sonofcernmagic · 4 years
I know this isn't what this blog is for but this is... Important.
So now there's militarized federal agents pulling protestors off the streets into unmarked vans...
Even if these federal agents miraculously never come to abuse this contrary to what our history tells us, what if some alt right paramilitary folk gear up like this and start claiming to be gov and black bag people into their own vans themselves?
This is what fascism looks like.
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sonofcernmagic · 4 years
Headache Relief Tea
if you are like me you may experience migraines at weird hours of the night😕
I found a tea recipe that may help!
- tsp. lavender
- tsp. chamomile
- tsp. peppermint
- tsp. rosemary
- a pinch of cinnamon
a]. boil water .
b]. place all ingredients into a tea ball or in a strainer.
c]. let it sit for 10-15 minutes before you drink it.
enjoy while you take a warm bath to help soothe your entire body.
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sonofcernmagic · 4 years
Why Your Spells Don’t Work
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You set your intention. You had all the correct correspondences. You even timed your spell with the appropriate moon phase. And yet – no results. What gives? 
Failed spells happen to the best of us, and for a variety of reasons. But a spell gone wrong doesn’t necessarily mean that magic isn’t real or that you’re bad at witchcraft. Magic is complicated, and there are a lot of reasons it might not behave the way you want it to. Here are some of the most common causes of ineffective spells: 
1. Lack of real-world follow through
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Magic is meant to be used as a tool to supplement your mundane efforts – not as a substitute for them. How can you expect your job hunting spell to bring in results if you aren’t applying for jobs? 
Magic does not exist in a vacuum, and it can’t make something out of nothing. If a spell doesn’t bring you the desired result, make sure that your non-magical actions are aligned with what you are trying to manifest. 
2. What you’re trying to manifest isn’t a realistic possibility
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Wait, what? Isn’t magic supposed to be, well… magic? Shouldn’t you be able to ask for whatever you want and get it? Yes and no.
Magic is simply a way of directing energy. Magic can’t defy the natural laws of the universe. It can’t make something happen unless it was already a potential possibility.
If your intention is unrealistic for where you are right now, try splitting it up into a multi-step process. No spell is going to make you a billionaire overnight, but magic could help you get hired at a better paying job… and then get promoted… and then get offered a profitable side gig… etc. Starting small and working your way up is always going to produce stronger results, because you laid the foundation first.
3. Your intention was either too vague or too specific 
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Whether you use written petitions or spoken incantations, clearly stating your intention is an important part (maybe THE most important part) of any spell or ritual. A good intention is specific enough to get you the results you want, but open enough to let those results manifest naturally.
Let’s say you do a money spell, and your intention for the spell is simply, “I have more money.” If you find a penny on the ground the next day and pick it up, technically that is more money than you had before. A better alternative would be to use an intention like, “I have enough money to buy ___,” or “I have enough money for everything I need and want.”
Using an intention that is too specific creates the opposite problem. Let’s say you want to manifest a scholarship to a specific school. You do a candle spell with the intention, “I have been chosen for the John Smith Scholarship at Jane Doe University.” But maybe the John Smith scholarship had already been awarded by the time you did your spell. Maybe there’s another scholarship at the same school that would be a better fit for you, or maybe you’re eligible for a grant that would make tuition more affordable. A better intention for your spell would be “I have enough financial aid to easily and affordably attend Jane Doe University.”
Magic always follows the path of least resistance, so you want to make sure that your intention is specific enough to give your magic a clear direction, but open enough to allow it some flexibility. 
4. Lack of focus/concentration
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We all know the struggle. You’ve been planning this ritual forever, and it’s finally the full moon, but you’ve got a really full schedule today. If you hurry, you can probably squeeze it into the thirty minute window between school and work, right? 
If you say a few quick words and burn some incense before you head out the door in the morning, that totally counts as a spell, right? 
Not so much. Rushed, lazy, and/or half-assed spells rarely, if ever, work. Spells revolve around the raising and direction of energy, and that requires two things: a clear intention (see above) and intense focus on that intention. If you don’t have the time/energy/mental capacity to focus, it’s best to take a break, have a self care day, and come back to your spell some other time. 
5. You’re subconsciously blocking your own results OR you did a spell for someone else who isn’t open to it
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I decided to lump these two together, because they’re different variations of the same issue. 
Whenever you are doing magic on yourself, it’s important that your mindset is aligned with your intentions. You can do love spells all day long, but if deep down you don’t believe that you’re worthy of love, that belief is going to block your spells from working. This is why mindfulness, psychology, and self care are all such important parts of a successful witchcraft practice. It’s also why I recommend doing the mental work before you sit down to ritual. 
If you did a spell on yourself, or are trying to manifest something for yourself, and it just isn’t working, I highly recommend setting some time aside for journaling and meditation and asking yourself 1.) if this is really what you want, and 2.) if you truly believe that you can have it.
