soundisms · 9 years
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Harper grinned, looking at her board. "Ah think he likes ya. Not surprisin', though." He chuckled, placing his hands in his pockets. "C-Cree, d-d'ya mind if I ask'ya somethin'?"
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     ◖❂◗     The big smile on her face got even bigger when she saw Harper coming over to her. She carefully wrote something down on her new board, not wanting to disturb the bird. ' I made a friend! ' 
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soundisms · 9 years
Fill this in with stuff about you
where i’m from: indiana
where i would like to live: literally anywhere
favorite food: um
sexual orientation: memes
single/taken: none girlfriend with left memes
favorite book: ??!??!!!
eye colour: brown
favorite movie: ??!?!?!?!?
favorite tv show: allegiance
favorite band/singer: marina and the diamonds
favorite day of the year: ???!!!
favorite colour: blue
if i have any pets: two dogs
what i’m listening to right now: nerdy shit
what’s my ringtone: none
what my name means: somethine stupid
celebrity crush: marina diamondis
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soundisms · 9 years
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Grinning as usual, Harper walked up to Cree, sitting on the bench beside her. "A-Ah, hey, Cree. What'cha doin'?" He asked, looking up at the bird on her head and chuckling slightly.
                                — soundisms —
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     ►►     Cree is in the park alone, sitting on a park bench because her life is boring and she always she comes to the park and sits around. As she sits, a friendly birds comes and sits down right on her head. Her eyes went up to look at it, giving a big smile.
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soundisms · 9 years
"I need you." - soundisms /im just too lazy to log on :/
                                  — soundisms —
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     ◖❂◗      It took her by surprise, the words he was saying. But, at the same time, they made her so happy that she thought her heart was going to burst. She had never felt something like this before. A beating in her heart that was so fast that it both throbbed but also felt like the best feeling in the world. Cree had no idea that words, sounds, could do something like this to her. They had always been her enemy, the things that scared her. Yet, it was able to create such a reaction to her own heart. It was amazing, in it’s own way.
                  Her eyes started to fill with tears, but for once it wasn’t because she was sad or scared. No, it was the opposite. It was because she was so happy that she couldn’t contain it. Cree didn’t even know that tears of joy were actually a thing. Yet here she was, staring at him as tears started to fall down her cheeks. She knew why though, why the words made her so happy. It was simple. No one had even needed her before.
                   All her life, she was alone. Cree had never been able to connect with someone, be close. And maybe that’s why deep down she was also so unhappy. Of course, she thought about how she wasn’t normal. About how he didn’t know the truth about her. She wanted to tell him but… She didn’t know how. Cree herself didn’t even know what she was… And what if he ran away from her in the end? What if he left her alone? It would break her heart into a million pieces because…
                  He was just so special.
                  Cree smiled though, letting her forehead rest against his own in and affectionate manner. She had managed to speak a few words to him as of recently, only his name and that she was sorry after he got into a fight though, but she wasn’t able to say much else after that. So even now, she wasn’t able to tell him that she also needed him. Cree didn’t know why he said it, or where it came from. But it made her so very happy. She just hoped that he felt it, and that he knew that she needed him as much as he needed her.
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soundisms · 9 years
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Harper was a bit surprised when she passed out, but he didn’t panic, simply picking her up and carrying her despite the pain he was in. He couldn't carry her very far, but he at least made it back to his apartment, collapsing on the couchc beside her.
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     ◖❂◗      It was a calming feeling, his hands going through her hair. It was like she felt she could finally feel better. She didn’t understand why he cared so much about her but, she was so confused right now. She was scared that something would happen to him, but she was also scared that her world would fall apart now that she heard her own voice. Tears fell down her face, and then all at once her stresses overtook her. Cree passed out, her body laying against his right there in the alleyway. What she wanted to say to him still in her mind. She wanted to tell him that she would protect him too.
