southernpsychic · 6 years
kinda want to remake/completely revamp this blog but with tumblr doing its Thing and the seemingly low number of blogs that still exist here i’m not sure,,,
i forgot about this account,,, does anyone still write in this community? it’s been a few years
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southernpsychic · 6 years
i forgot about this account,,, does anyone still write in this community? it’s been a few years
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southernpsychic · 8 years
⅋ - Bring my muse hot chocolate and a warm blanket
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‘ … ‘ well, dipper hadn’t been expecting this kindness at all, especially not from somebody like will ( after all that had been done to him, after all ). ‘ thank you. i appreciate this… a lot. ’
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southernpsychic · 8 years
what did he want? that seemed like such a simple question - one that dipper should, theoretically, be able to answer in a mere minute. was this the point where he was supposed to pick one of them? was that what he should do? but... gideon had asked him what he wanted, not what he thought he should want, and there lay all the difference.
at first, he chose to say nothing, and his gaze dropped to the floor, as if he was a young child who had just been scolded for doing something he shouldn’t have.
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“... i really don’t know how you expect me to answer that question, but i’m sure you will not be expecting me to confess this,” he muttered, closing his fist over the amulet and holding onto it as if it was now his lifeline; it made him feel like he was somehow in control of the situation. “you see, i don’t think you understand. i can’t be with one of you at all,”
he stops there for a moment, stumbling over the words in his mind as he tries to form them into coherent sentences that he could actually speak to pacifica and gideon to try and make them understand the difficult position he’s in.
“it’s not that i don’t like either of you, and it’s not that i’m making excuses to make my behaviour seem like it was okay.”
(dipper has done a lot of things, murder is on that list, and yet he’s never said sorry for those, either. he’s not about to start now).
“i’m not able to be with either of you because i’m polyamorous,” he forced out through gritted teeth, refusing to look at either of the people in the room with him. already, dipper felt far too exposed, more so than he had been mere moments before. “i don’t like having only two people in a relationship - it doesn’t work for me at all. i do like you, pacifica, but i also like gideon. and if you want me to be in a two-person relationship with you, i’m sorry but i can’t.”
despite what he originally thought, he’s glad he said it. through everything - talking to pacifica about relationships and messing around with gideon - he’s felt guilty about this in some way, like he owed them something he couldn’t give. now it was just all out in the open.
“you asked me what i wanted. it’s selfish, i know, but i can’t help but want you both.”
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“… Hey…”
Listening patiently with grace that could have fit in perfectly in any situation but the one she found herself in, her voice was soft as she gently cut the other off. How strange– Usually, it was her who found herself at a loss of words when it came to being in the others presence. Had her walking in on the other and her best friend startled him that much? It wasn’t as if Pacifica expected anything from either of the men situated on the bed. It wasn’t as if she expected anything from the world. 
She had always recived nothing, and she had grown used to the empty space she had learned to cherish as her own. 
But that wasn’t the case anymore. No, because there was something. It was messy and uncertain and filled with certain bumps and bruises on the way, but it was hers. Reaching up to gently take the psychic’s hand, she squeezed down on his fingers softly with her own as a sign of reassurance, of comfort. Yes, she wanted Dipper. She wanted him more than anything in the world…
Except his happiness. That came first. 
“I can handle complicated. We can.” She assured him, her other hand going to carefully brush against his cheek. She was hurt, and she was confused, but she knew he must be feeling something so heartachingly similar right now, and she would be darned if she let him go to deal with it alone, because he wasn’t alone. None of them were. Turning to her best friend, she pulled away from Dipper briefly to kiss the top of his head before sitting herself between them, clearing her throat.
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“So n-nothing, Paz.” He snapped and grit his teeth, standing up, needing to get off that bed and away from it. Away from them. Pacing around the room, circle after circle until he was certain his thoughts must be following suit to such disorganization, he paused, looking at the two of them, crossing his arms. 
Paz may be content to simply sit there, as if this was nothing out of the ordinary, as if she had expected this to happen all along and wished for them to all kiss and make up, and Dipper may be able to stutter over his words like he had never thought it would come to this, like two worlds he never expected to collide had–
But like hell was he about to play along with that shit.
“… What– What does t-this mean?” He said eventually, fingers running through his hair as he stared at the two figures, distress in his features as he found himself getting more and more worked up, pushed further and further away from rationality. No. He needed to pull himself back. He needed to handle this. He needed to understand this. 