The whole mindset thing gets even more tricky when you’re doing magic on behalf of another person, because their energy is also at work in the situation and could be at odds with yours. For example, if you do a spell to help a friend land a job, but that friend believes that they’re totally underqualified and could never get it, they probably won’t get the job even if you did everything “right” in your spell. 
This should go without saying, but it is extremely unethical to use magic to mess around in someone else’s head. Even if you think you know what’s best for them, they need to be open to it. If someone is blocking the spells you do on their behalf, all you can do is try to be supportive and find other ways to help them out.
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Other (Rare) Reasons for Failed Spells
If a spell goes wrong, it will almost always be for one of the above reasons. But maybe you did everything “right” – you did the mental work first, had a strong, realistic intention, put lots of focus into your spell, and followed through in real life – and you still aren’t seeing results. There are a couple of other things that could be blocking your spells, but they’re very uncommon so I’m not going to talk about them in as much detail. These may be things you want to look into if you really, genuinely can’t think of any other cause. 
It’s possible that another witch has done magic that cancels out or blocks yours. This is not common, and it does NOT mean that someone has cursed you. It could be as simple as two witches unknowingly casting spells with opposite intentions, which end up cancelling each other out. (For example, maybe two different people both cast a spell to get the same job. Obviously, they can’t both get that job.) This is why it’s never a bad idea to incorporate a protective element into your spells to block outside interference.
There is a very, very remote possibility that someone has placed a curse on you specifically to block your magic. However – and I cannot stress this enough – this is VERY uncommon. If you were cursed you would know it, or at least know that something was very wrong in your life. If you feel like you have been cursed or hexed, I recommend looking into uncrossing spells, which are specifically designed to undo negative magic.
It’s also possible that a higher power is intervening. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a deity, although it certainly could be. Most witches believe in some form of fate or destiny, and it’s possible that your spell didn’t work because what you asked for is not in alignment with your destiny. In these situations, really the only thing you can do is surrender to the bigger picture. 
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sonofcernmagic · 4 years
Some New Tarot Spreads for Uncertain Times
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This first one I called “A Path Forward” and it kinda weighs three options for moving forward in an uncertain situation.
Card 1: Represents you. You could choose an indicator, if that’s your sorta thing, but I’m a glutton for punishment and like to let the deck tell me exactly what sort of disaster I’m being at any given point in time.
Card 2: What Crosses You. Basically a big influence causing the period of indecision, stagnation, and tension.
Card 3: Represents the Path You’re Currently On. Meaning, based upon the patterns you’re following and the energy at hand, this is the way things are headed.
Card 4: Road Block! This is what’s keeping you from moving forward on the path you’re currently on.
Card 5: Alternate Route #1. This can be an option you’ve already considered or a suggestion someone (heck maybe the cards suggest it) gave you.
Card 6: Road Block for Alternate Route #1. Self explanatory.
Card 7: Alternate Route #2. Just like the first alternate route, this is just another possible path to take.
Card 8: You guessed it, this is a Road Block to Alternate Route #2. But don’t worry, there are still three more cards left in this reading.
Card 9: Overcoming the road block for the path you’re on. This should be a practical action to take towards pushing through and continuing on your way.
Card 10: A means of overcoming the road block for Alternate Route #1. Again. Practical action to take. A means of clearing your options.
Card 11: A means of overcoming the road block for Alternate Route #2.
This spread is meant less to be an outcome thing, and more of a means of examining some options when it feels like you’re spinning your wheels.
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The second spread I’ve (for now) called the “Key to Your Purpose” spread and is meant for those existential “What do I wanna do with my life?” sort of times.
Card 1: Again, this will represent you. Just like the last spread, you can pick an indicator, or let the cards call it like it is.
Card 2: What Crosses You. The big influence/situation that’s got you feeling this way.
Card 3: The Path You’re On. What you’re currently doing!
Card 4: The Thing You were Meant to Do. What it is you’re being called to do. It could align well with Card 3. It might not.
Card 5: The Turning Point. The means of moving from the path you’re on, to the path you’re meant to be on. Like turning a key that unlocks a door.
Cards 6-8 are practical actions to take in order to achieve this. Card 5 gives you the big picture, but 6-8 are meant to be the little steps to take.
Card 9: Your Purpose. Sort of an outcome card. This card should (hopefully) grant some closure. A goal to work towards. A purpose for life that is achievable through the advice given in the earlier cards.
Hope these are helpful to someone!
Forest Blessings, /|\ Rachel
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sonofcernmagic · 5 years
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Sirona’s Grace
In the middle of the night it occurred to me that as Atriarch of the Order of Sirona of the Reformed Druids of North America, I ought to do something. So I conducted a healing ritual invoking Sirona and wrote a free-verse poem:
Sirona’s Grace
O Sirona, goddess of the waters, countess of stars, countless, by thy power of healing, with your restorative springs, welling up and pouring forth, flowing from deep within the Earth-Mother, lend to us your solace.
