sophisticandy · 7 years
9 Essential MUST-HAVE Items to Bring to the Beach
It's mid-summer and you're on your way to escaping that stressful 9-5 for a week. You're going to the beach! You can't wait for the sunshine, the breeze, and the relaxation. Last year you may have gotten all the way to the beach and realized you forgot a few things, but this year you won't have that problem! Pack some of these must-have items with you to ensure a stress-free beach vacation!
9 Essential MUST-HAVE Items to Bring to the Beach
One-Time-Use Face Mask
What is a vacation with out a little bit of pampering? Get yourself a soothing, rejuvenating face mask to feel lush and refreshed while you retreat. Don't worry, these face masks take up very little space in your bag. And the best part? They're disposable!
Disposable Makeup Tools
It is completely unnecessary to bring your entire makeup case with you on your trip (don't lie, you thought about it). But why risk losing your Dior mascara wand or your only pair of tweezers when you travel? Get yourself some disposable tools that you can simply toss away after each use.
Disposable Camera
Obviously, you'll want to document your eventful vacation, and remember the precious and serene moments away from your hectic day-to-day life. Grab a disposable camera, snap it up, toss it. Easy.
Plastic Tote, Synthetic Fiber Beach Bag (For Intended Reuse)
Now, I know you just got your hands on that pricey wicker basket that is all the rage this year, but forget it! Can you imagine trying to get all that sand out of the little crevasses? While you are on your trip, you will need something water and sand resistant and big enough to carry all your crap with you to and from the beach.
Bottled Water or Acrylic Water Flask
Who needs plastic bottled water when you can bring a reusable acrylic one? And in the shape of a flask, you might as well whip up some shine and take that down to the water with you as well. The entire purpose of a vacation is to let loose, isn't it? Well sit back, relax, and sip. If an acrylic water bottle is a bit much, proceed with your bottled water. Try to aim for the designated trash cans on your way back to the room, you saucey thing.
Beach Vacation Essentials
Foam Flip-Flops
Because it's summer and you're going to the beach. And who are you really trying to impress? This is a time for you and your sore feet to simply wade in the ocean and let it all go. And if you happen to lose a flip-flop while you're out there, no worries the current will collect it. You probably only paid a dollar for the pair anyway.
Plastic Cups with Lids
You have options when you bring your own cups. Free Iced water, cheap refills, cents off your full price; the sky is the limit. Stock up on plastic cups for deals on the boardwalk, my friend!
Fancy Paper Plates
You're on vacation. You will not be washing dishes. Bring some foam or paper plates with you, and bon apple tea!
Eco-Friendly Dinner Utensils
Well, you aren't going to bring silverware with you on your trip. That's just absurd. At least if you go ahead and get some biodegradable utensils, you can eat your diced fruit or other food right on the beach. The plus factor is not having to worry about tossing them out, as the beach floor is your trash can and the ocean current is your garbage disposal.
Just imagine: You have all of your cheap, disposable items that aren't missed if lost. You are finally feeling relaxed and care-free. And the best part is that you did your part in getting those nature-friendly forks and spoons. 1 out of 9 types of plastic isn't bad compared to the 7% of what is recycled globally.* We're doing great!
BONUS: If you haven't already lost or tossed any excess packaging and materials you brought, you'll have enough plastic to build yourself a personal raft to get yourself over to Trash Island. Bon voyage!
Science Advances [Production, use, and fate of all plastics ever made](http://advances.sciencemag.org/content/3/7/e1700782) July 19, 2017
National Geographic [How an Uninhabited Island Got the World’s Highest Density of Trash](http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/05/henderson-island-pitcairn-trash-plastic-pollution/) May 17, 2017
SFGate [Come see our giant toxic stew!](http://www.sfgate.com/entertainment/morford/article/Come-see-our-giant-toxic-stew-1-500-miles-3301927.php) October 26, 2007
Jason Kottke [Maximum Starbucks Density](http://kottke.org/05/01/maximum-starbucks-density) January 24, 2005
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