sophie-soliloquy 30 days
meant to normal post but.... drugs and alcohol get her through the day.... :)
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sophie-soliloquy 1 month
Amidst the Horrors, I am overjoyed to report that the 7.5mg Zepbound finally seems to be working. I just fucking CRUSHED an OrangeTheory class (okay, maybe only by my pathetic standards, but I'm really getting the hang of OTF), am hungry for the first time today, and actually WANT to spend that hunger on a dang salad. Like. I am ready for some roughage. Munch, munch, on greens I crunch.
After a shower, though. I'm grody.
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sophie-soliloquy 1 month
I've been having nightmares. I remember very little of them, but then I wake up stressed. Only I would manage to wake up actively stressed.
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sophie-soliloquy 1 month
I'll be honest, I haven't been doing much with myself this past week. I started a Buffy rewatch and got fully yanked down that particular rabbit hole.
I'm honestly not going to try and push myself to do more sooner. Classes start in a little over a week, which will force me to do things. In the meantime, I'm going to keep feeling sorry for myself!
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sophie-soliloquy 2 months
Guess who got a pap smear and didn鈥檛 even cry!! Faildaughter adulthood going so good lmao
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sophie-soliloquy 2 months
Upside, my cold seems to be easing and symptoms are on the downswing.
Downside, I'm not even in Ithaca yet and Ellie is already completely losing her shit. I didn't see this coming and it scares me. More later.
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