Meet the page and Author!
I figured the best way to start out this new blog would be to let any readers get to know me!
My name is Dani and I am a Delta Gamma at a Midwestern chapter (not going to give exact for the sake of some privacy). I am going in to my sophomore year here at my university. I spent last year struggling to study pre-med, before (finally) deciding at the end of second semester that I didn't want to spend the rest of my life looking through a microscope. I then changed my major to Communications with a concentration of Public Relations. (IK IK that's a drastic change)
I have a love of so many things. Lately, I am completely obsessed with photography, which is actually turning in to a pretty cool deal for me and my future career. I love animals, I have five pet puppies. I also used to ride and show horses and have a deep love for them. I am extremely outdoorsy, I am a country girl at heart and grew up fishing and hunting (and still do when I find the time). I spend a pretty considerable amount of my free time and breaks hiking and camping. I am a foodie and aspiring yogie. I love to cook and listen to all kinds of music. Probably the most important thing you need to know about me is that above all I am a Christian, and love my Lord and Savior.
Alright, so now you know a little bit about me, but you're probably still wondering how this all ties in to a sorority based blog. While I wont be spilling all my wonderful Fraternity's ritual secrets, I aim to give an honest look into my sorority experience and maybe correct some of the negative connotations and stereotypes we so often find around sororities. I understand that my experience may definitely rival other peoples', and I have no intentions of invalidating their experience I will not alter mine. 
Along with this, I will be sharing some of my favorite tips and tricks as far as crafting, gift giving, and all things sorority. Want to know something specific? Ask! As long as questions are respectful and well meaning I will do my absolute best to answer each and every one of them!
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