sooks · 4 years
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 Almost immediately after this was taken we devoured a plate of fries and @robspatt​ actually shared this time, a rarity.
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sooks · 4 years
"I wish someone actually did record it because I definitely need a good laugh.” The model winked, nudging Bill’s side as she continued to lead him over towards the bar.  “Alcohol is the best choice when it comes to events such as these, don’t you agree? Thankfully it seems as if it's widely encouraged as well.” Suki rose her brows, noting the signs everywhere that had pointed towards the bar and advertised the highly recommended margarita. At the mention of what was soon to be a major change in the actor’s life, Suki gave a nod of enthusiasm while he spoke “Absolutely, I don’t know if you’ll be able to go out and drink for quite sometime, so we might as well make the most of this right? Though I’m sure your missus will let you out to unwind now and then, so I wouldn’t be too worried.” as she had finished speaking, Sooks smiled ear to ear at the sight of the tender and nodded attentively as Bill put in their orders while she propped her arm up on the bar. “I am curious how my Swedish friend here would react to a spicy drink and I’m looking to be amused, so I would love two micheladas please, thank you.” the model nodded sweetly before turning back to the lanky actor and raising her brows “Think you can handle it?”
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sooks · 4 years
Suki nervously began to fidget with her fingers, using one hand to twist a ring on her index whilst she listened to him speak. Leave it to Robert to still find a way to joke about and try and get his way. A small smirk pulled on to her lips as she dropped her gaze down to her heels and shuffled for a moment “No, I think you’ve got a point there. We’ve both always been fond of a good meal and a cuddle.” She nodded, feeling her stomach flip at the thought of talking of such thing with her ex. She missed those nights, she missed being curled up in his arms and watching whatever was on the telly while they shoved various types of junk into their faces. As Robert began to mention work, she tilted her head and frowned only slightly at his blatant exhaustion. Typically, she’d reach a hand over, caress his cheek and give him the usual baby voice she’d give him when she felt bad for his current state. However, this time was different and instead she had to stand back and nod with sympathy, hoping it translated well and that he could tell she wanted to be there for him. “Bruce…” the model spoke with a soft whisper, more so in disbelief that Robert had gotten such an iconic role and had seemed to be doing well. Now standing in front of her, lean and bulkier than he had looked months ago before filming had even started. Before she could even comment any further, she was caught off guard by his next question. With a raise of her brows, she shook her head and left her mouth agape while she searched for the words “No, I didn’t.” she spoke softly, nibbling on her bottom lip and dropping her dark hues to the glass in her hand “I came alone, how about you….?” The model asked hesitantly.
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sooks · 4 years
Slipping into Bill’s embrace with ease due to her heels, the model pulled back to flash the actor a large genuine smile. “I mean, I never thought I would see a Swede do a Spanish waltz but there is a first time for everything!” Suki exclaimed with a laugh, realising in that moment that this was definitely new territory for Bill. At the mention of his experience with rehearsals, Suki immediately busted into laughter and raised a hand to her mouth to quiet herself. “You’re bloody joking, she was that hard on you, was she?!” Now noticing the pair had been standing in the middle of the dancefloor, the girl took it upon herself to reach for his arm to pull him out of the crowd “The last thing you need is to be suckered into another dance, that would just drive you mental. How about we get a drink?” Now guiding him towards the bar, Suki peeked over her shoulder every now and then to make sure he had been close before yelling over the music “See, what I have been doing is just loading myself up with alcohol so I do end up embarrassing myself in any way: I just won’t remember tomorrow, it’s genius really.” The girl explained, raising a shoulder in a sheepish shrug while she approached the bar and rested her side against it lazily. “I can imagine you would agree and will probably do the same?” she questioned, raising a thick brow “We can consider it a late toast to your growing family, yes?”
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sooks · 4 years
Having a smile fade was damn near impossible when it came to being around Robert. He just always seemed to make her happy without even trying. It made the thought of their break up all the more heart breaking when she thought about it, how easy it all could have been avoided. She studied him carefully, picking up on all his subtle movements as if she could read him like a book. Nodding along as he spoke, attentive to him and realising that Robert had definitely put himself in an uncomfortable situation being there alone just as she had. Fidgeting slightly and swaying for a moment, Suki began to nervously run her thumb along her glass and let out a soft chuckle at his compliment. Cheeks now crimson, she raised a slender shoulder in a weak shrug and brought her doe eyes down to her dress “Oh, this old thing?” she began in a playful tone. Clearing her throat shortly after and furrowing her brows as Robert quickly changed the subject, attempting to seem nonchalant. She couldn’t help but slowly smirk knowing exactly what he was trying to do, he was trying to play it smooth; trying to make her laugh just like he always had in the past with the least amount of effort. “Well Robert, it is a quinceanera.” She smirked, arms now crossing across her chest whilst she kept her attention on him and him only. However, Robert wasn’t shy to let his own eyes wander around the room while he fought for words to say. “Maybe you just have been having bland birthdays.” A typical teasing response, one that they typically would have given one another in the past. Still, the model stared adoringly at the actor while she nibbled on her bottom lip in thought “I never would have pictured you coming, you know?” she began cautiously, fidgeting once more and swaying side to side before continuing “I just know that big events usually keep you far away typically.”
