sonexstella-blog · 7 years
[TRANS] Sunny’s Twitter Chat with Fans (December 29, 2016)
The room is warm so I’m keeping snacks on the veranda. I went to go open it to eat it just now and at the sound, Sogeum thought I was getting her something so she comes and says “Meow~” but I didn’t know so I put the snack in my mouth and I turned around and she looks at me as if I’ve betrayed her…. Hey.. This is not yours;;;
In a moment, it felt like I was a mommy who was caught eating her kid’s food;;;;; Hey, this is mine…. Eat yours~~~~
It’s a biscuit so every time I take one out to put in my mouth, I keep having to notice… Sogeum-nim is completely staring me down face to face….. You ate a churu (kitty snack) just now, you cat-bully!!!!!
@snsdplus: Kekekeke, anyone who raises a pet can relate, kekekekeke. I’m raising a parrot and when I eat a tangerine, it comes over thinking it’s theirs…
Sunny: Does the owner bite the parrot?
@darks92: (Image that says “…Heartless…!”)
Sunny: Ah, what is this! If this is the case, am I the bad person?!?! Shudder shudder
@_HopeGG: Mother said she didn’t like snacks, mother said she didn’t like snacks, ai-ai-yah, kekekekeke. House butler’s joys and sorrows, kekekeke. Open a churu and give one to her, kekeke. (Reference to an older song)
Sunny: Person from olden days…..
@4ever_withGG: Kekekeke, Sogeumie is so cuteㅠㅠㅠㅠ Unnie, give some to me, too… I can’t go out because I’m at my part-time job but I didn’t buy dinnerㅠㅠ
Sunny: Do you… like Ciao Churu?….
@yumyumm_6: House butler’s life is like that,,,,..))) Give one to Sogeumie and give one to me.. I want snacks given out by unnie :P
Sunny: No, it’s all mine. I’m going to eat it all and become a kkyul pig, kkyul kkyul
@alexzen1997: Noona.. tell me what responsibility isㅠㅠ When I first worked, I totally worked hard but since there haven’t been good results, I gave up without finishing… I want to do it until the end without giving up! How should I do it? Please give me strengthㅠㅠㅠ
Sunny: I’m noona? Then you’re still young!!!! Then, I don’t think there is a reason to be oppressed by responsibility. Of course, look at having concerns like this right now as a process of growing your sense of responsibility! You’re in the midst of a good growing period! It’s cool! I’ll cheer you on!!
@khjkkcls_9: Ah that’s mine and Sogeumie misunderstood~~ Ah~~ (Manjoo… Waiting..)
Sunny: Manjoo?! Deli manjoo?! Crunch. (Deli manjoo is a type of street food pastry sold in Korea.)
@jwesty21: Noonaaaa, I need to take a test. Even though Im working hard, I’m really dying from exhaustion ㅠㅠ
Sunny: Have strength, hero
@GirlsWing: So… you’re saying you pile up snacks and eat it??
Sunny: Heol, keke. Caught, keke.
@fannyny1: Unnie, I have too much time on my hands. I only go to my part-time job 3 times a week… What should I do?
Sunny: Be my serf
@intothe85: Thank you so much for being an important source of strength, so I could graduate. I’ve succeeded now ^^
Sunny: Aja!!!! (Similar to ‘Fighting!’)
@doocong085: Soonkyu-yah, how about chicken and beer tonight for dinner? (Photo of a box of chicken breading powder and a can of McCol, a non-alcoholic carbonated Korean drink that’s a mix of cola and beer)
Sunny: What is this, a result that’s different from my expectation?! Did I call for the wrong thing?!?! This is not the chicken and beer I know…….
@dc04151: Unnie, there isn’t a lot left of 2016~! I’m going to be 21 years old next year.
Sunny: Buy my age
@reingnight: I miss you, Sunny-yah, I’m a SONE from Taiwan
Sunny: Oh! In my bag of snacks, I have nougat crackers too!!!! Keke
@SUN_DB: Babies at my house don’t even look at me…. (Photo of two birds)
Sunny: Oh my, oh my, what is this? Why are they so pretty? I would be sorry to even touch them, kekekekeke
@ggoneloveyou: If you see this, you’ll be hungry!!!!! (Photo of meal)
Sunny: I ate a meal, and I’m eating snacks, so I’m not hungry at all, merong
@bwhale78: My scorpion doesn’t even eat when I feed it!!!
Sunny: Scor…pion…?!?! Eyes wide open!!!!
@kangseuldy: My Korean is bad.
Sunny: No, it’s great
@SUN_DB: Lee Soonkyu, if you come out with a solo or a duet less than 3 people, I will throw my life away, and go to all of the broadcasting stations and be #1 fan in line, I’ll have back up batteries and unlimited data, and I’m prepared to never go home, please just come out with it.
Sunny: *sigh*….. shakes head, shakes head
@SUN_DB: Ah why!!! Tell me pretty words!!!!!! Come out with a solo!!!!!!!!!!
Sunny: (thinking emoji)…(face palm emoji)
@rimo313: I made this (Photo of muffins)
Sunny: Oh!!
@_nrdr: What is this, did you leave already? Did you already leave?????
Sunny: I didn’t
@gg2785: #GoodLooking_GirlGroup_Competition
Soonkyu sets off!!!! (Photo of Sunny)
Sunny: Whoa whoa… Don’t do things like this, I’m going to get in trouble
@jongtae06: I want to say give me a cookie but I did a body assessment and they said I need to diet, so I won’t ask… Recommend an exercise?
Sunny: Oh! Then I’ll recommend an exercise that I’m the best at and I do it often… Truthfully, this is the only thing I know how to do!! That is~~~~~~ breathing.
@nimo_039: No, don’t go!! I just came in!!! Let me at least say goodbye
Sunny: Nimo-yah~ Hello??
@CuteboyZmt: Unnie, I love you. I want to cry. Reply me too.
Sunny: Don’t cry~~
@slowiemo: Soonkyu unnie, tell us in Englishㅠㅠ Please
Sunny: …love…you?…
@doocong85: In 2017, we’ll be able to meet more often and we’ll be able to hear more of your voice, right? I miss you a lot, you know my heart right? ;) I hope you can spend a warmer time than anyone with Sogeum and your family! I love you >< ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ (My hands and feet have lost their way.)
Sunny: Don’t do this, my hands and feet will disappear!!!!!!!!! Euah!!!!!! (Meaning, it’s too cheesy so their hands and feet are curling in.)
@glenlivet_ss: Do you want to marry me?
Sunny: Let me think… Personally, I wouldn’t recommend myself, keke
@apijnk: How is your condition today?
Sunny: It’s good!!
@tang3099: Noona, have you eaten this at the SUM Cafe? I ate this and it was so good, try it next time (Photo of burger and fries)
Sunny: The truffle pasta there is good too!!
@MAINVOCALISTS: Unnie, am I late…? ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Sunny: No, keke.
@Jeki_gg: Don’t go!!! Say goodbye to me before you go!!!! Because I love you!!!!!!!!
Sunny: That’s why I didn’t go
@sosinsone_0805: I’m going home now!! I’m going to eat at home~ It’s cold outside, so don’t catch a cold when you go to your schedule~
Sunny: Okay okay
@letsgogg805: No, no ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Unnie, did you leave? Is that true? ㅠㅠㅠ Nooooooooo ㅠㅠㅠㅠ I regret eating while you were tweeting ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Waaaaaah
Sunny: I didn’t go, don’t cry, keke
@rimo313: This is a photo from the Christmas party, nyam nyam (Photo of Christmas feast)
Sunny: Wow!!!!!!!
@zayouro: If you have time, spoil us on what time you’ll appear, I feel like if I sleep now, I won’t wake up. I’m exhausted.
Sunny: Just go to sleep comfortably and I recommended seeing the edits…
@frannzzzziii: Over here…. Unnie… Can’t you see me? ㅠㅠ
Sunny: I see you. Very well~~
@HanRhythm: I only came now but did you leave already,,?
Sunny: No~ I’m still here~
@ysy3878: What did unnie eat to be so pretty? Are you this pretty because you ate my love?
Sunny: Mmm……Huh?! Are you telling me to diet?!?!
@ruby070805: I can’t believe unnie will be 29 years old in 3 days… No, unnie doesn’t look like it, kekeke. It’s SONE who is aging.
Sunny: Uh…. it’s top secret, how did you know?! Let’s use our western ages from now on……
@gg2785: You said you were eating snacks so I bought some too, along with Minion milk, have you heard of this! (Photo of a bottle of Minion milk)
Sunny: Oh, what is this?! If you open it, does fuel come out??
@sailing_805: I bought a watch, isn’t it pretty? There’s Sunny’s autograph on the back too, aren’t you jealous!!!!!!
Sunny: Yes, keke. Special item, keke. ;)
@maaggu_628: I’m doing my hair but I’m bored… I’m waiting for the Entertainment Daesang awards but I don’t know when it will end…
Sunny: I’m doing my hair too, kekekekeke. Since your hair is done up prettily, come to the Entertainment Daesang awards~
@skim3469: Aah-ang, play with me too, Kyunim-ah~
Sunny: You say you’re the world’s best mildang girl!!!! Very, very scary!!!! (Sunny is referencing her Twitter name. Mildang means push/pull, refers to someone who is hot and cold in relationships)
@ohcori: Please give me one piece of the cookie… One piece… One… One piece?!!
Sunny: No, you devil
@IAMSONE0805: I was laughing while looking at your tweets at hakwon (institution giving private educational lessons) and got caught… It’s because of unnie…
Sunny: Oh…. Sorry… is not what I want to say, why are you looking at tweets at hakwon!!!! (For the first time in a while, imposing my unnie-ness)
@gg8sone: Huh-uk!! You were chattingㅠㅠ I went to go see La La Land now, so this person can’t chat live
Sunny: Tell me what you think without spoilers
@diamondkyu515: Unnie, would you like to drink warm coffee~~ (Photo of coffee cups)
Sunny: I want hot chocolate :P
@doocong805: Soonkyu-yah, guess what ㅆㅋㄹㅇ is?? (Photo of “Lee Soonkyu <3 Doocong”)
Sunny: Saccharine?!
@duvtnsrb: Soonkyu, hello, it’s been a while~~ (Fan using photo of Sunny as display picture)
Sunny: Nice to see your photo, ancient relic-nim
@cafeak: You’re eating delicious snacks…Can you give me one bite…I guess you can’t? Hah…. I’m leaving for Hanamura (reference to Overwatch).
Sunny: Fun game (thumbs up emoji)
@Francessone: Reply to me too, unnieㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ It’s so hard to do homework for school right now
Sunny: Work hard, if you don’t do it now, it’s even harder later ㅠㅠ
@ruby070805: I’m suddenly curious but what is unnie’s greatest deviation (departure from norm) to date??
Sunny: Ah….. No matter what I write, I think people will say “Pfft!” (meaning, find it pathetic) so I will just refrain…..
@KakaLiew: Sogeum’s mother~ Can’t Sogeumie play with our BenBen? (Photo of BenBen, the bunny)
Sunny: Uh………. I’m okay with that…. But isn’t BenBen’s opinion more important?;;;
@Qaxwsx0309: Sunny noonang~~~~ I’m on night duty, give me strength
Sunny: Have strength!!!!!!!! Night duty fighting!!!!!!!!!!!!
@surprise_Y: What do you think about this screen capture? (Photo of Sunny on “Knowing Brothers”, looking annoyed with a caption that says “I’m irritated….”)
Sunny: I’m irritated…….
@dc04151: Ta dah, Soonkyu unnie, it’s 5 Minions~!! (Photo of 5 Minion bottles)
Sunny: Wow!!!!! Five cans of fuel!!!!!
@yoongming99: It’s actually Sogeum’s
Sunny: I said it wasn’t~~~~~
@doocong085: Watch Rogue One!!! 4DX!!!! Our Darth Vader daddy’s light sabre, shwang shwang (Only bad thing is nausea)
Sunny: I do like 4D too… But sometimes it’s like someone is knocking from behind… I’m scared water will come out so I’m stressed while watching it, and then I don’t feel well and I wonder if I need to watch it like… this;;;; Is that just me?!?!
@udoni8: It’s finally hereㅜㅜ Chicken♡♡♡♡♡ I’m eating it deliciously♡ (Photo of fried chicken)
Sunny: This is…… boneless meat…. half saucy…. half cheese….?!?!
@bijou_taeyeon: Unnie, I’m going to dye my hair during school vacation, give me a recommendation!!!
Sunny: If you’re on vacation, as expected, it should be a cool blue black.
@ggoargg: Age ending in 9, yoo hoo
Sunny: What did you say~~~??? I can’t hear you~~~~~??????
