sophiavan · 1 year
A night at the Palace on Madison costed a fortune and Sophia had spent that a few times over. She’d wasted an absurd amount of money to simply seek peace and the quiet. Nobody had told her it was her own brain plaguing her with guilt and sadness, though. She’d upset Baby with news of her engagement and might’ve lost her sisters with Gossip Girl’s return all in a single eve. She preferred to keep a low profile while mulling everything over. It’s how you knew the usually bright and sunny girl wasn’t herself. Thinking the housekeepers were knocking at her door, Sophia pulled her pajama clad self from bed to open and peak through. She was met with a familiar face and not that of a hotel employee. 
“You know I’m here?”
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sophiavan · 1 year
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sophiavan · 1 year
Baby: I cannot believe you got married! What kind of friend are you! Don't even try to apologize!
Sophia: I didn't realize I'd have to apologize to so many people for choosing happiness. Life is really funny and not at all what I thought it'd be.
Sophia: Love you lots, Baby. But I'd like some space.
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sophiavan · 2 years
She’s really back. And I’m really toast.
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sophiavan · 2 years
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sophiavan · 2 years
“Missed you, Mrs Walker,” Jesse grinned as he gave Sophia one more kiss for good luck. He felt as if they’d been separated for a hundred years on this beach. When they’d both agreed between excited whispers and barely contained giggles that they would share their news- their beautiful, amazing, life changing news!- Jesse couldn’t wait. Wearing their rings, now safe and sound in their martial bubble of bliss, Jesse was just so happy. “How-,” he kissed the back of her left hand gently- “Is your night going?” @sophiavan​
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“Well, well, there you are. I had thought you’d been off swooning everyone else. I could never blame anyone falling for that smile,” she scrunched her face in adoration, the only thing from attacking his limbs like he was the most lovable puppy she’d ever laid two eyes on. “My sister knows,” she whispered the news as if it were a trophy, the best prize after the longest year. “It’s about time we share ourselves.” All Sophia’s fingers threaded with his, to hold his hands in hers. “Twice as many honeymoon phases, don’t you think?” She giggled to his lips. Sophia knew they were irritatingly adorable. It was time they heard it, too.
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sophiavan · 2 years
idt anyone is around this time of night but hellooooo a wined up katy is bringing some replies<333 xoxo 
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sophiavan · 2 years
The corner of Jake’s mouth tugged up into a smile- Sophia’s cheery vibe was always incredibly infectious, no matter how shit life was. “This feels like more of a joke than a confession, but I can’t let that go without an answer. I have no idea. What’s white and pink all over?”
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“Well, lots of things, but -- a blushing bride!” Sophia revealed, fanning out her hands around her face for an added layer of pizzazz. This was certainly one way to share the news of her marriage. She wasn’t sure if it’d go over Jake’s head or not, but she would try this first, because she’d never doubt him. “Get it?” She practically stuttered out of nerves. To seal the deal, she offered her left hand and the ring that danced on her finger.
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sophiavan · 2 years
Logan raised both eyebrows as Sophia’s phone was turned towards them. What
? It had been way longer than a hot minute since Logan had last seen a Gossip Girl blast. Wait, was Gossip Girl back? Brow thoroughly furrowed, Logan looked back over at her only for their heart to be hit with the full force of those doe eyes. Just like that, Logan pulled on a reassuring smile, soft and calm just like she needed. “Of course it’s a joke,” they replied, “And a crappy one at that, right? I mean, come on. Gossip Girl? I don’t know her. Gossip Girl might as well be a landline at this point, Soph.” A pause- “Have you talked to Jesse about it yet?”
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“You aren’t entirely wrong,” Sophia gave them credit where it was due for pointing out the obvious. She’d been so blinded by the very real possibility of everyone’s sworn enemy logging online once more. “Because I haven’t laughed at all. We should scour our yearbooks and figure out who was voted least funny.” It wouldn’t have been a superlative Sophia ever voted for, but she could imagine the cruelty of the category being the funniest thing at their private schools. “That gave me a scare, at the very least. If that’s what they were shooting for--” She rolled her eyes. “No, I’m above saying anything so low.” She gave Logan a look that said but you’re not. Sophia had grown increasingly sassy over the last year. “Um, I’ll tell Jesse later, if it calls for it.”
