southerngentlequeer · 5 months
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southerngentlequeer · 8 months
re: that last post, ive said it before and ill say it again: no one deserves to die (deserving is fake and death is bad) but some people need to be stopped and choose to make death the only way to stop them
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southerngentlequeer · 9 years
You alright? You haven't posted anything new in awhile.
I am indeed alright! I have endeavored to spend less time idly Internetting, as I already spend 40ish hours in front of a screen at work, so I’ve largely abandoned this venue. I still keep up to date with the news and at least some of the memes on Twitter, but only ever make a momentary passing-through Tumblr any more these days. Instead of idly internetting, I’ve been working on mostly house-keeping tasks and knitting, which has been really nice.
Thanks so much for checking in! I hope you’re well and having advenures, etc.
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southerngentlequeer · 9 years
Y'all stay prioritizing the trauma of soldiers over the trauma of victims of war. I never see y'all asking about the PTSD of civilians who’ve lost their land family members and livelihood at the hands of soldiers. There’s no VA for them when the wars over, no home to greet them and call them heroes for their bravery but whatever
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southerngentlequeer · 9 years
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Orange Is The New Black is beautiful.
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southerngentlequeer · 9 years
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Please stop assuming that everyone who dresses outside of the binary is ashamed of their anatomy.
So you can stop giving me your unsolicited tips on how I should do softer makeup to “look better” or only wear high waisted bottoms to “have a better figure”. Please stop.
I am fully aware of my muscular stature, broad shoulders, chiseled jaw, narrow hips, and everything else that makes me look “manly”. But it’s my body. And I love my body. And I will decorate it how I please. If that doesn’t neatly fall into your heteronormative aesthetic standards that means there’s something YOU need to fix. Not me.
On that note. Peep this beauty. Normalize this beauty. Cuz it ain’t going nowhere sweetheart 😘
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southerngentlequeer · 9 years
If you aren’t exclusively attracted to the same sex don’t fucking call yourself gay. 
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southerngentlequeer · 9 years
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southerngentlequeer · 9 years
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The Story:
My girlfriend and I have struggled this entire year with terrible family situations - cheating, cancer, divorce, absuive parents, alcoholics, the list goes on. We were staying at my mothers until recent. My father came to the house out of no where and demanded we leave. Since his name was on the house, we were informed by police we would have to leave. So now we’ve been thrown to the streets by my absuive father. My girlfriend and I have no place to go until we can afford first months rent for an apartment. We have been staying at a friends house but only have until Friday to raise this money. All the help we can get is greatly appreciated.
The Goal: $600
Link: https://life.indiegogo.com/fundraisers/help-homeless-lesbian-couple-afford-a-home/x/11741702
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southerngentlequeer · 9 years
Jeremiah confronted a neo-nazi at a show in Austin, Texas and was stabbed and nearly died for his trouble.  Now he’s facing a long recovery and thousands of dollars in medical bills.  Help him out!
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southerngentlequeer · 9 years
All cops should have body cams with a button that they are told shuts off recording. But it doesn’t do anything.
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southerngentlequeer · 9 years
I can’t believe “the police should not be able to get away with the murder of citizens” is so controversial
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southerngentlequeer · 9 years
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I never thought I’d see the day when an entertainment news source commented on a relationship with a minor and adult as wrong AND also not blame it on the minor, but 100% on the adult You go, VH1
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southerngentlequeer · 9 years
I just traded my neighbour a jar of raw honey for his parakeet’s corpse.
It is also worth noting that the only reason I have so much raw honey is because I made a dress for a beekeeper’s daughter.
And that I need the parakeet bones to make a necklace for the woman who fixed my antique cello.
And that I got the cello as payment for juggling at a child’s birthday party.
When did my life get this weird?
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southerngentlequeer · 9 years
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Bernie Sanders’ response to #BlackLivesMatter shows their disruptions are working 
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southerngentlequeer · 9 years
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 !!!!! LISTEN UP !!!!!!
Mike Browns Friend Shot By Police On One Year Anniversary Of Death. 
The person shot in Ferguson by a police officer after a day of commemorating the first anniversary of Michael Brown’s death has been identified by his father as 18-year-old Tyrone Harris Jr., of St. Louis, who was “real close” to Brown, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports.
After shooting him they handcuffed him and stood over his body, continuing to aim their guns while a witness recording the incident screamed and begged for them to get him medical attention. The man recording was then arrested for “disobeying police” and staying in the area. Thankfully the ambulance was called and he was rushed to the hospital, put into surgery, and is currently in unstable and critical condition.
The story is that apparently Harris had been tracked throughout the protest in an unmarked vehicle and in plainclothes (meaning not wearing their uniform but simply dressed as normal citizens) as police believed he was “armed.” Officers allege the suspect approached the detectives who were sitting in a van and opened fire with a 9mm gun that had been stolen last year.
They also believed him to be the suspect of the first shooting that occurred earlier that night. The incident reportedly involved two groups of people on the west side of West Florissant Avenue. It happened just before police shot Harris Jr. 
Belmar added that 40 and 50 shots were fired in an exchange between the two groups, and the incident he described as “remarkable” lasted around 45 seconds. “They were criminals. They weren’t protesters,” Belmar said of those involved in the shootings. He did not say if there were any casualties from the shooting on West Florissant Avenue. Protesters and members of the media who had gathered in the street took cover or fled when the firing started, The Associated Press reported.
The media and Police are both calling harris the “shooting suspect” but have no evidence to back it up. It’s all simply speculation at this point. Witnesses, including his girlfriend, are saying Harris never shot at police, he was just one of the bystanders trying to flee when the shots first rang out.
Pictures and Videos from that night also show that the original shooter was wearing completely different clothes than Harris and in the video, you can see the unmarked police car drive right past the shooter. 
The cops involved in shooting are on paid leave while there’s an investigation. 
Source / Source / Video / Video / Video
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southerngentlequeer · 9 years
if you are 13 and there is a 17/18 year old showing interest in you: please run away and never look back. i understand that you feel special; that older person will tell you how mature you are and make you feel special. but please. run away from that person. stay away from them. they do not love you. an 18 year old should not have ANY interest in a 13 year old. please. please be safe. please do not let them manipulate you. they are dangerous. stay away from them
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