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soundisms · 9 years
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Harper smiled warmly, a hand running gently through her hair. "Y'know, 'm no' gonna stop protectin' ya. I care 'bout ya too much t'let ya go through tha'." His voice was soft and kind, as he didn't want to scare her. "An' y'don' got'ta be sorry. I wan'ed t'protect'ya. So don' get upset, 'kay?"
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     ◖❂◗      He told her not to blame herself, but she just couldn’t help it. He was hurt, he was going to have bruises because of her. Sure, she was going to have them too but it would be her own fault in the end. She brought it on herself. But him? He would of been fine if he wasn’t around her. Even his arms around her, at first, didn’t stop her shaking and how bad she felt about what happened. " I’m… Sorry… " Words came from her mouth for a second time, and they scared her. Her silence was leaving her. Her safety. What a scary feeling she was having just by hearing her own voice.
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soundisms · 9 years
Send me "♥" to see how my muse reacts when your muse suddenly kisses them.
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Bonus: Add a bit of tongue action.
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soundisms · 9 years
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Harper flinched slightly as she clung to him, her tiny fram shaking with soundless sobs. Shaking his head, he wrapped his arms around her, closing his eyes. "Hey. Don' cry, a'right? Y'don' got'ta blame yerself." He said softly, giving her a warm smile. "'M okay, really. It's jus' a couple bruises, nothin' y'gotta worry 'bout."
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     ◖❂◗     Cree’s face went to that of surprise, he was acting like he was totally okay? It was obvious that he wasn’t! After all that he had gone through, she knew that he must be in a lot of pain. And it was her fault right? Because he decided to protect her, because she was to weak. She sat up, looking down at him now. Her eyes quickly filled with tears again, her lips quivering as she looked at him. Then suddenly, she buried her face in his chest. Silent sobs made her body jerk as her hands held onto his shirt. She had been so scared. Scared something was going to happen to him.
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soundisms · 9 years
cree what is the first thing you thought of harper when you met him?
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     ◖❂◗      What did she think when she first met him? Her mind tried to wander back to the time, it felt like a really long time ago didn’t it? But, she didn’t have the best sense of time. So maybe it was a few weeks ago, maybe a few years? She didn’t know, she couldn’t remember. But she did remember meeting him, that was something she could never push out of her mind even if she wanted too. When someone was important to her, she never forgot them. Which could sometimes be painful, if she lost them at some point in her life.
                  Cree tapped her chin, trying to think about what her first thought was? Their was the obvious one’s like that she was surprised he was talking to her, surprised how kind he was being but… Something directly about him? Well, embaressing enough, she noticed his muscles. Not in a girly way though where she’s fawning over how hot he is because wow look at those abs. Though, let’s be honest, she did notice that slightly. It was more she saw him as a strong person, someone who could take care of himself and defend what he believed in.
                  She grinned now, knowing the answer to the question. She lifted her arms like she was trying to make muscles like she had. Obviously she wasn’t ripped like he was though, but still she tried to puff out her chest and make herself look tough. Because that’s what it was, that’s what she noticed about him right away.
                  Cree noticed his strength.
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soundisms · 9 years
ღ --- silxxnce
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Despite being so opposite, Harper was undeniably comfortable around Cree. Hell, he didn't even like silence all that much, but she was one of his closest friends, one of his only friends, or at least the only real one he'd had in a long time. Most of his friends didn't stick around long, and he didn't really call them his friends. But Cree....Cree was different. She was special. Even though she never said a word, he could talk to her about anything. Having friends was nice, and he enjoyed her company greatly, more than he thought he would. But there was something else....something he couldn't quite put his finger on. He got angry when guys in town would look at her, mostly because he knew the intentions of men. Maybe he just wanted to protect her. He wasn't really sure of it, and he'd pushed it to the back of his mind until now.
