soulwarmness · 2 years
Archangel Michael
The name archangel Michael, given to the archangel, signifies "one who is like God." Michael is considered to be the most powerful of all the archangels. In the second triad, which is referred to as the Virtues, he is in control of the angels. In addition to this, he is in charge of the life goal of all lightworkers.
The most important part of Michael's job is to clear the world and its inhabitants of the poisons that are connected with dread. This is accomplished by him working via specific humans who are referred to as lightworkers.
You are a lightworker if, as defined by Doreen Virtue, who is herself a lightworker, you are someone who:
o Hear the call to help cure those around you
o Are you interested in finding solutions to the social and environmental issues facing the world?
o Have faith that spiritual practises can alleviate the symptoms of any condition.
o Realize that you have a higher reason for being here, even if you do not know what that purpose is or how to accomplish it.
Lightworkers receive encouragement and instruction from Archangel Michael. Since the time of Adam and Eve, he has been in existence in the world. In her testimony before the inquisitors, Joan of Arc said that the archangel Michael inspired her and gave her the strength to lead France throughout the war known as the Hundred Years' War. Michael, often known as the Archangel, is a warrior angel. He is robust and possesses a great deal of force. Typically, he will be carrying a sword, which he will employ in order to free you from all of your associations with dread.
Call upon the Archangel Michael whenever you feel the need to increase the attributes of love, power, strength, and unshakeable faith within yourself. When you are in need of his assistance, he is there to offer you advice and direction.
One of the other tasks that Archangel Michael is responsible for is bringing terrified and lost souls into the light. Archangel Michael will take a spirit who is trapped on earth and needs to go to the light in order to enter the spirit realm, but the spirit is unable to see the light, therefore Archangel Michael will take the spirit to the light and help it move on. He does this in a way that is both forceful and convincing.
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soulwarmness · 2 years
Archangel Jophiel
Every single one of us has a Twin Flame. Our opposite, the being that was present with us at the time of creation, a component of the whole, a pair of halves that represent the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, yin and yang, and Alpha and Omega. This is what we refer to as a twin flame. At the beginning of incarnation, these two halves of the one are separated and sent forth into reality to learn and develop so that they can eventually return to the source as a creature that has reached its full potential. The concept of re-union serves as the impetus for a twin unit. Together, they are able to aid one another in reaching their full potential. The longer the twin flames progress upward, the more their energies combine and they are able to reconnect. They evolve into a more powerful functional unit that is dedicated to serving humanity. Particularly clear is the unity that exists between God and the Elohim.
The following is a list of the Elohim and Archangels, along with their respective Twin Flames; this information is also connected to the seven rays.
The Elohim and their Eternal Companions
Hercules and Amazonia are the Elohim that represent the First Ray.
Apollo and Lumina are the Elohim who serve the Second Ray.
Elohim of the Third Ray, Heros and Amora are the names of these beings.
Elohim of the Fourth Ray, also known as Astrea and Purity
Cyclopea and Virginia are the Elohim associated with the Fifth Ray.
Elohim of the Sixth Ray, bringing you Aloha and Peace.
Arcturus and Victoria are the Elohim associated with the Seventh Ray.
Angels with their corresponding Twin Flames
Archangel Michael and Archeia Faith are the two Archangels who serve the First Ray.
Archangel Jophiel and Archeia Christine are the two guardians who watch over the Second Ray.
Archangel Chamuel and Archeia Charity are the Archangels associated with the Third Ray.
Archangel Gabriel and Archeia Hope are the two guardians who watch over the Fourth Ray.
Archangel Raphael and Archeia are associated with the fifth ray in the angelic hierarchy.
Archangel Uriel and Archeia Aurora are the two Archangels who serve the Sixth Ray.
Archangel Zadkiel and Archeia Amethyst are the Archangels associated with the Seventh Ray.
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soulwarmness · 2 years
Archangel Azrael
This is a trance-channeling from Archangel Azrael, sometimes known as the Angel of Death, and it was done by my wife, Jill.
Jill, who is both my wife and my Spiritual Avatara, was inquiring with her spiritual guide about the definitions of the words "trust" and "truth," and she was hoping to get some clarification. The following is what she wrote, which included in part of advice from her spiritual mentor and in part of her own thoughts:
Jill: "Trust" is defined as "dependence on" and "belief in" the reality that is being presented. The attribute of being real, also known as genuineness or actuality, is referred to as truth. When people put their faith in a religious institution, it means that they acknowledge the claims made by the religious institution as being "the truth." Religion, on the other hand, is nothing more than an idea or a set of concepts that have been written down or passed down through human history and are viewed as representing some aspect of the world or the universe.