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sophiavan · 2 years
Jesse smiled into their kiss, heart fluttering in the marshmallow aisle. They could have been the only two people in the world, you know? Jesse would have kissed her for forever (if Alex didn’t really need those cantaloupes). His brow furrowed when she pulled back- something was wrong. She was worried, verging on upset. Of all the reasons why, he never expected what Sophia said next. About a thousand emotions crossed his face at the news- no, he hadn’t known that- but he landed on one: Sophia needs you. So, he swallowed back the shock, the upset and even just a tinge of anger, for her. “No, I don’t
 I didn’t know,” he said softly. Jesse leaned forward, gently touching his forehead to hers a moment. “Hey, it’s okay.” Pulling back, he added- “It could be a prank. Some kid trying to mess with everyone because they don’t know better. Some long queued post Gossip Girl made just to try and ruin our day one last time
 It could be anything but no matter what it is, I’ve got you. Okay?”
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Gossip Girl was an infamous legend and would be for, possibly, decades to come if none of their generation ever learned to keep their mouths shut for good. The were the generation of sharing and wanting to be heard. As Sophia grew in age, she realized that could’ve been blamed on their parents lack of giving supervision. Maybe the OG’s home life was sucky, and maybe, so was the owner of the prank. Sophia talked herself off the worrying edge by burying herself in denial. She smiled fondly, because she’d do that for him. He’d slain the dragon once before. She didn’t want it resurfacing when their lives had just become close to perfect.
“I won’t let it ruin mine any longer if we do salted caramel gelato, too. I’m sorry to say to Alex, but that one is for me.”
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sophiavan · 2 years
Sapphire knew it but she couldn’t bring herself to say it, not yet. It was too precious. Hopeful. What Sapphire wouldn’t have done for a little hope
 She couldn’t help but smile when Sophia said with all her might and all her heart that she loved him. Jesse frickin’ Walker. Sapphire didn’t doubt them for a second though. You only had to spend a moment with them together to know that what they had was something special. Magical. The kind of love that made you want to believe in love. The kind of love that had you holding hands until the very end. Her own voice dropped to a whisper in response, excitement building in the air- “I think I know what you’re going to tell me too but I think you’ve gotta say it. I think I need to hear it.” Sapphire reached out for her hand- that hand- and held it tightly in her own. “I could never be mad at you, my beautiful baby sister. When you’re happy, it’s everything. Understand?”
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Sapphire wasn’t the only one who needed to hear the news word-for-word. It wouldn’t sink in completely for Sophia until she did, too. But first, she gave her sister’s hand a squeeze. The gesture said what she could in public -- you didn’t miss anything and I will tell you all. Once the bravest breath of all was inhaled, the confession came with the quiet exhale, “I’m Sophia Walker now. We got married.” The bombshell didn’t rock the party. The sisters were able to embrace each other out of the spotlight in this special time. Thank goodness. They glowed all on their own, anyways.
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sophiavan · 2 years
Sapphire was endlessly grateful that Sophia didn’t instantly begin the interrogation. She was well within her right to but Sophia’s kindness had always outshone everything else. It didn’t mean the tough questions weren’t coming but there was relief for now. Time to think of a good enough answer to ‘why weren’t you there’. Her stomach turned just thinking about it. Being momentarily lost in her own thoughts, it had taken longer for her to realise that
 What? Sophia was holding tight to her hand, leading them over the sand and towards- naturally- the snacks. As they walked, her eyes were suddenly trained on Sophia’s hand. The left hand. On the ring finger. A beautiful, simple, golden band around that precious finger.
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“You’re a total babe, Soph. Your hair is gorgeous and it’s-,” she paused briefly, feeling that lump in her throat again- “It’s so long! You’re the Upper East Side’s real life Rapunzel. Evil step-mother and heart of gold prince included.” Sapphire couldn’t help laughing as Sophia twirled, her skirt spinning out all around her like the ocean. “Hey, princess-,” she started, managing to grab Sophia’s hand again as she was mid-twirl, fighting off the world’s biggest smile- “What is this?”
“It’s the new Marc Jacobs-- Oooh,” Sophia’s smile was only sly for a second, because in reality, she’d been waiting to gush all day into the night and over and over and over again. Especially with Sapphire. “I love him, Saph.” Her love did not need to be put on show on a single day for all to see, when their friends and family witnessed the flourished friends to lovers before them every single day. Her ring needn’t be grand, either. And she would’ve been alright without one, but with her finger occupied, she had every excuse to sing from the heavens she’d, without a shadow of a doubt, was with her soulmate. “I think you know what I’m about to tell you.” Her voice had dropped to a whisper, otherwise it would’ve cracked as she grew partially teary. “You can’t be mad at me either, okay?”
