sora2937 · 1 year
soooo…how do you all feel abOUT REFOUND FAMILY?
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Part 1!
Next Prequel
If Nickelodeon doesn't give me content with the future timeline, I'll make it myself~
And It's not angst, I PROMISE
Also, these little comics are getting a little out of hand, so I guess they need a tag. So now I'm going to super originally call it "Cass apocalyptic series" because why not
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sora2937 · 2 years
Tohru Honda: a Subversion of Shoujo’s Nice Girl Trope
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Fruits Basket absolutely nails subverting your expectations of character tropes in anime. 
Momiji is introduced as the cute childish boy but boom we are slapped with the fact that he a mother who hated him so much she had her memories wiped of him. Shigure right off the bat looks like the typical perverted uncle of anime when in reality he is one the most manipulative characters in the series. Ayame is the flamboyant, boisterous one whose bravado hides his regret and desire to repent for his past neglect of his younger brother. Which ultimately brings me to the protagonist of Furuba itself, Tohru Honda.
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sora2937 · 3 years
When Sirius wished for a birthday kiss from Remus, he really should've specified that he meant for him.
(Short happy birthday fic for Sirius!)
Birthday Kiss
James Potter is furious.
Remus doesn’t know Sirius’ best friend that well yet, but the thunderous expression on his face can only mean one thing. And if his expression wasn’t telling enough already, how he grabbed Caradoc’s arm and roughly pulled him away from Remus makes it all too clear.
Caradoc looks just as stunned as Remus does. “Potter, what the hell?”
“That’s exactly what I wanted to say!” James snaps. “What the hell do you two absolute bloody pillocks-”
“James.” Lily Evans steps forward and places a hand on his arm. “We agreed that we would stay calm, and calmly ask them-” she turns to Remus and Caradoc. “-what in god’s name these two utter and complete blithering idiots think they were doing?!”
Remus blinks. He only recently met Sirius’ friend group. Maybe they consider it impolite to snog at someone’s birthday party? But it didn’t seem to matter when Frank and Alice or Marlene and Dorcas were doing it!
“Look Remus,” Lily sighs, seeing his confusion. “You’re not obligated to like Sirius back. If you don’t want to date Sirius, that’s you’re decision.”
“A dumb decision,” James mutters.
“If you see him as a friend and nothing more, that’s fine.”
“And your bloody loss,” James mutters.
“But don’t you think it was rather unnecessary to snog one of Sirius’ friends, right in front of him, on his birthday party?”
“Sirius’s into him?” Caradoc asks, surprised.
“Oh, come on, Dearborn,” James snarls. “Sirius won’t shut up about the cute guy in his Research Ethics class whom he meets for coffee almost every day, and you think ‘oh, how nice, Sirius made a new friend, and if he really is cute, maybe I can hook up with him!’ God, and to think Sirius was planning on asking him out tonight...”
Caradoc awkwardly scratches his head, looking guilty. “Yeah, that’s... I didn’t... Shite.”
Remus finally gathers his wits enough to speak. “Wait. Sirius fancies me?!”
“Good god, everyone and their nan knows Sirius fancies you!” James exclaims. “Well, everyone except you two berks.”
“I... I had hoped,” Remus stammers. “Truthfully, I thought he was out of my league, but he seemed so genuinely happy with my company and sometimes looked at me like that... I had hoped. But then I arrived at his birthday party and he introduced me to Caradoc, and Caradoc started hitting on me, so I kind of assumed he was trying to set me up with Caradoc. I though ‘You see, Lupin, if Sirius liked you himself, they wouldn’t be doing this. You have once again been fooling yourself.’ I was so upset, and Caradoc was there, giving me attention, so I... God, I’m such an idiot!”
James seems to calm down a bit. “Okay, I guess I can see your side. Sorry for attacking you. It’s just that, Sirius has been through a lot, an he was so excited about you.”
“Sorry to interrupt,” a short guy with mousy brown hair chimes in. “But may I remind you that Sirius walked out of his own birthday party, no one knows where he is, and no one can reach him?”
James curses, and looks out of the window, where a cold November wind has picked up.
Message from: Regulus Black to: James Potter
Regulus: Whats a Remus.
James: Regulus! Oh my god, Regulus! Is Sirius with you??
Regulus: You know, when I said I couldn’t make it to my brother’s birthday party because I needed to study for my exam, I wasn’t counting on him showing up on my doorstep, to cry on my couch and moan about some Remus.
James: Remus is this guy Sirius has kind of been talking to. I mean, surely Sirius must’ve been talking your ears off about him these last weeks as well?
Regulus: Ah, that. Yes, I mostly tune out when he starts about that. Does this Remus need to be taught a lesson? ‘Cause I know some people...
James: No, no, it’s just a misunderstanding. I’ll send Remus your way, and I’m sure they’ll hash it out!
Regulus: Hmmm, alright then. But you better tell him that if he ever makes Sirius cry again, he’s going to regret it.
Regulus is clearly Sirius’ brother. He has the same dark hair, silver grey eyes and sharp features. Regulus is shorter, and so is his hair, and while Sirius is more muscular, Regulus is a bit scrawny. Where Sirius’ eyes are always sparkling with mischief, Regulus’ eyes are calculating, like he’s assessing and filling away all Remus’ flaws.
“He’s in the living room,” Regulus says coolly. “And for your own sake, you better not make it worse.”
Sirius had been staring at the wall, but quickly looks up when Remus enters. “Hi. I thought you were at the party.”
“Yes, your birthday party. We kind of noticed you left.”
“Ah. Yeah. Right.”
Remus sits down on the couch next to him. “I’m sorry about Caradoc.”
“Don’t be. You and Caradoc are both single, and both free to do whatever you want.”
“I thought you were trying to set us up.”
Sirius laughs wryly. “If I had known he’d be coming at you so hard, I would’ve kept you miles apart.” Then he shakes his head. “No, that’s not fair. If you like each other...”
“I like you.”
Sirius smiles sadly at him. “You don’t have to say that just because I was being dramatic and it’s my birthday and you feel sorry for me.”
“I’m not!” Remus argues. “I was upset when I thought you were purposely leaving me with Caradoc, and it was a distraction.”
Sirius looks at Remus for a moment, and Remus determinedly meets his gaze. Eventually, Sirius says softly “I wanted to ask you out tonight.”
“I wanted to give you a birthday kiss tonight.”
“But I was occupied, so you gave it to Caradoc instead?”
Remus groans and hides his face in his hands.
Sirius thoughtfully taps a finger against his chin. “Hmm, maybe I should ask Caradoc if he can pass it on...?”
“Absolutely not,” Remus protest, jerking his head up.
Sirius smiles at him. “Then I guess you’re just going to have to give me a new one.”
Caradoc was skilled and experienced, and Remus and Sirius are much more nervous than Remus and Caradoc were. Still, the kiss is infinitely better, because they are Remus and Sirius.
Until a pillow comes flying at their faces. “What the hell do you people not get about me having to study for an exam?!’
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sora2937 · 3 years
On the flip side of oblivious James, what about James who is trying to hard to get Sirius and Remus to see that they are into one another? No James it’s just a coincidence I haven’t dated anyone lately and only spend my free time with Remus that doesn’t mean he is interested…
Thank you so much for this prompt! I hope you like the direction I went with it and that I let Pete join in the fun! 💛
“No James, it’s just a cOiNciDeNcE I haven’t dated anyone lately,” James says with a heavy eye roll as he flops himself down onto the cushiest of common room sofas.
