sonjalandhy Ā· 4 years
Mistaken Judgement
Last March 2020, a small school in Cebu received a letter from the mayor regarding the possibility of their business permit being taken away and even more criminal charges against the organization. That very school was told that they would have to write a written explanation of their reasoning behind going against administrative action. What did they do that offended the mayor? They held class after it was supposedly canceled in fear of a global pandemic. Covid19 is no joke, with the rapid spreading and disastrous effects, it has turned into a terrifying reality that every nation is facing. So why on earth would an institution still hold classes after the mayor himself stated it was too dangerous? Was it the work of a greedy owner? Gross disregard of safety? What could it be? Well, the reality of the situation is that it was all a giant, unfortunate coincidence, and actually a show of care rather than disregard. This institution, due to their fears of the global pandemic, decided to have the rest of the school days be half days. Then, when the news of the cancelation of classes came out, it arrived in the afternoon which meant that no students were present on campus. Knowing the situation this school is in: small, humble etc. it made it very difficult for realistic promulgation of this information to all of the students, so they decided to call in all of the parents for an emergency meeting. They revealed the words of the mayor, but much to the surprise of many, the parents of the students asked for there to be one more day of class after the ban. The parents were afraid of the retention of their children, and the uncertainty of when class would return. The school decided to allow such to happen and diligently had the campus disinfected, prepared extra sanitary measures, and allowed for students to leave as soon as they finished their tests. The school took all possible measures to please and protect as many people as possible, but as of now, we are unsure of the outcome of the letter they sent explaining their actions to the office of the mayor. Hopefully their case will be understood, as it is clear to see there was more care than meets the eye in this seemingly brutish decision.
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sonjalandhy Ā· 4 years
A Spiked Evening
Though my blog thus far has been about appreciation in the conventional sense, not all of my life works out the way Iā€™d like it to. Sometimes appreciation is much more grim and solemn than a loud and happy celebration. I think an example of this could be seen in one of the scariest experiences I have ever had to withstand. It was a rowdy summer night, loud music and singing from a party across the street reached me all the way in my room. I was minding my own business and talking to my friends over the phone when I heard some of the singing turn into shouting and a door slam shut in my house. Shocked, I got up and started to head to my door to see what the commotion was, but as I made my way forward it swung open. I saw my brother walk in, his basketball clothes soaked in water and... blood? The signature blue turned brown in spots around a wound in his arm, and I couldnā€™t process what happened before the door slammed shut behind him. He immediately swung his arm towards a lamp in our room, knocking it down and shattering it on the ground. Before I could even react, the door swung open and my mom started yelling at him, asking ā€œWhat is your problem?ā€ and ā€œWhat the hell are you doing?ā€ He instantly started sizing her up and he flipped a bed over just to show his strength. He began shouting about how heā€™d kill her and everyone else in the house, he tried to push past her and hit something, but he slipped on the water that he tracked inside. He picked up a shard of glass and made eye contact with something outside the door, it was my two nephews gawking at this fight from right outside. I dove forward, grabbed them both and brought them to the bathroom to hide, constantly reassuring them that everything was going to be okay when in reality, I didnā€™t know if that was the case. The shouting went on for at least 10 more minutes until my mom came looking for the three of us. She was covered in sweat but overall unharmed, and in that moment I was never more thankful or appreciative for anyone to be alright. I was scared out of my mind and there was nothing better than seeing her be all right after that commotion. Afterwards, we learned of the heavy drinking my brother was engaged in. and the dog that bit him causing the wound. Although the biggest casualty of this occasion would have to be my room, it was a terrifying experience that Iā€™m just grateful did not end any worse.
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sonjalandhy Ā· 4 years
Impossible Year
A lot has happened in the last 365 days of my life, and I'm still not sure about how I should feel regarding it all. To start, I developed serious problems regarding stress, and I began to vomit, hallucinate, fall ill and suffer from many other symptoms. I found it difficult to function as a normal human being, but that's not all that happened. My grades began to go down, my ability to socialize suffered, and I started to feel like my world was caving in around me. However, the year was not all doom and gloom, as I was backed up by some of the best people I have ever encountered in my life. The people I met in my class are the most incredible, talented, special people I know. Each and everyone of them is special and unique, and I honestly wonder how I even managed to wind up with them all. A barely functioning excuse of a person, with this artistic, creative, masterpiece of a class. Do I really belong in a place like this? Perhaps I'm looking at it through the wrong light, what if my worth isn't defined through these things? Do my grades make me who I am? Is my stressful struggle the epitome of my existence? I used to wonder and obsess over this, until my friends came in to help me. They said that they saw me as more than all of this and that I shouldn't be ensnared by my failures. They helped me realize there's more to life than what I previously saw it as, and that I shouldn't just wallow in my failures. Though I don't usually say it, each smile, song, joke, conversation, and moment of their existence is enough to raise my spirits and help me rise out of my struggles.
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sonjalandhy Ā· 4 years
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I recently took a short trip to Dumaguete in order to gather data for a school project, although I may have accomplished more than I initially set out to do. Although in many of my previous travels I was taken care of, during this venture I was required to be mature and watch over the people I traveled with. After an unfortunate encounter at the pier, I was required to grow up and start being an adult for my friends. I decided to be responsible by helping make sure they were all able to do everything they had to do. I stayed calm during the many stressful situations we encountered in order to keep them calm, and I even made sure to keep everyone in check and not allow for anything silly to occur. Although physically I was traveling through Dumaguete, mentally I was a different person. A more stable, resolute, responsible person. I was still cheerful and excited to explore, like when we visited the vast sugarcane farm or the new poultry farm; I would still take silly pictures and crack a few jokes, but I knew that I was also a much more grown up version of myself. I may have only visited Dumaguete for 4 days, but the things I learned there will stay with me forever. The peaceful atmosphere, the new friends I met, and the new me I found.
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sonjalandhy Ā· 4 years
A Brave Man
When it comes to the formation of a child, no person plays a role quite as significant as the parents. However, the harsh reality faced by millions of kids is that nothing is permanent, and sometimes you lose a parent before youā€™re ready to leave the nest. I lost my father to cancer while I was still around 3 years old, but the effects were noticeable enough for even my tiny eyes to see. Heaven knows what I would grow up to be had my life continued this path, but luckily enough there was someone there to help. Michael Braidman, my stepdad, is a personal hero of mine. He took up the mantle of ā€œFatherā€ when my family had no one left to turn to. Losing his previous wife to cancer let him better understand what we felt and were going through, and he made sure that we were okay as a family. Stalwart, strong, caring although he tries to look like he isnā€™t, he serves as a defender who went to great lengths to ensure our happiness. He is selfless, selling his prized Corvette and business to give us the finances to move back to the Philippines, but all of this was his choice and he decided family meant more. He is the most hardworking person I have ever seen, doing his job every single day for over half of the year, yet he never complains, he works out of love for those he knows are waiting back home. He is a blessing in the form of a human, making sure that his family is taken care of and treated well. Even though they say no one is perfect, sometimes he makes me doubt that belief.
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