south-weston · 7 years
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south-weston · 7 years
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south-weston · 8 years
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south-weston · 8 years
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-made sure @BrattyScarlett didn’t open the romper in front of my father-
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south-weston · 8 years
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2016 Tribeca Film Festival - Portrait Studio.
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south-weston · 9 years
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south-weston · 9 years
His ears were still tinged pink as he gripped Scarlett’s hand tightly in his. It was her and him now. Hopefully, the world wasn’t too against them. Scarlett’s mother looked pleased, her father... shell-shocked. Wes prayed it was good shock, or at least not actively-opposed shock. “...I should have asked.” The realization hit him like a ton of bricks. Oh well, too late now. It wouldn’t have been very honest to ask for her hand anyway. 
At least Scarlett’s brothers seemed to be taking it well. Wes smiled as Sam clapped him on the back. “Oh, she drove me crazy a long time ago,” he said with a grin. Daniel bounced up with his congratulations next. “I’ve always wanted a brother!” At that, Sam socked him in the arm. The roughhousing was broken up as Alyx came forward and hugged her daughter. Wes was surprised when he was briefly wrapped in her arms. The women moved away to quietly talk. Wes watched only a little warily as Dave came toward him.
December 25, 2031
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south-weston · 9 years
She turned red as everyone started watching her, embarrassed by their attention, and her eyes kept darting to look at Wes. When she got the last box, she stared at it for a moment before he took it from her suddenly numb fingers. This was not what she had expected when he told her to play along, and this was more than she had ever really hoped for.
Scarlett bit her lip, eyes never wavering from Wes as he got down on one knee in front of her, even when her mother gasped, even when her father cussed under his breath, when everyone laughed. She almost wanted to laugh herself, because they were married already, but they had always said they would do it right one of these days. She had never thought he meant so soon. The redhead was floored, and speechless.
Her eyes dropped to the ring after he spoke and Scarett opened her mouth to say yes but nothing came out, not while her heart beat wildly in her chest. Launching herself from the spot on the ottoman, she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him, more than just playing along. He had touched her heart with this surprise and she nodded, finding her voice finally. “Yes, yes, forever yes!” she squealed, lips falling on his cheeks, forehead, and finally his lips.
The moments after those words left his mouth were some of the longest of his life. Wes stared up at the speechless Scarlett, trying desperately to discern her reaction. He knew it’d come as a surprise, but not to this degree. For a sickening instant, he thought she’d say no. This was, of course, absurd. She was already his wife. She had no business backing out now. 
It wasn’t until she threw herself at him that he could finally breathe. Forgetting everyone else in the room, his arms wrapped tightly around her, kissing Scarlett back breathlessly. “Yes? You mean it?” he said excitedly, nearly disbelieving. An elated laugh escaped his lips as she pressed kisses across his face, his hands sliding into her hair to return each one. 
“Wait, wait,” he murmured against her lips, drawing back slightly to pick up the ring box where it’d fallen beside them on the carpet. He took out the ring, glad that his hands didn’t shake, and slid it home on her left hand. Now she’d have something she didn’t have to take off. “There,” he said, meeting her eyes once more. No matter how complicated their situation, this felt right. Someone in the room cleared their throat and Wes felt the back of his neck go hot. Taking Scarlett’s hand in his, he slowly stood with her to face the music. 
December 25, 2031
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south-weston · 9 years
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south-weston · 9 years
Wes opened his mouth at Scarlett’s offer, and was left with it hanging open as she ate the chocolate herself. “Hey!” he objected, watching her blissfully chew. Her explanation made him snort, “I’m sure it did. You know, I’m fine actually...” The rest also looked like they had her name on them.
He watched in anticipation as Scarlett unwrapped her gift, first with care, then haphazardly as she tore through box after box. After the third, her family, who had mostly tuned out, started paying attention. Wes laughed as she cursed at him. “Keep going.” He set boxes aside as she worked, his heart racing as she reached the last. 
