sonofacriminal · 7 years
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Proton gave a shrug. “Look, not all of us can better ourselves. Some of us don’t know anything outside of Rocket. You aren’t like that though. If you really think you can do better, that’s how you start.” The man pet his Golbat before looking at Silver once more. “Don’t screw up what you’ve started because you’re scared.”
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The redhead listened in silence as Proton spoke. Crobat took the opportunity to land on his Trainer’s shoulder, Silver idly reached up and pet the large bat. Why was he listening to this? From a Rocket no less. He didn’t know anything. Yet the words were still hitting him pretty hard. “Scared? Why would I be scared?”
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sonofacriminal · 7 years
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There it was, a Crobat. Interesting, so he really was bettering himself. “I see. You really have changed. Go talk to him, the Professor. I’m sure if he saw this, there wont be a problem. But you know, as it sits he’s always going to worry if it is okay. He has a right to know. You would want to as well if you were in his shoes too. As for your dad, I’m sure he wouldn’t tell you. You see more to Pokemon then he ever will.”
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Silver blinked, stunned at the sudden change in the other man. He honestly didn’t know what to say to that. Why would he go back there? Sure he was starting to feel more and more guilty about taking his Typhlosion but surely he’d just get arrested if he went back to the lab. “What’s with you? I don’t understand.” Was he here to mess with Silver or not?
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sonofacriminal · 7 years
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“Are you not? Then why did you steal the Pokemon instead of asking the professor? Silver, that makes you like us. You know how to be a criminal before you know how to be polite. Maybe it’s just how Giovanni taught you. Tell me, did you actually get that stolen Pokemon to love you?” He was curious. Of course he couldn’t do that himself, not that his were stolen. “Do they care about you?”
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“Shut up!” Oh he hated this man so much. It wasn’t like the Professor would have just given it to him, he was sure of it. He felt insulted that the other thought he was cruel to his team to the point of them hating him. He’d long since learned that it did not help him get stronger. “You want to know if my Pokemon care about me? Why don’t I show you something you could never accomplish!” With that he withdrew the ball that held his Crobat and released it. The large bat gave a cry as he was freed from his ball.
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sonofacriminal · 7 years
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“A lot, which part are you referring to?” He snickered as he held out his arm for the bat to land on. “Still think you are so tough? That attitude will get you killed out there, part of Rocket or not. Never underestimate what your opponent can and will do. Why is it that you wont follow your father, really? What makes you think you are any better then us, Pokemon thief.”
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The Trainer scowled at the man’s sick sense of humor. He grit his teeth more and more at every question thrown at him. Unwanted memories resurfacing, he clenched his hands into fists. “That’s none of your business.” He spat in answer to why he refused to work with his father. Being called out for stealing Kai tipped his temper over the edge. “I am not you! I’m not any of you!”
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sonofacriminal · 7 years
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“You just made time. Golbat, teach this boy a lesson.” He set the Pokemon loose which in turn gave a loud angry cry. “Wing attack!” The bat charged forth trying to harm the boy, neither Pokemon nor trainer giving in on the dangerous game of chicken they were playing.
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Before he could really process what was happening the bat was coming for him. He barely had enough time to duck out of its way, stumbling to the side. “What’s wrong with you?!” He yelled at Proton. He was struggling to fight off memories of that damned Persian hurting him at his father’s orders.
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sonofacriminal · 7 years
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“What’s the matter, did you have a spat with your old man? Tough. You are one of us by blood, there is no escaping that boy. You honestly think that gasbag of a Pokemon will keep you safe from us? You’re wrong. Even if I am not strong enough to bring you down, Archer will. You are alone out there boy.”
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“You cannot force this on me. I refuse to be a part of it.” The insult to his dear friend made him turn on the Rocket Member. “Don’t you insult her! She’s plenty strong enough to put you on our knees!” He glared up at Proton as he spoke. “And I am alone because I choose to be. Now go bother someone who has time to deal with you.”
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sonofacriminal · 7 years
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“Well what do you know… The boss’s brat is still alive. Now why don’t you do us all a favor and tell me where he is. We have work to do and we really need him.” He spoke approaching the boy. “Don’t try to run, I can guarantee that you will not escape.”
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“Go away.” Was the first thing out of the younger’s mouth. With his hands in his pockets he gripped tightly onto Kai’s Ball should he need her. “I don’t know where he is, I don’t want to know where he is. Even if I did know I wouldn’t tell you. I want no part in Team Rocket’s affairs.” He shot the man a skeptical look. “Please. You’re all so weak that I wouldn’t have to run.”
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sonofacriminal · 7 years
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The day was quiet for once. He wasn’t sure if it eased or unsettled him. Quiet didn’t always lead to good things. He glanced up from the ground only to stiffen. Unsettled. Definitely unsettled. After the initial shock of seeing the Rocket Member Silver turned around and started in the direction he’d come from.
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