sophiaan0 · 10 months
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April Fools! ft. Thomas, Minho and Chuck
Thomas, you can’t run from Minho!
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sophiaan0 · 1 year
anybody feel like haunting tommy with me? 
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sophiaan0 · 3 years
hi there, this is "traumbild" on my main account! just wanted to say that I got your message and took pictures of the books I have to show you, but work has been really hectic, so I'm still behind. just wanted to say I haven't forgotten!
Oh that is alright! Thanks for taking the time while you are busy 🙏 See it also took me ages to reply
Btw the preview of your fanfic for equivalent exchange anthology is really beautiful 🥲 loving the ideas, and images picked are just amazing
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sophiaan0 · 3 years
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IT'S HERE! The CoS AU fic you've all been waiting for is up on ao3 :)
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sophiaan0 · 3 years
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Meeting at the Infinity Line
premise: 1921. Edward Elric has only been in Munich for a month when his father Hohenheim disappears… leaving Edward with only instructions to find his own housing. Strapped for cash and still meandering in mind and spirit, he resigns himself to an irregular schedule by renting a flat as a day tenant. At the same time, Alfons Heiderich moves from Augsburg to Munich and rents the same flat as the night tenant, a holdover until he can find longer-term housing when he returns from Romania. In this liminal time frame, without meeting each other in person, the two young men learn about each other like true scientists — through observation and hypothesis.
written for the Equivalent Exchange Anthology and featured in print project 1! pre-orders end on October 3rd, 2021: order your copy here! (see below the cut for image descriptions and citations)
A. in projective geometry, two parallel lines intersect at the line at infinity (also called the 'ideal line') - ha, ha
B. I borrowed the premise of this story from my favorite live-action series, Babylon Berlin
C. this was very fun to write and I look forward to sharing the story!
D. the timespan of the images in this preview post is somewhat wide; I hope you'll accept this!
image text - story excerpts:
1. Alfons’s dream is to design a machine that will travel into space. For now—good luck, he wishes, as he drops the envelopes into the post box and then taps the brim of his cap in greeting [...] —he hopes that one of these will make its way back to him with positive news.
2. For years, Edward had been in constant motion—they had, he and Al. It’s hard not to slip into a strange inertia without him. [ … ] He sighs and stands, with a creak from Hohenheim’s prototype limbs. The dexterity is awful; it’s no Rockbell work. Alchemists should stick to alchemy, mechanics to mechanics; each to their respective craft.
Then again, even Edward is trying to dabble outside of his usual sciences. Einstein, Oberth, he’ll see who’ll come out for the better—and come out on the other side.
3. [ Edward ] drops inelegantly onto the bed, only to bolt upright, with a hiss of pain, twisting around to find whatever jabbed sharply and unexpectedly into his back.
A book?
Hardcover, looking like it’s traveled its fair share: a collection of fictional stories. Edward leafs through the pages, unimpressed and irritatedly rubbing at the sore spot that H.G. Wells—evidently—dug into his spine with its own. [ … ] Edward’s eyes are drawn to a particular passage, underlined in careful pencil:
‘Face this world. Learn its ways, watch it, be careful of too hasty guesses at its meaning. In the end you will find clues to it all.’
4. Fairy tales? But then Alfons looks further: red, yellow, blue script in Latin that confounds his schoolboy proficiency, save for some—Sulphur, Aqua—inscribed above kettle-shaped glass flasks, which house small colorful spheres or even smaller humanoid figures. He flips the page. A translation in English, which he scans until:
‘Convert the natures of the Elements and thou shalt find what thou seekest.’
He snaps the book shut. Who is the person occupying this same space during the daytime? Is it a historian who sleeps in his bed? Perhaps an artist, a novelist? An occultist? Or a Time Traveler, Alfons chuckles, somewhat sheepish at the absurdity of that last supposition. Think more rationally, like a scientist or an engineer.
image description and sources - visuals:
1. Postcard of Munich, Germany, from 1907, showing the Frauenkirche and Rathaus and the skyline (source)
2. "Flying Machines" excerpt from the English translation of "The Pocket Book of Aeronautics, Hermann Willhelm Ludwig Moedebeck, 1907 (source)
3. A photograph of a prosthetic leg from the 1920s (source)
4. The title page of "The Time Machine," H.G. Wells, first edition (source)
5. Alchemical diagram of a flask containing black liquid and colored spheres; the text is Donum Dei, an Austrian or German alchemical text (image source) & (text source)
6. Pharus Plan of Munich, 1923 (source)
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sophiaan0 · 3 years
"Edward, would you like to take a break? I just got some red wine."
"Why in a sudden? You could have saved it and just get more food. And, aren't those flowers too much?"
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These two need some romantic/relaxing moment.