May you uplift the weary, reconstitute the unsteady, comfort the downtrodden, aid the afflicted, mend the injured, soothe the ill at ease, and assuage the stricken.
May we partake of thy healing Waters, blessed by the starlight above, as it sparkles upon the rippling surface. Lead us to the pools of rebirth, so that we too can cast off our woes, like the lithe serpent on your arm, who had cast off his skin.
Flood our spirits with your mercy, immerse our souls in your grace, cascade over our worries with your compassion, and overflow our cups with your tranquility. May we be ever grateful for the blessings, whether adrift or in the rush of the rivers of life, that we had partaken at all… of the Elixir of Sirona.
— John the Verbose, 03/17/2020
I am not a doctor
Drink plenty of fluids
Get plenty of sleep
Listen to physicians; they’ve dedicated their lives to healing
Don’t rely on magic alone to protect you
Vaccinate your kids (in general)
Trust the hard sciences
Find some comfort in your spirituality
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sonofcernmagic · 5 years
Hi there! Um I was wondering if you have any advice on how to handle when you do a tarot reading and something really really bad happens. My friend asked me to do a reading for her about a month ago and she got the Tower. About a week later her brother got pneumonia was put in a coma. She joked it was the cards but then last night he actually passed away. I know it wasn’t due to anything that I or the cards did but I still feel awful and I’m not sure what to say or do.
Yikes, that’s tough. I’m sorry this happened to you and your friend. In this, I think tarot can be dangerous, and I think this will really affect your friend in that she may have very conflicting feelings about tarot. 
I’ve known people in which this has happened to, they’ve read tarot and bad things have happened, and it’s just incredibly inconvenient. 
Tarot doesn’t cause bad things to happen, it just shows us the possibility of a future, a future that can be altered. 
Your friend maybe…a bit different towards you, and you can’t blame her. 
If anything, I would ask what you can do for her. Don’t even bring up tarot unless she asks about it. Just offer your support as her friend! 
anyone else have any suggestions? 
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sonofcernmagic · 5 years
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OMGs, Halloween 2020 is gonna be a Full Moon!
And a Blue Moon!
October 1, 2020 and Saturday October 31 2020 are both Full Moon dates, making Halloween a “Blue Moon.” Blue Moons (two full moons that happen twice in the same month) occur on average every 2-3 years which is the vague time frame of the adage “once in a Blue Moon.”
👻 Oh my Gods, start getting ready now! Reblog to make this Samhain a good one! Photo Metadata: Nikon D3100, Manual mode, focal length 510 mm*, exp. 1/1250, f/5.6, ISO 200, photo by John the Verbose. *510 mm is adjusted focal length with a teleconverter attachment
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sonofcernmagic · 5 years
Yule Craft Ideas
Yule Goat
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Witchy Ball
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Magical Gingerbread Poppets
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Handmade Yule Ornaments: Dried Oranges
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Pine Cone and Felt Gnome Yule Ornament
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Toadstool Ornaments
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Cashmere and Herb Heart
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Winter Nights Incense
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Yule Simmering Potpourri
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Winter Solstice Oil
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sonofcernmagic · 5 years
Would anyone care to pay for cheap casual rune (maybe also tarot) readings for fun?
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I'm thinking at most the price of a cheap coffee. And nothing serious either, just some basic rune / card readings over the dm's here for $1-$5 for those casually interested followed by a bit of a chat about it if you want.
I just figured it might be a good way for me to get some extra change while also giving me a bit more motivation to delve into my practice more, but I doubt very many would be interested in that. But if you are just drop a comment or reblog and I'll think about maybe getting it set up in the next week or so.
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sonofcernmagic · 5 years
brigid’s candle bravely burns
while the winter’s gales rage through;
as the earth around us turns,
may we kindle growth anew.
goddess, teach us to burn bright
sure as morning sun will rise
bid us stand for what is right
seeing our kinfolk through new eyes.
forge fierce hope from single spark
show me where to take my stand
as i stumble through the dark
tend my wounds– and guide my hand.
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sonofcernmagic · 5 years
“Overstayed Your Welcome”
A Banishing Spell
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You may have felt neutral or even happy at first with your guest, but now they have overstayed their welcome. If you have someone who is invading your home/boundaries this spell can be used to repel or banish them from your space.
*this is also a low spoon spell
*this is a low cost spell
*this spell doesn’t require fire
Disclaimer: because of the nature of living in the dorm, I cannot use candles or inscence. If you wish to burn a candle you can use a black one for banishing- or if you want an alternative for a candle for your dorm room, use a wax melter and pick out wax cubes that are black.
You will need:
Ash (Optional; alternative can be fine salt.— to represent a deteriorating relationship, burnt, exhausted.) Cigarette/tobacco ash, incense ash, or black salt can be used. This component will be discarded- discard properly. You will blow this out a window or take it outside to finish the spell.)
