sonya-groupb · 9 years
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“Poor Min. He lives without cookies. Surely that’s the equivalent of living without a leg or something.” She shook her head at him trying to do an impression of Minho, tutting at him and folding her arms. “Hmm, you can’t pull the impression off well enough, you don’t have his sparkling good looks, I’m afraid.”
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       Thomas grinned and shook his head, obviously amused by the girls choice of example. “Have you ever seen the way Min looks at cookies? It’s like they’re some alien object. He always looks so disgusted” He chuckled, trying to imitate the asians reaction to anything sweet.
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sonya-groupb · 9 years
“What in the world happened?!”
Sonya looked around as the other girl entered the room, taking a deep breath and covering her eyes with her hand to try and hide her red and puffy eyes.
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“Nothin’. Just… nothin’.”
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sonya-groupb · 9 years
Send “What in the world happened?!” to catch my muse crying their eyes out when they’d thought they were alone.
Or send “N-nothing!! Nothing…” for my muse  to catch your muse crying their eyes out when they’d thought they were alone.
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sonya-groupb · 9 years
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Sonya snickered at this statement. While she hoped that it could potentially be true, there wasn’t even the slightest chance of them seeing the sun brightly, so being warm wasn’t in the equation.
“Maybe. I think there might be a greater chance of seeing pigs fly and Min eat more than one cookie within 2 hours than we do of that, but there we go.”
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     Thomas laughed at the response, giving a slow shrug of his shoulders before sighing out lightly. “Thats true, then i’d regret it” He let out another sigh before leading them out towards the back of the school. “Maybe there will be a miracle and it’ll warm up?” He questioned, knowing that it was the last thing that would ever come true especially in the middle of fall.
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sonya-groupb · 9 years
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Sonya pressed her lips together and nodded. Maybe that’s all that mattered for him, but it was completely different for her. She didn’t think that being immune to the Flare would become a bad thing.
“Maybe. I mean, I don’t mean to make this more depressing than it already is, but there’s always a chance that I don’t survive this anyway. Immune doesn’t mean immortal.”
💜 (from sonyagroup-b who idk what she's doing)
Send 💜 for my muses reaction to being hugged tightly.
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He wasn’t sure how he was supposed to react to the hug. Sure, he had been feeling an inclination towards her before, but being told that you have a sister that you remember nothing about can be difficult to handle. Especially when you know you haven’t got long to get to know her.
  ❝——Things couldn’t be more shucked.❞
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sonya-groupb · 9 years
continued from here (x)
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❝——I can bloody see through you, Sonya. Don’t even think about lyin’ to me.❞
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“I’m not lying, jeez. Everything’s fine, alright?”
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sonya-groupb · 9 years
sonya / minho aesthetic #1
secret relationship
‘we could just tell him, you know. i’m sure newt won’t be that mad.’
‘he’s your brother, sonya. and i’m his best friend. he’s most definitely going to kill me. we can’t tell him.’
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sonya-groupb · 9 years
“I guess this is goodbye.”
Sentence Meme Starters: Accepting
“Yeah. I guess. I hope you and Thomas sort things out. If you ever need anyone to knock some sense into him, you should find a way to contact Harriet and I.”
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0 notes
sonya-groupb · 9 years
send me a ‘✉’ for five times my muse didn’t text yours, and one time they did.
[ text: Teresa ] okay this might be weird but i need help
[ text: Teresa ] like real help
[ text: Teresa ] how am i supposed to tell my parents i’m failing because i’m distracted by the possibility of there being a baby in me?
[ text: Teresa ] i’m officially fucked
[ text: Teresa ] yep. this is weird
[ text: Teresa ] i’m failing math so my parents grounded me. can’t come out this weekend.
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sonya-groupb · 9 years
--- for some reason, my sonya muse is very high right now, so i’m opening my inbox for all the memes on this page. please send me things, i’m always a slut for memes ---
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sonya-groupb · 9 years
[text] I’m sorry, I can’t do this anymore.
[text] You promised! You fucking promised!
[text] I’m done with your lies, I’m done with your games, I’m… I’m just done.
[text] I can’t believe you would do that to me! You said you fucking loved me!
[text] I’m breaking up with you, bye.
[text] I’ve been cheating on you… I’m so sorry.
[text] Someone just said you’ve been seeing somebody behind my back?! Who is he/she?!