Peter lets out a laugh and sits in the armchair closest to James. “Oh boy. He’s far more oblivious than we thought on this, huh?”
“Far more.” James sighs. He turns to look at Peter with hope in his eyes. “Any luck with Remus on the train?”
“Nah, he just gave me his usual speech about Sirius not being into guys, let alone being into him.”
“Well, at least Remus recognizes he’s in love with Sirius. We can work with that. Sirius however is a lost freaking cause.”
“Please don’t say that, James. I’m not sure I can take another year at Hogwarts with these two pining after each other.”
“I know. I’m half tempted to use my headboy status to get me moved to Hufflepuff house if we can’t get them to figure it the fuck out.”
Peter raises an eyebrow at James. “Can you do that?”
James stops slouching and sits up a little taller, proudly sticking out his chest to show off his badge. “I’m headboy. I’m practically untouchable.”
“Well, if you can switch, take me with you. Professor Puff-puff-pass likes me better than Minnie anyway.”
“That’s just because Professor Puff-puff-pass hasn’t caught you knicking her finest weed from greenhouse five yet.”
“What can I say, it’s a lot easier for a rat to sneak away with a bud than a stag. I still can’t believe you managed to dodge all those stunning spells as you crashed through the greenhouse.”
“Me too.” James laughs and looks out the window of the Gryffindor Tower common room fondly. He can just make out the repaired pains of glass of the aforementioned greenhouse he’d trampled through at the end of last year when he nearly got caught snipping from her private stores by Professor Sprout after class one day.
“Where’d those two idiots run off to after the Welcoming Feast anyway?” Peter asks, stretching his arms as he yawns, looking every bit like someone who is about to fall into a food coma.
“Remus is probably in the library”--James rolls his eyes again--“and Sirius probably went to go find Regulus or something equally as reckless.”
“Probably.” Peter shrugs. “It just feels weird for them to not be here right now. It’s our last first night at Hogwarts, you’d think they’d want to spend it with all of us together.”
“You know what? You’re right Pete!” James swiftly rises back to his feet and starts heading towards the steps to the Gryffindor dorms. He gestures for Peter to follow after him. “Come on, let’s go get the map and find these two nitwits.”
“Yeah! The fire whiskey I snuck in isn’t going to drink its self!”
“The disrespect for tradition is real with those two. Where’s Sirius now with his brothers in everything but blood talk? Just blows us off at first chance, and for what? His real brother, I think not.”
“Yeah!” Peter yells out again as they reach the top of the stairs. “What’s that about?”
“Who knows with him. He’s so oblivious he probably doesn’t realize his little brother is trying to do the smart thing and avoid him here.”
“Yeah! That’s what I would do if I was Regulus! I’d avoid Sirius too!”
“Me too damnit! In fact, that’s exactly what I’m going to tell him if I find him skulking around the Slytherin Dungeons!” James yells with fervor as he swings their dorm room door open with extreme force. He’s immediately stopped in his tracks, and Peter runs into his back, lurching James forward.
“What the hell?” Sirius exclaims, looking directly at James from over Remus’s shoulder.
“Why is Remus in your lap?” James asks, stunned.
Sirius clutches Remus a little tighter to him, preventing him from jumping out of Sirius’s hold and his seat. “Why are you bursting through the door like your a Godric damned Auror?”
“As you can see, you’ve found us. And we’re a bit busy at the moment.”
“Sirius…” Remus says lightly.
Sirius shushes Remus with a gentle kiss, then looks back over Remus’s shoulder to look back at James and now Peter who has moved to James’s side, looking on at the sight of the two boys embracing looking damn pleased with himself. “Look, we were just sorting some things out up here before you two came barging in.”
“Yeah, it really looks like you were sorting things out,” James says.
Remus turns his head and looks over his shoulder. “We were,” he says matter-of-factly. “And the two of you should be happy. It looks like you were both right all along.”
“I knew it!” Peter says triumphantly, bringing a fist into the air. He grabs James by the shoulder and turns him around, leading him back out the door. “When you two are finished ‘sorting things out,’ we’ll be in the common room with a flask of fire whiskey.”
“Shut the door!” Sirius yells out after them.
“Well that was unexpected,” James says, shock plain in his voice.
“I guess we’re going to have to learn to knock from here on out,” Peter says.
“Or we go back to my original plan and we transfer to Hufflepuff.”
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sora2937 · 3 years
Sirius Black and the unjust treatment of his character
Sirius Black is a very important character to me, for various reasons. One of them is how realistic the character can be when compared to some of the other near perfect and unflappable HP characters, like Harry, Hermione, Ginny, McGonnagal, the twins and most of the Weasleys, etc. 
Sirius’s treatment in book 5 highlights the lack of tact and emotional sensitivity present in the wizarding world, as well as a failed opportunity for J.K Rowling to discuss depression in a thoughtful way. 
Book 5 is my favorite Sirius book and represents an understandable change in character. In the third book, Sirius was unhinged, but free, and driven by a destructive desire to kill Peter. This urge sustained him and kept him going throughout the book. We saw little of Sirius but his actions vacillated between thoughtful (the Firebolt, signed Hogsmeade permission slip, Pig the owl, etc) and recklessly careless. In book 4, he was free, healthier, no longer alone and driven by a desire to keep Harry safe. As such, he is mostly a stable, positive influence to Harry - someone reliable and who offers good advice. In book 5, he regresses, in some ways, to how he was in book 3. He was back in the family home he had been abused and neglected in (just look at Kreacher and his mom’s portrait), was unable to help Harry and was treated many times like a dog (no pun intended).
Poor Sirius went 12 years without affection, hope, hygiene, sun light, proper food, entertainment, comfort, and all in the ghastly presence of dementors. All of this is enough to make a person lose their grip on reality. But to be forced into a family home full of bad memories? I nearly go insane when I go back to my parents’, I can imagine how Sirius would take it. 
So, to me, it’s understandable that Sirius shuts away in his room (it’s not like anyone except for Harry and some of the Weasley kids like Sirius), that he is bitter and often unable to keep a lid on his emotions. He should be allowed to express his emotions, yet tries to keep it together for Harry and so that people like Molly and Hermione don’t accuse him of being “selfish” and having “fits of the sullens”. 
Honestly, it’s despicable the way he is treated by everyone apart from Harry. Dumbledore keeps him under lock and key because it is convenient, Molly insults Sirius of being a bad godfather (going as far as saying she’s like a mother to the kid she never writes to or knows) and treats him like it’s not his house she’s staying in. Hermione, as usual, as the sensitivity of a sociopath. She tells Harry that Sirius is being selfish because he wanted Harry to stay with him. It’s natural that Sirius was, in some ways, disappointed by the fact that Harry would leave and he would be alone. But Sirius also didn’t say anything to Harry, and pretended to be happy. That’s not selfishness. And it’s natural that he can’t fake it very well because he’s bloody depressed. 
There’s also Molly’s words about Sirius treating Harry like James, and how the whole fandom seems to believe them. 