Salt (banishing, distaste, representing a sourness or bitterness that has been left on your tongue.)
Water (Full moon and dark/new moon water is the best for banishing. New moon water will have more of an affect for scaring someone away. Full moon water will put forth a stronger protective boundary. If you do not have moon water, that is fine.)
What to do:
On your alter, desk, or table have your ash (or fine salt substitute), a cup of water, and salt set out.
Mix your salt into the water while you think of why you want this person to go away and leave your space. What have they done? How has it affected you? The salt absorbs your intent and dissolves into the water. Take a deep breath and as you breathe out, release the discomfort, pain, or fear they have caused into the cup.
With a hand over the ash/salt substitute, speak these words:
“The time we’ve had has been fun
But now it’s time that you’re gone
I’m sorry to say, my dear,
But you are not welcome here.”
Take the ash/salt substitute in your palm and bring it to an open window or outside of your room- take a deep breath and blow it off of your palm. Watch the substance puff away then wash your hands- this person is no longer your problem to deal with.
Now take the cup of saltwater, dip your fingers in the cup and smear the water on your doorway and threshold. This becomes a shield or barrier to block them entering.
Dump access saltwater down the sink, wash your hands of the tinged saltwater, and be done with the business.
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sonofcernmagic · 5 years
Kitchen Witchery
Kitchen herbs and what they are used for.
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sonofcernmagic · 5 years
Grimoire Prompts
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Here’s a few ideas if you’re stuck on what you want to do!
Pendulum board
Crystal grid
Your favourite song, turned into a spell
Pressed flowers
Photographs of nature
Your handprint, with all the things that make you ‘you’ written inside
Pouch to hold incense 
Black mirror page (Using some reflective black material)
Create your own alphabet
A letter to yourself in the future or in the past
Create an altar in your grimoire
Smells of witchcraft you love
Magical moments in your life
Dream diary
Drawings of places you have seen in meditation/ astral travel
Photos of your pets
List of reasons why you are glad to be a witch
Write a letter to a deity, or if you don’t believe in deity, to an ancestor 
Colour palette tabs found from paint shops
A pie chart of significant things in your practise
Unorthodox correspondences; (examples: Socks for protection and comfort, Blue tack for creativity, doritos for enjoyment)
What would your followers leave as offerings for you if you were a deity?
Make a tarot card out of old newspaper pictures 
Write a spell using the most ridiculous objects you can think off
Create a mythical creature that would be your familiar
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sonofcernmagic · 5 years
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Hello everyone. I hope you’re all having a nice October this year, and preparing to enjoy Samhain if you celebrate it. Today, I’d like to talk a bit about verbal magick and incantations. Many of the charms and spells I post on this blog involve such techniques, and I figured it would be interesting to explore them a bit in-depth, as well as pointing out what I’ve particularly found to be helpful about various sorts of verbal magick in my own workings and spells. The information and ideas I’ll be presenting are largely my own, though, so your mileage may vary, but hopefully you’ll find this interesting and informative.
What is an incantation?
The word “incantation” stems from the very-Latin word “Incantatio,” which meant simply a spoken spell, chant, or other audible technique of bewitchment. The word has since been used differently in many different contexts up to the present day, but here, I’m merely using the term to refer to any verbal mechanism for the exercise of magical force. The use of spoken words in magic probably dates back to the origins of human language, and most classical grimoires and many earlier texts will recommend specific utterances be used for a given magical purpose. Agrippa writes, in his Three Books of Occult Philosophy,
“They say that the power of enchantments and verses is, so great, that it is believed they are able to subvert almost all Nature. Apuleius saith that with a magical whispering, swift rivers are turned back, the slow sea is bound, the winds are breathed out with one accord, the Sun is stopped, the Moon is clarified, the Stars are pulled out, the day is kept back, the night is prolonged…” - Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, “Of the Wonderful Power of Enchantments,” The Philosophy of Natural Magic
Some grimoires, spellbooks, and other texts go into detail regarding the origins of the words themselves, but some do not, leaving us to piece together why the ancients saw certain words as powerful, or if they did at all,. One has to wonder whether they believed the words to be inherently imbued with force, or merely vehicles for the Will of a particular witch or magician.
I, of course, am of the opinion that it is a function of the two working in conjunction. The word or words used do have inherent power insofar as all things touched by the spark of human consciousness and gifted with meaning do, but it is the intention of the witch or magician that makes harnessing this power a possibility. The word acts upon the witch or magician’s psyche, penetrating it to that ill-defined level, beyond doubt and self-castigation, where magick is a possibility, and from there is loosed upon the collective unconscious of which all beings partake.
I would argue that most traditions that feature words of power use them mostly as shortcuts to both focus the intent of the witch, and bypass the self-censoring faculty of the mind that commonly interferes with our intentions manifesting in normal settings. The words really operate like shortcuts designed to throw us into a liminal state while also solidifying our intent and radiating it through the universe. This description is, of course, a metaphor for something not well understood, just as talk of “energies” and “vibrations” are metaphors. Not everyone will agree with this particular theory regarding verbal magick, and many others exist, but mine informs my approach to the subject, so I felt it necessary to explain it a bit.
