sotatekglobal · 2 years
A Complete Guide On Software Development Methodology
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Software Development has become an essential component of almost all organizations in order to serve as a means of business development. Even the smallest project requires a dozen IT specialists, numerous meetings, plannings, and discussions, as well as strict deadlines to meet. As a result, a specified Software Development Methodology is required for any team. It contributes to the standardization of the process, making it clear to both clients and internal team members what is going on with the products. However, with the rise of numerous software development methodologies to simplify operations over the last decade, how do you choose the best? What are the benefits and drawbacks of some commonly used ones? Follow this blog to gain a better understanding!
1. What Is Software Development Methodology?
In the simplest definition, Software Development Methodology refers to the process to build Software. In reality, a Custom Software Development Company can create a platform in a variety of ways, like advancing from less important to more important duties, completing tasks alphabetically or based on preferences, etc. And a Development Model will help to provide a systematic software development approach by defining which parts of functionality will be completed first, in what time period, and when results will be presented to clients. To put it another way, software development methodology provides a framework for developers to build seamless communication and work effectively as a team. It streamlines communication and establishes how information is shared among team members.
2. What Are The Most Commonly Used Software Development Methodologies?
a. DevOps Development Methodology
One of the latest methodologies to be used widely is DevOps Development Methodology, which combines software development (Dev) and information technology operations (Ops) participating together in the entire service lifecycle, from design through the development process to production support. These two departments work as a single team to complete all processes throughout the life cycle. The continuous integration and delivery models enable development and operational teams to perform all tasks in development, quality assurance, security, and other operations simultaneously. According to research, when adhering to DevOps:
63% report improvement in the quality of their software deployments
63% release new software more frequently
55% noticed improved cooperation and collaboration
38% report a higher quality of code production
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Take a look at DevOps Software Development Methodology.
Advantages of DevOps:
Because multiple ongoing processes are running simultaneously, the time it takes to complete a product is much shorter.
DevOps enables businesses to continuously innovate and improve their products, resulting in a better software products.
With increasing changes in the product and infrastructure, the developed products are more robust and secure, giving them a competitive advantage over their peers.
Increase the productivity and efficiency of your employees.
Disadvantages of DevOps:
Incompatibility with various development environments.
DevOps does not always result in increased speed and security. Some companies may not be able to guarantee both in a single stage for some critical software engineering projects, and you may need to consider a separate plan for security at each stage of your DevOps workflow.
b. Agile Methodology
It is hard for any methodology to take over the position of Agile over the past few years. This model is used in many projects because it allows for changes during the development phase. With an Agile approach, the IT team frequently divides the project into smaller sprints that can be completed in 1-4 weeks. Each sprint is treated as a separate project and must go through the entire process of designing, coding, testing, deploying, and reviewing. Once each sprint has been completed and combined, the final product will be completed.
Advantages of Agile:
Customer satisfaction is achieved through the timely and continuous delivery of useful software.
Easy to adapt and change to suit the market.
The final product comes up with minimal defects due to real-time testing and fine-tuning.
Disadvantages of Agile:
Too many changes can lead to the derailed focus of the project.
Agile focuses on working software rather than documentation, hence it may result in a lack of documentation.
The discussions and feedback time after each sprint can be time-consuming.
c. Waterfall Methodology
The waterfall is one of the oldest methodologies, but it is still an effective tool, with 10% of global users. This methodology is quite linear and strict; once you enter the next phase, you can’t go back to the previous one to handle changes in requirements. For example, if the IT Providers are in the coding phase, there is no way to return to the design stage and change something. As a result, in any phase of the development cycle, you should always double-check that the previous phase has been completed.
Advantages of Waterfall:
This model's linearity makes it simple to understand, making the development process simple for new developers.
Because of the model's rigidity, project management is simple. Furthermore, each phase has its own set of deliverables and review process.
There is no room for miscommunication at any stage due to the well-defined approach practice.
Disadvantages of Waterfall:
Requires a lengthy discovery process.
Not suitable for projects that require continuous maintenance.
It can’t be considered the clients’ feedback during the early stages of the development process, increasing the likelihood of deviating from the intended path.
In the testing stage, it is nearly impossible to go back and do any changes to the completed software, causing many problems.
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This is a process of Waterfall Methodology.
3. Things To Consider Before Choosing A Development Methodology
The level of flexibility: While it is hard for clients to change the requirements in the Waterfall Model, it can be achieved if the development team follows the Agile Methodology. Therefore, Agile is more suitable for projects catching the latest trends.
The scale and scope of work: The number of developers required to complete a project is determined by its size. The larger the project is, the more team members are needed. For large-scaled ones, the Waterfall approach seems to be a better fit as such projects always require much more elaborate and orderly project management plans.
Time to launch products: If you want to launch products as early as possible, DevOps or Agile can be your better choice. However, in case the time-frame for the development is long-term and there are no fast-approaching deadlines, the waterfall method is a great choice.
The expected end products: If you're targeting a specific group of end-users, you'll most likely have a mostly fixed set of requirements to work with, making the Waterfall method ideal for web and app development. However, if your target end-users are dispersed, you'll almost certainly have to deal with a number of feedbacks after the app's launch requesting the inclusion of new features, so Agile would be the best SDLC model in this case.
The past experience of the project team: When selecting a Development Model, prior experience is also important. Some team members may be hesitant to work with certain systems if they have no prior familiarity with them, while others may struggle to adjust to working with new team members. It's critical to consider team capabilities and dynamics.
4. Final Thoughts
To conclude, there is no one-size-fits-all methodology for every development team. Therefore, let’s choose wisely based on the aforementioned pros and cons of each model. You should also base on the team structure, objectives, and goals to get the best out of one. Various software development approaches can also be used for different projects.
Have an idea project in mind? Contact us to get started. As a Software Development Outsourcing, our IT Professionals can implement any project size of any sector, including Finance, F&B, Healthcare, Education, Logistics, Retail, Manufacturing, etc. At SotaTek, we adhere to Agile Methodology, DevOps Methodology, and even Waterfall in our daily process. Our standard approach is to keep our services as open-ended as possible for our clients. And we are still striving to earn your trust as a reliable Tech Partner who creates platforms with Clients’ users in mind.
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sotatekglobal · 2 years
Have You Leveraged Omnichannel eCommerce Into Your Business?
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In such a dynamic market, it is essential that firms engage and communicate with their customers at various points. Customers want businesses to be available at all times and in all places, from internet platforms to physical storefronts. This explains why Omnichannel eCommerce has existed and soon become the future of this sector. According to research by Statista, nearly half of eCommerce decision-makers in Europe and North America consider omnichannel strategies to be extremely significant. Moreover, after adding one more marketplace, retailers using a single branded eCommerce site, such as BigCommerce, reported a 58 percent boost in income. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that an Omnichannel Strategy will be a must-have for any company seeking success and wishing to stand out from the crowd. And if you are interested in this subject, let’s keep reading to learn more!
1. What Is Omnichannel eCommerce?
Omnichannel eCommerce is a strategy that focuses on giving customers a consistent purchasing experience regardless of where they shop. Customers can start up where they left off and carry on their experience from one channel to the next. According to Harvard Business Review, 73 percent of all customers use multiple channels during their purchase journey.
Previously, retailers used to employ the sales funnel method to persuade clients to shop at their physical locations. However, multiple touchpoints, such as websites, social networking sites, digital marketplaces, native mobile apps, and progressive web apps (PWAs), have supplanted the traditional strategy, allowing firms to be present in front of customers anywhere and at any time. Besides, it also eliminates any distinctions between online and offline sales and marketing channels, resulting in a united whole.
2. Why Should Businesses Consider Omnichannel eCommerce?
Increase Customer Loyalty: Customers base their purchasing decisions on their interactions with brands. Thankfully, an omnichannel eCommerce strategy connects all platforms, resulting in a seamless, memorable, and long-lasting experience. Furthermore, businesses have the opportunity to learn about their customers' journeys and preferences. As a result, this strategy provides greater rewards for acquiring more customers for these brands.
Better Data & Metric: Adopting an omnichannel approach (as opposed to a multichannel approach) helps in the consolidation of data coming in from various sources and eCommerce channels. It gradually improves business intelligence reports by providing improved data sorting and analysis. As a result, businesses can gain insights into how to create content and offers that will encourage their customers to shop more - not just online, but also in physical stores.
Boost Sale: Businesses can benefit from omnichannel eCommerce development by increasing sales and revenue. According to a study of 46,000 shoppers, omnichannel customers spend more money than single-channel customers. Moreover, the omnichannel shoppers spent more money in the store with each additional channel they used. Take the example of our Japanese client, Kinokuniya, the largest bookstore chain in Japan, with 56 shops around the country. Acknowledging the benefits of the omnichannel strategy, they reached SotaTek to build a new platform to boost digital sales and deliver better services to customers.
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Let's take a look at an eCommerce project made by SotatTek.
3. Which Technologies To Integrate Into The Omnichannel eCommerce?
It will be difficult to switch your marketing strategy from single or multi-channel to omnichannel which takes a lot of time, effort, and resources. This decision, however, if made wisely, has the potential to outperform existing corporate results. Thus, the retailer had better require their Software Development Partners to leverage the right technologies that power the omnichannel strategy while implementing this transformation. And below are some suggestions:
a. Internet of Things
People are probably accustomed to the term “Internet of Things”, which connects and exchanges data with different devices and systems. According to research, the total number of IoT-connected devices is predicted to reach 125 billion in 2030, with an average customer owning 15 devices. This indicates insane growth potential for omnichannel eCommerce in the near future.
Omnichannel shops can boost the visibility of their offerings and collect precise data with real-time verification by running targeted advertisements or designing PWAs for IoT devices like smartwatches, smartphones, smart speakers, and other wearables. Insights gained from them can be used to create customized feeds and marketing recommendations. Furthermore, through networked, audio-video-capable smartphones and other devices, IoT opens access to worldwide markets.
b. AI Integration
Another cutting-edge technology that can be integrated into Omnichannel eCommerce is Artificial Intelligence (AI). This innovation can aid in providing users with the most relevant recommendations. For example, when online shoppers search for and filter items, AI can predict and recommend based on previous purchases and preferences. It is impossible to deny that a recommendation engine has the power to make or break an eCommerce business. A good one can keep customers interested in your eCommerce platform for a long time.
c. Chatbot
Chatbot development has become essential in all areas of software development, including eCommerce platforms. More and more eCommerce companies are looking for IT professionals to help them implement this technology in their mobile apps, websites, or PWAs. Chatbots can help them in a variety of ways, including serving customers 24 hours a day, relieving employees of complex problems, increasing efficiency, and saving money. As a result, Chatbots can be an extremely useful tool in the development of Omnichannel eCommerce.
       Related: Chatbot Development: An Indispensable Virtual Assistant In Software
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Chatbot is an useful tool in the development of Omnichannel eCommerce.
d. Mobile App Development, PWA, POS
To blur the lines between physical stores and online platforms, it is recommended to offer digital payment solutions and AI-powered point-of-sale terminals, even in offline stores. Proximity payment solutions are also gaining acceptance among retailers.
Moreover, it would be insufficient if not integrate Mobile App Development or PWA to offer a seamless experience to customers.  While PWAs are less expensive and allow for offline use, eCommerce native apps can connect with third-party providers or create Push Notifications. They both, however, have the potential to disrupt major POS applications and other retail associate platforms by delivering a rapid, more efficient, and cost-effective way for store employees to locate products online and in-store, enable self-checkout and service returns and save the sale directly from their smartphone.
      Related: Which eCommerce Platform To Choose: PWA or Native App?
4. Wrap Up
To conclude, Omnichannel eCommerce can bring about various benefits for businesses, not only serving customers’ demands but also contributing to the brands’ growth. Therefore, it is high time for businesses to abolish the conventional selling method and transform it into this new trend!
Are you ready to expand your business with a tailored omnichannel eCommerce platform? SotaTek is here to assist you. As a top Software Agency in Vietnam, our 700+ in-house employees have accumulated a large amount of valuable experience and knowledge through former projects and collaborations. By combining the latest technology, we provided the best Tech solutions for numerous eCommerce organizations, supporting them in increasing brand engagement and revenue. You can take a look at our previous eCommerce projects, such as Q Cells, Maydocsach, etc. Our experts ensure to bring highly customizable needs that fit merchandising and eCommerce requirements, CRM, customer data storage, and analysis. Now, let’s contact us to learn more about our all-inclusive services!
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sotatekglobal · 2 years
Software Quality Assurance: How Much Do You Know About It?
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Have you ever wondered how a software company ensures that its products are of high quality, durable, and stable? The answer can be found in the Quality Assurance (QA) process. As one of the most significant stages in Custom Software Development, a QA team is in charge of evaluating the products’ functionality, usability, compatibility, security, and performance as well. If any business saves money by eliminating the Software Quality Assurance, they are likely to face various unfavorable and costly outcomes. A finished product that has not been thoroughly tested prior to launch may contain errors in code and UI/UX design, which may disappoint digital users and result in the loss of those customers. So now, let’s equip yourself with more information about this complicated yet important process by checking the blog below!