[text] I just took a pregnancy test, and it’s… positive/negative.
[text] Oh, God… someone just mugged me… come help.
[text] You don’t need to do this… there are other ways to let go of all the stresses in your life, but killing yourself isn’t the right way. In fact, it shouldn’t even be a “way” at all.
[text] God, why do I still have your fucking number in my phone?
[text] You and I both knew it would come to this. We knew there would be a day for this to come, and, well… I think today’s the day..
[text] How many times do I have to say I’m sorry?! I’ve said sorry to you so many times, but I guess… whatever, right? I’ve accepted so many of your big mistakes, I’ve let them go, but I screw up ONCE, ONE LITTLE TINY MISUNDERSTANDING, and suddenly YOU’RE the one giving ME the silent treatment?! I’m done with this.
[text] So, uhh… I’m in the ER…
[text] Help! Help me, please!
[text] I want you and your shit out of my house by [insert day of the week here] morning/night.
[text] Ugh, you make me sick. Why can’t you just stay out of the way?
[text] You’ve ruined everything! Goddammit… yeah, thanks for “trying to help”. You helped, alright… helped me get FIRED/JAILED! Can’t you just stay out of my business?
[text] Oh, god… that’s almost a gallon of blood… I think I’m gonna throw up…
[text] I’m ending it… I don’t even care anymore.. you obviously wouldn’t give a shit, my parents wouldn’t even notice, my friends would be better off without me…
Texts ||Angst Version||
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sonya-groupb · 9 years
You have women’s hips. I have man hips.
My brother (via undr-the-brokn-sky)
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sonya-groupb · 9 years
My muse is laying bloody and broken on the side of the road. What will your muse do?
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sonya-groupb · 9 years
8 People i’d like to get to know better
REPOST DO NOT REBLOG; tagged by @mzrnner
01. ) NAME / ALIAS: Elizabeth / Lizzie
02. ) BIRTHDAY: January 27
03. ) ZODIAC SIGN: Aquarius
04. ) HEIGHT: 5′7
05. ) TIME: 7:48pm
06. ) SLEEP: I need all of it, please.
07. ) FAVOURITE BOOKS: Dreams That Glitter by Girls Aloud, TMR Series, HP Series, Hunger Games Series
8. ) FAVOURITE ARTISTS: The Wanted, Girls Aloud, 5SOS, Garth Brooks, The Jam, McBusted, Team Starkid/Jim and the Povolos.

09. ) LAST MOVIE I WATCHED: The Other Woman
10. ) COLLEGE: Not quite there yet, but next year!
11. ) DREAM JOB:  Actress/Author/Psychologist.
12. ) MEANING OF URL: Yet again, I am so original. It is her name and also her group. Yes, good.
Tagging: @dont-bloody-do-it, @kiindhcarted, @thebloodyglue, @aseveniisms, @equiiivalent, @ledesespoirderriereunsourire (anyone who wants to do it also)
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sonya-groupb · 9 years
send me a '✉' for five times my muse didn't text yours, and one time they did.
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sonya-groupb · 9 years
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    “Cold? Ah yeah, I guess you can tell that fall is coming now. It’d be nice for it to be warm for a little bit. ” Thomas offered a smile , though he noted the almost emptiness in her tone. He quickly took down the homework before moving to wrap his arm around her shoulder once more. “I could run naked across the feild and get the game canceled?” He grinned then, leading her out into the hallway. “I mean, a stud like me runnin’ around would stop anything right?”
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“I agree.” Sonya shrugged as they walked back out into the hallway, taking the piece of paper with the homework from him and reading it quickly. “It definitely would. However, it’s going to be freezing for me, in a cheer uniform, so I think if you ran around naked, you’d get hypothermia.”
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sonya-groupb · 9 years
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     Thomas grinned, nodding in response before letting out a light chuckle. “Yup, ain’t no times when you aren’t right” Pulling away from the girl he wondered over to the side of the class room before looking through the home work log. “I got the homework right here” He called over his shoulder before turning his head to look at her. “ The game? Probably.. Newt and Minho asked me to go so I thought I might as well. You?”
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Sonya nodded to acknowledge that she’d heard him about the homework, but made no effort to actually go look at it. “Yeah, I kind of have to. I’m cheering. I don’t really want to, it’s going to be cold.”
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