sophiabsh · 2 years
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So I have been watching old movies from the nineteen eighties and nineties, I feel as if some of them should be remade and updated.  My question to you is if you could see one of your favorite movies remade which one would it be and why?  I am Alexandra or Alex, I am someone who watches old movies when she is doing her best not to do what she should be doing.  Nice to meet you!  
See, I’m conflicted when it comes to reboots. Sometimes I want them and sometimes I think that a reboot would ruin the original’s greatness. Like Pretty Woman, Julia Roberts did such an incredible job and I can’t see anyone else playing that part. But when it comes to films like Back to the Future and E.T, I can totally see a reboot since the special effects we have these days are incredible. Hey there, gorgeous. How have you been?
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sophiabsh · 2 years
I thought I know what busy was. But everything from Thursday all the way to today (Sunday) has made me really see what it is. Those four days seemed like it was one big day. And I know for sure that the children loved it. I’m William and I am sure I am going to have some time to rest for a while now. Even if it is a day or two. How are you?
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You were celebrating the Platinum Jubilee, am I correct? I can imagine how busy all of you were. But did you have fun? I saw some pictures of your children and they are adorable. It’s a pleasure to meet you, I’m Sophia. That sounds like the best plan, you earned those days off. I’m fantastic! Like you, I’m taking time and I’m looking forward to spend it with my daughter and boyfriend.
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sophiabsh · 2 years
📲 Text ⇢ 𝒮𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒽 🔥
Sarah: I'll give you the more "raw and uncut" way of how that went, since PEOPLE just made it seem a lot more formal and professional to how that how ordeal went down....but there was A LOT of sweating, crying and more sweating when she asked me and i made SURE she knew that. Sophia, pinch me, that's all i can even still say about this project. You're in luck though, we've already started with production so i'm a lot more in LA these days and ummmmm gonna need a dinner date with you + glennon and abbey, those two wonderful ladie's wont let you escape and neither will i !if this is how i'm gonna fulfil my dream of us working together, so be it.
Soph: YES GIVE ME ALL THE JUICY DEETS! Omg stop, now you're going to make ME cry and I wasn't even there. Please tell me someone has that on video because that thing would go down in history. Listen, you are an incredible actress so she made the perfect choice. Anyone who knows you can see from a mile away how passionate you are about this project! And I personally can't wait to watch you kick ass. WHAT? You started production already? I'm in London but watch me take the first flight there so we can make this dinner date happen. That would be MY pinch me moment. I'll gladly be a glorified extra! As long as I can see you in action 😎
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sophiabsh · 2 years
A part of me wishes I was still on vacation, it felt nice to get to relax and not think about anything at all but I know with a comeback looming on the horizon, I won’t get to be able to relax for long. I might have to plan a vacation for me and my girlfriend again once I have the free time to. I’ve been doing my usual of hiding in my studio to work like usual and doing other things I enjoy while I have the chance. How have the rest of you been? I swear I can’t keep up with anyone, not even my friends especially once I’m in work mode haha. @hfrpstarters​
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I know the feeling, a part of me wanted to stay in Hawaii for another week to relax and forget about the world but the bigger part of me was desperate to go back home. I was missing my daughter way too much. Oh, how’s the comeback going to be like? Are you going on tour? Release a new album? I’m sure your girlfriend will love to go on a vacation! Us girls really appreciate the gestures. All good over here! I recently finished filming a movie so now I’m in the UK with my boyfriend and kid, since he’s filming here.
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sophiabsh · 2 years
Henry watched as Sophia came back into the room, his eyes never leaving her since his view was one of the best in the city. in the world, honestly. when she straddled his lap, his arms automatically wrapped around her and brought her closer. “finally some alone time,” he mused while placing his lips against her neck but didn’t move them as she began to talk, listening to every word that came from her perfect lips. “that’s because you and Katie are the type of people who care about the world. you wanted to make something that people would look back on twenty years from now and say ‘Good Same was incredible and even though it only lasted for a little while, it was one of the best shows to ever be created’,” he said while moving his arms now so that he could take her face into his large hands, rubbing his thumbs across her cheekbones. Sophia was one of the best women in the world and she had deserved to have her show go on, to make everyone fall in love with her all over again. Brooke Davis was her past, a person that she brought to life and made everyone pay attention to and she had done the same thing with Sam. “now you are going to move onto even bigger things, you’re going to create more things and be a part of other things. you already do so much for the world and i don’t mean the roles you play but the charities you are a part of. the good vibes you send out to everyone, the virtual hugs and love that everyone can feel from your social media accounts. you are making a difference, Sophia Anna Bush, and i am happy to be here and watch you do it.” was Henry proud of her his? most definitely. she was changing the world one step at a time and that was something he hoped she was aware of.