1. What Is Software Quality Assurance?
As a stage before, during, and after the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Quality Assurance is a mechanism for testing whether projects comply with a stated set of standards. It will identify the flaws and alert the frontend, backend, or UI/ UX designers to fix them. Software Quality Assurance's ultimate goal is to improve consumer confidence and a firm's credibility while also improving work procedures and efficiency, allowing a company to compete more effectively.
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Software Quality Assurance finds out bugs and errors for developers to fix.
To ensure Software Quality Assurance, a QA team can utilize manual or automated testing methods. In the Manual Testing process, QA analysts perform tests one by one in a manual manner. In the Automation Testing process, tools and scripts will be used to automate testing activities. If you're wondering “Which is better Manual or Automated Testing”, Automated Testing can be more outstanding thanks to its efficiency, time, and cost-saving. However, in some circumstances, such as Usability Testing, Ad-hoc Testing, and Exploratory Testing, QA specialists should employ Manual Testing.
2. Why Is Quality Assurance Required In Software Development?
It can't be argued that Quality Assurance is a reliable way to ensure that items are of the greatest possible quality. Because defects and errors might occur during the development process, it is critical to involve the QA team from the start. If you don't, the expense of correcting the errors might be up to 100 times higher, not to mention the loss of confidence, reputation, and consumers.
Many examples of software failures have occurred throughout history, ranging from errors that cost businesses billions of pounds to errors that resulted in human casualties. For instance, when a well-known trading firm lost $440 million in 45 minutes due to improper software deployment, it caused havoc on Wall Street. This occurred when an old and unused internal system was incorrectly configured during trading, resulting in stock trades being executed at incorrect prices. Besides, Starbucks lost millions of dollars in sales in 2015 as a result of a flaw during their daily system refresh, which caused the shutdown of point-of-sale registers in the US and Canada. This brand then had to provide free drinks as a sorry for their customers.
3. Some Common Testing Approaches For Quality Assurance
a. Functional Testing
Rather than focusing on the internal components, the purpose of Functional Testing is to ensure that the products are running smoothly and in accordance with the company's specifications. The QA Professionals will test each function of the software application by providing appropriate input and then comparing the output to the Functional requirements. Functional testing is primarily concerned with black-box testing and is unconcerned with the application's source code. Some main functions to be tested are User Interface, APIs, Database, Security, Client/Server communication, etc. Testing can be performed manually or automatically.
b. Usability Testing
In case you don’t know “What is Usability Testing?”, here is the answer. It refers to determining how simple and user-friendly an application is. This type of testing focuses heavily on the ease with which end users can access and use the services and software. A QA team can predict potential issues and ensure a seamless experience by deeply understanding customers' behaviors.
c. Compatibility Testing
Many businesses and brands expect their software to run smoothly on a variety of devices, allowing them to reach as many customers as possible. As a result, Compatibility Testing, a type of non-functional testing, is required. It is used to determine whether your software application or product is capable of running in a variety of browsers, databases, hardware, operating systems, mobile devices, and networks.
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Compatibility Testing ensures the software runs smoothly on different devices and platforms.
d. Security Testing
Security testing is a type of software testing that identifies vulnerabilities, threats, and risks in the Software Development Process and protects against malicious attacks from intruders. Here are a few examples of security testing:
Penetration testing: Check a system and its features (usually through automated means) to see if vulnerabilities exist and are exploited.
Secure coding: Ensure that all security information (including passwords) is encrypted, not stored in plain text, and appropriately hashed.
e. Performance Testing
As the name implies, performance testing is the process of identifying how a Web Development or Mobile App Development works under a given workload. Simply put, the final products will be evaluated in terms of speed, stability, reliability, and responsiveness. For example, it could be observing response times when accomplishing a large number of requests, or it could be observing how the system behaves with a large amount of data.
4. Final Thoughts
To sum up, Quality Assurance is an indispensable part of any Software Development, be it Web or Mobile App. This process makes the final products meet the strict requirements, hence helping to grow the reputation of brands as well as guarantee user and client satisfaction.
If you're looking for answers to queries like “Which is the best company for software testing?” or “How can I find the Software Testing Outsourcing?”, SotaTek is the place to go. Whether you desire to hire IT developers to follow the SLDC with the strict testing process or just want to find independent Software Testing and QA services, our 700+ employees can all offer. We can improve the quality of your product while decreasing time-to-market, management risks, and operating expenses by utilizing our testing facilities, extensive QA knowledge, and team flexibility. With both Automated and Manual Testing options, we are committed to giving the most optimized Testing Processes, ensuring customization and efficient pricing. So don't be hesitant to get in touch with us right now!
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sota-tek-.-jsc/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SotaTek
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sotatekglobal · 2 years
Can Web 3.0 Be The Next Revolution For The Internet?
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You should have heard of the term "Web 3.0", commonly known as the next generation of the Internet, recently. Each month, more than 18,000+ active developers commit code to open source crypto and Web 3.0 applications, according to a study. If you're unfamiliar with this invention, consider the time when you could use a single account to go from shopping to email to social networking. This is exactly Web 3 Development. By utilizing the integration of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, it can not only interpret the input but also what you're conveying and present you with individualized recommendations. Web 3.0 can be described as the best combination of Web 1.0 and Web 2.0, allowing websites and online apps to receive fresh data/information from the Internet and offer it to consumers. And if you want to learn more about this subject, just keep reading!
1. What Is Web 3.0? The Brief History Of Web
Before describing Web3 Development, it's important to comprehend the evolution of the web, from Web 1 to Web 2 to Web 3. Web 1.0, also known as the Static Web, was the first and most stable web in the 1990s, with most material in the form of text or hyperlinks. The main goal of web 1.0 was to help people find information. Online users couldn't freely communicate because it was "read-only" so any dialogue had to take place offline. Furthermore, rather than a database, the data was stored on the servers of each unique website.
The read-only mode of Web 1 had become obsolete, explaining why Web 2 was created and pushed as an interaction platform. Because of the spark of increased functionality in web technologies like JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, and others, Web 2 made the web much more dynamic, giving birth to the world’s largest tech companies like Amazon, Facebook, Google. From 1999 to 2004, this next Web evolution, as characterized by O'Reilly and others, pushed the globe away from static desktop web pages generated for information consumption via pricey servers and toward interactive encounters and user-created content.
And now, we've all progressed to the next step of web development - Web3. It is an improved version of its predecessors, Web 1.0 and Web 2.0. We can also refer to the addition of “AI and Blockchain” technologies to Web 2.0 web tools as a Web 3.0. Web3 applications, also known as dApps, are developed on top of blockchains or decentralized networks, as opposed to Web 2.0, where developers build and deploy applications utilizing a centralized database. Peer-to-peer nodes (a node is similar to a server) or a combination of both are used to connect them. As far as its characteristics are concerned, the new internet is considered more secure, more connected, more user-centric, and more private. It aspires to be more open, self-sufficient, and intelligent. Through intelligent searches and behavioral advertisements, Web 3.0 can provide you with more personalized experiences.
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A comparison between Web3 vs Web2.
2. What Are The Key Web 3.0 Features and Components?
a. Decentralization
Previously, when you logged into an app or reacted to any web content, tech giants like Google and Facebook (Meta) tracked and monitored your activities in order to better target their ads. However, in Web3, data is decentralized, allowing users to own their data. Web 3.0 will be available from any location and device, with data generated by a plethora of powerful computing resources such as desktops, mobile phones, appliances, and sensors. Users will sell information through decentralized data networks without losing ownership, risking privacy, or relying on intermediaries.
b. Trustless and Permissionless
Running on Blockchain or Peer-to-peer networks, Web 3.0 will be trustless (i.e., the participants will be able to interact directly without going through a trusted intermediary) and permissionless (meaning that anyone can participate without authorization from a governing body).
c. Ubiquity
With the evolution of the Web, Internet-connected devices will no longer be limited to computers, smartphones, or tablets. Instead, information and content are more interconnected and ubiquitous, accessible through a variety of devices. Advances in Internet of Things (IoT) technology will pave the way for a lot of new types of smart devices for Web 3.0.
d. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Web3 development includes the incorporation of AI and Machine Learning, which assist in filtering and providing the best recommendations for each user. Because of such technologies, Web 2's targeted advertising will be replaced by more relevant results that meet the needs of the users. Furthermore, AI applications in Web3 Development help to eliminate some issues, such as biased product evaluations, rigged ratings, human errors, etc. To be more specific, some large corporations may pay a large sum of money to a group to write excellent reviews of their products or services on feedback websites. This situation has improved in Web 3.0, as AI can learn to distinguish between the genuine and the fraudulent.
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Ai and Machine Learning in Web 3.0 assist in filtering and providing the best recommendations for each user.
3. Benefits Of Web 3.0 Development
From the aforementioned features of Web 3.0, it can be said that users can be offered various benefits, and below are some of them:
Easy Data Sharing: With the third generation of Web, instead of filling out multiple online registration forms, all information is now stored in a distributed ledger, allowing you to easily share your data whenever you want.
Greater Privacy: Web 3.0 is the most secure internet model because it is decentralized and distributed, and no one can directly control it. Individual user accounts can be encrypted in private, ensuring that their identities are never replicated. Not only does it safeguard user data but also protects against malicious cyber threats and attacks.
Fewer Middlemen: The decentralization of the web enables providers to connect directly with consumers. It ensures that no centralized authority takes a cut of your profits from electronic transactions.
4. Final Thoughts
Although Web 2 is still in use, we can't dismiss Web 3, which has the potential to expand decentralization and give people greater control. It is not necessary to spend hours searching for flights, accommodations, and other services in the future since intelligent algorithms or bots will be able to compile all of this information and provide recommendations suited to your specific needs.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are looking for Top Web3 Companies to take your first steps or simply require IT consulting. Established in 2015, SotaTek is the largest part of SOTA Holdings, a global Software Development as a Service (SaaS) and IT Consulting Group. Our 700+ employees have experience serving worldwide clients in different sectors, including Logistics, eCommerce, Education, Healthcare, Finance, etc. With the hope to deliver “State-of-the-art Technology” for all businesses and brands, our world-class IT professionals always accumulate knowledge about the latest technologies and platforms. So, why not partner with us and embrace Web 3.0 with open arms?
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sotatekglobal · 2 years
Telehealth Platforms: The Future Of Healthcare Technology
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The COVID-19 pandemic has altered everything, causing individuals to spend more time at home rather than outside. People prefer to work from home instead, utilizing the latest Software Development for teleconference and telecommunications, due to the lockdown time and reduced-contact preferences. Following that situation, Healthcare Industry is also adopting cutting-edge technology to bring benefits to both doctors and patients. At the height of the epidemic, Telehealth Platforms were a lifeline for hospitals, clinics, and clinicians looking for a method to deliver the same level of treatment while limiting the spread of the coronavirus. Furthermore, according to a poll conducted by Global Data, about 75% of respondents indicated that telehealth technology should be continuously used even after the virus passes. So, if you want to learn more about this MedTech, simply stay here!
         Related: How Is MedTech Transforming The Healthcare Industry?
1. What Is Telehealth?
The word "telehealth" or “virtual healthcare” refers to the use of telecommunications and digital communication technologies to offer and facilitate health and health-related services such as medical care, provider and patient education, health information services, and self-care. Telecommunication technologies such as mobile phones, wearables, video conferencing, and electronic data (PDF reports, videos, and images) can be used to provide telehealth.
Developed by SotaTek experts, Booking Care and Remote Doctor, are examples of Telehealth Platforms. Such web-based development allows live video conferencing, appointment booking, remote patient monitoring (RPM), etc.
2. Reasons To Build Telehealth Platforms
There are many justifications why hospitals should look for a Medical Software Provider to develop their Telehealth Platforms. Below are some of them:
Deliver the convenience to patients: Who wants to wait for a long time in the hospital? Even if you make a reservation in advance, there is no assurance that you will be seen soon. Instead, it would be preferable to wait for a callback in your bed or on the sofa.
Lower expenses: Telehealth is more time-efficient and therefore, less expensive. Rather than rushing from room to room, hurriedly evaluating patient information on the fly, telehealth doctors are given important patient information prior to the call, cutting appointment times from 30–60 minutes to under 10. This significant time and cost savings (office rent, employees, and, in some cases, malpractice insurance) enable doctors to accomplish more.
Improve services for rural areas: Normally, it’s hard for people living far from metropolitan areas to access the best healthcare services. Unless an emergency situation, they would probably not drive a long distance to reach the hospital. However, Telehealth eliminates the distance barriers, allowing patients to communicate with doctors and receive services using just an electronic device.
The efficiency of diagnosis and treatment: Virtual healthcare systems store all of a patient's information, from the medications they've taken to previous treatments. As a result, physicians can rely on it to provide more accurate diagnoses. Furthermore, because all data is consolidated on the cloud, doctors from various healthcare facilities can collaborate to determine the most appropriate treatment for each patient.