This might be weird and looks incomplete but I had the urge to try building Ed's (or theirs) room with the few things I have 😇 lot of stuff are excluded :(
Also the shoes are not official but they are blue and red so why not
@traumbild collected so much info about their apartment they are so precious 🙏 (sorry for suddenly tagging you!
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sophiaan0 · 3 years
Are you serious.
Before I only saw the one without text. In magazine you literally said it.
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sophiaan0 · 3 years
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hi i'm back with an increasingly chaotic post-CoS AU! i had a thought one day like "what if both counterparts survived and shit went down" and that's basically this
so here's the scoop:
after the Big Fight, alfons' bullet wound was bad but not fatal. he passed out but made it to the hospital on time, where he was diagnosed with Vague Lung Disease as well as "you have a bullet in yer stomach syndrome" and, after being admitted from the hospital, was basically told to give rockets a rest for awhile and see how it progresses. ed starts to have an Idea
ed and al talk a bit and decide that if they work on it they can probably find a way to open the Gate temporarily, like a controlled personal portal. they start working on the theoretical alchemy for it pretty much immediately
alphonse and alfons don't immediately like each other. alfons is still reeling from the reveal of another world, and he feels betrayed from the fact that ed was most likely drawn to him because he looked like his brother. he's still bitter from ed's inability to see him as his own person, and alphonse is equally upset to find out ed essentially tried to "replace" him, even if it was on a subconscious level.
however, as alphonse and alfons hang out more, alfons comes to realize that it really wasn't alphonse's fault, and alphonse realizes the same vice versa. they bond over having to deal with ed's shitty habits and emotional constipation, and form a tentative friendship. the friendship develops more as alphonse becomes fascinated by the concept of astronomy and rockets, and alfons, still on Rocket Hiatus because of his shit lungs, teaches alphonse a lot about the basics of rocket science. they form an almost sibling-like kind of friendship eventually, recognizing that each of them is very different in the ways that matter, yet still mutually interested in the odd similarities.
speaking of alphonse: the boy is Going Thru It. he basically mentally aged five years (with a huge extra dose of trauma) overnight after crossing the Gate, and has a lot of confusion to deal with from the sudden onslaught of memories. during this hectic adjustment period, it's not uncommon for ed or alfons to find alphonse sitting up at night in the corner, mindlessly reading because he feels like he can't sleep, or having intense sensory overloads when everything Feels Too Much.
through all of this craziness, noah is just like, "well, the apartment was already going to shit, what's one more roommate?"
one day, ed is out at the market buying produce or something, when someone taps him on the shoulder. he turns around and is promptly sucker-punched in the face by a very pissed blond guy claiming "YOU ALMOST GOT ME KILLED YOU MORON". surprise! it's london ed, and he survived, and he's not happy about this weird fuckin stranger who temporarily possessed him a while back.
"london ed" is edward locke. on most days he's actually fairly reserved, a bit of a loner, and has a job as the local university's youngest physics professor. he's not nearly as volatile as ed, but when he's angry, you definitely might get a fist in your face.
the eds actually hit it off pretty well, once the whole "sorry i accidentally possessed and gravely injured you" thing gets out of the way. edward locke remembers hohenheim's Exposition Speech on the way the Gate works from when ed was possessing his body, so he knows the basics, but he started searching for ed anyway once he got a lead that his doppelganger was back. being a scientist at heart, locke is intrigued by the idea of a parallel universe, and quickly becomes fascinated by ed's new alchemy project. he decides, fuck it, this is way too interesting, and joins what is now the Make A Portal Squad, alongside ed, alphonse, and (begrudgingly) alfons.
alfons is involved because he does think it's interesting, even if he has some personal conflict with ed still going on, and he still cares deeply about ed and wants to see him find a way to get home. eventually, the personal conflict resolves itself as everyone lives together and ed finally starts to see alfons as his own person with his own life. the differences become pretty apparent with both "als" living in the same house, and now that ed's not a mess of depression and reality crises, he comes to appreciate both his brother and his friend for the separate but equally important people they are. meanwhile edward locke is just along for the ride, and noah is just like "ok weirdos you do your funky science thing"
idk about the rest of this AU i just thought it'd be funny if all four of these weirdos were working on the same project together. enjoy the chaos
i think eventually they figure out how to make a controlled portal they can open and close at will, because I Said So. alfons and locke have a pretty trippy time actually seeing alchemy at work and experiencing amestris, and eventually, alfons is taken to visit marcoh and his Vague Lung Disease is cured. yay, everyone's happy. alfons and locke return to earth, but the elric brothers decide that while they want to keep living in amestris, they'll keep up frequent visits with the parallel world and try to help that world with their conflicts as they can. it's a bit hectic but they make it work
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sophiaan0 · 3 years
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I’ve never drawn fanart of a fic before, but I’m absolutely in love with @uncannycookie‘s terumob fic “Return. Continue” series..!! I haven’t been so emotionally invested in a fic in so long ;__; 
Read it in the link below!!
