sookawaiidesu · 1 year
this isn’t cheating.. right?
cheng xiaoshi x gwen
an au where you’re a hopeless, but determined photography student in college who happens to run into one of your classmates, xiaoshi, who helps you with a last minute assignment.
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in school, you were always the average student who’d just get by. not smart, but not dumb. never having any motivation for school, dreading every single day to come, always procrastinating, but always managing to get by with good grades.
you were never that popular, but you were never a loser either. as of right now in college, you’re basically the same old average student you always were. you don’t really have a main friend group and you just have friends here and there, along with one best friend. all of your friends make your days much better, making them have a little bit of worth despite all the dread you have everyday waking up for your scheduled classes. you can say you’re pretty well known, just like the average student of course.
gaining motivation is a hard thing for you. —which is why you often find yourself procrastinating many of your assignments to the very last minute. now here you are, sitting outside alone on one of the several benches around your college campus doing just that. it’s 2 pm and since you take morning classes, you’ve already been to them all. looking down at the canon camera in your lap provided by your photography class, you fiddle with one of the many complex knobs on the camera, spinning it back and forth. professor wu assigned a three part project due at 11:59 pm and you’re contemplating life right now, thinking about giving up because there’s no way you could even complete it by tonight.
this always happens to you; a professor assigning something days before the due date, you disregarding it for days and days, until you finally start reading the instructions the day it’s due.
no wonder she assigned this a week ago.
your phone vibrates in your pocket, indicating that it’s probably a message from your best friend, lia. you stop fiddling with the camera in your lap and grab your phone to see the following messages pop up on your lock screen.
lia: hiiiiii gwwweeeennnn :P
lia: you free to hang out?
you sigh at the messages because you know what’s about to happen. regret sinks in even more than when you were contemplating life just a second ago. lia’s a great friend, you two met in high school and you’ve stuck with each other through thick and thin. she knows of this procrastinating problem you have and how bad it gets because it’s almost like a routine, so she tries her best to help you but..
gwen: sadly no
gwen: catching up on some work.. as always… T_T
lia: aw, it’s okay we can hang next time
lia: but don’t tell me its the photography assignment i was telling you to do last week..
lia: you gotta stop doing this, it happens every time and you never learn gwen
gwen: ugh i know i know, i should’ve listened to you
gwen: i’ll figure it out somehow.. you know me ofc
lia: coughcough.. ..still should’ve listened..!!
lia: but you’re right, i do know you and somehow you always manage to find a way
lia: see you tomorrow then gwengwen
lia: and good luck~ ( you’ll need it )
you smile, long holding on the last message she sent to heart it then putting your phone back in your pocket. sometimes you feel like you don’t deserve a friend as sweet as her and despite how stubborn you are with this procrastinating problem of yours, she’s still always there for you, trying to help.
about to go back to fiddling with the camera in your lap, you notice a pair of shoes right in front of you as well as a sudden presence towering over.
you look up to see a familiar face smiling down at you.
cheng xiaoshi, one of your photography classmates, stands right in front of you, looking down smiling.
“hey gwen!” xiaoshi smiles and waves sheepishly, hoping he didn’t startle you.
“oh hi!” you say, caught off guard as you awkwardly smile and wave back.
“mind if i sit here..?” he makes eye contact with you, smiling, before looking at the empty spot next to you on the bench, then looking back at you for an answer.
you and xiaoshi have known each other since high school and you two were never really closely acquainted, since you didn’t really hang around the same crowds. though you knew that xiaoshi was a really friendly guy and not like your average snobby popular kid. he had a well earned reputation in high school that still stands now in college.
in high school you guys would pass by each other everyday in the halls where he would often wave to you, greeting you with a smile and a “good morning gwen!” loud and proud as you two would each walk with a couple of friends to the designated classes you were headed to.
a day never went by where he didn’t greet you good morning, unless you were absent of course. he couldn’t hide that it would disappoint him a little when he didn’t see you walking with your friends.
“yo, xiaoshi. you good bro?” one of his basketball friends shoved his shoulder playfully.
“oh nah, it’s nothing.” a bit taken back, xiaoshi laughs it off and shoves his friend back and they continue to roughly shove each other immaturely.
he laughs it off, but a little part of him in the back of his mind would always wander, wondering why you weren’t there, cheerfully walking with your friends.
“ah, sure go ahead.” you scoot to the side a little bit so the tall male has enough room.
unfinished cuz i gave up 0_0
hope ya like ur fic gwennie~!
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