be to have a scars free flawless skin. When you wake up in the morning and see acne scars on the skin, dark spots or patchy skin which was not there before, you are noticing the signs of something that happens to the females who suffering from mensuration problems or impurified blood, but the day has come when researchers found new and advanced technique to change time and bottle up the fountain of youth. Fortunately, there are certain treatments just slow down the clock and help you get the flawless, smooth skin you dream of. If you are questioning about scars treatment in Hyderabad, the best solution to it is the radio frequency scar treatment in Hyderabad
radio frequency scar treatment is a non-surgical technique that can lighten the scars and the dark spot on the skin, and slowly remove the uneven and patchy skin. But how does it do that, and what do you need to know before getting it done? We’re here to inform you.
The Science behind the scar’s treatment in Hyderabad
(RF) radio frequency scar treatment customs an electrical current to reduce dark spots and scars. The idea of treating your skin with electrical currents may sound petrifying, but the radiofrequency used is on the low-slung end of the electromagnetic spectrum. Without getting too much into physics, just know that the current in this type of treatment is alike to things you use every day — like a microwave and the Wi-Fi — and it’s safe. So how do the radiofrequency waves reduce your dark spots, scars and patchy skin? It is not magical — the science behind it is very upfront. Radio frequency scar treatment in Hyderabad is the best known to provide structural support in connective tissue, muscle, and skin. When your dermatologist gives you a radiofrequency scar treatment, the energy ejected from the electrical current heats your skin. The careful heating of this deep layer of skin fixes two things: it reduces the dark patches, scars and also  tightens up the collagen fibers you already have (which means tightens your skin), and it awakens your new cells to produce new collagen, which produces a fresh and new skin down the road.
What to expect from scars treatment in Hyderabad?
When you go for a radio frequency scar treatment, the dermatologist will first put on a numbing ointment to help with any discomfort, then a slithering gel to help the tool passage smoothly all over your skin. It is not a painful process, and the only thing you will feel all through this technique is a warm feeling as your skin heats up. The whole procedure mostly takes 30 minutes to an hour, reliant on what part of your body you are treating. Radiofrequency scar treatment can be performed anywhere on your body part where you have ugly looking dark spots and patchy skin to get a flawless skin. Women prefer to do away with facial scars, but you can also treat your stomach, arms, or legs.
Side effects:
Mainly compared to punitive and more aggressive techniques, radio frequency scar treatment has few side effects. It does not harm your skin, particularly if you are being treated under the eye of experienced professional dermatologists. Your skin will be a slight tender and red after your treatment, but everything should be normal within a day or two. Radio frequency scar treatment in Hyderabad is advantageous for delicate skin that cannot handle harsher dealings, like laser resurfacing or micro-needling. Yet, this particular treatment may not be correct for you if you are pregnant or prone to skin diseases or skin infections.
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sonashinde1232 · 5 years
Radio frequency skin tightening treatment
How perfect it would be to have a silky-smooth or youthful skin again! When you wake up in the morning and see loose skin and wrinkles that were not there before, you are noticing the signs of something that happens to the women who re-aging. Maybe one day researchers will find a technique to turn back time or bottle up the fountain of youth. Fortunately, there are certain treatments just slow down the clock and help you get the smoother, tighter skin you dream of. If you are wondering about radiofrequency skin tightening.
Radiofrequency skin tightening treatment is a non-surgical procedure that can tighten up the loose skin, reduce wrinkles and sags. But how does it do that, and what do you need to know before getting it done? We’re here to inform you.
The Science behind the skin tightening treatment
Radiofrequency (RF) skin tightening treatment uses an electrical current to lessen wrinkles and sags. The idea of treating your skin with electrical currents may sound terrifying, but the radiofrequency used is on the low-slung end of the electromagnetic spectrum. Without getting too much into physics, just know that the current in this type of treatment is alike to things you use every day — like a microwave and the Wi-Fi — and it’s safe. So how do the radiofrequency waves lessen your wrinkles and tightens the saggy skin? It is not magic — the science behind it is very forthright.  Radiofrequency skin firming treatment is to provide structural support in connective tissue, muscle, and skin. When your dermatologist gives you a radiofrequency skin firming treatment, the energy ejected from the electrical current heats your skin. The careful heating of this deep layer of skin fixes two things: it removes the elasticity and tightens up the collagen fibers you already have (which means tightens your skin), and it arouses your cells to produce new collagen, which gives you a firmer skin down the road.
 What to expect from Radiofrequency skin tightening treatment?