– Twitter: @awdeko Instagram: @awdeko
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sophiaan0 · 3 years
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sophiaan0 · 3 years
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Recent phone doodle fanart!! Shippy stuff + a mp100 shitpost lol
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sophiaan0 · 3 years
I tried to transcribe/translate track #11 from the Mob Psycho 100 drama CD with the help of my friend, Yoli. I don’t claim 150% accuracy. If there you want to contribute a better translation for any part, feel free to leave notes on the doc. Thanks @zeitara for helping me out as well!
I got the file from @popipoyan who said I could reupload it standalone for your listening pleasure. You can check the rest of the tracks here: http://popipoyan.tumblr.com/post/156384175563/mp100-drama-cd-psychic-human-show
Track #11: Hobby
Dimple: Oh? That’s that Hanazawa guy isn’t it? Hehe, I’m going to see what he’s up to. Hmm? I can hear something..
Teru: Tch!! Hurry up and spit it out!
Dimple: Huh? What’s happening?
Teru: Why are you being so difficult?! 
Mob: Hanazawa, there’s no need to be so rough.
Dimple: He’s with Shigeo? What are these guys up to?
Teru: It’s fine. We don’t have to play nice. Anyway, this guy swallowed up something very important from me.
Mob: Do you think it’ll come out if we use psychic powers?
Teru: Hmm. Let’s try it for a bit. See if we can drag it out by force.  (Teru tries XD)
Mob: Hanazawa, that’s enough!
Teru: That didn’t work after all.. What now? If I’m going to try something else… There’s nothing left to do but to beat it out.
Mob: Let me try.
Teru: Sorry, Kageyama. Give it a shot and see if you can do it.
Mob: Got it. Here I go. (Mob tries) I couldn’t do it. Didn’t even budge..
Teru: It’s been awhile since I’ve had to do this.. Kageyama-kun, this is going to get dangerous so stand back. I’ll drill it out with this drill! 
Mob: But if you do that.. ! 
Teru: It’s fine, since it wasn’t cooperating in the first place….  (Teru starts drilling.) Doing this won’t be so bad. (Teru continues drilling.)  All right, it’s opened.
Mob: Huh, so that’s what it’s like inside.
Teru: Now’s not the time to stand in awe, Kageyama. Hurry up and take it out.
Mob: Yeah.
Teru: No way… It’s all tangled up…
Mob: Hanazawa.. All the contents will come out if we try to pull anymore.
Teru: What is this!! I can’t do anything with it like this! 
Dimple: I’m getting tired of listening to you guys.
Mob: Oh, Dimple, you’re here.
Teru: It’s strange that you’d be the type to spy on other people.
Dimple: You’re the ones who are strange! You’re going to such great lengths for a videotape. Just buy a new one!
Mob: This stubborn tape is the thing that’s very important to you?
Teru: “Corpse of the Flying Pig” is my favorite movie. There is no DVD available so it’s vintage. 
Mob: It’s a shame.. We’ll have to cut it with scissors.
Teru: Are you nuts?
Dimple: You’re all nuts..
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sophiaan0 · 3 years
If you don’t mind me asking what is a/bot
a breach of trust, its (unfortunately) the most popular fic in this fandom. its an au where instead of reigen guiding mob, mogami does and it destroys him until reigen finds mob years later and reigen has to help mob readjust to life
it sucks bc it really takes mp100’s stellar plot that subverted tropes and instead says “hey what if we made this story stereotypical and boring”. its plot and description of what it does to mob is unnecessarily graphic and horrific (and so is the art that people produce of it im looking at u sandflake) bc no one understands that theyre 13. it takes the development that made reigen so great and goes “hey what if we made him a boring savior trope”. its bad writing topped off with a dose of weird torture porn and i cannot stand it or its fans
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sophiaan0 · 3 years
ABoT Attic AU Masterpost
(Reposted for organizational purposes)
Please tell me if I’ve missed stuff, there’s A Lot. ALSO, because everybody has a slightly different take on things, there are multiple endings, but I’m recounting the one that includes mine.
BE WARNED: SENSITIVE MATERIAL (like, kidnapping, starvation, illness, blood, wounds, death, gore, abuse….)
