sorcyri · 5 years
love him sm ♥
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#thatsit #thatstheshow
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sorcyri · 6 years
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sorcyri · 6 years
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And taking care of babies once they’re born: making sure they have enough food and medical care. Actions speak louder than words…
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sorcyri · 6 years
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sorcyri · 6 years
Depends on the reason. 
Hypothetical question for those that support abortion
If you could go back in time would you support your mother aborting you?
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sorcyri · 6 years
Abortion is going to happen no matter what. whether it’s illegal, or not, safe or not, if a woman decides she wants/needs an abortion, she will have one. Everyone keeps talking about the babies choice, how it’s not the woman’s choice. The baby is literally a part of that woman. The baby is growing inside that woman. Without her, the baby will not survive. Even when it’s born, it will not survive without a mother. What choice can that baby make? What choice can that fetus make? It has no choice. It can’t tell you it wants to be born. It can’t tell you it doesn’t. It has no choice, just like I had no choice to be born into this fucked up world. The baby has no sense of morality and cannot function without someone or something taking care of it. Sometimes, abortion is a necessary evil, and if you don’t think so, then you’re wrong. Plain and simple. You may believe with every fiber of your being that abortion is wrong and evil and that you are right, and you are. Because you believe it entirely. It’s the same with those who view abortion as sometimes necessary/have no problem with abortion. I’m tired of people saying it’s not the mother’s choice, or what about the babies choice. It IS the mother’s choice. The baby cannot CHOOSE anything, and that’s just how it is. 
Like I said before, abortion will happen, no matter the circumstance. And there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it. You can throw the biggest tantrum of your life, and it will not change that. It’s sad, but so what? A lot of things are sad. What are you going to do, sit around and mope for the rest of your life? Make it your mission to protest the rest of your life, even when it’s not going to make a difference? People, children, infants are dying everyday. Do you care? What are you doing for those people? Do you have a relationship with them? No. Only a few people have relationships with them, not the entire world. 
Keep doing what you believe in and believing in what you believe in, but the fact of the matter is that it’s still not a choice you can make. Just like the mother is choosing to abort her child, when the child can’t, you are choosing to let the child be born when the child can’t choose. The baby/infant/fetus doesn’t know what’s happening. At all. 
If the woman was forced to have the baby because she couldn’t get an abortion, a baby she didn’t want/can’t afford to take care of/ will die if she has it/ was raped, etc, then what? What will you do about that? If you care so much about what other women and their children do, what are you going to do for them? You’re going to forget all about them, abandon them while thinking to yourself “what a horrible mother for wanting to abort her baby”, sitting there doing absolutely NOTHING to help them. Seriously, what are you going to do for them? Even if it was an accident, she didn’t mean to get pregnant, she wasn’t using a condom, the condom broke, she didn’t have the pill, whatever. Are you just going to sit there, judge her, do absolutely nothing to help her and the baby? What good will that do her? Don’t you want them to be successful, happy? Or are you just going to hate her and tell her “it’s your fault, you’re on your own”. You’re just going to abandon her and the baby? When all you wanted was to help the baby have a good life? What does hating the mom do for the baby? If you care so much for that baby, what are you going to do to help, since you made her have it? Once you have your way, what then? Seriously. Why do you care so much. You “caring” indicates that you’re somehow going to help the baby grow and prosper, or whatever it means to actually “care” for someone. You see/hear about some random woman being forced to carry to term when she wanted an abortion, what do you do? What are you going to do. You’ll forget about her eventually. You’ll forget about her struggle, about the babies struggle. You took their choice away when you CHOSE for them that she could not abort her baby. HER baby. You, who has nothing to do with that woman or child. 
Her choice. Not yours, not the baby who doesn’t even know what’s happening/has no understanding/ capability of choosing. I’m not being insensitive, I’m being honest. 
End rant. 
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sorcyri · 7 years
i am so sad
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sorcyri · 7 years
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Happy Halloween Everyone!!
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sorcyri · 7 years
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(via aliceLidl23)
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sorcyri · 7 years
Illegalize Declawing
I really don't understand why declawing isn't illegal in the US yet???? I don't understand how anyone can think declawing is okay???? My cousin and his wife just got their cats declawed and told me their vet said they would rather declaw the cat than have the owenrs throw them out when they get tired of the scratching. What the fuck does that tell you about the owenrs?????? LOL. Don't get a cat or any animal if you're going to declaw them. Just don't. And if you have one and can't handle the scratching, find them a new home. It probably won't be as hard as you think and I'm 100% sure cats are happier and healthier with their claws. Getting them declawed isn't for their benefit, it's for the owners. And trying to justify that by saying "well if it ain't delcawed ima throw it out!!!" is just fucking sad dude.
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sorcyri · 7 years
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sorcyri · 7 years
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sorcyri · 7 years
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holy fuck all this mac n cheese is only 99 cents
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sorcyri · 7 years
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hunk icons ✧ free to edit ✧ no credit needed ✧ more icons
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sorcyri · 7 years
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sorcyri · 7 years
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Please support Motor Crush !!! Its a new comic with a black lesbian lead that isnt getting enough support and has a really good and intricate plot about motorcycle lesbians & their rival gangs
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sorcyri · 7 years
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These two grew up so much in season 3 im crying in the club
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