sorshania · 3 days
the tumblrina is, by nature, unemployed in spirit — even when trapped in her place of employment, encumbered with obligations, she disregards them, firing off mediocre posts across all subject matters at great speed. thus posting is revealed not as a ritualistic-spiritual practice, as theorised by historians in previous eras, with less access to source material, but rather as the (strikingly contemporary!) 21st century laborer's attempt to break free of the shakles of alienation, even if only for a moment. even a zero note post is fifteen minutes not spent on admin, as some of the primary sources remark.
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sorshania · 3 days
i just got here but sincerely what is wrong with dorian pavus. he’s a necromancer. he helped invent time travel with his phd supervisor; this is never touched upon again. he comes out to you in front of his homophobic dad by going “sex. with men. ever heard of it”. he’s canonically so good at magic that he can keep up with god in conversation about it. constantly complains about the weather and all while he has one tit out at all times. his backstory is that he’s simultaneously a delinquent and a girlboss. he’s an alcoholic. his facial hair is completely fucking indefensible. h
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sorshania · 5 days
Article: 'Dragon Age: The Veilguard's Character Creator Finally Fixes BioWare's Notoriously Terrible Hair'
BioWare's long nightmare is finally over.
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sorshania · 5 days
Rip to everyone on this site who didn't realise they were following sleeper dragon age fans. The fandom is awakening from its deep slumber.
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sorshania · 5 days
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sorshania · 5 days
hate solas or not romance him or not whatever like. i dont understand how he doesnt drive everyone CRAZY as a character.
like. have you ever just sat and thought about. what it must be like. the trauma. the shakespearean sadness of being the only person that remembers DEATH not being a thing.
and you feel so insane because youre going around telling people “no you dont understand the world as it exists now is fucking horrible people used to not DIE.” and theyre like “its fine as it is just let it be and let us live and die as we are”, desperate for you to acknowledge their personhood. Meanwhile your entire race is the victim of genocide and slavery and cultural erasure, what little magic remains in the world is shunned and mages are systematically imprisoned for being fucking born and people die of old age and its because of you. and now its your cross to bear to atone for ALL of that and justify to people that the world could be better but no one else knows anything different so they dont get it and just know they dont want to die.
And so the only way you can cope with the trauma of that is by treating the world and everyone in it like it’s a bad dream.
Its just so existential. It’s like what if you could talk to God and ask him why he made the world but he was just some vaguely pathetic dude and his answer was “it was a mistake and i regret it every day”.
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sorshania · 5 days
You do not owe your partner(s) sex. I mostly see this passed around in the asexual community, and it absolutely needs emphasis there, but this applies to anyone of any orientation. You never owe your partner(s) sex under any circumstance.
If your sex drive or libido is lower than your partner’s, you may feel obligated to “keep up” with them to make them happy. But you have a right to say no, or not be in the mood, or be too tired, or just not want to right now. Your partner(s) should respect your right to say no and your bodily autonomy.
If your partner(s) try to harass, manipulate, or coerce you into having sex when you say no, they’re an asshole. Having said yes in the past does not mean you can never say no. It is not your responsibility or obligation to provide sex. You do not need to violate your own boundaries to make someone else happy. Your partner(s) should respect your right to say no, and if they don’t, they don’t deserve you.
Your body belongs to you, and you decide what’s best for your sexual health. Happy Pride
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sorshania · 5 days
Silk is so beautiful. Thank you worms
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sorshania · 9 days
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sorshania · 9 days
hey guys so apparently this is a thing a lot of people don't realise but like. if you have had writer's block/ art block for like. six months. a year. two years. that's maybe not a block. that's maybe depression. and you should maybe look into treating the source of the problem instead of just beating yourself up for not being able to write/draw. be kind to yourself and know that your struggle to create isn't based in laziness or a lack of skill or talent.
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sorshania · 9 days
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The Legend of Shen Li + Sand scenery
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sorshania · 9 days
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sorshania · 9 days
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sorshania · 9 days
what if angels grew and shed their halos like antlers
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sorshania · 9 days
My new favorite genre of picture is a very special thing that most animals (and humans!) do: face nuzzling as an act of greeting/comfort/intimacy. thank God that this is happening all over the world right now
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Isn’t it wonderful?!
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sorshania · 9 days
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sorshania · 10 days
Dragon age is coming back so you know what that means. Logging into your dash each day and seeing callouts because someone sided with the magical wizard rumpus club over the warlock circlejerk in their playthrough. Getting messages calling you problematic for following someone who has mixed feelings about the gnome independence movement. Seeing paragraphs upon paragraphs about how slorpity porpity the esteemed magical elf was actually justified in signing the pixie exclusion act. Get ready.
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