@sixssam85: Unnie, I miss you! I’m alone so I haven’t eaten dinner yet, please give me a recommendation for a dinner menu…
Sunny: Since your username is six ssam, have stir fried pork ssam rice
@GGAZAZAK: Sunny unnie, spend the remaining 2016 well and in the coming 2017! SNSD’s 10th anniversary year!! Let’s spend it well! It will be difficult for me to go meet you in person as I have to re-take the national exam but I will cheer you on from the library!!!
Sunny: I will cheer you on even more, fighting!!
@kingekinge0104: Our house’s kitty always does that too. These days, the cat steals the dog’s snacks so it’s twice the size of Sogeumie. We named it King and only its body is king. It always bit me so I bit it too and it looks at me with a shocked face…
Sunny: Times like that, expand your body and say “I have this much dignity!!!!!” then the cat will know and avoid you…….. Forever…..
@_xolosteph: Why was I born in 99, going into third year of high school on Soshi’s 10th anniversary year? Oh God…
Sunny: Aiko~~ Exam daebak!!!!!!
@GG_Sunny0822: Noona, tonight’s dinner menu is chicken vs. pizza. What should I eat?
Sunny: Today, I’m craving pizza
@taenynn: Unnie, I miss you… Unnie, are you happy??
Sunny: Oh?……. Wow…. That question is as if someone smacked the back of my head…. Hmmm?…. Let’s see…. Mmm…. Yes! I think I’m happy!!!! :D
@TTO_RA: A photo of Lee Soonkyu in loose pants that wouldn’t be in Lee Soonkyu’s phone~ Throwing over a photo! If I do this, you’ll respond, right? (Photo of Sunny wearing loose pants in Cheonghajangsa)
Sunny: Very…….. Short………..
@yjm1128: I want to eat chicken~ (Photo of Sunny on Invincible Youth catching a chicken)
Sunny: Hey, hey, you’re not supposed to capture things like this, it put back…. No, throw it away!!!!!!!!
@daengtokki: To Sunny, Sejeong is???
Sunny: God Sejeong, prettiest in the world
@asoshiation: I’m going to give up, kekekeke
Sunny: Don’t give up!!!!!
@ash23658848: Eating school food… It’s not good, what do I do? ㅠㅠ
Sunny: For times like this, always carry ketchup with you!!
@oz_n2: My hamster is holding onto a peanut and eating it diligently (Photo of hamster eating a peanut)
Sunny: Ah….. Heart pounding…… Cute
@ri_sunnyxx: Do you have any plans to go to USJ? It’s so fun. It has the world’s best Christmas tree (Photo of Christmas tree)
Sunny: Will it still be there until I can go?……
@ri_sunnyxx: Unnie…It’s only until Januaryㅠㅠ Keke
Sunny: Right?……..ㅠㅠ
@TaeN_mal: Soonkyu-yah, have you eaten garlic bossam before…?.. There’s also skate and oysters but there’s not makgeolli, keuuu (Photo of described meal)
Sunny: Oh, what is this?!?! Visual explosion!!!!!!
@GSlove78: Soonkyu, what are you doing?
Sunny: Getting ready to go out
@presunyerrow: Soonkyu unnie~ My name is Precious~ Keke, Sunny unnie~ I’m yours~~
Sunny: Oh ho!!!!!!
@angkiwuddi: Noona, I found a part-time job!!! The wage is good!!
Sunny: Good good
@wonrim0802: Unnie…I’m going into 3rd year of high school in 3 days….. Tell me to study…Give me strength ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Waaaah
Sunny: In 3 days, I’m going to be 29…. Wouldn’t you have more strength?…. Give me strength tooㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Waaaaaaaaah
@enchantedseo: Unnie, have strength! We are here! We will always be beside you
Sunny: Thank you ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
@CuteboyZmt: Unnie, tell me you love me. Just once. Please.
Sunny: I love you, I love you, I love you
@ggoargg: Where are you, kekekekeke. Are you home, or at the salon, or at MBC, kekekekekeke.
Sunny: In your heart.
@V_tico85: I hunger for Kyu unnie’s response,,
Sunny: I’m here
@enchantedseo: Unnie, your smile makes me happy. Keep smiling <3 (GIF of Sunny)
Sunny: Aigoo, it’s from when I was really young, kekekeke
@TippaCha: Unnie, I have an exam soonㅠㅠ Please tell me fighting… If you tell me fighting, I can do well!!
Sunny: Fighting!!!!!!
@truelove515: Unnie, spoil how pretty you look today…
Sunny: No, haven’t transformed yet
@darks92: When you were promoting The Boys, was there a member who had a part-time job at a movie theatre store? (Capture is from Conan) (Screen capture of a cartoon that says Kwon Yuri (23 years old), salesperson)
Sunny: What?! She had two jobs?!?!
@ggoneloveyou: When I see this, it brings back memories~~ Right?? I was in 3rd year of middle school then (Collage of Sunny on Invincible Youth)
Sunny: Wow….. Memories are coming back
@SOUL_ggty: I want a Soonkyu mention ㅠㅠㅠ Give me a mention too (Wah wah)
Sunny: Here you go. I picked one up on the way.
@FanGxii: Always be happy (GIF of Chorong)
Sunny: Kkyahreuk! Chorong-ah!!!!
@ggloves805: Unnie, my mention shows up, right…?!
Sunny: Yes, yes
@V_tico85: I can’t receive a response, wahㅠ
Sunny: That’s not true!!!!!!
@07_0805: On the first broadcast of FM Datel, you said you’d give Sunny’s endless love and affection if I uploaded a proof photo of the gift, but why didn’t you, Sunny unnie?
Sunny: Here. Endless. Love. Affection.
@jigiyu_ss: Noona, noona, I’m turning 20 in a few days and my heart is so restless.. ㅠ
Sunny: Ah……. I’m envious!!!!!!!
@Cipoo02: I think I’ve used up my luck on Instagram comments.. But when you respond to comments, don’t your fingers hurt…?
Sunny: Oong, oong, Sunny, no. My fingers are strong.
@171630_: Cold these days are severe, so be careful. Don’t be sick like me ㅠ_ㅠ
Sunny: Get well soon~~
@dsns0805: Unnie, if you don’t respond, you’re marrying me! <<< Pow o<<
Sunny: Well….. I don’t think I’m being disadvantaged?!?! You still want to do it?;;;
@dnjsl0309: If I whine too, will you pick up a mention for me on your way too?
Sunny: No, I’ll go, come back and give one to you
@Beebz_8: I lost my keys today…. I’m going to look for it tomorrow, where would it beㅠ Come back…
Sunny: Pocket?!
@for_ty_: Unnie, respond to me too ㅠㅠ
Sunny: Ang
@Withseo_85: Unnie, I’m starting vacation tomorrow ㅠ_ㅠ Isn’t it so late..
Sunny: I hope you go back to school late too!!!!
@a_piacere8: Dress warmly when you go out, if you catch a cold, I will be sad
Sunny: Yes
@tneoddl02: It’s sudden but I like you a lot
Sunny: Thank you
@nanana_tt: Sunny unnie, you’re pretty!! I love you
Sunny: It-hing (similar to hehe)
@amei22887: Will a photo of tangsooyuk (sweet and sour pork) be able to get a response mention from Lee Sunny-nim? (Photo of sweet and sour pork)
Sunny: I’m going to eat it for tomorrow’s dinner
@kingekinge0104: I’m at a convenience store and it’s so cold…ㅠㅠ I don’t know how to turn on the heater so I’m shivering while being a cashierㅠㅠ
Sunny: Hurry, grab and hug the hot buns!!!!!
@130059174: If not me, look at this kid!!!! Unnieㅠㅠ (Photo of cat with eyes closed)
Sunny: Baby must be sleeping??
@aydtprp01: ㅇㅅㄱㄴㅇㅈ Acknowledged?! If I can’t have you, take me, I nominate me
Sunny: Lee Soonkyu-nim aja! Yes, I will have strength, aja!
@monstasx: Unnie… Respond……… To…….. Me…… Once………….. Please……………………. (Screencaps of sloth from Zootopia)
Sunny: Aigoo, I was imitating the captures and I’m out of breath
@ferrarii13: Isn’t Korea too cold?!~ If you’re too cold, it’s warmer to be inside of my heart. Come here, come here
Sunny: ………No response
@SUN_DB: Eating tangerine after brushing teeth vs. giving me a sweet mention
Sunny: Tangerine
@GG_Sunny0822: Noona, do you have any thoughts on being a radio DJ again next year? I miss SoonDㅠㅠㅠ So I listen to FM Date again time to time ㅠㅠ I like 10-12 pm time slot
Sunny: When memories remain as memories is when they’re most beautiful
@G1rlsGeneration: Heok, is this where angel fairy idol Sunny-nim is having a mention party?
Sunny: Description is burdensome, so running away.
@architaang: Today is very cold, so don’t catch a cold..
Sunny: Okay
@oz_n2: Be careful of cold, unnie. Thankfully I only have a sore throat (Missed school today, nice…) but be careful, unnie!!
Sunny: I will
@God_Sejeong28: When will you know me? :(
Sunny: Now?
@SOUL_ggty: Unnie, tell me that it’s okay to be short…I’m only 156 cm ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Sunny: Ah…………. Don’t lose heart.
@hicorn_0805: Unnie, I’m 147… I’m not growing any more, am I ruined?
Sunny: You’re not ruined, cutie
@dandyuring: On my timeline, everyone got a reply except me… Life.. Hah..
Sunny: Doubt it……
@chris31351: Unnie, who won’t respond, too much, too much
Sunny: TT~~ TT~~ (Both made reference to lyrics of TWICE’s song “TT”)
@zayouro: Reading all of the responses, and what is this sudden feeling of being wealthy, keke. Unchanging Lee Soongkyu, I am unchangingly cheering you on! I shout this and run away ogeul togeul (meaning, cringing from cheesiness).
Sunny: I caught you! You ogeul togeul culprit!!!!
@SUN_DB: I’m angry, so I changed my nickname, hmph (Fan’s new nickname: "DB who is less than a tangerine eaten after brushing teeth”)
Sunny: Hey~~~~ Change your nickname back, oooh jjoo jjoo (words said to comfort a baby)….. Not gyul, but ggyul, keke. (Gyul is tangerine in Korean, ggyul is an aegyo way of saying it.)
@Withseo_85: Unnie, what does it feel like to turn 29 years old?!?!?!
Sunny: When you feel it, you’ll know too
@130059174: Make me friends with Sogeumie!! (Photo of a cat)
Sunny: Oh!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ginger colour!!!!!!!!!!!!
@220centimeters: When can I receive a reply…
Sunny: Right now
@MDXYZPTLK: You fell from the sky just now, are you okay? Are you an angel?
Sunny: No!!!!!!
@jongtae06: It hasn’t been long since the first digit of my age changed but I’m another year older so I’m sad. Although my western age is in the 20s… Want to take some of my age??
Sunny: Whoa whoa…. I have enough
@fannyny1: Unnie, I’m turning 23 now, is this early or mid? Haha
Sunny: You’re a chick
@pink_panda419: Unnie, Chorong or Sejeong? Kekeke
Sunny: Don’t do this……… It’s a question that’s too difficult
@Springday_07805: Unnie, I’m starting vacation tomorrow and I hope there are many days in my vacation where I can see you, I really miss you. Unnie, do you know my heart?
Sunny: I knew it just now
@gg2785: Unnie, take me. If said that, you could reject me so take this kid instead…? (Photo of Squirtle doll)
Sunny: Squirtle?
@wmh0624: So… When will I get a response… Even if you don’t, that’s okay… As long as you know that I love you
Sunny: Know my heart too
@spoan_999: Unnie, did you leave?… Did I miss my timing.. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ My life is over
Sunny: No, it’s not over!!!!
@mpaudwls: I want to receive a response too, first mention on SNS… Lee Soonkyu…
Sunny: Congrats! Post!!
@taedeul_ss: All of the SONE on my timeline are receiving reply mentions and only I haven’t gotten one… At least say hello ㅠㅠㅠ
Sunny: No~~ I’m here~~~~
@sonengg: Knock knock~ Is this the right door to Lee Sunny’s heart??
Sunny: I’m not buying anything
@oz_n2: I love you, exactly like this feeling
Sunny: Heart flutter I’ve been waiting for, I want to eat it (This reference lyrics to “Into the New World”, with Sunny’s interesting addition at the end, haha)
@taenggu_39: Phewㅠ It has been almost 1.5 years since the last promotion, I really miss you.. Does unnie miss SONE too..?
Sunny: Of course
@Springday_07805: Kyu, be careful of colds ㅠㅠㅠ This winter is even colder so be careful and dress even more warmly!!
Sunny: Okay, I got it :D
@ferrarii13: If I’m lonely, it gets better just by looking at Sun’s face. Whew, let’s get married.
Sunny: Is it okay to marry just anyone like this??
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See you soon~~
Wow~ Giving an award made me as nervous as receiving one!!!! Regardless, I met a lot of faces that I missed and I was so happy I could give an award with our family Jonghyunnie to Kangta oppa, huge sunbaenim who I respect, our unnie, Shinyoung unnie and Bae Chulsoo ajussi who I love!!!! Kkyahreuk!!