He needed to face this. 
“… D-Dipper.” He said, a frown tugging at the corners of his mouth. It was obvious what he wanted. He wanted Paz, but he also couldn’t stop his attraction to Dipper. It was obvious what Paz wanted. She wanted Dipper, but didn’t want to abandon Gideon in the process. The only one left to understand was Dipper, and then–
Well, then they could figure it all out from there. 
“What do you w-want?”
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southernpsychic · 8 years
My muse has been acting strange, send one for you muse to...
℟ - Hug my muse from behind without saying a word
℠ - Slam my muse against a wall after my muse has been avoiding your muse to ask them what’s going on
⅋ - Bring my muse hot chocolate and a warm blanket
⅌ - Drop a kitten on my muses lap!
⅍  - Go up to my muse and just snuggle them
ⅎ  - Kiss my muse and hug them, telling them “I am always here if you need me”
⅏ - Take my muse out for a walk in a peaceful area
⁰ - Taking my muse out to do one of their favorite activities 
⇧ - Bury my muse in blankets and turn on their favorite show
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southernpsychic · 8 years
uh oh. this all seemed to spell a great deal of trouble. from the second dipper had realised he was wearing that damned necklace, an unsettling feeling of unease had coiled deep inside of him, settling down there and refusing to leave. he felt physically sick. if only the ground would swallow him right up here. unfortunately, that wouldn’t happen -- no matter how much he wished he could vanish from this situation and never return to it.
you could have cut the tension with a knife.
despite what dipper may be feeling, the second gideon had called pacifica into the room, the psychic could have punched the other male. why was he so determined to make the situation a million times worse for both of them? dipper knew that gideon cared about pacifica, so why would he bring her into this?
someone just take him away from the cruel nightmare.
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of course, dipper had automatically assumed that pacifica would be angry with him, because she and gideon had known each other for longer than he had been involved with either of them, and things simply tended to work out that way. 
when he saw pacifica walk in - the slight hurt on her pretty features almost tore him apart right there in this horrible little place he had been forced to stay for a few days. automatically, he shrugged on his shirt, buttoning it all the way up, before reaching over and grabbing his amulet in one hand, fingers running over the smooth stone surface of the object he valued more than anything. 
“i’m sorry,” was all he managed, biting down on his lip so hard it could have bled (a bad habit he had been instructed to stop, but had never agreed to). “i’m fine. i just didn’t mean for any of this to end up like this.”
theres a pause, wherein he leans the tiniest bit closer to pacifica, not really being put of by being close to her at all (he does like her, after all, just... well, his feelings need sorted through, but he’s fairly sure what he’s feeling isn’t normal) and flicking his gaze up to meet hers.
“i - um,” damn. why is he stuttering like some kind of fool now? his carers had taught him to speak more eloquently than this, after all. gosh, he’s letting so many people down today, huh? pacifica and gideon can be more names to add to the list of relationships he’s successfully ruined, only these caused him no joy.
“i didn’t mean to lie to you, paz, it just sort of happened? and i know that’s not excuse, but it’s the truth. i didn’t think i was ready for a relationship at all, and fooling around with gideon was a small part of that. i mean, how could i have ever brought it up to you?”
dipper stops talking for the briefest of moments, taking a quick breath and steadying his thoughts before continuing onwards with his little apology speech.
“listen, i do like you. i do - please believe me, paz. it’s just... complicated.”
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[[ 🌲 ]]
What was supposed to be DONE in this situation?
Shrugging on his sweatshirt, not bothering to zip it up, the white haired boy stared at the floor of the bedroom, feet touching the carpet, as if he was about to stand up, walk out, and NEVER come back. If only he could. 
He had KNOWN Dipper staying at the Mystery Shack would be NOTHING but trouble. He had tried desperately to plead with Paz, somehow CONVINCE her that having a MURDERER in the house while they fucking SLEPT was not a good idea. None the less, it put the journal in danger. And yet, no matter what words left his lips, his blonde roommate simply smiled and told him nothing bad would happen. BULLSHIT. Every time Dipper BREATHED something bad happened. And now, he had seen something he couldn’t unsee. 
Pacifica’s necklace.
Oh, without a doubt, it was a beautiful stone. Something to do with the moon or something. She had presented him with one long ago, along with one for herself, so they could match. So they could be strong, together. To protect their minds from the enemy. 