Sirius never calls Harry James, never talks about his issues (and frequently says things like “Don’t worry about me”, “This isn’t about me”, “Take Neville and go”), never asks Harry to be something he isn’t. Just because he said “You’re less like your father than I thought”, it doesn’t mean he is disappointed by the fact that Harry isn’t James. Sirius was being passive aggressive, and he was wrong. He wanted to visit Harry and was disappointed when Harry said he couldn’t. Harry was the only person for whom Sirius would leave the house, so his hopes were crushed. 
However, Sirius isn’t the only person to compare Harry to James in an admonishing way. Remember when Remus told Harry that he was being like his father in book 7 because James considered it the height of dishonor to suspect a friend? Remus essentially used the comparison to James to call Harry naive. It was a similar method to what Sirius used, except the motives were less selfish. Remus compares Harry to James frequently without being told he can’t tell the two apart. 
Sirius was often a bit impatient and rash in book 5, yet he also offered Harry more support than all of the characters apart from Ron and Hermione, he got most of his act together after the aforementioned Floo conversation, he tried to keep in contact with Harry. His love and devotion for Harry remains, to me, the best example of active parental love (which rules out Harry’s parents). 
Dumbledore and Hermione’s treatment of Sirius after his death is also incredibly unjust. He is blamed for Kreacher’s actions - which were his own. Sirius’s treatment of Kreacher was on par with Kreacher’s treatment of Sirius and is based on a relationship that goes back to when Sirius was just a baby. Had Sirius treated Kreacher with the respect the elf did not deserve, Kreacher could’ve still made the choice he made. Kreacher’s alliances were always with Regulus and, at the time, it was believed that those alliances were with Voldemort and his followers. Naturally, Kreacher sought Narcissa and Bellatrix. Regardless, Voldemort’s plan would surely not have been thwarted by Kreacher alone, had the house-elf decided not to betray Sirius. 
Blaming Sirius and his reckless nature is equally unfair. Sirius chose to fight in that battle for Harry, his godson, just like everyone else in the Department of Mysteries did. Because Dumbledore warned Sirius to remain locked up, that doesn’t mean Sirius is to blame for his own death. We don’t blame Tonks for dying in the Battle of Hogwarts even if she could’ve remained home with Teddy. Sirius chose to fight regardless of the threat of death or capture, because he loved Harry and believed in what he was fighting for. 
Despite Sirius’s flaws, he was brave, intelligent, loving and did his best to be there for his godson. Until the moment Sirius died, Harry never doubted his love. Sirius is infinitely more admirable than characters like Snape or Dumbledore who get all of the glory and respect from the writer and the characters despite being genuinely guilty for many deaths. 
But this is just my opinion. Feel free to contradict me. 
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sora2937 · 3 years
During the Shambhala raid. Things are looking bleak as the Black Eagle Strike Force struggles to fight back the enemy.
Ferdinand, driving a lance through a mage before turning to Hubert: Hubert! Will you marry me?
Hubert, turning from an explosion of dark magic: I don't think now's the best time!
Ferdinand: Now may be the only time. *drives off a screaming Agarthan with his lance* I love you. I want to die as Ferdinand von Vestra.
Hubert, hesitating for a moment before turning to Edelgard: Edelgard! Marry us!
Edelgard, blocking a stream of deadly magic with her shield: I'm a little busy at the moment!
Ferdinand: Please Edelgard! We might not get another chance!
Edelgard, bringing Aymr down on her enemy's head: Oh fine! *blocks an incoming sword strike* Dearly beloved we are gathered- *swings her axe* -here today to witness the matrimony of these two gentlemen.
Ferdinand, blocking an arrow meant for Hubert: Hubert von Vestra! When I first met you I thought you were impossible and colder than a Faerghus winter- *Dodges a swing and retaliates with a punch* -But now I cannot imagine my life without you. Will you take me as your husband, in sickness and in health?
Hubert, miasma dancing around his hands: I do! Ferdinand von Aegir: you were easily the most irritating and insufferable person I've ever met when we first started at the academy- *unleashes a powerful spell* -But you've since become like sunlight in my darkened world and I wouldn't trade it for anything! Will you take me as your husband, until death do us part?
Ferdinand, kicking an enemy soldier away with tears in his eyes: I do!
Edelgard, fending off a massive demonic beast: By the power vested in me as Emperor of Adrestia- *swings Aymr* -I now pronounce you- *dodges a massive clawed paw* -married! You may now-
The demonic beast roars furiously and lunges with teeth bared. She manages to get her shield up in time before its jaws close around her.
Edelgard, straining: You may now-
The beast rips her shield away, and she counters with a powerful swing of Aymr straight to its head: Just kiss already!
Ferdinand and Hubert find a brief lull in the battle to seal the ceremony with a kiss, before they both must leap back into the brutal fight
Later, after the fight
Dorothea, smacking Ferdinand on the shoulder: You two got married? In the middle of that battle! And you didn't TELL ME?
Hubert: It was...rather spontaneous.
Edelgard, wiping blood and demonic beast slobber off her face: I'll say.
Dorothea: Edie, divorce these two right now so I can throw them a proper wedding ceremony!
As Edelgard puts her head in her hand, Byleth ponders next to her: Huh, this gives me an idea for what we should do for our wedding, El
Edelgard: I'm going to stop you right there
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sora2937 · 3 years
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I like how the Blue Lions and the Golden Deer have these kind, gentle healers, and then the Black Eagles have Linhardt
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sora2937 · 3 years
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let him finish his tea pls
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sora2937 · 3 years
Yes, he's in the hospital and doesn't remember anything about himself, but it's actually not that bad. His memories are sure to come back in a matter of days, and until then, he can spend time eating, sleeping, reading, daydreaming about that ridiculously attractive Healer...
(The aim is Funny and Fluffy Wolfstar)
It's Like the First Time
“Everything seems to be in order,” the Healer Trainee, Aubrey, says. “As we expected. How’s the dizziness?”
“When I’m laying down, it doesn’t bother me,” he replies.
“That’s good,” Aubrey smiles. “The dizziness and light-headedness should gradually disappear over the upcoming days, and then the memories will come back after.”
He nods. He’d be more worried about all his memories being gone if the Healers at St Mungo’s weren’t so certain they’ll all come back in a matter of days. Dizziness, light-headedness, and amnesia; it’s a familiar picture when being hit with a Confundo-charm from a defective wand, which the Healers have encountered many times before and has apparently happened to him during some friendly duelling.
It’s always the same picture: the dizziness and light-headedness slowly lessening, and the memories all coming back at once after two to at most five days. Like, one moment you know nothing, and the next you remember everything.
Well, he doesn’t exactly know nothing. His semantic memory is intact, meaning he has basic knowledge and remembers facts and skills. He knows he’s a wizard, he knows the hospital is called St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, he knows the people in the lime green robes are the Healers, he knows that since he’s a wizard he probably went to Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, and he knows perfectly well how to perform a wide variety of charms, jinxes, hexes and curses. (So luckily those years at Hogwarts weren’t for nothing)
What he doesn’t know is anything about himself. His episodic memory, memory for any kind of life events, is completely gone. Who he is, what he does, what he has done, who he knows, it’s all gone. His own mum could walk into the room, and he’d think she was the laundry lady. (Luckily, she seemed like a very nice lady, and had thought it rather funny)
The only thing he knows about himself, not because he remembers, but because it’s the only thing they told him, is that he’s someone named Remus Lupin. Apparently, in the past, trying to fill in the gaps has proven to be more frustrated than helpful for the patient and, as the memories will come back on their own anyway, quite unnecessary. Therefore, they don’t tell him much else, and all he can do is wait.