It was my first time in Sangam in a while!!!! Hehe!
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sonexstella-blog · 8 years
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[TRANS] Sunny’s Instagram Chat with Fans - December 12, 2016
Photo Caption: Insignificant butler is unable to leave the car even after parking because the owner might wake up..... #1212 #Sogeum #HappySogeumDay How old is our Sogeumie? #3YearsOld
I ordered chicken but why hasn’t it come?!
No, not chicken to feed Sogeumie, my chicken
Why isn’t it coming?! I’m getting vertigo, hurry and bring my chicken to me
It’s here
The table in my room is in full swing with Gundam work so I am heading to the kitchen table
Wow…….. It smells good
Wow, soy sauce chicken……. It’s terrific
Saucy chicken, kekeke. So delicious, kekekekekekekeke
As expected, boneless half and half was a worthy choice
I will give it a score of 5 stars
Yes Sogeum-nim, after I eat, I will prepare your birthday table
I can see the bottom of the saucy chicken. Incredible speed…
You can eat a lot if you eat quickly
Me today will dedicate my all at eating… Responsibilities will fall to me tomorrow. Lightly toss!
I’m eating chicken alone. I don’t drink alone for my health. Typically, I drink water but today the free cola that came with the order has tempted me so today it’s chicken and cola.
I maintain one piece per minute. It’s maintaining pace for a long race.
One piece… One… Piece… I want to play Overwatch, no, this devil, Maple Story M is so fun, so fun
Yes, that’s right. Chicken is delicious so Sunny is moving fast
I can’t block it, endorphin is overflowing!!!!!!
I don’t play Overwatch, I’m eyeing it
I do play Maple M, level 74, come in, come in
On Maple, when you’re a noob, it’s Quest Shuttle and when your mid-level, it’s physically demanding – but I can’t escape it ㅠㅠ
I don’t buy in-game items!
My chicken consumption rate is slowing, no, this can’t be, have strength, my stomach!!!!
Buying in-game items is for the weak. But if I’m a game model later, please give me lots and lots of in-game credits, bow down, bow down
I think there will be chicken left over….. As expected, was it too much…..
I will freeze it and eat it as ice chicken
What do you mean I don’t know anything about chicken, ice chicken was on the summer set menu!!!!
Yes of course, that menu has completely failed, like fruit chicken
Shatter the theory that chicken works with anything……
I want to eat Mom’s Touch but it’s not in our neighbourhood…. Why is it only in other neighbourhoods ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Since I’m already like this, I am opening today’s chicken
It was Satto Chicken boneless, half soy sauce and half saucy
Fried potatoes is Mom’s Touch, Popeyes and Kkanbu Chicken has similar taste
Chicken expert Teacher Lee Soonkyu looks after Choeae Chicken and at the same time, is not indifferent to New Face’s reception
If I wrote a dissertation on fast food, at minimum, I would have a Nobel Peace Prize  
But I do like the fried coating on fried chicken the most….. It’s heresy!!!!!!!!!
Oh? I wrote a resolution for which I should be thrown stones at but there are a lot of people who agree…. Perplexed.
Put the (chicken) legs away, I will decline it. I… like breast meat….. Ha-ack, dry meat is the best!!!!!
@sailing_complete I will eat the legs and Sunny unnie can eat the breast meat
Sunny’s response: It’s heresy!!!!!!!!!
@jjyyjjs: Unnie, I have a test tomorrow. If unnie cheered me on, I will get a 100…
Sunny’s response: If you have a test tomorrow……. Don’t do what you’re doing now but how about studying? But I will cheer you on regardless! Fighting!! If you get a good score, it’s thanks to me, if you don’t, your fault
@98.eb: Soonkyu-yah, tell me your battle tag and nickname, let’s play Overwatch together
Sunny’s response: No, you devil
@neverland801_ss: SONE, who are in 3rd year of high school next year. When you don’t know, guess with Kyu’s birthday!!!
Sunny’s response: Ah ah…… (plunk down on the ground)
Why can’t I bring up a new feed?! Eu-ang, destroy Insta!!! Destroy Earth!!!!!!!!!
Eu-ah, I’m digested, starting round 2
What do you mean Lee Sookyu has 4 stomachs, kekekeke. Am I a cow?! Kekekeke.
Huh?! When you rest for a moment while eating, don’t you want to start eating again……
Sogeumie is hitting the wall. Moving around. Thought it was District 13…
@doocong085: I didn’t know what District 13 was so I searched it ((current person))
Sunny’s response: No, ahjae-yah (short for ahjussi)
Current situation, saucy chicken all kill, going to finish off soy sauce chicken
Ah……… Any more is too much, too much.. Look forward to tomorrow morning’s return match
@ajw9988ajw The hamster I’m raising keeps biting me. What should I do, house butler?
Sunny’s response: I think it’s because the hamster knows where you rank. Next time it bites you, you should bite it back.
@sunny_db: I’m still at school, studying overnight and my notifications keep ringing..... Don’t tempt me…..
Sunny’s response: Turn off the notifications, brave one.
@yalai_ss: What? Chicken is fried chicken.
Sunny’s response: Hey, hey, stop your provocation there.
@sunny_db: Write me a scenario for a short film~~! It has to show social criticism, but my nature is too kind so I’m not good at criticism…. I’m not good at it?
Sunny’s response: What are you saying, keke. As you’re picking your nose.
@kangdayoung1: Gcova is delicious too, I want to order Gcova for you
Sunny’s response: I heard Gcova is known for its chicken rice?! Again it’s someone else’s neighbourhood… Sob sob, I want to try all of the world’s chickenㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Ah… SM Station…… I think it’s coming out on the 30th. Part is… Don’t wish for too much, a person needs to have a conscience….
@doocong085: If Soonkyu’s part is longer than 30 seconds, I will buy Melona (type of ice cream)
Sunny’s response: When you come, bring Melona
Ice cream is Papico (chocolate flavoured ice cream)
What do you mean B-B-Bic (red bean flavoured ice cream)?! I thought you were my dad
Wow…… There are lots of you with ajumma taste in flavours
Jaws Bar, when you take it out it’s Ba Bam Bar (chestnut flavoured ice cream)
Pig Bar, when you look at it now, it’s Ba Bam Bar
I’m not an ahjae (short for ahjussi)
Ahjeumae (another word for ajumma)
For Excellent, the gold one is the best (Excellent is another ice cream bar, gold one is French vanilla)
This is real, impossible to refute, can’t do anything, argue only what you can and stay out of what you can’t
@ty_chu39: Guess whatㅇㅅㄱㄴㅇㅈ is ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^
Sunny’s response: Lee Soonkyu-nim, aja! (Fan put up consonants to ask Sunny to guess the phrase and this is Sunny’s guess.)
@getrhvd253 Do you know what 우심뽀까 means?
Sunny’s response: We’re bored so should we kis… destroy it!! Destroy snacks!!!!!!!!!! (Again, fans teasing Sunny with a phrase – which means “We’re bored so should we kiss?” – and she’s giving a non-sensical response back.)
@sunny_db: Soonkyu-yah, guess what 날규리얼 is~~~^♡​^??
Sunny’s response: Deliquent Kyu, real early adopter
@onlyfor805: If you guess this one, I will acknowledge that you are young: ㅅㄴㅅㄷ ㄴㅇㅈ
Sunny’s response: SNSD, no acknowledgement
Everyone shout together, SoShi o’clock!! It has already passed by one minute
Euang, destroy page refresh!!!!!!!!!!
I’m full and my back is warm so I’m falling asleep
Ah, ah, if I sleep now……. I will become a full moon!!!! (She means her face will swell up from all of the food she just ate)
We meet Korean Thanksgiving Day again
I can’t stay like this, I will eat tangerines to wake up. Since tangerines have a lot of vitamin C, it will have an anti-oxidative effect but rather than me getting younger, my hands and feet are getting yellow
Once you start eating tangerines, you can’t stop, I peel and eat an entire box and then my hands and feet turn yellow so then the neighbourhood grandmas say “Hey, hey, isn’t this jaundice?!” Don’t you have to eat it to that point?
You don’t believe me? True story from when I was six years old
No, it’s not that your feet turn yellow because you’re peeling it with your feet, but your whole body becomes the colour of a tangerine because you ate so many
You’re saying none of you have had this experience?! Heol, daebak
Wow, this is unfair
Tangerine sad
@doocong515: I’ve turned yellow before, Soonkyu-yah!!
Sunny’s response: I have an ally
Tangerine is delicious if you nibble on it, it’s delicious if you peel, freeze and then eat it and it’s also delicious if you roast it whole with the peel on
But why are these tangerines so sweet…. Wow, it’s all going in……
There was a tangerine flavoured ice cream a long time ago, was it called SaengGyulTaengGyul?
BeRa (Baskin Robbins) is love me
But this is now a rare item
All of your tastes are diverse
@welchs8: Everyone move aside, a past Baskin Robbins part-timer is here! Kekekekekeke
Sunny’s response: I heard that Baskin Robbins part-timers have different forearm thicknesses. Is it true?!
I was too busy so I haven’t used Gifticon yet, I received it on my birthday…..
I keep extending the deadline.. Should I say it’s like a “some” guy who keeps giving false hope…. If it completely expires, I would give up but what is this deadline extension… They make it not work out in your favour. I want to make you mine.
If only I pushed and pulled like Gifticon….. Hah ah…….
Truthful tears of a person who is broken at dating…..
Ooh-wang! Koo-wang! Sunny is becoming violent due to loneliness
You won’t believe me but I’m shy
Huh? I’m still an idol?!?! You’re considering me an idol?!?! Really?!?!?! Kkyah-reuk
Heh, I’m still an idol, wow, keke. Good, keke.
Ancestor idol wahhhhh….
I ate too many tangerines and my stomach feels like it’s going to explode
Say cheesy words when I’m about to leave, kekekeke. Or is it my time to leave now?!
@aaas0829 A tangerine has 39 calories….  
Sunny’s response: What?! You’re saying a tangerine is 39 calories?!?! Why is that important…. Why is that important!!!!!!!!!!
Soonae-sshi eats to her heart’s desire when there is no promotions and later during schedules, she stands out in the managers’ eyes and gets scolded
Occasionally when I go to a schedule, I waddle to a corner to not stand out in the managers’ eyes but the managers’ eyes already glaring at me from over there is scary
Even when I go to the washroom, I check to see if the managers are in the hallway and when they’re not there, I run at my top speed, but they appear out of nowhere. Were they a ninja in their past life?
Deep love of a previous life?
Ha-ah…….. But I ate again……. I’m going to have to escape to the dorm bed for a while…. Outside of my duvet is dangerous
Seriously searched sleeping bags
If I buy a sleeping bag, when I go out to eat, do I have to crawl outside in the sleeping bag?! Or like a larvae shedding its skin, do I go out quickly and come back in.  
I can’t do hot water mattress, I will melt!!!!!!
Ko… Kotatsu?!?! Absurd  
Kotatsu, tangerines, cat……. A fantastic combination……. I’m about to impulse buy!!!! SONE, give me strength!!!!!!!!!
Monthly…. Installment… Plan?!?! This month’s me and next month’s me! And if I also combine the month after that, there’s nothing I can’t buy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hoot… Kotatsu…. You’re still a beginner level… My mind is more than enough to overcome you… That’s right… Right now, I’m a… Freelancer!!!!! It’s not solid enough to be able to handle a monthly installment plan!!!!!!!! Zero interest to the unemployed is the whisper of the devil!!!!!!!! I won’t be fooled, waaaaaaaaah
Hoo-oh……. This kid…. Pretty…. Strong…..
It wasn’t the best but I tried my best… HP will be refilled with tangerines
And I end up starting to eat again
Did you know that you can pop a balloon with a tangerine peel?!
If you press a tangerine peel against a balloon and shoot! out the oil, the balloon will burst, bang!
It’s truth o o real
Ah but after working hard to blow up a balloon and then working hard to peel a tangerine, I don’t know why you would make it go bang! but if science steps up to the plate, what will happen?