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sophiavan · 2 years
“Okay, hear me out.” Jake dropped on to a towel situated near the bonfire, beer in hand. “We all play a big game of truth or dare, but we all pick truth and we out our own secrets before Gossip Girl takes her revenge.”
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“Okay, deal,” Sophia had no problem plopping down beside her good friend, definitely former crush before someone else had captured her heart altogether. She rose a brow, wagering, “I’ll go first. What’s white and pink all over it?”
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sophiavan · 2 years
The squeals reached her first, naturally. Sapphire should have known that Sophia would be here tonight, looking like a princess with her fairytale prince in wait. Sapphire had thought about her baby sister every single day that she’d been gone. At first, she’d tried to let Soph know that she was okay but the texts became more and more infrequent. And they were never more than a line or two. Look at her
 There was almost instantly a lump in her throat when Sophia spoke through a grin so beautiful Sapphire could hardly stand it.
Avoiding answering her greeting right away, Sapphire laughed before wrapping her arms around Sophia. It gave her time to get it together, mostly. At least enough to try for a reply- “Yeah, me too.”
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When the sisters pulled apart, Sophia kept Sapphire’s hands nestled comfortably between her own. Sophia hadn’t thought through holding hands, the golden band shining beside dim fire light. There might’ve been a filing cabinet tucked away inside of her head, each and every question she wanted to ask neatly organized. There was a time and a place. She hated to admit it, but as a Vandervort, she had learned the importance of appearances. Crowding her sister and having her seem guilty or dumbfounded wasn’t something she wanted captured on film or by friends. Who knew what could be captured with Gossip Girl possibly breathing down their necks now. But what Sophia also did not do, was offer her sister a drink. They didn’t need that to be close, did they? Casually as possible, Sophia tugged her older sister along with her across the sandy beach to the snacking table. What they both deserved was a good grazing of crackers and grapes.
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“Do you like what I’ve done with my hair? I haven’t been to the salon in ages.” It was just growing and growing. She emphasized the length by dropping their entwined hands to do another twirl. The skirt was meant to be twirled and she couldn’t help it.
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sophiavan · 2 years
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sophiavan · 2 years
Sapphire hadn’t stepped foot on this beach in
 She couldn’t even think. How did you show your face again after over half a year the way that she’d left? Well, Sapphire Vandervort would let you know once she figured it out. All that time running made it hard to stand still even now. She could still hear Alex’s voicemail playing in the back of her head with all her frantic, furious, pregnant demands. Making it just close enough to be on the outskirts of the party, she stopped dead in her tracks. Maybe this was a bad idea.
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With each move Sophia made, the turquoise floor length skirt looked more and more like the waves they were partying beside. The annual event wasn’t the same as previous years, because people were missing. She caught Jesse across the party, her heart warming instantly. But also, new traditions had began. It was a tough pill to swallow, having to be without what you always loved so you could accept new loves, but that appeared to be what growing up was all about. The blonde gave a twirl, deciding to lose herself inside of music before her thoughts -- and that’s the moment she saw her across the party.
A loud echo of squeals drowned out the DJ and she picked her skirt from the ground, bare feet kicking up sand as she skidded forward towards her favorite face in the world.
“I am so mad at you!” She clearly wasn’t.
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sophiavan · 2 years
Hi BBS! Quick summary below of what Sutton & Effy have been up to, because they both sorta went into the shadows and hid after graduation while Soph & Dan have kept consistently in the city ~
Sutton: Just floating through life, has truly never had direction. Didn’t go to college, despite being accepted to NYU. Definitely currently a couch surfer, no exact home in New York. Has definitely regressed after high school. Instead of becoming a better version or grown up version of herself, she’s lived in her sadness and just let it destroy her as a person. Is very much so here to be walked on by every man she meets smh Sutton. Works at a sports bar for the insane tips! The one thing she realized she enjoyed after school was dancing, so has been working as a $tripper in Manhattan. It’s the least sleazy thing about her life & she genuinely loves it.
Effy: After high school, this girl went through a Major Identity Crisis. If she weren’t the girl who was at the top of the class, she was the girl sneaking out and dancing on top of tables come night. Once college rolled around, neither of those girls felt like who she really was, but each person she knew threw her into one of the categories. She did the signature Baizen thing & ran for the hills aka L.A. She dropped out of Columbia her freshman year, moved to L.A., and has become a literal twitch streamer who plays video games for a living. Her parents have done everything to keep the scandal on the downlow. She’s just vibing, no idea who she really is. She is coming back for the summer, to visit ~
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