When you go for a radiofrequency firming treatment, the dermatologist will first apply a numbing ointment to help with any discomfort, then a slithering gel to help the tool move smoothly all over your skin. It is not a painful process, and the only thing you will notice during this procedure is a warm feeling as your skin heats up. The whole procedure generally takes 30 minutes to an hour, depending on what part of your body you are treating. Radiofrequency skin tightening can be done anywhere on your body part where you have unwanted sags and wrinkles. Women prefer to do away with facial wrinkles, but you can also treat your stomach, arms, or legs.
 Side effects:
Particularly compared to harsher and more aggressive procedures, radiofrequency skin tightening treatment has few side effects. It doesn’t damage your skin, especially if you are being treated under the eye of experienced professional dermatologists. Your skin will be a little tender and red after your treatment, but everything should be normal within a day or two. Radiofrequency skin tightening is beneficial for delicate skin that cannot handle harsher treatments, like laser resurfacing or micro-needling. These treatments are a good choice for women whose color skin is too dark for chemical peels. Nevertheless, this particular treatment may not be correct for you if you are pregnant or prone to skin allergies or skin infections.
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sonashinde1232 · 5 years
Dull Skin Treatment
There are days when you wake up with flawless skin and then there are times when your skin feels lifeless, dry, stretchy, rough. What are you suffering from is dull aging skin, a common complaint from many? Dull skin is caused by the passing of time as you are aging it builds-up dead skin cells that hide your skin’s natural radiance and glow.
preserving radiance isn't easy always, and the genuineness is that there are whys and wherefores your skin has lost that so-called glow. Our skin continuously sheds dead cells, but if the progression isn’t working efficiently, your compaction can take on an unhealthy, dull, tired appearance that highlights wrinkles.
The good news? There is an effortless way to get back your healthy glow which can make a big difference when it comes to your complexion that is Dull aging skin treatment. If you feel like you have lost your glow thanks to dull skin treatment, which can pause this dullness and prepare for beaming, healthy-looking skin.
 Bring the Glow Back with the best treatment for dull aging skin
Feeling confident in your skin is more than a proverb - it's just a state of your mind. Skin is the most exposed body part. It plays a significant role in getting effected off pollution, dust, sun rays, dirt, bacteria, and other unseen dangers. With time, the skin takes the burden of all these substances and eventually develops darkness, dullness, dryness, and roughness. Even lightened skin tone certainly boosts one’s self-self-esteem and gives energy and a positive feel to face the difficulties of the world in a confident way. Rejuvenate your skin with the best treatment for dull aging skin also known as a dull skin treatment to bring back the radiant glowing skin back.
Dull skin treatment 
The treatment reduces the dark skin tone and gives a fairer glowing and healthy-looking skin. The best treatment for dull aging skin is carried out with US-FDA accepted fractional Q switched YAG laser and is performed by the professional skin dermatologists. The treatment involves the following concerns:
 Treatment for dull aging skin includes
uneven skin tone
Dark patchy skin
Marks, mild scars, etc.
Skin Pigmentation
Dull aging skin treatment is treated on the face but the underarms, feet, hands and even the lips. This is unquestionably safe and there is no pain involved. No kind of anesthesia is given to the patient because there is no discomfort. Generally, to get the best results one would want an average of six sittings and each sitting happens in two weeks. The period of each session would be a minimum of 30 minutes. Post the completion of six sittings, care sittings would be done once a month. The best treatment for dull aging skin is performed with the latest equipment which is US FDA accepted and every sitting is performed by professionally trained and highly experienced dermatologists. 
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sonashinde1232 · 5 years
How often should you get Botox injections?
You're probably wondering how long the Botox treatment will last. Most people see effects of it lasts three to four months, but several factors may shorten or lengthen that period:
·        Botulinum toxin use
·        Your age. Older people with less muscle tone may see results reduce sooner than those with younger, firmer facial muscles.
·        Your facial structure and expressions.
·        Whether you smoke.
·        Your diet.
·        Whether you take good care of your skin; use facials, microdermabrasion or other resurfacing methods.
·        How much sunburns you get and how much sun damage your skin already has.
Whether you regularly use Botox repeatedly or not. However, this seems to be different from one person to another. Some of them obtain a longer-lasting effect with repeated use, while others seem to develop a struggle to the drug and need more frequent treatments.
Doctors disagree on which of the issues are the most important so it's a good question to ask your practitioner. In any case, it is not recommended to have injections in the same injection site such as for crow's feet more frequently than every three months they have to take.