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sooks · 4 years
Suki wasn’t sure what to expect when it came to this event. Sure, she had heard of quinces before, but she had never attended a doble quince, let alone a quince at all – especially one with an adult crowd. Interestingly, it wasn’t too hard to adjust to once you had gotten a couple drinks in and that was exactly what Suki had done. Perhaps it had even been one too many, but she was feeling light as a feather and more social than she had anticipated. As the court had finished their waltz and began to disperse on the dance floor, Suki knew exactly who she wanted to run over and bother. “BILL SKARSGARD ! Were you ever going to tell anyone that you could dance like that or were you just waiting to drop those moves here on the dancefloor tonight, mate ? I’m genuinely speechless !” The model exclaimed over the loud music, it hadn’t really dawned on Suki that Bill more than likely wanted to take a minute to sit down and unwind after that waltz but of course the girl had been oblivious entirely. “Now be honest with me, how terrified were you to screw it up? I’m almost certain if any of you have slipped up Danna would have gone full Carrie on everyone.”
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sooks · 4 years
As Suki held her clutch close, she realised just how odd it felt to be at an event by herself for the first time in what felt like ages. Usually when it came to big events, she was glued to Robert’s side and typically they socialised as a couple. Now that wasn’t the case at all, now she had to revert to how she usually had been at gatherings before she had ever been in a relationship. It seemed easy enough, all she needed to do was get a couple drinks in, dance along with her friends and take in the night for what it was worth. This was a night for celebrating and both Dave and Danna had made that more than clear with how vibrant the setting had been accompanied with loud blaring music that you could practically hear the buzz from the vibrations radiating off the speakers. However, there was still one thought that never left the model’s mind – Will Robert be here? Typically, he wasn’t one to go out by himself unless he had tagged along with a group of his mates, but she really couldn’t think of who exactly he would join. It nearly felt silly to be looking around for him the way she had been, but she knew she just couldn’t help it. She wanted to see him. As the night continued on and minute began to pass, the model lost hope all together and figured this was something he was going to stay home from. “Yeah, I’ve actually never had this one before – it’s a bit salty really…” she trailed off, talking about the drink she had been sipping from while she tucked her clutch under her arm and studied the glass in her hand. Just as she was about to continue, she heard a clear of a throat. It was odd how you could spend so much time with someone that you could recognise even the sound of them inhaling or simply clearing their throat. Turning her gaze towards the sound she could instantly feel her heart pound against her chest, nearly able to just feel it in her throat. There he was, properly disheveled as usual but still so strikingly handsome: What could she even say? “You’re here!” she stated the obvious, her lips pulled into a smile as she gave a quick glance over him once more. It had been so long since she had seen him, that she swore she must have looked like a child by her excitement. “I mean, of course you’re here -- there’s free food.”
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F2F // Robert + Suki.
Given his work schedule, it was rare that Robert found time for events such as the one he had been attending. In all honesty, the only reason the actor had been in attendance of this particular event was because he had heard Suki would be there. It had been months since the pair split, but Robert being the naturally stubborn person he was, it was impossible to convince him to go and see her. To apologise for what had happened and potentially reconnect. It was what he knew he wanted, really. When the Brit found a lover, they were stuck with him. Considering the terms Suki and him had ended on, he wasn’t sure their romance was anywhere near legitimately over. In fact, it had been nothing but a simple tiff over a missed dinner date that caused the split. Too prideful to admit that he was wrong, he allowed it to go on for far longer than he should’ve. Standing now in a plain black suit with a white shirt underneath, three buttons undone, he clung to the drink in his hand for dear life. He was supposed to be cutting back on alcohol for his current role, but this occasion deserved a drink. As his blue hues scanned the room, he took a nervous sip, furrowing his brows and slightly flinching at the taste as he searched for his reason for being there. It had been a while since he had a proper drink and he had a feeling it was going to hit him hard. Finally, across the room, he set eyes on her. His body tensed as he did so, eyeing her attire as he swallowed somewhat nervously. Did he really want to do this? Be here? Speak to her? Texting was one thing and although it had been suggestive, he was unsure of himself for a moment. Could he be that suave now? He had to be, really. No choice. No reason to come all this way and try to forget it anyway. Taking a deep breath, he began to saunter over, admiring the woman as she socialised with the party-goers around her. She had always been so utterly good at that whilst Robert preferred keeping to himself for the most part. People watching. Reaching out, he nearly tapped her shoulder; an almost begging of her attention, but instead cleared his throat softly to obtain her attention. @sooks​
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sooks · 4 years
text / Suki 💧🏠
Rob: I've forgotten how to tie my shoe.
