soulstie-a Ā· 2 years
hi everyone ! ik iā€™ve been mia . been recovering from a major car accident so yeah thatā€™s .. that . with that being said , iā€™m gonna be moving blogs so give this a like if youā€™d like my new url . mwuah ! šŸ„¹
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soulstie-a Ā· 2 years
ā•± š—‰š–ŗš—ˆš—…š–ŗ + š—‹š–ŗš—‚š—‡š–¾š—‹ .
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she Ā was Ā right Ā , Ā it Ā wasnā€™t Ā any Ā of Ā his Ā business Ā . Ā didnā€™t Ā stop Ā him Ā from Ā giving Ā a Ā shit Ā or Ā getting Ā visibly Ā envious Ā . Ā thats Ā who Ā he Ā was Ā , Ā the Ā possessive Ā type Ā . Ā possessive Ā over Ā paola Ā and Ā she Ā wasnā€™t Ā even Ā his Ā . Ā " Ā i Ā dunno Ā . Ā was Ā just Ā curious Ā i Ā guess Ā . Ā donā€™t Ā know Ā why Ā its Ā such Ā a Ā big Ā secret Ā though Ā .. Ā and Ā come Ā on Ā , Ā i Ā never Ā said Ā i Ā hated Ā you Ā . Ā "Ā  heĀ  snickersĀ  ,Ā  maybeĀ  heĀ  saidĀ  dislikedĀ  .Ā  wasĀ  annoyedĀ  byĀ  .Ā  butĀ  neverĀ  hatedĀ  .Ā  ehĀ  maybeĀ  ifĀ  heĀ  wasĀ  drunkĀ  .Ā  hommeĀ  beginsĀ  toĀ  raiseĀ  aĀ  glassĀ  toĀ  theĀ  almostĀ  complimentĀ  sheĀ  providesĀ  himĀ  ,Ā  notĀ  theĀ  worstĀ  wasĀ  aĀ  stepĀ  upĀ  fromĀ  howĀ  theyĀ  startedĀ  thisĀ  eveningĀ  .Ā  quicklyĀ  placesĀ  hisĀ  toastĀ  backĀ  downĀ  onceĀ  sheĀ  finishesĀ  herĀ  sentenceĀ  .Ā  Ā rainerĀ  inĀ  highĀ  schoolĀ  wasĀ  theĀ  absoluteĀ  fuckingĀ  worstĀ  ,Ā  captainĀ  ofĀ  theĀ  varsityĀ  footballĀ  teamĀ  ,Ā  promĀ  kingĀ  ,Ā  aĀ  totalĀ  douchebagĀ  .Ā  noneĀ  ofĀ  theseĀ  playedĀ  partĀ  inĀ  whyĀ  heā€™dĀ  takeĀ  itĀ  uponĀ  himselfĀ  toĀ  ensureĀ  femmeĀ  neverĀ  madeĀ  itĀ  pastĀ  theĀ  talkingĀ  stageĀ  withĀ  hisĀ  friendsĀ  .Ā Ā ā€œĀ  thatĀ  wasĀ  yearsĀ  agoĀ  paolaĀ  ..Ā  ā€Ā  heĀ  sighsĀ  ,Ā Ā ā€œĀ  honestlyĀ  ?Ā  iĀ  hadĀ  aĀ  majorĀ  fuckinĀ  crushĀ  onĀ  youĀ  backĀ  thenĀ  .Ā  didnā€™tĀ  wantĀ  youĀ  datingĀ  anyĀ  ofĀ  myĀ  boysĀ  .Ā  justĀ  didnā€™tĀ  knowĀ  howĀ  toĀ  tellĀ  youĀ  ,Ā  butĀ  iā€™mĀ  sorryĀ  forĀ  allĀ  thatĀ  shitĀ  .Ā  ā€
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ā€œ ā€˜m sorry . come again ? ā€œ eyebrows crinkle into furrow momentarily at his revelation , wondering if she truly discerned him accurately . theatrically looks around , emphasizing her disbelief . ā€œ me ? you had a crush on me ? ā€”ā€” yeah , go ahead and log out for me , rainer . ā€ dismisses counterpart with a wave , snickering to herself , unable to fathom such blasphemy . collects a piece of bread , tearing it in half / weird habit / and proceeds a small bite . ā€œ you expect me to believe that the king of ashbourne high had a crush on me ? thatā€™s literally insane . not saying that i was ugly or anything but you literally had every fucking girl begging to be with you . ā€ she chews slowly , swallowing the dry bread before resuming her statement . ā€œ cheerleaders , rich girls , the fashionistas ā€”ā€” from all cliques . why me ? you barely even spoke to me . i thought i didnā€™t really exist in your world . ā€ takes a grand sip of her wine , needing something to wash down the bread ā€”- and the weird butterflyish feeling consuming her stomach . ā€œ you could have told me how you felt instead of terrorizing me . i only pursued your friends because . . . because i didnā€™t think i had a chance with you . . . ā€
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soulstie-a Ā· 2 years
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jadethirlwall: Doing the absolute most for absolutely no reason.