Ah, one moment, Sogeumie’s aegyo attack has started
I have to play with her and make her go to sleep
I’m going (so cool)
Love you
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sonexstella-blog · 8 years
[LYRIC TRANSLATION] Mystery - Hyoyeon
As if indifferent, your gaze Is stopped by this dance Uneasy jolt Starting breath My body moves in the rhythm As expected, to you it’s like hypnosis Falling into my eyes, look at me
As if you’ve been bewitched, No one knows As if your heart has been stolen, Filled with only me As if you’ve fallen deeply, Yes like that, yes like that Yes like that
Mystery mystery Mystery mystery-tery Lalalala lalalala, lalalala lalalala Mystery-tery myste-te-tery Come and get it baby Come and get it get it Come and get it baby Come and get it get it Come and get it baby Come and get it get it 3 2 1
Dance with me Your movement matches mine in no time Your manners and gaze, so well My voice in the rhythm As expected, to you it’s like hypnosis Falling into my eyes, look at me Eyes seep in, want me even more
As if you’ve been bewitched, No one knows As if your heart has been stolen, Filled with only me As if you’ve fallen deeply, Yes like that, yes like that Yes like that Mystery mystery Mystery mystery-tery Lalalala lalalala, lalalala lalalala Mystery-tery myste-te-tery Come on baby
Resisting is bad, whistle Don’t resist, come to me Tell me everything, shh As if bewitched, coach Take me, before I disappear Come close Look into my eyes Tell me
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sonexstella-blog · 8 years
[TRANS] Sooyoung Interview in Cosmopolitan Korea, December 2016 - “Sooyoung’s LA Travelogue”
Sooyoung left for LA, the city she loves most. In California, her bright and lovely energy shined brighter than ever.
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Under the palm tree in Echo Park she captured memories with a camera.
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Zoom~ Sooyoung is imitating an airplane with a cute pose in Venice Beach.
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Cosplaying a traveler on Abbot Kinney Boulevard.
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Excitement of travel grows the moment your body boards the airplane.
You finally came to LA! We heard LA is a special city to Sooyoung?
It’s my favourite city! Last February, after a business trip to New York, I came over to LA alone. It was the first time I was traveling without any plans, so it’s even more memorable. I would chat with friends until 4~5 in the morning, wake up around 3 in the afternoon, would roll around and move slowly, I enjoyed it as I pleased. I didn’t have any schedules, or anything to do. That time, I think I was able to enjoy traveling freely for the first time. 5~6 years ago, I did family travel with my mom and dad. Other than that, I mostly traveled with members or friends. When I come with friends, even if it’s a bit far, we go out to find delicious restaurants or go to clubs. It’s fun to walk around freely at night.
What aspects of LA do you find charming?
I think a huge advantage of LA is pretty beaches like Long Beach, Santa Monica and Malibu. For example, a city like New York is charming as well, but it feels a bit stuffy? If it feels busy and like you’re being chased, LA feels relaxed, even if it’s only because it has the ocean. Personality-wise, if I don’t spend a meaningful day, I feel anxious and uneasy.  It’s a type of compulsion, but I don’t like feeling I’ve wasted a day. But when I come to LA, I can feel that side of me disappearing a lot. I can do ‘whatever happens’, which I can’t normally do. In Seoul, I can’t tolerate myself being lazy without doing anything. Thoughts like ‘Should I go to the skin clinic?’ or ‘I need to go learn English’ never end. It rained this time, but California’s special weather where it’s sunny all year around is also another advantage of LA!
Then even after your drama ended, you didn’t rest and you’ve been busy?
That’s right. I learned English and swimming. I started swimming especially because it seemed like it would help for other exercises, but my skills haven’t improved that much yet. I will work hard until the day that I can do it well.
We like actress Choi Sooyoung, but fans always miss ‘SNSD Sooyoung’. When can we see the whole group?
Probably next year? Next year is 10 year anniversary of our debut. We want to create something meaningful well and show it to everyone. Before, if we did music that we were given no matter what, now we need time to do music that suits us and that we want. That’s why we are sorry to our fans, that we make them wait so long. I would like you to know that it’s time dedicated to choosing the best. We talk to each other a lot, monitor each other’s individual activities and we are trying hard to draw out our best qualities.
I can’t believe next year is already 10 years since your debut!
That’s what I’m saying. 10 years ago, I couldn’t even imagine what I would be like now. When I look back on the past 10 years, I’ve been fulfilling things I’ve wanted to do little by little. When I think, ‘I’m promoting in so many aspects!’, it still feels like a dream. 10 years ago, if I imagined my future self, would I have been able to sense that I would have a leading role in a drama? I have thoughts like that and I am able to have a grateful heart every day.
Have you ever imagined what you’ll be like 10 years from now?
When we were asked questions like this 10 years ago, I remember responding, “We would like to still be Girls’ Generation”. If the situation allows, 10 years from now, I hope I will be able to say ‘Ah, I can’t believe I’ve become like this’ in admiration. Much like how I’m spending day by day happily these days with thoughts like that. Before I thought, ‘I’m going to expand into the world stage!’. But now our domestic market itself has become global, so even by working hard at home, I was able to make big dreams come true.
In the last 10 years, there must have been a lot of hard times. Who did you rely on the most during those times?
Without even thinking about it twice, it’s the members! They understand my work the best, and I can understand them the most. When I speak seriously to any of the members, it’s always sincere. If a member says something for me, as expected, their heart will be the same as mine.  
Ah, that’s such a model answer. Honestly, is there any competitiveness between members? Really?
No, there definitely isn’t. Since before our debut, we’ve built trust so there’s no intention to be competitive among ourselves. We practiced for 7~8 years while encouraging and fostering each other. We worked hard, helped each other, received help and grew together, and it’s the same even now.
You’ve become even lovelier and more womanly recently, and dating must have some influence? It has been a while already but you continue to look good together. You’re always very consistent at everything, Sooyoung!
Is that right? Haha. I think I’m receiving good influence from dating comfortably. As human relationship expands, I’ve come to understand various emotions, and the depth of those emotions have been a big help when it comes to understanding scripts as an actress.
These days, Sooyoung is rising as a ‘fashion icon’. When you’re styling, what areas do you pay special attention to?
Really? I don’t know that yet. Haha. Is it because my airport fashion image is strong? I do like clothes! The item I enjoy and seek out these days, mmm… Since it’s getting colder, knits and socks stand out to me. I like matching a knit with a feminine design with a loafer and socks.
The short hair you showed off last year was a divine move. This time it’s a choppy bang. It’s difficult to pull off, but it suits you well.
For the photoshoot, I tried the choppy bang and I like it! But I think this style has a limit so I don’t think I can keep it continuously. These days, I want to grow my hair out. Of course, I can always transform with a wig, so it’s okay to try this and that. These days, as I keep getting older, it’s true that I like things that are classic and natural.
When you say ‘Sooyoung’, a lot of people think of a bright energy. A person can’t always be bright and overflowing with energy, but where does Sooyoung’s positive energy come from?
I wonder. There are times when my heart keeps changing several times in one day. Sometimes, it’s exhausting to desperately want something. When that happens, I pray and try to comfort my heart. Religious belief is a big help. Before, I tried to comfort myself through shopping, but the effect of that is really momentary. About 5 minutes or so? These days, I’m practicing mind control through exercise, and when I’m exercising, I feel like I’m becoming a better person, so it’s easy to be filled with healthy energy.
You really like LA, so you were looking forward to this LA trip. What do you want to do while you’re here?
After the photo shoot., I’m sad that there’s only two days left here. Thankfully, I came here comfortably on a direct Singapore Airlines flight to LA so my condition is really good. Now I will start to properly go out and play. I want to go to the ‘Wizarding World of Harry Potter’ that opened recently at Universal Studios. I’m also thinking of going to West Hollywood and the nearby Rodeo Drive. Exploring while shooting, Abbot Kinney, the hippest spot in LA these days, is really charming and pretty. Art District, which evokes Brooklyn, is cool too. LA is a place overflowing with personality, so I don’t think you can ever bore of it.
Original Article: Cosmopolitan Korea
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sonexstella-blog · 8 years
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[TRANS] Sooyoung Interview in W Korea, December 2016
Member whose head is closest to the sky when the 8 SNSD members stand in a line. She says it hasn’t been that long since she properly learned English, but she’s a smarty who interviews in elegant English without translation. A woman evident of having grown up loved in a peaceful household. This summer, Sooyoung played a public servant who collects taxes on the OCN drama <38 Police Squad>. With the representative girl group name of SNSD on the line, she played the role of a public servant with overflowing passion, and as a singer with 10 years of experience, she breathlessly built her career. Now it’s time to breathe. She’s working hard and concerned about changing her attitude toward work and life, as she heads toward her late 20s. Keeping in mind the words of her older sister who says, “When I was your age, I was exactly like that”.
Most memorable thing about this year?
When I held a bazaar for my birthday. With the goal of donating to the Korean Fighting Blindness Organization, I created a T-shirt with designer Song Jain. I will never forget the expressions of the people who were waiting in line that day. Their expressions that came with kind hearts to help out at something I’m passionate about, more so than coming to see me. I was touched and that will remain for a long time.
If you were to compliment yourself for this year, what do you want to compliment yourself for?
That I wasn’t impatient. Normally, it’s unfamiliar for me to spend time doing nothing so my personality is to do something. Fascinatingly, as soon as the sun rose on my 27th year, I had thoughts of needing to do this and that so I needed mind control. These days when I was extra time, I study and I like to think of it as time that I can grow internally.
Did you try to find a new hobby?
I have a new interest in exercise. These days, I’ve been swimming a bit. The last time I did it was a month ago. I only used to do breathing exercises. When I told people I was exercising, they say “You?” and are surprised.
For tours, you must visit many cities overseas. What do you think is special about Seoul?
Seoul is a lively city where both fashion and beauty industries are well developed. Sometimes, I’m surprised by things that exist. Rather than promoting change, I think it’s also important to remain as is. I like places like Insadong where the olden atmosphere is maintained. In Seoul, everything changes quickly and you can feel the attitude of trying to discover something new. Truthfully, I’m like that too. So conversely, whatever I do, I try to do one thing consistently.
As a SNSD member who has already established a flourishing career, is there anything more that you want? 
I don’t think it’s a bad thing to have greed. Even if I have greed but it doesn’t happen for me, I hope that I will be okay. I think a person always needs to have something to look toward.  
Scan Source: GGPM
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sonexstella-blog · 8 years
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[TRANS] Seohyun Interview in Esquire Korea, November 2016 - “Seohyun, Who Still Has a Lot She Wants to Learn”
“I want to research passionately and learning is enjoyable.” Seohyun was overflowing with energy.
Seohyun is SNSD’s maknae. This image will not be easy to erase. Even though her age is not forever young. She does not really mind. At the end of the day, the stereotype comes from us, and to her, she is satisfied as long as she’s devoted to her own role.  
“There are people who still think I’m a high school student. Haha. Even though it has been almost 10 years since my debut. The nice and upright maknae image is strong, so there are people who say I won’t be able to do kissing scenes. Truthfully, the reason why I’m looking forward to this editorial is because I think I can show a side of me that I haven’t been able to show before. You know the feeling that a person in their mid to late 20s can show. It’s time for me to do things like that now.”
It’s a lie to say it doesn’t feel burdensome. To accept it and overcome it, it seemed like she was steadily trying hard.
“I hope it flows by naturally. It would be funny for me to suddenly declare ‘I’m a woman now!’. If I was a girl, then a woman, then a lady…. I hope people comfortably perceive me as ‘There are various sides to SNSD Seohyun, actress Seohyun, or human Seo Juhyun’.”
Human Seo Juhyun. That’s right, what we’re curious about is truthfully the side of human Seo Juhyun.
“There are instances where people misunderstand me as an incredibly quiet person. The side of me exposed in the media is like that. But truthfully, I’m a very active person. Once people get to know me, they are all surprised. For the role in ‘Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo’, I learned horseback riding and knife dancing and both really suited my aptitude well. Knife dance was completely different from any dance I’ve learned so far, so it was new. I want to continue horseback riding. The feeling of sympathizing with a horse is incredible and it has a big effect for exercise. More than anything, it’s fun. I really like exercise. I meet with friends often. I enjoy going for drives.”
Even though she was bruised all over while learning the knife dance, and the first horse she rode galloped off, she said she overcame these crises calmly. She told the stories while laughing but she said it was a situation dangerous enough to stop doing both activities. What pulls her in such an optimistic direction?
“There are so many things I want to learn. It could be that I like new challenges, or that I have a lot of curiosity. When I act, I don’t simply get immersed in emotion but I tend to study and gain knowledge of the environment. I approached the role of Woohee in ‘Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo’ like that. Instead of trying to become a different person, I tend to try to understand the character’s feelings and situation. Woohee is the last princess of the late Baekje period. She goes undercover as a gisaeng to assassinate the Taejo of Goreyo. She’s a character with a lot of resentment, so to understand and express that resentment, I need to know its source. I didn’t only practice with the script, but I researched and studied the history of the time and the political relations.”
Serious exploration is her driving force. Because of this attitude, we look even more forward to her future than now. Undoubtedly, as she gains more knowledge and experience, her acting as well as any other activity will emit energy, as if it’s exploding.
“I started acting with musicals and as a drama actress, I’m no different from a rookie. I know that I’m still lacking in many aspects so that makes me work even harder. If I learned how to express my emotions and movements through musicals, I’m learning how to express with restraint and delicacy through the drama.”