Forms of Incantations
While all incantations serve a similar purpose at base, there’s quite an extreme variety in the execution of the concept. In my practice, the incantations I create and use tend to fall into one of the following loose categories, though some employ the elements of several at once.
Short Rhymes and Verses
This is the most common form of incantation that one sees in popular magical literature these days, and usually involves a small rhyming couplet designed to easily sink into your memory for quick recall during spellcraft. In the image below, you can see an example of such an incantation, in this case, for a truth-seeking spell.
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The language in this one, as in many, is meant to be poetic, and even mildly archaic, and while it would probably not win any awards for great verse, it gets the point across. The rhyme aspect, as noted, helps the witch to remember it. It also, though, helps to induce liminality by calling to mind situations where the unexpected or otherworldly can easily occur (such as in poems, plays, and other works of fiction). The latter, though definitely just a matter of aesthetics, can be highly effective at bypassing the everyday faculties of the mind to reach, as I’ve said, a liminal state where anything seems possible.
Long Rhymes and Verses
Long, intricate rhymes, verses, or statements (used as incantation in spellcraft) do not seem terribly popular these days. I rarely use them, myself, though, and gravitate towards sources without them, so perhaps they’re used more widely than my reading lets on. The last time I used an incantation in magick that was longer than a few lines would probably have been during my work with my local Temple of the Ordo Templi Orientis back in Ohio before I moved, and that was during a series of elemental weapon consecration rituals. 
Really more ceremonial, rather than what is commonly called witchcraft. Indeed, the longer incantations seem most popular amongst ceremonialists of various sorts, rather than witches. Still, many witches have a bit of ceremonialism in them, and do use long poems or other writings as incantations. A good, mid-length example of this can be found in Valerie Worth’s The Crone’s Book of Magical Words, which is entirely comprised of poems detailing various spells, as well as incantations to go with them. Worth recommends reciting the following incantation over some candles and a red cloth as part of a love spell:
“Fire, spirit of the Sun, Wax, thou melting flesh of Earth, Prove this work that I have done, Bring me love, and beggar death: Let me be myself consumed Not by darkness but by light Warmth, not cold, until I spend My final flame against the night”
This is not terribly long, but much longer than what I usually work with personally. For me, long incantations can be difficult to memorize, and nothing trips up my focus during spellcraft more than having to read aloud from a paper or book. Still, some people do thrive using this kind of incantation. 
If you’ve a good memory, or you find reading aloud doesn’t feel too awkward, you might find a lengthy incantation helpful. For some witches, reading aloud from a book or memorizing and reciting something very long actually helps to induce a magical state, possibly because many of us are accustomed to the idea that magick involves such lengthy incantations. 
Furthermore, a long incantation, rhyming or not, allows a witch to fully express their intent, and also leaves room for more nuance and specificity. Also, speaking from my own paradigm and perspective having worked with Goetics and other similar creatures, some spirits respond quite well to longer or more detailed incantations, perhaps out of habit (who knows?), but still, I rarely use such things in my current work. 
Verbal Sigils
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I made the above image to express the concept of verbal sigils. They are essentially the sigilization techniques commonly practiced applied to verbal expression. Rather than creating a symbol expressing intent, a word or series of sounds are used instead. This method is good for spells that one performs over and over, or which must be cast quickly in a specific situation. 
Preparatory work is required, more so than simply stating your intent, because, just like a normal sigil, a verbal sigil must go through the process of being created and charged before it can be cast. Just like normal visual sigils, verbal sigils easily bypass the parts of the mind that inhibit magical exercises, particularly if one practices this technique often. 
Another thing: when creating a verbal sigil, you needn’t be limited to the above method. Many people have preexisting connotations for various sounds when they’re annunciated, thus you can create seemingly nonsensical words that actually evoke strong emotions in you, solidify your intent, and put you in a magical mindset from just stringing together syllables that you associate with your desire. In The Goodly Spellbook, Dixie Deerman writes about how certain sounds made by us humans can actually be mapped onto existing correspondence systems such as the elements or the seven celestial spheres. It’s worth looking into, I’d say.
Foreign Words and Phrases
I want to, here, address the potential for using incantations in a language that is foreign to the witch. Many witches do this, cribbing Latin or Enochian incantations from old grimoires, and some will even just translate their intent into Latin (or any other language they have some, but not much, familiarity with), using that as an incantation. I don’t regularly do any of this, but it can be effective for several reasons. Since the language is not that of the witch’s everyday life, nor, usually, one that he or she thinks in, it can help to invoke the magical mindset and bypass the so-called psychic censor. 