Why do so many individuals adopt these beliefs and accept them without making the effort to determine whether or not these faiths are in accord with their own feelings and thoughts? Because it is a scientific reality that no two entities can occupy the same space and time at the same time, it follows that if you doubt God, you don't believe, and so, in your mind, God does not exist.
It was fascinating to see a Catholic Nun speak out against anything on national television. Yesterday, she was quoted as stating, "If I go to paradise, and if I get to see God, I'll..." Isn't it odd that a Catholic Nun would use the word "If" in a statement like that?
It seems reasonable to assume that a lady who devotes her entire life to serving God would have the mindset that she has already been included to the "goody list" and will be granted an expedited entry into heaven. Does she believe that she is unworthy? Is there a possibility that she believes heaven does not exist?
How many people are born into a religion and are raised to practise that religion without ever questioning whether or not it is the "correct" religion for them? How many people have put forth the effort to educate themselves on the practises and tenets of various religions, as well as the morals and ethics of those who hold those beliefs? My opinion is that unless we do that, we won't be able to discover the truth.
At this point, spirit interrupted Jill's thoughts and the channelling session she was having with her guide. Archangel Azrael, also known as "The Angel of Death," talked to Jill and said the following:
You are unable to hope to fathom living in togetherness until such time as you have an understanding of your brothers and sisters, says the Archangel Azrael. Everyone one of you is filled with the Holy Spirit. Your objective is to broaden your mental and spiritual perspectives as much as possible in order to progress through the five stages of human consciousness. After that, and only after that, will you be able to move on to the next dimension.
The purpose of the soul's journey is to gather knowledge and experiences, then apply that knowledge to a specific incarnation (what it means to be in the flesh), in order to determine what works for you and what does not work for you. This is the reason why there is such a wide range of religious and nonreligious views to choose from; but, despite the fact that you all go through the same suffering, you do not show more compassion for one another.
You instead regard one another with distrust, jealousy, and hostility in your eyes.
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soulwarmness · 2 years
If you make up your mind to become a witch, it's possible that your decision will influence every aspect of your life. It is a pattern of behaviour that is regularly brought into question and misunderstood by people. It is of the utmost importance that you demonstrate that you are a skilled witch. Even though there is no guarantee that you will succeed in being an exceptional wiccan, it is nonetheless beneficial and reassuring to follow the proper steps that will support your desire of turning into a decent witch. You should make it a priority to locate a reliable and well-known witchcraft store in your area that can provide you with a diverse selection of wiccan and pagan supplies. This is an essential step that you can do. These kinds of establishments also help you expand your understanding by stocking extensive libraries of occult and supernatural books, which you can peruse to learn more.
You should keep a journal of your thoughts and beliefs relating to your work as a witch before you start practising witchcraft. This journal should be kept for at least a month. Do some soul-searching to figure out why you want to become a witch, and test out the reasons that initially inspired you to take on the persona of a witch. Whether or not you are genuinely being truthful in your efforts to become a high-quality witch can be determined by performing this self-examination, which will assist you in establishing your sincerity. When it comes to the proper performance of witchcraft, honesty is one of the most important factors.
As was indicated before, going to witchery and mineral stores might turn your encounter with witchcraft into a very fruitful one. These shops carry a wide variety of helpful occult publications for customers to peruse. These books contain the formulas, meditations, and magical spells that the professional witch has used to achieve a great deal of success in their practise of witchcraft. The majority of the time, books of this nature end up becoming part of a family's collection and are handed down to subsequent generations. The books of the occult are quite old. It was generally accepted that they were kept in the strictest confidence and carefully concealed from prying eyes.
Crystals and gemstones can be purchased from witchcraft and mineral shops, which can be located either offline or online. You have the ability to harness the power of these valuable stones for your own benefit. Gemstones and crystals are employed regularly by a big number of specialists in the field of witchcraft to enhance their capacity to perform paranormal functions. It is believed that their vibrating frequencies can be brought into harmony with the supernatural intention nearby, an event that occurs naturally and is referred to as the concept of entrainment.
Additionally, those who engage in witchery have access to a diverse selection of dried herbs. Herbs play a significant role in the process of building your witchcraft practise and can be used in a wide variety of rituals, including candle magic, spells, meditations, benedictions, and rites associated with the witches' Sabbath. Basil, rosemary, mullein or flannel leaf, mugwort, nettles, and either lavender or lilac are some of the herbs that might make up a useful starter kit of herbs.