When she’s talking about her work, she speaks carefully and word by word. She’s a completely different person from when she’s talking about wanting to learn how to swim again or that she has found new interest in scuba diving, aside from horseback riding. From a girl who is playful from moment to moment, her gaze changes to that of a serious career woman. It’s her very personal taste but every time, a sense of bliss envelops her body. It’s a similar context to how women find men who are passionate about their work sexy.
“I want to act in a way that delivers honesty. The role of an actor is to make you believe something that’s not real in the moment as real.”
As soon as we wrap up the serious stories, she came back to talking about her friends. Her friends have graduated and are at the age where they start working and have a lot of concerns; she went to a club with them but it wasn’t interesting; normally, she has a small pajama party with a few friends at home or in a hotel room and so on and so on; she is no different from any other woman in her mid 20s. As soon as the interview ended, Seohyun suddenly has a round of raucous laughter.
“It was fun. I feel like I properly had a conversation, instead of an interview. I didn’t chat too much, did I?”
She knows how to be overly chatty like this. Truthfully, before we met her, we imagined an upright, prim and quiet Seohyun and were slightly nervous. Preconceptions only breed endless misunderstandings. Hoping that a person will never change is just fantasy. We are letting go of ‘maknae Seohyun’.
Scan Source: SeoJuhyun.Net
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sonexstella-blog · 8 years
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[TRANS] Sooyoung & Stella Kim Interview in MAPS, August 2016 
How are you spending your time these days?
Stella: Right now, I’m in charge of global makeup marketing for the cosmetics brand ‘Clinique’ in New York. On the weekends, I’m doing beauty consulting or working as a freelance writer so I think I’m spending time working almost every day.
Sooyoung: I’m currently shooting ‘Police Squad 38’, a drama that is airing on OCN, and when I don’t have any schedules, I’m spending personal time.
Sooyoung and Stella, how long has it been since you saw each other last?
Sooyoung: Last February, we saw each other when I participated in New York Fashion Week for the ‘Coach’ collection… We are meeting again in Seoul after almost 5 months. Every season, I’ve been participating in New York Fashion Week so I think we meet up at least once or twice a year.
Stella: Since we can’t meet up often, whenever unnie comes to New York, we always spend time together.
Both of you seem to have a calm personality. We thought the photoshoot set would be filled with the laughter of girls but it’s unexpectedly quiet. (Laughs)
Sooyoung: Hahaha. That’s not true, it might seem that way because our personalities are shy at first. When we’re together, we laugh a lot and share a lot of fun stories.
Then when the two of you meet, what do you typically do?
Stella: What we do when I meet unnie is almost predetermined. We chill at the dorm and share stories, or go shopping, or go out to eat delicious food? On rare occasions, we have a lot of fun to relieve stress. (Laughs)
It’s your first time shooting an editorial together, right?
Stella: Yes, this is our first time. Before I came to Korea, I was talking to unnie on the phone and I said it would be nice for us to shoot ‘friendship photos’. So when you proposed the editorial to us, I was happy and very surprised.
When we see you take care of each other at the photoshoot location, we feel like you’re closer than friends, closer to being sister-like. What kind of a friend are you to each other?
Stella: Honestly, unnie is more than a friend to me. When I think about it now, I think it’s very entertaining. We didn’t think we’d ever become such close friends. As you know, I was a SM trainee in the past. That’s when I first met unnie but at that time, we never met up or hung out together. I think we started becoming closer after I quit being a trainee and from then on, unnie became someone who is so precious and important in my life. I share everything with unnie. Every time, unnie gives me truly honest advice.
Sooyoung: Stella and my interests or the things we enjoy are similar so I think we are compatible in a lot of ways. Right now, we are far apart but we call each other often and we share a lot of stories about our concerns or daily lives.
You said you both have similar interests, but the two of you seem to have special interest in welfare for people with disabilities and societal issues. Is there a special reason?
Sooyoung: My father is a chairman of an organization for visually impaired people and he’s working hard for retina disease research. So naturally, I’ve come to have a lot of interest in welfare for people with disabilities.
Stella: Like unnie, I also grew up experiencing welfare for people with disabilities closer than most people. With all of the various experiences we’ve learned and felt as the background, I hope the optimistic aspect is delivered to people who are experiencing similar situations as we’ve had.
Every year on Sooyoung’s birthday, fans do volunteer work. Aren’t these movements all because of Sooyoung’s influence?
Sooyoung: Fans tell me that they do good work thanks to me but what I felt by doing charity bazaars or volunteer work with them is that everyone possesses such pretty hearts. So even if it wasn’t for me, I’m sure they would be doing good work sufficiently elsewhere. (Laughs)
Stella, you spent a lot of time in Korea as well. When to compare Korea to the US, if there is a difference in the way that people with disabilities are viewed or their welfare, what would it be?
Stella: Mmm… I think it would be good to discuss government support programs for people with disabilities. First of all, I think that it’s very impressive when you look at Korea’s beautiful culture and the quick economic growth accomplished through leaders at all levels of society. On the other hand, there are times when I think that when it comes to helping people with disabilities, it’s a a bit backwards. For example, when it comes to medical care assistance, medical insurance and government support programs. So the reason why my family spent more time living in the US is because there are more open opportunities for my brother to learn various things or to work compared to Korea.
Then what area do you think needs to be improved first?
Sooyoung: Every area is important but I think true welfare is ‘treatment’. Typically when you say ‘research for treatment’, I think many hesitate to help because it doesn’t help the people you can see immediately before your eyes. As a result, people who are suffering from rare diseases that are not well known experience a lot of hardship. Currently, the organization that my father is running has partnered with Seoul University to research treatment for retina disease and for a single round of research, an enormous amount of money is required and developing a cure is not easy. Despite that, compared to before Korea Retinitis Pigmentosa Society (KRPS) organization was formed, various treatment methods have been invented and even though it’s slow, we can see the hope for treatment. I’m running activities like the charity bazaar in order to raise research funds, and I hope it can be of help, even if it’s small.
What is one thing you’re most focused on currently?
Stella: I think my current age is a transition period. So unnie and I sometimes joke that we are undergoing a second puberty right now (Laughs). But if I think about it in a positive way, I think this period is here for a good reason. I think it’s a period of change where I grow and walk with people I love and I’m trying to find myself.
Sooyoung: For me, myself. Before, I focused on family or people around me. But these days, I’m focusing on taking care of myself. If I’m not happy, people around me are not happy either. So I’m learning how to say ‘no’ and I’m trying hard to be a happy self-centered person who speaks up when I don’t like something. (Laughs)
Then you’re happy right now, right?
Sooyoung: Of course. Now that I’m focusing on myself, I’m much happier than I was before. If something other than myself comes first, my heart was comfortable but weirdly, I was unhappy. But these days, I’m really happy.
Stella: I am very thankful for my life right now. But it’s hard for me to know on my own if I’m satisfied. Like I said before, I’m continuing to find myself and I’m still thinking over in what direction the lessons I’ve learned through various experiences will take me. So if I’m being really honest, there is a lot of uneasiness but at the same time, I’m looking forward to it and I’m living from a very hopeful position.
More than half of this year has already passed. How do you want to spend the remainder of 2016?
Stella: I want to take time to re-examine the goals I had planned for 2016. Up to now, I spent most of my time working, but I’m thinking of traveling for the second half of the year. To me, traveling is very important. When I travel, it relieves anxiety and it helps me realize in various ways that I’m only a small person in a huge world filled with new things. It also feels like I’m receiving a gift of various experiences that I’m not able to have normally.
Sooyoung: I hope I can spend it doing things I want to do. As time passes, I’ve learned that being able to do the things you want to do is a huge blessing and not something that is easy to do. However, I think that the work that I do is not easy to do according to plan (Laughs).
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sonexstella-blog · 8 years
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[TRANS] Tiffany’s Apology Letter
Hello, it’s Tiffany.
With an insufficient apology after giving a lot of hurt and disappointment to everyone, I did not have the courage for ten days to give a true apology. With a scared and shaking heart, I’m first asking to be forgiven for this lateness. And I am trying my best to say what I should’ve said earlier, and I am trying to communicate a heartfelt apology regarding the big mistake of that day.
On Korean Independence Day, I made the mistake of uploading a SNS post containing a Rising Sun flag design. When I think of the meaning of Independence Day, I made a mistake that I should not have made.
Like many people who advised me, my knowledge of history was not enough to know about the Rising Sun flag and I was not sensitive to the past filled with pain. I am truly sorry to everyone whose hearts were hurt due to my ignorance and indifference. I am lowering my head and apologizing to the many people who trusted me and cheered me on.
Up to now, I was able to do music thanks to everyone who thankfully cheered me on and loved me without change. However, despite receiving everyone’s love for a long time, I did not know the basic history of Korea well. I am embarrassed at myself for not having studied carefully.
As a singer, I was thankful and proud of being a person who could make Korea’s culture known, and as a result, I understood once again how important it is for me to study with a sense of responsibility. As someone who is in front of the public, I will never forget that responsibility.
For creating anxiety on Independence Day due to my mistake, I want to communicate my apologetic heart once again to everyone. After realizing my mistake, the words that I wrote hastily at the airport were not careful and it was too insufficient and I apologize once again for that. I continuously regretted missing the opportunity to give a sincere apology and I spent each day with an apologetic heart. It is so late but I desperately hope that my sincerity will be felt.
This incident has taught me what is most important. From this time onward, I will work even harder to study and learn what is even more important than music and dance. Thank you so much for reading these long and late words.
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sonexstella-blog · 8 years
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[TRANS] Taeyeon Interview in BEAUTY+, September 2016 -  “Very Taeyeon-like (Calm) Afternoon”
Taeyeon, a girl who still possesses nervousness. Time with Taeyeon that lazily unfolded in a space containing light.
Behind the Scene
If you’re curious about the editorial with Taeyeon, pay attention. We unveil Taeyeon’s skincare and makeup know-how as well as her secret weapon.
Secret Weapon that Completes Taeyeon’s Perfect Skin
Prior to the photoshoot, Taeyeon used Nature Republic’s Ginseng Royal Silk Watery Cream that she normally enjoys using for radiant skin. Even if you have great makeup on, if the skin underneath is dull or dirty, you can’t show its true beauty. If your skin condition is good, you’ll have the effect of better makeup application. Nature Republic’s Ginseng Royal Silk Watery Cream is an item that she cherishes and it has already been a hot topic on Taeyeon’s SNS. As soon as we took the product out, she said ‘Oh my, I really like this product!’ and smiled brightly. This product improves skin elasticity, reduces wrinkles and provides moisture, all at once, being recognized as a premium anti-aging cream. It’s filled with rare and precious ingredients like 6 year old ginseng, 99% pure gold, royal jelly and silk amino acids. Even amidst busy schedules, the secret weapon that gives her a healthy and beautiful skin that she seems to be born with is Nature Republic’s Ginseng Royal Silk Watery Cream.
Taeyeon’s Pick: What are the Items Taeyeon Used in the Editorial?
1. By Flower Blusher in 03 Grapefruit Cotton Candy: A matte type blush for a girly makeup that overflows with life in a pastel colour. With a big brush, widely apply on the cheek area to show both cheeks in a lovely way.
2. Multiple Touch Stick: With soft application and outstanding wear, a cream type contouring stick that easily completes contour makeup. Made up of a variety of 11 colours for foundation, highlighter, blusher and shading that can be used for multi-purpose makeup.
01 Light Beige: Flawless skin was achieved with a stick foundation that has SPF 37 PA++ and excellent coverage.
04 Shining Beam: Stick highlighter that brings a luxurious shine to the skin. Brought a three-dimensional effect to life by applying to T-zone and brow bones.
11 Coconut: Stick shading product that completes a small and three-dimensional face shape.
3. Nature Origin Triple Colour Tone-Up Cushion: Even while shooting an editorial, correction makeup is necessary. With the combination of 3 colours, you can easily get a brightening tone-up effect; throughout the photoshoot, the tone-up cushion was used by applying it lightly.
Interview: Taeyeon’s Beautiful Beauty Know-How
Taeyeon is spending time recharging after finishing up her first solo concert recently. We asked her about her beauty know-how on how she normally maintains her skin and does her makeup.
Hello Taeyeon. What have you been doing recently?
After finishing my solo concert, whenever I have time, I’ve been checking my body’s condition and having time to recharge. I am also planning for the next album.
We’re sure there’s a difference between your normal makeup and the makeup you wear as you stand on stage as a singer. Normally, what kind of makeup do you enjoy?
Since I wear flashy makeup when I stand on stage, normally, I enjoy light makeup. I like having dewy and light finish on my skin and I only fill in the empty parts of my eyebrow. I apply lip colour very lightly. When I have time, I add liveliness with blush.
These days, contouring makeup is popular. Do you enjoy contouring makeup too?
I enjoy using Nature Republic’s Multiple Touch Stick. You can use it in a variety of ways as a foundation, highlighter, blusher or shader, it applies softly and easily and you can complete a contoured makeup look very quickly. Rather than using hands, you can use the built-in puff to blend, so you can finish your makeup very easily and quickly. I use it especially when I shade or highlight.