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Sophia closed her eyes and hummed softly upon feeling Henry’s lips on her neck. He had such an innate ability of making her feel calm and more relaxed with the simplest gestures. “Finally some alone time indeed.” The actress said with a small smirk, opening her eyes again so she could trace her thumb across Henry’s lower lip. His next words didn’t fail to bring the biggest smile on her face. She didn’t know what on earth she had done to deserve such amount of love. Before she knew it, unshed tears were pooling in her eyes. Happy tears. And for a moment, she knew that everything would be right in the world, as long as she had him by her side. “Stop it, you’re going to make me cry.” The California native said with a soft chuckle, looking up at the ceiling to stop herself from crying. She took a deep breath to collect herself before turning her focus back to him. “You really have no idea how much that means to me. I know things will be okay. And how do I know that? Because you are here with me.” She said as she grabbed his face in both of her hands, leaning forward to press her lips against his. Her right hand was now on the back of his head so she could grab a handful of his hair as she deepened the kiss. She parted his lips with her own, to gain access to his mouth. “You drive me crazy.” Soph whispered, letting her lips linger for a few more seconds before pulling back. Almost breathless. “So, I’ve been thinking...” She began, pausing for a moment to gather her thoughts. “Right now there’s nothing keeping me tied up to LA. I mean, sure friends and family are there. But I mean job-wise. And you do most of your work here in London... so -- how about we move here, a little bit more permanently? I mean, if that’s something you would like? I have to admit that I like the possibility of our kid having a British accent.” Sophia said with a soft chuckle.
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sophiabsh · 2 years
📲 Text ⇢ 𝒟𝒾𝒶𝓃𝓃𝒶 🌸
Di: I will fight you on this, B. Davis. But I have to admit that I do miss Baby Brooke way more.
Di: Aw, I'm so happy that you and Henry got some alone time together. I can only imagine how much you needed it. It's funny how you hear that parents long for a getaway but once they got the chance, they miss their children and somehow can't stop talking about them. Ugh, she's growing up so fast.. stop it. stop time.
Di: Well, we started seeing each other a couple of weeks ago but we've known each other for a while now. I met him back in 2018 when he was living in LA, but we were just friends. Oh, I have obviously told him about you and that you might appear a bit scary at first but once he got to know you, he'll love you just as I do.
Di: You're both lucky, hun. I'm so happy that you might actually get your happily ever after.
Soph: Sigh, it's okay I already made my peace with the fact that B steals the spotlight, and as she should. You should come to London whenever you have time! She would love to see her Auntie Di again.
Soph: Thank you, babe! That's exactly what happened though. We were both constantly facetiming my mom so we could check up on Brooke. Henry did it even more than me. Separation anxiety is no joke. I'm totally one of those parents, constantly talking about my kid 😂 I never thought I'd be that person but yet, here I am.
Soph: You have no idea how happy I am for you. You deserve someone who will give you the world. How's it like dating a rock star? Have you been to a lot of his shows? Does he serenade you? I promise I won't be so scary 😅 I just need to make sure he has good intentions. No one can hurt my girl.
Soph: I'm surprised that it's happening, I'm not going to lie. What about you though? Is Dougie the person you see yourself building a future with?
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sophiabsh · 2 years
Plan your dream wedding...GO!
first and foremost, my bride: Sophia Anna Bush. @sophiabsh
if i had my way and everyone knows that in the end, the bride to be does the choosing while the groom to be smiles and nods along. but if i it my way, it would go something along these lines: 
the wedding would be held some time around the fall, where the leaves are beginning to change colors and the weather is just starting to cool down. not to a point where if the bride to be wanted to wear a sleeveless gown, she would be able to but also cool enough that if she’d prefer something with sleeves that she’d be comfortable as well. 
the venue would be somewhere in the forest, not far from a trail or an opening to the forest, that way no one would get lost as they were brought to sit in white chairs that below large trees that had lights and lanterns strung from the branches seeing as i’d love a dusk wedding. the sun slowly slipping from the sky.
the walkway would be lit up by candles, so that there is an ambiance that is bewitching as the flames dance while the bride to be walked down the path. it would be littered with sunflower, roses and other petals that way it would almost feel like she was walking on air. the chairs lining the pathway would be white, hung with sashes or some type of material with the bride to be’s chosen color/s. 
in the end, it would be romance overload because deep down i am a romantic and i would want my future wife to know that she deserved everything her heart desired for her wedding. i won’t go into too many more details because i would want it to be magical and not something that people can already picture, that way when that day does comes - they will be wowed. 