“Scarlett...” He gently took the little filigree box from her hands, collecting himself before looking back to her. “I always knew you were special, even when we were in preschool, pulling each other’s hair. You’re my best friend and I can’t imagine my life without you in it. I know we said 30, but...”
Wes sank to one knee in front of her and opened the box. Hearing a gasp, he was confused for a moment. Glancing back over his shoulder, he saw Alyx give an apologetic wave, the other hand over her mouth. The whole room laughed and he looked up at Scarlett with a smile, every word that he spoke true. “If you wanted, I’d wait forever, but I don’t want to wait. Scarlett Elena Conway, you are the one, and you always have been. You make me want to be a better man, a better person. I want to annoy you, and love you, for the rest of my life... Will you marry me?”
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December 25, 2031
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south-weston · 9 years
That was a hint if he ever heard one. “That’s good of you. I’m deeply sorry,” he said, bowing at the neck with smirk. Wes just snorted as Scarlett whispered her plans for her sweater to him. He didn’t need to incur Dave’s wrath. He was eyeing them closely enough as it was.
Scarlett was great at knowing not only what he wanted, but what he needed as well. He supposed it was a product of knowing him so long. They exchanged kisses and grins as each gift was opened. Still busy checking out his new watch, he looked up when Scarlett spoke. Thankfully, Daniel was too distracted with some new gadget he’d received to pay them any mind. Most of the family was ready to move on to breakfast.
“No, there’s one more.” Wes leaned off the ottoman and reached under the tree, pulling out the large box in it’s glittery paper. He turned and placed it in Scarlett’s lap, nodding. “For you.” Biting his lip to hide a smile, he watched her expectantly, for when she opened the box, she’d find another wrapped one inside of it, and another, and another...
December 25, 2031
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south-weston · 9 years
Wes smiled as she kissed him, all imagined resentment gone. Who cared about a silly crush, when she was so obviously his? “I missed you too, Scarlett.” It hadn’t only been fatigue that kept him from calling, but the fear that he would blurt out his plan for this morning. It had to be genuine.
Her excuse made him chuckle and he nuzzled her shoulder. “Fair enough.” They both valiantly ignored the dirty look her little brother sent them. Presents were gradually opened, the living room filling with scraps of wrapping paper faster than anyone could gather it up. Wes snorted hard when Scarlett unwrapped a very large and unbecoming sweater. “You got a tent!” he teased. Soon he was unwrapping his own. He immediately donned it to please the Conways. 
He’d made sure to get Scarlett several little things to throw off the scent of his plan. They were mostly luxuries, chocolate, bath products, a pretty notebook or two, and a cozy pair of over-the-knee socks. Wes grinned at her as he opened a few of his own gifts, keeping one eye on the gift left under the tree.
December 25, 2031
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south-weston · 9 years
As far as Wes was concerned, the blush only confirmed his suspicions. He could only be thankful the resemblance between him and his father was quite strong. Old age didn’t seem so bad looking at Jack. “Uh huh,” he said teasingly, shaking his head. “I meant to call, but it got late and I passed out after presents.”
Leaving his untouched coffee in the kitchen, he squeezed onto the ottoman with Scarlett, arms wrapped around her. Daniel played the role of Santa, handing out gifts as the rest of the family looked on. Wes snorted along with Sam as Scarlett tortured her brother. “You’ll definitely be getting coal for that.” Despite her antics, he tightened his arms around her, murmuring, “So am I.” Christmas with the Conways was very different than his own, and he was glad and grateful to spend this day with them, especially as the only outsider. 
The first of the gifts were opened with many oohs and aahs from the spectators, along with more than a few laughs. His proximity to the tree made it easy to keep Scarlett’s gift tucked to the side. That, he planned for last.