Rob: No, I mean it. I've genuinely forgotten.
Suki: You never cease to amaze me.
Suki: Do I have to teach you the bunny method like a child? Because I will come over there and show you 😉
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sooks · 4 years
When it had come to having guests over to her home, it was always a bit of pandemonium. From unnecessary vaccuuming, dusting and adjusting random decor; Suki always wanted to have her home look decent. This had always resulted in the model running around her home like a maniac up until she had heard the knocks on her front door.  “Coming!” she called out, nearly slipping from her socks gliding on the hardwood floor. Opening the door and smiling wide with excitement “Gigi!!” Suki exclaimed, pulling her into a warm embrace and parting to bring attention to the takeaway in her hands “Are you trying to seduce me? Because it’s working.” Separating now to allow her to further enter the home, Sooks closed the door behind her “Come in, come in!” 
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Girls Night | Suki & Gigi
It had been some time since Gigi had seen her good friend Suki, she was elated when the female had invited her over. She shoots Suki a text that she’s leaving and will be over soon. Within ten minutes Gigi is knocking on the door, bearing takeaway burgers and fries. As her friend opens the door, a wide smile appears. “Hey stranger, I missed you so much.”
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sooks · 4 years
Liam, you have been here how many times?! I will happily be your tour guide to entertain you, however please don’t be surpised if I just take you to restaurants. I’m a big foodie, I will not deny that. I also don’t know if it is possible to be sick of you, truly.
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PSA to the residents of Los Angeles. La la Land. Shaky town. I’m gonna need some recommendations on where to hit up, and maybe even a tour guie, ‘cause this idiot just splashed on a new apartment downtown. A mistake? Maybe. Are you all about to get sick of me asking for a billion directions? Definitely. @audererp​
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sooks · 4 years
Oh mate, I would happily be your friend if only I didn’t absolutely destroy you in a dancing contest. I feel as though you underestimate me! I’m doing utterly fantastic though, I’ve stuffed my face with food and feeling more than content. How is the album coming along?
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after working on my album for hours on end.. i think i should be rewarding myself with socialization instead of being a introvert. if my cute face won’t convince you to be my friend, i’ve got super killer dance moves and they do the trick every single time. how’s everyone doing?
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sooks · 4 years
Well, you definitely wouldn’t make it into the club if you’re going to go around breaking the first rule KJ! Also can we talk about how Brad Pitt in that film for a moment? I feel like we don’t talk about that enough...I’m also not going to tell you how you join because I for one am a rule follower.
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What happens in fight club stays in fight club and we don’t talk about fight club. If that is so, my question for you is, how would a person go about joining fight club? See I know the answer but I’m curious as to how you will answer.
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sooks · 4 years
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I haven’t fallen off the face of the Earth quite yet, just been busy drinking wine, eating rubbish and listening to Little Simz. 
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sooks · 4 years
You do not want to see my island right now...it’s a proper mess. Fruit lying everywhere, random stones and twigs. It’s not set up for guests, it’s a pigsty. Two little one seems more like twice the stress, but if you think it makes you awesome then... I’ll let you keep thinking that, Billsky.  Babies are incredibly cute, so I am visiting both before and after. I miss you incredibly! How long has it been huh? How different do you look now? Will I be able to recognise you? 
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sooks · 4 years
Oh my word, I LOVE Claire from Bon Appétit. What I would do just to have that woman’s hair and skill. Christ. I remember I went on an all night binge just watching that channel, it made me so badly just want to try one of the recipes, but they’re quite tedious, aren’t they? They list all the steps as if someone is sane enough to actually try. I did however make my cake, it was dense and sad but it was made! 
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sooks · 4 years
I will drop my dodo code when my island is immaculate. Right now my island is absolutely rubbish and I would hate to make myself a fool in front of you, Ross. This game was made for people like you and I who spend countless hours fixing up our fictional life. Much like when we played Sims as a child to have a beautiful family and home...that, or we were drowning them in a pool with no stairs. I’m sure your Island puts them all to shame though, I have no doubt in my mind about that. 
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sooks · 4 years
Any kitchen will do, might as well start with my own eh? Especially since my house is already upside down -- what more damage could it do right? We just can’t burn down the whole house, okay? 
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