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By storing all patients' information, Telehealth platforms help doctors to deliver better diagnosis and treatment.
3. Key Functionalities To Integrate Into Telehealth Platforms
a. Patient Portals
To deliver the best healthcare services for each patient, the first and foremost functionality in Telehealth Platforms is nothing but Patient Portals. Basic personal information, such as an address, contact information, health-related information, the history of previous visits, and the schedule of scheduled arrangements, would be included in such portals. Through patient portals, users can:
Schedule and cancel appointments
Prescription refills
Obtain laboratory results
Examine clinical visit summaries
Upgrade health insurance packages.
Maintain balances
For doctors, these portals help increase patient engagement, manage finances, establish workflows, and promote patient loyalty.
b. Electronic Health Records
Electronic Health Records (EHR) is the systematized collection of patient and population electronically-stored health information in a digital format. Instead of relying on hassle paper documents, which can be easy to misplace and difficult to keep, EHR allows doctors to access patients' information at any time and from any location. Furthermore, because these records are centralized in a platform, they can be shared across different Healthcare Institutions. As a result, many professionals can collaborate to shorten diagnosis time and provide the best treatment for clients.
c. Real-Time Communication
Video conferences, live chats, and voice messages can all be used to enable this functionality. So, what is the need for Real-Time Communication in Telehealth Platforms? Rather than having to go to the nearby hospitals, wait for your turn to see doctors, Real-Time Communication allows everyone to access the medical services and receive the consultants. The physicians would analyze and transfer the results as soon as the real-time data exchange began. Furthermore, if patients have any questions, they can communicate directly with doctors to have the issues resolved.
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Real-time communication with doctors is a must-have functionality in telehealth platforms.
d. Appointment Booking
Standing in a long queue to wait for doctors is seemingly the norm in almost all hospitals, which is both time-consuming and inconvenient. Therefore, allowing patients to track the ability of the doctors, request consultations, schedule an appointment in advance could be a potential solution. If applicable, the Healthcare company should request that the Medical Software Provider integrate an online payment option in the Telehealth Platforms as well. It would be more convenient to pay with an eWallet, QR code, VISA, or credit card in a cashless environment.
e. Patient Education
In the treatment of chronic diseases such as asthma, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes, patient education is critical. because it provides patients with disease-related information and empowers them to take a more active role in their health However, many patients appear to struggle with acquiring such knowledge, limiting their ability for self-management and negatively impacting the disease process. Therefore, virtual health education is needed in Telehealth Platforms.
Each study's virtual education content will be personalized, and materials such as medication reminders, health-related surveys, and motivational messages will be included. A wide range of health care professionals is also involved in education delivery, allowing for a more comprehensive approach to care. Nurse educators, dietitians, and physical therapists, for example, delivered videoconferencing education sessions. Such contents have been shown to improve patients' health and make them capable of self-care. To summarize, this functionality facilitates patient compliance with testing while also lowering the cost of frequent monitoring.
4. Final Thoughts: Get Started With Your Own Telehealth Platforms
To summarize, Telehealth Platforms have proven to be not only more comfortable for patients, but they also have the ability to improve public health, improve access to care, relieve pressure on the healthcare staff, and assist in the reduction of financial burden. Let's make use of this opportunity to develop your own Telehealth Solution concept.
Want to leverage this Healthcare Technology? Contact us for more information. Our 600+ in-house employees look forward to making a difference and building the future of Telehealth together. Recognized by Techreviewer, SotaTek is among Top Healthcare App Development Companies, along with other international firms in the US and Europe. With our dedicated strategies and IT Consultancy, we believe to offer our global clients different MedTech solutions, including developing medical AI platforms for hospitals, virtual health access, online social insurance, hospital management, Windows software, etc. Now, let’s join our partnership network!
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sotatekglobal · 2 years
Don’t Miss Out On Top 5 Metaverse Use Cases
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The Metaverse is a virtual world where users, represented by avatars, can go shopping, trade properties, socialize, and so on. In other words, Metaverse allows people to live a second life that is just as real and important as their physical ones. Believe it or not, there are various fantastic opportunities available within these virtual worlds. Therefore, the Metaverse concept has spread to various industries, and many large corporations are attempting to dip their toes into this digital second life. Such brands are collaborating with their Software Companies to leverage this cutting-edge technology, laying the groundwork for work, play, and social connections within the Metaverse. For organizations/ enterprises/ start-ups who are interested in Metaverse, this blog will show you 5 Metaverse Use Cases and Benefits. Let's find out more to see if your industry can utilize it or not!
          Related: Catch Up With The Growing Trend: Metaverse
1. Applications Of Metaverse In Play To Earn Games
The Gaming Industry will undoubtedly become one of the most popular Metaverse Use Cases. Blockchain-powered games and Non-fungible tokens have paved the way for a game-changing play-to-earn (P2E) model. This game allows players to gain ownership and control of their in-game assets and trade them for money in metaverse environments. Game developers, on their side, can create exclusive and engaging games on existing metaverse platforms and make money too. Some P2E game projects, such as The Sandbox, Axie Infinity, are already successfully operating. Following this trend, SotaTek blockchain experts also launched the Bunicorn game, with the vision to give players complete control over their digital assets in a series of interconnected games in the Metaverse. Along with other DeFi products like AMM DEX, NFT Yield Farm, NFT Marketplace, and Gaming Metaverse to connect with other games, Bunicorn will truly be a dreamland for gamers and blockchain adopters.
Visit more: https://bunicorn.game/ and https://buni.finance/
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Let's take a look at Bunicorn, a play-to-earn game developed by SotaTek.
2. Metaverse Use Cases In Real Estate Industry
Metaverse's capacity to give a client the ideal virtual reality experience is one of its most important characteristics. As a result, it's no surprise that the Real Estate Industry might be the Metaverse's second use case. Compared to the conventional method, which requires both buyers and estate agents to travel all day to choose their favorite, the Metaverse with VR glasses will facilitate this process. While real estate agents save money by eliminating expensive showings and face-to-face meetings, consumers save time by not having to tour dozens of houses, apartments, workplaces, or shops.
Metaverse also allows you to customize the virtual tour to match your individual requirements. The design, scalability, and soundtrack may all be tailored to the specific needs of any customer. A Metaverse Virtual Real Estate site visit will also be more instructive and beneficial thanks to augmented reality in the form of popups. To summarize, we may envision a future in which consumers can easily purchase homes by pre-screening properties and examining expanded information via 360-degree pictures.
3. Utilizing Metaverse Virtual Reality To Take A World Tour
It is difficult for everyone in the COVID-19 pandemic area to enjoy global trips, travel around to let off steam, dig deep into other cultures or make friends with local residents. To address this issue, the virtual world in Metaverse may be a viable solution, allowing people to gain first-hand experience. An immersive world with realistic content created through 3D reconstruction will stimulate the audience's imagination and help them to experience the location as if they were there in person. Users can also visit this location with their family and friends, making their experience even more realistic. Furthermore, virtual tourism will make them easier to decide whether or not they want to go on a real trip.
4. Virtual Shopping in eCommerce Sector Becomes Possible In Metaverse Universe
It would be insufficient to mention the eCommerce industry among Metaverse use cases. People nowadays are increasingly interested in shopping online in order to save time. However, it has the disadvantage that they cannot try it on to see if it fits them. And, thankfully, an incredible virtual experience in Metaverse can do it. This experience allows buyers to try on, feel, and test the product, as well as get online advice from the seller. Malls will be obsolete in the not-too-distant future. Simultaneously, virtual shopping in a metaverse supermarket will replace online shopping. For example, Zara dipped their first toes in Metaverse by collaborating with a South Korean clothing brand, Ader Error. They launched the first digital versions of the clothes and makeup for their avatars.
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Virtual shopping is one of the Metaverse use cases.,e
5. Metaverse Use Cases And The Education
It goes without saying that the Covid-19 pandemic has taken a heavy toll on all levels of the education sector. All students must learn remotely, which presents numerous challenges for both students and teachers. However, Metaverse technology has the potential to alter the way we learn. Virtual reality can elevate the visual component of the educational process to a qualitatively new level by allowing students to 'live' a specific experience, resulting in more intensive and high-quality knowledge assimilation than conventional classroom training. Students in medicine, for example, can practice skills that are difficult to practice in real life. Furthermore, the applications of Metaverse education will enable people from all over the world, including remote areas, to pursue quality education in conditions that are ideal for the assimilation of new knowledge and experience.
6. Wrap Up
To conclude, Metaverse is the next big step in the Tech world, with a lot of room for expansion. Everyone seems to be drawn to this breakthrough, from big organizations looking for new revenue streams and methods to engage customers to amateurs wanting to explore the technology's full potential and try out new ways of socializing, playing, working, and studying.
With the hope to leverage this trending technology, hundreds of firms may ask themselves some questions related to “How to develop Metaverse?” or “What companies are building the Metaverse?”. Let's team up with a reputable Outsourcing Company like SotaTek. Our specialized IT Developers and Programmers have a thorough understanding of the Metaverse and supporting technologies such as Blockchain, NFTs, cryptos, and other technologies that are essential to construct futuristic applications. We are able to supply various Tech solutions for various sectors because of our more than 6-year experience in the outsourcing field. As a result, you may rest assured that the final products will match your strict specifications. So, why not get in touch with us right now?
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sotatekglobal · 2 years
Catch Up With The Growing Trend: Metaverse
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In this digital age, people are seemingly bombarded with various novel technologies on a daily basis. Just in 2021, the term “Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs)” or “cryptocurrency” was the most popular topic that grabbed the headlines. Besides, people were also familiar with Blockchain, AI Technology, etc. However, everything has gradually changed. Despite the fact that the aforementioned technologies are still in use, it was taken over by Metaverse at the end of 2021. In the coming years, the Metaverse is considered an amazing and exceedingly promising trend. According to one research, its overall market value is predicted to reach $828.95 billion by 2028, which is unquestionably amazing. So, what is the Metaverse universe? Is it merely marketing bluster or a game-changing technological breakthrough worth paying attention to? Check it out to learn more!
1. What Is The Metaverse?
Metaverse mixes virtual reality and digital second life, two concepts that have been around for a long time. For decades, technologists have envisioned a world in which digital lives play as important a part as physical ones. They hoped they could communicate with their loved ones, coworkers, and friends in a virtual environment. They could also spend money on digital avatar clothing and accessories. And the term "Metaverse" has become widely used after Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, changed the name of his company to Meta in order to dip his toes into the Metaverse realm.
The metaverse is a network of interconnected real-time generated 3D virtual worlds that may be accessed via appropriate AR/VR devices. It also makes use of platforms like social networking, online gaming, and even NFTs and cryptocurrencies, which allow users to engage in a wide range of virtual experiences. People can build and personalize their own digital representations (avatars) in the metaverse, including hair color, clothing, accessories, and other body features.
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Metaverse world can be accessed via appropriate AR/VR devices.
2. Uncover Key Technologies To Power The Metaverse
a. AR/ VR
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are at the heart of the Metaverse world. Their usage will coincide with the metaverse's expansion and contribute to the development of more features. In terms of Virtual Reality, it will create computer-generated virtual environments in which users will be able to hear, feel, and interact with others using VR headsets, sensors, and gloves. Metaverse virtual reality can transport you to any location in a matter of seconds by utilizing a combination of hardware devices and software solutions to create an immersive environment.
Meanwhile, Metaverse AR will enable you to view your surroundings through interactive digital visuals, providing you with extraordinary and one-of-a-kind experiences. In fact, some leading brands have used augmented reality to provide us with new ways to interact with the world. For example, IKEA uses augmented reality to allow customers to see how their furniture will look in their homes. Furthermore, the global augmented reality market is expected to reach $97.76 billion by 2028, and it is likely to hear about new advances in Metaverse Augmented Reality very soon.
b. Blockchain
The second innovation to mention is definitely Blockchain Integration. Blockchain technology, with its numerous advantages such as immutable and transparent transactions, decentralization in data storage, and security, will undoubtedly become the key technology in the virtual universe. Such a world can also rely on NFT Development to provide digital proof of ownership for assets in the metaverse. Avatars, objects, skills, and other digital assets are all likely to be presented in the form of Metaverse NFTs.
c. AI Technology
AI Technology can be used to collect data to make predictions and aid in the creation of avatars, natural language processing and translation, and world generation. Furthermore, AI can be used in conjunction with AR and VR to improve the user experience. It can pay close attention to sensors that measure our bioelectrical and muscular patterns, then transfer such information to Metaverse Developers in order to improve the technology.
d. Internet of Things
IoT can be applied to the virtual world to seamlessly connect the 3D world to a large number of real-world devices. This enables the creation of real-time metaverse simulations. IoT could use AI and machine learning to manage the data it collects to further optimize the metaverse environment.
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IoT is one of the core technologies to power the Metaverse.
e. 3D Reconstruction
The Metaverse requires three-dimensional environments in order to be a truly immersive platform. And 3D reconstruction technology can create natural-looking spaces that are as close to reality as possible. IT experts can use 3D reconstruction to create accurate 3D photorealistic models of the physical world, such as buildings, locations, and objects. Then, using 3D spatial data and 4K HD photography, a virtual replica in the metaverse is created. Thanks to it, the second life in the Metaverse world would be real as the physical one, which would help to enhance the experience of digital users.