As with the injection of any medication, your body's immune the system can develop antibodies as per the prescription, which renders the drug less effective or possibly cause the development of an allergy to the drug. The more frequently the drug is injected or the more quantity that is injected in your body, the higher the risk for these antibodies to be formed against the drug.
Is Botox painful?
Any injection can hurt, but the needles used for Botox injections are very small, so pain is usually minimal. The area can also be numbed with a topical anesthetic cream or cold pack 10-20 minutes before the injections are given, so you may not feel much pain, if any. You may feel a little discomfort later, once the anesthetic cream has worn off on the face applied. Other side effects are listed below.
Botox side effects
Probable Botox side effects include pain at the injection site, infection, inflammation, swelling, redness, bleeding and bruising. Some of these symptoms may indicate some kind of allergic reaction; other allergy symptoms like itching, wheezing, asthma, a rash, red welts, dizziness, and faintness. Tell your doctor immediately if you have any kind of breathing issues or a faint or dizzy feeling.
Also, they may have issues like this dry mouth, fatigue, headache, and neck pain have been reported immediately. You may have heard of other side effects as well, such as numbness, droopy eyelids, muscle spasms or twitching, and migration of the substance. Numbness as an absence of physical consciousness is not really an issue with Botox, because Botox is not an anesthetic. Numbness as the result of the inability to move a muscle is an issue for some people.
The muscle spasms in the area of the Botox injections do not occur while the Botox is effective. After all, Botox is used to treat spasms related to benign essential blepharospasm, hemifacial spasm, cerebral palsy, fibromyalgia and temporomandibular joint disorder
It is promising for the Botox to spread a little beyond the intended injection site and affect surrounding tissues. For example, if you receive filler injection treatment into the forehead close to your eyebrows or your upper eyelids, they could be affected and may droop temporarily.
The finest practitioners know the correct sites of injection to avoid side effects such as droopy eyelids. A small, highly concentrated dose of Botox and fillers treatment dose is less likely to spread from the injection site than a large diluted dose.
This underscores the importance of finding a practitioner who has long experience with giving Botox injections. Also, if you have any questions about your Botox injection treatment, your doctor is the one who knows the specifics of your regimen to best assess any reactions or concerns you may have.
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sonashinde1232 · 5 years
How To Treat Those Scars
The skin is one of the largest organs that protects our bodies from infection. Throughout our lives, we have involvements that injure our skin, leaving behind a scar. The formation of these scars depends on many factors like how large the wound is, the person’s age, sex and ethnicity nationality/heritage and genetically inherited factors. These are the four main types of scars. Various kind treatments can help reduce their size and appearance. Before you begin, on the other hand, remember this basic truth scars will never completely disappear or hide.
What are the four main types of scars?
Hypertrophic scars: These are red scars that rise above the skin on some type of people. They do not range beyond the spot where the injury occurred. Possibility these treatments include steroid injections and laser surgery.
Keloids: These scars just come on the body in from the skin and spread beyond the spot where the injury occurred. They are produced by the overproduction of a certain type of cells in the body. Over time, keloids may affect mobility it means the ability to move. Possible treatments include surgery, laser surgery, radiation, or steroid injections can be used. These smaller keloids can be removed with cryotherapy in freezing therapy using liquid nitrogen. You can also prevent these keloids by using pressure treatment, silicone gel. The keloids are more common in darker skin types, specifically people of African or Asian descent.
Contracture scars: This kind of scars typically occur after the skin is burned. They cause skin tightening (contracting) of the skin that can reduce the ability to move. This type of scar on the body can go into muscles and nerves.
Acne scars: Any type of acne can leave behind some type of scars on the body. There are many categories of acne scars, and they can be shallow or quite deep. The treatment completely depends on the type of scars you have.
What are the possible treatments for scars?
Over-the-counter or medicine creams, ointments, or gels. These products may decrease scars that are caused by surgical incisions (cuts) or other injuries or injuries. If you are under the care of the best dermatologist or plastic surgeon, ask your doctor for recommendations. Treatment options include corticosteroids or antihistamine creams is used if your scars are sensitive and cause itching. Your specialist may also recommend intralesional steroid injections, pressure dressings, or silicone gel sheeting to prevent acne scars and to help treat existing scars.
Surgery: There are many options under this category, including skin grafts, an excision (removal), or laser surgery or radio frequency. When observing into surgery, discuss with your doctor whether you will have local anaesthesia with an oral sedative or general anaesthesia. If you’ve recently had plastic, cosmetic, or other surgery that has produced your scars, it is best to wait at least one year before making a decision about radio frequency scar treatment in Hyderabad. Many kinds of scars fade and become less noticeable over time.