"Cree, wait." Harper said, reaching out to grab her arm as she walked away. Without another word he leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to her lips, and for a moment, time seemed to stop. He didn't have any experience with kissing anyone before, he'd never gotten close enough to anyone. But with her, it seemed like it was right. Almost reluctantly, he pulled back after a moment, a bright flush erupting on his face. "S-Sorry, I-I'll just....S-See ya later, I-I guess."
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soundisms · 9 years
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Once he was sure that they were gone, he looked up at Cree, smiling despite the pain he was in. They'd managed to get quite a few good hits in, and he knew he'd probably be covered in bruises. One of which, he noted, by the throbbing in his face, was a black eye. "'ey, Cree. 'M okay, promise." He said, sitting up and cringing noticeably. "I think tha's th'las' time 'm gettin' in'ta fights fer a while." He joked, smiling at her. "Y'okay? 'M sorry ya had t'see tha'."
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     ◖❂◗     Cree’s hands went up over her own mouth, like she was still stunned by the own noise that she made. Her body shook, she was scared. She wasn’t supposed to make a sound right? She didn’t know why but… She always felt that deep down she wasn’t suppose too. Her thoughts were cut off by Harper getting punched and falling to the ground. Though her gut still hurt, she was running to his side now. Before they could do anymore damage, she was on her knees beside him and leaned over his body to protect him. If they were to go anything else, they would have to go through her. They just smirked thought, talking about how she was nothing more than a liar that could talk, and in time they staggered away. 
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soundisms · 9 years
7 MINUTES IN HEAVEN! DON'T READ BELOW THE CUT!! My muse has drawn your number! Send me "closet" and I'll generate a number to see what our muses do while stuck in the closet for 7 minutes.
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soundisms · 9 years
Send ღ for a first kiss between our muses.
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soundisms · 9 years
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At the sound of her voice, Harper paused, eyes wide in surprise. He hadn't expected that, and didn't see another fist coming at him, causing him to stagger back slightly. Tripping over a rock, Harper pretended to be knocked down, hoping that the group might leave. They seemed like a typical group of bullies, after all.
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     ◖❂◗     Everytime he was hit, he heart hurt a bit more. It wasn’t fair! He shouldn’t be getting hurt just for her! She didn’t like fighting, she didn’t like anything like this! She just wanted him to be safe but… What could she do? She couldn’t fight, she couldn’t beat the guys up! She couldn’t do anything but watch. She fought back tears, trying her best not to cry to much. That would just make him more upset right. All of a sudden though, it happened before she could stop it. Her voice, just for a moment, it came out. It wasn’t much, only one word. But her voice was crystal clear, kind yet scared. " Harper! " She never thought that she would actually speak, she had never done it before. She had never even heard her own voice.
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soundisms · 9 years
'what are you doing here?' ---written on board thingy by Cree of course yes
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Harper grinned, placing his arms behind his head. "Wha'? Can' a guy jus' walk in tha' park if he wan's ta?" He said teasingly, placing his hands in his pockets.
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soundisms · 9 years
"You think I was stupid enough to race that asshole?" ( back to the future memes yooo )
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"Well, with some people, ya jus' don' know how stupid they really are 'til ya see it."
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soundisms · 9 years
Bad Day rp Starters
"Why the long face?"
"You seem bummed. Wanna go do something fun?"
"You alright?"
"Don't lie to me. What's wrong?"
"If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to."
"I'm not making you uncomfortable, am I?"
"You've been awfully quiet today."
"You know, you're not really acting like yourself."
"There has to be something I can do to turn that frown upside down."
"Want to talk about it?"
"It'll be okay. Everyone has bad days."
"Oh, come on! I can't leave you all alone over here, mopey and unhappy."
"Let's see a smile!"
"You're so much prettier when you smile."
"You know, if you want to just relax and take the day off, I don't think anyone would blame you."
"I know you've been feeling a little down, so I brought your favorite snack and a movie!"
"We could just cuddle or something, if you think that would make you feel better."
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