3. Are There Any Challenges Of Metaverse?
Privacy Challenges: Every Internet user has always been concerned about data privacy and security. And the existence of the Metaverse necessitates a radical shift in cyber security measures. More approaches should be used by Tech Vendors to ensure more accurate identification and enhanced security.
Intellectual Property Ownership: In the beginning, content creators may have difficulty in keeping track of their property ownership. Therefore, Metaverse developers must build a system that can provide digital asset verification similar to NFT proof of ownership in the real world.
Currency and Payment Systems: The metaverse may create its own version of the virtual market, utilizing fiat money and cryptocurrencies to ensure their fast and secure exchange. This will necessitate the development of a new, one-of-a-kind transaction verification system to ensure the financial security of users.
Identity: In the real world, it is extremely easy to distinguish between one and another. But how do you identify a person when interacting with them in the virtual world? There could be another person or a bot attempting to imitate your existence.
4. Final Thoughts
It can’t be denied that Metaverse can be an innovation that shapes our future lives. Although the creation of this virtual universe poses some threats, it still has a huge potential to develop. Therefore, the sooner you step into the race, the better it would be.
Whether you are planning to develop a full-fledged metaverse project or simply wish to take your first steps into the metaverse, SotaTek can help you. As a leading Outsourcing Company in Vietnam with several global offices in the USA, Australia, and Japan, our 660+ employees have the experience to deliver the best Tech solutions for our clients, regardless of any project size. We can assist you to launch NFT development as well as develop Blockchain games (as our Bunicorn project) in the metaverse that will help you remain ahead of the curve and better understand the new world. So, let’s contact us now and get a consultation. We are happy to collaborate with you to shape the future!
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sotatekglobal · 3 years
Chatbot Development: An Indispensable Virtual Assistant In Software
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The chatbot is no longer a new term, which presents in different Web and Mobile App Development over the past few years to interact with customers via text or address a huge number of queries without the need of real people. Do you know that 55% of enterprises make use of Chatbot Development to produce more high-quality leads? Juniper Research has claimed that Chatbots are predicted to save businesses 2.5 billion hours by 2023. Moreover, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses and corporations are struggling to offer timely services to their customers due to the remote working and shortage of staff. Therefore, Chatbot Development is becoming indispensable and has constantly transformed innovatively to serve the ever-growing needs of businesses and their customers as well. To have a deeper understanding of this AI-driven technology, let’s keep reading!
1. What Is Chatbot Development? Different Types Of Chatbot
Chatbot, which combines between 2 words “chat” and “robots”, is a computerized program that generates human-like text and voice conversations using predefined rules, triggers, and events. We now easily come across Chatbot Development in different platforms, such as Websites, Mobile Apps, emails, etc. Depending on the inputs, Chatbot can provide many services, including replying to the customers, addressing their problems, or assisting them to complete the tasks without human intervention. For instance, a Chatbot in a MedTech application can automatically add up calories, track steps, and remind the users to get out and walk.
Normally, there are 3 main types of Chatbot Development, which are Rule-Based Chatbots, AI-Powered Chatbots, and Hybrid Chatbots.
Rule-based Chatbots (or Task-oriented Chatbots): This type is developed using pre-defined rules, Natural Language Processing (NLP), and very little Machine Learning (ML). It can't function properly outside of the rules, and it can't learn from previous interactions, either. It can, on the other hand, only help if you have fixed expected responses to the defined questions your customers may ask.
AI-Powered Chatbots: Using NLP and ML to understand the human language, process, and handle it, the AI-based chatbots are more contextually aware. In addition, AI-powered bots are integrated with APIs that provide the necessary resources, allowing them to deliver users with the right information and solutions. AI Chatbots can also become smarter by the day as they can make connections between questions, comprehend them, and provide appropriate answers to the users after learning a large number of words and phrases. This is referred to as Conversational AI.
Hybrid Chatbots: As the name suggests, a hybrid chatbot is a combination of task-oriented and AI chatbots. It allows for human intervention when a critical problem cannot be resolved by automated bots.
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Different types of Chatbot Development: Rule-Based Chatbots, AI-Powered Chatbots, and Hybrid Chatbots.
2. Why Is Chatbot Development Significant In Software?
a. Available 24/7
Chatbots are always available at any time, meaning that customers can submit questions and get the answers immediately even when most other helplines and agents aren’t available, such as nights, weekends, and holidays. This can enhance the customers' experience, making them satisfied with your service and prompting them to come back again.
b. Communication In Multiple Languages
While hiring an employee fluent in many languages can be a challenging and expensive task, chatbot development can be a more potential answer. Just by programming with the needed languages, Chatbots can easily interact with customers all over the world. This would help your enterprises to reach your target customers regardless of their destinations, resulting in improved business and revenue generation.
c. Tracking Data And Metrics
Customer insights are critical for businesses because they allow understanding the customers' needs and preferences. Luckily, chatbots can measure consumer data and information, such as browsing history or purchasing patterns, to assist businesses in learning more about their customers. Furthermore, based on these data, these AI bots can provide personalized recommendations, allowing them to make targeted offers that customers are likely to respond to.
d. Increase Efficiency And Reduce Cost
By automating simple customer interactions to allow humans to turn to other challenging tasks, Chatbot is considered an efficient and productive tool. Also, because fewer employees and equipment are needed, Chatbot can save businesses’ costs. Furthermore, chatbots will help to lower operating costs because they involve very little maintenance or upkeep because they are powered by AI technology that is coded for specific functions. As per the Oracle survey, chatbots could save $174 Billion across Insurance, Financial Services, Sales, and Customer Service.
3. The Dominance Of Chatbot In Almost Sector
According to Salesforce's State of Service report, 83% of customers expect a response immediately after contacting a company. In addition, in 2021, 60% of their interactions with the company were conducted online. Therefore, it is not surprising that many businesses hire Chatbot developers to leverage this technology in their sectors to serve customers better. Here are some outstanding industries:
The Insurance Industry is using AI chatbots to make insurance claims, making nearly a half of customers satisfied while 43% are comfortable using them to buy insurance policies. To optimize insurance-related processes and improve customer service, chatbots can handle claims instantly and tailor quotes.
The complicated world of Finance is also integrated into intelligent Chatbot in their FinTech apps to answer questions, keep track of your expenditures, and offer timely advice, which makes that app desirable indeed.
eCommerce sector can be an area that is by far the most popular for using Chatbot, which helps a lot in increasing sales and improving customer retention, with better product guidance and pre as well as post-sales support. Eg. Nike’s AI-powered chatbot allows users to find shoes based on their preferences through product recommendations.
Education also adopts Chatbot Development, with the example of Duolingo - a famous learning language mobile app. It has extremely advanced chatbots that simulate conversation, which is the most effective way to acquire a new language. The same is true for study guide apps for students that include chatbots that administer pop quizzes.
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Let's take a look at Chatbot Development in the eCommerce sector.
4. Final Thought: Chatbot Development Is Never Going To End
It can’t be denied that Chabot is really a cutting-edge customer interaction program. It can offer many advantages, such as customer service representatives, information about your company and products, answers to questions about services, and even promotions. Therefore, if you have a soon-to-be-developed app, don’t forget to adopt this innovation.
In case you are finding a Software Development Services Company to build your own Web and App leveraging AI-driven development and Machine Learning, feel free to send us a message. SotaTek can offer top IT consulting services to transform your businesses into data-powered companies. With Agile Methodology and flexible Frameworks used, our 600+ in-house employees will build the products with your end-users in mind. So, let’s collaborate with us to experience the World-class Experts, Transparent Development Process, Full-packaged Services, and Tailored-made Solutions.
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sotatekglobal · 3 years
Mobile App Security: Problems And Solutions
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Over the last few years, the number of people working on Mobile App Development has increased dramatically. To meet the needs of digital consumers, several apps with various features have arisen, such as FinTech apps, eCommerce apps, and Super Apps. These apps also collect potentially sensitive information including phone numbers, email addresses, location, and credit card information to enable businesses to make precise judgments to improve their services. However, it also implies that hackers can obtain that information and use it for malicious purposes. As a result, more caution is needed while building mobile apps to ensure that the users’ information is safeguarded. For organizations seeking for a Software Development Company to build their own app, this blog will present some fundamental information about Mobile App Security, such as its importance, common challenges, and viable remedies. Let's continue reading!
1. An Overview Of Mobile App Security
The technique of securing mobile applications and users' digital information from fraudulent assaults such as tampering, reverse engineering, malware, key loggers, and other forms of manipulation or interference is referred to as Mobile App Security. Any Mobile App Development has gone through Mobile App Security Testing in order to achieve this. You may ask “What is Mobile App Security Testing?”. As the name suggests, it entails checking apps for security concerns depending on the frameworks they are built with, the platforms they run on, and the potential collection of users. In reality, there are numerous security controls accessible, and it is up to the Tech Vendor to select the most appropriate one. Due to a lack of vetting, security mechanisms may be readily evaded by attackers.
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Software quality assurance is done carefully to ensure the Mobile App Security.
According to Check Point's Mobile Security Report 2021, the great majority of businesses faced at least one mobile malware attack in 2020, which entices customers to download a malicious payload via infected websites or URLs in order to steal their credentials. Furthermore, according to another poll, more than 75% of mobile applications will fail basic security testing. As you probably know, security is important for every business. If their Mobile App fails to protect their users' data, they will lose not just consumers, but also trust, reputation, cost, and money to resolve the issue. Who wants to use a Mobile App with a security flaw? Who can trust a mobile app that might steal their data? Nobody! Therefore, it is critical to place Mobile App Security first and foremost from the start.
2. What Problems Cause The Lack Of Mobile App Security?
a. Multi-factor Authentication Shortage
To make things easier, many users use a single password for all types of Mobile Apps that is easy to remember. However, it also poses a risk to your app and personal information because cybercriminals can easily gain access. With just a phone call or a phishing email in which the suspicious hyperlinks are attached for you to click, the cyberattacks can trick you into giving up your information, including your login credentials. In such cases, if the Mobile Apps lack multi-factor authentication, those thefts only need an account name and password to complete a transaction or steal your information for criminal purposes.
b. Failure To Encrypt Properly
Encryption is the process of encoding information by converting its original representation, known as plaintext, into an alternate form known as ciphertext. Its goal is to protect data and prevent unauthorized access. According to Symantec data, approximately 10.5 percent of enterprise devices and 13.4 percent of consumer devices do not have encryption enabled. This means that when hackers gain access, the sensitive data will be displayed in plain text, making it easy to steal. Inadequate encryption can have serious consequences, ranging from privacy violations to code theft, intellectual property theft, and, ultimately, reputational harm.
c. Reverse Engineering
Reverse engineering, also known as backward engineering, is the process of analyzing and comprehending how an app works. And the hackers would utilize it to gain access to the encryption algorithms and modify the source code. With reverse engineering, an attacker can use your code against you.
d. Insecure Data Storage
Insecure data storage is frequently the result of a lack of processes to manage images, key presses, or data cache, as occurs in SQL databases, binary data stores, cookie stores, etc. These data storage issues can be caused by errors in the operating system, frameworks, or in new and jailbroken devices. After gaining access to a database or device, hackers can modify the legitimate app to redirect data to their machines. Even the most sophisticated encryption protections are rendered useless if a device has been jailbroken or rooted. Such devices enable hackers to circumvent operating system restrictions and avoid encryption.
3. What Are The Potential Solutions For Mobile App Security?
a. Enforce Strong Authentication
It is true that only passwords no longer provide an appropriate level of security for Mobile App Development. Google even claimed that 250,000 web logins each week are stolen (as of 2015) and the figure can be higher now. As a result, adding additional factors to authenticate an account is a potential security layer to prevent cyber attacks.
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Enforce strong authentication is a solution for Mobile App Security.
Multi-factor authentication (MFA), which typically includes two of the three possible authentication factors, ensures that your app does not rely solely on the password to verify the user's identity. An SMS confirmation code, biometric authentication (such as fingerprint or retina), or the answer to a personal question can all be used as an additional layer of authentication. To be more specific, a typical MFA process may include the following steps:
A user logs in by entering a username and password.
Phones may ping with PINs or verification codes.
The person completes the process of gaining access to the app by using the verified information.
b. Utilize Code Obfuscation
In Software Development, the term “obfuscation” is used to describe the act to create a source or machine code that is hard for people to understand. So, why is it useful in Mobile App Security? Actually, it can be used to make the process of reverse engineering more complicated. If the hacker doesn’t understand how the source code works, it becomes more of a problem for them to break into the application.
c. Set A Solid API Security Strategy
Application Programming Interfaces (API) are one of the most widely used features in practically all software development. They allow you to integrate functionality from outside available services rather than having to construct them yourself. If the API isn't authorized, though, hackers may gain unintended access to the app. Therefore, to prevent it, Tech Vendors should adopt two API best practices, including Authentication and Authorization, to serve as a powerful security tool for APIs. While API authentication will restrict or delete users who abuse the API, API authorization occurs after the user's identity has been verified through authentication and verifies if users or apps have permission to use the API.