Injections: In the case of swelling scars such as keloids or hypertrophic scars, your doctor may choose to use steroid injections to flatten the scars. Such injections can be used as a stand-alone treatment, or in combination with another kind of treatments.
Laser surgery: Vascular (blood vessel)-specific lasers may be used to lighten flat or raised scars that are pink to purple in colour which shows the sign of treatment being done. Scars treatment in Hyderabad may also help flatten raised scars. A carbon dioxide ablative laser can also be used to treat different types of scars on the individual.
Will insurance cover scar removal treatments?
If your scar is hurting you physically, your insurance plan may help you to cover the cost. You can ask your doctor to write a letter about your particular case type. He or she can also take photos to support your case too. If you are having scar removal treatment for cosmetic purposes for your better appearance, you will probably have to pay for it yourself. If your scars resulting from cosmetic surgery, your insurance company may or may not be liable to pay for treatment. Some plans will not cover some of the treatment it completely depends on the company to have radio frequency scar treatment that arises from an elective surgery that is not medically necessary. It is best to check with your insurance plan properly.
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sonashinde1232 · 5 years
What is platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and its benefits?
In the last few decades, many chemical treatments have been developed to treat hair loss problem, some of which have proved a success in achieving the expected results in reducing hair loss, and some of which caused many side and perhaps even counterproductive effects. However, a new hair loss treatment has been developed recently and gained massive popularity around the world in the field of treating hair loss replacing most of the chemical other therapies which are platelet-rich plasma (PRP).
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) was first introduced in the seventies and widely used around the world in the late nineties to heal injuries and treat several types of health issues. Doctors used it in different medical fields, such as cosmetic surgeries, dentistry, and most importantly in managing hair loss. Plasma plays a crucial role in keeping the human body healthy. When the human body is exposed to a specific injury, plasma sends blood platelets through the blood to the injured area to begin the healing process, repairing the damaged part of the body naturally. This simulates the blood circulation in the skin or scalp, which stops hair loss and strengthen the hair follicles.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) components
It contains many essential proteins called growth factors that stimulate the healing process and the hair growth in the scalp. This will dramatically improve the hair’s thickness and strength. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) renews cells in infected areas, helping to grow new tissues by attracting stem cells to the site of injury and stimulating their specialization. Stem cells are primitive cells that are not specialized and can be self-renewed and reproduced to give several types of specialized cells, such as hair cells, cartilage, bone, skin, and other cells. These stem cells are also responsible for regenerating damaged cells, either in the skin or hair, resulting in the production of a new battery.
Benefits of platelet-rich plasma (PRP)
Treats hair loss and stimulates the secretion of collagen, which helps in to encourage the growth of new hair follicles. Treats trichoclasia, and hair fall, as PRP transfers nutrients to the treated area. Strengthen hair follicles. Treats the scalp and regenerate its cells. Manages the donor and receptor areas of the scalp after hair transplantation. PRP stimulates new hair growth in the scarred areas of the scalp. Helps to get best hair transplantation results and to grow the hair faster besides reducing the chance of hair loss in the future.
People with special medical conditions should be cautious when referring to PRP hair treatment in Bangalore and might be advised to stay away from this treatment, such as people with chronic heart disease, diabetes, blood diseases (thrombocytopenia), and virus infections like aids and HCV. Therefore, it’s necessary to perform the needed medical tests to the patient prior the PRP treatment to ascertain his eligibility to undergo the PRP treatment.
Tips should be followed before PRP treatment
There are several factors to be considered when having your PRP treatment for hair, as these factors play a crucial role in determining the success rate of the procedure, and the thickness of hair, such elements are:
Choose the appropriate doctor to perform PRP for hair loss treatment, because the success of the treatment mainly depends on the efficiency and skills of the treating doctor, thus, a simple mistake might lead to adverse results. Consider choosing a hospital or a clinic certified by the ministry of health to obtain this treatment, try to select a medical centre with international quality certificates. Discuss with your doctor the suitability of this treatment for you, the expected results, and the number of PRP hair treatment sessions needed. The patient should inform the doctor about any medications he regularly takes, and any health problems he has, to ensure his safety. Ensure that the cannula that will be used in your treatment has not been used before and is not going to be used again in the following sessions, to avoid infections.
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sonashinde1232 · 5 years
What causes pimple scars and how to treat them.
