sotswcrp · 27 days
Hello all in the WCRP space! I am here today placing an ad for my personal, brand shiny new 16+ Warrior Cats rp server! I’ve been wanting to do something like this for a long time but alas I am just one person and quite busy already so I’d love to contact and try to set up willing staff members and administrators!
I am a younger person so some preferences are:
- Appropriate acting Members around the ages of 16-20.
- People with experience with coding and discord’s bot systems.
- Helpful people in general that are willing to put up with me/have time to.
- People who love the Warrior Cats series and would actually enjoy managing a server like this. (lol)
- And people with artistic talents that can help make promotional art and general art for the server. (It’s okay if some of you joining are not artistically inclined, I’m not either that’s why I’m asking ;) )
When you get into the server I will friend you and ask a series of questions and ask of you to show off your experience. I’m a pretty laid back person but there’s still some stuff I’m specifically looking for for the Shards of The Stars server. You could also dm me on Tumblr before joining if you have more specific questions!
Oh! And one more thing! A server blurb!:
“Off in a coastline area roughly set in rural California, four Clans struggle with the absence of their benevolent ancestors. StarClan has been silent for as long as most of the young warriors can remember, and in its place comes a newer ruler. The Dark Forest has become more and more powerful, but they still don’t speak to most of the Clan’s religious leaders. Something awful is brewing and pressure is causing risky decisions to become more and more commonplace. Can the Clans stave off the looming destruction of their homes and the harmful loops of the past?”
Server Link:
(Please be a civil bunch, lol)
Thanks for reading and possibly joining and considering!
-Lead Froggie
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