API authentication and authorization are used to accomplish the following objectives:
Only allow valid users to use the API.
To keep track of the people who have submitted requests
API usage tracking
Allowing people to have varying levels of permissions
Requestors who exceed the rate limit are blocked.
4. Final Thoughts
It can’t be denied that robust Mobile App Development can bring enormous benefits to your brands, which helps you gain customers, increase sales and revenue. However, a bad secured app can demolish everything. So, keep in mind to hire experienced developers to build Software with many security layers to mitigate potential risks.
Contact us if you are finding Android and IOS App Development Software Company. Established in 2015, SotaTek is a Global Software Development as a Service (SDaaS) to help Clients adapt to State-of-the-art Technology. We employ structured cutting-edge methodologies and technology to create the most up-to-date solutions in accordance with the SDLC. Moreover, our top-notch Software Quality Assurance (QA) would minimize stolen and fraudulent attacks on your Mobile App as much as possible, as a result, allowing you to focus on the exponential growth of your business. So, why not become a partner with us right now?
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sotatekglobal · 3 years
Do You Know: 8 Key Features Bringing Solana Blockchain To The Headlines?
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As a crypto enthusiast, Ethereum may not be the new term for you. Over the last several years, this blockchain architecture has grown in popularity, allowing Smart Contracts and Decentralized Apps to be written and run without any downtime, control, or intervention from a third party. However, as time flies, Ethereum is forced to contend with the market's severe rivalry from other blockchain networks. Solana Blockchain, for example, has risen to become the most popular blockchain at the present. Because of its speed and reported throughput of 65,000 TPS (transactions per second), it is one of the world's first Web-scale Blockchains and quickest networks. So, let's follow this blog to get a better understanding of this new concept - the Solana network!
1. What Is Solana Blockchain?
Solana is a web-scale, open-source blockchain protocol that supports smart contracts, including non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and a wide range of decentralized applications (dApps). This high-performance blockchain delivers the fully decentralized, secure, seamless, and highly scalable infrastructure that DApps and decentralized marketplaces will require. It makes use of a combination of ground-breaking processing technologies that can handle thousands of nodes, allowing transaction throughput to expand proportionally with network capacity. Thanks to its speed and low transaction costs, Solana currently has a potential peak capacity of 65,000 transactions per second and has become one of the most widely utilized blockchains today. Besides, the Solana ecosystem also grows by leaps and bounds, which can be proved by some Top Solana DApps like 1Sol, Serum, Audius, Hedgehog, Anchor, and Raydium.
Native to Solana’s blockchain is the SOL token, which provides network security through staking as well as a form of payment. This token is now ranked #8 on Coinmarketcap and the Solana token price is $87,84 (as of 25 Feb 2022). Along with SOL, there are many other Top Solana Ecosystem Tokens by Market Capitalization, such as Tether, Terra, Chainlink, etc.  
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Let's take a look at Solana token on Coinmarketcap
2. Uncover Top Key Innovations Of Solana Blockchain
a. Proof Of History (POH)
It is a clock that runs before consensus in the Solana Blockchain, which addresses the clock problem in today’s blockchain-based networks. Previously, Bitcoin used the Proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanism, whereas Ethereum and other blockchain blockchains such as Qtum, Cosmos, and NEO alter to the Proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. All these mechanisms cause a transaction time issue, which accounts for discrepancies in. confirmation times for transactions on the Bitcoin network. Such differences in transaction time could lead to inefficiencies in transaction processing.
However, Solana has used a completely new timekeeping technique known as proof-of-history, which has been shown to be superior to the majority of the aforementioned measures. In case you may ask “What is Proof of history Solana?”. So, Proof of History is a computation sequence that can be used to cryptographically verify the passage of time between two events. It employs a cryptographically secure function that must be fully executed in order to generate the output, as the outcome cannot be predicted from the input.
b. Tower BFT
Solana public blockchain runs a consensus mechanism called Tower BFT on top of Proof of History, which is a PBFT-like algorithm that uses the synchronized clock authorized by PoH to achieve network transaction consensus. Tower Consensus, unlike PBFT, values liveness over consistency. Nodes, like PBFT, increase their timeouts exponentially to reach an agreement, but because the ledger is also a trustless source of time, nodes can observe and assess the timeouts of all the other validators in the network.
c. Turbine
To transmit blocks (communicate blocks between validators) independently of consensus, Solana employs a distinct but linked protocol called Turbine, which was inspired primarily by BitTorrent and is intended for streaming. It is a block propagation protocol that divides data into smaller increments, making data transfer between nodes easier. Turbine assists Solana in addressing bandwidth issues and increasing the overall transaction processing speed of the network.
d. Gulf Stream
As an innovative feature that enables Solana Blockchain Open-source to reach 65,000 TPS, Gulf Stream works with the mempool concept to act as a waiting room for the next trade, allowing forward transactions to be validated before the trade is completed. This enables network validators to execute transactions ahead of time, hence reducing confirmation time and the memory requirements on validators from unconfirmed transaction pools.
e. Sea Level
Another unique feature that makes many Blockchain experts show their preference for Solana Blockchain is Sea level, which has never existed in any other blockchain network. The term "sea level" refers to the ability of validators to run Smart Contract code in parallel. To illustrate, consider a human who must complete several tasks in a single day. To complete all of the tasks, he or she must complete them in the correct order. However, if you have a duplicate of yourself, you could complete such tasks concurrently. In that case, you're using sea level, which Solana accomplishes with its smart contracts. Every time Nvidia doubles the number of SMID lanes, the Solana network's computational capacity will double. To summarize, Sealevel enables concurrent transactions on the same chain, resulting in a faster network runtime.
f. Pipelining
Pipelining, which refers to the process of routing a stream of input data to various pieces of hardware for processing, is a common technique in CPU design. This allows quick transaction information to be replicated and validated across network nodes more quickly.
On the Solana network, the Transaction Processing Unit (TPU) performs data fetching at the kernel level, signature verification at the GPU level, banking at the CPU level, and writing at the kernel level. The TPU has already accumulated the next batch of packets and is beginning to sign them by the time it starts sending blocks to the validators.
g. Cloud Break
Simply scaling computing isn't enough. Memory used to keep track of accounts soon becomes a bottleneck in terms of both size and access performance. Therefore, Solana Network has come up with Cloudbreak, a state architecture optimized for concurrent reads and writes across a RAID 0 configuration of SSDs. Each additional disk expands the amount of storage available to on-chain programs while making concurrent reads and writes between the network’s 32 threads possible.
h. Archivers
On Solana, data storage is delegated from validators to Archivers, a network of nodes. Archivers do not take part in consensus meetings. The state's past is fragmented into many pieces and erasure-coded. Small sections of the state are archived by archivers, who will be asked to confirm that they are storing the data required on a regular basis by the network. Solana makes use of Proofs of Replication (PoRep), which are largely influenced by Filecoin.
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Top Key Innovations Of Solana Blockchain.
3. SotaTek’s Successful Solana Projects
Recently, SotaTek utilized Smart Contracts to develop SolBank, the most private and non-custodial Solana browser wallet. This platform allows users to conceal the amounts and origins of cryptocurrency held. This is made possible by implementing a Solana zero-knowledge privacy solution: a smart contract that accepts transactions in SOL (and, in the future, SPL tokens), allowing the amount to be withdrawn later with no reference to the original transaction.
Visit more: https://solbank.app/
Additionally, our Blockchain Experts have a chance to build Solminter, a solution to the SPL ecosystem. Solminter offers its users the following utilities:
SPL minting and management
NFT minting and management
Ecosystem integrations
Visit more: https://solminter.com/
4. Final Thoughts: Get Started With Solana Blockchain
To conclude, it is understandable why Solana Blockchain is a great, powerful platform with tons of potential that appears to be a terrific fit for any DeFi project. Solana is a fast network with a revolutionary Proof-of-History consensus methodology, as well as sub-second block times enabling fast verification and low fees. Any good project that prefers excel requires quick confirmation times and a minimal network overhead.
Want to hire experienced Solana Developers to leverage the best projects on Solana? Our 600+ Technical Experts are exactly what you need. As a leading Blockchain Development Services, SotaTek can offer you high-class standard quality on blockchain-based platforms on Solana, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Tron, Polygon networks, etc. With our extensive knowledge, we create effective blockchain applications as well as engage and assist our clients with top-notch services. Starting with IT consulting to layout your development map, SotaTek team would help you to reach the best Blockchain solutions. So, why not contact us right now?
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sotatekglobal · 3 years
Which Is Better For DeFi Projects: Ethereum or Solana?
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In the DeFi world, Ethereum and Solana are both striving to capture the potential market by allowing their users to create the best projects on the Blockchain network. Ethereum, which was first introduced in 2015, is already regarded as an industry veteran. As of Feb 2022, its market cap is $296 billion and the current price of Ethereum is $2,476.17. Meanwhile, Solana Blockchain has grabbed the headlines of several media sources since its initial release. Many Solana Projects are launched and its Solana token price reaches $81.89. So, what's the difference between these two blockchains, and which is preferable for constructing DeFi projects? Let's see what we can find out on this blog!
1. A Brief Introduction Of Two Blockchain Networks
a. Ethereum Blockchain
Ethereum is the most frequently used blockchain system for creating and running DApps, Smart Contracts, and Tokens, with a white paper dating back to 2013. As you may know, Ethereum is the first public blockchain to have Smart Contract functionality, which allows for more transparent transactions, lower commission fees and eliminates the need for third-party interference. Bitcoin was the other main blockchain at the time, but its powers were limited to virtual currency issuance.
Ethereum has its own digital money, Ether (ETH). Aside from that, the blockchain hosts more than 460,000 coins (according to Etherscan) that follow the ERC-20 standard. Some top Ethereum crypto projects include Tether (USDT), Basic Attention Token (BAT), USD Coin (USDC), ChainLink (LINK), and Dai (DAI). Moreover, the recent growth in Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs) has also boosted Ethereum's appeal. While ERC-20 is a class of identical tokens, the ERC-721 standard forms the basis for non-fungible tokens. These are one-of-a-kind items that can be issued, sold, and bought in specialized NFT marketplaces.
b. Solana Blockchain
Solana was brought into DeFi and Tech World as an “Ethereum Killer” thanks to its advanced technology and high scalability. This is mainly because this blockchain open-source platform addressed shortcomings of the previous one, such as low transaction speed, high fees, and scalability issues through a new Proof of History (PoH) consensus algorithm. Given that Solana can currently handle 65,000 transactions per second at an average transaction cost of $0.00025, this blockchain has delivered on its promise. Another accomplishment is the SOL token's rapid ascension into the top ten crypto market cap rankings. In February 2021, Solana was ranked only 42nd, and as of February 2022, it climbed to #8 ranking.
     Related: Do You Know: 8 Key Features Bringing Solana Blockchain To The Headlines?
2. Compare Some Factors To Find Out The Better For DeFi Projects
a. Smart Contracts
While Ethereum Smart Contracts are written with the Solidity programming language, Solana developers will use Rust to write Smart Contracts. Moreover, Solana is designed with parallel run-time allowing smart contacts to execute concurrently. As a result, thousands of smart contracts can be processed at the same time. Meanwhile, Ethereum’s EVM runtime is single-threaded, which means that smart contracts are queued and one smart contract changes the state of the blockchain at a time.
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Compare Smart Contract between Ethereum and Solana blockchain.
Another distinction is that on Ethereum, data and code are linked, whereas in Solana, they are not. On Ethereum, a smart contract contains both the code and the data processed by the code. Smart contracts on the Solana blockchain contain only code and no data. The program receives all data as input.
b. Consensus Mechanism
In terms of mechanism, Ethereum's Proof-of-Work (PoW) mechanism is used to achieve consensus. However, there are some issues with the Proof-of-Work (PoW) mechanism, one of which is that it consumes a lot of power and energy, making it inefficient and resulting in higher gas fees. As a result, Ethereum is currently migrating to the Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus algorithm, which is 99.95% more energy efficient. This change will not only make the blockchain more environmentally friendly, but it will also lower technical barriers for anyone to stake, enable better decentralization, and provide stronger support for shard chains – a critical upgrade in scaling the Ethereum network.