Past experience has also shown that the patient often finds it quite stressful, and even frightening, to be surrounded by lots of people who all know him, and whom he feels like he should recognize, but doesn’t. Therefore, friends and family are only allowed in limited numbers, one new person a day, which started with his mum.
His mum had brought him his favourite novel, saying that he read it so many times, and would always wish he could erase it from his memory just so he could read it again with the same sense of anticipation. Well, she had figured this was his chance. Now, all he can do is lie in bed, read his book, and eat food, which is... Well, pretty great actually.
He doesn’t have anything to worry about. How can he worry about anything if he doesn’t remember anything? It’s like having a little break from life and all its expectations and responsibilities. (Though the fact that he’s so happy about having no worries, makes him think that this Remus Lupin normally worries quite a lot)
When a Healer comes to see him, he suddenly knows something else about himself: he’s very, very gay.
The Healer has a classic, aristocratic beauty to him, with his sharp cheekbones and full lips, and his eyes are of a clear grey, that appears silver, which contrasts quite nicely with the strands of raven black hair that have fallen from the messy bun on top of his head. And no one has the right to look that good in lime green robes, which he fills out pretty well with his lean, muscular body.
The Healer gives him a soft smile, and really, if he smiles at all his patients like that, the whole hospital must be diagnosed with palpitations. “How’re you feeling?” the Healer asks in a warm, deep voice.
He wonders whether his semantic memory has failed him after all, as he suddenly seems to have forgotten how speaking works. “Erm...” he says, very eloquently.
The Healer frowns, and looks at Aubrey. “Isn’t the confusion supposed to be gone by now?”
Aubrey looks from the Healer to him and back to the Healer, while a knowing smile appears on her face. “Don’t worry,” she tells the Healer. “He has been perfectly responsive and coherent all day.”
“Has he had some Anti-Confusion Concoction?”
“He’s had a small dose, as the confusion was already wearing off on his own.”
“Are you going to give him Memory Potion?” the Healer continues his questioning.
Aubrey shakes her head. “We have already given him Mandrake Restorative Draught against the spell’s physical effects. Adding Memory Potion might make the dose of Stewed Mandrake too high. As we can be certain all memories will come back on their own, it isn’t worth the risk.”
The Healer nods thoughtfully. “So only a daily dose of Restoration Potion until all effects have subsided, I assume?”
“Yes,” Aubrey agrees. “Based on past experience, that’ll in all likeliness be sufficient.”
The Healer turns his head back to him, and that soft smile is back in place. He opens his mouth to speak, but right at that moment, a bright flash can be seen, and a gazelle made out of shining white light is standing in front of them.
“I’m so sorry to disturb on a moment like this,” a stressed-sounding voice of a young woman comes from the Patronus, that is directing itself to the Healer. “But you’re needed back at the HADA department immediately! We’re having an emergency.”
The Healer curses under his breath. He takes a step towards the door, but then stops to look back at him with a pained expression.
“He’s in good hands,” Aubrey says.
The Healer nods. “I’ll be back as soon as I can,” he tells him, before hurrying out the door.
Though his mum was right, and the novel is really good, he has trouble focusing on it from that moment on. He’s constantly interrupted by thoughts of bright, silver-grey eyes. Merlin, he’s seen the guy once, and he’s acting like a twelve-year-old with a crush!
Telling himself off for it doesn’t stop him from looking up hopefully the moment he catches a glimpse of lime-green robes. It’s quite a disappointment when the Healer that walks in to check his vitals is a greying, grumpy man with a face that seems to be twisted in a permanent scowl. Asking him where the good-looking Healer went to seems kind of impolite though, so he just sits and nods whenever the Healer grumbles something unintelligible.
“So, why have I gotten a different Healer?” he asks Aubrey later, trying to sound casual.
“Different Healer?” she asks, not understanding.
“Yeah,” he says, feeling to his great annoyance that his cheeks begin to flush. “There was this older man checking up on me, while before, there was the young man with the broad shoulder, shining dark hair, sweet smile, pretty eyes...” He trails off.
“Oh!” Understanding, and a not insignificant amount of amusement, appear on Aubrey’s face. “Oh, he wasn’t not your Healer, sweetie! He was visiting.”
“Ah,” he sighs disappointedly. So the Healer had only been here for some sort of second opinion, and he probably won’t be back. It was too good to be true, to have a Healer like that around as a nice distraction.
“Healer Black works for the Healing Against the Dark Arts Department,” Aubrey continues.
“You know him?” he asks.
“I know of him. But honestly,” she adds with a wink. “Everyone working at St Mungo’s knows of Healer Black!”
He chuckles. “I suppose he cannot not catch your eye.”
“It’s not just his appearance,” Aubrey says. “Healer Black is the leading expert on healing Dark Arts-related injuries and combating curses from the Dark Arts. He has invented novel Healing Spells and revolutionized the protocol for treating curses. Healers from all over the world consult him on their cases, and patients come to see him from all over the world.”
“Wow...” he sighs again, but this time it’s a more wistful sigh. He doesn’t even care anymore that he sounds like a love-struck teenager. Maybe Aubrey will write it off as a side-effect of the Confundo-charm. He briefly wonders about that himself, but as those bright, silver-grey eyes come to mind again, he knows he’s under a whole different kind of spell.
“Yeah,” Aubrey smiles. “He’s quite a remarkable man.”
“So I guess I won’t be seeing him again then,” he says dejectedly, letting his head hang. He wonders why they’d sent that Healer to come see him in the first place, as he surely must’ve had better things to do.
He hears a choked noise besides him, and he looks up at Aubrey, who seems to be stifling a laugh, with her hand pressed against her mouth. “Don’t worry, love,” she says with obvious amusement in her voice. “I’m sure you’ll be seeing more of him.”
The young man sitting next to his bed has been talking about his wife and their baby for an hour straight. Though it really isn’t so bad. His stories are quite amusing, and the man is very charismatic. He has sparkling eyes, and hair so messy, he had immediately checked whether it wasn’t storming outside when the man had entered. He has a disarming smile and a contagious laugh, and is surprisingly easy to talk to. He says his name is James Potter, and he’s Remus Lupin’s best friend.
He has to give Remus Lupin a pat on the back for having made such a nice friend. Honestly, the idea of socializing with new people, trying to make friends, does not appeal to him, and he’s glad to know Remus already has them.
“And I just went to see Sirius,” James says. “Well, more like I was speed walking next to him in the two minutes he had to get from one room to another. He still managed to apologize twenty times though. Normally, I’d say he should be sorry, but the poor guy seems to hardly have any time to eat or sleep.” James shakes his head. “Did you hear what happened? Three children were playing in the woods, and they must’ve accidentally touched an unknown cursed object. They were brought in barely conscious and with a mother completely beside herself. So of course, ‘the widely renowned and highly acclaimed, capable-of-the-impossible Healer Black’ was the only one who might save them. And he has, as they seem to be recovering,” James adds, relieved. “But really, there aren’t many excuses that would justify him not being here, but having to save children’s lives is definitely one of them.”
“Thank Merlin those children are alright. That sounds- Wait,” he says, before sitting up. “Healer Black? You know Healer Black?”