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soulstie-a Ā· 2 years
ā•± š—š–ŗš—š—Žš—† + š—Œš—ˆš—…š–ŗš—‡š–ŗ .
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ā€œĀ  mhmĀ  hmmĀ  ..Ā  ā€Ā  sheĀ  gigglesĀ  ,Ā  teethĀ  diggingĀ  intoĀ  brimĀ  fleshĀ  .Ā  lovesĀ  gettingĀ  aĀ  reactionĀ  outĀ  ofĀ  himĀ  likeĀ  thisĀ  .Ā  truthĀ  orĀ  notĀ  .Ā Ā ā€œĀ  heĀ  wasĀ  soĀ  bigĀ  ..Ā  iĀ  evenĀ  calledĀ  himĀ  daddyĀ  .Ā  ā€Ā  sheĀ  managesĀ  toĀ  squeaksĀ  outĀ  betweenĀ  squeezedĀ  airwayĀ  .Ā  pussyĀ  growingĀ  wetterĀ  atĀ  thisĀ  pointĀ  ,Ā  pinnedĀ  betweenĀ  herĀ  manĀ  andĀ  theĀ  wallĀ  .Ā Ā ā€œĀ  iĀ  thinkĀ  heĀ  mightĀ  haveĀ  beenĀ  betterĀ  thanĀ  youĀ  atĀ  eatingĀ  myĀ  pussyĀ  tooĀ  .Ā  ā€
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hues eclipse at spoken words of treachery , grip on her throat gaining intensity . ā€œ is that right ? ā€ leer expression on masculine physiognomy . ā€œ canā€™t say iā€™m surprised ā€”ā€” pretty sure youā€™ve fucked half the campus . ā€ her aura screamed pure lust , carnal energy pouring off of her body . his anger recognizably fueling her sexual desires . ā€œ youā€™re a fucking slut ā€”ā€” you like when i handle you like this , solana ? makes this lil pussy wet ? ā€ his thigh sneaks between her legs , pressing against her heated core . ā€œ youā€™d do anything to get a reaction outta me causeā€™ you want this dick to destroy your guts . ā€
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soulstie-a Ā· 2 years
ā•± š—†š–ŗš—‹š—‚š–ŗš— + š–ŗš–½š–½š—‚š—Œš—ˆš—‡ .
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sheĀ  wasĀ  toyingĀ  withĀ  himĀ  atĀ  thisĀ  pointĀ  ,Ā  itĀ  wasĀ  beyondĀ  obviousĀ  andĀ  yetĀ  addisonĀ  wouldĀ  giveĀ  herĀ  exactlyĀ  whatĀ  sheĀ  wantedĀ  .Ā  asĀ  longĀ  asĀ  sheĀ  gaveĀ  himĀ  whatĀ  heĀ  wantedĀ  tooĀ  .Ā Ā ā€œĀ  iĀ  donā€™tĀ  giveĀ  anyĀ  actionĀ  toĀ  girlsĀ  whoĀ  fuckĀ  otherĀ  guysĀ  .Ā  ifĀ  youā€™reĀ  withĀ  meĀ  thenĀ  youā€™reĀ  mineĀ  ,Ā  thatĀ  pussyĀ  isĀ  mineĀ  .Ā  canĀ  youĀ  doĀ  thatĀ  ?Ā  ā€Ā  hommeĀ  wantsĀ  herĀ  allĀ  toĀ  himselfĀ  ,Ā  knowsĀ  heā€™sĀ  enoughĀ  toĀ  satisfyĀ  herĀ  everyĀ  wakingĀ  needĀ  .
