sotiredblah · 9 days
"This is fine" meme, but Lopmon version
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sotiredblah · 2 months
not even JRR Tolkien, who famously developed the concept of the Secondary World and firmly believed that no trace of the Real World should be evoked in the fictional world, was able to remove potatoes from his literature. this is a man who developed whole languages and mythologies for his literary world, who justified its existence in English as a translation* simply because he was so miffed he couldn't get away with making the story fully alien to the real world. and not even he, in extremis, was so cruel as to deny his characters the heavenly potato. could not even conceive a universe devoid of the potato. such is its impact. everyone please take a moment to say thank you to South Americans for developing and cultivating one of earth's finest vegetables. the potato IS all that. literally world-changing food. bless.
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sotiredblah · 2 months
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sotiredblah · 3 months
Did J.K. really try to convince us that James “Take Harry and run while I fend off the baddest Dark wizard ever without even my wand” Potter and Lily “I will literally sacrifice my life for my son” Evans and Sirius “I broke out of prison to hunt the douchebag who betrayed your parents because I was scared he would try to hurt you and btw let me come out of hiding to fight in the fucking MINISTRY which is actively trying to find me because my God damned godson is in danger don’t tell me what to do” Black and Remus “I’m actively tryna keep your ass alive so Imma stop you from yeeting yourself through a veil of death and also I named you godfather of my newborn son” Lupin were just, like, OKAY with Harry basically committing suicide by Voldemort???
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sotiredblah · 3 months
Will humanity ever be free of the influence of Edna Mode? Can any of us so much as consider the character design for a hero or villain without her manifesting in the room, fully aware of our sins?
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sotiredblah · 3 months
There’s a regular at the fabric superstore. She’s at least 80 years old, and she just got back into sewing after giving it up for 40 years. We’ll call her Irma.
I love Irma.
Irma is constantly surprised by the newfangled sewing gadgets our store sells. Today she bought some extra-fine glass-head pins and a magnetic pincushion. As I’m ringing her purchases up, she tells me very seriously, “did you know, if you’re careful, you can sew RIGHT OVER those pins? You don’t need to take them out!”
I told her that I liked that you can’t accidentally melt the head of the glass pins with your iron, and she nodded. “They used to all be like that, but times changed.”
I love old sewing machines and asked what kind of machine she has, and she goes, “Oh, it’s an old Singer Featherweight that my husband bought me when we were first married. It’s probably not worth anything anymore, but the thing sews fine. Have you seen the ones those girls over there–” indicating the sewing machine sub-store in my location “–have? Those things go in every direction and the needle always comes to the top when you stop sewing! Imagine how handy that is!”
I mention that I used to sew on my grandmother’s Featherweight but now there’s a intra-family war about who owns Grandma’s Featherweight and so no one gets to use it. It’s genuinely the best portable straight-stitch machine I’ve ever used.
I warn her to never let anyone tell her that Featherweight isn’t worth something. “I know, I miss my husband and it’s always going to have a place in my heart, just like your grandma’s.”
“I mean, Irma, there’s that, but they’re also worth a really notable amount of money. The Singer Featherweight is really financially valuable. I almost never see them for sale around here for less than about $400, and that’s in bad condition.”
“It’s a good thing my husband’s dead, honey, because if you told him that he managed to buy a sewing machine that’s worth more in 2021 than he bought it for in 1950, well, he’d be so smug that I just wouldn’t be able to tolerate driving home with him.”
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sotiredblah · 3 months
i think theres this idea in the general public that the "best" fanfic gets turned into real books like 50 shades of grey. but the truth is that the best fanfic can never be published as an actual book because its intricately woven into the canon material so its inseparable even if you change the names
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sotiredblah · 3 months
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sotiredblah · 4 months
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sotiredblah · 4 months
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March Comes In Like a Lion EP1 | Rei Kiriyama
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sotiredblah · 4 months
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I can't say from experience, but I imagine Rei is being one big ADHD mood right now
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sotiredblah · 4 months
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PUDDING! (⁠๑☆⁠⌓☆⁠๑⁠)
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sotiredblah · 4 months
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sotiredblah · 4 months
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sotiredblah · 4 months
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sotiredblah · 4 months
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Bruuuuhhhhhhhhhhh i'm gonna die
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sotiredblah · 4 months
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