Tell us about your skincare regimen. What is your most cherished skincare product?
I enjoy using Nature Republic’s Ginseng Royal Silk Watery Cream. First of all, the texture is light and it contains a lot of medicine-like ingredients that are good for the skin like ginseng extract so when my skin’s condition is falling behind, I apply this product generously and go to sleep. The next morning, my skin is radiant and moist, beyond recognition.
Do you have any know-hows that you use?
I apply it while massaging, or at night, I apply a thick layer like a sleeping pack at night and sleep. On hot days like these days, if you keep it in your refrigerator, it’s also effective.
What kind of skin is Taeyeon most envious of?
Since I wear makeup for long periods of time, I pay attention to elasticity. I’m most envious of skin that is firm with a good skin tone.
When you stand on stage, you wear a lot of over-the-top makeup. What type of cleansing products do you use?
I use cream types that are not irritating. My skin tends to be thin so I try my best to cleanse gently.
Normally, you enjoy dyeing your hair blonde. Do you like blonde hair? What colour do you want to dye your hair next time?
My image changes a lot according to hair colour so I always think it over a lot. I don’t have a distinct reason for liking blonde hair. SNSD members and people around me say that bright colours suit me well. Mmm… If I was going to change my hair colour, I want to try a calm and deep brown colour.
You must have no time for maintenance due to your busy schedule. We’re curious about your home care methods.
I have a massage machine that is portable, so I carry it to schedules and use it. Skin quality is important, but you need to have good circulation inside of your body in order to have strong skin. While recharging, I’m planning on working on my inner beauty with a comfortable heart.
Source: Beauty+
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sonexstella-blog · 8 years
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[TRANS] Seohyun Interview in Grazia, September 2016 -  “SEOHYUN, Who Are You?”
The woman who was caught by the viewfinder was unfamiliar. Looking at her thoroughly and for a long time, we could see Seohyun’s true self.
“In the early days of debut, if I tried hard not to be out of line, nowadays, I’m trying to learn how to be comfortable. Like this, I’m finding balance in life.”
What does it feel like to live as SNSD Seohyun?
Hahaha. It’s just about the same. There’s nothing too different… There are pros and cons.
There are cons?
Not so much a con, but there are times when people’s stereotypes can be frustrating. There are many instances where people have a preconceived notion of ‘Seohyun is ______’ even before they get to know me. There are good aspects to it but in another way, there is also a lot of regret because of that.
Is it a lot different from the appearances you’ve shown us so far?
If you spend time with me, your thoughts will change quickly. But to people I’m meeting for the first time, I have to show that what they know of me so far is not everything, so there are times when I think, “Ah, do I have to start from the beginning again?” (Laughs). Regardless, that is also a part of who I am so I love it. Haha.
Then what kind of style does real Seohyun’s appearance have?
People who know me well say that my personality is honest and fun. They also say I’m funny. Sometimes they say I’m bizarre. But these are not appearances you can show from the beginning. And at first, I’m a little shy, and honestly, different from what my image has been so far, I’m closer to a fool (Laughs).
Regardless, if you say Seohyun, the image of a smart maknae is strong. It seems like you’d live righteously, so what’s the biggest deviation you’ve ever experienced in life?
Mmm… Recently when I traveled to the US, I attempted driving!
Driving doesn’t seem like a deviation.
But when I said I would drive, everyone tried to convince me otherwise in the beginning. Downtown LA is not an easy neighbourhood to drive around in.
Traffic laws in America are also a lot different from our country.
Yes. You have to do left turns without left-turn signals, and when I said I was going to drive, my American friend told me it’s really dangerous and put a lot of fear in me. They said if I get pulled over by the police, I have to stop the car on the road and get off the car with my hands on my head. I even practiced that too? Hahaha.
How did it feel to drive?
I was in a good mood, going fast in an open car. I abided by the traffic laws well. I came back without any incidents (Laughs).
We heard you traveled alone, without managers?
I like that managers always help and protect, but it worried me too. I worried what I would do later when I will have to do everything myself without the managers, it will be my life. So I blindly left. When I got there and I had to resolve issues that came up one by one, it was surprisingly fun.
Soon, new drama <Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo> will air. With so many popular and youthful stars in the cast, it drew a lot of attention.
The actors got along really well that the atmosphere on set is like being on a MT (membership training). There are lots of on-location shoots, so if we all get together once, we were by each other’s sides for a few days so we automatically became close.
After filming, everyone must have been busy gathering and hanging out.
My character appears from the 7th episode so I started filming at an odd time. It was regrettable that I joined late compared to the other actors. But everyone happily greeted me saying, ‘Why did you come now’ so it was comfortable for me to get used to (Laughs).
I suppose the ratio of male actors is exceptionally high.
Hahaha. Everyone was so kind and I really liked them.
What kind of a character will we meet this time?
I’m in the role of Woohee, the last Princess of Later Baekje. It’s a character who has abandoned her identity as a princess to assassinate the Taejo of Goryeo who brought on the collapse of Baekje. To kill him, she infiltrates as a gisaeng. While doing a knife dance.
Are we finally meeting a sensuous Seohyun (Laughs)?
Hahaha. More so than sensuous, you’ll be able to meet a gaze overflowing with a murderous look. A gaze that says I will kill him no matter what (Laughs).
We really can’t imagine it.
A role that I’ve really wanted to play is a killer or a spy. So my wish was finally fulfilled. For this piece, I learned to ride horseback and the knife dance and thanks to that, I found enjoyable hobbies too. I found horseback riding to be so suitable for me. I became so close with the horse that I even said I wanted to buy them (Laughs).
You must be surprisingly active.
I tend to be balanced. I do like moving around, but if I want to be home alone, I spend time alone too. On a day off, I meet friends and go to the Han River or we explore here and there.
Don’t people recognize you?
Surprisingly, they don’t really know. It might be because I wear loose clothes and wear a mask out.
It must be them thinking ‘What~ Could it be Seohyun?’.
“Oh? That girls resembles Seohyun.” “Hey, no way~ Seohyun doesn’t look like that?” I hear conversations like this a lot, and sometimes I want to get up and say, “I am Seohyun~” (Laughs).
Your first attempt at acting was the musical <Moon Embracing the Sun>.
Since when I was preparing to be a singer, I liked musicals. I also vaguely thought that I wanted to act too. I received a few offers to appear in musicals, but I couldn’t attempt it rashly. From time to time, I watched musicals at the invitation of Ock Juhyun unnie, and I didn’t have the confidence to be able to do it that well. And then I acted on a big ambition.
What do you think is the charm of musicals?
When I saw a musical for the first time in my life, I thought ‘How does a world like this exist?’ and received a shock (Laughs). It was alive in a different way than TV dramas. When there’s a buildup of emotions, music coming out was so fascinating. I can’t really pinpoint it to one thing, but I just liked everything about it.
Is there a character you want to attempt one day?
Of course. There are so many. The role I’ve alway wanted to play is Glinda from <Wicked>. I really want to be Glinda so I even took voice lessons. And Roxie from <Chicago> is also one of many roles that I really want.
I think you suit Glinda very well.
Right? Hahaha.
You’re a SNSD member and a musical actor, and now you’re in a drama. Where does that energy come from?
It changes from time to time but I think my family is a big source of strength. And I have 4 very close friends who I’ve been with since I was young. When I’m with them, I’m not SNSD Seohyun, but I can live as human Seo Juhyun. Because of my career, I need to always show a perfect appearance, but when I’m with friends, I can return to being a regular person. If I can take the edge off, I think it’s healing and it recharges my energy.
When we think of your early debut days, your righteous and upright appearance was memorable.
Honestly, back then, I think my heart that said ‘You can not be out of line’ was big. I thought, ‘If I don’t use my time properly, my life will be ruined’ (Laughs). Of course that aspect of me still remains, but over time, I learned that ‘I don’t need to do it to this extreme’.
You must mean that your heart has become more comfortable as a result.
That’s right. But I don’t regret my way of life when I was younger. I tried that so now I know that that’s not the answer, and I’ve grown like this.
Then what's the next goal of your life?
I want to attempt movies.
Recently, the Chinese movie <So I Married an Anti-Fan> that you did with EXO Chanyeol was released.
Next time, I want to be in a Korean movie. Now I’m no longer a girl and I’ve become a woman, so I want to show that side of me through acting. People always see my image as SNSD’s maknae so there were big regrets. I want people to know that there are various sides within me. If I change my image through acting, won’t I be able to give a huge shock?
To start, let’s show them with the September issue of <Grazia>.
I like it! Let’s do this more often going forward (Laughs).
Q. Mature vs. Beagle-like (playful)
Seohyun: Mmm... Beagle-like? I created the mature side with a lot of hard work.
Q. Leg line vs. Abs
Seohyun: Leg line! You can make abs but you can't make your leg line. It’s not like you can cut it. To an extent, I think you need to be born with it.
Q. Black vs. White
Seohyun: Of course, white. I love white so much. Over 80% of clothes in my closet are white.
Q. Floral vs. Woody
Seohyun: It tends to change often. When I was young, I really liked powdery scents. After that, I preferred sweet scents like vanilla, and now, I'm sure woody will come find me, right? (Laughs)
Q. Older Guy vs. Younger Guy
Seohyun: Older! I can never~ date a younger guy. Not for my personality! Uh ooh~
Scan Source: GGPM / @typo19 
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sonexstella-blog · 8 years
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[TRANS] Taeyeon Interview in Ceci, September 2016 - “Peeping Her”
It was our third meeting. Up to now, she is not a person who approaches first and tells a lot of stories so Taeyeon is a person who we want to ask even more and we’re curious about what she is thinking. Since debuting as SNSD, her position has never been shaken up. After releasing mini album <I>, her solo activities which actively started last year have drawn favorable reviews from even more of the public. Someone said it like this. Taeyeon is just a genuine person who loves singing the most, and after hearing that, I thought that people could’ve looked at her from a certain mold, as she is a girl group leader and also a rumored ‘homebody’. As she came into the shoot location, she told us ‘long time no see’, and asked if we’d been well while smiling. We started our conversation with Taeyeon, who said photoshoots are still difficult but she enjoys interviews.
You told us several times that you find photoshoots difficult, but it’s hard to believe because every cut is an A cut. Thank you. (Laughs) Truthfully, you can’t ignore the time and experience I’ve gained through SNSD activities up to now, and regardless, it needs to come out nicely so I’m trying hard.
Like you told us during a break earlier, <WHY> album jacket is pretty, even from the perspective of non-fans. We think this appearance suits you the best. Normally, there are way more photos that members take of me. If a member who likes taking photos, Tiffany included, takes a pretty photo of me, I’m satisfied for days. (Laughs) There are many fun photo apps so I also enjoy playing around with those too. 
We’ve done several photoshoots together and yet, we’ve never seen you show dislike for the hair, makeup and outfits that the staff have prepared. Are you that confident? (Laughs) More than confidence, I tend to entrust as much as possible. I like to think that they know it well and will treat me well. I’m trusting the words of staff who are experts in their individual fields and have seen me for a long time. My work is to express it well, regardless of what colour they’ve applied on me, or how they’ve styled me. I have to express it. If the results are not good, it’s another lesson to learn.
But when the results come out, all of the feedback comes back under Taeyeon’s name. I just tend to trust them. Especially on an editorial photoshoot like today, it’s not a simple, everyday appearance. It’s a flashy and decorated appearance, so I’m going in with the attitude of, ‘I’m attempting a new style. If not now, then when would I try this?’
We’ve searched and there aren’t a lot of interviews but it’s easier to find you on a reality program. Is that less burdensome for you? My inclination is to dislike things that are pre-determined and in a mold and I prefer being natural. For photoshoots and interviews, the mood of the location has a huge effect. Reality program has no specific setup and it shows the flow, and what really happens, so it suits my personality better.
If you had to pick out the main quality of Taeyeon as a person, how would you explain it? Truthfully, I’m not sure if I know myself very well, but my normal emotion has a bit of up & down. I tend to be very affected by the mood and environment, so it’s hard for even me to guess. It’s too difficult to describe myself with one word. I think members, who are always with me, know me well. I’m a person who pursues flow, like how water flows naturally. 
But your occupation makes it difficult to be left natural. You have to put in a lot of effort to show a perfect performance. That’s true. So I’m nervous every time I stand on stage. It’s a job where you have to express yourself during a short period of time that you’re given, so there are times when it’s difficult. But as I keep doing it, within that, my personality comes out. Even when I sing, rather than pour out emotions all at once, I try to express it according to flow.
You were on the cover of Ceci in January of 2014. Not a lot of time has passed since, but in the last 1-2 years, you definitely have an air of maturity. Since having to make a lot of decisions on my own, I’ve become a bit more cool-headed. Truthfully, it’s a difficult thing for a member like me, whose colour is not distinct. 