Solana blockchain, on the other hand, employs a completely novel technology known as Proof of History (PoH), which is combined with Proof of Stake (PoS). And the combination is, no doubt, better for DeFi projects development. PoS applications can process and approve transactions more quickly, more scalable, and use less energy. The same can be said for PoH. Despite the fact that PoW is still a popular consensus model, some projects have already begun the transition from PoW to PoS. (just like Ethereum itself).
c. Scalability
With 400ms block times and sub-second finality, the Solana network is one of the fastest chains in blockchain technology. Solana's network claims to be capable of processing 65,000 tps, which is accomplished by PoH, Tower BFT, and Turbine. Although some Ethereum Layer 2 chains support such speed, they cannot do so at the scale that Solana can in addition to the weight of being a Layer 1 Protocol.
d. Transaction Cost
Running projects on Solana is relatively inexpensive, with an average cost per transaction of $0.00025. In comparison, the cost of performing a transaction on Ethereum is typically between $20 and $70 per transaction, depending on network congestion. According to many businesses, high cost always equates to high quality. They believe that if they pay a lot of money for transactions, each transaction, as well as their funds, will be secure. However, it is impossible to deny that the transaction cost for building DeFi projects on Solana is quite appealing. As a result, while the blockchain world awaits Ethereum 2.0, Solana has a great opportunity to rise to the top.
3. DeFi Projects On Ethereum And Solana
When it comes to dApp development, Ethereum is the undisputed leader. On the Ethereum Ecosystem, until Jan 2022, there were roughly 3000 DApps and 50,81k daily active users. One of the most common use cases for this blockchain is DeFi projects, such as decentralized exchanges, asset tokenization platforms, KYC and identity solutions, cryptocurrency lending and borrowing dApps, and payment solutions. Some outstanding platforms can be Uniswap (a protocol for trading and automated liquidity provision), Aave (Decentralized Finance Platform showing liquidity protocol), etc.
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let's take a look at the statistics of DeFi projects on the Ethereum ecosystem.
Although it is relatively new to the public when compared to Ethereum, Solana has grown its ecosystem to 400 projects in less than a year and a half. Almost all projects on Solana are related to the development of NFT and DeFi: there are 116 DeFi apps and 193 NFTs running on this blockchain. Top 4 DeFi projects built on Solana are Serum - the DEX, Raydium - the Automated Market Maker, Oxygen - the Decentralized Bank, and Saber - the Stablecoin Hub.
4. Final Thoughts: Building DeFi Projects On Ethereum And Solana
To sum up, having their own competitive advantages, both Solana and Ethereum blockchain are suitable for DeFi Projects Development. There is no “one-size-fits-all” solution for every company and every project. Therefore, after being equipped with some basic information, you can choose the right one, depending on your projects’ requirements.
Please contact us if you want to build Top Solana DApps or Best Ethereum Projects. SotaTek is a leading Outsourcing Company in Vietnam with over 6 years of experience collaborating with many global clients of various sizes, including small start-ups, medium-sized businesses, and large corporations. Our Blockchain experts can provide you with extensive knowledge of languages and platforms. Once you put your trust in us, you can be confident that the final DeFi projects will be fault-tolerant, and transparent to meet your strict requirements. Now, it's time to join the DeFi wave and outrun your competitors!
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sotatekglobal · 3 years
IDO Launchpad: A Potential Solution For Crypto-based Projects
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Some years ago, Blockchain technology opened a new path of fundraising methodology for businesses, replacing time-consuming traditional processes. Token-based fundraising models, such as token offering, coin offering, exchange offering, and so on, are made possible by the Initial Coin Offering ICO Model. However, as time passes, an innovative crypto fundraising concept emerges, transforming the ICO into an IDO. According to the most recent statistics, the IDO Launchpad Development has received a total investment of $1.7 million. Many investors and venture leaders are looking for the best IDO Launchpads these days. So, what is this platform all about? And what is it capable of? Let’s take a closer look at this blog!
1. What Is An IDO Launchpad?
IDO, a short form of Initial DEX Offerings, is widely seen as an advance to ICO, involving the token launching on DEX exchanges without intermediaries. This decentralized platform is based on a liquidity pool where investors can exchange tokens such as stable coins and cryptocurrencies. Actually, there are many IDO projects available in the market that are not listed on any launchpad platform. These projects operate independently and do not require any outside assistance, which may take a long time and result in a limited number of leads. Therefore, listing projects on the launchpad is an effective way to attract investors and allow them to aid in the exponential growth of the listed projects.
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IDO is an advance to ICO, involving the token launching on DEX exchanges without intermediaries.
Developed on a Blockchain network, the IDO Launchpad is a decentralized platform that creates value for both cryptocurrency startups and ordinary users with safety guarded. It enables people to invest in these projects listed on the launchpad at a special pre-sale price before they enter the market, resulting in higher returns, while also supporting multiple chains for entrepreneurs to add their BEP20 and ERC20 tokens. As a result, IDO Launchpad's tools are a one-stop-shop for decentralized fundraising of high-quality projects.
2. How Does Crypto IDO Work?
The IDO Launchpad is a decentralized platform to give businesses a chance to list their cryptocurrency projects, which have to be reviewed and verified carefully before visible. This platform operates efficiently thanks to trust between the platform, cryptocurrency project owners, and users. It benefits investors by providing them with high returns on their investments, as well as all of the crypto projects listed on the IDO launchpad platform, which are backed by an IDO token. Meanwhile, all of the necessary features will be equipped to keep users from experiencing instant market trading to high liquidity.  
To attract global users, the IDO token launchpad platform is well-structured and built with cutting-edge blockchain technology. It is completely decentralized in the IDO launchpad, which eliminates the need for a centralized authority to benefit users by lowering gas prices, waiting times, and allowing for faster transactions. To manage the overall transaction flow, the IDO launchpad platform is powered by automated Smart Contracts while to improve transaction speed, it uses a Peer-to-peer Network.
3. What Can Expect From An IDO Launchpad?
a. Credibility
Any project that wants to be visible on the IDO launchpad has to go through a rigorous checking process. Such owners’ projects need to hand out some necessary documentation and proposals to make sure the legitimacy and feasibility of the project. This will be verified by the DEX platforms before listing, which would make all the investors ease at mind when pouring their money into any crypto-based project on the launchpad.
b. Instant Liquidity
A token's primary factor is liquidity, and it is also the reason why most of the start-ups go for the Initial DEX Offerings. A token which cannot generate immediate liquidity can be detrimental to the token's value. The liquidity pool would ensure that liquidity is available at all times and that prices do not fluctuate. Only when the project needs some value for the tokens to acquire liquidity is the swapping of tokens in the liquidity pool enabled.
c. Fair Fundraising Practices
Unlike traditional fundraising models, in which influenced investors benefited by buying a large number of tokens at a low price and then reselling these tokens on secondary markets at inflated prices, the IDO offers instant liquidity and token development. On this decentralized platform, all investors, from the general public to a small-time trader to a big short, can purchase IDO tokens at a reduced cost, and the value of the IDO token increases when the token is put up for the public sale. They can start trading right after the IDO is live. The earlier they buy tokens, the more likely chances they get to sell them at a higher price as the price starts to increase from the time the first investors buy.
4. SotaTek Showcase Of IDO Launchpad Projects
Being listed in the Top Rated IDO Launchpad for the Crypto Firms, Red Kite is one of SotaTek’s outstanding IDO Launchpad Development. With 12 excellent Blockchain experts, SotaTek has finished this project after 24 man-months, utilizing React, NoteJS, and Solidity as main technology stacks. Red Kite is a cutting-edge launchpad and DeFi platform powered by PolkaFoundry, which offers support to innovative crypto projects. All token sale projects on this decentralized platform are carefully selected through a rigorous assessment procedure from the origin of the project teams to validity and performance. Besides, a network of prominent marketing partners in the crypto sector, such as Ethereum Blockchain, Binance Smart Chain, and others, will also promote such ventures.
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Red Kite is one of the most outstanding IDO launchpad development projects of SotaTek.
Another IDO Token Launchpad by SotaTek is DAO Maker - a DAO Pad's flagship product and a multi-investment platform (Visit website here: https://daomaker.com/). DAO Marker provides investors with a safe early-stage investment environment and growth solutions for innovative crypto companies. This platform also has its own native utility token called DAO. This coin allows investors to participate in the IDO of upcoming crypto initiatives. Because it does not support fiat currency, the platform can be connected with a variety of wallets. With a 24-hour trading volume of $3,939,028, the current DAO Maker price is $2.2 (as of 15 Feb 2022). A total of 275 million DAO coins are in circulation, including 70 million in circulation.
Officially entering service on Dec 15, 2021, Metaverse Starter Launchpad is another amazing SotaTek project, which aims to gather traditional games and renew them by leveraging Blockchain, NFT, and Metaverse. Metaverse Starter supports all multichains, including BSC, ETH, Polygon, etc. Besides, in order to ensure secure user identification and seamless user onboarding, this platform collaborates with Blockpass and incorporates their KYC system into Metaverse Starter. Visit website: https://metaversestarter.io/#/
5. Final Thoughts
To sum up, an IDO launchpad is a really necessary component for the Crypto Market. It is regarded as the best crowdfunding platform, attracting millions of investors' interest in this project. The development of the IDO launchpad not only allows business entities to be more protective during a public sale and efficient crowdfunding but also enables investors to gain firsthand knowledge of general sales in a decentralized setting with low-cost operations.
Want to build an IDO launchpad platform using the latest technology with cost-effectiveness? Let’s contact us. SotaTek is a leading Blockchain Development Services with 600+ experienced in-house employees, who can provide you with the top class-exclusive Blockchain Solutions. Our Blockchain and Cryptocurrency experts are always willing to make your firm shine in the crypto market with a customized IDO platform development. So, discuss with us now to get a quote and let our partnership bloom.
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sotatekglobal · 3 years
When Integrated NFT Solutions In eCommerce: A Promising Future Is Coming
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NFTs may not be a new term for almost all people as it has been a hot topic with many spotlights over the past year. According to Morning Consult, 29% of US adults show their interest in getting involved with NFTs and 23% of Millennial respondents claim to collect NFTs as either a hobby or an investment. The rapid growth of NFT Development results in its integration into many fields, such as Blockchain games (GameFi), dApp development, digital arts, music, etc. Realizing its power to change the future of eCommerce, many brands wanting to become the first pioneer have started their journey in looking for NFT experts for their initial ideas. And this blog would help such businesses to once again equip themselves with essential knowledge about the NFT Solutions in the eCommerce platform. Let’s keep reading!
1. Why Should Merge NFT Solutions With eCommerce Platforms?
Operating in a centralized system, eCommerce platforms are in need of third-party involvement. These authorities keep an eye on the trade of goods and services that takes place on the site. As a result of relying on these intermediaries, commission distribution can skew. However, building NFTs can eliminate the need for these third parties on the platform.
Moreover, the eCommerce sector is frequently plagued by return fraud, and buyers find it tough to verify the equity of a purchased item. In case a user uses another user's information to make a purchase, it is nearly impossible for him to produce a receipt or prove they purchased the item. Worse still, the process of confirming ownership is lengthy and time-consuming. In that circumstance, adopting NFT solutions, which are uniquely identifiable and secured on blockchain technology, can solve the problem. An NFT can represent a physical item and the verify ownership process is relatively easy, time-saving, and reliable as everything is recorded on a distributed ledger.
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An NFT can represent a physical item and the verify ownership process is relatively easy, time-saving.
2. How Does NFT Work In An eCommerce Platform?
a. Proof Of Ownership
The adopting of NFT solutions in eCommerce platforms can serve as possession evidence for specific assets, such as bespoke, antiques, or other high-value items, where proving ownership is just as vital to the holder as the tangible product itself. Because the NFTs can assure immutable transactions, meaning that it is impossible for anyone to modify, replace or delete, utilizing this token can create a layer of trust for any type of transaction without third-party intermediates, hence translating into the safety of the owner and prompting them to make a purchase.
From the time an NFT is generated to the moment it is transferred to a new owner, there is a clear and irreversible record of transactions for the NFT's entire life cycle. If the NFT's attributes refer to a specific asset, you can be confident that the current holder of the NFT is also the owner of that asset. This assumption can be validated further with additional information such as the seller's digital signature or transaction details.
b. Validated Record Of Transactions
As previously stated, prior to transferring an NFT attached to digital products to a new owner, all the transactions can be recorded and seen on the corresponding blockchain. It means that you can usually trace the NFT back to its source. This gives everyone, especially the buyer, a reliable method to determine the authenticity of an NFT as well as the history of its previous ownerships, which contrasts to the past when buyers only can learn as much as the sellers want them to know. All of the histories are transparent with an NFT, which informs the most recent buyer if the property changed hands in the past without their knowledge.
c. Instant Fulfillment
Although online shopping offers its customers various benefits, it is seemingly hard to compete with physical stores when it comes to immediate gratification. If a buyer reaches the brick-and-mortar stores, tries her favorite items then finishes with a bought decision, she would feel satisfied and happy to receive products immediately. By contrast, even with a same-day delivery option, customers of eCommerce stores still experience the friction of delayed gratification. Luckily, the existence of NFT Development and hybrid shopping has solved that disadvantage. Customers can take immediate possession of tangible products including a virtual NFT. Even if the actual item requires several days to arrive, its virtual equivalent allows customers to engage with their purchase on a more creative level.
d. Valuable Digital Loyalty Programs
To retain old customers and attract new ones, the Digital Loyalty Program is a must-have for many eCommerce businesses. But how to create a genuine value to raise the customers’ interests? NFT Development in eCommerce could be an answer. Rather than simply redeeming points for products that a lot of users can obtain, NFTs provide something that is truly at the heart of customer insight: scarcity. NFTs are one-of-a-kind offerings that customers cannot get anywhere else. This adds value to your program by not limiting it to monetary exchanges.