I don’t consider myself one to work with popular culture often, but in The Dresden Files, the titular wizard, Harry Dresden, speaks in a weird sort of self-constructed Latin-inspired language when casting spells, and the point is made that the foreignness of the words helps in the process. For some witches, this portrayal may be slightly close to the truth. I wouldn’t recommend trying it with a language you’ve no familiarity with, though - ideally, you want to use a language you know slightly, but which you’re not fluent in.
This technique is not without pitfalls, though. One reason I rarely use it (despite having passing familiarity with a couple other languages) is that I am a perfectionist when it comes to pronunciation, and if I feel that I’m pronouncing something even slightly wrong, it makes me feel self-conscious and breaks my focus. Similarly, I am not a fan of just reading a pre-written incantation in a foreign language from a book, especially if the book itself doesn’t provide a proper translation. 
Call me silly, but without a vague idea of what’s being said or what it means, how can the words act as a vehicle for your intent in a magical context? Furthermore, and while this may sound superstitious, just because you don’t know what the words mean doesn’t mean other entities don’t, and you wouldn’t want to say something you don’t intend, would you? Still, as I’ve said, foreign words and phrases can be useful in magick, if put in a proper context.
The Content of the Incantation
Well, here, I’ve written a lot about different styles of incantation, but now, it’s time to discuss the actual content of the incantation and the meaning the words convey, whether they’re in a foreign language, thrown into a verbal sigil, stated plainly or arranged into poetry. For me, there are several basic ways of expressing intent in an incantation, and I’m going to talk about each in turn, their benefits and drawbacks
Trigger Words
Sometimes, an incantation needn’t directly express a desire. Instead, it might work by invoking certain emotions and sentiments in the witch. Many authors call these “trigger words,” as they’re words that trigger a particular emotion or sensation. Rarely does an incantation use this technique alone, but plenty use it. Look above at the incantation I quoted from Worth’s book - much of it isn’t an expression of intent, but is rather a poetic invocation of the imagery and emotions of passionate love. 
The request (more about requests later) is still present, but the bulk of it plays to the witch’s emotions. This can be highly effective because strong emotions tend to strengthen your intent, provided they aren’t directly at cross-purposes with it. Used alone, a trigger word or phrase can easily be sigilized, translated, or toyed with in another way to create an incantation. I never just use a single word in plain language alone, though. Some authors do recommend it, though, and I recall Arin Murphy-Hiscock suggesting that a witch chant the word “Money” to raise power for a prosperity spell. Your mileage will vary, but I personally just feel awkward repeating a plain word over and over, so I almost always sigilize or manipulate the word a bit before using it.
Commanding and Asking
Often, an incantation is framed as a request to a specific power, entity, or force of nature. Again, using Worth’s love spell (above), we have an example; the witch addresses the candles themselves and asks them to use their powers of Earth and the Sun to grant the request. I use this technique a lot, particularly in my herbal work. As an animist, I tend to recognize a force behind each plant or compound, and of these, I’ll request help in my aims. I may, for example, ask or command the mugwort I’m using to help increase my second sight. 
This method meshes poorly with certain paradigms, as it presupposes intelligence (in other words, something resembling consciousness or a spirit) that is addressed in the incantation. A larger problem is that you’ve got to at least have a good conception of just what you’re addressing. I wouldn’t merely stand around saying “Let it rain, please!” if I wanted to call up a storm - instead, I’d have to formulate who I’d be addressing (spirits of the clouds, a storm godform, etc…) before making the request. Magick involving requests can get pretty complicated, and another issue, of course, is that certain entities have a habit of asking for something in return, thus requiring a little negotiation and an extended exchange.
Many relegate the concept of affirmations to the general New Age milieu or the realm of self-care/self-help. Indeed, they can be helpful for changing negative thought patterns, but they’re also quite useful in magick, and just because they’ve a New Age association doesn’t make them bunk. They function a bit like trigger words, but do contain a direct assertion of what you will to happen. Normally, in an affirmation, the statement is phrased as if it is already reality (more about this later). You might use “I am healthy mentally and physically” as an affirmation in a healing spell, and, as usual, this can be done in any of the flavors (and then some) that I mentioned above: verse, sigilization, whatever you want. It’s really important to phrase these correctly if you intend to use them, though, but that’s true of most incantations.
A Word on Phrasing
So, I’ve discussed different methods for effective incantations. Now, I’ll be talking a bit about making them more powerful. Here are just a few tips I’ve picked up over the years.
Most books will tell you that specificity is important - instead of a general incantation for prosperity, ask for money specifically if it’s money you’re after. Avoid vagueness, and especially avoid words that have double meanings for you or which might inspire emotions at cross-purposes with your goal. 
Avoid “I want” or “I desire” language. Everyone wants things, but as a witch, you want to go beyond just wanting. As an example, don’t form your incantation around a statement like “I want a new car;” a better way of putting it would be “I shall have a new car,” or even “I have a new car.” Either ask for what you want (formulated as a request to someone specific) or declare that it is or shall be so.