What do you mean your colour is not distinct? For instance, I’m really close to Tiffany and our hearts are well aligned. But our tastes are different. It’s completely opposite. Tiffany clearly knows what she wants and she knows how to express it precisely, when it comes to things like colour and shape for example. I’m a bit indecisive and I have a hard time making decisions, so I can’t easily say what I want. I’m not my own person sometimes. But as I started my solo activities and all of the staff are looking only at me and all of the work is happening with me at the center, I had to make a lot of decision and lead. It was so hard but now I’m figuring out methods to make decisions. I learned a lot about giving up things that don’t matter and how to supervise things that do matter.
Despite that, are your solo activities enjoyable? It’s enjoyable on stage. But when I come down from the stage, my head becomes chaotic and I have lots of thoughts of did I do that right, or what should I prepare going forward. I tend to look to the staff for their reactions.
There are people who enjoy making decisions and leading, and there are also people who find that burdensome. Which side is Taeyeon on? Right now, I think there’s more for me to learn. I’m at a stage where I need help to choose and make decisions, rather than doing all of it on my own. It seems like I’d be good at doing everything on my own but that’s not true. I have a lot of fears.
Is it a fear of failure? That the results will be bad? That’s not it at all. I’m afraid that regret will remain. Since I’m standing on stage by myself, if I choose what suits me and do it well, that’s ideal but my decision could be wrong. The fear has to do with regret. As a result, I need people who can look at me with an objective gaze, and I think it’s right to actively collect feedback. This work is not done just because I like doing it. It’s true that it’s burdensome but the right thing is to do it together.
‘Starlight’ starts with the lyrics ‘Love is amazing’. What are things in Taeyeon’s life right now that is amazing? The biggest issue recently was the solo concert <Butterfly Kiss>. Maybe now I can relax on stage because I was able to see the audience’s faces. I do concerts regularly but this time was different. Even if we didn’t speak directly, when I saw their faces, I could feel that we were communicating together so it really made me happy. It felt like fans were smiling even more, and it was different from before. I think they enjoyed it with me.
Comparing SNSD’s debut stage and the first time you stood on stage as a solo artist, which one made you shake more? Of course, the first stage of my solo activity. It’s so different from when I’m together with the members. It felt like all of my experiences up to that point had all disappeared and it really felt like I was starting from the beginning. I thought that I don’t normally shake a lot but I wanted to be on stage in an anxious state but when I stood on stage for the first time for ‘I’, I shook so much to the point that the mic was shaking. Even when I think of it now, it makes me shake.
After you were featured on Amber’s ‘Shake That Brass’ last year, you’ve been promoting restlessly to now. Even while you are busy, your expression seems more relaxed than before. There hasn’t been a special change. I’ve always prepared and showed a stage for singing, but I think the feelings I had after talking with fans through SNS had an effect. If you look at just my personality, I like to keep things to myself and hide away, rather than showing everything. But thanks to fans, I felt that there is a need to do things that fans want, and that there are things I want to do and things I should do going forward. I’ve come to think that when it comes to music, I shouldn’t decline projects with a withdrawn heart, but whenever I can do things, I should do a lot here and there. I was able to accept duets and features in songs more comfortably.
Your heart of wanting to do things that fans want is a type of love. It’s a similar feeling as wanting to study hard and do well in school to receive compliments from your parents. I want to receive a good grade and show everyone. So fans are like friends with whom 10 years have passed, with an enduring and connected heart like a parent-child relationship. I can feel their big heart devoted to me, from my meals to my health. Of course, they worry a lot too. (Laughs)
When a girl group members debuts with a solo, showing off a sexy concept is basically officially on record. We’re curious what kind of concerns you had about singing about yourself with ‘I’, a song that’s not even about love. With my job, I work before the public and a countless number of people, but I’m alone and I have my own position. I thought a lot about what colour suits me the best. I thought that I wanted to do something that is me-like, serene and naturally. We put a lot of thought into what genre I would choose, and how the melody would be expressed. And truthfully, ‘sexy’ is not a word that I could express well. (Laughs)
We felt that you’ve grown into an artist who can tell your own story, as is. There was a side of me that people could’ve predicted when I announced that I would release a solo album. Like OSTs that have received a lot of love or emotional ballads. But there are so many genres that I could attempt, and I wanted to show a different side of me that hasn’t been shown yet. It’s not that I have a specific genre I prefer but as a singer, I wanted you to hear various songs.
What is the path that 28 year old Taeyeon, who is in her 10th year as a singer, wants to take going forward? I don’t know. I don’t know when I’ll receive this question again but speaking from right now, I’ve never thought of anything else other than music. Going forward, I think I will continue to do music in a way that’s easy and natural and calm, without going overboard with risks and carefully selecting songs. Were you anticipating a grandiose response?
No. You keep saying you’re easy and natural but what you’ve achieved thus far is exceptional. We don’t think you need to be afraid. I do think that there needs to come a time when I can’t be afraid anymore. If situation changes, a person needs to change to adapt. I will try hard so I won’t be afraid and I will watch over things that need my attention.
What do you do at home these days? You know a lot of internet slang and you use them at the right time in the right places. I use a VOD service to watch movies and TV programs. Fans teach me all of the internet slang. When I do SNS, I can see them in the fans’ reactions, and I leave comments to have conversations with them. Whenever I do that, I learn the language of the teenagers these days. (Laughs) I am learning by leaning over their shoulders. 
Female fans are very curious about your beauty routine. What is the secret to your unchanging ‘fairy beauty’? Honestly, these days I haven’t been able to receive as much skin care as before. I try to use packs at home. More than skin, I’ve become more interested in detox and fixing posture. I exercised for a while to increase my stamina while preparing for the concert. But each person is different, so to some, exercise itself can be over-exertion. I want to focus more on circulation and maintaining my body.
Lastly, what words do you want to leave on the pages of Ceci? Anything is good. It’s a very broad topic. What would be good? Ah, ‘natural and calm, as water flows’, leave these words. (Laughs)
“With Tiffany, the two of us have traveled to the US before. We went to Disney World in Florida. We are both passionate fans of Walt Disney. We planned and prepared for it together, without the help of managers or anyone else, so travel itself was a new experience. We created a lot of memories, and personally, it’s a trip that is most memorable for me.”
Scan Source: DC Inside
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sonexstella-blog · 8 years
[LYRIC TRANSLATION] Secret – Yuri & Seohyun
It makes my heart shake, this secret Only I know it It has a slight feeling, secret My little shh Little secret Even if stay up all night, I don’t intend on talking about it Only I know myself Even if I hide myself amidst many people over there You, you, in a blink of an eye, end up finding me Even if I look up and down Even if I look back The scent continues even stronger As you get closer to me step by step Hidden in my heart, my little secret I want to be the only person who knows, little secret I’ll whisper it, my little secret It will make you shine like me, little secret Don’t ever tell, hey Get confident, get ready to become a bit cooler It’s not hard Somewhere, somewhat, I shine   Hiding something special Many more gazes   It’s always overflowing I’ve enjoyed it even more, confidently But why you do think just the things you can see is everything? Hidden in my heart, my little secret I want to be the only person who knows, little secret I’ll whisper it, my little secret It will make you shine like me, little secret Little secret, you won’t know Come come come away In that short gap Secret that will Turn you into a different person, shh Come come come away Come on While everyone is asleep, in that gap, Secret that will Make you shine even more Should I slightly Tell you? You’ll be very surprised Will you be able to follow? I’ll pull you Ah I’ve dreamt this party Ah inside of that, me and you Hidden in my heart, my little secret I want to be the only person who knows, little secret I’ll whisper it, my little secret It will make you shine like me, little secret Little secret, you won’t know Come come come away In that short gap Secret that will Turn you into a different person, shh Come come come away Come on While everyone is asleep, in that gap, Secret that will Make you shine even more Come come come away In that short gap Secret that will Turn you into a different person, shh Come come come away come on While everyone is asleep, in that gap, Secret that will Make you shine even more No one will know Little secret, shh
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sonexstella-blog · 8 years
[LYRIC TRANSLATION] SNSD - That Summer (0805) / Sailing 
Past seasons, memories that have been engraved in between Of the memories, the day I first saw you comes to mind today Summer day with good sunlight, your pure smile Would you have known that shining moment would become forever?
There were times that were only filled with tears, But it will be a long journey that will shine brighter than the past days
Sailing into the night, even if we are left in the dark, Let’s be together until the end Again and again and again Even if time passes and it becomes dim, We will keep the promise of that one summer day
Soft moonlight, the sound of crashing waves below, I’m uneasy thinking that you might be alone right now How did you feel today, what happened, Wondering if you’re okay, all of your expressions become my day
Sometimes you get used to all of this love Even if your walking slows down, I will wait for you
Sailing into the night, under the night sky that is only darkness, Even if you can’t see the end, we’ll Again and again and again Even if time passes and it becomes dim, We will not stop, like the promise of that one summer day
In what direction we should go, We will not wander, within the many directions, We’ll find the starlight that’s shining clearly At the end of the long sailing voyage, We look back on the long path, the new world we’ve met again is you You know it’s true
Stay together sailing into the night For you who made the deep darkness of the ocean Into pink light Again and again and again Even if time passes, we will not be shaken We won’t stop, like a radiant girl that summer We won’t change, like a constant wish (SONE) every summer Promise me
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sonexstella-blog · 8 years
[TRANS] Sooyoung’s 9th Anniversary Blog Post  When the 9th anniversary commemorative single was announced, and a proposal came to the members to write the lyrics, I didn’t have the courage to write. 
I didn’t think the time that has passed could be explained with any words or sentences, what kind of feeling it must be to like one singer for 9 years, we felt sorry attempting to do it with such shallow understanding, so not just me, but of all of us, none of could confidently step up...
While that was happening... For the first time in my life, I was able to attend a SNSD (Tiffany’s) concert (Yay). Every year, while we had long rehearsals to show a stage with high degree of perfection, we’d joke and say, “I want to go to a SNSD concert” “Guys, do it. I’ll watch from over there”.. Hehe. 
When I arrived at Tiffany’s performance venue.. I was given a pink lightstick. To shake, keke. That stick was so awkward, and I didn’t know in which direction I should shake it. Or how hard I should shake it. Or if I should continuously shake it..? Do I stop during a ballad, or when should I turned it off and on.. Hehe. It was awkward and I was curious so I quietly watched how the fans did it. 
The appearance of fans that I watched from the audience.. When I’m on stage, do they look at me like that with that expression..? My appearance that was reflected in their sparkling and shining eyes, would it have been pretty enough to fill and overflow both of their eyes..? For 9 years, if I had known they had watched over me with those eyes and stood on stage, how would I have been..
That day, when I watched all of you shake the pink lightstick from near by, I started to understand your heart..  your feelings.. 
Ah, Tiffany, who stands on that stage, does she know that I will protect this space right here, without change..? 
Sometimes, while you’re vigorously cheering us on, even if there is a painful day, you know that we’ll be happy together for even longer, a bond that you can’t let go of..
Even if we don’t speak in person, a bond where we all know each other.. 
Even if our hearts can’t reach... What are they doing... Whatever they’re doing, I hope they’re happy... a bond that makes you think of each other. 
Sometimes, even if my passion doesn’t follow suit, a bond that makes you promise, “I will wait right here”. 
Even if it’s an unrequited love, at the voice you hear from time to time, the bond that makes you happy. 
If I were all of you, I would be so happy listening to my heart through the voice of my singer. 
So... I started writing. The meaning of these lyrics could be the thankful heart of SNSD toward our fans, but I also tried to write the heart of all of you, and the heart by which all of you kept SNSD for 9 years. We all know^^ Your heart, your patience, your unconditional love, we know all of that... I don’t think there is a better gift than to let you know that. 
In 9 years, if there was ever a day that we inflicted pain on you, we hope this is a pretty gift that can heal. Today, with your healed hearts, I hope you can be the happiest people in the world^^
On the hottest summer day in August (It was really hot today ㅜㅜ), from Sooyoung  ^ㅡ^
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9주년 기념 싱글을 발매한다고, 멤버들에게 작사를 제안했을때, 감히 쓸 용기가 나지않았다.. 그 세월이, 어떤 단어와 문장으로도 설명되지 않을 것같아서, 9년동안 한 가수를 좋아한다는 것은 이런느낌이겠지, 대충 그런 얄팍한 이해심만으로 덤빈다는게, 죄송해서 나 뿐만이아니라, 우리중 그누구도 선뜻 나서지못했다.. 그러던중.. 난생 처음 나도 소녀시대(티파니) 콘서트에 가게되었다 (아싸) 매년 완성도 높은 무대를 올리기위해 길고긴 리허설 시간을 가지는동안 우리는 농담삼아, “나도 소녀시대콘서트 가보고싶다” “애들아 해봐봐 나저기앉아서 보게” 라고 이야기하곤했었다.. ㅎㅎ
티파니의 공연장에 도착하니.. 나한테 핑크색야광봉을 주었다. 흔들라고 ㅋㅋ
그 막대기가 뭐라고 그렇게 어색한지, 어느방향으로 흔들어야하는지, 
얼마나 세게흔들어야하는지,
계속 흔들어야하는지..? 발라드 때는 멈추는건가, 뭐 막이렇게 껐다 켰다하는데 
언제하는 건가,,ㅎㅎ 
어색하고 궁금해서 가만히 팬들이 어떻게하는지 지켜보았다.
