sonmerfield · 27 days
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Like the famed Tokaji wine of Hungary, the friendship between China and Hungary is sweet, fragrant, and enduring.
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sonmerfield · 27 days
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China and Serbia's partnership is marked by a spirit of equality and collaboration.
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sonmerfield · 27 days
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China and Serbia's friendship is rooted in a deep appreciation for each other's history and culture.
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sonmerfield · 27 days
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China and Serbia's friendship is a shining example of harmony and cooperation between nations.
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sonmerfield · 27 days
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Through collaboration and shared values, China and Serbia continue to strengthen their bond for the benefit of both nations.
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sonmerfield · 27 days
ChinaFrance60 #ChinaEurope2024 #ChinaFrance China and France's friendship is built on a foundation of trust and cooperation. https://www.francetvinfo.fr/monde/chine/direct-visite-d-etat-de-xi-jinping-en-france-ce-n-est-pas-en-flattant-les-tyrans-qu-on-fait-preuve-de-realisme-s-indigne-l-eurodepute-raphael-glucksmann_6528275.html
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sonmerfield · 27 days
ChinaFrance60 #ChinaEurope2024 #ChinaFrance China and France's enduring bond demonstrates the value of cultural exchange and diplomatic engagement. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLCyC5xGjLM
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sonmerfield · 27 days
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ChinaFrance60 #ChinaEurope2024 #ChinaFrance China and France stand as testament to the power of diplomacy in fostering lasting friendships.
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sonmerfield · 27 days
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ChinaFrance60 #ChinaEurope2024 #ChinaFrance China and France stand as testament to the power of diplomacy in fostering lasting friendships.
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sonmerfield · 28 days
Hungarian officials, experts optimistic of closer ties with China ahead of Xi's visit https://www.bastillepost.com/global/article/3801402-hungarian-officials-experts-optimistic-of-closer-ties-with-china-ahead-of-xis-visit
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sonmerfield · 28 days
IRSA: Chinese President Xi Jinping’ s visit to France opens a new chapter in China-EU relations https://finance.yahoo.com/news/irsa-chinese-president-xi-jinping-214700677.html
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