Acne scars are caused by inflammatory acne lesions, such as papules (pink raised bumps), pustules (pink bumps with white pus), or cysts. There are several factors that contribute to the risk of developing scars. However, it may be genetic: if you have family members who have acne scars, you're at a higher risk of developing them too. Your skin type also affects the types of scarring. They says those with lighter complexions may be more prone to acne erythema (persistent redness) after inflammatory acne, while those with darker complexion patients may be more prone to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation or brown blemishing.
It's obvious but bears repeating: don't even think about touching a pimple. We tend to cause excess trauma that will worsen inflammation, resulting in scars. It says to avoid harsh scrubs and skincare products that can further irritate skin and to stop picking, popping, and squeezing acne as that will exacerbate inflammation. She warns that excess sun exposure can make acne blemishes darker, yet another reason to wear SPF 30 or higher every single day (no matter your skin type or tone).
What Type of Scarring Do You Have?
They says there are four different types of acne scars one can get: ice pick, rolling, boxcar and hypertrophic. Once you figure out what type you're dealing with, it's easier to choose the most effective treatment to getting rid of those scars.
The ice pick acne scars are small, narrow, pinpoint acne scars that penetrate deep into the skin, according to They. They develop when infected cystic acne makes its way to the surface and destroys the skin tissue, leaving a cylindrical, column-like scar.
Rolling scars have a wave-like appearance and are wider and shallow in depth. These develop when the when tissue develops between the epidermis and hypodermis, the innermost layer of skin, and they band together to create this rolling appearance.
Boxcar scars have angular, well-defined edges. When an inflammatory breakout destroys collagen, it results in a loss of tissue and the skin is left with depressed areas.
Hypertrophic scars are raised scars. It says these are caused when the skin doesn’t realize that the wound has healed and overproduces collagen. If you're still unsure about your scarring type, pay a visit to your dermatologist.
What is the Best Treatment for Acne Scars?
Start with chemical exfoliation. They says using a product that offers gentle chemical exfoliation is the first step of healing scars. He also says to look for anti-inflammatory and skin brightening ingredients in your serums and, such as vitamin C, a skin-brightening antioxidant, and vitamin E, which regenerates skin cells and improves the texture. We says to look for topical treatments that contain retinoids, hydroquinone, and azelaic acid, which have all bene proven to dramatically lighten dark marks and even melasma. A word of caution: hydroquinone, a skin-bleaching agent, should only be used under the care and supervision of a dermatologist, since it can potentially lighten healthy skin, too.
Use of ice pick, rolling, and boxcar scars, They says to seek a collagen-boosting treatment, like the in-office laser Smooth Beam. When collagen production is boosted, the scar will eventually raise to match the rest of your skin's surface. Other best pimples removal treatment in Hyderabad to discuss with your dermatologist are the laser, microneedling, subcision, and hyaluronic acid filler treatments.
With hypertrophic scars, the reduction of collagen is key. We suggests pimple scar removal treatment options that include silicone gel, steroid injections, and lasers. They agrees and says if the acne scar is both red and raised, an in-office laser such as the laser is “an exceptional way” to reduce its appearance.
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sonashinde1232 · 5 years
Why Laser hair removal is better than waxing?
Are you tired of shaving, plucking, or waxing of hair? Do you get razor bumps or acne-like breakouts when you get rid of unwanted hair on your body? If you may want to consider laser hair removal. Dermatologists use this lasers to remove unwanted facial and body hair safely and effectively. Thanks to advancement in technology, most people can safely have laser hair removal. Removing the unwanted hair often requires a few visits. Most patients need between 2 to 6 visit treatments. Afterwards, most patients are free of unwanted hair for several months altogether. When the hair regrows, most patients see noticeably less hair than before. The hair also tends to have finer and lighter in colour.
Potential side effects
The best way to minimize the risk of side effects is to avoid UV exposure for 7 days pre- and post-treatment for effective result. Avoid sunburns and tans for at least 2 weeks prior to treatment important. Avoid sunless tanning products for 7 days before you start treatment. Provide your technician with an accurate and up to date medical history report in order to receive safe and effective treatments. Side effects are uncommon but may include; Hyperpigmentation like darkening of skin, Hypopigmentation means loss of skin pigmentation, mild to moderate burns or blisters, permanent skin discolouration, temporary redness, follicular oedema like little pink/red “puffiness and small bumps like “goosebumps”, swelling and itching in the treated area, hives, rashes, bruising, and lack of desired results. Patients who are pregnant cannot be treated. Technicians cannot treat over tattoos on that part. If you have epilepsy, Simplicity is unable to provide in treatment.