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sophiabsh · 2 years
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sophiabsh · 2 years
𝒽𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝒾𝓈 𝓌𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝒾'𝓂 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓎𝑜𝓊 ⇢ bushvill
“Aaaand she’s finally down.” Sophia announced when she walked into the living room. She placed the baby monitor on the coffee table and looked at Henry with the biggest smile on her face. Instead of sitting next to him on the couch, she chose to straddle his lap, wrapping her arms around her boyfriend’s neck as she rested her forehead against his. “You know, I’ll never get tired of saying and thinking how lucky I am to have you.” The actress said, with a soft sigh as she pulled back slightly enough to look at him. “You and Brooklyn have kept me grounded -- without you, I would’ve been so worked up about Good Sam getting canceled. but now I’m focusing on the good things. When it all started back in 2019, Katie and I talked a lot about how we wanted the show to be. Not the show itself, but the experience of making it. We wondered if we could rebuild the broken feeling a lot of people had, writers, cast, crew… after seasons spent working on shitty shows or for shitty showrunners… and we promised each other that we’d make a good show, where people were good to each other. And that’s what we did. People weren’t just good to each other. They LOVED each other. We made this atomic love bomb. And that’s what I’m taking with me, so thank you for being my support.” The brunette said as she leaned forward to press her lips against his. / @xcavill​
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sophiabsh · 2 years
📲 Text ⇢ 𝒜𝓈𝒽𝓉𝑜𝓃 💙
ash: i know and i feel so terrible about it. you've had incredible amount of stuff on your plate and then i've been all over as well, with the tour and the promo. i heard about the show, seems rather unfair, since you all worked incredibly hard and it had a steady audience that loved the show. sometimes obstacles lead into big breaks and you're so talented, it won't take long for a show to snatch you up. hawaii was such a whirlwind and it was absolutely impossible to catch everyone i wanted too. did you and henry and my gorgeous goddaughter have a good trip? we're good, you've not missed anything. we're playing at a festival this weekend and then we're back on the road. all the time we've had that we haven't been working, we've spent on vacation or with our pups. are you in the UK or in the states right now?
soph: thank you so much, my love! I won't deny that I was very sad about the show since I was also producing it but I'm proud of what we made and now I'm ready for another chapter. I finished filming a movie last week so I can't complain. We had an amazing trip! We missed Brooklyn so much though, she stayed back home with my parents. It had been monthsss since Henry and I had had a little weekend getaway. Did you and Luke enjoy it? Do you have any crazy stories you want to share with the class? OH! That sounds like so much fun, which festival? I honestly don't know how you guys do it, being on the road so much. My hat is off to you all. You need to take care of yourself though, please tell me you're eating and sleeping right, or else I'm gonna have a serious conversation with whoever is in charge of the tour lol. I'm in the UK! How about you? Where you at these days?
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sophiabsh · 2 years
dualipa: if you saw me fall on stage and smash my knee up the other night then mind ur business.
sophiabush: @dualipa oh no! are you doing okay? I hope it wasn't anything serious 😥
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sophiabsh · 2 years
📲 Text ⇢ 𝒟𝒾𝒶𝓃𝓃𝒶 🌸
Di: I miss you too, bestie.
Di: Oh you shush about that. You got to spend time with Henry and i honestly love that for you. How's baby Brooke doing? I really miss her.
Di: Well, I spent the entire weekend with this guy I'm seeing. His name is Dougie and he's from this band called McFly. God Soph, he's so amazing and treats me with such kindness and grace. He makes me so happy.
Di: How's everything going with Superman?
Soph: I miss you way more, and nope you can't argue with me on this.
Soph: I did! It had been a very long time since Henry and I got some alone time. It was funny because we were missing Brooke way too much. She's doing amazing! She turned four months yesterday, I don't know how that happened. I feel like it was just yesterday that I was in labor.
Soph: OKAY.. WAIT - you're seeing someone?? Since when? I'm obviously seriously happy for you but I'm going to need all the details. I'm so glad he's treating you well, that's what you deserve. I need to meet him, because you know, gotta give him the talk. I promise I won't scare him off.
Soph: What can I say about Superman? He's perfect in every way, shape and form. I have no idea how I got so lucky. I'm so in love, it's insane.
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sophiabsh · 2 years
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Sophia Bush on The Late Late Show with James Corden.
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sophiabsh · 2 years
📲 Text ⇢ 𝒮𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒽 🔥
Sarah: SO, I was doing my usual endless scroll on twitter when an article from People Mag caught my attention - it had your face on it so of course I had to stop. I opened the article and it was all about how Glennon Doyle said you were the only person she wanted to play her in the series. I SCREAMED, because I agree 100000%. There's no one better for the role and when you start filming you gotta bring me to set with you so I can fangirl properly 😇
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sophiabsh · 2 years
📲 Text ⇢ 𝒜𝓈𝒽𝓉𝑜𝓃 💙
soph: I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever and that's 10000% on me 😭 life has been so hectic, turns out balancing motherhood and a full time career isn't as easy as I thought it would be 😓 and then I found out that Good Sam was canceled and I needed some time to process BUT I'm feeling all better now. Everything happens for a reason. I want to know how YOU are though. I'm so mad at myself because I didn't get to see you in Hawaii. Are you and Luke doing okay? Please tell me I haven't missed something super important.
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sophiabsh · 2 years
📲 Text ⇢ 𝑅𝑜𝓂𝑒𝑒 🔥
soph: I need attention, specifically from you because we haven't talked in forever - and that's mostly my fault. Where are you these days?? Let's get drinks soon? I need to vent about motherhood and work with someone who will get it. 😅
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sophiabsh · 2 years
📲 text ⇢ 𝐿𝒾𝓏𝓏𝒾𝑒 ✨
Soph: Now that it's been almost a month since the release of Multiverse of Madness, I can finally express myself like a normal - half sane person 😂 I watched it on the 7th and I was screaming almost the entire time. And then I was like WHERES MY SCARLET WITCH SOLO MOVIE? I'm going to start a campaign for that asap.
Soph: Hi, I love you and I miss you.
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