James blinks at him. “Ehm... Yeah?”
“Merlin, that man is so handsome!” he exclaims. “He was here for like two minutes, before he got called away to other patients, but I just can’t stop thinking about him! He already looks perfect, and now you’re telling me that he’s some kind of miracle Healer saving children’s lives?” He sighs. “It’s just not fair.”
At first, James still looks confused. Then his eyes widen in understanding, and his mouth starts twitching like he’s trying to hold back laughter.
He doesn’t blame him. He’d laugh at himself too, with how ridiculous he’s been acting over this random Healer. He just hopes he won’t have embarrassed Remus Lupin too much once his memories have returned.
“Don’t worry,” James says, in an amused voice. “Healer Black will come back as soon as he has the time.”
Now, his own eyes widen. “You really think he’d come to see me again?”
James lets out a strangled noise and starts coughing, which he strongly suspects being a laugh quickly covered up by a cough. “Yes,” James replies, suppressed laughter still sounding through in his voice. “I really think so.”
He knows it’s rather pathetic, but as he’s got nothing better to do, he did it anyway. He practiced what he’s going to say to Healer Black when, or if, he comes back.
He’ll tilt his head slightly downwards, so he’ll look up at the man through his lashes, and then he’ll give him a coy smile, while softly saying ‘Healer Black. It’s so good to see you again. I’ve heard many great things about you, and what you did for those children is truly admirable.’ Luckily, flirting seems to fall under semantic memory.
However, when the moment comes that Healer Black enters the room again, his carefully constructed plan falls apart.
At first, he’s stunned that yes, Healer Black really looks like that, and he hasn’t made it better in his head. Alright, the man has bags under his eyes, his robes are rumpled, and his hair is slightly greasy and so much strands are peaking out of his bun, making it look more messy than what would qualify as a normal messy bun, but he still looks like the most beautiful person in the world. He doesn’t even notice Aubrey and James walk in after Healer Black.
He opens his mouth to deliver his carefully practiced lines, but the words die in his throat as Healer Black... Well, flings himself at him. He literally splays out on top of him, hugging him close and pressing his face in the crook of his neck. “I missed you so much,” Healer Black murmurs against his skin.
He freezes. Yes, he has forgotten quite a lot, but he’s still pretty sure this is not the standard operating procedure for Healers to greet their patients. “Erm...” He says, once again ever so eloquently.
Healer Black lifts his head and looks up at him in confusion, but he can’t possibly be more confused than he’s feeling.
James scrapes his throat. “Remus, may I introduce you to Healer Sirius Black-Lupin, your husband?”
“So neither one of you decided to tell him?” Healer Black has crossed his arms over his chest and is glaring at Audrey and James.
“I’m sorry, Healer Black!” Aubrey squeaks. “I know I should’ve told him, but it was just too cute, watch him be all smitten with his own husband.”
He isn’t really listening. He’s openly staring at Healer Black. Apparently, he bloody married the guy, so it’s allowed, right?
“I don’t know how you pulled this off, Remus Lupin,” he whispers under his breath. “But thank you, and kudos to you, mate, kudos to you.”
As he looks at Healer Black up and down (at some point he’ll really have to stop referring to his husband as Healer Black, probably), he suddenly really wishes for his memories to come back fast, as there are some things he’d really like to remember.
Though on the other hand, he thinks, biting his lip, maybe ‘Healer Black’ won’t mind freshening up his memory in the meantime?
“Ugh,” Remus groans, hiding his face against Sirius’ chest. “I can’t believe I was practically drooling over you!”
Sirius chuckles while he’s rubbing soft circles on Remus’ back. “You were cute.”
As a reply, Remus just groans again.
“I’m sorry, though,” Sirius says, suddenly quietly. “It wouldn’t have happened if I had been by your side as I was supposed to be.”
Remus lifts up his head to look at Sirius. “Hey, none of that! You were saving lives.” He presses a quick kiss to his husband’s lips. “You wouldn’t have wanted to be anywhere else, and I wouldn’t have wanted you to be anywhere else.”
Sirius smiles softly at him, and Remus lays his head back on his chest. “Besides, it was a good reminder that I should be more proud of my accomplishment to get Healer Black to marry me.”
Sirius barks a laugh, that Remus can feel vibrating in his chest. “And how exactly was me down on one knee practically begging you to become my husband ‘you getting me to marry you’?”
Remus smiles fondly, happy that that memory is safely back in his head. “And it was nice to feel like having a new crush again,” he continues. “ All exhilarated, enraptured, and in awe.”
“Oh, Moony,” Sirius sighs, pressing a kiss to the top of Remus’ head. “I feel like that every time I look at you.”
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sora2937 · 3 years
James had thought the guy Sirius has been talking to could be a real game changer, but when he catches Sirius snogging Lily's friend at the back of the pub, his game doesn't seem much changed at all.
Short and happy modern Wolfstar.
Game Changer
“I can’t bloody believe you!”
James grabs Sirius’ shoulder and jerks him backwards, causing him and Lily’s friend, Remus, to break apart. Remus’ lips are red and swollen, and his jumper is hanging from one shoulder. Sirius’ hair is messy from Remus’ fingers having run through it, while Remus’ other hand has apparently been busy untucking Sirius’ shirt.
Both guys blink at James in confusion. “Bloody hell, James!” Sirius exclaims, once recovered. “What’s your problem?”
“My problem?” James asks angrily. “What’s your problem? For God’s sake, Sirius, I thought you were done with this! I thought you were over meaningless hook-ups in pubs – no offense, Remus,” James quickly adds, before focusing back on Sirius. “I thought you were ready for something real! What about that guy you’ve been talking to? I thought things were so great with him? That you were really going to try with him?”
“James, I’m-” Sirius begins, but James cuts him off.
“No, Sirius, you’re not! You’re not trying! Not when you end up snogging Lily’s friend at the back of the pub first chance you get!” James shakes his head. “I know I haven’t even met him yet, but I truly believed that guy was different. You haven’t been that happy in a long time. Constantly checking your phone, looking at your screen with that stupid smile on your face, gushing over him all the time, how he’s so witty and makes you laugh, how he’s the kindest person you’ve ever met, how pretty his eyes are, and whatnot. I’ve never seen you like that!”
Sirius’ cheeks are red, so at least he has the decency to be embarrassed about his behaviour. Remus just looks at Sirius in astonishment. Poor guy couldn’t have known.
“Lily’s going to murder you when she finds out you used her best friend like this!” James hasn’t been with Lily for very long, but long enough to know she has quite a temper. “Hell, she’s going to murder me!” And James had been so relieved that he’d been getting along so splendidly with his girlfriend’s best friend, but leave it to Sirius to cause trouble.
“It’s not-”
“I know you haven’t been talking to that guy for very long,” James interrupts, before Sirius can defend himself. “But you can’t pretend I’m imagining things here. You told me! You told me that you’ve never felt that way before!”
“You told me that this was the first guy you ever found yourself imagining a forever with!”
“Hell, Sirius, you told me you thought you were falling in love!”
“I’m not trying to be mean,” James explains to a heavily blushing Sirius, who doesn’t even dare to meet Remus’ gaze. “I just want what’s best for you, Sirius. I’m tired of watching you self-sabotage every time there’s even a small chance for you to be happy. For God’s sake, Sirius, I thought you were getting better!”