Phrase whatever you write in a positive fashion. I mean avoiding words like “won’t” “isn’t,” or “cannot” as much as possible. Phrasing your goal as something like, “I will no longer suffer from back pain” might not work as well a a simple, “I am healthy.” While the first is more specific, notice that the bulk of the sentence is “suffer from back pain,” thus it calls to mind the suffering rather than the act of it being lifted. There’s exceptions to this rule for me, though - I will occasionally use such phrasing if I can find no other way of putting it.
The Act of Incantation Itself
I’ve been asked a couple times if it’s necessary to always speak an incantation out loud. It’s particularly an issue for witches who live with unsympathetic roommates. I have in the past, and I can say that whispering, murmuring, or even the act of subvocalization (read more about that here!) is effective as well. The relative volume (or lack thereof) of what you’re saying is less important, of course, than your intent and the force with which you say (or subvocalize, in some cases) it. Some witches feel that they need to shout their incantations, and that works well for them, but many instead.
For me, the ideal way to speak or put forward an incantation is often termed “vibration” by ceremonial magicians, and can take many forms. I wrote about it in my enchantment essay, and, to quote the relevant part:
Many spells and rituals require spoken incantations, but if you’re good at imagining your own voice, you can project the words outwards without moving your lips.
Some ceremonial magicians call this “vibrating,” and many older rituals call for it specifically. Speaking aloud can be part of it, and feel free to do this while actually speaking, but it’s possible to do it without physically making a sound. We all have an inner monologue, and, to properly, yet silently, “vibrate” a word or phrase, you need only make that monologue as loud as possible within your mind. In his text, The Golden Dawn: A Complete Course in Practical Ceremonial Magick, the famous mage Israel Regardie recommends visualizing the words in a written form when doing this, as well. In The Essential Golden Dawn, the later author, Chic Cicero, describes the “formula of vibration” thusly:
“A method by which divine names and words are intoned forcefully and with authority in a ‘vibration.’ Properly performed, the vibration should be felt throughout the entire body and imagined to be vibrated throughout the universe.”
For actual initiates of the Hermetic Order of Golden Dawn, it is probably assumed that the magician would “vibrate” aloud, because, quite simply, in a proper public Temple setting, there is no reason not to do so, but you can easily adapt the concept to practicing silently if need be, and whether you speak aloud or not, the requirements for “vibration” should be met. It’s quite a difficult to describe phenomenon, and really, I can only term it “thinking very loudly.” Do that, and you’re off to a good start as far as “vibrating” goes, though, really, it’s much more than that. In the tradition of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, it’s (for the most part) the names of Godforms that are vibrated. Having taken part in group rituals that involved this, it’s quite an effective way of calling on an unseen force.
That said, there’s something to be said for taking a conversational tone when speaking to a spirit and making a request. Even when doing so, though, I still feel that I am “vibrating” the words - my tone is just more friendly, and, in any case I’ll create in my mind the sensation that the words are coming from every direction at once. It takes practice and some people have other methods, but if you can get that effect (sound coming from everywhere at once, inside your mind), it’ll work well for you.
I hope this article was helpful and gave you a good look at what incantation can entail, as well as ideas for future practice. Realize that none of it’s absolutely going to be true for everyone, though, and you’ll need to experiment and search yourself a bit to discover what works best for you. Happy magick-making, everyone. Stay safe and have a good evening. If you enjoy my work, consider donating or purchasing a reading from me to help fund future endeavors. And, of course, if you’ve any question on this or any other topic that you’d like me to answer, don’t hesitate to send me an ask, but do please read the FAQ first.
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sonofcernmagic · 5 years
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so today I made this syrup which is basically just concentrated rose lemonade, you mix it with water and boom you got some rose lemonade :)
2 cup lemon juice (I did 1.5 cups lemon juice and the rest lime juice bc I ran out)
1.5 cup sugar
½ cup dried edible roses (or rose petals, I just found full dried roses at my local Asian market)
rose water to taste (optional if rose flavor isn’t strong enough)
Mix ingredients together in a medium saucepan over medium heat until sugar dissolves. Bring to a boil then reduce to a simmer for 5 minutes. Allow to cool to room temperature (takes about an hour). Strain out roses and put syrup in a container and refrigerate for future use. To make the lemonade, mix 3-5 tbsp. syrup with 8oz cold water, pour over ice, and enjoy :)
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sonofcernmagic · 5 years
Liminality & Liminal Spaces
It’s been quite a while since my last original post, and I profusely apologise for my absence.
What is liminality?
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The word “liminal’ comes from a Latin word “līmen”, meaning “a threshold” and its Oxford Dictionary definition is:
Relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process.
Occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold.
That is a brief etymological explanation of liminal/liminality, but,… what is it? What is it in relation to witches and witchcraft?