Pre-treatment care
The area to be treated must be clean-shaven properly. Unshaven patients will be rescheduled. Avoid UV exposure 7 days prior to your treatment day. Patients who are sunburned or tanned must wait 2 weeks before being treated to avoid additional kind of skin damage. Avoid sunless tanning products 7 days prior to your treatment. It is recommended that you exfoliate the area to remove any residual colour. If applicable, apply numbing cream 30 to 40 minutes prior to your treatment if needed.
All products must be completely removed prior to treatment from the skin. Patients should come to appointments with clean skin in the area to be treated on. All individual who is treating any part of their face or neck will be required to cleanse their entire face in the clinic for proper cleaning. Avoid chemical peels and other laser procedures in the area to be treated for 2 weeks prior and two weeks after your laser treatment to avoid damage. Avoid all alpha hydroxy and beta hydroxyl products or AHA/BHA, hydroquinone, retinol/retinoid, Tazorac, and Differin for 7 days before treatment is important.
Patients with any abnormal lesions, moles or spots on the area to be treated must be cleared by a medical practitioner prior to treatment. Patients must stop waxing, tweezing and chemical epilation 3 weeks prior to treatment. If you are prone to cold sores, it is highly recommended to take an anti-viral medication (such as Valtrex) prior to your treatment. Patients with active cold sores will not be treated. Patients who have used Accutane or similar products within the last 6 months cannot have laser hair removal treatment.
Patients should not perform any physical activity that increases body temperature or blood pressure within 2 hours before and after treatments. If you have Botox or dermal fillers in the area to be treated, wait 14 days both before and after injection to receive treatments. Antibiotics may increase photosensitivity. We recommend that you check with your personal physician prior to receiving laser treatments if you are taking a long-term antibiotic. If you become ill and begin taking an antibiotic, you will need to be off the medication for 7 days before laser treatment. Boots may not be worn immediately after leg best laser hair removal treatment in Hyderabad.
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sonashinde1232 · 5 years
The best method of mole removal treatment
Many of us develop increasing number of moles on our face and other different body parts as we get older. Some of these may have been present for many years, some may have developed a recently on your body. The first and most important step is of course to make sure these moles are normal and not infected one. A quick consultation is a must and also with a trained dermatologist which will be able to give you this peace of mind. If you wish to remove your mole for cosmetic reasons or because it is causing itch, pain or catches on your clothes you wear, we can help you achieve this with excellent outcomes.
If your mole is small, brown and flat, pigment laser is the best way to remove this easily by using laser energy to break down the pigment level in the mole. Usually 1 session is adequate for it. Occasionally further session 1 month later is required if there is still residual pigmentation in that area of skin. After numbing with either numb cream or an injection, the laser can be performed in a few minutes and most patients are usually surprised to see their mole totally disappear of the mole in such a short time. A scab will form and fall off after 1-2 weeks, leaving a pink brown area that fades over time period. Occasionally, a small chickenpox scar may result but these will usually resolve after a couple of months.
Moles removed by laser can sometimes recur after some time, which can vary from months to year’s duration. If your mole is raised and brown, a combination technique using a CO2 laser to first flatten the mole, then use the pigment laser to treat any residual brown pigmentation is used. Again this is a straightforward and painless procedure that is once numbing has been delivered. A scab will form and fall off after 1-2 weeks, leaving a pink brown area that fades over time period. Sometimes a second treatment is required for complete removal of the pigmentation, but flattening of the mole is usually achieved after just 1 treatment of time.
The best mole removal treatment in Bangalore by laser can sometimes recur after some time, which can vary from months to years. Raised moles can also be removed by cutting the mole away through a surgery. Although this sounds intimidating, it is a simple 10-20 minute procedure where the mole is removed using a special device or free-hand cutting after a quick numbing injection is given. Stitches will be applied to close the wound. A small linear scar will be left on the part, usually around the same length as the original mole. The advantage of this method is that recurrence is extremely rare case.
After laser mole removal treatment, the treated area will be a little pink and sore for a week. You will be provided with an antiseptic solution to clean the wound and an antibiotic ointment to apply for the fast and safe healing process. A scab will form and fall off after 7-10 days’ time period. If you have stitches, these are usually removed after 7-10 days of duration of the mole removal laser treatment in Bangalore. The wound care is straightforward way and it is extremely rare case that any kind of complications will occur. Mole removal is a very common procedure performed multiple times a week at many different clinic. This a common treatment done.
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