No, the problem was that the forementioned enemy was the one wearing it. 
And to add insult to injury, he had found out due to the fact he had been the one to remove his shirt in the first place.
There was nothing that he could say. He could demand where he had gotten it– That much was obvious, however. And if he had to guess, it meant more than just a gift. No, he was aware that Dipper had suddenly taken an interest in the girl who had been in love with him for YEARS… But he hadn’t known just how GULLIBLE his friend could be. She was being pulled away from him, bit by bit. He had believed she would ALWAYS take his side, that he would ALWAYS be chosen over Dipper…
Now he wasn’t so sure. 
Opening his mouth for the first time in minutes, he couldn’t look at the other man sitting next to him, taking a deep breath. 
“Pacifica– You need to come in here, NOW.” 
Waiting until he heard the others approaching footsteps he clenched the sheets, gritting his teeth, finally looking at the other. 
“… I HATE you.”
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The tone of his voice was not something that indicated that he was calling her over for cuddles and ice cream. Hesitantly raising from her perch on the couch, placing Hannah gently down on the floor beside her, she walked upstairs, pet chicken following after her as she made her way to their bedroom, stopping in the doorway. 
And just like her footsteps, she could have SWORN her heart had stopped as well.
Gideon wearing a crumpled sweatshirt, and Dipper wearing… Well, he WASN’T wearing a shirt, that was for sure. It took a moment for her to understand what was wrong– No, she was far more focused on the fact that they had been doing SOMETHING. Shock. Hurt. Betrayal. Not really from the fact they had been kissing; if it was ONLY that, it would have been okay. She had accepted the fact Dipper had led her on only to tell her he wasn’t ready for such a thing. She had accepted long ago that she WOULDN’T end up with Dipper… But…
He had LIED to her. Gideon had found out, and Dipper had LIED. 
She supposed she understood the reasoning… But it was wrong. Despite knowing this, however, she found her feet finally working again, carrying her over to his side to comfort him. 
What surprised her AND the albino, however, was the fact she had ended up at Dippers side, and not Gideons. 
Sitting beside him and ignoring the other for now, she looked up at him, gently brushing his bangs back, a small frown on her features. “… Dipper… Are you okay?” She asked softly, her blue gaze meeting his, her hand squeezing his knee gently. “… I… Don’t understand what happened, or why you lied, and I’m kind of upset… But… Please…” She paused, pulling away from him, realizing he may not want that. 
“… Talk to me. Just because I’m upset doesn’t change the way I feel.” She paused, smiling softly. 
“I LOVE you.”
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southernpsychic · 8 years
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out of character. i’m gonna do it. i’m gonna give this blog a lil revamp (change theme/stuff) and i’m gonna definitely come back! so if you’re interested in threading with me again or even continuing old threads, im me please!
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southernpsychic · 8 years
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ooc. highkey debates returning to this blog but my dash is so dead?? but my muse is back??
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southernpsychic · 8 years
💕 pxychictwin
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It had been a tough show to pull of that evening, and so when the curtain came down and Dipper found Mabel pulling him in for a kiss, he wasn’t in the mood to stop her. A small purr emanated from him and he pulled her closer, one hand on her wrist and the other resting on the back of her neck. He pulled back only a fraction, a smirk playing on his lips. 
“Am I just that irresistible?”
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southernpsychic · 8 years
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“At least I’m brave enough t’ speak t’ people normally. Never said I was a nice person.”
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southernpsychic · 8 years
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“No. You’re just too scared to say it t’ my face, and that says something about your character.”
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southernpsychic · 8 years
💕//hey there stranger!!
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Dipper’s eyes widened in shock. He hadn’t expected his lighthearted teasing to turn into this at all, but Pacifica’s lips were on his and he really wasn’t complaining. His fingers slid down her back to rest just above her waist, and his eyes slid closed.
Then, all too soon, it was over, and he was left breathless and more than a little bit confused.
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southernpsychic · 8 years
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“... Says the grayface who’s to scared to speak to me without the mask of anonymity.” 
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southernpsychic · 8 years
send 💕 to just grab my muse & kiss them!
who cares about consequences, kisses all around !!!!!!
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southernpsychic · 8 years
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southernpsychic · 8 years
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Reverse Falls!
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southernpsychic · 8 years
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I love reverse falls so much.
I’ve been wanting to draw them since long ago 
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