“James, I promise, it’s fine-”
“Fine?” James snaps. He feels another wave of anger wash over him. For James, nothing is more sacred than love, and to see Sirius take it so lightly definitely ticks him off. “Let’s see if that guy you seemed so mad about also thinks it’s fine!” In a swift motion, he picks Sirius’ phone out of his pocket. He shakes his head, looking at Sirius’ messages. “You even have his number saved under ‘Babe’.” He presses call, prepared to shove the phone in Sirius’ face the moment the guy answers. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knows that this really isn’t fair to the guy and not how he should be finding out, and that he shouldn’t be doing this in front of Remus either, but he’s too intent on teaching Sirius a lesson to care.
There’s a moment of silence. Then Remus’ phone starts to ring.
James stares at him.
Remus wrings his phone out of his pocket. On the screen, James can see a photo of Sirius. Not one of the overly styled photos from his Instagram, that make him look like he’s modelling in some sort of add, but a photo in which he’s wearing an old jumper, that’s decidedly not his, his hair is ruffled, his eyes bleary, and he’s looking over a mug into the camera, with a half-smile. The name ‘Sweetheart’ is displayed on the screen.
“Well,” Remus says, fiddling with his phone. “I appreciate you wanting to warn me, but I’m already quite aware Sirius has been thoroughly snogging Lily’s friend at the back of the pub.” He chuckles awkwardly. “And I suppose it’s good to know that whenever Sirius is out with you, I won’t have to worry about him even daring to look at another guy. Although,” he says, with a fond look in Sirius’ direction. “I guess I don’t have to worry about that anyway, with the way he has apparently been gushing over me.”
Sirius groans, and hides his face in his hands.
“Aw, no, sweetheart, c’mere.” Remus pulls Sirius in by his waist. Sirius allows Remus to pull him into a hug, and even removes his hands from his face in favour of wrapping his arms around Remus’ shoulders, and burying his face in Remus’ hair.
“If it makes you feel any better,” Remus murmurs against his neck. “I think I might be falling in love as well."
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sora2937 · 3 years
Minerva isn't sure she can protect Remus Lupin any longer now a student has been injured the night of the full moon. Especially when Walburga Black is demanding repercussions for her son, after what was clearly a Werewolf attack. Sirius Black, however, tells a very different story.
Lupine Lawlessness
“This is outrageous!” Walburga Black immediately rounds on Minerva the moment the woman strides into the Hospital Wing, her voluminous robes billowing behind her.
Minerva notices Mrs Black barely spares her injured son in the bed a glance. She also notices how the boy slightly shrinks in on himself as he hears her voice. Then, Mrs Black is standing in front of her, and all her attention is directed at being on the receiving end of Walburga Black’s fury.
“I knew you and that old fool would be the ruin of this school. It’s one thing that the place is infested with Halfbloods and Mudbloods, but harbouring a Dark Creature?”
“Mrs Black,” Minerva says politely. “I understand this must be very distressing for you as a mother, and I’m very sorry indeed, but we are yet to establish what happened.”
“Do you take me for a fool?” Mrs Black spits. “That type of claw marks, on which Healing Magic has no effect, while yesterday was a full moon? It’s very clear what has attacked him, and that thing had no business being on school grounds.”
Minerva herself has put two and two together as well. It was easier for her, as she’s aware there’s a student infected with Lycanthropy attending Hogwarts. A student who also happens to have been a close friend of Sirius Black.
Oh, she had really thought they were going to pull it off. They had come so far. She had been sceptical at first. A Lycanthrope attending seven years of Hogwarts without any incidents, without anyone finding out? It appeared unlikely, but she had agreed to try. And then she met Remus Lupin, and she had been very glad she did so. The boy was sweet, modest, hardworking and clever, and he deserved to have a proper education, but also to be around peers, make friends, and have fun. Now, when she had really started to believe it was going to be alright, the worst had happened. A student had been attacked.
It’s not difficult to reason out what must’ve happened. Sirius Black must’ve seen his friend disappear into the tunnel below the Whomping Willow, and had decided to go after him, only to end up face-to-face with a full-grown werewolf.
Minerva’s first reaction had been relief. Relief that Sirius Black was going to be okay. Some nasty injuries that would leave some nasty scars, but no permanent damage, which is quite a miracle. It could’ve been much, much worse.
But relief had quickly been replaced with worry. While the headmaster and herself can get in serious trouble for allowing a Lycanthrope in the vicinity of children, her worry was mostly for Remus Lupin. The world is unfairly cruel to Lycanthropes. Graduated from Hogwarts, with his formidable grades and excellent recommendations from his teachers, the boy would’ve at least had a chance, but being expelled from Hogwarts... His only option might be The Werewolf Camps in the mountains, where Lycanthropes go if they have nowhere else to go, which, regrettably, is often. Stories about those camps make your stomach churn, and it’s not a place for a boy like Remus Lupin to be.
Sirius Black must surely know it was Remus Lupin who did this, and he has every right to be angry. School is supposed to be a safe place, not a place where an unsuspecting student can suddenly be mauled by a Werewolf. Minerva doesn’t know if, or how, she can protect Remus Lupin from the consequences.
“The House of Black is a highly esteemed family,” Mrs Black goes on. “A Black being attacked by such an inferior creature without any repercussions would be an insult to our family name. It’s already a great show of disrespect that you even allowed this to happen, and we do not tolerate disrespect.”
“I truly regret the situation,” Minerva says, hoping to sooth the other woman. “At Hogwarts, any student should be safe from any kind of danger-”
“But this was not just any student or any kind of danger,” Mrs Black interrupts. “This was the Noble Blood of Black being spilled by a filthy monster that should be removed from society!”
“Really, Mrs Black, we are yet to determine-”
Once again, Minerva is interrupted, this time by the arrival of a man.
“Lady Black, my apologies for my tardiness, but I came as you requested,” he says, ignoring Minerva in favour of focusing all his attention on Mrs Black. The man is short, with sharp eyes and a pointy face, and he looks at Mrs Black with reverence.
Mrs Black scoffs. “Quit wasting time then and get to work.”
The man starts opening his briefcase, taking out a quill and parchment.
“What is the meaning of this?” Minerva demands. “Who are you? What business do you have here?”
“Mr Hesner is from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures,” Mrs Black replies. “And he’s here at my request to make a report of the situation.”
The colour drains from Minerva’s face. Being expelled is bad, but nothing compared to an official Ministry report. If a Lycanthrope is reported to have somehow been involved in an attack on a witch or wizard, the Lycanthrope will get the annotation ‘Feral’ in the Registry. All hopes of ever finding a job or a place to live will be lost. The Lycanthrope will have to report at the Ministry at frequent and irregular times, and any failure to report will lead to the Lycanthrope immediately being locked away. The Lycanthrope will be out on the streets without any money or prospects, and even the smallest transgression will lead to being locked up. Almost every Lycanthrope with the ‘Feral’ annotation will be either locked up, or forced to flee to the mountains within a year. Remus Lupin certainly does not deserve such a fate.
“Is... is that really necessary?” Minerva asks.
“Very necessary indeed,” Mr Hesner replies. “If you had any sense of morality, you would’ve contacted us yourself, Ms McGonagall. Luckily, we could count on Mrs Black to do the right thing,” he says, with a grovelling smile in her direction.
