sooseob · 4 years
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奉還町クラシック Okayama Voigtländer Vito II FUJI業務100
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sooseob · 4 years
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the holy grail
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sooseob · 4 years
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That Day, on the Beach (Edward Yang, 1983)
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sooseob · 5 years
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sooseob · 5 years
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sooseob · 6 years
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“I am Moana of Motunui. You will board my boat, sail across the sea, and restore the heart of Te Fiti.”
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sooseob · 6 years
due to personal reasons i’ll be slippin’ into the lava and im tryna keep from goin’ under baby you turn the temperature hotter cuz i’m burnin’ up burnin’ up for you baby
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sooseob · 6 years
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I relate to Soren on a deep and personal level because I too like to stuff myself with pastries when life gets tough.
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sooseob · 6 years
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sooseob · 6 years
ways of finding yourself more
- spend less time on places that can numb your mind, like scrolling through your phone. the world isn’t about numbers and notifications and deadlines. be more in touch with the world and notice beautiful things. look at people and things in a softer light.
- don’t act a certain way just because it’s trendy or most people do it. it may be more “relatable” but it won’t make you feel happy. don’t be cynical or judgemental anymore.
- clean or reorganize your things. throw out things you don’t need or things that make you feel down. if you have emotional baggage, accept it and let yourself move past it.
- spend time alone. think about the person you are around others and your true self. think about the people you spend time with - if they make you feel happy, or if you can be yourself around them.
- if you’re letting yourself get badly treated, it might be because you feel unworthy. this might mean you have a low perception of yourself and you need to learn to love yourself more. when you start loving yourself the world will seem kinder and the universe will seem to be on your side.
- don’t overthink or worry too much about things. you likely won’t even remember it in a year or even a month. have faith that you can do whatever you’re afraid of, because you can.
- don’t let yourself be defined by what you lack and your past. do not define yourself with your negative traits. do not compare yourself with anything. focus on moving forward.
- don’t depend on others to much. ask for help, and spend time with others, but be independent too. do not rely on external validation or attention - you’re already loved and loveable the way you are. be content alone and work towards bettering yourself.
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sooseob · 6 years
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sooseob · 6 years
You Were Beautiful rearranged
I feel like we haven’t talked about this version of YWB enough?!?!? I LOVE seeing DAY6 just let go and have fun. I hope we get to see them perform this version live someday (with singing lol). I don’t know how they do it but they just make me fall in love with them over and over again. 
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sooseob · 6 years
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Of all of our inventions for mass communication, pictures still speak the most universally understood language. - Walt Disney
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sooseob · 6 years
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sooseob · 6 years
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sooseob · 6 years
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sooseob · 6 years
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