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could she ? ā€”ā€” confidently express and assure him of her fidelity despite the absence of a title ? no . wouldnā€™t be that girl ; the type of woman who becomes trapped in a guyā€™s mind games and manipulations . tell him what he wants to hear and in return receives the bare minimum . god no . refusal at itā€™s finest . ā€œ iā€™m not a fool . i know the game ā€”ā€” very well , actually . you want me to completely sell myself to you . only fuck around with you , while youā€™re out there dicking down every desperate woman you meet during tour . thatā€™s not happening , romeo . go find another girl thatā€™ll fall for that shit . ā€
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soulstie-a Ā· 2 years
ā•± š—š–ŗš—‹š—…š–¾š—† + š–»š–¾š—…š–ŗ .
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ā€œĀ  thatā€™sĀ  soĀ  sweetĀ  .Ā  likeĀ  seriouslyĀ  .Ā  youā€™veĀ  beenĀ  onĀ  myĀ  mindĀ  aĀ  lotĀ  latelyĀ  tooĀ  ..Ā  butĀ  doesnā€™tĀ  changeĀ  theĀ  factĀ  thatĀ  iĀ  haveĀ  aĀ  boyfriendĀ  harlemĀ  ..Ā  whatĀ  amĀ  iĀ  supposedĀ  toĀ  doĀ  ?Ā  leaveĀ  himĀ  forĀ  thisĀ  smallĀ  crushĀ  ?Ā  ā€
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heart could crumble at any moment . hope depleting and reality seeping through the pores of his delusions . paramour magnet . unsure of his capability of finally meeting a lady that would be his . all his . without the worries of another person betwixt . ā€œ small crush . . . is that all this is to you ? ā€œ his jaw clenches , hand rubbing at the back of his neck . ā€œ i donā€™t expect you to leave him for me . but i am kinda tired of you leading me on , bela . hitting me up whenever heā€™s not giving you the attention you obviously canā€™t function without . wish youā€™d stop whatever the fuck this is and let me go . ā€
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soulstie-a Ā· 2 years
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46 notes Ā· View notes
soulstie-a Ā· 2 years
ā•± š–»š–ŗš—‡š—„š—Œ + š—ƒš—ˆš—Œš—‚š—‡š—…š—‚ .
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āĀ  Ā  becauseĀ  Ā  oneĀ  Ā  timeĀ  Ā  isĀ  Ā  oneĀ  Ā  timeĀ  Ā  tooĀ  Ā  manyĀ  Ā .Ā  Ā  itĀ  Ā  shouldn'tĀ  Ā  haveĀ  Ā  happenedĀ  Ā  atĀ  Ā  allĀ  Ā ,Ā  Ā  iĀ  Ā  didn'tĀ  Ā  deserveĀ  Ā  itĀ  Ā .Ā  Ā  likeĀ  Ā ,Ā  Ā  iĀ  Ā  don'tĀ  Ā  knowĀ  Ā  ā€”ā€”Ā  Ā  i'mĀ  Ā  havingĀ  Ā  aĀ  Ā  lotĀ  Ā  ofĀ  Ā  troubleĀ  Ā  movingĀ  Ā  pastĀ  Ā  thisĀ  Ā ,Ā  Ā  andĀ  Ā  you'reĀ  Ā  notĀ  Ā  helpingĀ  Ā .Ā  Ā āž
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exasperated sigh , pointers messily running through blonde mane . ā€œ fuck , youā€™re right . youā€™re right , okay ? you didnā€™t deserve that shit . ā€œ pines redemption , dedicated to make it up to her . but would it suffice ? or were they far too broken for a repair ? willing to take that leap of faith . ā€œ just ā€”ā€” just tell me how to fix this . iā€™ll do whatever . anything . i canā€™t lose you jos . . . please . not like this . ā€
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soulstie-a Ā· 2 years
ā•± š–ŗš—‡š—€š—‚š–¾ + š—†š–ŗš—š–¾š—ˆ .