“Can you imagine if that beast would’ve bitten him?” Mrs Black shudders. “What a stain on the family tree that would’ve been, to have a Lycanthrope in the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black!”
To make sure no one will make the mistake of confusing her fear for shame on the Black family name with fear for her son’s well-being, she doesn’t mention that her son might not have survived the bite, or that he would’ve had to live with an extremely painful, chronic condition for the rest of his life. She probably would’ve burnt the boy off the family tree herself, and sent him to go live in the mountains.
“That would’ve been such a waste,” Mr Hesner agrees, before turning to Sirius Black. “Well, young Mr Black, I need an official statement containing your description of the events.”
Sirius Black looks thoughtful for a moment. “I was... attacked. By some kind of creature.”
“Describe the attack please,” Mr Hesner instructs without looking up from his parchment, quill at the ready.
“Oh, the creature was... round.” Mr Hesner’s eyes snap up, but Sirius Black continues. “Like pumpkin-shaped. But huge. Like a huge pumpkin. Only covered in bright yellow feathers. With bulging eyes in between. And two glittering horns on top of its head.”
“You’re treating this like some kind of a joke!” Mr Hesner says accusingly, pointing his quill in Sirius Black’s direction.
“Why, sir,” Sirius Black says, pretending to be shocked. “I protest. I would never!”
“If you can’t be serious...” Mr Hesner says, gritting his teeth.
Sirius Black blinks innocently at him. “Ask anyone, Mr Hesner, and I’m sure they’ll all tell you that I’m always Sirius.”
“I’ve dealt with Magical Creatures for longer than you have lived, boy,” Mr Hesner spits. “And I know such a creature as you described does not exist.”
Sirius Black shrugs. “Who knows what creatures the Forbidden Forest hides?”
“Did the attack meddle with his brain?” Mrs Black demands.
Minerva shakes her head. “Madam Pomfrey has assured me that his mental state is unaltered.”
“So I have to believe he was attacked by a horned ball of yellow feathers?” Mrs Black snarls.
“Who knows what creatures the Forbidden Forrest hides?” Minerva repeats Sirius Black’s exact words. Sirius Black gives her a pleased smile, which she gladly returns.
Mrs Black, on the other hand, gives her a nasty glare, and then switches her attention to Mr Hesner, who shrinks in on himself. “His chest is covered in Werewolf marks the day after a full moon. It’s obvious what happened even without his statement.”
Mr Hesner gulps. “I... I’m sorry, lady Black. I’m not allowed to report an attack without an official statement from the victim. I mean, only if the victim had died I could’ve...” He trails off.
Mrs Black now directs her glare at her son, like she regrets the last isn’t the case. “I’ll make you pay for this.”
Sirius Black becomes even more pale, but he continues to defiantly meet his mother’s gaze.
“I do not tolerate anyone threatening my students,” Minerva speaks.
Mrs Black turns her head to her. “He’s my son. I can do whatever I want when it concerns him.”
Minerva takes a step forward. Her eyes are like stone and her voice is like ice. “Not in my school.”
To her great satisfaction, Mrs Black takes a step back and swallow. She quickly recovers though, and pulls her cloak tighter around herself. She gives Sirius Black a quick glance and hisses “I’ll see you this summer,” before walking out of the room in quick strides, Mr Hesner having to dribble to keep up, her robes billowing behind her in that way only purebloods ever seem to manage.
“Are you quite done?”
Minerva turns around to see Poppy standing behind her, her arms crossed over her chest. “Really, you don’t have to be a professional to know that a recovering patient needs rest, not all this uproar and noise. That goes for you too, Minerva. You might run this school after Albus, but I run the Hospital Wing. Now leave. My patient needs to sleep.”
A few days later, Minerva makes her way over to the Hospital Wing. Sirius Black has had some days to recover, and luckily, his recovery is going well. She hopes he has also been able to process everything that happened.
A difficult conversation still needs to be had.
She’s immensely glad Sirius Black hadn’t wanted to report Remus Lupin at the Ministry, but still, he could’ve been killed, and she can’t imagine he’ll be okay with there being no repercussions at all. She thinks she might be able to talk him out of demanding Remus Lupin to be expelled, and in the best case scenario, she can convince him to keep it quiet.
It’s not that she thinks Sirius Black is in any way cruel or anything like his family, not at all. She has a very high opinion of the boy. It’s just that Lycanthropy prejudice is very strong throughout the Wizarding World. Even the best person has some negative thoughts regarding Werewolves. The sentiment is especially strong among the pureblood community, and Sirius was raised with their norms and values. Regardless, she can’t imagine anyone would be okay with finding out a person they thought they knew is a Lycanthrope. Remus Lupin will definitely have to move out of the boys’ dormitory, maybe even to a private room. No one would be willing to keep sharing a dorm with someone that tried to kill them. Maybe she can-
Minerva stops in her tracks as she reaches the Hospital Wing, all thoughts of appeasing Sirius Black disappearing from her head.
Sirius Black isn’t alone. Remus Lupin is with him. Like actually with him on the bed. Remus Lupin is curled up at Sirius Black’s side, his hands gripping Sirius Black’s robes and his head resting on Sirius Black’s chest. Sirius Black has one arm firmly wrapped around Remus Lupin, and with his other hand he’s gently threading his fingers through Remus Lupin’s hair. The boys haven’t noticed her presence.
“I am so, so, so sorry,” Remus says, and probably not for the first time.
Sirius rolls his eyes. “It wasn’t your fault.”
“I did it.”
“You can’t control it.”
“I could’ve stayed away from you,” Remus argues. “I can control that. A filthy monster that should be removed from society.”
Sirius huffs. “That’s just a bunch of pureblood bollocks only stuck-up twats with half a brain still living in the Middle Ages actually believe.”
“Your mother thinks so.”
“I rest my case.”
Remus chuckles and presses his face closer to Sirius’ chest. “I can barely believe you’re real. I don’t deserve you.”
“Moony,” Sirius says with a sigh. “I told you, The Wolf wasn’t even trying to hurt The Dog. You weren’t feral! The Wolf wanted to play, and didn’t know his own strength, and kind of forgot dogs aren’t as strong as Werewolves. Even transformed, you never meant to hurt me.”
The Dog? An absurd thought enters Minerva’s mind, a thought that surely sheds a different light on what may have happened. Absurd for sure, but also... plausible? And if anyone can do it...
No. Minerva firmly pushes the thought away. It might be true, or it might not be. Either way, she doesn’t need to know. After all, what you don’t know, you can’t report to The Ministry.
“And even if The Wolf fancied himself some Padfoot for breakfast,” Sirius continues. “I still wouldn’t have blamed you. It’s not you.”
“You’re going to have a scars for the rest of your life,” Remus murmurs against Sirius’ chest.
Sirius gently tilts his head up. “Then it’s a good thing I think scars are sexy,” he says with a wink, making Minerva wonder whether it might be more than just close friendship she’s looking at.
A faint blush spreads across Remus’ cheeks, and he slightly shakes his head. “You can’t accept my apologies that easily.”
“Oh no, Moony. Don’t get ahead of yourself,” Sirius says, tapping his finger fondly against Remus’ nose, which again makes Minerva question their level of intimacy. “I have, in fact, not accepted your apologies, as I refuse to accept an apology for something someone could’ve done nothing about.”