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soulwarmness · 2 years
Angel Magic
Angel Magic is a comprehensive manual that combines witchcraft with angels in order to facilitate healing and manifestation. These two results are supposed to be achieved as a result of it. This book will teach you how to connect and work with your angels on a regular basis, as well as how to incorporate this into your daily routine and ordinary responsibilities, so that you can feel the wonder that is present in each and every moment. You will also learn how to incorporate this into your regular routine and errands so that it becomes second nature. In addition to this, it teaches you how to integrate it into the activities and procedures of your normal day-to-day life so that it becomes second nature. In Angel Magic, subjects such as mending toxic relationships, breaking etheric attachments, performing energetic cleaning and healing, and providing step-by-step instructions on how to cast an angelic spell are explored. Additionally, the book outlines how to cast an angelic spell. Kate shares the straightforward, speedy, and effective strategies that she has implemented, not only for herself but also for her clients, with remarkable levels of success. Kate has utilised these tactics not only in her business life but also in her personal life. Angel Magic is a terrific tool that novice witches as well as witches with more expertise may use as a potent supplement to the rituals that they are already performing. Angel Magic can be used by witches of all levels. Angel Magic is something that even experienced witches can employ, regardless of their level of expertise.
The following are some of the topics that are discussed within the area of Angel Magic: in relation to angels and archangels, as well as the best way to connect with them and collaborate with them.
In addition to traditional forms of magic, the concepts and tools of angelic witchcraft are also covered.
- Overcoming loss and recognising toxic patterns in your relationships - Interpreting omens, portents, and coincidences in your life - Restoring health to EVERY aspect of your life
-Clairs & Essential Spiritual Maintenance
-The Moon's and the Angels' Repetitive Cycles - Techniques for Powerful and Efficient Manifestation: Sabbaths with the Archangels
... in addition to a very significant number of other things!
This method is ideal for individuals who have a lot going on in their lives, such as working mothers and other individuals who don't have a lot of spare time to spend to spiritual practises, as it requires very little time commitment. The steps involved in Angel Magic can all be completed in a short amount of time, are uncomplicated, and don't call for the use of any special spiritual apparatus.
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soulwarmness · 2 years
Witch store
If you make up your mind to become a witch, it's possible that your decision will influence every aspect of your life. It is a pattern of behaviour that is regularly brought into question and misunderstood by people. It is of the utmost importance that you demonstrate that you are a skilled witch. Even though there is no guarantee that you will succeed in being an exceptional wiccan, it is nonetheless beneficial and reassuring to follow the proper steps that will support your desire of turning into a decent witch. You should make it a priority to locate a reliable and well-known witchcraft store in your area that can provide you with a diverse selection of wiccan and pagan supplies. This is an essential step that you can do. These kinds of establishments also help you expand your understanding by stocking extensive libraries of occult and supernatural books, which you can peruse to learn more.
You should keep a journal of your thoughts and beliefs relating to your work as a witch before you start practising witchcraft. This journal should be kept for at least a month. Do some soul-searching to figure out why you want to become a witch, and test out the reasons that initially inspired you to take on the persona of a witch. Whether or not you are genuinely being truthful in your efforts to become a high-quality witch can be determined by performing this self-examination, which will assist you in establishing your sincerity. When it comes to the proper performance of witchcraft, honesty is one of the most important factors.
As was indicated before, going to a witch store might turn your practise of witchcraft into a very successful endeavour. These shops carry a wide variety of helpful occult publications for customers to peruse. These books contain the formulas, meditations, and magical spells that the professional witch has used to achieve a great deal of success in their practise of witchcraft. The majority of the time, books of this nature end up becoming part of a family's collection and are handed down to subsequent generations. The books of the occult are quite old. It was generally accepted that they were kept in the strictest confidence and carefully concealed from prying eyes.
Crystals and gemstones can be purchased from witch store, which can be located either offline or online. You have the ability to harness the power of these valuable stones for your own benefit. Gemstones and crystals are employed regularly by a big number of specialists in the field of witchcraft to enhance their capacity to perform paranormal functions. It is believed that their vibrating frequencies can be brought into harmony with the supernatural intention nearby, an event that occurs naturally and is referred to as the concept of entrainment.
In addition, those who engage in the practise of witchcraft have access to a diverse selection of dried herbs. Herbs play a significant role in the process of building your witchcraft practise and can be used in a wide variety of rituals, including candle magic, spells, meditations, benedictions, and rites associated with the witches' Sabbath. Basil, rosemary, mullein or flannel leaf, mugwort, nettles, and either lavender or lilac are some of the herbs that might make up a useful starter kit of herbs.
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