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āĀ  Ā  maybeĀ  Ā  stopĀ  Ā  puttingĀ  Ā  allĀ  Ā  theseĀ  Ā  poorĀ  Ā  fucksĀ  Ā  atĀ  Ā  riskĀ  Ā  becauseĀ  Ā  youĀ  Ā  can'tĀ  Ā  followĀ  Ā  simpleĀ  Ā  directionsĀ  Ā .Ā  Ā  besidesĀ  Ā .Ā  Ā .Ā  Ā .Ā  Ā .Ā  Ā .Ā  Ā  iĀ  Ā  don'tĀ  Ā  likeĀ  Ā  toĀ  Ā  shareĀ  Ā ,Ā  Ā  andĀ  Ā  youĀ  Ā  knowĀ  Ā  thatĀ  Ā .Ā  Ā āž
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ā€œ share ? ā€ inquires , followed by wicked chuckle fleeing duos . ā€œ iā€™ve never been yours to share . ā€”ā€” i know youā€™re used to controlling everything and forcing things to mold the way you want it , but iā€™m the one thing you canā€™t have . cry about it . ā€ proceeds , palms laying flat on his chest as her coquettish gaze lingers onto his own . ā€œ youā€™re gonna have a long hit list baby , because i will continue to fuck whoever i please . ā€
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soulstie-a Ā· 2 years
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soulstie-a Ā· 2 years
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Shawn Mendes for ā€œLyle, Lyle, Crocodileā€œ Movie
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soulstie-a Ā· 2 years
ā•± š–¼š–ŗš—Œš—Œš—‚š–¾ + š—Œš—š–¾š—…š—…š–ŗ .
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  ā€œ Ā andĀ  whatĀ  areĀ  youĀ  goingĀ  toĀ  doĀ  ifĀ  iĀ  donā€™tĀ  move? Ā ā€Ā  sheĀ  provoked.Ā Ā takingĀ  aĀ  stepĀ  forward,Ā  theĀ  blondeĀ  liftedĀ  herĀ  headĀ  soĀ  thatĀ  herĀ  eyesĀ  metĀ  theĀ  otherā€™s.Ā Ā  ā€œĀ  butĀ  iĀ  thinkĀ Ā i'mĀ  notĀ  doneĀ  withĀ  you.Ā Ā ā€
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ā€œ desperate for a reaction , i see . ā€ stern features loyal . absolutely above counterpartā€™s childish nature , no longer interested in engaging . digit twirling stellaā€™s blonde lock around , licking her plump tiers before retracting . ā€œ attention - seeking is a terrible trait to have . seek help . or better yet , ask your little girlfriend to help you with that . ā€
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soulstie-a Ā· 2 years
ā•± š—„š—‚š—š—š—’ + š—†š—Žš—‡š—‹š—ˆ .
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frowns Ā  as Ā  kitty Ā  begins Ā  to Ā  speak Ā  , Ā  hand Ā  coming Ā  up Ā  to Ā  rub Ā  at Ā  the Ā  nape Ā  of Ā  his Ā  neck Ā  as Ā  a Ā  guilty Ā  feeling Ā  begins Ā  to Ā  creepĀ  Ā over Ā  him. Ā  didnā€™t Ā  have Ā  a Ā  clue Ā  that Ā  kitty Ā  still Ā  felt Ā  this Ā  wayĀ  Ā . Ā  . Ā  . Ā  and Ā  maybe Ā  now Ā  heā€™s Ā  realizing Ā  that Ā  he Ā  still Ā  does Ā  too. Ā  licking Ā  his Ā  lips Ā  before Ā  they Ā  part Ā  to Ā  speak Ā  , Ā  ā€œ. Ā  . Ā  . Ā  you Ā  know Ā  me Ā  and Ā  her Ā  have Ā  been Ā  just Ā  friends Ā  for Ā  years Ā  , Ā  right Ā  ?ā€ Ā  munro Ā  explains Ā  , Ā  knowing Ā  that Ā  it Ā  doesnā€™t Ā  exactly Ā  matter Ā  at Ā  the Ā  moment. Ā  ā€œi Ā  thought Ā  we. Ā  . Ā  . Ā  both Ā  decidedĀ  Ā to Ā  move Ā  on, Ā  kitty. Ā  . Ā  .ā€
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just friends . yeah , sheā€™s heard that one before . response inspires incredulous scoff , ā€œ maybe in your perspective ā€” but iā€™ve seen the way she looks at you . like sheā€™s in love with you or something . ā€ so pathetic , green with pure envy and breakup was initiated weeks ago . feels like sheā€™s on the verge of tears . ā€œ we didnā€™t decide anything , you did . you decided to leave this - leave us behind . all because what ? things got a little rocky . if you loved me , you wouldnā€™t have jumped the gun like that . you would have stayed . ā€ singular hot tear creeps out of orb , femme hastily wipes it gone . ā€œ itā€™s fine though , ā€œ she sniffs ā€œ weā€™re moving on , right ? i wish you the best , munro . truly . ā€
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soulstie-a Ā· 2 years
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JACK HARLOW visits Dr. Gregory Johnson
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soulstie-a Ā· 2 years
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phaith montoya viaĀ  youtube.
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soulstie-a Ā· 2 years
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soulstie-a Ā· 2 years
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