    Related: 3 Reasons Why Businesses Need A Loyalty Program App
3. Uncover Some Outstanding Use Cases Between NFT Solutions And eCommerce
Nike: It is one of the first brands to jump on the NFT Development bandwagon with its “CryptoKicks”, which is secured a patent in December 2019. It is a concept that connects physical sneakers to digital representations of the same. After making a transaction with a registered vendor, a buyer receives a corresponding NFT that uses blockchain technology to confirm authenticity and possession. If the sneakers are then sold or traded, the digital token is transferred along with them. Moreover, to go higher in the NFT Marketplace, Nike also came up with the notion of breeding two pairs of digital shoes to develop offspring. Similar to other digital collectibles, such shoe offspring can be secured, purchased, and sold on the blockchain.
Gucci: This brand has already shown its first interest in developing NFT Solutions with its eCommerce platform. On its app, Gucci recently launched a pair of digital-only sneakers. The brand is collaborating with trading platforms to allow customers to trade releases on those that have been approved. Gucci has already tried out a digital try-on to leverage the AR and VR trend, and a digital-only release is possible.
NBA Top Shot: Sports enthusiasts may be getting used to the NBA and their “NBA Top Shot” project. In this project, fans can trade NFT video highlights in the same way they exchange rookie cards thanks to a cryptocurrency-based collectibles project. There are already hundreds of thousands of dollars in registered transactions for tokenized, one-of-a-kind moments in NBA history.
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NBA Top Shot project allows fans to trade NFT video highlights in the same way they exchange rookie cards.
4. Wrap Up: NFT Solutions Can Be The Future Of eCommerce
Some industries have already adopted non-fungible tokens and the eCommerce sector would definitely follow this trend to become a more lucrative industry in the near future. These tokens can set up their significance in the eCommerce sector through frequent transactions, consistent exposure, and real-world demonstration of their features.
After gaining an understanding of some NFTs' inevitable use in the eCommerce industry, some businesses/ brands/ organizations may raise some questions related to “How to find the best NFT Marketplace Development Company?” or “Blockchain Development - Who should I hire?”. As a leading Blockchain Development Services with headquarters in Vietnam and international offices in the US, Australia & Japan, SotaTek has 6+ years of experience offering NFT Development solutions for worldwide clients. Therefore, if you want to get advice on how to unlock your true potential in eCommerce, just contact our NFT experts. We were pleased to serve you.
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sotatekglobal · 3 years
Don’t Miss Out On Applying Cloud Computing Into Business
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Cloud Computing, the technology making use of remote servers hosted over the Internet to keep, process, and manage the data, has gained popularity over the past few years. A study by the International Data Group pointed out that the proportion of businesses that have already set up cloud technology is roughly 69% while 18% plan to look for an IT company to implement cloud-computing solutions at some point. Such enterprises in the planning stage may have some questions related to “How can I choose the suitable cloud technology?” or “What are the benefits of this cutting-edge technology?”. So, to learn more, let’s keep reading this blog!
1. What Is Cloud Computing?
Cloud Computing can be described as an action to deliver IT services, such as servers, databases, storage, networking, software, etc over the Internet, or sometimes called “the cloud”. With cloud computing, rather than having to purchase, own and maintain a hard drive or storage tool, businesses and organizations now can easily get access to documents on a remote database, just through a gadget device with Internet connectivity. Therefore, it can be said that this seamless technology can offer faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale. You have to pay only for cloud services you use, which translates into decreasing the operating costs but running the infrastructure more efficiently, and scaling as needed.
2. Different Types Of Cloud Computing Models
There are two models of cloud computing, which are deployment and service. While deployment models consist of public, private, and hybrid clouds, three different types of cloud computing services are IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS.
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Different Types Of Cloud Computing Models
a. Deployment Models
Public Cloud (eg. Google Drive, Dropbox): As the name suggests, this type of deployment model is open and available for anyone who wants to use it. Therefore, such public clouds tend to have a massive amount of space, meaning it is easy for scalability. Normally, the cloud provider would own and manage all hardware, software, and other supporting infrastructures, and the businesses can be accessible to this cloud computing through the Internet on a pay-per-use model. When utilizing this deployment model, the businesses can gain some advantages, such as deploying faster, lower costs, no maintenance, and high reliability.
Private Cloud: Private cloud infrastructure is often protected behind a firewall, and is designed and utilized exclusively for a single organization. This means that only authorized businesses and their employees can access these computing resources. As a result, security is always assured. Such businesses can feel free to control, make any changes as they see fit.
Hybrid Cloud: This is the combination of public and private clouds. It is made available by the integration of the personalized data and applications shared by both platforms. If your business finds Hybrid Cloud service providers to implement this type, you can reap the benefits of both aforementioned cloud environments.
b. Cloud Computing Services
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS): This is the most flexible service for businesses as the operating system would be highly customizable based on clients’ needs. To be more specific, the Cloud Providers, such as AWS, Rackspace, would let you rent the infrastructure ranging from storage, networks, operating systems, servers to virtual machines (VMs). Then, you would deploy code to use it. So, it can be said that IaaS is ideal for small and medium-sized organizations looking for a cost-effective IT solution to support business growth.
Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS): This service helps web creation and mobile app design easier by having an inbuilt infrastructure of servers, networks, databases, and storage that eliminates the need to constantly update or manage them. Some examples of PaaS can be Microsoft Azure, Google App Engine.
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS): The cloud provider would take charge of everything from management to maintenance and the users just need to access the cloud software applications on a pay-per-use basis. Although it is hard to demand the customization of SaaS, the clients can reduce the need for IT specialists, laborious setup, and maintenance to build their own platform. Examples of SaaS are Microsoft Teams or Gmail.  
3. How Businesses Can Gain Benefits From Cloud Computing?
a. Cost Reduction
Compared to the local servers, cloud computing is evaluated more reasonably, which is suited to not only big corporations but also small start-ups on a strict budget. As the businesses can be provided with full of hardware, software as well as deploying and maintenance process, they have the potential to save money as there are no initial infrastructure costs. Instead, they only need to pay for the amount of storage they use per month. They are not charged with any feature or any space they don’t use. Therefore, the pay-as-you-go system is a really cost-effective method for scheduled workloads.
b. Collaboration Efficiency
Compared to the conventional method, the cloud computing models allow employees to share and access files easily and efficiently. In the past, they had to deal with a large amount of paper documentation, which could be time-consuming, hard to store and manage. By contrast, all information related to work and projects is now kept in the cloud-based platform, which facilitates all team members, clients, and third parties to view, edit and share easily and securely. It also allows you real-time collaboration so you do not have multiple versions of the same files hanging around.
c. Better Security
It is understandable why many businesses/ organizations raise security concerns when adopting cloud solutions. However, according to research, 94% of companies recorded security improvements after switching to the cloud. The security can be enhanced thanks to the encryption of data being transmitted over networks and stored in databases. When utilizing encryption, hackers or unauthorized people would have difficulty accessing your data or information. Moreover, to set clients’ minds at rest, some Cloud Services Companies also add other security measures based on their needs.Only authorized people can access your cloud.
d. Disaster Recovery
Besides the cyber-attacks, losing important data and applications due to natural disasters or computer malfunctioning is another worrying situation for many businesses. Luckily, this cutting-edge technology can offer a speedy and economical way for such businesses to recover during a disaster. It is possible to keep a continuous data synched copy in the cloud for usage when disaster strikes. Furthermore, the Cloud Computing Service Providers always back up the data to additional remote servers in order to prevent loss or unprecedented circumstances. As a result, while 20% of cloud storage users can recover from a disaster in less than 4 hours, only 9% of non-cloud users can do the same.
4. Final Thoughts
Thanks to the security, cost-saving, and automation that cloud infrastructure offers, there is no doubt that hundreds of organizations/ businesses/ start-ups are making the jump to this technology.
Want to find the Top Cloud Services Provider? An IT Outsourcing Firm SotaTek can be your good choice. As an AWS Consulting Partner, SotaTek has sufficient experienced DevOps engineers to assist our global clients of all types and sizes to accelerate their journey to the cloud. We can define your Cloud roadmap, execute the migration, build, deploy and help manage the Cloud Environment with the application of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offerings. So, why not leave us a message right now to get access to Seamless Cloud Migration & Cloud Adoption?
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sotatekglobal · 3 years
Catch Up With 5 UX Trends In Software Development
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In the Software Development process, designing UX is one of the most essential stages, which somehow determines the customers’ and digital users’ satisfaction. In the COVID-19 pandemic, when social distancing and work-from-home is preferred, people tend to spend more time at home, hence more time surfing through thousands of webs and mobile apps. Therefore, to become outstanding to the users, it is a must for Software Providers to catch up with the latest trends in UX Design to meet their users’ needs. So, what are the current UX trends? Let’s follow this blog to catch up with the Top 05 Trends 2022!
1. Passwordless Login
It can’t be denied that passwords can be a real headache. Normally, a standard password must contain some numbers, letters, and special characters. Meanwhile, digital users have at least 30 apps on their phones so creating as well as remembering all of their passwords is a challenging task, not only for the elderly but also for the younger generation. Worse still, when they forget the password, it is really frustrating to go through various steps to reset. A survey has claimed that more than half of people forget their passwords immediately after resetting them while 65% have to note their password to their phones in order not to forget it the next time. In such circumstances, passwordless login and authentication have existed to become one of the popular UX Trends recently.
Passwordless login is used to describe some identity verification methods that no longer rely on passwords, such as biometric authentication (fingerprints, facial recognition), one-time password (OTP), PIN or log in through another mobile app (Gmail, social media). Compared to passwords which can be hard to remember, easy to be stolen, the aforementioned methods of modern login are a safe and user-friendly approach. Integrating the passwordless login in your Software Development can bring about the customers’ satisfaction as well as prompt them to come back to your app again and again.
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Some examples of passwordless login which no longer rely on passwords.
2. Advanced Personalized Experience
With the abundance of content, mobile apps, and websites to access nowadays, the one which can personalize each individual experience by offering personalized suggestions or meeting accessibility guidelines would definitely receive a positive response from the users. According to Accenture, 33% of customers abandoned a business relationship last year because personalization was lacking. Therefore, personalized UX design is really a powerful and essential tool.
To be more specific, personalization focuses on some criteria, such as location base (recommendations based on the users’ current destination), demographics (information about a personal age, gender, education level, nationality, ethnicity, or religion), and behavioral data (information about a person's online behavior). UX designers will then make full use of such statistics to create an experience and journey based on exactly what people expect, need, or want. Some examples of successful UX personalization can be the films appearing on our Netflix suggestions, the ads on Instagram, and Facebook feeds, etc.
3. Responding To The Metaverse As Among The Upcoming UX Trends
Almost people are getting used to the phrase “Metaverse”, whose frequent usage is increasing recently, especially when Facebook changed its company name to Meta. Nike and Adidas have also officially entered the Metaverse with NFT Virtual Shoes. Known as a virtual world, the Metaverse has been developed using technological elements such as AR, VR, and video, in which users live. Following the popularity of Metaverse, the UX designs also need to be upgraded in order to create an immersive experience instead of only concentrating on how fast a task can be completed.
Moreover, the advancement in Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) also fosters this trend in the year 2022. With Metaverse, VR, AR, people can make their own avatar, create their 3D version, and meet others in “another world”. The UX designers, therefore, are urgent to shift their design innovation to adapt to the new era of virtual interaction.
4. Air Gesture
Although Apple has adopted the touch gestures control to their iOS (double tap, one finger circular, two-finger swipe up,...), a new UX trend - air gesture - is promising to take this technology to the next level. Air Gesture Control is known as a touchless mechanism to allow users to operate their devices with their bodies and air movements. Waving, pinching, opening the palms, sliding, and swiping are all examples of actions that can be initiated. For instance, mobile users can make a palm gesture in front of the camera in order to take a selfie. In the year 2022, when the COVID-19 pandemic still spreads over the globe, touchless interactions seem to gain more popularity, and therefore, the air gesture can be dominated at the top list of UX trends.
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Air Gesture Control is a touchless mechanism to allow users to operate their devices with their bodies and air movements.
5. Adaptable Design For New Types Of Screen
In the cutting-edge area, new gadget devices have launched annually, with various screen sizes, from small to medium and large ones, as well as various types, such as foldable and tablets. The popularity of such appliances requires the Software Providers to come up with a larger number of designs for all form factors, as well as responsiveness based on layout and components across devices. For example, Google has begun to alter and optimize its design methods to meet these new demands. To not get left behind, it is likely that other businesses will soon follow this UX trend in 2022.
6. Final Thoughts: Getting Started With The Latest UX Trends
To sum up, above are the top 5 UX Trends that can be dominated in this year 2022. If you follow those trends, you are likely to have an incredible UX design for your Web & Mobile App, which then helps your businesses and brands enhance the workflow, retain existing customers and even attract new ones.