Remus scrunches up his nose. “You’re stubborn as a mule.”
Sirius chuckles. “I could teach mules in stubbornness. But if you insist on making it up to me, I suppose you can help me win the bet.”
“The bet?”
“I’ve made a bet with Prongs that I can make at least half of the Gryffindors believe I was attacked by a pumpkin-shaped yellow feather ball, while Prongs says I won’t even make ten.”
Remus shakes his head. “You’re an idiot,” he says, though it sounds fond.
Sirius grins. “But you love me.”
Remus leans forward and presses a kiss against Sirius’ lips, making Minerva blink, but confirming her doubt. There must be something more between those boys for sure.
Remus pulls back, but gently rests his forehead against Sirius’. “Merlin, I do love you, Sirius Black.”
“I love you too, Remus Lupin.”
Minerva smiles to herself. There’s no need to worry after all. If one thing is stronger than prejudice, it’s love.
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sora2937 · 3 years
lily and james 100% made sirius godfather with the belief that if something happened to them, sirius AND remus would raise harry. but werewolves couldn't be legal guardians at that time so they couldn't technically make remus godfather also.
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sora2937 · 3 years
Shin Soukoku Week 2021
Shin Soukoku Week is back for the 5th time this year! The week will be held from July 26-August 1, 2021, with the return of the BINGO event!
How does the BINGO event work?
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2021 brings a whole new set of prompts! Each day, you can pick a prompt from one of the grids. Feel free to interpret the prompts however you wish.
Any two prompts can be combined for one entry.
Entries can be fanarts, fanfics, cosplays, videos, and any other multimedia work.
When submitting, make sure to format your post like so:
Title, if applicable Day [x] entry Prompt/s used: (For example, B1, I2, N3, G4, O5, etc)
While we encourage everyone to participate in their own way, completing a BINGO is our challenge to participants! To complete a BINGO, a participant must cross out a line of tile/boxes with any of the following patterns: vertical, horizontal, and diagonal.
At the end of the event, we will share a list of everyone who has completed at least 3 BINGOs. To make it easier for us to check, participants can submit their username here after completing 3 BINGOs.
Make sure you tag your works with #shinsoukoku2021 to help us track your submission.
If you have any questions, feel free to send us a message! Please also help us spread the word by reblogging this post.
We can’t wait to see everyone’s works soon!
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sora2937 · 3 years
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You’ve been waiting for it, and now it’s here! We’re proud to introduce the 2021 BokuAka Week prompt list. 
Below the Keep Reading cut, there will be a text version of the prompts for accessibility purposes. Also, we will tell you a little bit about some of them! You can also access this information on our shiny new Carrd!
As usual, either add #bokuakaweek2021 to your first five tags, or add @bokuakaweek2021 to your post body so we can find it. You can also use the #bokuakaweek2021 on Instagram or Twitter, or tag us at either as @/bokuakaweek, and we’ll share your work there, as well.
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sora2937 · 3 years
Tw: discussion of abuse
I keep seeing posts about Sirius not being abused as a child and just… are we all reading different books?
It seems like one of the most obvious things to me in canon; it’s up there with Latent Bisexual Harry.
Abuse as a motif exists very overtly in the books. Harry at the hands of the Dursleys, Snape at the hands of his father, etc. etc. Pre-GoF, one of the dominant narratives across the series is children being failed by institutions and being failed by adults, to the point of abuse and neglect. There’s much interesting discussion to be had about the transition in OotP where those children then create institutions of their own right, but that’s a conversation for another day.
There’s a significant body of canonical evidence that suggests Sirius suffered emotional and verbal abuse as a child.
From OotP:
- talking about a potential Boggart in a desk: “Knowing my mother, it could be something much worse.” That doesn’t fill me with much confidence that Grimmauld Place was a particularly safe place to grow up.
- “My mother didn’t have a heart, Kreacher,’ snapped Sirius. ‘She kept herself alive out of pure spite.” His relationship with Walburga? Fucked. Utterly fucked. The thing about parent-child relationships, though, is that the onus is on the parent to make them good, not on the child.
- Kreacher talks about Walburga’s feelings towards Sirius: “how she hated him, what a disappointment he was".
- Kreacher again talking about Walburga’s feelings towards Sirius: “she swore he was no son of hers"
- Sirius, addressing the tapestry: “My sweet old mother blasted me off after I ran away from home – Kreacher’s quite fond of muttering the story under his breath.“
- Sirius talking about how he essentially relied on compassion from beyond his family and the good luck of being the recipient of gold, and how kindness towards him from other family members resulted in them being punished: “I camped out at your dad’s in the school holidays, and when I was seventeen I got a place of my own. My Uncle Alphard had left me a decent bit of gold – he’s been wiped off here, too, that’s probably why – anyway, after that I looked after myself.”
- Sirius, talking about how he and Regulus were treated: “He was younger than me,’ said Sirius, ‘and a much better son, as I was constantly reminded.“
- Sirius, talking about the environment in which he grew up and the beliefs his parents held: “No, no, but believe me, they thought Voldemort had the right idea, they were all for the purification of the wizarding race, getting rid of Muggle-borns and having pure-bloods in charge.”
- Sirius, having got upset about who his family are, explaining to Harry: “I don’t like being back here,’ he said, staring across the drawing room. ‘I never thought I’d be stuck in this house again.“
The summary of canonical evidence, then, is this:
Walburga hated her son and articulated that to him, and to others. She kept a house where Dark magic was not only present, but expected, and where Voldemort’s pureblood ideology was approved of. She overtly disowned Sirius, having told him regularly that his brother was a better son than he was. He had to rely on the charity of others in order to survive. Sirius has a traumatic response to returning to Grimmauld Place.
Emotional abuse is a multi-faceted form of abuse, but some of the features that are present here include:
exposing a child to upsetting events or situations
humiliating or constantly criticising a child
threatening, shouting at a child or calling them names
blaming and scapegoating
not recognising a child’s own individuality or trying to control their lives
There’s additional evidence in Sirius’ behaviour in PoA and GoF; plus further into OotP as he has to continue to live at Grimmauld Place. All of this, of course, is not even taking into account Walburga’s portrait. From the horse’s mouth, etc. etc.
Did the other Black children experience the same? We don’t know. Regulus is certainly a fascinating character (contrasting what’s in his bedroom at Grimmauld vs. how he dies, for example). Andromeda sacks it all off for love (what a woman, love her). Narcissa and Bellatrix remain committed to the cause, the latter moreso than the former. We simply can’t say definitively if they also experienced what Sirius did.
Were the Blacks known for abusing their children in the Wizarding world? Again, we don’t know. I think it’s rather telling that the Potters accepted Sirius as a second son like that, with no expectation that he would try to repair his relationship with his family. My parents supported my best friend through university because her family are sentient orifices, but even then, they encouraged her to have a relationship with her family if that’s what she wanted. To see such a definite break between Sirius and the Blacks with no encouragement from the Potters to even attempt reconcilliation speaks of a concerning situation. 16 years olds do not run away from home for no reason, either.
All this is predicated, of course, on the starting point that Dark magic is an abberation; that blood purity ideology is wrong; and that telling your children that you hate them is a Bad Thing.
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sora2937 · 3 years
what if sirius’ animagus form was just. a chihuahua
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sora2937 · 3 years
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