Keep reading
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sonofcernmagic · 5 years
Crystals & their Correspondences
ANXIETY • amethyst • carnelian • charoite • chrysoprase • jasper
AURA STRENGTHENING • celestite • jasper • labradorite
AWARENESS • azurite • creedite • jasper • kyanite
BALANCE • agate • amazonite • amber • aventurine • calcite • rhodochrosite • smoky quartz • tourmaline 
BEAUTY • aquamarine • clear quartz • lepidolite • rose quartz • sapphire
COMMUNICATION • amethyst • ametrine • aquamarine • blue calcite • celestite • citrine • kyanite • topaz • turquoise
COMPASSION • angelite • celestite • lapis lazuli • rose quartz • sodalite
COURAGE/CONFIDENCE • agate • carnelian • citrine • sugilite • tourmaline
CLARITY • agate • calcite • citrine • sapphire • tigers eye
CLEANSING • celestite • chrysoprase • jasper • kyanite • moonstone • selenite • shungite • sunstone
CREATIVITY • agate • amazonite • amethyst • aventurine • carnelian • howlite • lapis lazuli • opal • topaz
DEPRESSION • amber • calcite • chrysoprase • fluorite • lapis lazuli • pyrite • rainbow quartz • rose quartz • tigers eye
DREAMS • amethyst • hemimorphite • herkimer diamond • jade
ENERGIZING • agate • amber • calcite • carnelian • garnet • rose quartz • topaz
FEMININE ENERGY • cherry quartz • garnet • jade • lapis lazuli • moonstone • rose quartz
FERTILITY • agate • aventurine • jade • moonstone • pearl • red carnelian • rose quartz • smoky quartz • turquoise
FOCUS • emerald • fluorite • pearl • tigers eye
FORGIVENESS • blue agate • blue chalcedony • chrysoprase • dioptase • moonstone • sugilite
FRIENDSHIP • amethyst • barite • carnelian • desert agate • jade • lapis lazuli • rose quartz • strontianite
GENEROSITY • chrysoberyl • orange jasper • sunstone • topaz
GRIEF • apache tear • danburite • epidote • onyx • peridot • sodalite • rose quartz • ruby
GROUNDING • agate • hematite • obsidian • smoky quartz • tigers eye
HARMONY • agate • amazonite • carnelian • emerald • jade
HAPPINESS • agate • amber • chrysoprase • rose quartz
HEADACHE • amethyst • lapis lazuli • rose quartz
HEALING • agate • amethyst • aquamarine • blue lace agate • carnelian • citrine • clear quartz • hematite • lapis lazuli • rose quartz • selenite
IMAGINATION • aventurine • blue pietersite • citrine • fulgurite • iolite • malachite • rose quartz • sugilite • topaz • ulexite
INSIGHT/INTUITION • amethyst • aquamarine • citrine • dumortierite • euclase • green prehnite • iolite • moonstone
INSOMNIA • amethyst • ammonite • angelite • black tourmaline • clear quartz • hematite • jade • labradorite • rose quartz
INSPIRATION • agate • charoite • opal
INTELLIGENCE • agate • calcite • charoite • green aventurine • yellow tourmaline
LONGEVITY • amethyst • agate • carnelian • citrine • garnet • quartz • tourmaline
LOVE • amazonite • chrysoprase • jade • malachite • rose quartz
LUCK • aventurine • carnelian • citrine • rhodonite • rose quartz • tigers eye
MEDITATION • amethyst • calcite • celestite • elestial quartz • labradorite • lapis lazuli • rutilated quartz • selenite
MOTIVATION/DETERMINATION • aventurine • carnelian • citrine • garnet • jasper • tigers eye
NEGATIVE ENERGY (repel/absorb/protect) • amethyst • apache tears • black tourmaline • carnelian • chrysoprase • jasper • onyx • smoky quartz • tigers eye
NURTURING • amber • calcite • jasper • pearl • rhodochrosite • rose quartz
PHYSICAL STAMINA • amazonite • lace agate • hematite • jasper • red amethyst • red spinel • tigers eye
PROSPERITY • agate • carnelian • chrysoprase • citrine
SELF ESTEEM • agate • amethyst • amazonite • aventurine • charoite • chrysoprase • dumortierite • garnet • jade • malachite • sodalite • tigers eye • variscite
SPIRITUAL AWARENESS • amethyst • bloodstone • calcite • chrysoprase • howlite • kyanite • lapis lazuli • moonstone • pyrite • smoky quartz • selenite • turquoise • unakite
SPONTANEITY • hiddenite • opal
TRUTH • agate • aquamarine • celestite • charoite • danburite • iolite • pietersite • sapphire • scheelite • tigers eye
VISUALIZATION • iolite • imperial topaz • green tourmaline • kyanite • magnesite • petalite • pietersite • ruby • selenite • ulexite
WEALTH/ABUNDANCE • agate • chrysoprase • citrine • green aventurine • jade • moss agate • ruby • tigers eye
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