Underwater Hum and Comic by @ohwwhuv and @sandflakedraws (Joey)
General Thoughts by Joey
General Thoughts (Updated) by Joey
Main Timeline
The Attic
Reigen Loses (And Tetsuo Loses More) by @paperseverywhere
Haircut by @whisperwillyou (Whispers)
Ghosts by @lolnoodle (Noodles)
Withdrawals by Whispers
Another Esper by Mavery
Hangman by @phoenix-art-official (Nix)
Out of Body Experience by Noodles
He Couldn’t Hold the Scissors by Joey
I Wouldn’t Do That If I Were You by @blueartistic813 (Blue)
Reigen Defeats Mogami by Joey
Rescuing Mob + the Escape by Joey
Returning to Society
Hospital Food by Whispers
Begin Again by @bucketsofgiggles​ (Buckets)
Spare Change by Whispers
I’ll See You Again by Noodles
Jun’s Side by Mavery
The Kageyama’s Adopt Reigen
An Adjustment Period by Joey
A Bit Too Much by Joey
Sleeping Aid by Joey
Home Cooking by Joey
Grafting by Joey
Secure by Janekfan
Wild Card by Firefly
A Colorful Boi by Joey
Family by @gosecretscribbles
Fever Games
Fever by Joey
Something Wrong by Nix
Home Remedies by Joey
A Game of Illegal Uno by Joey and @phantomrose96 (Chrissy)
Lost in the Shuffle by Joey
Ritsu Panicked by @marimo-art​
Recovery and a Red Hoodie
Sleepy Reigen by Nix
Phantom Pains by Firefly
Like Shed Skin by Firefly
Hoodie Reigen (Part 1) by @carriemebags-art (CarrieMeBags)
Hoodie Reigen (Part 2) by Marimo
Hoodie Reigen (Part 3) by Marimo
Night Terrors by Joey and @the-elf-draws​
Somnambulant by Janekfan
Momentary Resurrection by Firefly
Warmth by Janekfan
Deprived by Janekfan
Renovation, Reconstruction (Part 1) by @avialae (Bird)
Sleeping Close by Janekfan
Assimilation by Joey
Renovation, Reconstruction (Part 2) by Bird
Accommodations by @boatkaptain​​
Salvage by Janekfan
Grocery Shopping by Janekfan
Philopatry by Mavery
The Past Comes Calling
Firefly Ruins a Perfectly Good Hoodie and Everybody Else Fixes Itby Firefly, Joey, and Whispers
Renovation, Reconstruction (Part 3) by Bird
Movie Night by Whispers
Old Faces, New Friends
Remembrance by Firefly
Suddenly Dimple? by Joey
Pushing Buttons
You Won’t Get Away With It by Joey
Upcoming Fic by Firefly
Enter Hana
Therapy by Janekfan
Suggestion by Mavery
The Best Idea by Joey
Reigen’s Valentine by Whispers
Don’t Leave Her Out by Whispers
First Day of Training by Whispers
Therapy Dog by @plintoon
Hana by and Joey
Dog Walker by CarrieMeBags
Dogs and Such by CarrieMeBags
Morning by Janekfan
In the End
Movie Night by Janekfan
Laundry by Janekfan
Walk on a Whim by @fancyfennekin
Oh My by Joey
Smeck by Joey
Happiest Place on Earth by Mavery
Massage by Janekfan
Tattoos by Whispers
Family Photo by @the-grim-sleeper
Miscellaneous (AUs of an AU)
Sans Reigen
AU of an AU by Noodles
Surprise! by @strangeducks (Ducks)
Bad End
Bad End by Firefly
“I am Shigeo” by Marimo
Crying Over Spilled Milk by Mavery
Exactly Like That by Chrissy
Shattered by @composereggwrites (Egg)
A Happier Note by Egg
Possess by Janekfan
Transient by Janekfan
Artifice by Janekfan
Pulse by Janekfan
Casualty by Janekfan
Whole by Janekfan
Empty by Janekfan
The Burden of the Infirm by Ducks
Steady by Janekfan
Better this Way by Whispers
Found by Joey
Hypothermia by Mavery
Antithesis by Janekfan
Glad You’re Okay by Marimo
Guilt by Whispers
Rampart by Janekfan
Resolve by Janekfan
Updated Last: 7/22/18
If I’ve missed your artwork/fic, please tell me and I’d be happy to add them to the list.
In light of recent events, I would like to say that attic au content seems to be continuing at full steam! There are a couple of other things I want to see covered before I’ve set all my pieces about this AU.
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sophiaan0 · 3 years
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I don’t really know what people generally call this method of sigil making, so I’m just calling it “Letter Shaping” because you’re using the basic shapes from certain letters. This is the most common form of sigil making, and it allows the most creative influence. As you see above the sigils are for nearly the same thing, yet the sigils came out completely different. Not because the purpose was different, but because I approached them both a different creative way, and that’s what I like so much about this method. There’s a lot of freedom and personalization involved.
(UPDATE: Here’s a link to a guide on how to deconstruct letters down to basic shapes)
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sophiaan0 · 4 years
Imagine Minho bringing flowers to Thomas every day, becasue they never had flowers in the Glade.
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sophiaan0 · 4 years
hey, remember before the Maze Runner movies came out and the fandom wasn't quite so big and everyone shipped Thominho and Nalby? good times, how i miss them.
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