sos3xual · 9 years
The heart never listens.
Almost 2 months and I still love you..
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sos3xual · 10 years
So you told me you worked someone today and that I can't see you today, then all of sudden you ask me to come visit you cause you're working alone? No wonder I doubt you and have trust issues.
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sos3xual · 10 years
To you.
I could never tell you this but I honestly hate seeing the letter "V". It reminds me of him and how much I wanna kick the shit out of him.. though I get upset cause I hope you aren't talking to him. It would destroy me if you were...
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sos3xual · 10 years
God please here my calls for forgiveness.
I have done the worst thing possible to the girl that is my entire universe. All I'm asking for is a last chance to redeem myself. If you give me this one last chance God I promise I won't waste it, and I will show this girl that she is everything that I want. I make her feel safe and secure, I'll make sure that she never has to cry anymore tears because the only tears she will cry will be ones of joy. I'm asking you Lord from the bottom and top of my heart, I'm asking whole heartedly to give me this one thing, and I promise I won't screw it up.
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sos3xual · 10 years
Way to kill my mood. You're so frustrating. I said I'd wait and the second I say hi back, you won't even reply. Ouch. That's cold.
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sos3xual · 10 years
so I'm getting my first tattoo in a couple weeks. Kinda nervous but I know it's gonna look good :) Kinda has to do with you though, and one day I hope I can tell you what it means
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sos3xual · 10 years
So today you actually talked to me. We had a conversation, we laughed, and told each other that we both missed each other. I can't withstand this smile that I'm wearing. it's like when I'm high, you know the one where I smile foolishly, but this one's different. WAYYY DIFFERENT. It felt like one those smiles where you think about that one person you love and you can't bear yourself to stop, one of those smiles that make you believe that there is hope, one of those smiles that I get whenever I see you. I can't wait for our date, I'm getting all glittery and nervous haha. When I asked you I thought you would shut me down so fast, but you said yes. I can't thank you enough for saying yes, all I have to say is that I am thankful for your greatness and kindness. Hopefully the next time I make you cry, I'll make sure they're tears of happiness. I miss you and I hope you see this. P.s. I love you.
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sos3xual · 10 years
I constantly see your name pop up in my auto correct/word select bar on my phone, why does everything try to hurt me.. I hate you HTÇHIT
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sos3xual · 10 years
Can't I have you back yet..
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sos3xual · 10 years
I hate myself. I hate what I did. I don't deserve you. I don't deserve anything. I miss you. I need you. I want you. I love you. I hate you. I rely on you..
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sos3xual · 10 years
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sos3xual · 10 years
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Hogwarts and Deodorant omg-humor.tumblr.com
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sos3xual · 10 years
dropping out of school to become part of a chicken nugget cult
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sos3xual · 10 years
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sos3xual · 10 years
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Ladies and gentlemen, the full color palette options for every confirmed character in Super Smash Bros 4!
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sos3xual · 10 years
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that better be church wine
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sos3xual · 10 years
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