Are you looking for IT Professionals to adopt the latest trends in UX design? SotaTek, a leading Software Outsourcing Company in Vietnam, can be your wise choice. With 600+ top-notch IT consultants and developers, we can provide our worldwide clients with full-cycle services that cover all aspects of end-to-end Software Engineering, such as Web & Mobile App Development with strong UI/UX design, Software Testing, and Quality Assurance. Regardless of your industry: Finance, Health Care, F&B, Education, Media & Entertainment, etc, SotaTek can be your trusted IT Partner. So, leave us a message and let our partnership start from the time now!
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sotatekglobal · 3 years
Mobile App Development Process: 5 Key Phases To Know
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In the digital world, almost all businesses from different industries, including Retail, eCommerce, Healthcare, Education, etc, are in need of building their own Mobile App to serve their operations as well as their customers. According to the App Annie 2017-2022 Forecast, the worldwide app downloads would increase to over 250 billion in 2022. Therefore, many are looking for an IT Outsourcing Partner to complete this task. Although the developers would take charge of all steps, and deliver full-cycle services, some business owners still want to know the overall Mobile App Development process. They may raise some questions related to “What is the Mobile App Development Process?” or “How to get started with Mobile App Development?”. To learn more about the 5 key phases in the process for Mobile App Development, let’s keep reading!
1. Analysis And Planning The Overall Mobile App Development Process
After receiving the clients’ requirements, the Mobile App Developer Team would have a further discussion to clarify the strategy and plan. This is considered an important step in the Mobile App Development Process as it would make sure that they are aware of the end user's needs as well as know their goals and is able to deliver their ideas. A product roadmap is also created to include prioritizing the mobile app requirements and combining them into delivery milestones.
In the planning phase, the Outsourcing team also figure out the necessary skills needed to finish that project. To be more specific, if the clients request an iOS platform, the team has to comprise the iOS developers who are competent in Objective-C and Swift. Similar to the Android App Development. Moreover, the name of the Mobile App is also identified in the first step. They would review every app store if possible to make sure the app name they’ve got isn’t taken.
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The Mobile App Developer Team has a discussion to clarify the strategy and plan.
2. UI/ UX Design
Digital users nowadays not only want a beautiful app but also demand such Mobile App to run smoothly and be user-friendly. Therefore, UX (decides how the app works) and UI (defines how it looks) are both two important factors in the Mobile App Development process. This step includes creating: User Journey Map, Wireframes and Prototypes, Style Guides as well as Mockups.
User Journey Map: It is the visualization of how the data or information of the app would show to the users as well as the way your customers would interact with it. Having a detailed workflow diagram would help the Mobile App Development team to find out all the feasible user interactions within the app and its navigation structure, which makes it easier to achieve the initial goals without being lost.
Wireframes And Prototypes: Also known as low-fidelity mockups, wireframes are created to represent the application’s screens as they will look in real life. Designers would lay out the structure, hierarchy, and relationship between the elements that make up the product. Such wireframes are then used to build a clickable prototype - a dynamic, and interactive model of your Mobile App.
Style Guides: Everything related to the visual of the Mobile App, such as text font, color pattern, motion design, etc, would be gotten mockups in this phase.
Mockups: These mockups, which are considered high-fidelity designs, are built by combining the app’s wireframes and style guides.
3. App Development
It is believed to be the most active phase of the app development life cycle. Before starting the actual process of developing mobile apps, the team has to redefine the technical architecture, technology stacks, and other necessary information. Then, the development phase officially started! Normally, there are 3 integral parts to build, which are Back-End/Server Technology, API, and The Mobile App Front-End.
Back-End/ Server Technology: This section includes essential database and server-side components to support the functionality of the app. Sometimes, the Mobile App Providers can utilize the existing back-end framework, and they just need to modify a little to suit the awaited mobile features.
API: The API needs to be created to connect between the app and the back-end server or cloud storage.
Mobile App Front-End: At this phase, the developers would code the graphical parts of software that users interact with. They can utilize any programming language that is suited for the operating system platform.
4. Testing And Quality Assurance For The Mobile App Development Process
A thorough Software Quality Assurance Testing in building a Mobile App is essential to ensure its reliability, usefulness, and security. Any software must go through the following testing procedures to deliver a quality mobility solution: User Experience Testing, Functional Testing, Performance Testing, Security Testing as well as Device and Platform Testing.
Actually, almost every Custom Software Development Company nowadays tends to adhere to Agile Methodology, a way to manage a project by breaking it up into several phases. It means that the bugs and errors in the mockup process or development process can be fixed immediately instead of putting QA off until later. This would somehow reduce the troubles you will encounter in the future and at the same time, save the budget for Mobile App Development costs.
      Related: A Detailed Guide to Mobile App Development Cost
5. Deployment And Maintenance
After developing and testing carefully, it’s time for your Native Apps to publish on the Google Play or App Store. The app has to be submitted with some related information, such as the app’s name, icon, description, keywords, and privacy policy, depending on the requirements of each platform. Once the submission process is finished, your businesses should wait for a few days to release to the public as such platforms need to test whether your Mobile App complies with their rules or not.
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After developing and testing carefully, it’s time to publish on the Google Play or App Store.
After the app is available on the platform, your businesses and brands should regularly check and receive feedback from users. If there are any bugs, any monitors needed, or simply need the update after a long time, feel free to contact your Software Providers. They would be happy to help you improve your app to stay attractive, adapt to changing market conditions, and users’ feedback.
6. Wrap Up: Starting Your Mobile App Development Process With SotaTek JSC
If you are finding a Top Software Outsourcing Company that can serve you from the beginning to the post-development process, SotaTek can be a good choice. As a leading SDaaS company with 8 global offices in Vietnam, Australia, the US, and Japan, we have been delivering Mobile App Development services for 6+ years to worldwide clients across different sectors. Our 600+ dedicated team always stays updated with the cutting-edge technologies, platforms as well as programming languages, with the aim to ensure each qualified software development project is built. So, contact us now, and we will help you to create an exclusively designed mobile app and guarantee a successful launch of your app as well.
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Blogspot: https://sotatekcompany.blogspot.com/
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sotatekglobal · 3 years
Uncover 5 Tips To Optimize UX Design In Mobile eCommerce App
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It can’t be denied that the explosive growth of the eCommerce industry has raised a demand for online stores to adapt to mobile experiences. Especially in the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for shopping via Mobile App is increasing than ever before due to the reduced-contact instructions or the lockdown time. More than 80% of Americans have made a purchase online while this figure was just only 11,6% three years ago. Therefore, many eCommerce businesses are looking for an IT Outsourcing Partner to build a Mobile eCommerce App with the hope to retain existing customers, attract new ones and boost revenue. To achieve these goals, eCommerce UX is among the important factors. But why is it? And how to optimize it in Mobile App Development to achieve the highest efficiency? Let’s check it out to learn more!
       Related: Which eCommerce Platform To Choose: PWA Or Native App?
1. What is UX Design? Why Is UX Important in Mobile eCommerce App?
UX is the short form of “User Experience”, which describes the interaction between users and products, services, or systems. When referring to UX Design, it focuses on the factor that shapes this experience, such as “What feelings do the users raise when using this product?”, and “Is it easy for the users to accomplish their desired tasks?”. This could be anything ranging from how a physical product feels in the customers’ hands to how straightforward the checkout process is when making an online purchase, for instance. To sum up, UX Design aims to bring about easy, efficient, and pleasant experiences for the users.
There is no doubt that UX Design is among the most essential factors that define the market leader. Take an example of some large retailers such as Apple or Amazon. Although they are not the first company in their sector, they still become successful with a huge number of customers as well as a large proportion of market share. This is because they have invested millions of dollars in designing a good UX to change the ways users interact with their products. And the story of UX Design in Mobile eCommerce App is not much different. While it may be easy to build a digital store that is accessible from a mobile device, the importance of highly optimized mobile UX is often under-stressed. According to the research of Baynard Institute, the rate of digital cart abandonment was roughly 70%, meaning that the revenue is lost almost at the point of conversion. The reason for this situation can be a lack of trust in security, no suitable payment options or complicated checkout process, etc. Luckily, all these problems can be solved by eCommerce UX Design.
2. 05 Tips To Enhance UX In Mobile eCommerce App
a. Utilize Biometric Login
According to the 2019 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, 80% of hacking-related breaches are due to compromised, weak, and reused passwords. Therefore, to make it easy for users whenever they log in to the app as well as improve the security, adding the Biometric feature is a worth-trying solution. Instead of using passwords, PINs, or “secret” questions, the security process now uses unique biological characteristics such as irises, retinas, voices, facial features, and fingerprints to verify an individual’s identity. Thanks to the uniqueness of such characteristics in each person, the Biometric Login is considered a more secure choice than a traditional one. Besides, remembering several passwords seems to be difficult for many people, and to make matters worse, if they forget the passwords, the recovery process is time-consuming and complicated. By contrast, the Biometric Login no doubt just takes a few seconds to be done, which would enhance the customer experience and retention.
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Adding Biometric login in a Mobile eCommerce App can enhance the customers' experience.
b. Optimize Search Button In Mobile eCommerce App
Although some users may know exactly what they need, others just want to explore. Therefore, the Search Button is essential to be well-designed in order to satisfy the customers’ needs. eBay believes that the app search is one of the most critical functionalities for any online shoppers and it needs to be emphasized by placing it in the center and above the fold on the interface.
Besides, it is highly recommended to provide advanced filtering options in the Search Button. For example, if the customers are searching for “A Floral dress”, the Mobile eCommerce App should show all kinds of floral dresses and nothing else. Such features could help customers to find their desired products quickly and effortlessly, which translates into a sales increase. Moreover, adding voice search or image recognition in Search Button can be a good idea to bring about convenience and ease, hence boosting the users’ experience.
c. Support Image-Zooming And Microinteractions
Normally, people tend to do some gestures such as double-tapping and pinching to zoom in to images on their gadget devices. Similar to the eCommerce sector, prior to making a purchase, online shoppers always want to inspect the products thoroughly, and have a close look, at even the smallest details. If they couldn’t explore it by zooming in, they wouldn’t feel comfortable buying it and often wouldn’t commit to the sale. Therefore, the image-zooming feature is necessary to make the experience simpler, if not, the rate of cart abandonment and existing apps would increase significantly.
Along with Image-Zooming, Microinteractions are another criterion to improve Mobile Shopping UX. Microinteractions stand for the details that can improve the single-screen interface. Some example forms of micro-interactions are liking and rating a product, choosing different colors and sizes, swiping down to refresh data, etc. Rather than doing such tasks on different screens, integrating all the functionalities in the form of micro-interactions to make the processes easy will reduce users’ anxiety, and boost overall comfort.
d. Provide A “Save” Feature For Shopping Cart
Almost all the customers are interested in window shopping. Actually, they do not have an intention of buying anything specific. They just access the Mobile eCommerce App in their free time, come across something beautiful or useful, and keep them in mind to buy them later. At that time, the “Save” button can facilitate it. Moreover, such a feature, which 55% of online shoppers make use of, can somehow decrease the proportion of cart abandonment. For example, if they do not have enough money at that time, they can easily come back later to buy without having to search again. Therefore, it can be said that a persistent shopping cart would let the customers continue shopping in a convenient and time-saving way.
e. Offer Smooth And Speedy Checkout With Various Payment Options
35% of shopping carts are abandoned just due to the complexity and many requirements of the checkout process. Therefore, it is essential to build an easy, fast, and secure one. Firstly, don’t ask the shoppers to fill in the information again and again. Instead, remember their registration information and automatically save it in the system. Such information should be through encryption and tokenization practices to keep safe. Don’t forget to add the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), a security protocol that provides privacy, authentication, and integrity to Internet communications.
Furthermore, in the cashless area, people have gradually shifted their habit to utilize digital payment options. So, your eCommerce businesses should request the Mobile App Developer to integrate some common payment methods, such as digital wallets (Google Pay, Apple Pay), VISA, credit cards, etc. Accommodate as many options as possible to suit your digital users to reduce the risk of sales loss.
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The eCommerce Mobile App should integrate some common payment options, such as eWallet, credit card, VISA,... to suit the customers' needs.
3. Final Thoughts
In conclusion, online shoppers always expect a Mobile Application that runs smoothly, looks beautiful, and adapts to their behaviors. Therefore, in such a highly competitive sector like eCommerce, building a platform with good UX design, right from the start, would definitely make a huge difference in your sales revenue.
Do you want to build your own Mobile eCommerce App to help your brands and businesses stand out from the competitors? If yes, do not hesitate to leave us a message. Our IT professionals would become your trusted eCommerce App Development Partner, offering you the best IT Consulting and Strategy to solve challenges. Once you place trust in us, we would assure that the final product would be released in a fully optimized user experience and meet your expectations as well as your digital users. Now, let SotaTek - The Top Software Agency in Vietnam - serve you!
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