December 25, 2031
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south-weston · 9 years
He returned her smile, nodding. “Yeah, he was still out. We did the Christmas thing last night with my mom.” Some part of his mind wondered at Scarlett inquiring about his father. She’d had an unrepentant crush on the man for as long as he could remember. Narrowing his eyes slightly, Wes gently poked her side. “Don’t make a guy jealous, Red.”
They both accepted cups of coffee from Mrs. Conway, though he was mostly too jittery to drink it, happy to listen to Scarlett and her mother chat. He was stirring what was probably the fourth spoon of sugar into his cup when the rest of the family made it downstairs and the kitchen was suddenly loud with festive greetings. When everyone was more or less caffeinated, he followed the laughter and excitement into the living room, Scarlett’s hand secure in his. 
December 25, 2031
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south-weston · 9 years
Wes shook his head again at her suspicions. “I’m not up to anything,” he lied. He was most certainly up to something, probably one of the biggest somethings in his life. He could only hope that Scarlett would go along with his plan. If not... well, they were married either way. This wasn’t something he wanted to spoil for her.
Pulling Scarlett against him, he pressed a kiss to her temple. “No perving at Christmas.” He’d made her nervous. He could feel the tension in her body as he held her close. Although... it could just as easily be his own. They headed downstairs together to join her family.
December 25, 2031
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south-weston · 9 years
Wes chuckled slightly at Scarlett’s dramatics, but had to admit he’d been feeling the same the last few days. “I could move in? Bet your parents would love that.” He ran his fingers through her long hair, murmuring into her ear. “Graduation isn’t far away. Soon we’ll find a place of our own. Really our own. And then you’ll never wake up without me again.”
Seeing Scarlett frown, he shook his head, lifting her hands to his lips and kissing them. It would be a happy day, no matter what happened. “Just... play along, hey?” He shot her a big smile to calm them both and reached for the door, opening it. “Now c’mon, we don’t want them thinking we’re up to anything funny up here.”
December 25, 2031
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south-weston · 9 years
A fist on the door had startled Scarlett awake. Daniel or Sammie, she was sure. It sent her scurrying to the shower before all the hot water was gone, it was too cold to deal with a cold shower. She could hear other people in the house moving around, steps on the stairs meant someone was already going down to start breakfast. 
Daniel was grumbling about her being a hot water hog when she finally got out and headed back to her room. “Should have showered before I got up!” she huffed, shutting her door. Half-through getting dressed, Scarlett heard a trunk slam outside and raced to the window to see Wes with his bag of gifts over his shoulder. A grin split her face, it had been a couple days without him, though they spoke often. She hurried to finish dressing before he came up, her fingers brushing the box in her dresser where her ring sat, hidden from everyone. Being without it made her feel naked. Their first married Christmas, and they were keeping it secret.
That little secret had kept her to her room more often than not during break. The urge to blurt it out to her mama happened every time they were alone together. It would break her heart to know Scarlett had eloped and she didn’t get to be there for her. The fact Scarlett had gotten married while drunk, in Vegas that would make it worse in her eyes.
She threw her door open and pulled Wes in when he knocked, giggling as she shut it behind him. Almost immediately she kissed him. “Merry Christmas. I missed you!!” 
His knuckles had barely left the surface of the door when it opened and he was jerked inside with a flash of red. Wes couldn’t help but grin, throwing his arms around Scarlett. He hadn’t realized just how much he missed her until that moment. Leaning back against the door with his girl in his arms, he returned her kiss, mumbling, “Merry Christmas. I missed you more.”
Not yet ready to release her, Wes kissed her again before burying his face in her neck, breathing in the scent of her hair. “Do you realize how weird it is not seeing you? Especially now.” 
There was no need to say why aloud. Their unplanned marriage hadn’t been their wisest decision, not by a long shot, but Wes was proud to call Scarlett his, and wanted others to know it. He wasn’t one to hide. Sighing contentedly, he let her go, eyes searching hers a moment. “Listen, about today...” A first twinge of nervousness hit him. 
December 25, 2031
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