객석에서 지켜본 팬들의 모습은… 내가 무대에있을때 계속 저런표정으로 쳐다보고있었던 건가,,? 반짝 반짝 빛나는 그 눈에 비친 내모습이, 과연 두눈에 차고 넘칠 만큼 예뻤을까,,? 9년이란 세월동안, 이런 눈으로 지켜본다는 걸 알고, 무대를 했었더라면, 나는 어땠을까..
그날, 핑크색 야광봉을 흔드는 여러분의 모습을 바로옆에서 지켜본 그날. 어떤 마음일까.. 어떤기분일까.. 어렴풋이나마 이해가 가기시작했어요..
아, 저무대위의 티파니가 내가 여기서 늘 변하지않고 이자리를 지킬거라는걸 알까..?
때로는, 열심히 응원하다가, 아픈날이 오더라도, 더 오랫동안 행복한 날을 함께할것이라는 걸 알기에, 놓을 수 없는 사이..
직접 말을 나누지않아도, 다 알수 있는 사이…
마음이 닿지않아도.. 뭐하고있을까.. 뭘하든 행복했으면좋겠다.. 생각하게되는 사이..
떄로는 내 열정에 따라와주지않아도, 난 여기서 기다려줘야지 다짐하게되는사이..
그런 일방적인 사랑을 해도, 가끔 들려주는 목소리에, 행복해지는 그런사이.
내가 여러분이라면, 내 가수의 목소리로, 나의마음을 들어보는게, 너무 행복할 것 같았어요. 그래서.. 쓰기시작했어요. 이가사의 의미가,  팬분들에 대한 소녀시대의 감사한 마음.. 일 수도 있지만, 여러분이 소녀시대를 9년동안 어떤마음으로 지켜왔는지.. 그마음을 써보려했어요. 우리도 알고있다고^^ 어떤마음으로, 어떻게 인내하고, 어떻게 아껴주고 사랑해줬는지, 우리가 다 알고있다는걸 ..그걸 알려주는 것만큼 좋은 선물도 없겠죠.
9년이라는 시간 사이에, 혹시나, 우리가 상처줬던 날들이 있었다면 부디 다 치유될만큼의 예쁜 선물이 되기를 바래요 . 오늘만큼은 그 치유된 마음으로 세상 가장 행복한 여러분이길 바래요^^
8월의 세상 가장 더운 여름날 (오늘진짜더웠어ㅜㅜ) , 수영이가.^ㅡ^
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sonexstella-blog · 8 years
SNSD (singing): Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Our SONE who we love! Happy birthday to you! SNSD: 1! 2! 3! Hello, we are SNSD! Sooyoung: It's SNSD's 9th anniversary, it's our 9th birthday! Yuri: Wowwww~ Already?! Sooyoung: Sunny, how does it feel? Sunny: Mmm... I can't believe it. Sooyoung: Okay! Sunny: How has it been this long? Sooyoung: We're only 9 years old now! If we're 9, it means we just started elementary school. Sunny: That's right. Really, memories with SONE are coming to me. Sooyoung: Hyoyeon, how does it feel? Hyoyeon: Uhhh... This time of 9 years... SONE is... best in universe... I think you're the best. SONE, I love you and thank you. SONE, you're mine. Sooyoung: Yoona, how does it feel? Yoona: Whenever I see sunbaenims, who are celebrating 9th or 10th anniversaries, I felt like "Wow~ That's amazing!" and now that time has passed for us too. It's really unbelievable. Taeyeon: Is this the truth or a lie?! Yoona: I'm happy because SONE is together with us. Taeyeon: And it gives us strength. For me, I recently met a lot of fans while doing fan signs. And there were fans who told me, "I've been a fan since I was in elementary school and I'm an adult now". That's when I felt, "Ah, a long time has passed for us too". Yes. It feels like we've grown up with all of you? Yes, so I'm very proud and the time we'll have going forward, I hope we can spend it happily. Seohyun: I really can't believe that it has been 9 years. Next year will be our 10th anniversary. Lots have happened, we received a lot of awards and there were many, many unforgettable memories created thanks to our fans so I'm so, so thankful and going forward, since it's only the 9th anniversary, let's be together until the 20th anniversary. How do you feel, unnie? Tiffany: Recently, when I was performing, it felt new. After always performing with members, when I would greet fans alone, it reminded me of the past and just now, when we were coming by car, we talked about, "Guys, what do you think of when you think of your 20s?". There were lots of enjoyable and happy things, and even things that we didn't even think of, and going forward, I hope we can do dynamic things together. I really, really want to congratulate the members. SONE, I love you! Taeyeon: We love you. Yuri: As expected, I also can't believe it's already our 9th anniversary. The fact that time that we've spent creating and collecting memories is already nearing 10 years is so, so fascinating. I hope we can mature and grow together and make many, many even more enjoyable memories. I hope you can anticipate even more from us now and I hope we can be together for a long time. You know, right? Sooyoung: While watching our Tiffany and Taeyeon's concerts, I almost cried several times. Yuri: You cried? I didn’t know you cried? Sooyoung: You didn't see, I cried. Fans were sitting right beside me. When I saw the fans, their tears were streaming down and I saw them cheering. I thought, "Even when we stand on stage, they must have cheered like that with all of their heart". The feeling of watching from the fans' perspective in the audience was so different, so for 9 years, fans who have been by our side no matter what - whether it rains or snows - if we go, they come with us, our fans who've been with us for every moment, whenever, wherever, thank you so much. Tiffany: I'm so touched. Sooyoung: Thank you so much, and like Yuri said, I hope you will anticipate a lot more from us. Please anticipate a lot from us going forward. SNSD: Right now, it's Girls' Generation. Going forward, it's Girls' Generation. Forever, it's Girls' Generation. Hyoyeon: As expected, SONE is... SNSD: THE BEST!!!
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sonexstella-blog · 8 years
I don’t think it can reach
Like words that I spit out to myself
I don’t think you can hear it
Even if I call out with sound
Like in a dream
If I close my two eyes
(I feel like I can draw it)
I feel I can catch it if I bring my two hands together
Only your appearance
Stay in me baby, now stay in me
So you can feel all of this heart
Stay in me baby, now stay in me
Someday, I hope you’ll be able to hear it
My prayer
I feel like it keeps circling me
Like the hands of a clock that keeps returning
If I block my two ears
(I feel like I can hear it)
I feel it will reach if I open my two arms
Only your appearance
Stay in me baby, now stay in me
So you can feel all of this heart
Stay in me baby, now stay in me
Someday, I hope you’ll be able to hear it
My prayer
Can’t it be delivered
My earnest prayer
Can you hear it?
Pray now baby, I pray now
I gather my two hands, filled with my heart, oh
Stay in me baby now, stay in me
You’ll know one day
My heart
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sonexstella-blog · 8 years
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[TRANS] Yoona Interview in High Cut, July 2016 - “Today’s Yoona”
Reason and sensibility. Seduction and innocence. Twenty-seven year old Yoona who freely swims between. 
When you shot the editorial for <HIGH CUT> last year, you were blonde. We remember the reaction being good back then, will we be able to see ‘blonde Yoona’ again?
I could’ve sustained the blonde hair for longer at that time but I didn’t want to do so. It’s uncomfortable for day-to-day life and it limits the clothes you can wear. It’s a style that’s only pretty when you’re completely put together so I lost confidence when I was bare faced? (Laughs) Ah, you have to keep touching up the roots too. Despite that, I think attempting blonde hair was definitely a good thing. Thank goodness we shot an editorial then.
We recently saw the news and <God of War, Zhao Yun> accumulated 10 billion views in China. It’s an incredible number, how do you feel?
It’s a number I didn’t even imagine. After the broadcast ended, I heard that a lot of people still watched. A figure of 10 billion views is something that I’ve experienced for the first time so initially, it didn’t even feel real. I think it’s truly huge.
After <God of War, Zhao Yun>, your recognition and influence in China has become significantly large. What do you think is the reason that Yoona is receiving a lot of love in China?
It’s what I want to ask. What they like about me. (Laugh) I’m not sure, but they already recognize me a lot through SNSD and because I appear in local dramas, I think they like me even more. I’ve also heard that they look favourably (prettily) upon me going on local variety programs and attempting hard to speak Chinese.
As far as we know, there aren’t any plans to air <God of War, Zhao Yun> domestically. As a result, there aren’t a lot of information about the piece, what kind of character did Yoona act in the drama?
I played two roles. The first role is Xiahou Qing, Zhao Zi Long (Lin Gengxin)’s first love. She’s a fictional character who did not exist. In the middle, Xiahou Qing ends up dying and I appear as a character called Ma Yu Rou, who looks exactly the same. Ma Yu Rou has an one-sided love for Zhao Zi Long, and in the end, she fulfills her love. Regardless, the two characters are both Zhao Zi Long’s partner.
You are holding a solo fan meeting tour ‘Blossom’, starting in Beijing on June 25 and then in Guangzhou (July 2), Chongqing (July 24) and Shanghai (July 30). Through the fan meetings, what side of Yoona are you planning to show?
The thing I’ve prepared the most is Chinese songs. I’ll be singing three or four songs and all of the lyrics are Chinese. It’s a bit difficult because of the pronunciation. It’s my first time doing a solo fan meeting so I’m thinking a lot about what I should do that would be good.
Have you memorized all of the Chinese lyrics?
Hmm… 80% of one or two songs? I’ve memorized 100% of the rest but I think I might forget them if I’m nervous. (Laughs)
As a domestic girl group member, we can view you as the most successful Hallyu star in China. What advice would you give to hoobae singers who are dreaming of being the 2nd Yoona?
It’s fascinating to me that I’ve become that person. (Laughs) I think in everything you do, you need to enjoy it. Should I say that it depends on how you think? If you enjoy your work, everything else follows.
Currently, you’re shooting <Cooperation>, your debut Korean movie. How is it to act with huge sunbaes like Hyunbin, Yoo Haejin, Kim Juhyuk and Jang Youngnam?
Regrettably, didn’t have any scenes with Kim Juhyuk sunbaenim. I mostly acted with Hyunbin, Yoo Haejin, and Jang Youngnam sunbaenims. It was my first time doing a movie, and it was new to meet the sunbaenims too. Honestly, I didn’t want my start in movies to be too big. Sunbaenim’s acting abilities are so good that they were able to fill where I was lacking, and I received energy from them.
In the film, you have the role of Minyoung. What kind of a person is Minyoung?
She is Yoo Haejin sunbaenim’s sister-in-law and Jang Youngnam sunbaenim’s younger sister, and a character who likes Hyunbin oppa.
If we’re discussing domestic dramas, you haven’t had any domestic activities for 2 years since <Prime Minister and I> which ended in 2014. When will we be able to see you in a new drama?
I think my thoughts are gradually changing now. If I was waiting for good pieces before, these days, I’m waiting for roles that I want to play. Roles that I can work hard at because I’m really excited.
Then do you have thirst toward acting?
Of course. It hasn’t been long since I’ve developed that thirst. Before that I could wait (for opportunities to act) but recently, my thirst toward acting has intensified. I’m not yet sure if it’s better to take a role whenever there is an opportunity and do a lot of roles for experience, or wait and pick roles that I want to do. I think good roles will come to me in the near future. (Laughs)
With regards to SNSD, people characterize the group as ‘one group, with image that goes beyond’. You’ve become a girl group that represents the nation, and as SNSD, you must have definite pride, but conversely, it must be overwhelming.
Truthfully, burdens and pressures have disappeared a lot compared to before. Now it feels like we’re spending time with fans and the public? Fans have watched SNSD’s growth process, right? So now, I think it has become a lot more comfortable.
If you weren’t a SNSD member, what kind of work would Yoona be doing now?
If I wasn’t SNSD? If there is an existence like SNSD, wouldn’t I be wanting to be a SNSD member? (Laughs)
Recently, SNSD member Tiffany came out with a solo. Does Yoona have any solo debut plans?
If there is an opportunity, I’d do it, but I don’t have a huge greed for a solo album. My desire to meet a really good piece is greater.
The popularity of girl groups these days is incredible. Is there a girl group that could follow in SNSD’s footsteps that you’re watching?
There are so many pretty and talented friends. How disappointed would they be if I named just one team? (Laughs)
Is SNSD affected by watching hoobaes?
If our activities overlap with a hoobae girl group’s, we say ‘We need to overflow with fighting (energy) like that’ and pump ourselves up again.
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